Transcripts For CSPAN3 Life And Career Of Douglas MacArthur 20161105

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Cspan 3. Each week american artifacts takes you to museums and Historical Places to learn about history. General Douglas Macarthur commanded forces in the pacific here it at the macarthur memorial in norfolk, virginia we learn about his early life, service during world war i, and career. This is part one of a two part program. To thepher welcome macarthur memorial in norfolk, virginia. My name is Christopher Kolakowski and im the director. This is dedicated to the life and times of general Douglas Macarthur who lived to 84. We want to show you the treasures from our collection and exhibit. Lets take a look. The oldocated in norfolk city hall, which was built in 1850 and given over and converted to the macarthur memorial in 1964. The city hall contains 9 galleries which follow the life and times of General Macarthur. We start with his family, which answers the 64 question, why is the macarthur memorial in norfolk . The short answer is mom. Let me show you a photograph of General Macarthurs mother and the family. This is the south side of the city, here is his mother who was born in norfolk and had Four Brothers who joined up to the Confederate Army from norfolk during the civil war. He was the youngest of the children. After the war in new orleans she met a man named Arthur Mcarthur who had earned the medal of honor in the battle of chattanooga in 1863. They fell in love. When they got married, her three brothers who had served in the army and the cousins found other places to be during the wedding ceremony. They were not able to make it. One of the things that people do not realize about the macarthur memorial is that we are not all guns and battle. Even though we are dedicated to the life of one of americans great generals. We are really about people and history. I like to show his baby picture. He was born january 20 6, 1880 in little rock, arkansas where his father was stationed at the time. You can see the photograph here of his other brothers. His brother malcolm died of smallpox and is buried in norfolk in the family plot. His older brother Arthur Mcarthur iv who went to annapolis and graduated from the Naval Academy. That is what these pictures show. They give you a sense of his family life. Douglas macarthur came back in 1951, he dedicated the old family estate as a city park. He referred to himself as the reunion of blue and gray personified. He said when i come to norfolk, i feel like i have come home. He spent some summers here in his early teens and always regarded norfolk as his spiritual home. The mayor at the time remember that. In the early 1960s, when macarthur was trying to figure out what to do with his papers and artifacts, duckworth came to him and played on that and said i will build you a memorial, and archive, and a research center. Macarthur said i love it and can i be buried here with my wife . Sure. We will give you the Old City Hall to do it. That sent the deal. They outbid the smithsonian and the war college and west point. We do not just have his mothers family here that we have some artifacts from his fathers service. Here is a photograph of Arthur Macarthur from the 24th wisconsin. Joined at age 17. At age 18, he earned the medal of honor for leadership under fire. At 19 he was a boy colonel. He becomes the exemplar for Douglas Macarthur. In many ways, to understand Douglas Mcarthur and what he strives to become you have to understand his fathers career. He served in the spanishamerican war and fights in the philippines. This is one of his swords from the philippines. 18091901. Hey wrote a novel about it most people, when they look at it they think that must read douglas and world war ii. Now. This was arthur back about a quarter of a century before that. As a matter of fact for a long , time in the philippines, douglas was known as macarthur the younger to differentiate him from macarthur the elder. One of the other neat things that people do not realize that we have is what is in this case right here from Arthur Macarthur. This was his field desk from the philippine war. He was a senior american officer in the philippines. Military governor of the philippines also until he ran afoul of the civilian governor who was appointed over him, William Howard taft. The other thing i would point out is that down here, is Arthur Macarthurs glasses. You see pictures of him in later life and he looks a lot like , teddy roosevelt. These are the glasses he is wearing in those pictures. 1898 is when the spanishamerican war starts, and Arthur Macarthur was on his way to command american troops in the campaign. After the battle of manila. Arthur mcarthur was one of the commanders. His son douglas, 18 years old, had just graduated from west Texas Military academy and had grown up idolizing his father and wants to go with his dad as a volunteer aide. Arthur macarthur performed a brave service at this moment. He turned to his son and said son, you have an appointment to west point. I want you to take that appointment. This will not be the last war. This is my last war, but this will not be the last war you will see. Your job is to prepare yourself for that war. So douglas took his advice and went off to west point. Incidentally, mom followed along because with her oldest boy in the u. S. Navy, her husband going off to fight in the philippines, she really did not have anywhere else to go. So she took up residence for the next four years in the hotel. A lot of people joked that arthur and mary graduated at the same time although Mary Macarthur performed a valuable service. She would often be an offcampus Gathering Place for cadets and their girlfriends and signal