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Afghans, how would you rate that difference . Significant. Yeah. Okay. Now, lets talk about the other aspect, train, advise and assist. Youre asked to evaluate the plan on paper. You said if everything works out well, that by 2017, on the train, advise and assist lane, we might be okay. It would be possible to develop sustainability by that time. Okay. And theres a lot of assumptions that have to be made and met; is that correct . There are, senator. Some of these assumptions are pretty enormous. Theyre significant assumptions. To hit all of the gates, would it be akin to kicking a 65 yard field goal . Senator, it would be difficult to hit all the gates exactly as weve outlined them. I think it would be kicking a 65 yard field goal into the wind. But thats just my two cents worth. This is on paper. My statement is that on paper, theres a disaster in the making to our homeland and to losing all the games we fought inside afghanistan by drawing down too quick and not being able to help the afghans in a reasonable fashion. If it does change, i will be the first to applaud the changes. If it doesnt change, it is a complete, absolute disaster in the making. As to political reconciliation, between the two candidates, are you optimistic that this will work out . Senator, i am. Are you optimistic that the Afghan People will continue to want us around . Im absolutely of the mystic. So theres absolutely no reason for any american politician to believe that were not welcome to stay in afghanistan . Both president ial candidates support the bilateral Security Agreement in a continued u. S. Prechbs. If alqaida is able to regenerate in this region and our ct presence goes down to virtually zero, would you expected an attack on our homeland in the next five years. Certainly based on the intent of the enemy, i would, senator. Lots at stake, right . There is, senator. Now, as we go into evaluating our fore structure, what have we done to the marine core, in your opinion, if we get back on the road to sequestration . Senator, as ive looked at what sequestration does at the United States marine corps at a core level of 175,000, it gets to the issues of what we talked about this morning its the inability to be ready with the requirement of at least the minimal threshold for modernization, infrastructure and other program that is support marines. I think youre really on a path, without overstatement, to use general myers comment from the 1980s, youre really on a path to hollow force if you have sequestration and use a core of 175,000 marines. Will you agree to me that congress has done more damage to the marine corps that any enemy can do on the battlefield. Senator, there isnt an enemy that has been able to do much to the marine corps. I would agree with that state. Thank you, statement. General, thank you, very much for your service. Youve done extraordinary work. Ive had the privilege of being with you in afghanistan. I have seen firsthand what youve done into your family. The time he spent there helped change the world for us. And we know you missed him, but we were very grateful to have him there with us. Sir, as commander of the marine corps, this past year, you know, we are so impressed by what youve done. And youre going to get an overwhelming vote. 45 marines we lost to suicide. I think this is a critical issue. I know you do. I was wondering, you know, your intention to work with your team to try to make a difference here. Senator, thanks for that question. And i will be personally engaged in it, as i was as the assistant commandant for two years. I think its fair to say at the beginning of the war, our understanding of Mental Health was rudimentary, at best. Over the past decade, weve learned quite a bit. I think one of the encouraging things is the center thats been established up at walter reed to do some Great Research into Traumatic Stress and traumatic brain injury. So in terms of Mental Health department, well certainly be engaged to that. With regards to suicide, because most suicides arent related to the combat experience, but well do all we can to ensure that we have leadership that recognizes the warning signs of suicide. Well make sure that we have proper medical care available when those warning signs are identified that the leadership gets marines to proper help and will continue to work at what is in effect discouraged. One of the most disheartening things we saw in iraq was a lot of the generals we had work eed with, helped train, were replaced wilreplace ed by, in effect, pals of the people in charch. As we look at afghanistan, were trying to learn from the lessons we see in iraq. We have abdul abdullah, obviously, president carzi still has a great amount of influchbs. Do you feel confident . Obviously, we think we have the right generals in place in the afghan army right now. Do you feel confident they can avoid that same type of situation where talent and ability is taken out where they can have friends come out . Confident but not complacent in that particular area. Both candidates have made a commitment to pick the right people in the security ministries. I thought one of the more encouraging things that came out of this weekends discussion, of the many areas that come out in the political track, one of them was to stabilize inside the Ministry Defense during a period of transition. They both recognized the importance. I know from dr. Ghani, i was my part in doing transition. He certainly selected the right leadership. Ive had enough conversations with dr. Abdullahs people where i think he recognizes the