University founder, Dennis Prager. Welcome back to the book tv set. Im going to ask you a question i do not ask many people when i start an interview, what is on your mind these days . Mr. Prager i am worried about western civilization. The greatest civilization that was ever produced, if you care about liberty, if you care about women and their status in society, if you care about uplifting the poor, if you care about creating a nonbigoted society, and of course my favorite liberty. Without liberty everything is useless. I do believe give me liberty or give me death. I actually subscribe to that. It is hard to believe, but western civilization is being threatened. The very notion that there is no better or worse, that equity trumps merit, so that we will the Oregon Education Department in ontario education department, the largest province in canada have announced that it is White Supremacy or colonialism to argue to maintain that there is only one correct answer in mathematics. So everything we have built the west on, which is truth, beauty and that there is a reality that men are biologically what they are, the idea that you could support a biological man competing against women and think you are moral, think you are advocating something that benefits women, it gives you an idea of the attacks and how effective they have been against reason and truth. So there is very real reason to worry. I will end with this, 45 of American Youth according to pew say they believe in free speech. They do not understand that they therefore do not believe in free speech. If you do not believe in speech that you consider hate, you not believe in free speech. They do not even think clearly when they say that. They should say i am not for free speech. If i consider something hate speech i want it and. Then they would be intellectually honest. But to say i believe in free speech but not for each deemed hate speech, then that means they do not believe in free speech and they there is real reason to worry. Thats why the marriage rates, that having children rates, there is no barometer of social improvement in this country. You have had some folks on the air who have talked about the current era in america as a National Divorce that we are going through. That is correct. To deny that, i want to deny it, i give a speech recently on the difference between what we want to believe in what we do believe. Most people believe what they want to believe. I want to believe that this is not a National Divorce. That is my take. But on that issue alone, you believe it is fair to women to have a biological man competing against them in female sports, to enter their locker room and expose his pain us to young girls . And it is done. I am not making up a hypothetical and if you protest your kicked out of the y w mca, that actually has happened. Where is the bridge between those positions . I always wish we could find how about the middle road . What is the middle road on that issue . Is there such a thing as a man that movie that was done what is a woman and people cannot answer the question and that is not frightening to the vast majority of women . So yes, i think we are undergoing that. Maybe some great leader could arise and earn the trust of both sides. I pray that that could happen, but otherwise i do agree with the supposition. Who is that leader in your view right now . I dont know. There are a number of wonderful possible candidates on the republican side. But i thought donald trump was a great president. He was not my first choice in my campaign but once he was nominated i vigorously sue ordered him. I think he did a magnificent job. I know that that alone is reason for a divorce. You cannot say that and not be considered a fascist. He had for years in government as president , how did we move to fascism . The move to fascism was on the other side where you have the government and corporations uniting, which by the way Robert Kennedy junior, he might be one of them. Larry elder, nikki haley, these are wonderful people who might well be able to garner the support of a majority of americans. How many of them do you know well . I know all of them well. As it happens. I do not know Bobby Kennedy junior well. I have had him on my radio show. The others i do know very well. We are going to take calls for dennis in just a few minutes. It will put the numbers on the screen. Go ahead and dial in. 202 748 2000. If you want to send a quick text message, 202748 8903. Include your first name in your city if you would. We were sitting here talking before we got started. People were coming up to get selfies with you. There was a real variety of faces, ages, men, women. And i would ask them why theyre fans of you. Two answers we got, young woman said because you are talking about things on your show that we are not talking about in secular society. And the second one, that gentleman said because you make sense. And left it at that. Well, im glad you saw this, because it always moves me when i walk through airports, there is no way to predict who is going to come over for a picture. If you showed me a lineup of 10 people and some were