It is pretty bad when the introduction is longer than the dog. I told him to say, here is bob. He would not do it. It is a pleasure for me to come ofe and share the future nasas Space Program with you. I feel like im coming home when i come to marshall. I spent a lot of time in here when i was in the astronaut office. Up. Ed to come for the level three flight readiness reviews. I remember when this was just an empty aluminum shell as we started construction of the space station. I remember sing it activated in orbit and that was cool. The only difference is it was a lot nicer coming here when i did not have to go through atlanta on delta and i could just fly my one stop 38 t38 all the way. Lets talk about what is going on at the Kennedy Space center. We are americas spaceport and kennedy is a unique place. Acres of44,000 wildlife refuge, a buffer zone to our launchpad. We have that unique cape that we can launch out over the ocean. We have the most talented, dedicated work worse anywhere. You look at nasa and you consider johnson, marshall, kennedy, all of us working together to make it happen. End, it all comes together here where we launch a rocket. We were talking about fls, the space launch system. Some were active asking the director here, where is this rocket going . What is it going to be used for . I will talk about that. Some people call it a rocket to nowhere. It is a rocket to everywhere. When they asked him, he said it is going to the Kennedy Space center. That is right. It is going to come down here and we will watch it or it us talk about history. We have come a long way in the last 50 years. That was a historic flight in may of 1961. That was alan shepard. He went on a parabolic arc and came back down in the ocean. Ofwas not until february 1962 actually flew into orbit around the earth. That was our beginning at the Cape Canaveral air force station. We had grand visions of where we were going to go. And the rocket team in huntsville wanted to take us to the moon and we had a young president who challenged us to get there by the end of the decade. In 1962, we started construction of the kennedyes space center that would take us to the moon, complex 39. You can see it under construction in the lower righthand side. It has been an amazing facility, supporting us for over 50 years. We did go to the moon with the apollo program. That was truly amazing when you consider what we accomplished. Around whenyou were we went to the moon in july of 1969 and are member that . And remember that . Of the audience. I was young midshipmen at the Naval Academy. I was 12 years old when alan shepard flew that first mission. I remember watching it. We were gathered around the tv, watching that. When we landed on the moon, watching that is a midshipmen in 1969 at the Naval Academy and i never dreamed i could he in astronaut. My goal was to fly. I will talk to the students over here about also what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Midshipmen, i actually got to see apollo 13 launch at kennedy. I had black and white photos of the rockets being stacked up to go to the moon. We heard it before we got to see the actual launch. Of 1970. In april i wish i would have taken a picture of me because i never dreamed i would be in astronaut, let alone be the director of the Kennedy Space center. Now we are transforming it for the future. The Space Shuttle follows the apollo program. And thekylab in between soyuz test project. It was under consideration in 1969 and it was a team ebony to when they got the goahead perceived with the Shuttle Program. It was supposed to fly in 1978 that it had delays and flew its first flight april 12, 1981. 20 years to the day that the ,irst human went into space eureka geron. Yuri gegaron. Space shuttlehe columbia on the first space flight of a reusable spacecraft. For 30 years, we did Amazing Things with it. We built the International Space station. We could not have done that without the Space Shuttle. When it started out, you cant even see the unity node. Under nice underneath that structure is unity, and behind that is the functional russian cargo block. That was the beginning of the playstation on my last flight in 1998. In 2000, the russians put another module up there and we had a frugal. Bill shepherd was the commander. There were also a couple of russian cosmonauts. I had gotten to fly with one of them on our assembly flight. A real team effort. In october 2000, we had a permanent crew up on the space station and it has grown significantly. It is the size of a football field. It has the volume of a 747. There are astronauts theyre doing amazing science. It also gave us the hubble space telescope. Look at what hubble has given us. One of my most favorite pictures id address. One minute. Commonly heard what gibson saw earlier . He talked all about the how many heard what gibson said earlier . He talked all about the spatial. One image that puts everything in perspective is the hubble the field. If you take your Little Finger and stick it up by the big dipper where there are no stars and look at your Little Finger now, that is the size of the field that hubble was looking at it. All you can see is black. What hubble saw was not just stars, but hundreds of galaxies, with