As well aetta hunnicutt who teaches a class about baseball during the Great Depression. For today, based on American History. And specifically today we will focus on what i call baseball during the Great Depression. A lot of things that have been ten when developing throughout the semester in one of my classes as you can learn by looking at baseball and were going to see that inaction today suddenly start with the things for lecture today, and looking at the age of baseball and until you what that is a little bit of that is not a familiar word for you. Also with journalism another media and this is in sports during the Great Depression romania pretty in relationship emerging in baseball and the media and you can see some of the origins of that during the semester but here kind of reaches the pinnacle and also depression on baseball and this tremendous event for the entire nation it happened we understand that event by looking at baseball then of course what is this and why did i choose that word during this era in baseball and how does it reflect baseballs response to the Great Depression. And then of course what role did baseball play during the Great Depression and in general. In keeping with the theme of the class coming can learn about American History in baseball. And finally, as a case study during sarah, the thing that stands out is what we see in baseball during the Great Depression. And babe ruth is still around and certainly the figures dominating the sports business guy larry and hes kind pinnacle at valley view and the Great Depression. And now, first, we were just a little bit along the way he became popular was when coverage by the writers in particular been going to dive deeper into that and see that phenomenon and what is going on here and do understand the media without each other and sports in general, specifically baseball. In one of the first pictures who uncover sports, he was a weekly published in 1831 in new york city. Also had leadership in these were the people with ties to actually read the newspaper. An average circulation of about 22000, with a piece about 40000 prescribers in this era is a bestseller and the cover of a variety sports, everything from what you called baseball christmas. [inaudible]. And i have a list of all kinds of things. So why am i bothering to tell you about this and what it is the significance of the spirit of the times paper is all sorts of statistics about baseball. Another sports as well which kind of gives use a sense early on there was something about the numbers that attracted people but more importantly, it was the ways that you could translate watching this work into print. And all of a sudden, while, even if they couldnt be there to watch it they would read it in sois journalism was so significant in the birth of baseball and you might remember that i mentioned gold the relationship, is also true that as journalists needed copies to track to the newspaper baseball turned out to be a good test for that so the two kind of grew up together. And a little note, the spirit times is one of the first to cover any kind of sports and you might remember the now weeks and weeks ago when we talk about this baseball is what i would call the sporting approach which is when sporting had a kind of a different meaning that it does now and had more to do with ideas about what the man dead and is all about the masculinity. And then you would connect baseball to that in other words, this is more like young upcoming men in all kind of aggressive activities to prove how strong they were. We see this little bit later when we see the coverage of sports. And now this is firm one of the spirit of the times 1957 and one of first interviews ever of a baseball game. And you can see the kind of embedded together and some of the early seasons of the sport itself. Now another paper and ill mention a handful of these we will uncover all the possible points, just a handful. The other one is new york clipper and this one was the important publication until about 18 50 50 three 9024, and it shows the new york city, not too shocked by this and also organization it is a major foundation. For the growth of baseball and of journalism so the new york citys quickest organizing cities in the time and no surprise a lot of this is happening there. This is the first newspaper to ever cover any entertainment. Now remember how for a long time this was not something admired or something youre supposed to be engaged in unless you are middle class worker you were supposed to be here i will get a low bit closer. So the reason why entertainment was such a big issue if you are middle class workers must be working hard, not goofing off during your off hours commercials about the necessity working away at the corporate ladder and earning money and we talked about baseball distraction from that because there wasnt time yet the growth of the sport great with that leisure time and we see that in the pages the new york clipper. One key thing to draw and here is this is the figure henry and we talk about him before offering them up again because is important. The father of baseball is his nickname. But whats interesting about that is that he is called the father baseball but he never place the sport much. So how does that work, that is because he is the guy who did things like perfect the box score and publish it in the newspaper, is in his paper to cover baseball, bring attention to it rated so its kind of ironic that the guy was called the father of baseball that actually is a journalist. I thank you so important, such an interconnection between sports and journalism and really important effects during the Great Depression. Now, is a kind of alluded to, plays a key role in popularizing baseball among other activities of course nasa cover things like dance, football, enough of