Test. Test. Test. Cable satellite corp. 2008 pakistan is the largest recipient of full right scholarships. This is a product of the idea and thats the great thing. However, in case of police and Law Enforcement, it has happened, frankly, quite late and there is not much that is being done. Because unlike in the military relationship where the department of defense there are set principles and very clear responsibilities, well engage with the military of a nation. When it comes to police, youll be surprised in the United States theres no Single Office that can coordinate any Law Enforcement partnership. I really hope there will be more funding to go towards inin. Theres a history of we have done some things which kept the u. S. Away from this. This is an idea that i want to write my next book of Law Enforcement partnerships as a new model for intervention. Not that i support international. Interventions, but if you have to intervene in a failed state, what is the first thing you have to do . Support the Law Enforcement infrastructure. The difference between the roads and for that matter in virginia crossing a certain limit, i get a 200 ticket and extremely careful for the next six months. Elsewhere you cannot do that. And the rule of law systems thank you very much for those points. Currently its autonomous. No police in that area unless you incorporate the tribal belt into mainstream pakistan. Again, to go back to become a hub of terrorism. On the last point on the differences between military intelligence, its a difficult question. And inc terms of the rendition its easy to see the rendition in mainstream military because you know the profiles of the top generals. Now they are very well coordinated and very well focused. This is primarily in the book, but what i have found out recently is the clarity of thinking. In fact, when i asked a general, and this is mentioned about the group, they said we will curse them, we will go after them. But what i heard ocyesterday, theres a tweet, on twitter, a leading politician he said i wish i could have quoted something to the effect that this seems like bombingni attac that happened yesterday. But this is conducted by those people who have been pushed out of pakistan. Some of the people believe in theories, who believe that pakistan is intentionally pushing them out so they create make the life of the law hell. Then others think that they have done. It finally. They have recognized they had to push out a group from that area, but unlike Pakistani Taliban, theres one drone strike that happened yesterday, its my personal guest that it is well directed and well coordinated. Pakistan is going against the taliban very strongly. But when it comes to the group, they are not directing them to a new sanction. Previously they were told, okay, we are conducting an operation. You better go into. This time around in my assessment, the group has really pushed out. They are not killed, they are not targeted, but they are not provided. The military is now, it is my understanding, is now a bit late in the game, but they fully recognize the issue. It is very difficult to find out what the they are thinking. I will not go in that area. I really and earnestly hope that isi has also realized this. I would like to believe that has taken place because the top general in isi reports to the army chief, but then the e low Level Operators and handlers and contractors and i dont know what is the mind set there. The military leadership is pretty clear on this issue. I promised to be brief. Im a professor. Im triained to give long answe. Thank you very much. Im so grateful for such a penetrating and many layers. Very educative. An observation and a question. You mentioned assassination. I think some of the question would remain being debated. Who was behind president kennedys killing. Its one of those cases. You have mentioned at the end the recommendation that you gave. Law enforcement enhancements. My question to you is based on your recommendation for religious peculiarism and this Law Enforcement, my question is that in most of the cases in pakistan, the Prime Ministers became Prime Ministers through an accident. If you become through an accident or if you are asked to make a recommendation pragmatically, what is spg specifically those three or four steps and instability. Thank you. Thank you very much. Youre right about that. The reason i would really like pakistan to thoroughly investigate and figure out who, because in the absence of a very clear answer, they continue to become more popular and then those who are behind the killings continue to think they can kill and get away with it. And we have seen that in the recent past many of the politicians were killed, people of the party in that area, members of the Pakistan Peoples Party many of the leaders there was a well known member of the parliament, a christian leader, a member of the cabinet also, in case we dont know, the government of pakistan who was killed by his own guard because he said you have committed because you were supporting a hin duh girl who committed blas famy. There was not a single who was ready to stand and lead the prayers for him. Including the officially paid e mum. That is still the official of the mosque. So there is that fear and thats why this is important. But your point is very well taken. Raising the salaries only takes care of one part of the problem. The real issue is your transformation as an institution in terms of focus and forensics, in terms of invest mements in n technologies. Theres a reason why there are these cameras for other places because you can just after the event those are not meant to stop. The modern concepts are not particularly focused on stopping terrorism. They are focused on investigating terrorism when it happens. Pakistan is not invested that in in case. Thats a choice pakistan has ma made. Dont take it personally. They want f16s or modern police stations. You can rather for the price of one f16 you build 30 modern police stations. It its not only about salary. It is about a salary choice. They also have a choice. To the last question what i think most likely, the best chance ill have is to be able to maybe at some stage advise pakistan. I love my job as an economic. I would love to be a professor and a writer. So theres no chance i will ever become a Prime Minister. But if i get a chance to advise, i think first and foremost, i quote one of my pakistani friends who served in high positions, a very bright pakistani officer who was here on a u. S. Scholarship a couple years ago, went back. He had mentioned in his experience working in the Prime Ministers Office that pakistans 50 of all problems can be resolved if you get an honest and an efficient and a competent Prime Minister. Because some of the things are very, very basic. For instance, and thats my idea, the first and foremost would be rooting out corruption and that can only happen if you instill a form of accountability. This cannot happen overnight, but some of the things are very base ughic. As soon as they go after them in a strong fashion. That it would be the first thing. The second thing would be, which i mentioned, of keeping pakistans religious identity intact, but taking pakistan towards what we whether you go to a mosque or a church or a temple, state has nothing to do with it. This was in 1947. And he was not he was the most popular leader that pakistan has produced. People loved him. He was able to create the whole country. His ideals are all pakistan. They