planets. That is what is out there. It is amazing. Cap alert continues kepler continues to find planets in the goldilocks zone, where they are too small, nott too close, not too far away from their son. Universe, the odds are there are planets like earth. The space station, in addition to being an awesome science laboratory, it is our steppingstone for the future. It is an engineering test bed that allows us to learn about the human system and a microgravity environment. Us to develop the systems we need to go to mars. That is where we are going. That is the whole objection objective, the rockets being open design here at the Marshall Space Flight center is to take us to mars. That is our destination. We are getting ready for a lot of things. The worldse preeminent Launch Complex. We wanted to be commercial and government, crew and cargo, lowers the orbit and beyond. We are making that low earth orbit and beyond. We are making that happen. You see a commercial pad and other rockets taking off at the k. At the at the cape. At the end of the rocket program, we look at the facilities. In the past, kennedy was reliant on one Big Government program, apollo, the space station. Now we want to branch out. One program cannot pay for everything at k s c anymore. We have to diversify. We are taking the assets that we no longer need and we are using them to help enable Space Operations commercial Space Operations. We take everything we need to get beyond planet earth and Everything Else we either , wecated it to nasa use have shared use where we can have commercial and Government People using it, and that is how weare designing pad b, have nonnasa use where a commercial Company Takes it over, and we have other facilities that we would not want to give to commercial companies and we are demolishing them. Even the stuff we turn over to commercial companies they are assets rather than just let them sit and russ, we might need them again one day. We cant allow a commercial company to use it and they pay the Maintenance Cost so we can focus on x laurentian. Exploration. We also have another program that procures are expendable vehicles for all of nasas science missions. These are some of the missions that we have coming up in the next three years. The next one coming up is going to be you see it in the middle. The orbiting carbon territory observatory. December isp in exploration flight test one with the old ryan vehicle. Orion vehicle. We do Amazing Things from a signs point of view at nasa, as well as our human x laurentian program. Look at the rover on mars, curiosity. It is truly amazing. It is a precursor to sending humans and it is an integrated program. The commercial crew program is also at the Kennedy Space center but it is a joint partnership with the Johnson Space center in houston. There are folks at marshall helping us will go helping us develop commercial capability to get cruised the space station on an international rocket. It started in 2010. You can see in the upper left that there were a lot of companies that were initially involved. Were are down to three companies that have paid space agreements. They are sierra nevada, a lifting body called the dream chaser that launches on an atlas five. We have boeing that also launches on an atlas five. And then spacex with the dragon spacecraft on a falcon nine rocket. At the Kennedy Space center, 18 is sequestered away, violating their proposal to pick the initial capability so they can demonstrate a test of International Space station and there are the options of other flights. Eventually after this contract is awarded in september, we will get to a point where we were for services we will award up for services and i am convinced we will be successful and have that capability in that timeframe. The team is doing an outstanding job. We just published our master plan for the Kennedy Space center on how we utilize these facilities for the next 20 years. We have a lot of excess capacity and as i said about we are trying to become this multiusers of the future with government and commercial operation. There are some areas, and i will not go into the codes, but there is land that we can use to help enable further commercial operations and that is our goal. Our number one priority is supporting nasa programs. Our number one priority is the reason the Kennedy Space center exists, the reason we have Launch Complex 39, is to get us to mars, to explore beyond planet earth. That is what nasa is going to do. Want to enable commercial Space Operations and utilize that excess capacity we have. We have a goal of divesting without diminishing capability and we want to get greener and leaner. We are building a new headquarters and it will allow tear downwn three other leagues that are full buildings that are full of the specimens and energy inefficient. I will save 6 million a year in operating costs right building a new efficient headquarters. There really is an evolving commercial market. Asis not evolving as fast may be somewhat like, but it is going to happen. People ask me, what do you think about these guys in suborbital flights . They are just going into space and coming back down. We did that with alan shepard. These rocket planes, virgin galactic. If you look