off music that football and music, handlers, theater and all kinds of entertainment. And if you had a circulation of about 25000, many people reading this rated. And by 1894 in had switched entirely to the entertainment road and interestingly, if any of you have interest entertainment, by 1924, new york clipper emerges into the general variety which is still around today which is important about entertainment. An element talks more specifically about baseball journalism, we had a few precursors, the spirit of the times and among the key publications, related to baseball was one called the sporting news. It emerges in 1886, and out a new era in baseball close of the workforce has become quite popular and becoming a force in American Culture read in the sporting news would publish so much information baseball the many became to call it the bible of baseball and that you could not be in their mistreating sporting news and founded by a man named alfred. And it he was originally the director of the st. Louis browns that he emerges from baseball sports but had also previously the journalist writing for newspaper called the Missouri Republican sort of the words hes converging the two worlds that he experienced in. And the things really take a turn for his brother charles in 1887, not because charles became one of the most effective sports journalists in history of the profession one of the things he did was help circulation it was a sample copy campaign one of the first to say eight tried out and people would read it and they would say its great braided he engaged anna and an advertising gimmick and so he increases from 40000 in october of 1880, to just humans later, over 56000, pretty good increase in short period of time and it continued after and they had so many requests for advertising kathy had to expend paper five times in one year and grow from eight pages 12 pages. And you see here that the growing maturity of the sport, not only that now the game you played, or game you go watch played in a stadium, but also now a media business. For those who were covering the journalist, also can make a career and this is on the sport two. For instance, it was a sporting news that broke the story about the players, in fact the league, and you remember this was getting a clause where players felt like they were not able to exercise enough autonomy over their own salary negotiations over their own where to play and whom they would pay it and play for another conditions, they had very little power. And it would also have a competitor to the National League and so theyre weighing in on some really big issues in the development of the sport. And now its also interesting that one of the editors would actually dropped a National Agreement which was basically a peace pact between the Market League National League to create a baseball set so that a sporting news, such a key part in the development of the sport itself. By 1900, basically only cover baseball. And if you are a serious sports fan, this is what you read and covered the sport all over the nation. And so it allowed even if you lived in one area, we could still follow your Favorite Team in another area entirely. Each week and provided scores for every baseball game played in the majorleague, and numerous minor leagues. And hence the bible the baseball think, it provided all of that they think you needed and also printed weekly report on each majorleague Baseball Team and that was usually written by kind of a local reporter that Baseball Team. So they incorporated this whole nate network of agents and fighters. And really originated, thing to this is still around. I know my husband is it dodgers fan and he still reads the la times every morning to find out whats going on for dodgers. This is really the growth of the sport and a whole another of it, advancing into journalism. So the significance here, and i wanted to to take away from this is that basically journalism in sports were often intertwined and that is no different today. You think of todays relationship between the sports teams and media and broadcasting, lots of money involved read every majorleague team is like billions of dollars for the contract with the Media Companies and key part of the revenue and that originates well over 100 years ago. So little bit more, will wrap up, also having his own role to play in sports journalism and he just kind of cranks and into overdrive basically. This is the guy who works seven days a week six nights a week, i guess he takes one night off per week. And he is contacting it is correspondence who were providing at the data about baseball games all the nation and sounds like hes up all hours of the day. This guy, of course hes running the paper in the 1940s. He now has access to telephone, telegraph, buckley bills 1400 rated that was really excessive at that time. He had in total tutor 50 correspondence that he was communicating with to provide the coverage. He would send out telegrams and calling them at 4 00 a. M. And continue to send copies overseas to American Forces over in europe in world war i and the American League he convinced them to buy 150,000 subscriptions for the chiefs overseas. And before the war, they only had 75000 subscriptions so this is a huge increase. So credit tapped into now, the war effort and by way of support our soldiers so they can keep check of baseball than just kind of shows you the connections between baseball and american identity. Well, his impact on baseball and ill say more about the allstar game in a little bit but i wanted huge collaborate the first allstar game in 1933, and that was the Chicago Tribune to hold the fans from the beginning the allstar games was entwined with journalism and they were the ones with fans at the starting lineup. It is also additionally one of those who rejected my baseball