when the coast was clear to sit to sneak back to the barracks. It was not all bad. She was very much a cadet friend. West point was greatly formative for Douglas Macarthur. In 1962, he said that his credo had been duty, honor, and country. West point really influenced macarthur until his last days. In many different ways. Obviously through education. He had one of the most outstanding academic records in the history of west point. First captain in his class. Highestranking cadet officer in his class. One thing that really drove home for him was the idea that the way to become a good leader and a good soldier was on the athletic field. You learn things like discipline and leadership. His First Leadership role had been in high school as quarterback of the High School Football team. He managed the Football Team in 1904. When he was there, one of his players was Joseph Stillwell who also was the one that brought basketball to west point. But arthur also played baseball. One thing we have on display is the box score from the first time the Naval Academy played the west point academy. West point versus annapolis. In left field and adding second is Douglas Macarthur who scored a winning run, when the army won 43. After graduation, macarthur took a commission in the corps of engineers. That took him on. Duties. Myriad duties. One of the advantages that he had and one of the significant moments of his career was in 1905 when his father who at the time was a senior ranking general in the army, a threestar general and only the chief of staff ranked higher. He was given a task to tour the far east and observe the russojapanese war. He took his young son, lieutenant Douglas Macarthur to observe. This was a very important period. He wrote in his memoirs, ever after asia had fastened itself with a grip that never relaxed. He was always fascinated with asia. He said he realized on that trip that the fate of the United States was forever bound in the far east. That is an attitude he gained that would color and influence his days for the rest of his life. He becomes a pan asian general for the u. S. The other thing about this period from 1905 to 1916 , which is an essential and formative period for general Douglas Macarthur, occurred in 1916. He becomes the first public chief of information in the history of the u. S. Army. They never had a Public Affairs officer. This is important because Douglas Macarthur learns press relations, he learns how to promote and this is also the , time of the great debate over what the army, and navy will look like. They know that world war i has been going on since 1914. And the American People know that eventually they will get dragged into it. What do we need to do to get the army and the navy ready . As the chief of public information, Douglas Macarthur was at the forefront telling the army story, showcasing what it was, and how to get it from where it is to where it needs to be. A lot of people criticized Douglas Macarthur later for a flare of publicity and that he was a shameless self promoter. There is a certain amount of truth to that, but you need to remember that he learned that at a very early age. Would refer to today as to manage the optics and the message. He learned that at the early age. And in many ways, he was ahead of his contemporaries in terms of press relations. And the skills he will learn here he will use for the rest of his career. And with that, let us go upstairs and take a look at macarthur in world war i. World war i started in august, 1914, but the United States did not get involved until 1917. The army at the time numbered only about 400,000 active, reserve, and National Guard. Over the next 18 months, the army would grow to 4 million. A tremendous war effort on the part of the United States. At the core of this was douglas at the united was states War Department in washington when the war breaks out. One of the first things the National Guard is vying for is the right for the first group troops the first troops over to france. They want to send an American Expeditionary force. Rather than have a state Division Like pennsylvania, new york rather than giving one state the whole thing, they created an amalgamation of states. As many as they could put into one infantry division. 28,000 men to ship it over. They ended with 26 states and the District Of Columbia represented in this division. It was known as the 42nd division. They were trying to think of a nickname. Mcarthur says this is a great concept that will stretch like a rainbow across the country. That is where it comes from. The 42nd rainbow division. The 42nd division fought in world war i, world war ii, and remains on the books today. Douglas macarthur, because he was perfectly situated, appoints himself colonel and chief of staff of the 42nd division. He gets himself appointed, he gets himself those jobs. He will end up being chief of staff and he will later command the 84th brigade, one half of the division during world war i in combat. At the end and for the occupation of germany and the rhineland, late 1918, until most of 1919, he will be division commander. The Youngest Division commander in the world war i and the youngest general. In 1918 he will be promoted to Brigadier General at the age of 38, the youngest general in the American Expeditionary forces, the over 2 million men in france. This object behind me is macarthurs traveling trunk. This befits a senior officer. Most men, most soldiers carried what they owned on their back , but the Senior Officers are allowed to bring their own baggage. This is his trunk. It has uniforms and it. It is worth pointing out that american uniforms, american soldiers, they fought in, lived in, worked in the same uniform. Unlike later times when you