same. It wont be that we have a Patriots Network inside of afghanistan. That will be the case for some time to come. But what we have today in the form of core commanders and other key leaders and also inside the minister of interior with our Police Leadership is the recognition by Senior Leadership that while they may have, you know, some other factors beside merit, that would cause people to be selected for leadership positions, there has to be a foundation for each appointment that is made. But thats something that the next governor of afghanistan is going to have to continue to emphasize on. You had a very specific assignment with afghanistan. Now, as commandant of the marine cor corps, obviously all over the world. As you look at this, through your experience, where do you see the biggest threat to our country right now . The greatest source of potential danger to an attack here and where it would be coming from. Senator, i think the greatest challenge today is the greatest numbers that failed in failing states. At this point, its the most critical near threat to our security. Have you seen any indications to groups like isis . Theyre involved in iraq. Is it from everything that you see cast towards over here and coming after us, as well . Senator, i think the very change that they made to their name ind kats the risk thats greater than iraq. Theyve changed their name to the Islamic State and declared it inside of iraq. When you, to go back to afghanistan for a second, weve seen pakistan pushing harder in the triball areas, trying to go after a lot of the pakistan taliban. How has the effect been on afghanistan . Has it been pushed more over into the region that youve been in charge of or that youve been working with the afghans on . How do you see that long term . Weve had a disruptive effect. Theres a positive effect as well as the enemy changes moving to afghanistan. I think what remains to be seen, and were watching very closely, what will pakistan do as these groups start to move back towards pakistan. We have a commitment that they will not allow groups to come back. And theyve taken visible measures to destroy the infrastructure as a whole. But, frankly, thats something that i think is to be determined and were wamping that very closely. I think its going to be required that we stay engaged to our pakistani counter parts that that does not happen again. One final question is, as you look, what do you think will be the greatest challenge in hurrying this position as you move forward. Senator, today, and at the same time, make the kinds of decisions and kinds of investments and ensure that we have a ready marine corps tomorrow. Well, to you, thanks again. Youve been an inspiration to you to not only marines but to our Service Members all over the country and to us, as well. Were very, very proud of your work. Thank you, senator. Thank you, senator donnoly. Senator cruz . Thank you, mr. Chairman. General, thank you for being here, thank you for your testimony and thank you for your service to your country. Id like to ask you questions about several National Security threats across the globe, starting with what you and senator donnoley were just discussing which is the situation with isis. Right now, in iraq, roughly how Many Americans are on the ground and in iraq, both civilian and military. Senator, im not sure how many, exactly. I think its somewhere short of a thousand. How would you characterize our ability right now to ensure the safety of those americans. In the environment that hes put in, certainly a dangerous combat requirement. Always a risk. Im confident that hes done all he can to mitigate that risk. What about the american civilians who are in iraq. What is our ability to ensure their safety. Senator, at this time, im not aware of our capacity to provide security for the civilians that are in iraq. Theyre certainly part of the whole comprehensive force protection on the ground as well as our uniform personnel. If youre talking about people that are there in a private capacity, then i think our ability to provide security to them on a daytoday basis is fairly limited. Certainly the political challenges that spilled over into security. I think it shows the inextricable link between stability and security as well as viable governance. General, im particularly concern concerned. Isis who are so extreme that they were thrown out of alqaida, which is a pretty remarkable feat and who had express eed an open desire to attack and kill americans. And on the other side, the Islamic Republic of iran. Who, likewise, are rabidly antiamerican and have the same desire. And a hostile situation where enemy forces capture americans and hold them hostage. Certainly to prevent the situation and do everything we can to mitigate the risk of it spiraling out of control so that american citizens are not caught between two warring factions and trapped in a place from which we have no ready exit. Ill do that, senator. Lets shift to a neighboring country which is very much invovi invovi involi involved right now and that is iran. In your military judgment, how significant of a threat would you characterize the possibility of iran acquiring Nuclear Weapon capability. I think that would be extraordinarily significant, senator. In your judgment, what would happen if iran were to acquire Nuclear Weapon capability. I think they would leverage to meet their expansionist subjections and destabilize the region. If, god forbid, iran were to acquire Nuclear Weapons. And if, god forbid, they were to make the second decision of being able to use those weapons, based on the radical religious