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Mr. Digiacomantonio also, on a more personal level, i have the pleasure of introducing the ghost of albert gallatin, who some of you have noticed is sitting behind us and he will be speaking on his personal experience and the reflection on being an immigrant. He was one of the United Statess most faithful servants as a legislator, as a secretary of the treasury under jefferson and madison, helped fund lewis and clark, was not very keen on the war of 1812, then became a piece negotiator peace negotiator, and ambassador, and on. You will hear him talk about that. And i want you to invite you for discussion after the talk, feel free to ask him questions about anything that relates to may be something that he was not directly involved in, before his death, he might have comments on current events. For now, i want to introduce albert gallatin. [applause] mr. Gallatin thank you very much. My friends and fellow citizens, it is thanks to the Historical Society and mr. William digiacomantonio, that i am here today. They have dragged me from wherever it was that i was. To me it is most remarkable that 27 years after the founding of our public debt republic republic, they have a society dedicated to the history of this building and those that work with your that is within it. That is a remarkable matter in any countrys history. As some of you may know, i am from ghent, where i was part of the ending of the world night were of 1812. It was interesting to me while i was in amsterdam and london and st. Petersburg and imperial russia, that i would be approached by americans that were there and they would probably boast that they were native americans. [laughter] mr. Gallatin without a single scalping knife or blanket or eagle feather insight. My point is the only true native americans are those whose ancestors were standing on the shoreline, waiting to see the first europeans set foot on this continent. Thus, my friends we are all immigrants. [applause] mr. Gallatin unless one of our ancestors was one of the true native americans. We are either immigrants such as myself, directly come to this nation, or the sons or greatgrandchildren of those who came from someplace else. Thus the weather we are directly immigrants, we are the descendents of immigrants and we must keep that in mind as we go through. What sets us apart as a nation, language, is it religion, a place of origin, is it our political velocity . Political philosophy . What sets us apart is an idea. What jefferson wrote, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator, among them, the pursuit of happiness. That is what sets this nation apart from others. [applause] mr. Gallatin one of the issues of the late war what was englands claim, that those that have been subject to king george the third, remain the subjects of the king and that nobody could choose otherwise. We are a nation of that example of free choice exercised by every person that has come here or born here as a result of an ancestor that came here, we are all immigrants. I am an immigrant, i came from geneva as a 19yearold and for several years, many wrote to me, albert gallatin, citizen of geneva. But i swore at a virginia courthouse and thus became a citizen by choice, of virginia. When i purchased land in pennsylvania, where is my seat, i became a citizen of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. When pennsylvania became part of the United States, i became a citizen of the United States. I did so by choice. It has been commented upon by those who choose their religion in adulthood, that they often adhere to that more vastly than those who are born to it. The same could be said of immigrants. Because their choice was a conscious decision, irrespective of the source of their departure from their original land, whether it was persecution, religion, or political opinion, or in search of economic betterment, it does not make a difference. Adherence to a philosophy found here, that is what sets us apart. Maybe more steadfast than for those who are nativeborn. His excellency, general washington spoke in his first state of the union in january of 1790, addressing the matter of immigration, he asked congress to adopt procedures to transform foreigners into citizens. His excellency understood the need to integrate thousands of citizens that came yearly into our body and country. Yet in the debate of naturalization, there were disagreements on whether we should allow a free flow of immigrants. How should one become a citizen . Should they live here for a definitive eriod of time . Should they be allowed to vote . should it be left to the states to determine the rules . If somebody left the country and did not return, did they lose citizenship . Mr. Burke saw that a foreign merchant and ship captain became americans to avoid duties on the goods transported in their ships, they should be wagers leechers and then they fall off and leave us. Mr. Sedgwick of massachusetts feared that we were in danger of being overrun with the outcasts of europe, urging that none but reputable characters be admitted. In reply, mr. Page of the virginia said malaysia inconsistency if after boasting of having established a government that is the admiration of the world, we make the terms of admission so hard as they are now proposed. It is nothing to us whether jews or roman catholics settle among us. Whether they are kings or citizens of free states, wishing to reside in the United States, they will find it in their interest to become good citizens. Neither their religious or political views can enter us if we have injure us if we have good laws. An immigrant proposed that a grand jury should be the judges of the individual. Mr. Page replied, we should add an inquisition with would probably not be sufficient to ensure citizens, thus leading a bureaucracy of sensors to banish those who are here already, being a moral. Indeed, he continued, if we go on as proposed now in the infancy of our republic, we should adopt the politics of every person who should come into the state. Yet, his excellency, general