Worries ut your the wallace victory in california did not come easy. When George Wallace but his seventh i will his southern style camping to californians, it cannot seem to directly appeal to them. Southern traditions and National Issues have in the past appeared too much at opposite poles. Apparently, wallace wasnt bothered that his downhome campaign, complete with gospel singing, you will some people. The willard some people. Bewildered some people. By getting enough signatures to appear on the california primary, wallace proved he headed a significant political movement, which must be reckoned with. So, while political observers tried to predict his next move, wallace kept on moving, talking with people in all parts of california. Gaining new strength and support every day. Here was a strong new leadership that excited and pulled at you. Here was a National Voice that californians and millions of americans could ralyl behind. Here was George Wallace, a new Political Force in america. [waves crashing] aboutrything said 40yearold George Wallace. One constant comment heard, whether it be pro or con, is that i admire his courage. Courage is one basis of his appeal. But there is another part, too. Wallace is a southerner who was universal support and appeal that is not clearly obvious at first glance. He communicates. He talks in a language that people can understand and few politicians can match his uncanny ability to grasp the real issues and concerns of the American People in any area. He is truly a man of the people. It is because of these talents that he caught political observers offbalance in 1964 when he captured more than a quarter million votes in the wisconsin primary. Then, 30 of the democratic reverential primary vote in indiana. 43 of the primary vote in maryland. But if he is underestimated by some, its not because he sidesteps any issues. He gets right down to the case. Last year devoted on the matter of year you voted on the matter of home ownership. But you voted wrong according to the pseudointellectuals on the court. They recommend the law on the congressional level that would put you in jail if you do not want to sell or lease your property to someone. That is been thought of by this pseudointellectual crowd that think you have sense enough to know who you want to sell or lease your own property to. Another thing they have to be strong about is the threat to the internal security of our country by law and order. Its a sad commentary when you can walk on the streets or parks in our large cities. And if you go out in this building tonight and somebody punches you in the head, the person that knocks you in the head is out of jail before you get to the hospital. And on monday morning, they will try policeman, not the person that mocked you in the head. We are going to try criminals on monday instead of the policeman. The Supreme Court of our country has handcuffed the police. They have rendered decisions that are asinine. Murdererslfprofessed loose. You have read about it. When they turn somebody loose, a proven margaret, 5 or more people, some pseudointellectual tells us he is not to blame, society is to blame. His papa didnt take him to see the Los Angeles Rams when he was a little boy. [laughter] we had a case in our state that the Supreme Court will destroy every Neighborhood School in california. Tehy already started destroying the detroit, chicago, and in new york. In washington, they ruled you have to transport the children across state lines. This decision rising from a case in alabama will take your children and transport them across the other side of the city and across the los angeles county. If you folks in california want to do that, put your. Hildren on a bus you do whatever you want to do. You decide to do it yourself. Dont let somebody 3000 miles away right every guideline for the education of your child. A case last year. Tou can choose to go to any any school you choose to, regardless of your race. They said, not enough people on this side choose to go to school on this side. Alabamagh people in chose to go across town to go to school, and vice versa. We said, they could have chosen if they wanted to. What are we going to do about it . Make them go . They said, that is your problem, work it out. And if you dont work it out, we are going to take away your money. Not any such thing as federal funds. They are taxpayer funds. Im tired of people saying alabama gave you money. You gave california money. You give the government money. When they send it back to you, they say they wont say how they can spend it. Well attach a lot of strings. In that decision, they wrote that we could keep freedom of choice, if it worked. They said, if it works, they get to choose over here and vice versa. You will have to assign them yourself and make them go. The fort we are trying to raise, you ought to run schools any way you want to. There is another matter that everyone has talked about and there are no Simple Solutions to. That is our involvement in Southeast Asia. We could talk all night about the matter of the parallel and French Indochina and the geneva accord. But place to say, we are in vietnam. And 500,000 american serviceman are totally committed at this moment between life and death. And some of them are being killed at this very moment. Owner, andt the motel the owner shook my hand. Eight months ago, her husband was killed in the amount. Her children are being killed on this night. One of the first things we ought to do is reappraise our attitude towards western europe and our