that came to supportive but here you see the sports journalists weighing in on numbers issues rated and of course during world war ii, theres a lot of baseball happening, because of many of the soldiers leaving baseball to go fight in the war. So we have that added a few other sports to help the circulation of the paper, there is a problem they had, its all good if you cover only baseball and whats going on but the other part is im going on than what you do pretty so they do eventually convert other sports eventually the sporting news in the late 1970s, but of course if you study journalism at all you know the rise of the National Sports team in the 1980s, adding another confidential websites by the 1990s. That weakens the dominance it does not last forever they have available online, and of course the success of television was another problem because now people could watch games they could not only read about it. A lot of things have changed. And now one of the way that weve seen the past in the media on baseball. In radio and what is interesting here is the owners initially reject the idea broadcasting games on the radio. So you have coverage but why not radio and why were the owners initially reject that idea. Of course maybe you could probably figure it out, how many people show up to the ballpark if you broadcast the baseball from radio and now the owners are excepting that possibility but you have your first radio broadcast, in pittsburgh in 1921, and is quickly followed by the yankees world series being broadcasted in 1921, the first on the people all of the country could experience the same baseball game at the same time. But the greatest growth in 1930, hence the Great Depression. Radio is essentially one way to attend games for free ill say more about the depression a little bit and why this is so important that you could amount can well imagine, so many lost their jobs, the economy and then a sense of crisis and a whole host of reasons. And you can attend a game for free on the radio, really reflected the depression era economy and really supported the popularity and in fact by 1939, all of majorleague teams broadcast their games. Particularly once i figured out they could get paid for the right to do so and can offer the right to broadcast a game to Radio Station and exchange for contract payment. And to make it work for everybody what they learned within was potentially broadcasting it on the radio helped popularize majorleague Baseball Teams even amongst fans who did not attend games. You had a broader reach on you didnt only reach the fans who attended the games are only the fans who read the newspaper now your reaching cancer might mean it is for the radio. So certainly what is happening here imports of media and American Culture but also a sense of a shared national culture. And now even if you lived in another city, and senior really enjoyed you could perhaps catch the radio broadcast of your Favorite Team. In one of the first baseball broadcast was this gentleman, harold there would be many more. And now, most of what ive said so far would be true most many of them want to hone in on a particular group who circumstances were sometimes unique and worthy of study as well and that is the experience of black journalists and baseball. And i start with this theme, by the time he reached the late 19 and even into the 20th century, the key aims in black history is the racial uplift that okay, theres new era of freedom but of course the renamed a significant amount of white racism, exclusion, segregation, jim crow laws and 70 black communities they said doesnt do anything to further justify any kind of white animosity against africanamericans. They call that racial uplift do everything you can to uplift the race in one of the things was journalism and were back to new york city the center baseball in some ways the center of journalism. In one key editor of the publication of quizzes gentlemen, last year walton and especially in the early teens and essentially much like Henry Chadwick had popularized baseball among kind in the middle class americans, last year walton would do the same for the africanamericans by sensually covering the sport in the pages of his newspaper realizing its significance in Building Communities for africanamericans and now a couple things i cant resist mature because were talking about him, a cultural figure for a lot of reasons and in 1913, anyway one of the first lie dont like the phrase as Political Correctness that hes the one who said that they should have negro which is a common term with a capitol and thereby making it designated people group he was successful in that and theres just kind of a small step and they were playing so many roles but why does he take that issue, his overall goal of course was the inclusion and recognition and the role of the africanamericans in American Society would later on have a political race to cat resistance, work for the Democratic National committee with u. S. Ambassador to liberia and served on the near city commissioners human rights and particularly are served as the commissioner of the United States and segregating housing. So find it interesting that what all is he is doing and suggesting, baseball is part of that and he sees that is another key part of American Culture that africanamericans should embrace and would benefit their communities. And what we know more about him. He worked behind the scenes, he did a lot of records and his race and that all had let us to know very little bit about Lester Walton who was a very important figure in American History during this time and another sports journalist, youve seen the movie 42, will be watching that later this semester and look forward to that. Was journalist Wendell Smith and he grew up in detroit and let me tell you back story little bit