23 years once a month. I am so grateful to heritage were hosting this with us. I also want to introduce bridget weisberg are from heritage who is cohosting this event with us today. She is associate director of coalition relations. We had three grades hers today for our prolife panel. Matter Kathryn Glynn foster and Alexander Desantis and they have been leaders in the fight for the fight for wife. First malory will be speaking on the shift in the Prolife Movement post overturning roe and how it is sure that we keep moving the country in a prolife direction. Valerie serves as Vice President of communications of the susan b. Anthony prolife America Group group. Responsible for managing the groups communication and the Organization Strategy in corresponding with the media and public rest groups. Malorys profile stories about susan b. Anthony prolife america have been in the New York Times, the washington post, msnbc, the new york, and many more. She also serves as a top spokeswoman for the organization. Featured on fox news aired many publications and many to broadcast. She is a graduate of university of maryland. And joined the sba prolife American Team in 2009 after teaching english in france. Next, Kathryn Glynn foster will speak about jobs and the future to fruit prolife advocacy. The ceo on americans united for life and has litigated on so many issues. As well as Supreme Court many u. S. Courts of appeals and u. S. District courts for the Eastern District of virginia. She is author and tensed if id numerous domestic foreign and International Legislation initiatives and has appeared before the u. S. Senate, the u. S. House of representatives and other enteral and state bodies on multiple occasions. Before coming to americans united for life, kathryn spent seven years with lives defending freedom. Then she found it and manage the law practice that focused on respecting this entity of human life. And supporting likeminded organizations. She earned her doctorate and law degree at Georgetown University law center. Her masters in french from the university of south florida and a ba in history and french from mary college. Our third speaker alexandria desantis will be speaking on her new book you have it here to hold it up . I do not. Ok. She coauthored the book called tearing us apart how abortion harms everything and solves nothing. She will discuss how the Prolife Movement can make the best case against abortion by explaining it is hard that it has harmed every aspect of our site society. Commentary for this National Review online. She has hosted many National Review podcasts and speaks often on campus Colleges College campuses and conferences. Yesterday she spoke at a Foundation High School Conference along with carolyn from our staff. In many conservative events across the country. Her work has been published in the New York Times, wall street journal, the atlantic, washington post, washington salmon, and the human life view. She is a 2016 graduate of the university of notre dame area following todays speakers and q a after that, we hope you will join us in the foyer outside for lunch. So, please join me in welcoming todays prolife panel. [applause] thank you so much. Good afternoon everyone it is such a pleasure to be here and join you. Especially to be on a panel with man women i so much admire. Cap and i did not realize we had a French Connection going. This is also a special audience for me because i know that you are interns in the prolife conservative movement in d. C. I started exactly where you are. In 2009 at the what was called the susan b. Anthony list i was doing your most basic intern things. Answering the phones, making fresh cups of coffee, this is before k cups and espresso, i was writing blog posts and also cold calling the New York Times eventually. Is anybody doing that that this summer . No. Well i had to talk to them about our life political campaigns and how and why we believe that prolife is a winning issue and how we were intending to engage voters on this in key elections in order to impact the bottom life bottom line and impact champions once they were in office to instate policy. It is profound, as i was thinking about what to say to you guys as i reflected on that time as an intern. Seeing how much has changed. In the 13 years ive and an advocate for life in washington dc. It is decades old. Hundreds of thousands of americans have been working in various ways across the movement to get us to this point. One key contribution that i believe that susan b. Anthony has made and something i encourage all of you to continue in the future is to engage politically to keep engaging politically in the postop era. For 50 years we marched, we prayed, we began Crisis Pregnancy Centers to serve women in their communities. All of that is vital and we would not be here without it. But like every other successful human rights battle, there had to be a change in law and policy. And that was what we set out to do at the susan b. Anthony prolife america was and for the last 10 years very specifically being focused on electing a prolife president , a senate, all for the purposes of effecting the Supreme Court. Two see through the nomination and confirmation of justices touches those who are signed on to Justice Alitos doherty opinion official. And that is what we set out to do using the tools of democracy and that actually happen. I think its incredible. So many in the life we we are still reeling from the dobbs decision. I know in my part, every time i see roe v. Wade overturned