Anniversary of the attack with a ceremony at pearl harbor. Admiral harry harris, head of the u. S. Pacific command, delivers the keynote address. Just under 90 minutes. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to todays joint National Parks Service United states Navy Pearl Harbor rem brans day ceremony. I am robert franklin, deputy chief of staff for the Commander Naval Surface Group and im truly honored to serve as todays master of ceremonies on this historic 75th anniversary. This years theme is honoring the past, inspiring the future. Today we will pay tribute to those members of the greatest generation who paved the way here in pearl harbor for current and future generations throughout the world. Will the guests please rise, as able, for arrival of the official party. The official party for todays ceremony includes miss jacqueline ashwell, superintendent world war ii valor in the Pacific National Monument National park service. Miss laura joss, regional director, pacific west region, National Parks service. Hawaii, Naval Service group middle pacific arriving. United States Pacific command arriving. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, it is customary on december 7th that we observe a moment of silence at 0755 to commemorate the beginning of the attacks on pearl harbor. At 0755 you will hear uss halsey sound the ships whistle. Please join me at that time in bowing our heads for a moment of silence to remember those who courageously fought and those who died here on december 7th, 1941. Completing the moment of silence will be f22 raptors from 199th and 19th fighter squadrons known as the hawaiian raptors executing a missing man flyover formation from just beyond the arizona memorial and continuing over ford island in honor of those who gave their lives in the defense of their country here 75 years ago today. You may see one aircraft pull away from formation and into the clouds to honor the lives lost. The formation represents our fallen comrades and demonstrates to all that we will always remember their sacrifice. Please rise as able for morning colors and the singing of our National Anthem by petty officer third class steven la monica and United States fleet band and our state song. Bugler, sound attention. Color guard, parade the colors. Left, left, left right. Left, left, left right. Left, left, left right. Left, left, left right. Present. Off. Our National Anthem. Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh, say, does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave please remain standing for the singing of hawaiis state song. Please be seated. Approaching you will see the guided missile destroyer uss halsey commanded by kenneth athens of bridgeport, connecticut. Earlier this morning uss halsey rendered honors to uss utah memorial. Since december 7th, 1941, uss utah and uss arizona are the only two ships that remain in the harbor with Service Members still. Gil meyer represented fellow u. S. Utah survivors who are here with us today, bill hughes and louis underwood as well as all utah Service Members. It is customary for ships passing uss arizona memorial to pay their respects by rendering honors. Today, in addition to rendering honors to uss arizona memorial, uss halsey will also render honor to the pearl harbor survivors who have gathered with us today. Mr. Donald stratton, escorted by petty officer first class Juan Rodriguez and National Park chief historian mr. Daniel martinez is ready to return honors as a representative for all pearl harbor survivors. Mr. Stratton is a former crew member of uss arizona. When the attacks started, then 19yearold first class seaman stratton had just finished breakfast. When he saw the japanese planes topside he ran to his battle station even before the generals quarter alarm sounded. During the attack, don stratton suffered severe burns on over 60 of his body. Following the attack mr. Stratton spent nearly a year recovering from his injuries yet chose to return to sea as soon as he was able. Mr. Stratton reported to uss stack as gunners mate and continued his service through the end of the war. Carry on. Please be seated. We thank the uss halsey and 199th and 19th squadrons for participating in todays ceremony. In the hawaiian culture, the religious leader or spiritual adviser, today were pleased to have for our in vocation offered. [ speaking Foreign Language ] our Eternal Father in heaven good morning, heavenly father. Our dear creator, my blessing this day is for the sacred presence of our pearl harbor survivors who are physically here. My prayer also is dedicated to the great heroes who lost their lives that day. Were also spiritually here sitting and walking among us. Heavenly father, i come before you humbly and ask for this, to make things right finally and righteous and to ask for a forgiveness. For the pain and suffering has been so long. And in doing so [ speaking Foreign Language ] there shall be a commitment beginning from this day for peace. And in this peace, it shall translate to world peace. Gracious and heavenly father, enough of wars. For here on this sacred day before you, we all come humbly and ask for to love one another. Until we are received into your fold, allow us to be at peace. Humbly i ask and say these things in thy sacred name. Amen and amen. For the past 35 years, japan religious committee for World Federation has offered a prayer for peace on this occasion. We are honored to once again have them here as part of the ceremony. Reverend tanaka will offer the prayer followed by the english translation by miss maya perry. [ speaking japanese ] [ speaking japanese ] [ speaking japanese ] [ speaking japanese ] [ speaking japanese ] in 1982, our organization, the japan religious committee for World Federation participated in a religion conference in new york city, and we also visited pearl harbor at that time. This is our 35th year to offer