have a work uniform and a dress uniform, things like that. Macarthur was a very well read officer. A student of military history and he had various books as well as files and papers. He had a sewing kit which soldiers nicknamed the housewife, because you are expected to mend your own uniform. By the way, i should point out that officers bought their own uniforms. The last thing i want to show you is what may be the most important thing in this trunk. It is the straight razors. Why is this you ask . World war i, was the introduction of the use of chemical warfare. A mans ability to get his gas mask on in seconds was the difference between death and life. Theres another factor as well. A gas mask does not get a good seal on the face if there is stubble or a beard. Everybody was required to be clean shaven. And so, effective use of the razor and keeping yourself cleanshaven can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. I mentioned macarthurs brother in passing, and i want to call your attention to this plaque for the uss chattanooga. Arthur macarthur hunted german submarines and excluded and escorted american crew ships during the First World War. He achieved quite a record doing it. This was a plaque from the uss chattanooga that he commanded. We looked at how the u. S. Gets in, and we looked at how macarthur gets into france. Let us look at the battlefield. To tell that story, we have a section of reproduced trench. It shows you a little bit of the depth of trench warfare. A little bit of how infantrymen lived in trenches. Trench warfare started with the stalemate on the western front in belgium and france starting in october 1914 continuing without letup until the summer of 1918. Spring and summer of 1918. It cut almost a 500 mile scar from the north sea in belgium to the swiss border. Through northeastern and eastern france. The trenches themselves, allied and german. Sometimes, no mans land. The space in betwe was often measured in just yards. The trenches were higher than a man stood tall. There is a fair amount of protection. This soldier here who is on the firing step is peering out over into no mans land. He is watching the enemy. Every morning and evening, they had what was called stand to in case the enemy tried to do something crazy. Everyone was in fighting positions at dawn and dusk just to be on the safe side. That is what he is doing here. One thing you will notice he is very low to the ground but he is poking his head up to see what is going on in no mans land. If he poked up his head too far, there was probably a german sniper not too far away that would drill him in the forehead. Snipers and artillery in particular were very serious weapons. Gas and projectiles. Trenches are very confined spaces. You have to live and work there. There was a lot of other forms of life that lived there most notably rats, fleas, bugs, and all kinds of things. In a good rainstorm, they can flood. There is some iconic photographs of the trenches in flanders where the men are fighting in kneehigh or waist high water. There were dugouts where men could bunk. Bugs and dirt are ever present. Part of the physical stress and the psychological stress of the enemy being this close and death being one wrong movement away, had a psychological toll on these guys. By the time the United States entered the war, people realized you had to rotate people through the trenches. On average, a soldier would spend four days in a frontline trench, four days in a rear trench in a support position, and then they would spend a week on rest. In the rear for maintenance and training and replenishing supplies. Administrative tasks, things of that nature. That was the rotation. Four days on the front, four days in reserve, and a week of rest and start the cycle again. The last thing i would point out to you is the combat in the trenches was often short, sharp, and brutal. If you went over the top, a lot of men never made it to the barbed wire halfway across no mans land. If you rated the enemy trench or the enemiesided trench, or if they raided your trench, it would be close quarter combat with knives, pistols, sometimes dressed knuckles. This was also the first war to illustrate this point and the ferocity of the close quarter contact. This was also the first war where soldiers were issued shotguns. They were called trench guns and were designed specifically for use in close quarters. It can be very intense or boring at times. When the fighting is intense, it can be short, sharp, and bloody. The trenches were not a Pleasant Place to be. Everyone longed for war to move again. Which would start in the spring and summer of 1918 when the American Army gets involved. This brings me to the last piece where we will talk about Douglas Macarthur on the battlefield. One of the best illustrations we have is taken from some photographs. This brings me to the first of a series of murals done specifically for the macarthur memorial. An artist named alton tobey in 1965. It shows different aspects and segments of Douglas Macarthurs life. This is one of the first. Talking about macarthur and world war i. There are a lot of things going on in this portrait. They tell you about him on the battlefield as well as american troops. You can see americans marching forward to engage in combat. Macarthur was involved in several battles during the summer of 1918 in the champagne region. The offensive in 1918, and the argonne offensive in 1918. This is probably late fall judging by the weather. Most of the men are marching forward. You notice this officer here standing with binoculars. That is General Macarthur. He adopted a distinct look. He realized that as a chief of staff, he had a good staff and he realized that to keep up his mens