on television i still catch my breath and i am thinking that really happened. But we absolutely cannot sit back at this point, a lot of my colleagues and leaders in the Prolife Movement have been quoting Winston Churchill recently. I love this quote. This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning. And i think that is very profound. It is more important than ever to stay engaged in the Prolife Movement and in politics in particular. Because by overturning roe. The court to its thumb off the scale and we the people through our elected representatives we can set policy that protects women and children. So since dobbs 12 states with another six soon to join them have taken action to protect more children throughout the duration of pregnancy or route the duration of pregnancy impacting an estimated 150,000 abortions every year. Potential lives saved. That is incredible. But this is a democratic republic of states. Some states are going in the opposite direction. To create socalled sanctuaries for abortion that are not just places where women can travel from to obtain abortions but where women can be brought to by pimps and traffickers where they are also enjoying these election safe havens. And we have a few blocks away democrats in congress pushing for a fourth vote on the failed, but very beautifully named Womens Health protection act. We cannot let our fellow americans fall for this life that the law is about protecting Womens Health. It is very deceptively name. More than 56 of abortions are occurring and will continue to occur. So, in order to reach the majority of the babies that are suffering and dying from abortion we need federal action. And back to the prolife states, not only are the prolife laws in the prolife lawmakers who are championing them going to need to be supported your after your election after election but we will need ongoing support for moms and babies who are now welcoming unplanned and unexpected children especially in the states the 16 that i mentioned for the 18 that i mentioned that are being most aggressive and ambitious to protect life. Here is an area where prolife governors are taking incredible steps forward creatively finding new ways to ensure that moms and families have the resources that they need to choose life. In the best circumstance. This is sam be mississippi governor is a great example hill here. He has signed into new bills that supports prolife Pregnancy Centers that is a tax credit for donations to Pregnancy Centers. Encouraging support from the community to assist moms and families in need. 14 states have offered alternatives to abortion programs including taxes. This went completely unreported. Maybe not by alexandra but texas when they pass their heartbeat protection act they also had a hundred Million Dollars of funding for children in texas. Many of those dollars have been authorized to Pregnancy Centers which as we know they have been offering free care to moms and families and material and financial assistance, medical care, sometimes housing and maternity homes, parenting classes, job training, everything is struggling mom or dad might to make that situation easier when they are taking care of life. And that is all provided by members of the local community. So, we know the centers on a cultural level and financial level and political policy lies as well, they need our support more than ever. Since the leak draft opinion theres been more than 40 incidents of violence against these nonpolitical places. Everything from firebombing to windows being smashed. You name it. Vandalism. And we need a elected officials speaking out at every level speaking out against that violence. In closing, i want to hear from these other ladies, the road ahead is going to be bumpy and winding. Let what i want you to take away from this is that there is a road. It did not end june 24, outside the court. There is so much work more work to be done. In United States and the congress in our communities but it is going to be worth it to have americas future and americas children walk protected under the law. Thank thank you and i look forward to q later. I am so excited to be here with all of you today. And q for having us here and i am delighted to be speaking with this crowd of so many young people. Because, as you said, the road is just beginning, our workload is just we are trying to on the webinar earlier this morning we were trying to figure out what the term is do you have triple or quadruple or quintuple that can get up to nine or 50 times i have no idea but whatever that number is or how ever you say it that is what it is just happen. In a lot of ways, it is going to be your generation it carries the ball forward. When it comes to voting and getting the right people in office. I am a lawyer, my organization is the one that writes all these laws that get past. And when it comes to going and testifying for the laws and ending that good policy advanced, when it comes to sharing the truth about abortion and abortion law, which the Mainstream Media does not always do spectacularly well and that is why we really rely upon you. And people like you who have such clarity of vision. But also, because i think when you look across the spectrum of a life, there are certain moments that stand out. There is just times when the american story truly changes over the courses of our lives. For most of us, it is just a couple few times in our life. Berlin wall, 1989, i was not really old enough to remember that. A lot of you were not even here yet, but that would