pretty started his career in baseball is a very talented pitcher. They wanted to sign him, as early as 1933 but they could not through the segregation policy and majorleague baseball novel gentlemens agreement emerging in the 18 80s work on majorleague teams agree not to sign any black players. So when he is essentially excluded from playing the majorly, eventually turns to sports journalism instead. And the pittsburgh courier one of the largest black newspapers. In pittsburgh courier is one of these and by 1937 and one of the things he does that was so important, is he didnt become docketing the sport among Many Americans for and among the teams themselves to integrate players into majorleague baseball that has a role to play in the eventual decisions of Branch Rickey who he worked with with the dodgers, i. E. Jacky robinson so here you have the sports journalist play key role one of the most important decisions in the history of majorleague baseball. So i guess what im arguing is black journalism ways and on baseball that i would argue at that point that in the immigration of the entire nation. Okay, one more figure to talk about, actually two more then will move on to our next topic and one of the figures, so schmidt was an journalist, fisherman maxwell, better known as one of the first regular announcers for the negro league. In fact he is called the Jacky Robinson of Sports Broadcasting pretty he became the first africanamerican it to broadcast baseball. And now, in his journey to become a black he was turned down 25 times rated by a variety of Radio Stations and finally he got into nj are and got a five minute spot by 1920 and later on it would expand to 15 minutes and was on the ad. And during that he interviewed a lot of sports celebrities. But by the 1930s and the 40s he started calling in for the new york single led by the sports journalist and he also wrote stories for the ledger, which published some of his commentary on baseball that is pretty rare for white owned newspaper read any actually never got paid by the Radio Station for the work he did. But he did receive money from advertisers from playing the products on the air thats kind of fascinating story there and many had described it as the most and africanamerican throughout the history in this era read some other words, it wasnt just of the era. And now one other and i can do so many but the last one, one mark just to add a whole other dimension of what is happening here. His name was fred oshima annies whole other wing of sports journalism. He was a sportswriter for the San Francisco tribune which in the english newspaper for japaneseamericans and essentially covered in japanese american Baseball Teams, thats what he did pretty he would later write for a whole different newspaper which was newspaper published in a center the japanese incarceration camps during world war ii rated right and then later a camp in arkansas is one of the words the japaneseamericans, many you learn about this in your High School Classes and will learn more about it in a couple of weeks where you have well over 100,000 japanese americans in the camps in case they might be a danger. And he is covering baseball. He essentially what he was able to do any American Teams before and after World War Two so imagine that even while youre incarcerated it, for no cause all really, he is covering baseball. And he did so because he claimed that baseball had such a sense of communities for marginalized groups especially in these camps. It will go into more detail in a couple of weeks we focus on the issue particular these camps, you had a whole variety of teams that played. And one way to spend your time, and internment camp when there was not much else to do. So these are people like fred oshima we have coverage like that but before we turn i want to say one more thing, another way that baseball journalism and baseball in general, assisted in developing that community, attending the baseball games in the 1930s, they handed out flyers organizing boycotts against businesses that would not hire Asian Americans during the Great Depression. A lot of businesses arent that Great Depression, the targeted foreigners, immigrants and were not hire them as a baseball games was something where they tried to help the businesses do that and thus not by things from them if they wont hire workers from our community. Okay want to delve into the Great Depression in particular. To talk about its impact on baseball, only journalism, and that was specifically the Great Depression. And i started with basic introduction encino were talking about. I love what it conveys about what happened during the Great Depression. Generally affecting the country and i will go into all of the details and causes and whatnot. My economist that is not very strong but, what i can tell you is that basically a much lower gross margin product right, even everything the u. S. Produces and then they devastate that, in the 1920s, maybe a bad year but generally things were going pretty well. And this is the upside down and. [inaudible]. And then he goes off of the cliff and economic of prediction goes to a halt and this translates to an appointment and sometimes 50 80 percent and the nation citys design is 33 percent nationwide and sometimes even higher and what does that mean. If you are unemployed, your inviting newspapers, this gets harder and this was a challenge for baseball and a challenge from nation to create a huge sense of crisis in the country. How will we surround this tremendous economic challenge to provide to look at how baseball is reflecting the sense of crises in this tremendous economic times. Now journalism, and in some ways baseball was during the depression right and so if you could, and other things in pain you cannot analyze movies in the same way the people went to the