Their home just a few miles of the Allegheny River in downtown pittsburgh. Young heinz at the products in a wheelbarrow and rolled them down to the downtown pittsburgh and sold them on the street. People love the product. He ran home and said, mom, what else can we so . She made and bottled and jarred other things and the food giant was born. Wentburgh and heinz handinhand and heinz became the largest food purveyor in the world. First product was horseradish. In 1869 he started the business for real. Noble,a partner named but that partnership did not work out so well. So he brought his brother in, in 1869. Figured oute, heinz he can make it on his own and Company Became a legend. One story goes that in the early on a railroads car in new york city and the billboard flashed by his car. He saw one that caught his eye, 21 styles of shoes it said. He thought about that for a moment, 21 styles, that is impressive that they have that many different styles. I wonder how many products i have. On the back of an envelope he 54, 55,ounted them up, 56, 57. 57. He likes the look of it. Out he got home he figured he had many more products than that, but stuck with 57. 57 varieties. He put it on every bottle, hillsides, billboards, heinz 57 was his first branding effort and it was a success. In 1893 he went to the columbian exposition in chicago. Worlds fair, celebrating the anniversary of columbuss discovery of the new world. He was on the third floor of the exhibit hall. Climbing the 125 steps up to the third floor. He was dying of there with his pyramids of horseradish and pickles and ketchup. He came up with an idea on the fly. He printed up little luggage tags, this one here, in fact. It looked like it was made of gold, it had brass foil on it. And he hired street urchins, little, out of work boys to throw these luggage tags around on the first floor of the exhibit hall. People would be walking along, arm in arm, they would catch the glint of gold out of the corner down to, it would bend pick up that luggage tag and say, look honey, it says bring floor for a free prize. They tripped up the stairs by the hundreds, by the hundreds of thousands. They found their way to the heinz booth, they found the pyramids of horseradish, pickles, and ketchup. It was such a success but all the other exhibitors on the third floor said, we saved you saved our lives. Silvertched him to buy a punch bowl and engraved it for him. The gift was a pickle charm. This is the first one, from 1893. It is just compressed cellulose that says heinz on it. The symbol of the pickle became years andlogo for years. People to this day still collect the little heinz pins, it is still an american icon. Really wanted people to see his products. His salesman when all over the world, they cannot always bring designedthing, so he hollow, 10 pickles. You can see they have numbers on them, 1300, 1800, 2400. That is how many pickles you would get in each barrel. So the grocer could say, i like i will take one barrel of the 1500 pickles size. A invented a sorting machine, patented machine that looked like a big drum that rolled and it would sort pickles to different sizes. His sales force when around the pickles their 10 tin pickles and color pictures of his products. But heinz knew that if people actually taste of the products, it was a sure sale. So we came up with specialty equipment, taking dishes and dishes. Nd forks, some of them, disposable, made of cardboard. He would set up little samples in Grocery Stores all over the country. People would try his product and say, hey, that is what i want. They would ask for it by name. Was a big part of the message, of the heinz brand. Congress forbefore the pure food and drug act. He was one of the biggest lobbyists and proponents of this. He knew that his products could pass the test, where others, competitors, could not. So not only was it the right thing to do, but it was good for business, too. In order to provide peer food, heinz needed to start with his workforce. Most of the workers were women. Women from poor families that did not have running water, indoor plumbing in their housing here in pittsburgh. When they got to work for heinz, he outfitted them completely in uniforms that were cleaned daily. The first thing they did when i got to work was they had a manicure. Here is an image of one of the women workers getting her daily manicure. They also had showers. With his workers, but it went through every aspect of his operation, from herilizing bottles and jars, even made his own bottles and jars to ensure cleanliness and consistency. The stoppers were important, whether they were corks in the in 19 three,r caps to more sophisticated closures that we use today. In 1890 patented his ketchup bottles. That octagonal shape with the narrow neck. We do not think of it today, but it was an innovative design. First up, his competitors were or black inreen glass bottles and you could not see the product inside. Heinz is that if people could see his product they were more likely to buy it and they could tell it was fresh. He used to clear glass. He made his own bottles. That ensured of vertical integration of his whole industry. Did heid is make make his own glass bottles, but he developed his own seed stock, he owned the farms, he made sure everything got from the farm to the factory in 24 hours. He wanted it to be fresh from farm to factory. Then, he ensure that with the and bacteriaatures and safety inspections that every product was safe. Then, he got them into the grocers stores and consumers hands as quickly as he could. Son and hissons ran the company for 100 years. At that point they were got an outsider to run the company. The third entered politics. He was no longer running the ketchup is this. He was interested in changing peoples lives for the better. He went to congress, became a senator, senator john heinz was an advocate for the downtrodden. He was an advocate for the environment, arts and culture. Especially, he was the guy who helped pull pittsburgh up by its bootstraps when the Steel Industry was going down. Field, heinzeinz chapel, these are some of the many legacies of the heinz family. The man for whom this museum is named, has left a huge empire. Headquartered in pittsburgh and chicago. It is still the fifth Largest Food Company in the world. Of this weekend, we are featuring the history of pittsburgh, pennsylvania partnering with our Comcast Cable partners. You can find this at www. Cspan. Org citiestour. You are watching American History tv all weekend, every weekend, on to spend three. Coming up on americanto