be one of those times berlin loss of two per 11. The covid pen to make over the last two years we will all remember that. For a long time to come. But on june 24, we had another one of those moments and he was nash and it was the day that roe finally fell, the day roe finally relegated, tossed out on the ash heap of history. After nearly 50 years shoring up this regime of constitutionalize abortion and after 50 years the unspeakably tragic loss of 60 million human lives. Justice samuel alito wrote, we hold that roe must be overruled. The constitution makes no reference to abortion and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision. Abortion, the court declared, is critically different from any other right this court has held the 14th amendment protection of liberty because it destroys what roe and casey call fetal life and what the law now before us describes as an unborn human being. That crowed that quote is critical. And he repeats that idea five times and that opinion, just emphasizing abortion is different from other Due Process Rights you may have heard about new media recently that people are saying may be at risk, abortion is different because it takes a life. Theres been a lot of misconceptions, both before and after the dobbs decision. Hopefully we can get into some of those during q a. Im sure you will always remember where you were when you heard about the outcome in dobbs. We heard the news the court is finally submitted its resignation as a National Abortion control board and returned the right to value and protect life to the American People, where it always belonged. I was in my kitchen making breakfast for my three kids. I was planning a busy day at the office here in d. C. When i saw the courts announcement, i instantly flashed back to the child i lost to abortion many years ago in the lives the abortion business told me to persuade me to make that awful decision. Then i said a prayer of deep gratitude for my coworkers, my colaborers, for life. On the staffs of american for life and my coat laborers here on the stage. And everyone throughout the Prolife Movement. The millions upon millions upon millions of people who for decades have lived a culture of life in whatever way, maybe they are lawyers or communicators or reporters, maybe they are doctors, maybe they pray, maybe they sidewalk council. No matter what you do, even being there for that young woman or young man in your life you find out is facing an unexpected pregnancy, it is critical. Every single piece of the puzzle is critical in building a culture of life. There are untold numbers of deeply devoted lawmakers, policy advocates, and supporters who for 50 years refused to accept the verdict of those small number of black robed justices that women must have the right to destroy the child in the womb in order to achieve equality. What our own Supreme Court told us in planned parenthood v, casey and im sure people here in the room no better than that. We do not have to have that to be equal in our society. But we do have millions of americans who are incredibly are incredulously asking, what just happened . The downfall of roe didnt just happen. Because many years ago, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a limited the edifice of scalia, he lamented that the edifice of abortions the court had erupted seemingly overnight may have to be torn down doorjamb by doorjamb. He worried maybe never toppled over. The Prolife Movement, we took his words as a moral challenge. We won hardfought battles in the court over and over. That reduced roe to that facade that the Court Finally pushed over just a couple weeks ago, that abortion right that was claimed fundamental in roe and narrowly escaped being overruled in 19 in be casey. Planned parenthood be casey. Emerging as a liberty interest. Regulated like any other medical procedure. These last 50 years, a case on abortion before the case on average every two years or so and each of those cases, the court could have overturned roe, they did revisit the abortion issue directly. Not talking about First Amendment rights, free speech rights relating to abortion, Pregnancy Centers like the case out of california, direct abortion cases and over and over for 50 years, we have scholars, legal scholars prolife and , prochoice, even the ones who supported abortion rights, they told us the 49 years of roe, for 49 years they said this is not constitutionally sound. This is not based in our nations history and traditions and not based in our constitution. It was wrongly decided and it needs to return to the people. Along the way, we secured victory after victory the victory in the Supreme Court for the lives of women and children. Ensuring states could outlaw unlicensed back alley abortionists, that states could refrain from paying elected abortions with text. I was come that states could insist on the reporting of abortion data that documents just how risky the procedure is, and the states could mandate abortion doctors provide basic informed consent to their patients on what abortion really does to a vulnerable human being in utero. As roe was being torn down, the Prolife Movement was rebuilding strong legal and Community Protections for women facing abortion. The Supreme Court had just nullified in one fell swoop. After casey in 1992, more victories came, most notably, a a ringing reaffirmation from the court that some abortion procedures were too barbaric to barbaric, that is their word, to permit. Criticism of roe mounted from the courts on justices and many