extremism that motivated so called extremity and the mullers in iran. In your view, how much damage could iran do to america or her allies if iran was willing to use Nuclear Weapons to maximize the damage. Senator, it would be hard for me to envision how to use those or what might happen. But i can say clearly, that would be a threat to our vital interest, and that is the protection of the homeland and the people of the United States. If iran says were able to use a Nuclear Weapon launch from a ship offshore of the United States into the atmosphere, to create an emp on the eastern sea board, what would the impact be to this country . Any Nuclear Weapon that would go off in the United States would have a horrific effect on people. And an emp, in particular, how would that impact the civilian population if an emp were detonated in the atmosphere above the eastern sea board. An emp would essentially shut down our Communications Network would be one of the more significant outcomes of emp. Would there be additional impacts in terms of transportation, in terms of distribution of food, in terms of basic means for survival . All of those things, senator, are impacted by our ability to communicate. So my expectation is that all of them would be adversely affected. And let me finally shift afghanistan. How significant would you characterize the threat right now . We are managing the threat to the homeland now as a result of the pressure that were putting on the network. I believe we are at moderate risk as a result to the extremists in the region. But, again, that risk is assessed in the context of the forces that we have on the ground inside of afghanistan and our efforts with pakistan. And so the final question on exactly that point, if we proceed with a plan that the president has laid out in 2016 to drop our forces to roughly a thousand and in 2017 to drop it to zero, what will be our capacity to engage in Counter Terrorism to limit the threat from the radical islamic terrorists in that region. The tools that well have available to deal with to conduct Counter Terrorism in 2017 and the scenario that youve outlined is the willing capacity of pakistan and the willing capacity of afghanistan. We would be dependent on their forces and unable, on our own, to defend ourselves from terrorist threats 234 that region. If youre projecting a threat and youre projecting that we would not have any forces there, then we would be defending on afghanistan and pakistan. That is a deeply troubling scenario. Thank you, general. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Welcome, general. I want to talk a little bit about gender integration. If confirmed, what is your goal in regard to combat integration in the marine corps. Senator, im aware of the direction that the senator put forward in 2017. Since that time, theres been a responsible and measured approach. Theres an analysis for an exception to the direction that secretary pinetta outlined in 2013. Im aware that that recommendation would have to be made by january of 2016. And, in any recommendation that i make would be informed by the reasonable now, id also like to thank you for coming here because you may not know it. But we in scott county like to call this area the other east coast. The east coast of iowa. So welcome. [ applause ] in just 110 days, it will be election day. And even more remarkable is that in only 70 days, early voting begins. Do you believe that . Only 70 days. I know, Lieutenant Governor, i feel the same way. As a county chair, that makes me a little nervous as i think about all the thing that is we need to be doing for our candidates. But i do look forward to november when iowans will reelect all of the great candidates up and down the ticket and another era of growth and prosperity begins at iowa. And with us tonight are some of those candidates. With us is secretary of state paul pate. Running for u. S. House of representatives in the second Congressional District is dr. Meeks. Running for iowa senate is sf senator rob by smith and brian schmidt. Where are you, brian . Running for the iowa house is ross bostion. Mark ross. Norylin mumson. Gary carlson and linda miller. And running for the scott county board of supervisors are Carol Earnhardt and diane holz. This fall, we will make history in iowa. Not only as we elect our first woman United States senator, but we will also elect the first woman to represent us in the United States house of representatives. And i am proud to say that i will be the voters in this, the second Congressional District to do so. Please join me in welcome chris our second Congressional District candidate. Who will send people backpacking for good, dr. Meeks. I was at Clinton County fair milk a cow before coming here and all the bridges were open on the way to davenport. We thank our governor for doing a great job and running our state. As you know, im running for congress because there was a dysfunctional mess in washington, d. C. When i was meeting with farmers in Clinton County,they all say the same thing. Nothing is happening in washington. Its a dysfunctional mess. And they want to know whos standing up for the little guy. Is kind of obvious, i am the little guy. There was something Margaret Thatcher said a long time ago. And she said if you you know, being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tellm you are, you arent. But it also helps when you almost outfund raise an incumbent in a democratic district. So when we look at the things that are aliening our country right now, and believe me, we are hurting, we can use the policies of lieutenant branstad and