movies during the depression. So reading a newspaper about baseball is another way and professional teams were alive and drawing fans and how you get people into the sea to get newspaper coverage and all but look at this, newspapers relied on baseball coverage to sustain the readership. In fact we find that baseball and the general sports section, 30 percent of some newspapers rated thats what kept the people buying the newspapers, the Sports Coverage and i guess maybe they were too interested in reading the news, his dreary. But they wanted to look at the baseball, more fun to read about on these newspapers really emphasized that. But in terms of the challenges in the depression and, majorly baseball reflects what is going on throughout the country. Higher attendance than majorly baseball. So by 1933, theres only 6 million and the me to start with 40 percent collapse in a revenue is very difficult to survive as a business and baseball was struggling. The financial loss was immense and most teams lost money in the millions which was a lot of money that it today, still a lot of money but then, astronomical amount. The salaries of rosanna, sometimes they would be slashed up to 50 percent. Take us from 80000 down to 30000 word and reduced from 25 down to 23 players the roster was reduced to and what were seeing as how baseball is reflecting the reduction in the workforce generally. That would have all kinds of ramifications. All right, we know the dire situation, how does baseball respond and let me start with the concept of something called the ballyhoo and ballyhoo connected to baseball, meanwhile, they will added into baseball and it is defined a vigorous attempted to in the customers and cause blatant advertising or publicity. So in the graphs attempt to get the customers to in todays media you get oddballs on your webpage, or similar publicity, but this somehow is kind of crazy, is vigorous and inyourface and kind of like the circus that make sense right, pure familiar with this it is kind of loud and inyourface. And ballyhoo is a nickname for a side show that would attract attention and anything you can do to attract attention. And all kinds of unusual looking people to endure the fans. For baseball would not be the only one. During this era, part of that was getting people back into the movie theaters know something is a really want have a stable income, how can you get them to spend their money and now their funds dominated in the 20s to a course and talk pieces with the recalled 1930s. There will be a few colored films like you can see this at the end of the decade in another attempt to wow the audiences. And another one i love, the dance off was another popular one and this one i found fascinating, example this is during the era where he give fans come watch people dance for like hours and hours on end. And see who would be the last one to drop, this is another crazy event that happened during the depression. As a chance to get a payday to make money somehow. So the sponsors was advertising getting people to buy their newspapers. Okay but what about baseball, but it baseball do. And kind of reflecting the Great Depression. Well, they started out with you makes much of wes in which today, i cant help but to reflect on the fact that i happen to be a fan, big dodger fan in our family and we know about all kinds of special days at dodgers stadium, star wars day, that the most popular one in my house and all kinds of famed days. And that was very different than during the Great Depression but thats when it originated. And it might be a particular town, ladies days and all kinds of gimmicks tina target of the people you want to get into the seats and thats what theyre using to sell the tickets this of the first kind of early emergence of some kind of ballyhoo in baseball. And then the mvp award in 1931, kind of the whole value of the event printed and chosen by baseball journalist, they were the ones that voted on this. But it is a way to keep attention on the sport even in the offseason. Any get more more creative to market the sport. In the first allstar game in 1933, in some ways it and eventually come to that but some of them, they also were just players who had retired could no longer earn a living, they got together and agreed to play this allstar game to raise money for them. Very much reflective of the reality of the Great Depression so even todays all star game originated during the Great Depression during crisis to raise money for people the Baseball Community in need. But he has a long term impact on baseball. So the initial attempts by baseball, get those players into the stands, and effort in trying to reflect for escapism. But also the impact of the depression had on American Culture and in business. This is the broader culture, the movies and dance marathons in all of this. And now the leaks face particular challenges during the Great Depression that were the invention. Africanamerican are more readily qualified. And i dont want too much because remember the media programs will revolutionize black communities as well the still the remaining great need among black families even more likely than white families. Part of that was due to the last hired first fired mentality in fact traditional jobs that influence been dominated by the black workers, your manual labor type of jobs on the street sweepers in the cities, doorman at the hotels, though slowly but surely got taken over by white laborers. So unemployment rates were higher among africanamericans. And then they started negro league and then they had more pressure to integrate the major league in front baseball dead greeted and five years before major league stood in the 1930s and they would sleep in the buses. And focused even more on entertaining the fans even earlier than Major League Baseball did, another