heavily tattooed, somewhere not white. Some were young women. There is no question that i could not pick who is a fan of mine and i love that fact. The first guy who came over was heavily tattooed. Yes, yes, im not shocked anymore. What are people going to get from that if they read that . They will get wisdom. There is no wisdom in any Secular Institution, i know that is controversial but it is true. I asked name me a sexual Secular Institution that teaches wisdom. The university is the seat of the stupidest ideas in our society. Like men give birth, that comes from the university. And almost no one can say about their child they came back from the university wiser and more mature about life. In fact, sometimes i make the case, maybe if they were inebriated for four years, they were in toxic lee influenced. The great wisdom in western society has come from athens and jerusalem. And both have been shattered. The greatest repository of wisdom is the bible. And however it is not well explained. And im explaining the most important books of the bible in my view and the view of traditional judaism. The first five books, the five books of moses, the torah. So i know biblical hebrew extremely well, i am blessed in that way. I am explaining each book. Genesis, exodus, deuteronomy are out. There are best selling bible commentaries and the fourth book, numbers, is coming out next year, then finally leviticus. What about another book from you talking about Current Events . So after this, i will be writing a book based on believe it or not a series of lectures i gave in i believe missouri. 35 years ago. It was resurrected by a dear friend of mine who is so involved in the process of all of my writing. And i made the case for a weekend, it was only young people at the retreat. That their feelings cannot be what determines how they behave and their values. So that the conflict between values and feelings. Based on those lectures and all of their questions, that is the beauty of it. It incorporates all of their challenges and it should be given to every young person in the country. That is a good example of why the bible is a repository of wisdom. It tells you not to trust your heart. Inspecting societys motto is follow your heart. I cannot think of worse advice. Where the idea of prager u come from . It came from a producer on my radio show. In the middle of the ocean, a listener for toy five years, he said weve got to get your ideas to more people. The internet is now available. Lets start a university. And since he has never cracked a joke in his life, i took him seriously. That was how it began and of course it is way bigger now. It is gigantic. There are 550 five minute videos and i have given 50 of them, so 500 are given by others from all walks of life. A huge program for young kids to teach them about American Values, western civilization, truth, beauty and goodness and thank god we have over one billion views a year. According to google statistics, over 65 are under 35 years of age. One of your presenters, a mollo, there is a section called unapologetic and one of the things that she says is it is a tragedy that we are seeing race all the time. Exactly. She is an africanamerican. Yes, the irony is this is why i always show this irony. Liberals do not vote their values, they vote for the left. The left believes race is important, liberalism says race is not important. I grew up a liberal jew in a new york which is almost redundant. And i the essence of liberalism was that race does not matter. Race blind is a moral value. The university of california system has a list of micro aggressions, racist things that people say and they say it is racist to say colorblind. Men give birth . They have inverted moral truths and scientific truths. Of course the ideal is to be colorblind. If i know you are black ok, i know youre white. Do i know anything about you . Do i know your character, goodness, passions, interest, your family life . I know nothing about you. I know nothing about you. So how could they be important . Your skin color and your shoe color your shoe color might tell me more about you than your skin color. There are black dorms on american campuses, there are black graduation exercises where i went, columbia university. That is racism. It is all from the left. And liberals vote for the left. Lets take some calls for dennis. Dan, rancho margherita california, your first up. Caller thank you for taking my call and i want to thank dennis. Too often conservative voices are censored. They had a program today called banned books. But i would like him to talk about band people, banned conservatives. The usc book fair every year, the l. A. Times sponsors it. It is filled with liberals. Today they had Stacey Abrams here. Jamaal hill was here yesterday. Some of the Panel Discussions yesterday that were on cspan where americas dark past. The left loves to talk bad about america. They hate america. They hate the beginnings of america. This is what goes on every year at the l. A. Times book fair. One of the other issues yesterday host we going to leave it there. Weve got a lot of collars. That universities try to