prayers for peace and consolation to the arizona memorial. This year commemorates the 75th anniversary of pearl harbor attacks and the 71st anniversary of the end of world war ii. It is the most appropriate time to reflect on our shared past, so that the great wisdom and Lessons Learned from history may be passed on to future generations. We are gathered here today in the name of peace. Given how our countries were sworn enemies at one point in time, this is a most remarkable thing. We are living proof that time heals, that it is possible to become the best of friends and allies and to have the deepest consideration and trust for one another. After the g7 summit in japan this may, president obama took the time to visit hiroshima. In his speech for peace, he said there is a future we can choose in which hiroshima and nagasaki are known not as the dawn of atomic warfare but as the start of our own moral awakening. Working together to share the wisdom of our forebears is paramount. We must do all we can so world peace can be achieved for the sake of humanity. Let us pray. May lasting peace prevail in the world and may all of mankind know true happiness. May we all live together peacefully in this home that we share and may our planet become a shining beacon of love, compassion, joy, and sincerity for all. Thank you very much. Todays National Pearl harbor Remembrance Day is cohosted as it has been since 2005, by the National Parks service and United States navy. Here to share in official welcome on behalf of the National Park service is jacqueline ashwell, superintendent of the world war ii valor in the Pacific National monument, who will introduce guest speaker miss laura joss, regional director for southwest region. Then our navy cohost rear admiral john fuller, Commander Navy region hawaii and Naval Surface group middle pacific will offer a navy welcome and introduce our keynote speaker admiral harold b. Harris jr. , commander United States pacific command. Ladies and gentlemen, miss jacqueline ashwell. Aloha. It is my great pleasure to serve as a cohost and welcome you to the National Pearl harbor Remembrance Day commemoration marking the 75th anniversary of the attack on oahu. Among the dig stories we welcome today, and ladies and gentlemen, if you could, please hold your applause until the end, the honorable david ige, governor of hawaii, governor of the state of arizona. The honorable ralph torres, governor, commonwealth of northern mariana islands. Former secretary of veterans affairs. Admiral john richardson, chief of naval operations. Admiral harry harris, commander, u. S. Pacific command. Admiral william fallon, former commander, u. S. Pacific command. Admiral thomas fargo, former commander, u. S. Pacific command. Admiral richard mackey, former commander, u. S. Pacific command. The honorable spencer cox, Lieutenant Governor, state of utah. The honorable Lieutenant Governor of hawaii. Chief justice, hawaii state Supreme Court. The honorable janine davidson, undersecretary of the navy. The honorable franklin parker, assistant secretary of the navy for manhour and reserve affairs. Admiral scott swift, commander, u. S. Pacific fleet. General robert brown, commanding general, u. S. Army pacific. General terrence oshaughnessy, commander, u. S. Pacific air forces. Lieutenant general david berger, commander, Marine Forces pacific. General david brenlan, former commander, u. S. Army forces command. Former commander, u. S. Pacific fleet. General gary north, former commander, u. S. Pacific air forces. The honorable kirk caldwell, mayor of the city and county of honolulu. The honorable bernard carvalho, mayor of kauai. Honorable mayor of japan. The honorable hirohisa ishibashi, mayor of japan. Consulate corps, Senior Executive service and all other flag and general officers, elected and appointed officials, business and community leaders, welcome. [ applause ] nestled along the waters of the lava stream is the Pearl Harbor Visitors Center where more than a million and a half guests come each year to learn the history of the pacific war. Three memorials dedicated to uss arizona, uss oklahoma and uss utah. Collectively, these and other memorials represent those who were lost on december 7, 1941. Over the years we have collected oral history interviews of hundreds of pearl her better survivors, both military and civilian, other world war ii, japanese ancestry incarcerated during the war. That library of recollections gives us the opportunity to share the stories of those who witnessed, fought, and died during the attack on oahu, or who were otherwise affected by the war. This morning, on this 75th anniversary, i will share the accounts of a few of those who experienced the attack. Their stories honor our past and inspire our future. On the uss arizona, james forres had a working party on the fantail rigging the ship for Church Services that morning. The white canvas awning flapped and snapped in the breeze. The sun was warm. The clouds were high. And all things considered, the day was perfect. In the distance, unidentified planes started coming in low from the southeast lock. Heavy, muscled explosions began booming down the line at ford island. Ensign officer of the deck pulled the alarm bell. He shouted over the p. A. System again and again, all hands, general quarters, air raid. This is no drill. On the west side of ford island, clark simmons, a friend of usss dory miller heard about and witnessed the attack. Sim obstacles recall there were several of us in the compartment. I looked out on the port side toward pearl city. As i looked out the port, i saw a plane making a run for the utah. And as she dropped the torpedo, the wing dipped and then straightened up and the torpedo headed for the utah. Another one right behind it did the same thing. As it hit the ship, we felt the jar. At that time the bugler sounded, man your battle stations. Well, our battle stations