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At the library in time for the 250th anniversary of the declaration of independence in 2026. She also responded to questions about how the u. S. Copyright office, which is housed under the library of congress, will be used to protect copyrighted works amid growing use of Artificial Intelligence. The Senate Hearing is about an hour. A number of senators mentioned that they were fans of you and your work, including people from both sides of the aisle. Putting that out there first. Chair klobuchar i think i mentioned this before. Maybe senator phish doesnt know, my dream growing up was to be a librarian. I had a dewy decimal system set up with the books i read in the recipe box. Instead, we are here. We are here, in fact, to discuss the Largest Library in the world and the oldest federal Cultural Institution in the United States. The library of congress. Two weeks ago the library celebrated its 223rd birthday. As we know the library holds over 175 million books, manuscripts, and other materials. It has the Worlds Largest collection of films, sheet music, and sound recordings. Something i was reminded of very memorably when joan ever Joni Mitchell got the gershwin award and Speaker Mccarthy and i were there and several others. It was an incredible two evening for the dinner and then for the major production afterward with so many great artists. And i want to thank you for having the wisdom to decide to honor Joni Mitchell. Im sure was with the committee. In the end dr. Hayden, you had a major role in making that decision and that event work for so many people. Dr. Hayden, you and your dedicated staff play a Critical Role in collecting, preserving, and making this vast collection in the library of congress accessible to the american people. And i learned that you had 370,000 people visited library last year, and 75 increase in events from the fiscal year before. While even more americans accessed your collection online, thats more than 151 million visits online. I think im sure well hear about how the pandemic had its silver lining. Not a lot of good stuff. But at least im sure more people started visiting the library online. I mentioned that joni mitch the event, but your efforts also included celebrating our culture, including lizzo, who lived in my state for many, many years. Thats where shegot her start. She played the James Madison crystal flute at the library last fall. As we approach the end of the librarys fiveyear Strategic Plan and 2019 Digital Strategy, you also dedicated signature effort to modernizing the librarys technology and infrastructure. I know well want to hear about that. One topic that i look forward to hearing more on is the librarys visitors experience master plan. A multiyear proposal which Congress Approved on a significant bipartisan basis in 2019. To improve the Visitor Experience at the library. The plan clues an orientation gallery to guide visitors through the library, learning resources for younger visitors and new displays. As the project moves forward, it is essential that it is done, as you and i have discussed, in a way that respects and preserves the librarys Historic Building modernizing the Copyright Office is a priority for our nation and i appreciate the offices progress in updating its procedures and reducing the average processing time for copyright registration. Another part of the library that we will hear about is the nonpartisan support provided to members of congress and staff by the Congressional Research service, or c. R. S. , which responded to more than 73,000 requests in the last fiscal year from members of congress and its impact extends far beyond congress with thousands of c. R. S. Reports available to the public. Finally, the National Library service for the blind and print disabled as the primary provider of reading material for americans who cannot read print helps to ensure that the librarys resources are available to everyone. Ensuring access to modern braille devices has always been one of my Top Priorities for the library. When i early on got on this committee started working on that. I look forward to hearing more on that work including providing braille ereaders and growing library of nearly 164,000 downloadable braille and audio reading materials. In the end, the library i think we know has this incredible celebrated history and the work that you are doing, dr. Hayden, is vital to the success for generations to come. And that obviously includes your team. Some of whom are sitting behind you. I now recognize our Ranking Member fisher for her opening statement. Thank you, senator fischer. Senator fischer thank you for calling for this hearing. Thank you, dr. Hayden, for being with us this afternoon. I love visiting the lie pwraeurry. And i want to tell you that my staff recently was able to take a field trip and visit the library. They had a tour there and told me about what a wonderful experience they had as well. Thank you for that. I am pleased to be here on the diaz of my first oversight hearing as Ranking Member of this committee. I have been a member since 2017. And in the intervening years the committee has made a point to regularly discuss the librarys modernization efforts during oversight hearings n my view that is a clear testament to the importance of these efforts. The library of congress should strive to be a Global Leader in the management and preservation of information. While also providing free and open access to its collections for all. Keeping up with Technological Developments is a key to accomplishing these goals. Dr. Hayden, you have been serving as the nations librarian since 2016. Certainly you have been busy as the Library Works to improve its services and increase access for its many customers, including the congress, copyright users, researchers, visitors, and the american public. At the forefront of these efforts is the librarys push to modernize its