we can export them to washington, d. C. Just like we expo export corn and soy. If you like doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care, you can keep your health care plan. Is that the guy who fell asleep in the hearing on health care . Thats the guy were going to trust . No. Last week, i think governor branstad and the rest in the group, would you please stand . Thank you for your service. Who are we going to trust on National Security. When miller meeks is in congress, shes got your back. You will not be left alone on a rooftop and you wont have a debacle when youre on your committee. Here in iowa, what are we going to tell them in washington, d. C. When we send d. C. Dave home . In iowa, were going to keep our doctor and lose our congressman. Thank you very much. Thank you, marianete. Now, some of you may be familiar with a certain late night talk shows top ten list. Well, tonight, i would like to share with you our notsolate, late night top ten list of reasons why iowans will reelect governor branstand. Number 10, for the first time in 35 years, the governor signed a tuition freeze for two years in a row at all of our state universities. Number 9, statewide, the Unemployment Rate has been reduced by 30 making it the seventh lowest in the nation. Number 8, since taking office, more than 130,000 new jobs across the state have been created. Number 7, companies have expanded and grown in iowa including facebook, microsoft, google, cargill, biosciences, a aalliantu mid american and cf industries. Number 6, of their leadership, over 9 million in private Capital Investments have been made in iowa. Number 5, berins magazine has ranked iowa the second bestmanaged state. [ applause ] number 4, more iowans are em plied than ever before. Number 3, iowa had a 900 million projected deficit. Today, we have a budget surplus. Number 2, governor branstad signed the largest tax cut in iowa history. 4. 4 billion over 10 years. And the number one reason why iowans will reelect governor branstand and Lieutenant Governor reynolds is the last four years have only been the beginning. It has just been their warmup. And we look forward to and are excited about what the next four years will bring and all that they will do to help iowans. The best is yet to come. M and now, i invite you to watch one of governor branstad and Lieutenant Governor reynolds commercials. It is now my honor to introduce to you half of the team who has worked to achieve all of those great top ten reasons. Please join me in giving a warm, scott county welcome to our great Lieutenant Governor, kim reynolds. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Whew lets firem up. Do you like that commercial . Yes thats something we can be proud of. It fakestakes all of us to get done. All of you out there. Thank you so much. What a great event. I tell you, judy, thank you so much for that great introduction in the top ten. Its kind of my speech. But what do they say . Youve got to hear it two or three times before it sinks in. No, this is a wonderful turn out and this is what were seeing all over the state, this kind of turnout and energy and momentum. I just want to start out not only thanking judy and all that you do but i want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve over the last 3 1 2 years over this great state. What an Incredible Opportunity of a lifetime to serve alongside who we always refer to as the hardestworking governor in the nation. Governor Terry Branstad. And i always preface that, governor christie, no disrespect, what so ever. For some reason, iowa has a lot of great governors who like to travel through our state. But i like to call it the way it is. It is the great governors across this nation that are showing washington, d. C. How its done. Were very lucky to have the number of republican governors that we do. We have an incredible state team. Its probably the best statewide ticket that weve seen. Weve got great candidates all the way from the court house to the state house to the congress. Governor and i, after the state team, after the primary, we went on a threeday, 14 community tour. And at every stop, we had turnouts just like this. We had people that were excited and energized and the momentum was tremendous. So as we walked parades this summer, over the fourth of july or i did one last week, weve had republican volunteers that are walking for us, door knocking, really doing what we need to do to be successful. We had over 150 people in the parade that i was at last week and they didnt even have a present. Kudos for all of you being here and we need to continue to do that as we work over the next 110 days. We really, really have an amazing opportunity to keep this state moving in the right direction. When governor branstad and i ran for office in 2010, we really ran with the mission of leading iowas comeback. We were facing some significant challenges. Record spending, record unemployment, a record billion dollar deficit that judy was talking about. What iowans were telling us is they were looking for a leader, a conservative leader who had the courage to make the tough decisions to say no and to make the decisions they needed to make this state turn around. We got right to work working with the republicans in the house and the great republicans we had in the senate. And we balanced the budget with a twoyear, fiveyear stopping the bad budget affecting practices and we turned that into a surplus. Because of those decisions that were made early on, today, iowa has a robust and growing e ckoe creat createsing quality jobs and creating opportunities for iowans all across