were below deck. When i first went down to what they called battle stations, we were frightened. There was water coming to the ship. It was kneedeep. It is just as vivid in my mind today as it was on that day. A few miles from pearl her better, a young woman, a young nurse, anna busby, found herself in a unique position. She was in the army nurse corps, but on this particular day she was a patient receiving care at tripler hospital. She called in her oral history, i was a patient that day and i had just placed my breakfast tray on the floor when we heard all these sounds. They sounded horrible. When the head nurse ran down the hall, i ran after her. When we got to the back porch, you could see all this smoky in pearl harbor. I heard her say, my god, the japanese are bombing pearl harbor. I said, we will all need to be on duty. The days after the attack, the nurses of tripler treated a great number of the wounded and dying. In honolulu, caught in the crossfire of battle, a terrified community began to pull its self together and respond. Among the first to take ac, the honolulu fire department. That day they responded to 39 callouts. Three companies of firefighters raced to hickam at 8 05 to assist military crews battling multiple fires involving military aircraft, barracks and hangars. The department lost three firefighters that day. Captain thomas macy of engine 4. Captain john herrera engine one. And from engine six. In time they awarded purple heart to those civilian firefighters injured and killed on december 7th. The only u. S. Civilian firefighters in history so honored. Here in pearl harbor, we watch over the memorials. We also preserve the memories of those who experience the attack so that their words will live forever. The National Park service keeps americas memory of the war alive for future generations. We do so to honor the past and inspire the future and to help the world learn the lessons of history. Today our uss arizona memorial stands for everyone who served in uniform during world war ii. The memorial you see across the harbor is a symbol of hope. It is a symbol of respect and resilience. It touches the best and greatest ideals in all of our hearts. In the words of the late historian michael slackman, today the uss arizona stands as a reminder of the event of that morning. It has different meanings to those who visit there. But to all of them, it speaks silently and eloquently of the distance yet to be traveled before the world lives in peace. Thank you and aloha to all. [ applause ] now it is my pleasure to introduce our National Park Service Regional director for the pacific west region, miss laura joss. Miss joss oversees operations for 61 units, trails and areas of our National Parks system and six western states and in three territories of the pacific. We are able to do our jobs here in pearl harbor preserving the memorials and the memories thanks to her leadership and support. Ladies and gentlemen, miss laura jos. Thank you, superintendent. Aloha. A bridge at concord, the golden fields of gettysburg, the waters of pearl harbor. These battle fields all share a common bond. They are sacred ground to the people of the United States. Their Historic Sites that are part of the National Park service, who preserves their memory and shares it with the world, we gather at these places to remember, to understand, and to honor. As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of pearl harbor, we recall the distant memories of war and peace. This year also marks the 100th anniversary of americas best idea, the National Parks. From the park in maine to war in the Pacific National historical park in guam, parks serve the nation as places of retreat, wonder, discovery, and reflection. The history of the National Parks Service Began with the countrys desire to conserve lands that were being threatened. The idea to preserve unique landscapes originated with places like yellowstone and yosemite and soon grew to include not just landscapes but historic landmarks and treasures as well. Becoming gateways to telling americas many stories. As the number of parks increased, it became clear that a dedicated agency for their management would be needed. President woodrow wilson, working with the congress, created legislation to establish the National Parks service as an agency of the department of the interior on august 25th, 1916. Twenty years later, another president , franklin d. Roosevelt, would comment on this new and unique adventure with preservation management with these words, there is nothing so american as our National Parks. The fundamental idea behind the parks is that the country belongs to the people. It is for the enrichment of the lives of all of us. Over the past 10 decades, we have as a country set aside the best of what america has to offer. We have set aside treasured landscapes. We have also set aside places that tell the stories of our past, both the history we celebrate as well as the monuments we should never forget. There are now over 400 such places of reflection that the National Parks service shares with the people of the United States and the world. Todays ceremony is taking place at the close of the National Park services centennial year. A theme of our centennial asked, what is a park to you. As i conclude my remarks, i ask that you look out over the waters of pearl harbor, gaze upon the memorial that rests above the uss arizona, and ask your self what that memorial means to you. For myself, i believe it is not merely a fitting tribute to the men who lost their lives aboard the arizona. The memorial and this commemoration honor the past. But also inspire the future to strive toward a world of peace where reconciliation is achievable. How honored we are as employees in the National Parks service, your National Park service, to be the stewards of this hallowed memorial and the internationally historic landscape that surrounds