From administrator in a couple of weeks. But i wanted to share quickly, five minutes, and i will keep to five. We first began our work during my tenure on the distraction starting really in earnest in 2009, 2010. And i remember my decision to make sure that i came to ces as part of the regular auto show tour. Because ces in effect is the fourth major auto show in america. Manufacturers recognizing that, Car Companies are no longer just Car Companies, but technology companies. Because there is a convergence. With convergence, theres possibilities, opportunities, also great risks. So as my valedictory, if you will, in terms of what we have seen and where we will go. Im incredibly happy to see thatsome paso many partners are talking to each other, which wasnt the case not long ago. You have wireless providers and handheld manufacturers, and auto makers and System Platform providers. The androids, windows, and the ioss of the world are actually now in strategic partnerships