back at aviation, and one of my heroes as a boy i grew up in minnesota. We had a family farm and we used to drive too little farms, minnesota and that is where Charles Lindbergh grew up. There is a statue of him. I have read his biography and it is awesome. If you get a chance, it is interesting reading. It really details his solo flight across the atlantic. You look at what aviation was doing after world war i, and they had these surplus and 10 thed go up for county fair and you see your farm from 2000 feet, it generated an interest in the public in aviation. That is what these suborbital flights are. Yes, they are very expensive, but it is generating that interest in going to space and i want those guys to be successful. Stimulated him and the government stimulated commercial aviation with the post office. We are developing a commercial cargo situation. Flying two companies cargo to the International Space station. This is going to happen. We want to make sure that ksc will help enable that. I had a lotex 39, of folks say, why are you going to have somebody else do that . What if we needed in the future . Have, weunch rate we only need one launchpad. We do not have the money to maintain these two huge, very expensive Launch Complexes. One you see the pat, it looks like a mound of dirt, but underneath there are all kinds of systems that will just sit out there and rust. We had companies submit that wanted to use it. Signeduated them and we an agreement with spacex to actually modify that pad and use it for their falcon nine and they are responsible for all the maintenance and responsibilities. They will keep it operational and it will not cost the government anything. Landing facility we no longer have to and orbiters there. We do not have an identified need for it. We want to be able to bring t 38s in and out but they can fly into patrick or so miles. Patrick or somewhere else. Is there space there to make that more commercial, and how could we go about doing that . We are working on an agreement with space florida to take over the maintenance and operations of the shuttle landing facility. They are to try to commercialize it and develop horizontal launch capability out of there, both with suborbital flights and folks who want to build a big airplane and carry a rocket underneath it in the atlantic and air launch a large rocket. They would operate out of the shuttle landing facility. This is another partnership we are looking at. We would be able to use it for cargo and whatnot. The Vehicle Assembly building, the team that was here at marshall, they had such a vision for space x oration and where they wanted to go. They had another rocket being designed bigger than the saturn five. In itad four big bays that wouldve build rockets to go explosion go exploring. Two were utilized during the shuttle. Now we only need one there and i will show you pictures of how we changed. What a commercial company be interested in using base three and the mobile launch platform that were left over from the Shuttle Program . We are going to have an announcement for that in the not too distant future. This is where nasa is going. This is really important. I think this chart puts it in perspective. We have been in this earthreliant zone or a long time, where you can get home from the International Space station if you have a problem in a matter of hours. Our goal is over there on the right. We want to get to mars. That is the goal on the horizon. We have a lot to learn before we can do that. We have to get out in that moving zone in the middle where we can spend months to almost a year out in space, learning what we need to know to be able to be successful to go to mars. We have a plan to do that. If you look at nasa off budget, it increases by 1 for the next five years. That is essentially a slight decrease when you consider inflation. It is essentially a flat budget. We have to be frugal and lay out a plan that will allow us to eventually get to mars. Report, and if a you read it, we are essentially doing what that report says to do. It says we should be funded at a higher level, but given where we are in the budget that we had, we believe that we have laid out a plan that allows us to develop the systems we need so we can eventually get there. We have chosen to do this asteroid redirect mission. At all the capabilities that you need to get to mars, if we are successful on this asteroid redirect mission, we will have accomplished about 3 4 of these tasks that we need to be efficient at before we get to mars and we will add on to that. Go capture a small asteroid, should we go get a rock off a big asteroid and bring it back to distant retrograde orbit around the moon that takes 79 days to get there from earth, not like tothree 23 day so we went to the moon. We will make a decision next year on our path forward, but we are looking at doing that, and , whenation mission three we actually have the big rocket. Working in that proving ground is going to be critical. The space station is still going to be critical. That is why we need that capability to use rockets and get crews out there, so we can prove the systems in the environment they will be and we go to use them. I think this is an exciting future. We have more to do