it. Thank you and aloha. [ applause ] thank you, miss joss. Ladies and gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to introduce our navy cohost rear admiral john fuller. He oversees two installations, the Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam and Pacific Missile Range facility as well as all home ported surface ships here in pearl harbor, hawaii. Please welcome Commander Navy region hawaii and Naval Surface Group Pacific rear admiral john fuller. [ applause ] on behalf of United States navy i join our partners and welcome everything to this historic commemoration. To our most honored guests, pearl harbor survivors and other world war ii veterans, thank you for honoring us with your participation in todays ceremony. We are holding the days events for you. Our objective and theme is honoring the past and inspiring the future. We remember your lost ship mates. We salute your service and your sacrifice and that of your familys. We offer you our most heartfelt thanks for all you sacrificed and all you suffered. On december 7th, 1941, most of you veterans were teenagers or in your early 20s, and you were away from home for the first time. Back home, your families long to hear any news about the attack. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, all loved ones were desperately looking to hear news about the fate of their boys. Meanwhile, you pearl harbor survivors faced the grueling recovery and restoration. Joined by navy divers, shipyard civilians, citizens from hawaii, you responded. You rebuilt and you resurrected pearl harbor and the Pacific Fleet. You felt the shock, endured the grief, and then you shouldered the burden of bringing the world back into balance. In the days after the attack, facts and information crawled along but rumors raced along at light speed. It would take weeks to get detailed news to your families. In some cases it took months. People stood in endless lines at the Western Union in honolulu. On the mainly, families waited at home and wondered. Some mothers and fathers received the worst possible news, the news they dreaded. Family family is our most precious institution. Family is our most precious possession. Yet in war, innocent families are always victims. Historian ken burns chronicled the Second World War both in europe and the pacific and he called that war the greatest cataclysm in history. He said it came out of human emotions, anger, arrogance, bigotry, victimhood and lust for power. I ended because of other human qualities, courage, perseverance, selflessness, faith, hunger for freedom combined to change the course of human events. Those of you who served in world war ii, you earned the freedom and the prosperity we enjoy today. You forged and bestowed upon us a Lasting Legacy of freedom, with your resolve, toughness and grit. You polished that through your honor, courage and commitment. Those of you who served in world war ii ushered in the current era of peace and prosperity weve enjoyed for decades, and you did that with your blood, your sweat, and your tears. You recreated a world dedicated to order and instability. You inspired great equality and civil rights. You earn our commitment to always remember pearl harbor. Your life changed on the morning of december 7th, 1941. After that day, you would change the world forever. As a humble beneficiary, i simply want to offer my sincere and heartfelt thanks. Today we are very fortunate to hear from the pacific commanders perspective. Add mire harris son of navy chief and japanese mother who met in postwar japan. He exemplifies, poetically, how far weve come in seven decades. Hes a tough and courageous leader, a diplomat and fighter. He leads our military to the pacific. When you talk about the area he lead the pacific, he leads army, air force, navy, and marines. And his area of responsibility spans the width, the breadth, the area over, on, and under the sea for the pacific ocean. An area of responsibility encompassing half the worlds surface so. Id like to say from the arctic to the antarctic, from california to india, its a lot of responsibility, a lot of real estate, its a lot of good leadership. Ladies and gentlemen, its my honor to introduce the commander of u. S. Pacific command admiral harold b. Harris, jr. [ applause ] note to self, never follow a tall man or a small child to the podium. So ladies and gentlemen, lets give it up one more time for the band for the inspirational rendition of the National Anthem. [ applause ] you can bet that the men and women we honor today and those who died that fateful morning 75 years ago never took a knee and never failed to stand whenever they heard our National Anthem being played. [ applause ] [ applause ] thanks, john, for that introduction and for your terrific stewardship of this historic region. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Hearing the words, the land of the free and the home of the brave means Something Special for every american every day. But today on december 7th, it takes on extraordinary significance as were joined here in this hallowed place by world war ii veterans and survivors, attacks on military bases all across oahu including right here on pearl harbor. That fateful morning 75 years ago, they were about to conduct morning colors when they were surprised to hear the sounds of real bombs bursting in air instead of the reassuring melody of our nations anthem. That early light they ran to battle stations and guns as they began to boldly to the defense of our country. Please join me in welcoming again these veterans with a grateful round of applause. [ applause ] [ applause ] fox, lieutenant ashwell mentioned our many distinguished guests but i would like to recognize a few of our honored attendees. Governors, mayors, state and city leaders, undersecretary davidson, esteemed member of consular corps, chief of naval, admiral richardson, serving officers, larry