appeal court judges. Meanwhile, the abortion rate dropped precipitously year after year to the point where today a woman is only as likely to make that desperate choice as she was in 1972, the year before roe v. Wade struck down those protective laws in all 50 states, including new york, including the states where they were performing abortions already. Even they had more protective laws than roe allowed for. So here we are, essentially, back at the beginning as it was before roe, some states will continue regimes of abortion on demand and pretend theyre safeguarding some sacred right. Other states will be unable to implement strong protected laws outlawing that practice and providing health and support to mothers facing unwanted pregnancy. Where abortion activists seek to right to abortion and state law or impose it from the benches of state judges, we and our partners in the Prolife Movement will be there to fight for life because roes reversal is no mic drop moment. No one is talking about taking a victory lap and walking off into the sunset. After roe, our work is far from done. We will keep defending human life until every precious human being is welcomed in life and protected in law affirmed 51 years now. We are advancing the human right to life in culture, law, and policy. And we are experiencing this moment, this unforgettable historic moment because of the result of the decades long work of many, many thousands, tens of thousands, millions of heroic americans in all three were elms, in all three realms culture, shapes and is shaped by , the law. That is been moving toward rejecting abortion and embracing life for decades now. The law of abortion has caught up with the will of the American People in the dobbs decision. And policy simply the will of the people expressed to the state and federal policy makers the lawmakers they elect. And policy has led the way in building a culture of life with hundreds of prolife bills passed in the last 10 years alone. After roe stating every innocent human life and protecting all women from predatory abortion businesses. It suddenly moved into the realm of the possible. Consider this. After roe, constitutional states have the Constitutional Authority to outlaw abortion at any stage of life. Including for the youngest and most vulnerable. No longer will lawmakers be able to duck and cover on the question, climbing there personally opposed to abortion but their hands are tied because of roe. Every federal and state lawmaker will be directly accountable to the people who elected them for the decisions they make, the policies they enact or not to protect life. And that is going to be a very good thing for the american body politic. In the wake of roe, a thousand flowers will bloom to protect life. Mothers are going to receive care from Pregnancy Centers that from a constellation of prolife Pregnancy Centers that currently outnumber abortion facilities five to one. States will ensure alternatives to abortion are well funded and promoted. To help lawmakers do that, we are issuing a battle plan for life on our website right now to help lawmakers at the federal and state level figure out what is next, what is the next step to protecting life. This can be done also at the federal level because after roe, no longer is there not any federal constitutional right to elective abortion. There is no federal interest in elective abortion. In fact, we have seen a slew of statutes passed by Congress Since roe that have prohibited taxpayer funding for elective abortion, prevent federal facilities from being used for abortion, and stop federal taxpayer dollars from promoting abortion at home and abroad. In fact, despite the protest from the current administration, after roe, expressed in law and administrative regulation, is to protect life and discourage abortion. It is a prolife policy. Neither the constitution nor federal statutes and regulations provide for policies protecting funding or supporting abortion. That opens up a host of opportunities at the federal level. We do need to think differently about what it means to have a culture of life because as critically important as prolife laws are, more is needed. So in addition to what we have , done the last years where we rank all the states on how prolife their laws are, we are now also analyzing estates analyzing a states prolife culture. How prolife is that states culture . How strongly rights citizens determined to provide the means and tools for women to succeed and embrace the lives they bear . So, we are analyzing all the states elements of closure enclosure of life including the number of prolife Pregnancy Centers, support the state funding choices, how well integrate women into the workforce and protections and what the birthrate is and other factors. But we need to be talking about what it means to be wholeheartedly prolife and supporting and protecting all members of the human family. We look forward to the day and we strive for that day when all are welcomed throughout life and protected in law. We have advocated as a movement for the human right to life for 50 years now. We were at the Supreme Court in every case since and including roe v. Wade. And with the overturning of roe, we will continue to advocate that the federal and state levels come across every branch of government, for a truly comprehensive and holistic understanding and upholding of the human right to life for every mother and father, for reborn preborn child, and for every american and every Community Across our nation so ours can