morale and help them cope he had to be there for a quick battlefield decision, he had to be up front. In order for his men to realize the boss is here, he decided to dress distinctly. There is nothing unusual about this. George patton wore a distinctive look in world war ii that was made famous. There are many other generals that cut distinctive figures so that their men knew here is the boss. There is one officer in the American Army in france that dresses like this. It is Douglas Macarthur. If you see someone like this, it is General Macarthur. You notice he is not wearing a gas mask. He was gassed twice in the war. He also issued orders that if anyone followed his example, didnt wear their gas mask, they would be courtmartialed. This is important not only for the distinctive look but look at where he is. In an era where most generals were in the rear, comfortably, macarthur is up front also notice, he is not wearing a weapon. He would often lead attacks carrying nothing but a riding crop. The men looked at this and realized, if the colonel and later the brigadier can take it, i can take it also. That is called command presence. Not just bravado. Macarthur believed, as he wrote later, that leadership is often crystallized in an invisible event or manifestation. By being up front, by being fearless, it shows that he was leading in a very visible way. Douglas macarthur in world war i was the most decorated american. He earned seven silver stars, distinguished Service Cross and , a host of other medals. To end on a light note. This getup almost caused him. Almost cost him. In early november 1918, as the americans are racing forward in victory, there is an order given to ignore divisional boundaries. Just sees objectives as you need. Macarthur was commanding the 84th brigade and decided to seize an objective in a neighboring sector of the First Division. He goes over to reconnoiter the area and gets captured by a First Division soldier. The soldier had never seen an american dressed like this. It took him six hours to convince them that he was an american. It is only when the 84th said where is our general, that they realized who he was. Macarthur, leading from the front and very much cut from the heroic mold in one of the first combat leaders. World war i in particular helped solidify who he was and how he would lead forward. Even in world war ii and korea, he leads from the front in most cases. Where would he get that idea of being out front . Being among the soldiers, being able to make quick data field decisions if necessary . He got it in the trenches in france in 1918. The war ends november 11, 1918 and macarthurs career in some ways is only just beginning. He is a Major General at the end of the war and he is destined for great things. Let us look at macarthur in the interwar period. I will stop you here and show you that this is General Macarthur coming home in 1919. A mink coat, dress extremely well, he cut an extremely fine figure. If you ever ran across a veteran of the 42nd division if he ever run across a veteran in the 42nd Division Later in life, he always had time for them. He always attended the reunions. The 42nd was always a big part of his life. Tributes from the division throughout the rest of his life were some of his most cherished artifacts. The division has donated all of the artifacts and memorabilia to the memorial about five years ago in recognition of his strong presence. Strong connection. Here isr reason i stop to talk about 1919 as something of a watershed. When we do tours for military groups and schoolchildren, one of the things i always point out to people is i ask them this question when was the map of the middle east drawn . It was drawn at versailles at the end of world war i. The treaty that ended the war. If you look at the middle east today, those borders have only existed for less than 100 years. If you look at the middle east today you can imagine iraq, jordan, and israel there is a reason why iraq and jordan are shaped the way they are. The reason the borders were drawn that way was so that the british, if the suez canal was ever closed, would still have a land route to india. Those borders have created all sorts of political problems but it all goes back to the end of the First World War with the treaty of versailles. Something to keep in mind. When you think about the history , there is a relevance to it here there a lot of parts of the history like this, particularly world war ii, was like yesterday. We half to understand the things that went on during the time of General Macarthur. Macarthur comes back at the end of world war i and becomes superintendent of west point. This is the superintendents house where he lived. When macarthur got to west point, virtually little had changed in 100 years. He realized you cannot just train engineers. It was one of the finest engineering schools and still is in many ways. But you cannot just train them. We have to train officers and soldiers and not just be professionals but also to take command of a Mass Citizen Army and lead them on a modern battlefield with airplanes, tanks, and mechanization. Warfare has changed a lot since the civil war. Certainly. So macarthur set about under great resistance to change and modernize west point. To modernize the curriculum. A lot of it stuck. He is known today as the father of the modern west point. Two of the more prominent examples of his reforms that have endured the most the first, west point has always had an honor code, but it has never been formalized with an agreedupon language until macarthur was superintendent. The other thing that he did and this is something that is literally etched in stone at the military academy, is he instituted a real boost for army athletics. The