this state. Yes. I think judy also said seventh lowest unemployment across the country. We are working hard every single day to make sure that we have a work force in place to meet the growing economy through skilled iowa, stem, science, technology, and the whole initiative. But as judy indicated, i want to tell you, we are just getting started. Were not done. Were excited. Were energized. And were ensththused about the possibilities for iowa. Were going to work hard and continue to earn your support so we have the opportunity to continue moving this state forward because, as much as we like to talk about the rankings and the statistics and the numbers, its really about our children and our grandchildren. And its about making sure that when they grow up, they have the same opportunities that we had or that this i had growing up in a small, Rural Community of about 500 in st. Charles u iowa. So we want to make sure that they have the same opportunities we have and that we keep them right here in the state of iowa. So, again, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to serve you as your Lieutenant Governor. God bless you and have a great evening. And now, it really is my honor and pleasure to introduce a man who has, as i ind kated earlier, really led iowas comeback. And im telling you, he will lead iowa to four more years of job growth, balanced budget, educational opportunities, and he is a wonderful applicant for this state. He works tirelessly, day in and day out, on behalf of iowans. And ive never actually it been a tremendous honor to have the opportunity to work with our great governor, Governor Terry branstad. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well, you can see, i met my match in terms of energy, enthusiasm and people that serve the state of iowa in Lieutenant Governor kim reynolds. Thank you, kim. And Judy Davidson in scott county, i love this county. This is the best big county in iowa. Were glad to be here. And were glad to have governor Chris Christie here for this very special event. It has been a great honor to serve you the last 3 1 2 years. And im always proud to come back to scott county and to davenport. Ive got to tell them i was telling them on the way in here, when i was a sophomore in high school, we played davenport west in the state tournament. And they beat us. They won in the state tournament, too, by the way. I wont tell you what year it was. Anyway, we went passed the school here on the way to the Mississippi Valley fairgrounds and i couldnt help but think about that. Well, four years ago, the state of iowa faced some big challenges. We had a 900 million projected budget deficit. State wide unemployment was over 6 . The governor had a big debt scheme thats going to cost us 65 million a year for the next 25 years to pay back. But iowa spoke on election day and chose new, conservative leadership to start iowas comeback. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work right away. With the help of the republicans in the senate who are close to becoming the majority in this next election, we put together a bienni biennial, twoyear budget. And we went to work on economic progress and our Economic Development authority under the leadership of our dynamic director, debbie durham. And now, more iowans are working at any point in our states history. Weve reduced the Unemployment Rate by nearly 30 pnt. The investments that have been made with the help of economic develop. Ment now exceed 9 billion. We made government more efficient, effective, accountable and reduced its size. In fact, were down over a thousand its over 1400 state employees from the day we took aufgs and there are 500 in the pipeline that we were going to hire that we didnt hire. I signed the largest property tax cut in history and youre going to see that in the next couple of months. And fully funding the tax credits to protect homeowners and farmers, as well. We passed transformational education reform because we believe that every child deserves access to educational excellence. And we believe in having educational choice. And weve increased the funding for the program we have where iowa families can help kids with the chance to go to catholic and nonpublic schools. That is the stl program. Its been a Great Success. And our new Teacher Rewards Program that rewards teachers what take on responsibility as leaders, mentors and coaches to improve student achievement. For the first time in 35 years, im proud to say, iowa students going to our state universities will see to increase in their tuition both this year and next year. And after having that Great Success last year, this year, we passed the bipartisan plan to match veterans with quality, highpaying jobs here in iowa with one simple principle. Men and women who have served our nation should not have to worry about finding a good job once theyve completed their service. We know that the federal government is dramatically reducing the size of its service. We want them to know that iowa is the place they want to relocate. I had the honor to sign that bill at camp dodge in the Gold Star Museum and i lost enough weight that i did it in my army uniform. Now, i said this at the opening. I was only a buck ser jent in the army. So im highly out ranked by marienet meeks. But im really proud to be with these great, Women Leaders that we have in our party. We welcome veter rans to iowa with open arms, no longer taxing their pensions and giving credit for their military training and education and helping employers to be able to find veter rans with the skills they need. The lunt governor, i hear all of