enterprise Wide Information Technology systems. Shortly before you arrived at the library in 2016, the Government Accountability Office Issued a critical report that highlighted serious gaps in the librarys Information Technology infrastructure, and they provided a long list of 107 recommendations. I know that over the last six years the library has made Great Strides in centralizing its i. T. Systems and closing out nearly all of the g. A. O. s recommendations. Im also aware that the library has been leading an exciting project in the Thomas Jefferson building to improve visitor access to its priceless collections. I want to congratulate you, dr. Hayden, on recently hitting 20 million in private pledges for this Visitor Experience project. I look forward to hearing about the details of this endeavor. My hope is that the library will be able to create a Visitor Experience that best serves its customers while also ensuring that the costs are controlled. Finally, i understand that the lie pwraeur has made significant efforts to increase Digital Access library has made significant efforts to increase Digital Access to members of the public. I look forward to hearing more about these efforts and the librarys many other ongoing initiatives during this hearing today. Thank you, madam chair. Chair klobuchar thank you very much, senator fischer. Thank you for your really good opening statement. Our witness today as i noted is library of congress dr. Carla hayden. Dr. Hayden was sworn in as the 14th librarian of congress in september, 2016. After being appointed by president obama and confirmed by the senate in a vote of 7418. Thats pretty good by todays standards. And she is the first woman and the first africanamerican to lead our Nations Library. Dr. Hayden previously served as the c. E. O. Of inna Pratt Free Library in baltimore, maryland beginning in 1993. Earlier in her career she held positions with the museum of science and industry in chicago, university of pittsburgh, and Chicago Public library. Dr. Hayden received her undergraduate degree from Roosevelt University and her master of arts and ph. D. From the university of chicago. Where i also went. Dr. Hayden, if you could please stand and raise your righthand. Do you swear that the testimony you will give before the Committee Shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god . Dr. Hayden i do. Chair klobuchar you can be seated. Well proceed to your testimony and recognize you for a fiveminute opening statement. Dr. Hayden thank you, madam chairwoman and Ranking Member fisher fischer for this opportunity to provide an update on the library of congress and its operations. The library of congress is the Largest Library in the world with a collection of more than 175 million items. And now in the fifth and final year of our current Strategic Plan, the library is looking ahead to a new plan that will build upon our ongoing efforts to expand access and Hand Services to congress and the public and become more digitally enabled. We appreciate the support and interest of this committee as we continue on our more than 220year history as a steward of the National Collection and repository for our shared cultural heritage. In fiscal year 2022, the library responded to hundreds of thousands of reference requests from congress, the public, and other federal agencies. The Congressional Research service or c. R. A. , published nearly 1,100 new products. The u. S. Coppery right Office Issued more than 484,000 registrations. A 16 increase over f. Y. 2021. While bringing the average processing time down from 3. 4 months to about two months currently. Or as little as 1. 2 months for electronic claims requiring no correspondent course. The National Library service for the blind and print disabled or n. L. S. , circulated more than 22 million copies of braille, audio, and large print material to patrons throughout the country. The library returned to normal operations for the visiting public in f. Y. 2022 welcoming approximately 370,000 visitors to our buildings, which are once again buzzing with researchers, visitors, school groups, and tourists. On site events are back at a very robust level and we have launched a new public event series, live at the library, which extends our hours on thursday evenings to provide new opportunities for people to visit our exhibits and connect with our programming. In support of our goal to expand access, the library is moving forward in an exciting way to enhance our physical space. In partnership with the librarys authorization and appropriations committees of jurisdiction and the architect of the capitol, the library is creating an all new Visitor Experience that will invite visitors to discover more of our treasures, programs, and services. The Visitor Experience master plan, which was approved by congress in 2019, includes an orientation gallery that will feature the restoration of Thomas Jeffersons library. A Youth Learning Center where young learners and families can interact with our collections. And for the first time a treasurer gallery to display the wonder, scope, and and history contained in our special collections. The Library Remains committed to ensure this ensuring this project is implemented for the america 250 celebrations in 2026. We are on or under budgets in nearly all library specific components. And in some instances have had to make difficult decisions to simplify Design Elements to ensure a judicious product schedule. While the timeline and significant a. O. C. Construction budget increases recently identified by a. O. C. Are impacted by a number of tpapltors, including general construction escalation costs, the committees direct involvement and unwavering support of the project and that of the acting architect of the capitol, will continue to ensure critical milestones are reached and that we are able to open these wonderful official to the public for the 250th anniversary of the United States. In