rest of his life, he was a booster of army athletics. And that goes back to his playing days. He actually had it inscribed over the gymnasium on the field of friendly strife are sown seeds that upon other fields on other days will bear the fruits of victory. What does that mean . This is where you learn the discipline, leadership skills to prepare yourselves for an athletic competition, and you get the leadership skills you will need to lead men and women on the battlefield. That is where macarthur certainly lived that in his life and certainly believed that. He was not the only one to believe that, but he was able to institutionalize that. Macarthur gets married for the first time at age 42. On valentines day 1922, he marries Louise Cromwell brooks after a short courtship. Very happy marriage for the first few years. It will end in divorce in the latter part of the 1920s. This is a photograph of General Macarthur and his first wife louise. The invitation and a box that shared pieces of the wedding cake. The other thing macarthur did as superintendent of west point is he hosted dignitaries including the prince of wales in 1922. Walking with General Macarthur. Both were veterans of the western front. I can only imagine what they talked about at the dinner table. The prince of wales eventually viii. S king edward as we come down after macarthur leaves west point in 1922, he goes to the philippines for a while and in 1924 or 1925, it was a tough time for General Macarthur. In december 1923, his brother , captain Arthur Macarthur, dies of appendicitis. On his way to admiral. He dies as a captain. This was one of the great whatifs. His contemporaries, the future s were Navy Officers at the beginning of the second world war. This is a great what if if it Arthur Macarthur had not died of appendicitis. That is the first great tragedy that strikes. The second, not necessarily a tragedy but it has an emotional component to it. It was the courtmartial of Billy Mitchell in late 1925 for subordination. The great airpower pioneer, a great air leader from world war i. From milwaukee. Douglass fathers hometown. As a matter of fact, Billy Mitchells dad and Douglas Macarthurs father served together in the civil war. Douglas and Billy Mitchell had known each other as kids. They had grown up in with each other in some ways. And to sit on the courtmartial of an old family friend could not have been easy for the general. We do not know how he voted but Billy Mitchell was convicted. It was a real down time for General Macarthur. In 1928, an interesting thing that most people do not realize about General Macarthur he ran , the u. S. Olympic team. He was designated to pick the team and the coaches and lead them as the senior American Olympic official to amsterdam for the summer games. The events and the number of participating countries would be about one third of what they are in 2016, but it doesnt mean it is any less of an event then as it is today. It certainly was. The u. S. Earned more gold medals than any other country in the 1928 games. When General Macarthur was roundly praised for his performance with the u. S. Olympic team. A little known fact the u. S. Army has had a role in every single olympic team since 1896. The modern olympic era. George patton was an olympian in 1912. U. S. Army shooting team represented the United States in london in 2012 and they will again in rio in 2016. There has always been a soldier participation. To a greater or lesser degree in every lithic team. Every olympic team. 1928 was special. We come to the 1930s. Another important time in his life. He has now achieved just about everything has father had achieved in his army career except for one thing. His father was never chief of staff of the army, the seniormost Commanding Officer of the army. In 1930, Douglas Macarthur managed to do what his father never did and he becomes chief of staff of the army. A post he will hold for the next five years. 1930 through the latter part of 1935. This was a really rough time for the United States. The great depression. The stock market had crashed in 1929. Mcarthur has a very turbulent time as chief of staff of the army. Several things go on that contribute to that turbulence. The first is when the stock market crashes, 25 of the unemployment, the country goes into the darkest deepest depression it is ever had and there are a lot of veterans that have been promised bonuses. Promised their first payments in 1945. Several thousand of them march on washington in early 1932 and camp out in southeastern washington on the anacostia flat to ask congress to say we are , destitute and we have nowhere else to go. Can you help us out and advance our bonuses and pay them immediately . The camping became known as a grouping, the Bonus Expeditionary force. In the summer of 1932, macarthur stationed in washington, gives orders to clear out the men against the advice of one of his aides, Dwight David Eisenhower who later becomes president ,. He dons his uniform and goes off to command the troops. The third calvary. Among home one of the officers was george patton. He sent tank and calvary into the anacostia flat and clears it out in a very violent evening. Very few casualties, a few wounded here in their. The pictures of the burning of the camp and the way that the American Army treated veterans of the previous American Army is one of the darker moments in his career. He later tries to paint the Bonus Expeditionary force as a communist uprising. He tries to put the best foot forward on it. This remains one of the more controversial aspects of his career, certainly as chief of staff. The other thing about macarthurs career as chief of staff is budget. This is a leader lesson when we try to teach strategic