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Four ofhickenlooper the top 10 four of the top six ski results in the world are in colorado. Who lives in colorado . What does the average call a lot on colorado and does coloradoan look like . Is one of the fastestgrowing areas, especially among millennials. Bands,f great onerepublic, the fray, the lumineers they are all denver, colorado bands. What happened is we have sort of become this younger population always moving here. The typical coddle out ofan is typical coloradoan someone who is if not young, someone who is young at heart. A lot of entrepreneurs have been starting businesses here, but they come from everywhere, all flavors and all sizes. That affecting the Political Climate in colorado . Gov. Hickenlooper when you have that many young people moving we legalized Recreational Marijuana, for one thing. People say millennials on moving here because we legalized marijuana. Thats ridiculous. They were moving here for seven years before we legalized marijuana. They are the reason marijuana got legalized. They dont see a big difference between here and hot. When you have young people, a lot of the things that are a little more conservative, theres more pushback. I think it is a positive impact. Im not sure the millennial portion of it is always correct, but that Beautiful Energy i think is very valuable. You mentioned the legalization of marijuana. In 2012, amendment 64 legalizes Recreational Marijuana in colorado, but in 2015, you thought it was a bad idea. How did your opinions change . Gov. Hickenlooper when it first got past, i approved it, as that almost every federal official i know the cause you do not want to be in contact in conflict with federal law. Work honest, the amount of and the potential for kids getting into pot you know, edibles, people driving while high. I was more worried about the unintended consequences. Now we are several years into it. I so people to wait a year, but we do not see a spike or a huge number of young people trying it out or getting to use it on a regular basis. Ned the edibles that look like candy. No gummy bears or little animal shapes or things that look like that. I think we have made tremendous progress. Were gettingthat all this money in tax revenues. Thats a 27 billion budget. Its a drop in the bucket. It does provide extra money to regulate it properly, make sure we are maintaining the public safety. Ads to make sure teenagers realize high cat marijuana can permanently reduce your longterm memory. You have a history of speaking for gun control. Violencestory of gun in colorado, with all of the gun violence seen around the country, what do you expect . When we pass universal background checks and limited the skyes, it was like was going to fall. Andle just were apoplectic opposition or in support. You step back and look at the deaths in the United States, this roughly one or two dove every day in the United States theres roughly one or two every day in the United States. The challenge is suicides. What we are focusing on is to make sure that people that have a child or Family Member who was going through a mental crisis of some sort, that we make sure everyone knows. Do not let your teenager have access to firearms if they are having psychological issues. We are going to gun shops, going to shooting ranges. We are natural allies with people who are focused on gun safety, but part of the goal is to say that these are issues that affect everyone. Lets push mental health. Lets get a big section of allies to get the word out. Another issue that raises colorado, and you have been an forcate in the past increased rooms for the homeless. What do you think can be done about the issue now . We know what the answer is to that now. 40,000 or 45,000 a year to aggregate all the cost. We know we can get them into housing in Wraparound Services maybe 17,000,d, maybe 18 services a day. Most importantly, job training. We really have to put more effort into getting them to go frameworkand a social where that got a support system. I think that the issue that we kind of dropped the ball. I think society and even america, for a while there, in the early 2000s we really were united and we were really going to address homelessness, and now we have kind of just slipped away. The book talks about your ine in politics and also denver. The governor announced you were also a brewery owner. How has your past in business influenced the way you govern now . One of the good things about that, itomething like sounds so grand, but when you sit down and go through it, you really deuce the all places that i was a geologist before i got into the brewpub business, but where i used the Scientific Method of analyzing problems and facts to come to conclusions and address those conclusions, you would mix that in the Restaurant Business, i learned customer service. A lot of the other things that a Small Business mentality, what that Small Business approach can bring into government. Eithern way, i know i am havinget time spent time in science in geology and having spent time in Small Business, i have almost perfect training for being a mayor or governor. A lot of those executive decisions that mayors have to make every day hiring and firing people one very good way to learn them is to be, you know, in the private sector. Are there any lawmakers who have influenced you . Oh, sure. Roy roper when i first was opening up my restaurant 25 years ago. He would go around. Opening my business. I did not Pay Attention to politics. I was too busy. Write new the beginning, he would say quality of life starts with a good job. That has always stuck with me. Obviously, our primary responsibility is public safety, making sure our neighbors and communities are safe, but quality of life does start with a good job. We have really focused on to jobous intensity creation, helping get rid of red tape, help the economy deal with more startups and more businesses that can grow. My predecessor, very good governor, and before him, bill o i worked very well with him. Michael bennet, one of our two u. S. Senators. , but het a politician just understands how people think through selfinterest and all these we have so many , great colorado politicians. Bill armstrong just passed away. Colorado has a rich history of political leadership. You are not from colorado originally. What