Happening around the world. Senator wong. Thank you, mr. President. Since senator last had the tubt to ask ministers question, there have been further horrific terror attacks around the world. These include attacks in manchester, london, kabul. The government is working to assist australians impacted by these attacks. Thank you very much indeed, senator wong, for a very timely and important question. And of course im sure i speak on behalf of all members of this chamber in expressing our horror and outrage at the terrorist attacks that have occurred since the senate last met and in particular our grief at the news that australians have been among the victims both here in melbourne last week and overseas. It is a reminder to us that this is not a problem that exists on the other side of the world. Its not a problem that is not our problem. It is a problem that reaches out both in a familiar and hospitable city like london or in our own suburban streets to threaten and take the lives of australians. Now, senator wong, i want to thank you and the Australian Labor party for the spirit of cooperation that you have shown over the past several years in supporting the government in passing the eight tranches of legislation of which we have built, which have been designed to make australians safe. And the point i would make to the senate is this, in none of those cases have we been reactive. In none of those cases have wae been in the position after terror attack saying we have to rewrite our legislation. We have anticipated the need so as to avoid it, and as a result we h book tv. Working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. Health policy analysts outline the are pros and cons of Health Savings accounts at a forum hosted by a privacy