fun one was shot of all. This kind of a valid thing, the negroes perfected it and shadow ball was an activity that many of the players would engage in prior to the game where they would essentially penalize playing the baseball game, they would pretend like there was bob there was a ball, they would have during catches and all of these pretend entertainments. In some of them incentives, metaphor for what was happening to the negro league, they were not really allowed it the inclusion and respect they deserved even given the very high level of playing. They also adopted an allstar game pattern it after allstar games for similar reasons to raise funds to support players needed especially during the time. Now, other innovations during the depression era. And there are many, i think you might be surprised at how much the sport changes during the Great Depression it in ways that are still obvious today. For instance, lets talk about the farm system, thats the one that i have highlighted here in the slide, it kind of peaks during the Great Depression. Its mainly practice during that time and if you dont know with the farm system is and i know not all of you are huge baseball fans i explained it basically refers to contracting the Minor League Teams with Major League Team to show the players and it was Player Development right so today i think that many levels of rookie levels, aaa in the major leagues. And of course after that, the key figures who developed this system was a guy named Branch Rickey huo of course a key figure in the 20th century baseball anyway, 21st was with the cardinals with him he worked from 1960 1943. I had peaks in 1934 the same in 1934 season. In baseball history and cardinals had a very dominant world series when that year. In the way that it worked is under rickys leadership, the cardinals began buying Minor League Teams in a kind of fun of them and with the Cardinals Organization it and through this you now have created contracts with minorleague players. They would eventually control up to 32 and allowed them to earn if you some good talent, you could bring them up in the majorleague. And that team to go to another one, they had, the powerful. And the same with the cardinals and basically with these teams, your best players as you are developing them and so the key part of baseball today. In the cardinals are the first ones to achieve success. Without system pretty and they 19 National League pennant and six more championships so that was a success, the cardinals, yes pretty is a huge success. In reflect a couple of things. In the innovation of the Great Depression rated how will we make the system work and the farm system was kind of that. Here in this picture, from look magazine and the father the baseball farm system, is 18 minorleague teams on his office blackboard. Look at all of the teams and the players and it took a lot of people avoid look at his success. And i will say later those who adopted the farm system, cardinals person in the dodgers and then the yankees and now the experience of dominance. During the history of the team. And i will stick with the cardinals for a little bit. And that farm system, the cardinals a strong right through the tremendous appeal in american baseball. Someone particular part of the appeal was a group called the cathouse gang. These guys are a super fun group and ill give you a sense of healthy review rated a group of st. Louis cardinals players particular in the 1934 season, they usually referred as a group of workingclass men for having smelly occupations and they were dirty and let this term came to be applied to the cardinals kind of known for their roughandtumble tactics on the field kind of aggressive players and kinda big if he way. So there were questions why did they become the heroes during the depression era rated there were a few more popular players in this gang called the gas house gang. While part can you measure that would be appealing during the Great Depression and in an era where everyone feels like workingclass and where it seems like you can identify more with that kind of workingclass in some ways. And then also the former cardinals becoming Americas Team in the first place and among the reasons for that is even though the population and expanded tremendously especially the westward direction during the halfcentury before the 1930s. And still, here we go. Theres a map here to show you why then was st. Louis cardinals picture here the map, thats when we are st. Louis cardinals, what is about the cardinals he would say they are the western most team in baseball. So if you lived in california dont have a team, like arizona, washington state, you have your own majorleague team but of course in st. Louis, so part of the country, the westward team became kind of Americas Team and the system in the gashouse gang the cardinals become part of the Quintessential Team during the depression era and this was in the 1934, world series. The cardinals versus tigers 19359034 world series. And also a reflection of the depression itself and much of the industry is shut down during the Great Depression. In the represent the leader cities trying to make away and suffering from across the midwestern farm economy. Figures, really entertain the during the 1934, world series and one will talk about the little bit but he is the picture, and had two victories during the world series that help the cardinals win. Then a fine one, how can you not love this name and commissioner baseball ducky, this is because even though the cardinals were waiting for Something Like lining up or something, they were way up and he still does this crazy like hard slide into and makes the fans angry and people start throwing things at him and the commissioner said we better take them out of the games and nobody gets hurt. And during the