brought you here . I came outlooper here originally destined first time i can through was in 1970 six, just out of college. Then i came out permanently in 1981, and i was going to be here just a couple years, but like so many other people, once i got here at first, it was the quality of life. Being in a place where it is sunny 365 days a year, that being down in denver, it almost never snows and when there is weather, its almost half a mile away. East, i about back dont think im going to move back, and it was the people. There is something about having people all over the country and all over the world come to a place where there is a certain freedom. Nobody cares who your grandparents were or how quick you are is. They will judge you on what your dreams and ideas are and how successful you are making them come true, and ive never looked back. Doot of elected officials their thing it end up living in washington. Even when they retire, they would be in washington or new york. I am never going to live full time in new york. I cannot imagine it. Just renting a house here, all my scenarios see me growing old in colorado. Is there an era of colorado history you find particularly interesting . Gov. Hickenlooper colorados history is so interesting to me in that there are so many different points of view. The governor in 1940 when we began arresting and putting into prison u. S. Citizens because they were of japanese descent. The japanese attacked pearl harbor on the cymer seven, and all of a sudden, ralph carr and a group of pretty conservative republicans said we are americans, we will not do this. On the wholek internet program, and i think that is an amazing lesson in courage. He lost his reelection. He was being talked about as a potential Vice President ial nominee, and yet, he was not going or that. Times at thehe turnofthecentury when colorado really began to try to find itself, and it was part wild west. Suddenly, there were cities and railroads. I always think of colorado is that place where we are going to our futuremore by than our past, but we do have enough of a past we have real history that we can create and teach colorado history in our Elementary Schools to give you a sense of what are the core values of what it means to be a n. Loradoa is there anything about being governor that you dont like . Again, forlooper those of us that have this genetic peculiarity where we or we want tod help other people, being in an executive position like this, being governor, is about as good as it gets. Does not mean you love everything every day. When you go through it, the campaigns, these tv ads, spinning lies, distorting everything. Whatever you said, your kid comes home from school crying. Its not every minute of every day, but overall, i get to work with the smartest people, the most committed individuals and the folks who really care about certain issues. Work with people that are passionate about what they believe and what they want to see done, and i think that is a gift. A funny way,fe, in your level of joy is reflective of who you get to work with, and i get to work with amazing people. Just going around the state and talking and working with citizens of colorado, what a gift. How does this compare to your role in previous jobs, as geologist, as mayor of denver, owner . Ry mayor of denver, public service, denver has a strong mayor, probably stronger than any other city in america, any that i have seen. They need nine out of 13 City Council Votes to change one line item. Governor at the larger you look over a larger section of land. What youre doing try to help kids, but instead of helping 70,000 kids, you are helping 900 50,000 kids. Being a restaurant owner, i love that because the energy, and again, the team of people you are working with. Anxiety had a certain that i always wanted to be financially secure. Money was not for luxury or to buy a fancy car. It was to be prepared if that things happened. I got to that point and still for they blessed Restaurant Business being so much fun. After 10 years, i was a geologist. I spent it of years hiking up seneca hills mountains doing fieldwork. Amazing thats why i wrote the stupid book. Ofreally is the kind giddyup, to work hard and kind. F engage life i grew up with these thick, coke bottle glasses. But you can being gauged in some of the challenges of our times. We talked about your past and colorados past. Lets look toward the future. What is next for you and the state . I thinkkenlooper colorado continues to be a model of what a state can be and what it can do. We are going to be the healthiest state. We are right now the top three or four for job creation, growing economy. We want to be number one in every one of those issues. We also want to have a number one education system. That we certainly do not have. We are more close to the middle of the pack. The upper half, in the top quartile, maybe. That next two point five years, this next 2. 5 years, i think we will push that as hard as we can. After i finished those 2. 5 years, im not sure what i will do. Find start a business or someone to help me run it. Thank you so much, governor. Gov. Hickenlooper my pleasure. This weekend, we are featuring the history of denver, colorado, together with our Comcast Cable partners. Learn more about denver and the other stops on our cities tour citiestour. N. Org road to the white house rewind brings you archival footage of residential races. First debate6, the between gerald ford and jimmy carter. It was held in philadelphia and focused on domestic issues, taxes and the economy, and marked the First Time Since 1960 the Major Party Nominees squared off in a president ial debate. It was best remember for technical problems with the audio feed, causing a 28 minute delay where the candidates remained in the podiums. Jimmy carter defeated president ford in 1976 general election, winning 50 of the popular vote to fords 48 . The league of women voters sponsor the event. Our coverage is from nbc news. It is just under two hours. Edwin newman good evening. Im edwin newman, moderator of this first debate of the 1976 campaign between gerald r. Ford of michigan, republican candidate for president , and jimmy carter of georgia, democratic candidate for president. We thank you, president ford and we thank you, governor carter,

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