addition to our inperson official, we have a robust and expanding online presence. Virtual programming and Live Streaming at the library signature events like the National Book festival admit we can reach more people in their homes even as we return to hosting largescale, inperson programs. Our Web Properties recorded over 151 million visits in f. Y. 2022. One of our most popular programs, the veterans history project, now has more than 114,000 individual collections accessible online through a new modern website. And our by the people Transcription Program increased its outreach footprint, enlisting members of the public to complete over 500,000 transcriptions since 2018. And all of this serves to make items in the collection more discoverable online. Yes, modern i. T. Initiatives are under way in several key Library Service units. This includes efforts to upgrade the technology in c. R. S. And to develop a Modern Library collections platform to manage our holdings. And im pleased to report that we have launched two key components of the New Enterprise copyright system a. New copyright public records system, and the first ever Electronic System to record and update information about copyright ownership. They are all live to the public and we are receiving positive feedback. The development for the next generation copyright Registration System has begun, and we have also release add major upgrade of the braille and audio reading down load system for the blind and disabled readers. To conclude, the library is excited about the progress thats been made and we are moving steadily ahead with the work that remains to be done. As always, we remain committed to providing you, congress, with excellent service. I thank you for your continued interest and support. I would be pleased to take any questions you may have. Chair klobuchar thank you very much, dr. Hayden. We have been joined by senator welch, shes been moved up from his new guy slot. I figure since hes been in congress as long as i have, he was over in the other house. We are pleased that he is here for his first oversight hearing of the library of congress. Why dont we start with Visitor Experience master plan. Which i noted has bipartisan support in congress. This new space we are excited to hear about some of the new projects you mentioned. Can you talk about the goals of the plan, if its progressing on time. And in your written testimony you said that the projects in the plan will not impact the historic great hall reading room nor the library supportive onsite research. What steps is the library taking to ensure any changes are consistent with Historic Preservation standards and are you committed to ensuring that any concerns in this area are fully considered . As you know my own husband asked me about the historic circulation desk, he doesnt usually inquire about matters of oversight in the rules committee, i felt that i should ask that question. As you know he is a big user of the library as a law professor and author. How is the plan going . And talk a little bit about that historic standard. Dr. Hayden we continue to be very excited about this project because it will transform the constituents experience in visiting the library. At the same time respecting and preserving the historic Thomas Jefferson building. And the project has three parts. The current gift shop will be converted into an education center. Back of house space thats no longer needed for its original purpose will be converted to an orientation gallery. And both of these spaces are designated by the a. O. C. As renovation zones rather than Historic Restoration or preservation zones, unlike the great hall or the main reading room. Chair klobuchar thats for groups coming . Dr. Hayden groups, individuals. There will be a welcome area. Also will be a gateway from the capitol visitor center. Because we received thousands of visitors coming directly from the capitol visitors center. We have been seeing them recently with the reopening of the capitol visitor center. You have groups, individuals. Chair klobuchar wheres the gift shop . Not that i care. For the record. Dr. Hayden the gift shop will actually be on two sides of the great hall. And that will be the structures that will be the same. Glass. We are working with and have worked with the architect of the capitol, they will sit on the floor of the room. So they are not attached to anything on the walls or anything like that. So the gift shop will move in. Where that gift shop is currently will be converted into the education center. And then the third space, the third part is the treasurers gallery, which uses existing exhibit space. Its directly across from where we put in exhibits that are temporary, like the current exhibit about voluntary art associations. The treasures gallery, a learning center. Chair klobuchar whats the timetable for all of this . Dr. Hayden the timetable. The treasures gallery is scheduled to be one of the first of the three elements to open in 2024. And exhibit fabrication has begun. Exhibit cases. The gift shop will also open in 2024. On both wings of the great hall. The youth center is scheduled to open in the fall of 2025. And we have been working very closely with focus groups of young people, including a number of congressional kids and grandkids, and they have been directly involved in this project. And very candid about their thoughts. And they have selected the name for the center to be, the source. Its targeted for basically aeupblgts 7 ages 7eleven in particular. Orientation space is scheduled to open in 2026 in tandem with the celebration of the america 250. And that will include Thomas Jeffersons library, a look into the stacks for the visitors who often say where are the books when they come in. They will get a chance to see one section of the 836 miles of shelving that the library of congress has. So they will be taught about that. And new space to tell the story of the library of congress. And those are the main components. Chair klobuchar very good. Copyright questions that are a little less fun than this but i will save those and allow my colleagues to go forward. Senator fischer. Senator fischer thank you, madam chair. Dr. Hayden, the Visitor Experience master plan it requires a Crucial Partnership with the architect of the capitol. As the architect is responsible for the maintenance of all Library Buildings and grounds, as well as major projects. Can you speak to the librarys working relationship with the architect of the capitol and the a. O. C. Staff on the Visitor Experience project . What does your Partnership Look like. Dr. Hayden you are correct that we have worked very closely with the a. O. C. On this project from the very beginning. And i am in regular contact personally with the acting architect of the capitol, the 2. 