noncommunist asian nations. They are doing so much better than those in western europe. Western europe was rehabilitated after world war ii by the money of those of california and alabama, including those nations that we fought. Im glad that we have a stable rehabilitated europe in economys concern. That has been a barrier to further communist encroachment in that part of the world. Even though we sold out the Eastern European nations, we still have a strong label western europe. We need us and they need about talking about kicking our allies out, just having eyeball to eyeball talk above the table and make them respect us more. Its as much your interest to be in Southeast Asia as it is for us. If you dont go and help us and stop trading those with our enemies, we are going to cut foreign aid off and ask you to pay back that what you have gotten in the past. It has been devalued because of inflationary process is. We know what happened to the pound in england. Because of no return to the english people. We have to get our house in order we will face the same problem in these united states. You are not going to impair the dollar. By taking gold out of our country. If you continue to impair the dollar when you dont have to, we will put back on the books those billions of dollars that you owe us after world war ii and ask you to pay it back. I think that is a common sense approach. [laughter] his victories California Campaign was unique. Nothing like it had been accomplished before, although compass groups and interest had tried to gain position and found it impossible. Because it had never been accomplished, unorthodox methods had. For example, small groups of alabama volunteers commuting to and from california to direct and encourage volunteers. The Wallace Campaign started slow and grew. More than enough signatures were obtained. This special way of running a campaign was born about by the unusual nature of california politics. Infighting, while, and to all Political Parties in all states, is rampant in Southern California. 2 politicians, one republican, and one a democrat, simultaneously described each others Party Members as 2 millions choose in search of indians. There were 2 primary objectives to the campaign, to let californias know what wallace stood for. Changing your mind means changing your party. In the Wallace Campaign, it had to be done in a 2 mont period. This is been the target of special education throughout california politics. Teaching a phd Political Science as the university of california a los angelest, comment on the extreme difficulties of getting on the california ballot in the first place. And the special roadblocks encountered by the Wallace Campaign because of time and since. By the time people voted for governor getting 66,000 people to sign up for a new party is a difficult task. It is up to the lips later determined the minimum size of the party. It could be argued that california laws make it difficult to have a thirdparty going. Notmber and december are the most political active months. This is one obstacle. Secondly, it is the strong tradition of the two party , getting people to change their registration from republican democrat to a thirdparty. Facing these problems, the Wallace Campaigners decided the only way to get voters to sign restriction blanks was to have the problem of doing so explained to them, quickly and honestly by only means individually. Say hello to the governor. If you would like to shake can send chat, you can do so. It only takes a a minute to register. We have registrars that will register you in one minute. They will put him on the ballot in california. California law, in effect in 66,059tates that voters must reregister to qualify a candidate on the primary ballot. When the campaign kicked off, Many Political experts said wallace didnt have the appeal. Crowdsweeks past and the grew, and enthusiasm was obvious, same experts begin reversing their earlier productions. The campaign kept moving. It was propelled along by the indomitable wallace spirit. Because of the very unique Solutions Found in the many complex problems by the small mpaign. Ective wallace ca money is important to any campaign. But to get money, you must first get people willing to give. And to believe what they are giving to. The wallace California Campaign started in a political. The 1968 president ial race is far off in the minds of voters. Timing is possible to to manipulate. Then, approaching the january deadline, one of the coldest winter blasts in history hit sunny california. As this seasonal weather hit, there were problems of working in Southern California itself. From somewhere to anywhere takes a half hour to and i were have, depending on the freeways. To and hour and a half, depending on the freeways. Then Wallace Campaign staff faced the problems of political vision. Swaying voters away from a long time party affiliation. And doing it with a skeleton staff. It was a maze of problems, where one problem triggers four. That whether, no people. No people, no frustrations. Then no new followers and no donations. The net total of one viable day last. These are the risks inherent to the nature of politics. Politics itself is a serious, strategic contest. The born politician relishes both the risks and the strategy. Wallace and is staff have weather code success and failure. Every politician has. But what makes it appealing . The convictions and the high stakes. People rarely get to see the other side of George Wallace

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