have gone very far away from those ideas. Those in the position of power can do small things through which they can take pakistan back towards some of those issues related to policy issues. But others will be link ed to education ensuring that r your textbook and any Prime Minister can do to ensure just review all the curriculum and take out some of the words and some of the bigotry which is part and parcel of the textbook. Second thing would be after accountability and corruption would be these education reforms and the third thing i think will be a larger issue, which is a Peace Process with india. I am convinced and i think leadership is also convinced you will not be able to get rid of militant groups unless pakistan and india both come towards sustainable Peace Process. There are signs of that. I think it is a Pakistani Security establishment which also has to be convinced. Not only the Political Leadership can play a role, to make such a transition happen. Without these three things, i dont see a bright light for pakistan. Two short questions for you. Number one is the talibans have regrouped. Thank you for excellent analysis. I find it a bit paradox call. They have taken but their posture is different than what it was in 2001. Secondly, the elections were pretty well conducted, well attended and there was no disruption of activities from taliban. So i find it a little hard to believe. My second question is the military action in progress, do you think it is going to continue for long and what will be the longterm outcome of that . Do you see a possibility of isolating Pakistani Talibans from the other talibans . Thank you very much. Youre absolutely right. The political situation, which we have a crisis there, the crisis is different from what we had thought. That maybe the taliban can conduct terrorism attacks and disrupt the election process. That tells us a lot about the people. And also about some of the very good things that have happened based benefitting from the u. S. Effort. They have mistakes as well like supporting war lords like so many others which i think on the part of the United States frankly. But at the same time, theres a new middle class that is going up and that has a new stake in their future. I think that they owe it to International Community and United States which funded the bill, by and large. However, in the case, for instance if there were 13,000 polling stations, elections were not conducted in 700 to 800 polling stations because they never allowed that to happen. Theres a picture of old men with long white beards all sitting in a hospital with bandage around their fingers because all those who voted and had a sign in one district their fingers were cut. You have to go and see. I think its one newspaper where this picture has come. They tried their best and they disrupted and south and east in many areas. Luckily, some of the others, they are joined in terms of joining together, a hopeful future. They on the opposition side of taliban had very categorically aadzc2wckmelections. They are probably waiting for their turn. . in this case there was a lot of work by the police and intelligence as well as american intelligence. There was a lot of support which kept some of the taliban away. But i was talking to one of the gentleman who was doing a search on this who was sitting here and im reminded that if you look at all the incident data, the number by taliban have not declined. Yes theres not as much these big kind of attacks, but what happened in kabul recently and some of the other attacks recently, but the overall attacks, they have not declined. Luckily we were able to have a successful election. But we still have to see where all this goes. If this crisis continues, i think credit should go to secretary kerry and others who are able to bring to the call to abdullah telling them that they have to reconcile and figure out how they will build a National Unity government. If the crisis continues, it will not be weeks, it will be days where you see taliban operating conducting more attacks. Even if theres a reconciliation among the political big wigs also going to continue to stay as a big reality because in south and east, their infrastructure is quite intact. In case of Pakistani Taliban, the problem is much larger. I think they have a huge conducted in may 2013. All the Progressive Political parties couldnt campaign, so the Pakistani Taliban in some way hs a more devastating impact on pakistani politics on the iran government. For that as i had mentioned there are no shortterm solutions. We have time for one last question. Thank you so much. Thank you dr. Hassan for such an insightful talk. I teach strategic studies. What about your recommendation as a solution for radicalization . As much as i remember there was a long discussion on this during the president s time and there was a lot of talk on Building Pakistan and efforts for this tradition. Im not really sure what are the concrete steps that states can take in changing the outlook. When you talk about spreading tradition and efforts, theres equal amount of resistance to that. A progress. Ive society probably is sometimes a national consequence of a lot of other steps youre taking that you have also mentioned in terms of education reforms and all that stuff. However, efforts can create as opposed to bringing much benefit. Second, about a historical anomaly. You talked about taliban in pakistans conflict with him for quite some time as opposed to the Pakistani Taliban. Im still wondering what exactly was the reaction of a taliban on pakistans decision to side with the United States post 9 11. Was there a sense of betrayal from the government of pakistan if they felt that kind of betrayal, then i would assume their reaction should have been there should have been some sort of opposition within them. And wouldnt that create attention against the state of pakistan . Both very good questions. The second question about taliban and whether there was a betrayal, i mentioned that as one of my arguments in my Chapter Three or four. Youre right, others who this is obvious from the book. He explains he was the ambassador to pakistan, a very close friend to pakistan. Youll see the distaste he has for all things pakistan because he thinks pakistanis went after him. But still we know for a fact from various studies that a majority of iran taliban had moved with their families. He was a taliban leader killed by taliban because they are pushing them. They want them to come to the negotiation table because thats a commitment they have given o to the United States. However, in the initial years but they had no other option to come to pakistan from their point of view. Pakistan gave them space at least to, i think, its my guess and estimate without any direct source in this case, i think maybe around 100 taliban leaders close to that number came to pakistan. They brought their families or maybe their families were already living there. At that time they thought that pakistan went after them and pakistan should have stood by them. But despite that they were thankful they saved them from being bombed in a personal capacity. And intelligence organizations operate, there was a lot of manipulation as well. So taliban owed a lot to those who helped them in their operations. So there was this control, this manipulation and some were still sympathetic to pakistan, but thats wx91lso whenever pakistan needed iran talibans help to go after Pakistani Taliban, they responded to that