after that. Habitabilityvelop modules, a lander, and so want to get to mars in the 20 30s and so on so we get to mars in the 20 30s. There is a test vehicle being built in louisiana. We are getting ready to do a test on that five segment solid rocket motor. It Utilizes Technology we have. It is efficient and costeffective, utilizing shuttle maintenance main engines. We have 18 is stored from the main Shuttle Program at a space center. The solid rocket motor casings we have left over from the Shuttle Program. Instead of four segments like the shuttle, there will be five segments to get more thrust. The diameter of the liquid core stage, hydrogen, like the Space Shuttle, is the same diameter as the shuttle external takes tanks. They are building a welding facility that will be the next step and they will have everything they need to complete Holding Holding this rocket building this rocket. It is phenomenal. At the top is the orion spacecraft. In the apollo era, we transitioned to the shuttle and now we are taking this historic link and transitioning base three to support the space launch. We are doing things different. In apollo and shuttle, let forms were built specifically for that rocket. The space launch system starts out in a 7090 metric ton range. We want to have 130 metric tons to go to mars. We have to design the platform and you think of something that is the size of this stage. That is the platform in the bottom picture from the shuttle being taken out to clear the way for the new platform. These are the size of small buildings. We designed the platform for the new rocket in base three so it can move 10 feet up and down. As the outer mode line of the vehicle changes as he gets taller and builder, there are inserts that can be adjusted to accommodate a different shape. Nside the high base were going towards a clean pad concept and you see the mobile launcher that it is being stacked up on. I will talk more about that. You can see the apollo era at the pad. They rolled out with the one support the launcher support our tower on there. Ony needed another system their prior to launch. In the shuttle, we just had the mobile launch platform and the structure was out at the pad and we had a row trading rotating service structure. We have gone to a clean pad concept. All support rolls out with the rocket. At pad b, we have a Lightning Protection system. Refurbished all the propellant redistribution systems. E all we are all fiber optics now. We are working on the Environmental Control system down there. It is going to be ready when the rocket comes. The Launch Control center, firing room one, has been totally gutted and redone. Thecan see it down there in center picture. This is what it looks like today. State of the art. This is going to be our Launch Control center for the next 30 years. In the operations and tech bay, this was a Great Partnership with the state of florida. Where processing is done, it is now a manufacturing facility. Florida, thep with state invested 35 million to totally redo it for Lockheed Martin to build the orion spacecraft in there. In apollo, you could see demand module and Service Modules and lifted on the see the manned module and Service Modules listed on the pad there. Now it is a manufacturing facility. The crew module shows up. It is just an aluminum shell in louisiana. The spacecraft is built there and you can see it in various stages in the upper right. The spacecraft is essentially done for the first test flight. This is exploration flight test one. We will talk more about that. It is flying this summer. Tuesday morning, the capsule was mounted and mated with the Service Module at the high day at ksc. What you see down on the bottom is the launch abort system facility. This is a big rocket that goes on top of the capsule that pulls it off in the event they need to get away from the rocket in an. In an emergency. Flight test one is this december. We need to run some tests on multipurpose crew vehicle before we can fly it with a crew in it. One of the most important things you want to check out is the thermal Protection System we have built as well as the parachute and recovery the theater recovery procedure. In december, it will launch on a delta four heavy rocket from the cape. It was scheduled for september and the crew module will be ready in september, but we gave up our launch date for a higher priority dod mission and we took the later one. We are on track to launch in december. The whole mission will launch about four hours. It will go around the earth and reentero 3600 miles and at about 85 percent of lunar reentry velocity to check out the thermal Protection System and be recovered off the coast of california. We can check all our recovery procedures. This is really going to be exciting. I cant wait until we have this flight. We have real hardware and we are testing and building it right now. I showed you the high day and how we are coming along their. And how we are coming along there. It for 30 years on shuttles and we are using it again. We had to make modifications to it because the space launch system is heavier. We have redone the wheel bearings on all of the craft, and what a huge project that was. Elevation and leveling cylinders. It launches at an