suppress nonleftwing voices is a given. There is really nothing else to say. That is the fact. I am delighted to be here, but it is book tv that invited me. It is not usc book fair. And if they usc book fair invited me, they would get a big crowd but they do not care. Im a voice that should not be heard. The give you an idea of how far the liberal left world has gone and liberal is not is left to sykes lane, but they are united. Additional i had a column, a regular column in the l. A. Times . In the 80s, the l. A. Times had column right and column left. They wanted both voices heard on opinion pages. No longer. Same with the New York Times. And i wrote for them. Did you know i dug up a piece written in the 1980s extolling what a wonderful talk show host i was in the l. A. Times . It is such a dramatic takeover of liberalism by the left and the liberal just lay down and allow the left to do this. It is a tragedy. Host dan just mentioned that one of the author discussions we just heard was about book bands. And i wanted to ask you about this, this was a recent headline in the hill newspaper. Nearly 1500 book bans implemented in the first half of the school year. Should books be allowed to be banned from School Libraries . Books have always been banned in School Libraries. It is such an odd question. Of course they have. Who wants unfettered access to books for eightyearolds . Its such an odd accusation. It depends on what youre banning. If you are banning things that are appropriate for that age group, that is a problem. You know, they did not have the playboy reader available in Elementary School arguments. Its a dishonest tact. Thank god we banned books at schools. We always have, there has never been a time in American History when we did not. The question as i said is what books are you banning . And when i read about some of the things that are taught to kids, why should an eightyearold be exposed to sexual material in any direction . Any direction . I have opposed this from the beginning. It was a usurping of parental authority, which is a right and rational bible books, deuteronomy and exit us, the 10 commandments. The fifth commandment, honor your father and mother is the only one with a reward. So they live long on the land that i gave you. Civilization cannot survive the death of parental authority. Nazis, communists and every colts, they robbed parents of authority. That is with the left are doing in america. Taking authority from parents. Frank is calling from savannah georgia. Hi, frank. Caller hi, yes ive been a proud left liberal since my early 20s and i still am. Im 68 years old but more and more i see people on my side of the spectrum acting like they have actually lost their minds. Its like the Marjorie Taylor greenes, we have plenty of people like that now. But there are prominent liberals like bill barr who speak out against it. Hes one of the brave ones. He has the money to do that. I mention one particular thing, you keep talking about in modern art, because i wonder why steve harvey there is a sculpture, a german sculpture of a policewoman in a museum. And you seem to think it is indicative of the total decline of civilization. And there are a lot of others that are worse. I cannot describe them, but you know what im talking about. Yes, i do in fact. I actually cite it in a footnote in the rational bible. The attack on beauty. I did not develop that idea, but russian modern art, contemporary art, he is referring to an awardwinning sculpture of a policewoman crouching and urinating. And even the puddle of urine is sculpted. There is a gigantic exhibition in the netherlands covered seriously in the front page of the art section of the New York Times. It was giant this is their word, turds. Poop larger than the New York Times reporter and she reported on it. This is what i mean by the war on western civilization. If thats not a war on western civilization then there is no war. Replacing shakespeare, the picture of shakespeare at the university in pennsylvania because he was a white european male. Isnt the only issue with the English Department who wrote the best english . Shouldnt that be it . Host next call for dennis is siva, san mateo, california. Caller hello, dennis. I met you many, many, many, many, many years ago when you came to the congregation that i belong to in san francisco. You and your partner talked about your first book called seven questions. Nine questions. Caller no, it was eight questions. It may shes right about that. Its now known as nine but it was eight then. Caller how do you do shabbat . What do you do on shabbat . Ok, fine. So this is a jewish question because i have written a lot on judaism, including that one, which is in print. She wants to know how i observe the sabbath. By the way, i will just say i have been inviting 9 nonjews to dinner for my entire life. Most of them are christian, some are just nonjewish. And in 30 years of doing this, 35 years, they all say it is really touching to see. I wish we had this. That there is no tv, no radio, we just talk at a table for three to four hours. Then again on saturday afternoon. I go to the synagogue