washington addressing himself in rhode island during his visit, said the following the government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution, no assistance. May the children of the stock of abraham continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants, while everyone shouts it in the safety under his own vine and there should be none to make him afraid. Yet, who was to determine was a reputable and worthy character. Alexander hamilton came to the country as a very young man, but he was the illegitimate son of a woman who had taken up with another man not her husband. By the judgment of mr. Sedgwick, the Young Alexander hamilton would not have been a candidate for entry into the country. Yet, his military service earned our appreciation. The blood of immigrants shed for our freedoms is no less red than that of the nativeborn. Perhaps they are ready or two off the readier to offer themselves. They appreciate what they are defending the print defending. I disagreed with mr. Hamilton on other aspects, but i admit today that the programs of financing and Economic Development in our nation are remarkable achievements that we literally and regularly oh to her credit. We debate even now, the bank balance in our economy in the face of response abilities. The model for this new bank proposed is that of 1791, with lessons we have learned in the establishment of that bank. This these this immigrant strengthened us in war and peace. But he was merely the first of four of the first six secretaries of the treasury, which at this point, that was not born in the country. Hamilton, myself from geneva, mr. George w campbell from scotland, and our present secretary who was born in kingston, jamaica. In addition to these, mr. Robert morris, the first superintendent of finance during the revolution was born in england. Setting aside whatever contributions i myself have made, though doubtless nativeborn possibilities for the treasuries could have been found, it is in interest that they have not been yet. Let us consider the contributions that some immigrants have provided. When in the second year of the war, it was thought the treasury would finance by millions of dollars, it seems we would fail until three gentlemen came for. Mr. Parish, mr. Gerard, and mr. John jenkins mr. Parish of a scottish family that had settled in hamburg. And mr. Gerrard born in france. In mr. John jacob astor born near heidelberg. Without the intervention of these men who contributed 9 million of what we needed to continue with the war, it is likely we would not have been able to continue to fight. In fact, i have reported to president madison in february that we had only one month left of money in the treasury. That is before their contribution it. The resentment of immigrants was directed at those who came from ireland and the germanspeaking lands. There were efforts made against them from the beginning. Those of us who were unfortunate enough to have a speech wereiment such as i have seen as revolutionaries. They were seeking to overthrow the republic. Is it not ironic . It was applied to us by people who had been revolutionaries a dozen years before . How short our memories are. The equally ironic that center of this encouraged substantial immigration. In the first decade of our republics existence, 100,000 immigrants came to our nation. At first, it was mr. Jefferson among others who expressed concern. Too many europeans would come here impugned with principles that would make the society a heterogeneous, incoherent mass. With the concerns about the revolution in france, they wanted to protect the republic from such as myself. Results were the alien and sedition act. To statusntended those who disagreed with the government in power by for betting them from insulting or denigrating the government of our nation. How many of my fellow citizens recall that the first man indicted and convicted under the sedition act was a sitting member of congress and an immigrant from ireland, Esther Matthew liana from vermont. Opinion in as letter to a journal about mr. Adams. Weeks befores sent mr. Adams signed the act into law. How can someone violate the law before it is signed . This i do not understand to this day. What many of my citizens are not aware of is the alien act consists of three things. Law, is a naturalization and alien friends act, and in alien enemies act. Act,e matter of the first the time has come where it will be proper to declare nothing but shall entitle a man to citizenship in this country. Let me say that again. Nothing but birth shall entitle a man to citizenship in this country. Though many of his own party far, andhis went too alien had to write inside for 14 years before applying to become a citizen. All aliens had to register with a District Court within 48 hours of arrival in the United States. Those already here, the other two acts were designed to address that. The act restrained emigrants from with we were at war. I have a long quote from the act itself or it i will not for you with that. What we are to understand is the president of the United States shall be authorized in any event by his proclamation to direct the congress to be observed on the United States toward aliens who should become liable. The matter and degree of the restraint to which they should thereject and upon which residents should be permitted. This act remains to this day. The alien friends act allows the president to expel without a hearing or reasons any alien whom the president says is dangerous to the safety of the United States. If they fail to leave the country, they could be jailed for three years. This act expired in 1800. Several of us in the congress objected strenuously to these acts. Article five of the constitution prevented congress from prohibiting the migration or importation of persons coming to the United States. The acts granted the president arbitrary power. Was this not what mr. Adams had fought against during our revolution . The arbitrary acts of parliaments and a king . The fifth amendment says no person should be deprived without due process of law. Person,ends