the time. Weve got good jobs available, we cant find people with if right skills to match them. And were going to be doing our absolutely utmost effort to make sure that were matching those veterans with great jobs here in iowa. And with your help, we can go even further in building that bright and prosperous future for all iowans. Both today and into the future. In 2014, and ive been at a few elections, i have the sense this could be a great republican year all across this state. Weve had the strongest ticket weve assembled in modern times. I want to run the best campaign that weve ever run. Over the next few months, Lieutenant Governor rend olds and i will lay out our vision for iowas future. To the people of iowa, ive learned that you have to build on your record and show the people a vision of an even brighter fuel which you are. Future. Were proud of what weve accomplished. But weve only just begun. And we believe the future can only be better and brighter. Lieutenant governor and i go to every county every year. I think by the end of this month, well have hit all of the counties. Of course, big counties like scott county, we come to more than once a year. I am more energized and excited about this campaign than ive ever been. Ive never had more fun than weve had this year. Were really looking forward to that night 110 days from now when we can celebrate a great republican victory in scott county and all across iowa. We feel confident that we have the right momentum to win the senate seet. You see what shes done. Shes come to win the primary with 56 of the vote. It reminds me of four years ago when i chose kim reynolds to be a Lieutenant Governor and she said yes. The second question i said is youve got to have a good ka candidate to take your place in the senate. And she said dont worry, my friend joanie is. And how right she was. Joanie has done a great job. As a state senator, as a candidate, she helped us balance the budget and helped us with the biggest property tax cut. Now, shes at the right place to replace tom harken with a republican. A farm girl. A military veteran. A conservative and somebody that has the right values and experience to rep sent our state. Contrast that with her opponent. A liberal, lawyer congressman. Weve got 50 lawyers in the United States senate. We dont need another one. He happens to be the one who went down in texas stapding before a bunch of texas lawyers saying hell represent them, the texas trial lawyers and then saying if you dont like me, you can end up with republican majority in the senate and that would mean, heaven forbid, wed have a farnl farmer from iowa cg the Senate Judiciary committee. Well, i think most americans would love to have chuck raslin chairing the judiciary committee. And well let brailey retire with tom harken. I think that would be good, too. This is a historic opportunity for iowans. People who respect other people and choose a senator that shares their values in joanie earnest. We need you to do all you can because joanie is on duty. We need to be shes on duty in wisconsin right now as a Battalion Commander for an Iowa National guard unit. We need to be on duty working for her every day that shes gone right here in the state of iowa getting her message across district, weve got another lieutenant colonel, marion miller, shes a doctor, shes a veteran, she was our director of Public Health before she decided to resign to run for this congressional seat. Shes a problem solver. And she might be small, but shes mighty, and shes a gogetter. And we want her we want a republican senator and representative from this district. [ applause ] earlier today, governor christie was with us, we did an event for speaker paulson, and we want paulson to have a bigger majority in the house of representatives. We need to send all those republicans that are in the house back, plus add to their numbers. And you can help us do that here in eastern iowa. And we want to give senator dicks the help he needs to gain a republican majority in the state senate. And you can help us do that. [ applause ] in fact, brian schmitts is in that district we need this one, get this one, and one more. And, of course, we need to reelect robby smith and the other republicans across the state and pick up two senate seats and we become the majority. Weve got great candidates for other state offices. We have another veteran who was a pilot in the air force, and hes been a College Professor in sioux city. And came in second in the race for the United States senate. And has agreed to run for state treasurer, sam clovis. Will be a great addition to our executive council. We have an iowa farmer whos a great secretary of agriculture, bill northy. We need to reelect bill northy. And you know, we had a great cpa state auditor, david boudon. He got elected as the only cpa running for state auditor. And he was kind of a voice in the wilderness until kim and i came along and said were going to put the stations financial house in order. Were going to follow the recommendations of the cpa auditor. The government accounting standards board, which sets accounting standards for all state and local governments said, hey, we need a new chair for our organization, and they chose david boudon. And it pays a heck of a lot more than state auditor. So he is now chair for the next seven years, with the government accounting standards board. Even though hes working in greenwich, connecticut, hes commuting from iowa because i appointed his wife as a District Court judge. But the great news is, weve got another cpa auditor, mary moesman. I wanted another cpa. And we happened