5 months that shes been in the position. Shes opened lines of communication that we really needed to have. We are very concerned about projected cost and schedule overruns. As i was giving the projections of when things would open, we are very concerned because we feel we have given the architect of the capitol needed information to start some of their free construction and construction work. And we havent increased the scope or complexity of any of the designs in any way. So when we were given, for instance, a cost estimate on the a. O. C. Side last month, and its changed significantly in one month. We are really looking forward to working more closely to find out mrs. Fischbach on the library side he we are on budget. So this is the major concern, sometimes frustration that were having that we are pleased that our architect of the capitol has taken hold of it. Senator fischer i hope that you will feel that you can discuss some of the challenges that you may have in the future. This is such an important project. It would be great to get it done on time to be able to celebrate our 250th anniversary with it. And my recommendation would be and of course we would have to work with the chair on there as well to be able to find if there are any ways the committee and staff could be of help to you in moving forward on this when you may reach those big bumps in the road and those challenges ahead. So i certainly want to see this project completed and done in a responsible way, because i believe your past leadership has shown you capable of doing that. And we want to be helpful. Dr. Hayden we would deeply appreciate your support in this effort, because before the pandemic the library inperson visits of over two Million People coming and starting to come become. And to be able to welcome them with the librarys history is our goal. Senator fischer the library is a treasure for us all. A couple of quick answers. Who at the library is responsible for overseeing the daytoday coordination and management of the master plan project . And is there a project management officer . Dr. Hayden there are a number of Staff Members that are involved, including our operating officer and the staff that works regularly with the architect of the capitol and the management of the buildings. The chief exhibit designer and the person who is bridged not only internal workings but working with the architect of the capitol and the design folks for exhibits is dana manned will. She worked for the National Historical society. So she is well versed in that. Senator fischer i hope to ask you more questions in the next round. Senator klobuchar thank you. That Atlanta Museum is well known. Amazing to go through that. Thats great. And i want to mention senator fisc hmp er we are making sure there is more accountability than there has been in the past. We are pleased with the work with the architect of the capitol and introducing legislation today that is bipartisan and bicameral with the house leaders, representative style and morelle to take the architect of the capitol and that never was in the jurisdiction of the capitol as it should. So we will be making the decisions of who is hired for that job and have accountability to us, which makes sense and we think that will help with the coordination issues that you are referring to. So the fact that it has such broad support from our leaders and all of us i think is a good sign. So, thank you. Senator welch. Well well welcome we have had access of the library and beneficiaries of some extraordinary experience there. Lots of folks who dont have the opportunity to make the trip here. I wanted to talk to you about that, because i do think that is a tremendous mechanism by which to expand the reach and access of the extraordinary collections at the library to vermonters and folks all across the country. Could you aliberty on that, what is involved . What we can do to enhance and what kinds of things are in reach through the process . Dr. Hayden one of the Lessons Learned and opportunities during the pandemic was our ability to have virtual programming that had a certain level of excellence as well. And we were able to perfect our and use some of our existing multi media staff to record vid yeahs, to be able to do Live Programming and thats continuing and we have seen an uptick with programs like the National Book festival. One day before the pandemic 200 people in the pandemic, we still had programming and reached people in every state and worldwide. So we will continue august 12 with the inperson and the virtual programming. That thursday live at the library that i mentioned before is the new way to do it and thats also being able to be live streamed and watch on our website afterwards and make sure we push out through social medias. The concerts that the library has, the classical concerts and jazz, they are being broadcast out. So the Digital Access and the programming has really expanded our reach and seen such an uptick of people viewing online whenever they can. You dont have to be there in person. Senatory welch you mean like a program . Dr. Hayden yes. 175 myriad items we have digitized 61 million items that are available and something we were able to do during the pandemic and digitize the collections of 23 president s from George Washington to calvin coolidge, the papers of rosa parks. Those collections are available for anyone to look at. We have some collections that are rightsfree that are on that. So what we are not putting on are things covered by copyright or but the manuscripts we are digitizing. We had during the pandemic and continue, the transcription part with the public and hundreds of thousands of items were transcribed like letters to abraham lincoln. You can go and see the it and the transcription that you can probably read. So all of this makes the collections come alive and digitized the unique things, Teddy Roosevelts diary is. Senator welch i yield back. Senator klobuchar ill finish up with a few more. Senator fischer just a short question, dr. Hayden, library is looking at the final year of the current fiveyear Strategic Plan, can you talk about the success of the implementation and what benefits are the library and users going to see as a result of this . Dr. Hayden this is the fifth and final year of our final plan and it put the users in every part of the library. The congress, the creators, connectors and learners at the heart of what we do and it guided us how we reach out to our customers, how we measure success and also how we bring in the digital aspect to reach them. We started this past summer on the new Strategic Plan and one kiting part of it we have come so far with the digitially enabling aspect from the previous plan. We had a separate Digital Strategy from the Strategic Plan. Now the Digital Strategy is going to be integrated in and our chief information officer, a cybersecurity expert, technology is baked into everything we do. So that will be a wonderful part of this. We will be ready to launch the new fiveyear plan on october 1. And we will be briefing the committees and everything before that. It is really an exciting time because digital is part of everything. Senator fischer it is. Thank you very much. Senator klobuchar my promise copyright questions that i know you have been waiting for. Very simple area. Last year, the Copyright Office fully rolled out its Online Filing system as part of its improvement to improve Processing Systems of those seeking a copyright. The office further reduced average processing times, which was one of the major goals for copyright applications by nearly a month down from 3. 4 to 27. 7 months. What are you doing to process applications and can you briefly explain the importance of the Copyright Offices work including licensing and Available Online. Go into the amount of time and what you are doing to try and reduce time. Dr. Hayden the processing time is significant and was major effort because the processing time and this is even during the pandemic decreased from 3. 4 months down to 2. 7 and has fallen even more and two months and 98 of the applications are now being filed electric tronically. And 85 of the applications for registration were received with electronic deposits. The backlog of physical claims that existed before the pandemic had been eliminated. The recordation pilot and the public records were made available to the public. And we have had an opportunity to make millions of record book pages Available Online and that was before totally in print. And we released hundreds of thousands of application cards. And so when you think about the outreach and what the Copyright Office has been able to do in terms of using technology, they are well on their way with their i. T. Modernization and they have a public Advisory Board that has been reviewing along the way their efforts and being part of the testing. We are looking at that as a model for the c. R. S. Efforts. Senator klobuchar i know that the staffing on the c. R. S. Side as well. I was going to bring that up. Its going to be really important, maybe ill end with that. I have another copyright question. In march, the Copyright Office launched a new initiative to examine copyright law i assume you are going to solve our Artificial Intelligence questions. In truth, i have been pushing people from the white house to our my fellow members of congress in briefings both closed door and open that we want to make sure one of the major goals of any rules that we adopt, whether its the administration or through congress which i think we will have to pass laws as soon as possible that we include some of the protection of intellectual property and now whether that is copyrighted news stories or whether that is movies or any kind of copyrighted material while there is an exception under section 230, so there could be regarding copyrighted material, there are facts and loose playing when it comes to content online and why some of these major platforms, and im very concerned about that Going Forward since innovation and ideas and American Leadership in that area has been one of the keke to our success and losing that no matter how desirable n. I. A. Is which we understand the importance of that but losing that right over new ideas and innovation could be devastating to our economy and way in life. In your view, how is the office doing in terms of keeping pace with Technology Challenges posed by copyright applications involving Artificial Intelligence . How can we be helpful snl. Dr. Hayden the Copyright Office is very aware of the developments with a. I. Technology. They are reviewing more and more applications for works created by a. I. They also have rejected claims for copyright protection on works or portions generated by a. I. On the grounds that copyright requires human authorship and looking how a. I. Is going to affect the entire a. I. System, ingetion of large volumes of work for Machine Learning and the register of copyright joined the director of the u. S. Patent and Trademark Office in a letter