jones, thanks for highlighting our veterans past and present for the second year in a row. Gary sinise, garth brooks and trisha yearwood, thanks for entertaining our troops. Thanks for remembering these hallowed places and congratulations on your centennial year. Distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen, just prior to the attack 75 years ago on a morning not unlike this one, people not unlike us were waking up to enjoy another day in paradise. Indeed some of the veterans were probably thinking about spending day on the beach, playing baseball, hanging out with friends or listening to the battle of the bands at block arena right here on this base. No one knew it would be the last moment of peace for almost four years. The horrific events that took place here caught america, her navy, army, Army Air Corps, marine corps and territory of hawaii by surprise. We were attacked all across oahu, at scofield barracks, barrows, hickam and of course right here at pearl harbor. It fell upon the shoulders of brave americans like these here in the front rows to respond to crisis that fateful day. The surprise sought by the imperfectly Japanese Navy lasted 110 chaotic minutes. Almost as long as this speech was going to be. A day of gallantry and unquestionable heroism, a day of sacrifice and immeasurable loss. Less than 24 hours, the majority of the Pacific Fleet taken out of action, catastrophic by any standard. The scars remain and we see them all around us. The battleships, uss arizona and uss utah still entombed in these waters behind me. The uss oklahoma memorial bullet holes at ford island and hickam field, bodies and minds of the veterans here with us today. These scars remind us of our history and how america responded with conspicuous valor. Today we have a precious opportunity to reflect, to reflect what it means to be a patriot, to reflect on what it means to be a nation tested by war and to reflect on both the costs and the blessings of liberty. They say hindsight is 2020. History has shown us the alarm bells had been sounding throughout the 1930s will as americanof america looked eastward toward europe we watched as a military leadership in germany began to grow in power. In fascist italy allied itself to nazi germany. We looked westward as well, saw militaristic rise of japan. The fleet from california to hawaii in 1940, a move designed to give pause to a potential adversary, the original rebalance of the indoasia pacific if you will. Even so, 75 years ago the the United States was strategically surprised, caught flat footed by imperial japan. Military and First Responders here on the islands, incredibly brave defense against staggering odds. They engaged the enemy as best they could with what they had. For those that gave last measure of devotion for their nation that day, we feel a deep sense of sorrow, yet were also inspired by their great gift to the world, the gift of freedom itself. They did not go quietly into that night. Along with those who survived, a reluctant nation emerged to fight and ultimately win world war ii. Those who survived pearl harbor also left us a warning. Remember pearl harbor. Keep america alert. Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty imperative never to be caught by strategic surprise again. But 15 years ago we were again surprised by a major attack on our soil. Not by a nation state this time but by terrorists. As before in the preceding decade, alarm bells had been ringing. Even as we worked hard to understand those alarms, few, if any, could have anticipated the methodology behind those events in knock, shanksville, the pentagon on that fitful autumn day. Im not a preacher man, in fact chief of chaplains is in the audience here but theres a passage in the good book which define for me, those who responded in 1941 and 2001 are. God was searching for the right man, a man with the right staff, a man embark on a Dangerous Mission and go into a dangerous land. Whom shall i send . Whom shall go for us. It was isiah who respond, here am i, lord, send me. Here am i, send me. Powerful words. When our nation was attacked 75 years ago today and again 60 years later on another sunny day, this time in new york, lady liberty called out in her pain and anguish, whom shall i send . Who shall go for me . And everywhere soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen called out, here am i, america, send me. Here am i, america, send me. [ applause ] america is the country she is because of young men and women who are willing to forego wearing a business suit, forego strolling down easy street and forego living the good life to wear instead the cloth of the nation. To travel instead along an uncertain road fraught with peril. To live, instead, a life on the ragged edge of danger. To live lives that matter. America is blessed beyond riches. Our nation is blessed to have strong men and women with exceptional courage who are willing and able to step forward to do whatever it takes to defend america whenever lady liberty is in jeopardy. Just like the greatest generation who answered the clarion call of duty after pearl harbor and korea and vietnam and the cold war and the gulf war, a new generation of men and women volunteered to stand in the gap for us following 9 11. Since then we have pursued and engaged our enemies even to the ends of the earth, and were still at it today. A free nation cannot survive without those who are willing to Place Service to country ahead of service to self. So ladies and gentlemen, every december 7th [ applause ] so ladies and gentlemen, every december 7th weve remembered the past actions of our veterans on oahu because they inspire us today and because they shape our future. A tour across present day hawaii reveals the depth of americas tenacity to protect our enduring National Interests in the pacific. For america is a pacific nation, a pacific power, and a pacific