angle. It cannot go up like that or the rocket would fall off. As it goes up the ramp, it levels itself until it gets to the top of the pad. We have new cylinders going into handle the heavier weight. It has no generators and it, all kinds of stuff. We have two goo of these we of these. Crawler have transporter one. It could be used for commercial ops. There you see the mobile launcher. You allile launcher remember the Constellation Program that got canceled. That mobile launcher was built for the Constellation Program. It was not complete when the program was canceled. It was being built on kevin the space center, but it was less expensive to complete it than it was to cancel the contract. We allow them to complete the structural steel. No systems are installed on that. That was a 230 million investment. It was a shame to let it go to waste, so we looked at can we modify it . Can it support not just the solid motor rocket motor, but the heavy lift rocket . When we did the analysis, it was. The base so itg accommodates that for engine liquid core and two solid rocket motors and we are designing systems right now for power to support the rocket. In the lower right, ucr Test Facility and you see you see our Test Facility. Where it attaches on the right side, that is a dynamic facility. It moves and mimics the rocket exactly so we can test the umbilicals and systems we need to separate from it. Great progress being made at the cape to support the space launch crew vehicle,ion and the transition to support commercial operation also. I am going to come over here and talk the little guys are over here. You can ask questions and you have to listen to this. When i was five years old, we took a train trip from minneapolis to see my moms sister in baltimore, maryland. We went to washington dc. I remember i was five years old. I remember certain things like that trip from yesterday. You could walk right into the capital. It is not like today where there is all the security. I remember walking up the steps into the rotunda of the capitol. I remember the lincoln memorial, the big statue of lincoln. I remember going to mount vernon and seeing George Washingtons home. I remember climbing to the top of the Washington Monument and looking out the Little Windows in the top and i remember going to the smithsonian and seeing the right flyer and the spirit of st. Louis hanging from the ceiling, and i said i want to be a pilot. That is where the bug started. Books i could about aces and test pilots of world war ii and test pilots in the 50s and 60s and i said this is what i want to do. I went to the United StatesNaval Academy and i was going to be a naval aviator. Aircraftto fly off of carriers. I used to set off the end of a runway and whats these skyhawks go off and thought it would be cool. Academy andhe naval i graduated with a degree in mathematics and i chose a commission in the marine corps and i had a contract to be a pilot and i got down to pensacola, florida, and i flunked my eye test. Man, was i disappointed. I could not be a pilot. Peakietnam war was at its and they had more pilots than they know what to do with. They were looking for any technicality to cut people out. I said, can i be a naval flight officer . How many people have seen the movie top gun . , the guy in the back of the plane was a naval flight officer. They said i could do that. When i did that i test i had 2020 vision. I put in my pilot to paperwork to be a pilot. They told me to go overseas. I put in my paperwork again and i was going to get turned down because they were short of navigators. I went to the general. Nice plague everything and i did a good job overseas and he said, you ever need anything, come see me. To flightg back training and i earned my wings as a navy pilot. Going back to Flight Training and i earned my wings as a navy pilot. I use all that math and engineering as ill pilot. As a pilot. They said they did not need any test pilots. Six months later, i got picked up for a Navy Test Pilot school. Graduated as a test pilot, nasa was taking applications as an astronaut. They encourage people to apply. I said, i could actually do this. I could be an astronaut. I put in all the paperwork. I did not apply in 1978 because i had not been to Test Pilot School yet. That is when they took the first group of shuttle astronauts. They took another group in 1880, but in 1984, i did. I got through all the interviews and i was just waiting for that call. The call came and they said, sorry, bob, you did not make it. I was crushed. We are going to take more next year and we would like to try again. The whole process again and i was fortunate enough to get selected in 1985. I did not get selected to be a pilot on the first try or an astronaut on the first try. They were all things i wanted to do and i did not give up. I kept trying. You can do anything you set your mind to if you do skeet at it and do not give up. The other thing i would say is, find where your passion is. Do not do it because you think you are going to make a lot of money. Do it because you want to do it. My passion was flying. I love the flying. I love everything about aviation. I loved all the math, the engineering, Everything Associated the flying air waves. Airplanes. That