describing their initiatives and activities. Both agencies are working very hard. And just this march, the office of copyright launched a comprehensive initiative including guidance to those seeking to register works and hosted a series of events and been a key note at several of these events assessing it. And they are sole ising Public Comments and notice of inquiry. They are making their own office, like how they can extract data. And so they know that the speed of a. I. Is going to affect their work, so they have also been involved in some federal litigation and they even have issued a letter cancelling a registration which was later found out not to have been authored. He they are very involved. Senator klobuchar my last question. Senator haggerty has arrived. And questions about music and music modernization act Bipartisan Legislation and i supported it in 2018 to update the music licensing process and making it easier for songwriters to get compensated. The Copyright Office proposed a new rule supported by songwriters to clarify that songwriters should receive loyalty from streaming services if they have regained the rights to their music. What do you expect the copyright when do you expect the Copyright Office to issue a final rule on this matter . Dr. Hayden thank you for the question, because it is an open rulemaking and the Copyright Office must follow the procedures set up under the administrative procedures act, so i wont be able to give any definitive on the timing. I would like to refer you to the Copyright Office for the response. They can provide a response for the record. Senator klobuchar thank you very much, dr. Hayden. Senator haggerty. Thank you for opening on my topic. Senator hagerty it was nice to be with you last night and thank you for the hospitality and thank your Youth Leadership council, too. To go back to the topic of music, talk with you about the United States Copyright Office. It has a unique role in ensuring the responsible implementation of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. While it offers benefits, its increasing presence doesnt come without draw backs. Tennessee is home to a lot of songwriters and artists. Artificial intelligence cloned the, drake and the weeknd. My question growing the pervasiveness of a. I. , how does it protect use of voices of performing artists . Dr. Hayden the Copyright Office is very aware of the impact of a. I. They are now projecting claims to copyright or portions of works generated by a. I. And thats on the grounds that copyright requires human authorship. They also are looking at the impact of a. I. On the broader system. And they are working with u. S. Patent and Trademark Office as well regarding these initiatives. Its something that they are keenly aware of and registrar of copyrights is very involved. Senator hagerty we go into detail, the decision by the Copyright Office that the work cannot be registered if it is made without any contribution from a human being, a human actor. Please clarify that for us . Dr. Hayden i may not be able to clarify it as carefully as the registrar and she can provide that for you for the record. We understand that the current copyright requires human authorship. And the level is what is also senator hagerty i appreciate you coming back. Thank you for the leadership. Also in march, the Copyright Office issued a statement to clarify its practices for examining and registering works that contain the materials used by a. I. And will play a significant role in the creative process. I very much appreciate the activity there at the Copyright Office of launching new Intelligence Initiative in march of this year. And my hope is, dr. Hayden, you will continue to maintain your attention to this important matter. Im sure you will. It isnt an issue that applies to the music industry. It represents a more set of complex issues that we have to address as a nation when we deal with Artificial Intelligence as it proliferates. I think you have an Important Role to play and leadership role that affects my state and an industry that is very important. So thank you for your leadership there. Senator klobuchar thank you very much, senator haggerty. We have to go vote at this moment, but i wanted to thank you, dr. Hayden, it we covered many of the topics i introduced and will put questions on the record about your work with the blind as well as the work i mentioned on staffing with c. R. S. But i am grateful for you being here today and sharing that you have done and modernizing and increase Public Access to the Nations Library while preserving its rich history and makes clear that the library is a place for everyone, whether it is many visitors and i love your goals of getting those numbers up. We have seen a major increase since last year but we want to share it with more people and we hope the changes you are making that you are positive about, as i am well with the changes to have a Welcome Center and source and will be the reason people havent been there for a while to return to the library congress. We also as noted by senator haggerty honor songwriters and protect their work in the library of congress and with the Copyright Office. We delve in the history and my husband has written books as a law professor and come to the librarys beautiful exhibits like Thomas Jeffersons collection of books. I continue to work with my colleagues to support the library as noted by our Ranking Member. I thought it was very important that you want to proceed with this project and get whatever obstacles out of your way and get it done. The obstacles arent obstacles but may be the path and coming to us for help and support your library and dedicated employees. Thank you very much. The hearing will remain open for a week and we are adjourned. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2023] captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org

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