to find a cpa that also elected three times story county auditor, mary moesman, shes off to a great start. We need to reelect her as auditor of state. A young man that helped us get property tax relief, education reform and the iowa health and wellness plan as an alternative to the obama medicaid expansion, a young man named adam gray. He was our legislative liaison for the last two years. Did a fantastic job with the split legislature. Hes smart, hes a great strategist, and hes very articulate. And he will be a great fighter, and worker for iowa. His name is adam greg. He likes to say, adam greg, that stands for a. G. , for a. G. So adam greg for attorney general. [ applause ] and, you know, i had the opportunity to work with paul payton before. He was our secretary of state and he is coming back and running again for secretary of state. So thats a great ticket that we have on the state level. And of course, kim reynolds and i run as a team. And i have met you know, i have met my match. Ive got a great teammate. And we are really proud of whats been accomplished. I believe i really believe this is the year we could Win Every One of those races if we all work extraordinarily hard to see that happen. [ applause ] and now, i have the distinct privilege of introducing a dear friend, somebody who has been a great leader for the republicans in his state, and is now the chair of the republican governors association. And i didnt think anybody could be better than hailey barber four years ago. Hailey did a phenomenal job, set all kinds of records, and we elected republican governors all the way across the midwest. I happened to be one of them. One of the people that came in for me on the eve of the election is governor Chris Christie. He gave a great speech and gave us a real boost right when we needed it in late october. And we went on to win that election. When governor christie was elected in 2009, he beat an incumbent democrat who was very wealthy and spent more than twice what he was able to spend. His victory in 2009 was one of the inspirations that convinced me, and some of the others, maybe we ought to run for governor in 2010. And we did. And you know the results. He tackled some tough problems in new jersey. With a legislature controlled by the other party, both houses, they passed several tax increases, and he had the guts to veto them. In fact, he set records for vetoes. And he has put his state back on track, balanced the budget, without raising taxes. Some people thought it was ungovernable, but yet he not only did a great job. Some of you, of course, saw what happened in his state. It was devastated by the hurricane sandy. He was there on the spot, reassuring people and rebuilding the state. Did a phenomenal job. Worked tirelessly. This guy, he goes everywhere. He goes into the most difficult democratic areas, faces the toughest questions, and has the courage and guts to tell it like it is. In a state that has 700,000 more democrats than republicans, he won reelection by 61 . Ladies and gentlemen, the great governor of new jersey, my dear friend, governor Chris Christie. [ applause ] all right, all right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. It is great to be back in iowa. Governor, thank you so much for that introduction. And, you know, its kind of funny for me to stand up here, and to hear Governor Terry branstad say that i was the inspiration for him to run for governor. Because i can tell you that in 2010, when we got that phone call in new jersey, from governor branstads campaign asking if i would come and campaign for him, near the end of the campaign, i said to my staff, i was like, Terry Branstad knows who i am . And this is a legend. This is a guy who has set the example for governors all across the country in both parties. And not just because he initially served four terms and did an extraordinary job, but to me, the thing that makes his Public Service so extraordinary is the example hes set for the last four years. Because four years ago, when he was in a very good job that he was doing a great job at, and getting to spend more time with his family, he saw what awful shape iowa was in. He saw what the last administration was doing to iowa, to iowas economy, to iowas education system. And to the pride that iowa rightfully feels about itself, who was diminishing, because of the awful policies being put in place in the state capital. When he could have just as easily said, no, thank you, i served four terms as governor of iowa, ive done my service, instead he did what real selfless Public Service is all about. He put the people of iowa and the state that he loves ahead of his own personal interests. And thats the greatest inspiration you give to anybody who offers themselves up for public office, is that its not about you, its about the people that you serve. And so i know the people in this room understand this. But hes not just an inspiration to fellow iowaians, hes an inspiration to leaders all across this country. Hes been a great governor and he will continue to be a great governor, because you all are going to return him to office on november 4th, arent you . [ cheers and applause ] and i like Lieutenant Governor kim, too. My Lieutenant Governor is acting governor while im here in iowa. Lieutenant governor kim has great ideas, and shes somebody who i think iowans all across the state look up to. Because, again, shes someone who is doing the job every day. Not looking for fanfare, not looking for the limelight, not looking to be the star of the show. Looking to get the job done

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