to every not only citizens. End, we have passed through the difficult times that led to the alien and sedition act. This continues to worry many of our fellow citizens. They worry about the religion of the language and the appearance, even the morals of such arrivals. They do not see that they themselves or their ancestors were viewed in the same light, the other, the not us. Is not our constitution addressing this by for betting the establishment by congress of a religion for all, by permitting the free practice of religion, by guaranteeing our free speech and the right to petition our leaders, to recognize that all of us be equally endowed with those certain inalienable rights of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. You have them guaranteed. As we go forward, we have a task to welcome those who choose to become our fellow citizens. We must ensure our security. Concernsot let those overwhelm the sincerity of our welcome and not use it as an excuse to keep away those who may not be like us but tomorrow will be more like us than we know. And obedientumble servant. [applause] i am ready to take questions. That is a device for amplifying your voice. Mr. Gallatin it is the voice of god. The divine has arrived. Mr. Secretary, youve spoken about the role of immigrants. Do you believe it is appropriate to bar immigrants from the highest office in the land it . Mr. Gallatin my situation is a bit difficult in that regard. One of the provisions of the constitution permitted those of us despite we might have come from another nation, it permitted us to be considered for the highest office. However, there are concerns that were expressed by those who sat in philadelphia in 1787 about who later came to the nation being a candidate for the highest office in the land. Is no more opinion is it appropriate to deny someone the possibility of serving in whatever place the people feel it is important for him to serve. However, realistically, in these first years of our republic, suffrage is limited. Bere are people who would perfectly suitable for the highest office and cannot serve because they do not enjoy the suffrage. I dont know that i have truly answered your question. It is a very delicate subject. Are there other questions . Did i understand correctly that there is a section of the alien and sedition act that is still in effect . Mr. Gallatin the sedition act is not in effect any longer. What is in effect is the naturalization act. This remains as well as the enemy aliens act. This remains in effect. We may lapse into french inadvertently. Had read somewhere that you were a senator from pennsylvania but had to leave office because his naturalization was deemed not regular . Mr. Gallatin this is in fact true. In 1793i took the oath of office as a senator. I had been appointed iv legislature. They are responsible for nominating and sending forth the names of people to become senators. By a sent there legislature that was in the hands of the federalists. Time, i pointed out to the legislators in pennsylvania that i had only been a citizen for eight years. The constitution required nine for one to become a senator. They said dont worry. This is something that one must always remember when they say dont worry, maybe it is the time to begin it to worry. I took the oath of office and the next day, 19 electors from york, pennsylvania but a petition before the senate saying i should be removed from office because i did not meet the constitutional requirement. , i was removeder from my seat as senator from pennsylvania. Because my time as a citizen was not deemed to be long enough. Are there other questions . Wait until the voice of god comes in your direction. It you were able to theyour statue in front of department of treasury . I am not aware of the fact there is a statue of me in front of the treasury building. I dont know. You have spoken eloquently about citizenship and the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, you have served under two men who between them own more than 400 human beings. 1810, one out of every seven people in the United States were notonly not citizens, but eligible because they were held in bondage. You served for eight years under a man who in the 1790s sold at least 85 people to pay for importations of french wine and other delicacies from europe. Between a contradiction the refusal of your administrations to face the reality that one out of every seven americans naturally born could not be citizens . Mr. Gallatin i thought i had become mr. Jefferson himself therefore moment. Allow me to make this point. If the world were perfect, there would be no difficulties. The world is far from perfect. Opposed unalterably to the holding of human beings as chattel, as slaves. Unfortunately, we cannot neatly and cleanly separate one part of us from the other end god for bid. The question you ask about my gentlemen,h these one does the best that one can to do what one can win one can. [applause] are there other questions . Oh come now, you are burning with curiosity. Sir . My grandmother had obtained for with the army. It was as a lieutenant colonel. At the time, when i was told of this, i said to my grandmother i would not serve under that tyrant under any circumstances. I received a box on the ears. Say, even so, i must though i would not have served for him. It was an ungrateful response in my part. At that moment i began to realize that if i were not beliefs intoy forsworn. Would be this was why with a friend of mine we left geneva shortly thereafter and went through france and took shift to come to the not quite yet United States, still the colonies. We began our lives here. There are other issues as well. I wanted to make my own way. Perhaps a greater others. Than many in fact, i wish to make my own way. I did not want to be bound by the rules. Anybody here from the city of boston . I would ask you please to shut off your years. Im going to Say Something unpleasant about austin. Boston andved in stayed there for a short amount of time, i took a distinct dislike to boston. It reminded me too much of home. Geneva. There