Takes you to museums and historic places. The Alexandria Apothecary Museum located in virginia just outside of washington, d. C. , operated by the same family for over a century. We will learn about what an apothecary does and how it has changed over many years. My name is gretchen and i am the director of the Apothecary Museum in alexandria, virginia. It is owned and operated by the city of alexandria. Today we will look at the leadbeater Apothecary Museum and we will learn about its history. Alexandria in the 1790s is a booming economy. A lot of new construction in town, a lot of people are starting to move to the city. Edward stabler moves from leesburg to alexandria in 1792 and he opens a small shop a couple of doors down from here today. He moved to this location in 1805 and incorporates the building next door into his business and uses that as his warehouse. An apothecary, in this time period was where people went to essentially see the doctor. They went to an apothecary. They would tell them what was wrong and they would mix up something to cure what ails them. In the 18th century, doctors were trained generally by university. They would go through a formal set of courses to learn their practice and trade. They would often go and not have their own practice the way we think of that today where we go to Doctors Office, they would go to your house. Because they are performing home visits, things were a little more expensive. If you are an average citizen, you would solve your ailments by going to an apothecary. An apothecary had anywhere from 4 to 7 years of apprentice training. In a formal setting where they would read reference books but also herbs and roots and things like that, that they would be able to take the properties, mix them up, and prescribed to patients. In the late 18th century, after you served your apprenticeship and opened your own apothecary business, you would keep up with emergent trends in medicine and also the drug business by reading journals and reference books that were produced, learning about Different Properties and regulating how medicine was produced. As the 19th century went on, there were regulations and a general consensus. There would be a list of things, drugs that were regulated and prescribed in using recipes for medicine. Some of the tools for the trade, for edward stabler in the 17th century and the leadbeaters in the 19th century. A lot of people recognized from cooking and grinding herbs and things like that. It would have been used to grind dirts, barks, roots, into the powder used to make the medicine. They would have used a measuring scale like this, a mid to late 19th century scale. Other things that would have been used with have been in the trade would have been something much like this. You would wet the cork and put press toough the cork make it smaller. You would then use your condensed cork and it would expand to fit, forming a seal. The raw ingredients would have been ground, often combined with alcohol. You would have using pill roller, or handrolled the ingredients. They are now sort of in a pill form. Chocolate or gelatin. To make it easier to consume for the customer. If you are a customer in the 1790s, you would purchase or purchased your medicine in a bottle similar to this. Everything was handblown. Bottles would have been more expensive. In the early period, they would import a lot of bottles from overseas. As class factories started to emerge in america, things became a little bit cheaper and routine and easy to buy, so you would buy something formed in a mold and a bit more uniform. As the 1850s emerged, the use of gold foil and fancy labels as a display, similar to a lot of the bottles you see here, that the leadbeaters kept over the years when they acquired the business, because they are very pretty, so they do the job of putting raw ingredients, compounding and putting them into medicine, a more festive thing. It is very pretty and more professional. Things like that. You can see the collection over the years of the bottles for the different raw ingredients that were used for the medicine. Some of the ingredients you see in the bottles would have been readily recognizable to a lot of not only customers in the late 18th century but also to todays public. Such as cinnamon. We also have this ingredient here. Normally, that is made from bark. It was thought to, starting in 1820s, cure malaria. It is quinine. A very popular drug still in use today. You have got a little bit of murder myrr. Some things he would have noticed is some of the bottles havethin necks and some very wide necks. Anything liquid wouldve had you would not have needed a large spout. One thing that we are lucky to have is an extensive collection of paper labels that the wouldrs and leadbeaters have applied to something they were either retailing or had concocted to gift to their customers. They ran a gamut from things we consider to be pure medicine to floor oil or mothballs or things like that. We know the full extent of the products they sold and marketed to their customers. In our collection, we have a lot of products would have been recognizable not only to people in the 19th century, but also todays customers. One of these things is listerine. It was not actually a word in the vernacular but it helped them sell a product people recognized. Maybe i do have bad breath and maybe i need something for it. Dropsll see vicks cough which has a lot of something in it to help ease the breathing when youre sick. Peptobismol, all summit wild cherry, something you would use if you had a cold. Things like that. Other things we have in our collection include a lot of poison bottles and bloodletting. Equipment. In the 18th and 19th century, not everybody could read. So if you gave them some thing that could harm them or possibly kill them, you wanted them to be aware there were some precautions. What was recognized is something that included poison. Would be these blue bottles. That was a sign that perhaps it is something they should have been aware of. We have got bloodletting devices in the 18th century and a little bit in the 19th century. It was thought that there were too many humors and the bodies. So they needed to be drained out in terms of draining some blood. They would do it in specific amounts. Sometimes up to a quart of blood. There were different ways that you could do it. We have this small device that we know edward stabler in the 1790s sold quite a few of. You could buy a fancier set or a much more mundane and less fancy device. Istop, you have what essentially a much more industrialized version