truly be a future full of hope. [applause] i am very grateful for the invitation to be here. It is great to be with all of you and to be here on stage with you with the Prolife Movement. Im embarrassed to have been caught without a copy of my book. First off, it is cool to hold up a copy of your book and second, because my publisher is here. Im afraid i will get in trouble but i will use the excuse it is my first book ever so im not used to being an author yet. It came out last week. So i will get there. Ill use my time instead to entice you to buy the book. Essentially ryan anderson, my coauthor, it wrote it hoping and praying it would come out in a postroe america and it did. Three or four days after roe v. Wade was overturned it came out. We wrote it as a prolife roadmap for what it would from here and how every prolife person can get involved in this fight, how we can get people the tools to make the case against abortion. That is sort of the why of this book. We thought it was a moment in history we needed Something Like this. There have been books about abortion before but to my knowledge there has not been a book and a thorough case made as how abortion hurts everything. And that is what makes it a unique argument and what i want to impress on you today was the case against abortion has to go beyond the fact it kills the unborn child and that the that is of course the foundational fundamental harm of abortion. That is where the evil begins. But we have to be able to go beyond that. That is the argument of the book. If this is an evil act that takes a life of a human being and if we have for almost 50 years legally permitted this act, our society has come to accept it can even after roe it will continue happening, how can that be harmful to everything a member of society . How can we not all suffer living suffer as a result of living in a society that allows violence . It has been pitched as helping women. In making our society better. It is gravely wrong, but it also has not solved any problems. We were hardpressed and a writing the book to find an example of anything that made it that it has made better. That is why this book and why the argument of the book, we go to the different aspects of society that have been harmed by abortion in addition to the unborn child. I will take you through a viewpoints we make. Our first chapter is basically the unborn child is killed by abortion. Revo but we rebut the silly moral argument that this might be a human being but not a human person, not 70 who deserves the not somebody who deserves the respect of our laws. We rebut that point. We say all human beings are creatures of dignity and deserve the protection of our laws. No good or just government can fail to protect at the very least the lives of the innocent. That is our first chapter. It is quite lengthy and philosophical thanks to my coauthor. I have to make fun of him even when he is not here. The Second Chapter is about women. This chapter is especially crucial because the best argument for abortion in my view that still fails but the best argument is women suffer and face all kinds of difficult situations and therefore they need abortion. Abortion somehow makes women better off, makes an equal to men, helps them to be free. We walked through why it fails and why it has not made women better off. So we address two sets of harms. The first is the harm to women who have had abortion. This is something that catherine can speak to. We quote her in our book. We are told women are always better off when they get an abortion, never regret their abortions. This is not true. All the data to the contrary, stories to the contrary are ignored or dismissed or even attacked by supporters of abortion because they dont want to reckon with the fact many women do suffer as a result of having an abortion and that could include physical complications, longterm physical complications, increased risk of Breast Cancer for lateterm abortions. Then we talk about psychological complications and side effects. Women who experience elevated rates of depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, even suicide as a result of having had an abortion. These women are just cast aside by the proabortion movement because they undercut the argument abortion is always the solution for women. Secondly, we make the point that they say abortion and proabortion society is better for all women. Abortion takes the male body out body as the norm. It says there is something wrong or dysfunctional about the fact a can become pregnant and so abortion is this easy solution that womens bodies can function like men, they can just walk away from sex the way men can, go back to the workplace easily. They can participate in life on equal footing. What this argument misses is is a woman is not actually free up if the solution offered to any set of problems is to turn her child into her enemy and enact violence against that child. That is not a solution of any kind. In it that way, abortion has a created a culture even more indisputable to women than prior to roe. Our third chapter we talk about what we call lethal discrimination in the womb. Abortions that target baby girls because theyre not baby boys. Abortions that target difficult target disabled babies or babies diagnosed with disabilities or down syndrome in the womb oftentimes inaccurately. A false diagnosis that happens a lot of People Choose abortion based on these false diagnoses. Even if the diagnosis is correct, what kind of society are we if we treat disease by