was my passion. The things you enjoy, you do well at. Find your passion and do not give up. It is amazing what you can a cop is. What i would like to do is take questions from anyone on anything that has to do with where nasa is going, what we are doing, how we are doing, or what is going on at ksc. Who has a question . [indiscernible] can the public come see the launch of the delta four with orion . You bet jenna. You betcha. I hope that we have 20,000 people watching this because it will be really cool. Yes, sir. [indiscernible] in 2022, will the commercial trips to space the more developed . Yes. First, we will have one of the commercial crew vehicles flying in 2017. They will gain more experience. Just because you do not have a contract to fly at iss, some of the other Companies May continue to fly to space on a commercial bases and there may be other space stations up there. Bob bigelow is looking at putting up his own space station. Who knows what will happen by 2022 . That could absolutely happen. We have just got to see. S, far as dates for the so they did not cover that row well. We have the first flight of the big rocket is in fiscal year 18. Ofis scheduled for december 2017. It could slip into 2018 but that will be without a crew. That will be a complete functional test of the entire thing in the first flight with a crew is scheduled for 2021. That is called Exploration Mission two. The one after, Exploration Mission three, that is the one we are looking to go visit the asteroid with. Yes, sir. [indiscernible] stopping an asteroid from hitting us . Im sorry, i could not tell you. We have a lot of people that are looking we find more asteroids all the time. Scientists are out there. We do not have plans to divert asteroids. Planetary defense is something that we need to consider and look at. We have folks that are considering what we should do when we find one coming our way. What we learn from this asteroid redirect mission, we are going to learn if through solar electric propulsion, over eight if we can change orbit, we are looking into that. What is the exact date when the spaceship will launch . Scheduled fort is december 6. It will be in early december, in that timeframe. The atlas five rocket that was scheduled to launch around spring break i am sorry, which one . The atlas five rocket that had a technical issue that was classified. Did it ever launch . Yes, it did. There is another launch of a space x rocket coming up here on fathers day on a commercial mission. Is nasa working on a more environmentallyfriendly fuel . We just a team finished a landing project with the morpheus wender lander. It was a project that was really cool. They took a map, a picture of what a landing site on the pole of the moon was like, the south pole of the moon, and they recreated at the shuttle landing facility. Using this lander, they tested landing there. What they were developing was alhtc, without any pilots, it could learn how to land without landing on a rock. The fuel on that vehicle, they were using methane. Methane and liquid oxygen. Is environmentally friendly. It is not like using other fuels. It is safer and easier to deal with. That is a technology we are looking at. Do you have any plans for lunar or martian colonization and building a base there and when you think that will happen . Oh, man. That is a ways off but i am all for. I thought we might be there by now but i think it will happen. Talking with bill, who is in charge of all human exploration for nasa. What is it that we want to do . We talk about being explorers. We dont want to be explorers. We wanted to be pioneers. Explorers leave their home base, go to an extreme environment, learn about it, and, back to home base. Pioneers leave their home base and established a presence. They stayed where they went. Want to do. We we want to establish a human presence in the solar system. That is our goal, to be pioneers. Forhere do you see fund and nasa going once the sls starts . Right now, funding is flat for the next five years. Hopefully after that it will ramp up a little bit. We will have to see. During the apollo program, nasa had 4. 5 of the federal budget. We currently have less than. 5 . 1 . To budget this year is close 18 billion. Think of what we could do if we had close to what apollo had. Given the debt, it is unrealistic to think that. We have laid out a course with the funding we have way to gives financially sound that we think is financially sound. You guys have been a great audience. I have really enjoyed coming back to marshall and sharing all of this with you. You can find my email. I answer all my own questions. If you think of anything else you want to hear about, drop me a line and i will get you one answer or have someone get you an answer. I think that what we are doing is absolutely phenomenal. I think it is exciting. Nasa has not shut down. We havent had ration florham. Exploration have an program. Theave a need to establish human presence in the solar system and we have an outstanding future. I cant wait for that rocket that is being designed by the folks here at huntsville to be down to the Kennedy Space center so we can complete testing and watch it. Thank you. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]