of the lancet. Against theace it skin, it was springloaded and it would go directly into your veins and you would drain the blood out. And otherold lancets devices he was not necessarily , performing the service after at the shop. He would prescribed them to doctors and they would purchase the devices to use in their own private practice. Bloodletting was not done in an office, i Doctors Office like within today, but in someones private home i someone who is trained to do that. Edward was very dedicated. Faithame an elder in his and that would be the focus of where he was taking it in every stage of his life. So he left the business to his oldest son, william. The business really transfers from edward to william. While the apothecary stays in the same family for 41 years, it does transfer in marriage. John leadbeater had been working here with william and fell madly in love with williams sister and came back to work here. It switched in the family from stabler to leadbeater. The way it looks today, by 1852, it has a new interior that you can see with ginger breading and a more updated, gothic revival style. They were trying to stay current and keep attracting a new and fresh clientele. They had a Loyal Customer base. Have a lot of the primary stores, ledgers, letters, orders , and prescription files in our collection. We can tell who is shopping here purchasing and what the , prices are for the products they are purchasing. They are getting people coming in off the street. They still have a whos who in alexandria customer order. One of edward stablers most prominent patrons is martha washington. In 1802, she sends a letter requesting his best bottle of castor oil and requests it sent to mount vernon. Sadly, she passes away may 22 from a fever. Robert e. Lee is another prominent name that our leaders visitors take away from the tour. He purchased whitewash and he purchased lavender as well. Lavender was a great remedy for migraines. At the peak of the business, the family was operating out of 11 different buildings in town. This is retail and they also had a retail on the corner of king in fairfax. They loved the history in space. The history in this space. They almost had it set up as a museum. They were really into the fact that they had served the community and so many prominent alexandrians throughout their time. Through the civil war, it was starting to increase the business and starting to include a wholesale line of products. With the civil war, alexandria was occupied. Because the family were quakers, they were pacifists and also abolitionists. They were allowed to keep running a business here in town. After the civil war, the economy in alexandria slowly started to recover. John leadbeater, with the assistance of his son, edward , starts aadbeater wholesale product in three different states, in 500 different businesses locally in the region. That really helps them expand the product line and become wellknown in the area. The room we are standing in is what we refer to as the manufacture room. It is where a lot of the raw ingredients were stored moving to the building in 1805. All the way through through the 20th century where they close, they are using it more as an office space and also as storage. This room would have been used to store raw ingredients. The raw ingredients would have been purchased in the 18th century by edward stabler, not only by merchants in the United States and philadelphia and new york, but they also would have been purchased from as far away as london. There were many apothecary vendors that would have sold both the raw ingredients. It would have taken roughly a month over by a ship. Alexandria in the 18th century was a thriving seaport. It would have been very expensive farther west and farther south. It would have been readily available for him to sell to his customers. As the 19th century regressed, progressed, the leadbeaters were working not only on the retail business, but they had expanded to have their own line of products. One of the things in the line would be pure sweet oil. It would be made from almonds or olive oil. You can use it to alleviate any tummy aches. You could also use it for cooking. In the early 20th century, other products wholesale to under the name would have been things like they made their own brand of paints and you can see the different varieties of colors here. You also wouldve had a line for extracts and flavorings for food, such as ice cream and cooking and things like that. Those were very popular. In the early 20th century in response to influenza outbreaks in the United States, they had their own proprietary brand of medicine to deal with that. It was called quibon. Killed chills and la brippe la grippe. It was chocolate covered pill that would have been easier for people to take. The leadbeaters took over the business a lot of the same original layout of the manufacturing room. A lot of the same chores and the same cabinet and things like that would have been preserved as they were used in the 18th century and also in the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1933, a lot of remaining contents were preserved just as they were when the business was open. In the beginning of the 19th century, things like this would have been used by edward to conduct business, answer letters, do any sort of accounting in his day books and account books to keep things up to date with his customers. As the 19th century went on and into the early 20th century, additional buildings that the leadbeaters head purchased. On the corner of king street and fairfax street could have been used as a more formal office and a large office space. During the late 19th and early 20th century, you would have had book keepers and secretaries on this floor. Dealing with and communicating with wholesale customers and also the vendors or suppliers as far away as philadelphia or boston or new york. Over time as we hit the 20th century, it has a slow decline. They do shut their doors. Part of that is the depression. Part of it is, they are not able to change wholesaling in from wholesaling back to retailing fast enough. Of the the demands changing economy here in the United States. They do close their doors in 1933. A company in baltimore buys a good portion of the content of the building. At public offering. The Landmark Society preserves the two buildings we know today at the museum, preserves those and opens the museum for 1939. The Landmark Society operates these two buildings as a museum through much of the 20 century. Through much of the 20th century. By 2006, they look to donate, the