leader. Secretary of defense carter has rightly called the indoasian pacific the most consequential region for americas future. This area already drives Global Economic prosperity and will do so for the next century. Our is a region of rapid growth, not only in population, not only in industry but also competition for scarce resources and military capability. President reagan once said we cant be innocents abroad in a world thats not innocent. You demonstrated as uss halsey steamed around ford island and f22 raptors flew overhead. On the pier next to us, the Aircraft Carrier, uss stennis, safe and to defend our very way the Selfless Service of the veterans and civilians on the home front who supported them won the peace by ending a war. They defined our National Heritage and today we thank them for their service and their faith in our nation. Folks, this weeks 75th commemoration events have renew ed my confidence in the future our country. From all works of life and across generations i have heard people telling their stories, i saw tears and laughter, sorrow and joy. Im reminded of the stories my father would tell me about his war experiences as an enlisted man aboard the uss lexington, an Aircraft Carrier that departed pearl harbor a few days before the attack. My dad and so many of the greatest generation are no longer with us. But we can still hear their stories of duty, of honor and of courage. Their ghosts walk amongst us. Their spirits speak to us. Protect this house, this will defend. And were fortunate indeed to listen and learn from living world war ii veterans, including president bush, senators dole and governors and Tuskegee Airmen and so many others who are with us today or watching the broadcast across america. What we hear is that the future belongs to the brave. Our country is both defined by her storied past and invigorated by her balanced future. We rise today to author that future, emboldened by the intrepid service of those who came before us and carried on ward by those young men and women who serve today. As americas joint force commander, i give you my word that the 380,000 civilians and military warriors that comprise the u. S. Pacific are ready to fight and win so that we may be free. We remember pearl harbor. We remember the response by americas sons and daughters who brought the broad stripes and bright stars through many fights. At north africa, at midway, at the mountains, at normandy, at okinawa and ewogima. We honor sacrifices made during world war ii by the many allied nations. So that the world could see freedom renewed. Today we work with allies and partners across the globe to protect those hard won freedoms, including our staunch ally japan. Reconciliation turned bitter enemies into the closest of friends, united by shared values and shared interests, yet another Lasting Legacy of that greatest generation. Ladies and gentlemen, as we look upon the majestic uss arizona memorial behind me, take comfort in knowing that our departed veterans continue to stand vigilant watch as Guardian Angels of our nation. I will conclude by saying the joint forces have assumed libertys mantle, passed down in an unbroken chain, watch to watch for 75 years. No one and i mean no one should doubt that a strong u. S. Military will continue to stand a global watch for generations to come. As the legacy and lessons of pearl harbor are passed to our children and our childrens children who will stand the watch. To americas world war ii patriots here and watching at home, we will never forget your courage under considerable fire and seemingly insurmountable odds. Because of you, our future remains bright. We owe you an immeasurable dead. We cant thank you enough for answering the call. My god bless you all past and present who stood the watch and answered that call to duty. May god bless this beauty it will state of hawaii and may god bless the United States of america which has always been and forever shall be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Thank you very much. [ applause ] thank you, admiral harris. The wreaths you are about to see are an expression of our gratitude and appreciation of service and sacrifice. Today, we honor heros, military and civilians who lost their lives december 7, 1941. This morning, we will place wreaths to honor the territory of hawaii, army, marine corps, navy, air force and coast guard. The wreaths will be presented by active duty Service Members and National Park service rangers. This formation represents our past and present. It honors those who fought in the name of freedom 75 years ago and recognizes our veterans and current active duty members who continue to selflessly serve our country. Today, these wreaths represent hope that our future generation maze never forget the sacrifices that took place and continue to take place every day. The bell is from the uss bugara, a diesel submarine. It was launched in 1944 and served in the pacific during world war ii. The territory of hawaii. On that fateful morning, 49 civilians lost their lives as a result of the attack. As a base for all of the services, the then territory of hawaii and its citizens played aid major role in one of historys greatest salvage and repair efforts, restoring most of the damaged ships and expediting the return to the fleet. Hawaiis citizens opened their homes and businesses to servicemen stationed in the islands and to those returning from war patrols. Today, the state of hawaii remains a strategic and welcoming home port for our military, continuing to offer aloha to all. Representing the territory of hawaii is Staff Sergeant matilla and park ranger borja of guam. Will our civilian survivors and witnesses please stand as able . [ applause ] civilian survivors and witnesses, please be seated. United states army. While many history books tend to focus on the pearl harbor attack, the brave members of the United States army fought to defend their posts on december 7, 1941. The u. S. Army had and continues to have a large presence on owe with a hugh. Representing the United States army is captain moore of texas and park ranger baron of hawaii. Will all of our Army Veterans please stand as able . [ applause ] Army Veterans, please be seated. United states marine corps. Many may not realize until visiting the uss arizona memorial that a United States marine detachment made up part of each battleships company. 