world series, theres so many crazy stories that happens during world series but one of them was there is pitching in a game, he gets on base and while running, he was hit pretty hard in the head by baseball it knocked him out and had to be carried to the clubhouse. This is the funny part of the story, everybody said he is fine, they taken to the hospital and the funny headlines were the xray show nothing. Theres nothing in his head. Because he was known for being kind of a breaker. Bragg or brady and other figures, quite reflect why the cardinals really connected during this time and one of them was pepper martin, he was more e more popular of the gashouse gang players and he was with the game apparently. And came from a poor oh, family, oklahoma was successful during the Great Depression. They had kind of a very much of a farmland, kind of poetic that he comes from their. And he played with complete abandon of a natural talent and well known for his slides and aggressive style of playing. And so a underrepresented everyman of the depression era. He had that look. And now, in addition to being an entertainer, the band. Thats pretty funny, baseball is kind of goofy stuff the guys who do, they would play the games and then definitely a reflection of baseball in this era. Everything was crazy. They like to entertain people to get attention. And i want to say little bit more about the figure during this era, he won 30 games in 1934. Its really good actually one of his most famous things if you can back this up, at the beginning of the season, he said he and his brother paul, said we are going to win games this year and they would say yeah right. It will be 139 thank you so brother one about 17th of the actually went way past that. They had a very successful year for the cardinals. And became a broadcaster later and was really famous for his work and often did really funny things and one of the things that he was famous for us you should not have. [inaudible]. Or something crazy like that. He is so crazy but amazing and beloved by a number of baseball fans and he would eventually do National Broadcast on some of the major networks. Heres the last one and this is the pinnacle predict so heres where we can kind of pull it all together these connections between baseball the Great Depression journalism, and that is its hard to underestimate or overestimate his impact on baseball. He started out as a rancher but he was never got along very well. It is not one to take orders any did really like giving themselves part of the problem read he went on to have a number of achievements in baseball but really reflected the pinnacle and one of the first ones was that he was one of the first to do branding and majorleague baseball the way that the game recognition and he did a first. Later for the dodgers and later for the yankees and this was a way he was able to boost the advertising to become a recognizable. If you see this, you know and that was designed by larry, the dodgers, the signature logo, that is by larry and Cincinnati Reds in the current logo was by him and tremendous showman, tremendous businessman. And he turned the Cincinnati Reds and in the early part of the 30s, and in the dodgers in the later part of the 30s into franchise even during the depression. He was the first which he does it cincinnati field in 1935. And later he does something similarly in fact, hes using it baseball, the dodgers with the baseball 1939. And, this pinnacle and i like this one, the first that causes cincinnati in 1935, the weight that in this the picture of him doing this and check this out. He is hitting of the table, and i hope i get all of the details right and basically he started out in the white house in washington dc, pushes the button and turn on the lights in the stadium. What can be more valiant than that, you get the president to turn the lights at the stadium need the fans and tell them what we are going to do. But among other things, he brought the system to the dodgers and set up a weekly tv broadcast in the 40s the dodgers. Not much of a coincidence that they would win the pennant in the National League in 1941. With all of the innovations. And he was the first to charter a plane to team travel which allow the players to arrive and youre not spending the night on a bus. Not all of his ideas would work, one team in baseball the never took off. Basically, these innovations are the whole of the game. In the use of the media, the use of branding it in advertising, getting the fans in the stands was hey like the president will turn on the lights in our stadium. It is kind of illustrates and one person, one majorleague baseball had to do during the Great Depression to survive and make money but actually became so popular. And through today. Many of these innovations but hey, human right to listen to me and i want to offer an opportunity for anyone to ask questions and be brave. What is something that you want to ask for more details or ask questions about, any brave souls. They brought the farm system to the dodgers but i thought earlier that. [background sounds]. Let me clarify that because i do not clarify that well read he innovated it the dodgers in 1939, and ricky would also be in 1943, and that innovating and the dodgers. Probably first but other questions . All right will hey you guys did greatly appreciated thank you for coming today and i hope you have fun and we will see you next class. And the founding director for president ial history at Southern Methodist university and you already know because you signed up for this webinar here to talk about president s and hatred. To conceptual points that might be helpful from the start. I mentioned this to my daughter today or her first question was are you doing that because of president

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