exterminating human beings . Is it a solution to down syndrome to kill people with down syndrome . Of course not. That does not solve anything. We talk about the elevated risks elevated rates of abortion in nonwhite communities and how the left points to this as some kind of victory. Lets build all our abortion clinics and a low income or minority clinics, great for these people. It is not. If it is true these people are accessing abortion at higher rates, that is a problem. We should help these people, help everybody regardless of their race or socioeconomic status. Welcome life. We should not celebrate the fact some populations access abortion at a higher rate. Our fourth chapter focuses on medicine. Here we talk about the why , abortion as health care has infiltrated everything. Every aspect of our medical system. It is now considered to be essential Womens Health care, how can that be good for our doctors or medical system . Doctors are treated as technicians for hire rather than professionals. Because they are being commandeered into performing this act of violence that is not medically necessary. And then we get into a bit of the history of the medical associations of involvement and proabortion lobbying and how that continues to this day. Then, our final three chapters talk about law, politics, and culture. I wont get into all the details, but we critique roe v. Wade and how this has affected our politics, how the Democratic Party has become corrupted by its intense proabortion stance. Think about how much better off we would all be if both of our Political Parties rejected violence against the child in the womb. I would still be conservative for other reasons, but that would be a big step for our country if we had two Political Parties committed to defending all innocent human life. In our chapter on culture, we talk about media, hollywood changes peoples minds without realizing it. The bias of bigness the big business that has become worse since we publish the book. Corporations have been coming out in droves to promise to pay for abortionrelated travel. There is no promise for adding more money to Maternity Leave or childcare. Or pay for adoption services. It is all focused on abortion, which i think reinforces the antiwoman element of abortion. So the point of all this is we have to make the case. As my two fellow speakers have said already we are at a real , turning point. I think everybody, even if youre not working in the Prolife Movement, has responsibility to make the case against abortion. That will take different forms depending on your state, where you are, maybe volunteering or donating or whatever it might be, but we all have the same responsibility to learn the facts about abortion and be able to go beyond just the mark of just the harm to the unborn child. But the able to tell your neighbors, tell people who disagree with you, i abortion is bad for you, too. This is not a sit on the sidelines issue. This is not something lawmakers can get away with saying oh, it is a state issue or i dont have an opinion, it is not as important as foreign policy. That is not the kind of issue that it is. Our book is to equip readers to make that case. [applause] statements from these three leaders. It is a time of celebration as you said, but as church hill said and you quoted the beginning of the end the road is long. We have a little bit of time for questions before we lose cspan. We have to staffers here, caroline and lindsay, holding mics. I would ask you to wait until you have the microphone to speak so cspan can get it. Questions. And if you will designate which of the ladies we do not have time for all three to answer so decide which one you want to answer your question. Yes. Heres a microphone. Unfortunately, i cant see, is it alexandria . Thank you. Most recently, they had a case of a 10yearold who was seeking an abortion in a different state i think that is probably the only thing your book did not talk about. And as prolife as i am, and i know it is extremely rare, but extremely rare statistically, but it still does happen and that is the only area that i have difficulty explaining i dont know theres any way to make a 10yearold comfortable having a baby under those circumstances. How do you talk someone through that . How do you defend that, particularly under the circumstance of having been violated already . Obviously, that child is never going to be ok, but what are your suggestions for that . Thank you for that question. I think youre referring to the story of the 10yearold having been raped and seeking an abortion. As you say, of course, very uncommon, but horrific. We dont touch on that specifically in the book but we do talk about the rape exception. The proportion case is quite strong but ultimately fails because it doesnt solve that child problem or a woman who has been raped problem to then turn around and enact violence on the child. It isnt the fault of her child that that evil thing happened to her. As much as it might be nice to wave a magic wand get that person out of that situation, it would not be compassionate to her or her child to then suggest abortion is a solution. Even though it seems like a reverse button. It really isnt. It is just a second act of violence. I think that is a difficult issue to talk about but we should not be afraid of it. Especially if we are thinking about this from the framework of the mother and child and what is best for both of them. You look like you want to give a quick answer. Just briefly. So, when it comes to rape, far too