109 marines lost their lives that day. 105 perished aboard ships in pearl harbor and four were killed in action at the field. Representing the United States marine corps is sergeant kempfield and park ranger acok of new mexico. Will all of our marine corps veterans please stand as able . [ applause ] marine corps veterans, please be seated. United states navy. 1,999 sailors lost their lives in the december 7 attacks on pearl harbor. Many sailors met their final resting place in these waters directly beneath us, while defending their ships and helping their ship mates escape the burning hulls. Many more assisted in rescue and Recovery Efforts in the days and weeks that followed. Representing the United States navy is petty officer first class smith of hawaii and park ranger nickle of florida. Will all of our Navy Veterans please stand as able . [ applause ] Navy Veterans, please be seated. United states air force. Though not yet a service in 1941, the United States air force was referred to as our Army Air Corps and here as the hawaiian air force. On december 7, ken taylor and george welch scrambled to their aircraft and took off to brave the skies against incredible odds. Representing the United States air force is captain clements and park ranger camcam of california. Will all of our air force veterans please stand as able . [ applause ] air force veterans, please be seated. United states coast guard. At the time of the attack, u. S. Coast guard vessels were in honolulu. As 0645 they intercepted. Tiger came under enemy fire but did not suffer any casualties. Representing the United States coast guard is donna moriatri and park ranger scott from germany. Will all of our coast guard veterans please stand as able . [ applause ] coast guard veterans, please be seated. Thank you to our wreath presenters. Would all pearl harbor survivors and world war ii veterans please remain seated so we can honor you. Craig nelsons has a quote. I saw everything that went on there and i tell you what, there was more courage and more heroics and more valor and more sacrifice that day than a human being ought to see in ten lifetimes. To our survivors and veterans, you once bravely stood fast and tough, responded, recovered and prevailed. On december 7, 1941, and in the years that followed, you executed your duties at your posts and weathered the storm of war. It is because of you and others like you that we enjoy freedom and liberty in this great country. Now with all remaining seated, everyone else stand and express our appreciation. A grateful nation applauds you today. [ applause ] [ applause ] thank you. Please be seated. A vintage 1940s aircraft will fly overhead. With its sleek lines, this aircraft was the economical civilian counterpart to the Fighter Aircraft that pilots flew. As it shares many common features with the u. S. Army air corps p40 fighter. Only 1,521 aircraft were managed with production ceasing in 1951. Please rise as able and remain standing for the benediction, marine corps taps. The navy chief of chaplains will offer the benediction. Sure of gods presence among us this day let us pray for his benediction over our commemoration. All mighty and eternal god, on this day of infamy, we ask that you would bless the memory of the heros who distinguished themselves that fateful morning and in the days and years that followed. Though each passing year attempts to erase the impact of the countless sacrifices, guard us from ever neglecting the cost so many paid to preserve our freedoms and defend our liberty. Inspired by the tributes offered to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, awaken in us the same spirit of commitment that defied complacency in the face of evil. Never allow us to forget that the ideals which defined our nation then are now the responsibility of every american citizen to uphold. Keep us ever vigilant in the cause for peace and may we exemplify your mercy and remain in your grace. It is in the strength of your name we pray. Amen. Amen. Stand by for rifle salute. Hand salute. Ready aim fire ready aim fire ready aim fire present arms. Ready two. Please remain standing for the departure of the official party and our honored guests. Following the departure of the official party, we invite all our pearl harbor survivors and veterans to participate in the walk of honor. [ bell tolling ] United States pacific command, departing. [ whistle ] [ bell tolling ] Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Surface group middle pacific departing. [ whistle ] on behalf of the National Park service and United States navy, thank you for attending todays special observance of the 75th anniversary of the attack. Honoring the past, inspiring the future, and remembering the sacrifices made by those who served here on december 7, 1941. To those who are watching our ceremony through our online broadcast we extend a sincere aloha. We thank you for providing todays vintage aircraft tribute. Thank you to the many volunteers who made todays ceremony possible. Tugboats from joint base pearl harbor will be in the who bore conducting a water tribute. As a reminder, all Pearl Harbor Military and civilian survivors as well as our World War Two veterans are invited to participate in the walk of honor tribute. Guests may watch near the main entrance as Service Members from all branchs salute these men and women. Please enjoy patriotic songs from the United States Pacific Fleet band as you depart today. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day and you will always remember pearl harbor. Thank you. [ applause ] youre watching American History tv covering history cspan style with tours of museums, archival film, eye witness accounts and discussions with authors, historians and teachers. You can watch us on cspan 3 every weekend, during congressional breaks and on holidays, too. For more information visit our website at cspan. Org history. This week on cspan in primetime listen to chair of the Democratic Party and representative Keith Ellison from minnesota. In 2014 we hit a 70year low in voter turnout, 36 . The Democratic Caucus was smaller than any time since truman. In this last election we hit a 20year low in president ial turnout. Weve got a lot of rebuilding to do. Tuesday night at 8 00, president barack obama and japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe visit the naval base at pearl hare bar. Mr. Abe is the first sitting japanese leader to visit the site of the attack that launched u. S. Involvement in world war ii. Wednesday night beginning at 8 00 a review of house and Senate Hearings from 2016 on topics including the flint, michigan, crisis and the wells fargo unauthorized account scandal. Seriously, you found out that one of your divisions had created 2 million fake accounts, had fired thousands of employees for improper behavior and had cheated thousands of your own customers and you didnt even once consider firing her ahead of her retirement . Thursday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern we remember some of the political figures that passed away in 2016 including former first lady, nancy reagan, and Supreme Court justice antonin scalia. Friday night at 8 00 our in memorium program with shimon perez, muhammad ali and john glenn. Each week American History tvs real america brings you archival films that provide context for todays Public Affairs issues. Christmas tree farming is a rapidly increasing industry in the Pacific Northwest. As people demand more and better Christmas Trees, the numbers available from uncultured natural stands is steadily decreasing. At the same time, Christmas Tree farmers are learning to culture and shape both plantation grown and natural trees to make them more full and bushy. We begin the story of the cultured Christmas Tree in this tumbler which extracts the seed from the dried cones. A vibrating sieve separates the steeds from the chaff and other impuriti impuritiys. Seats are sold in bulk to nurseries specializing in Christmas Tree planting stock. This handful represents hundreds of future seedlings. The spacing of the seeds depends on the species. Planting too closely retards the growth. Species like the douglas fir may reach four inches in the first year. After two years growth the seedlings are dug up. They are then replanted at wider spacing to allow the tops and roots more room to develop. After the third year in the nursery the seedlings are lifted and sold to Christmas Tree growers. This underground knife loosens the roots but does not damage them. The entwinned roots are separated and sorted into bundles of 25. The roots are trimmed to make them easier to plant. Each bunch is wrapped in wet peat moss or packaging in waterproof bags. The seedlings are kept in cold storage until delivered to Christmas Tree growers. The old reliable method of Tree Planting is along a marked line with a shovel or planting bar. On larger plantations machine planters are sometimes used to speed up the planting operation. A hilly farm such as this may not be profitable for growing most annual agricultural crops but will lend itself well to the growing of Christmas Trees. As on other crop lands, grass and weeds create a problem by robbing moisture and nourishment from the soil. Some farmers still rely on hand or machine weeding. A newer method utilizes selective chemical sprays that kill the grass and weeds without affecting the trees. After three years in the field these trees are ready for basal pruning to expose the lower branches to sunlight making them bushy and vigorous and to form a good handle to place in the Christmas Tree stand. Most of these 7yearold pines are ready to harvest. Harvest time on the Christmas Tree farm begins in the latter part of november. On this cultured natural douglas fir stand the cutter selects and chops down the trees that are ready to harvest. Several workers called draggers gather up the fallen trees and carry them to the truck for loading. An anchored cable around the trees pulls off the load. The processing yard where trees are prepared for shipment is a behive of activity at cutting time. Trees are shipped from the Pacific Northwest by truck, railroad car, ship and even airplane to markets in many areas of the United States. A freshly cut tree is still a thirsty living plant. To maintain its freshness it is wise to place the handle in a bucket of water as soon as it is brought home. A water stand when replenished daily helps to maintain maximum freshness and fireproofing in the home. What we have seen is the end result of mans ingenuity and improving on a natural product. He has established a significant new industry by creating a more beautiful product, the cultured Christmas Tree. Sunday, in depth will feature a live discussion on the presidency of president barack obama. Were taking your phone calls, tweets, facebook questions. April ryan and author of the presidency in black and white, my up close view of three president s and race. Eddie glown, author of democracy in black. And Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, david marin, author of barack obama, the story. Watch it live from noon to 3 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan 2. Next, from the library of congress we talk with three care takers of americas treasures. David

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