leadership and exercise of judgment. Not just thinking about the army today but 10 years from now. The army was the largest part of the federal budget. Every year that macarthur was chief of staff but for the last, it took a 10 cut every year. Macarthur quickly had to prioritize. Do i save programs or do i save people . Do i Save Development . Rick arthur made the following choice. He said i can cut programs. He later said i have to save people. He later wrote that the only weapon that cannot be extemporized, is the leadership. Experiencedp the officers and senior personnel in is the foundation for the army in the future if we ever have to go back to war. This is the early 1930s. Hitler has risen in germany. Mussolini is rearming italy. Fascism is on the march. Japan is marching in the far east. There are prospects for war in the future. Who did macarthur keep in the army . Who stayed in . George marshall. Mark clark. Patton. Dwight eisenhower. Collins. In other words, all of the generals. Virtually all of the generals that will fight in the second world war. He also saved research and development. What is developed at this time . The m1 rifle. The thompson submachine gun. The military version. The b17 bomber. The p 40. The p 51. The thunderbolt. All started their development under macarthur. These are the weapons that will be used, the most famous ones that will be used by the American Army to win the second world war. The last impact of macarthur as chief of staff and one of the things he did to find jobs for these people he was maintaining, was macarthur assumed control of a civilian conservation corps. George marshall said later this was his experience with vast mobilization and creating a Mass Movement of people towards one objective. Organizing the camps in illinois. C does is National Park infrastructure. They did all of this public works performed by the civilian conservation corps under the u. S. Army. Remainsdous legacy that visible in our country today and helps preserve our National Treasure during a time of great crisis. Macarthurs tenure as chief of staff of the army was a very positive thing. And it had some negative things things. It was certainly turbulent. But he stays in it for five years. That had been extended a little more than the normal fouryear term. In 1945, there is not really a suitable job for him. He has done everything an army officer can expect to do. Until the philippines called. A place he had it before, a place he enjoyed, a place he had friends. They hire him as their military advisor. Until 1935 they will be independent. 1946 they need someone to advise and create a Philippine Army and who better to do that than the outgoing u. S. Army chief of staff. Macarthur accepts. In the fall of 1935, he leaves washington. As far as he is concerned, he is moving to manila to build the Philippine Army. To live out his days in the philippines. Fate has something completely different in store. You can watch this and other american artifacts programs by visiting our website, cspan. Org history. This weekend on American History tv on cspan roman 3 colin calloway, a history professor at Dartmouth College on native American History from the colonial era through westward expansion. Whohese white folk presented themselves as allies and friends to the future are clearly our enemy. They are occupying our lands with troops, which we were fighting against. By cutting off and refusing gift giving, limiting trade with us, that is a declaration of hostile intent. America, then reel 1966 campaign between pat brown and ronald reagan. Has turned mece inevitably toward the people for the answers to problems, instinctively. I put my faith in the private sector of the economy and believe in the peoples ability to run their own affairs. In every category that tells whether or not californias economy is good is proven that we have done a good job. Sunday morning at 10 00 eastern on road to the white house rewind next tuesday you will go to the polls and make a decision. I think when you make the decision it might be well to ask yourself, are you better off than you were 4 years ago . Our proposals are sound and carefully considered to stimulate jobs, improve the Industrial Complex of this country, create tools for american workers, and be antiinflationary in nature. The 1980 debate between jimmy carter and ronald reagan. At 7 00 a realist would not have devoted life to fighting slavery. A realist would not have said a dissolution of the union for the cause of slavery would be followed by a war from the two separate portions of the union, and the result might be the extrication from slavery from the continent. The progress must be so glorious in the final issue that as god shall judge me i dare not say it is not to be desired. At the New York Historical society, the author of John Quincy Adams ellerton spirit and columnistn discusses John Quincy Adams was a realist and the legacy of the sixth president. For our complete American History tv schedule go to cspan. Org. Cspan is in tucson, arizona to learn more about the citys rich history. Up next, we take you to davismonthan air force base to learn more about the citys military presence. Davismonthan air force base is located in tucson. We visited the base to learn about its history and current mission. Yearshas been over two since i got here. Ive been flying the a10 warthog. 1978 to 1979, we still fly in just that old. They have been built to go low and slow to stop tanks. They have been adapted to the current times. It is now adapted to in all day, all night, medium attitude type fighter. They were used in desert storm where tanks were widely seen. Had 18dron here, we aside assigned

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