Many American women have experienced this first of all. It is a violence against women, but we need to get to the heart of that violence and we need to eradicate that violence. Both rape and abortion stem from that same culture of violence and from the demeaning of women. So that is the core problem here that we need to be fixing. Abortion is not a solution to rape, it just heaps violence upon violence. And in fact, i was at georgetown with a woman who was in fact raped and wrote her law review article on the state of the law on parental rights of the rapist and how we need to be addressing those concerns. Some of the laws have changed in the years since but that is a big part of it. Now when we talk about the rape exception, then that actually diminishes the viewpoint and the desires of those women who were raped but still recognize women who are raped and sex trafficked, many want to keep many do want to keep their child. They recognize that child is their child, that it is part of them, too, and the parentage, the paternal part of that isnt that childs future. But then their experiences are , lessened when we say how about oh, a rape exception. On a side note, talking about a 10yearold, say there is a threat to her life, then that is a separate issue that is taking taken care of, not in the context of an abortion. But otherwise, i think the rape discussion kind of covers it. Thank you. Question over here . If you give your name and affiliation, please. My name is felice and i am a summer intern. I also have a question for alexandria. You mention the many facets of society that are affected by abortion and i was wondering if you would say that abortion is the root of all of these social and Economic Issues that america is facing or if abortion is an offspring of a deeper issue that is actually the root of the matter . That is a thoughtful question. In the book we argue both in different ways. In some ways, it is one. In some ways it is another. I think it is a root of a flawed mindset about women that contributes to other problems we see. For example, the Corporate Culture about getting back to work immediately, i mean, no Maternity Leave. It is an inconvenience that stems from the fact that abortions are available and popular and widely expected choice. I think in that way that is a root of the problem but also think abortion is the victim of sexual revolution on set. We cant fix the fact people want abortion to get back to the fact between man and woman in the context of marriage and therefore committed to each other and children. I think abortion springs out of the mindset that we are all just autonomous individuals going around defining our reality and doing whatever we want and abortion is like this helpful tool under that context to accomplish that. So i guess a bit of both. Thank you. Maybe one of the gentlemen and potential father . There you go. Thank you. I am isaac from the heritage foundation. I have a question you, catherine, about the law related on the federal policy Going Forward. Specifically some conservatives, mike pence for example, has stated he is in favor of an allout ban on abortion. On the federal level. In addition to the prolife issue, one of the important issues for conservatives is federalism and concerns about the structure of our government. And so, theres a lot of concern within the conservative movement about those but the federal level. What would you say are answers and solutions on the federal level to abortion problems in the United States Going Forward postroe . Im a big fan of federalism. I am a member of federalism groups. However, when it comes to human rights, that should not be a statebystate issue. As president lincoln said, were going to become all one thing or all the other. You dont see states where women can vote and states where women cannot. I think we are all pretty united on that but nonetheless, that is not a dividing issue. We dont have states where some groups of people are human beings and others arent. In fact, we kinda fought a war over that. That is the same kind of issue were talking about here. We will eventually get to the point i think, i hope, where acrosstheboard, we recognize that every single human being, no matter their size, no matter their location, any other aspect or attribute, no matter any disability or any other way you can define or try to detract from their human status as we have seen tragically for so many hundreds, thousands of years now. Where we all are human beings with equal human rights. I think it needs to be an acrosstheboard solution. That could come through federal law that maybe a starting point, federal policy certainly. I coauthored with two others the lincoln proposal, which advocates for a policy that the next Prolife Administration could pursue. I also think ultimately we need to be working toward a prolife amendment, constitutional amendment that is going to acrosstheboard protect human life and settle that question. Malory, a quick answer to this because our cspan time is up. I want to say that there are legal scholars in this building at heritage that they are making an argument that there thank you so much. What an excellent presentation. Your three greatest ladies. You are three courageous ladies. I have something for you. Our coffee mug on which i4 more item. [applause] [laughter] i raised a conservative daughter, with many thanks. Thank you all for coming. What a great presentation. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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