in the morning and i teach the torah. My secret weapon is the sabbath. To take a day of the week away from the world. Charlie kirk is a christian wellknown. He does not use his cell phone. He says it is a result of dennis. Dennis has influenced me to have a sabbath. He is a devout christian. But from friday night until saturday night, he leaves the world. And he actually talks about it in his lectures. It is one of the 10 commandments, the only ritual in the 10 commandments. I wish everybody had a sabbath in america. Host a couple of years ago, Dennis Prager joined look tv at Hillsdale College in michigan for a three hour discussion with students and with viewers. If you want to see that go to book tv. Org, type in his name, Dennis Prager, then you can watch all three hours of that. That was something. Host lets hear from plainview, new york. Good afternoon. Caller i just want to say i have often listen to you on the radio. As a boy from brighton, the son of auschwitz survivors, i just wanted to say that i agree with you wholeheartedly that the left is destroying our culture. And i think most likely it is planned i do not think by joe biden, because i do not think intellectually he is able to conceive of these ideas. The left employees something akin to the nuremberg laws where they punish people by taking away their occupation, destroying their books, destroying their culture. What they want to replace it with, i am not sure. Maybe you can enlighten us. Let me quickly adjust comments. I have an article im writing a column every week for 20 years. There are 1000 of them on the internet i have a column on 32 differences between liberalism and leftism. All of you who are on the left should read it to find out are you a liberal or a leftist. Anyone of you who is conservative and has liberal relatives, you want to send them this piece. I will give you one example which i cited earlier. Just ask them, are you for or against black graduation exercises at a college . If the answer is yes, you know they are on the left and that they think racially. And that is worrisome. Host in 2012 your book why the world needs American Values to triumph, if someone picked up that book from 11 years ago is it still relevant today . I would not change a word, there would be nothing to change. It is three books. Its about leftist values, American Values, islam is him. You get three books in one called still the best hope. It explains the left and where we are at. There is no reason to put out a revised edition. A young woman named Julie Hartman with whom i do a podcast called dennis and julie, she is 23 and yet we are kindred spirits. She just graduated harvard. She came to conservatism via that book, still the best hope. Host you have been in l. A. For a long time. You have hollywood friends. I never really did. I am inordinately uninterested in stardom. Not for me and not about stars. When people call my show it is a cute thing. People have over the years a few times a year, dennis, if you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be . And i tried to give that question it serious thought and you know what i answer . My friends. Host what was your conversion . I never had a well, i was a democrat, i voted for jimmy carter. I was wrong. Gerald ford was a terrific president and a terrific man. That was my last vote for a democratic president. That was how i was raised. I believe that the republicans are for the big guy and democrats are for the little guy. One sentence that shows you you dont even need five minutes, you can change a persons mind in one sentence. The Ronald Reagan line government is the problem, not the solution. I realize, of course, that is it. This country was founded to have small government. And then because i had studied communism, that was my field of study at columbia university, i learned russia, i went to communist countries regularly. And they of course were the genocidal except for the nazis, they were the genocides of the 20th century. 100 million civilians. And then i realized they were all done by big government. All of them. You cannot have horrors without big government. The only exception would be the massacre in rwanda. Everything else necessitated big government. So that was a conversion. But the first one was when i was in high school and i heard someone or i read someone who said or wrote poverty causes crime. Which is a basic leftwing belief. And then i thought of my grandparents on my fathers side who were extremely. And i thought it is inconceivable to me that my grandfather would rape or mug or steal, let alone murder. I thought there is no truth to that. Poverty does not cause crime. That values cause crime. Lack of selfcontrol causes crime. Lack of selfcontrol causes crime. A defective conscious defective conscious causes crime. That was the second thing i knew i was not the leftist, but i still thought i was a liberal was they were not anticommunist. If you hate people but dont hate communism, you dont hate people. Where can you listen to your radio show . You can go you can get everyone of my shows without commercial anytime you want and there is craig or there is