were only two matters which concern them, religion and making money. I wanted to ask a question. The first 20 years of the republic under the administration in which you numerous actswere. F terrorism and piracy would you see this is grounds for reprisals for granting citizenship to muslims . That is ann excellent question, sir. I remind you of something i said earlier. I will return to it with accuracy. Excellency, when he spoke to the israelites of newport, rhode island made a statement that we need to keep in mind. The government of the United States gives to bigotry no made the children of the stock of abraham who enjoy the goodwill of the other there shall be none to make him afraid. It is the claim of those who follow islam that they are of the stock of abraham. They are descended from the son of abraham through haggai. That sons name is ishmael. Consider he did not necessarily this would be extended to those who professed islam. Said tosay that what he the israelites would apply as well to the muslim man. [applause] you said that you were promoted out of the senate on a partyline vote. Correct that your former boss president washington warned against Political Parties . Mr. Gallatin indeed. It was almost inevitable. The you feel the country would be better off without Political Parties . Is it something we just put up with. I might agree with your second proposition. Political parties are almost inevitable. Wouldare those who otherse honestly with and will find others in disagreement. The dependency on human beings groupings that are in agreement about a particular isue or a set of issues , ifthing while unfortunate the world were perfect we should have no difficulties. The matter is we do not agree. There will be those who disagree so strongly they will set themselves up in opposition to the party that is in power. It is inevitable. It is unfortunate in a number of views. Mr. Jefferson and mr. Adams, they would have a skewed entirely the question of parties. They found themselves ultimately disagree about certain very important matters of policy and found that in order to influence the direction of the government, they had to do so in the form of party government. This poor gentleman has been very patient. Idea explained that so few of your countrymen have followed your example . Hasnumber of americans always been fairly small. Veryallatin there are not many of us to begin with. Mountains make it difficult for people to come into contact with each other. Its a very small land. It is very challenging to consider to leave. I have hopes that there will be some who come. Genevap the town of new in the hopes that people would lands to the swiss western pennsylvania. The first people who came were germanspeaking people. However, they are welcome. That is always there. Any other questions . Based on your aversion to boston because it reminded you of home, one of the reasons was the making of money, what in your background cause you to become the secretary of the treasury . You were one of the more successful secretaries because you had a balanced budget. The issue of boston in the first place was it reminded me too much of home. They were concerned with making money and religion. That i had in finance came in france because ofeva is made up largely small shopkeepers. Fathersn in my , she tried to maintain the business after my fathers death. One of the difficulties was the degree of debt into which one enters. The matter of debt was very much a personal concern. There was a disagreement with mr. Hamilton his view was that the debt could be used as an economic engine to bring the merchants and banking interests into closer accord with the government. In the case of ourselves, we thought that if we eliminated the debt, we would be able to release the energies of the people. They would not be burdened with taxes and find themselves looking over their shoulder for the tax man to come. When you are able to reduce, you have a better chance of finding their energies released to go other places. I wish i could say i had a balanced budget. The best thing we did was reduce the debt when i came into office. We found ourselves between the embargo and the eventual war which occurred in 1812. Our debt had ballooned. 123 million. One last question from this lovely woman over here. You or thetand that negotiator for the louisiana territory. Napoleon . Et with opinions . Ur mr. Gallatin you credit me far too much. Negotiators was Robert Livingston and james monroe. Talleyrand. Ted with my only interest was to ensure we had the means to be able to pay for it and the second was to reassure mr. Jefferson that although the constitution did not specifically empower him to enter into the matter, he had the authority under article two section two of the constitution. Please join me in thanking mr. Gallatin. You were watching American History tv on cspan3. Next on American History tv, Stanford University history professor ana minian talks about mexican migration to the United States in the 20th century. She focuses on the roles of both the u. S. And mexican governments and immigration policy. American history tv interviewed professor ana minian at this years annual meeting of american historians in providence, rhode island. This is about 12 minutes. What was the program . Ana it was this guestworker program. As set of Bilateral Agreements between mexico and the United States that lasted officially from 1942 to 1964. It started as a wartime program when United States did not have enough workers because memory off to fight. So the u. S. Needed more workers and decided to support mexican contract workers. They would come, work in agriculture for the most part, of course the railroad workers, but for short periods of time, then returned to mexico. A continued until after the end of the war until 1964 at which point there was a lot of pressure from civil Rights Groups and the unions. Congress decided to unilaterally end the program. What does that word mean . Ana it means arm because workers were working with their hands

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