buildings to the city of alexandria. They underwent a full restoration where the second floor was open, that was the first time the public was able to see the manufacturing room on the second floor. The buildings have been operated since 2006 by the city of alexandria. Thank you for visiting the Apothecary Museum today. That museum is open year round for a nominal admission fee. We encourage you to come by for a tour and to learn more about alexandria and the history of medicine and more about life as an early business person here in alexandria. You can watch this and other american artifacts programs by visiting our website at cspan. Org history. Week we bring you archival films that help to tell the story of the 20th century. Revolutionican bicentennial commission was authorized by a joint resolution of congress to prepare an Overall Program for commemorating the 200th anniversary of the United States. The commission was asked to plan, encourage, develop, and coordinate the Historic Events commemorate the Historic Events that preceded the American Revolution. It will give special emphasis to the ideas associated with the revolution and its implications for future generations. Itself ission composed of members appointed by the president. Eight congressional members, four each from the house and and 11 members who are secretaries of various federal agencies. The commissions charter is brought. The responsibility is great. The way that we as a nation choose to celebrate the 200th anniversary will have an important bearing on what we learn from it. And on the inspiration that we draw from it. The bicentennial commission plans to emphasize the continuing effort to achieve the fulfillment of the ideals and ideas of the revolution as stated in the declaration of independence, and the constitution, to inventory the progress of the last two centuries, and to state the entertained goals, new and old the unattained goals, new and old. Some of this work will be solemn. Some will be festive. The birth of our country should be a joyous occasion and a solemn rededication. Members of the American Revolution bicentennial commission, and representatives of various states, gathered at the white house at the invitation of president nixon. They heard him charge them with a responsibility to not just move forward in reaching for material goals, but to move forward also in the realm of the american spirit as we enter century three of american life. The president said nixon as you know, we are gathered in this Historic House for the opportunity that comes to people once in a century. The 200th anniversary of the United States which will take place in 1976. We are starting to plan now. We have representatives not only from the federal government but most of the states in the nation here to plan that celebration. I would like to speak to that subject very briefly. Perhaps in a way that most of you would not have thought of. Traditionally, when we think of this kind of celebration, we think of the nations past and we glory in that past as we should. We think of the nations present and we consider the problems we must deal with. This celebration i would hope would look to the america future. Goals inr ourselves 1976 which we can achieve. Years, wece of seven can achieve great goals so that when 1976 comes, we can look back over those 200 years with even greater pride than we did 100 years ago. I refer to the early days of this country, to a time when this nation was founded. To the words that were spoken by those, who at the time of the declaration of independence, thought of the mission of america. What america could mean to the world. Act nothem said, we just for ourselves, but for all mankind. We hear that today, and we think that was perhaps a very appropriate statement to make. History has justified that kind of optimism. Goals, i canrth tell you that this administration is thinking in terms that are tremendously excited. Hunger, it will be possible to the year of 1976, to abolish hunger in the United States of america. Yearll be possible in the 1976 to make enormous progress in the field of housing, in the field of transportation, and all of these areas that are tremendously important to every american family, that are also admired and respected around the world. Who come from the states and those from the federal government, let us set 1976, not just moving forward in the material areas but to move forward in the world of the american spirit. I know that this sounds too illusory, too uncertain for us possibly capture. It, we put our minds to must put our heart to it. That brings me now from the state. America is 50 states. America is big cities and small cities and small towns. It is all the homes and all the hopes of 200 million people. That is why we want this to be national. It must go directly to the people and derive its strength from the people. We want people all over this land to sense the greatness of this moment, to participate in it, to help us all discover what that great spirit is. I would charge this commission to move forward, to move forward in reaching the great material goals, of which we know we are capable. That is the easiest part of the job. That the best bet, the best clothed, the best housed people in the world, the strongest nation in the world, and the richest nation of the world will not deserve to be the hope of the world unless it has that splendid spirit, the lift of a driving dream which meant so much to the world in 1776, and for 200 years since that time. I would conclude by saying that 1976, the world will be at peace. Trust, year, america, we will find the understanding that perhaps we do not have in many quarters today. Above everything else, i would trust in that your neck and 76 that more americans can look back with pride, and look to the future with hope. Hope that the opportunity that everybody in this room has had. Realizablehat is a dream that can be achieved for anyone who has the good fortune to be born in this country, for anyone who has the good fortune to come to this country. [applause] commissionntennial ceased the 200th birthday of the United States as an opportunity to assess a new principles on which the country was founded. To measure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, for today and tomorrow. To expand the frontiers for individual fulfillment. To balance the rights and responsibilities inherent in freedom, to celebrate the joys that life and liberty provide. With these, to take renewed pride in the continuing American Revolution. Revolutionn askntennial commission, what you or your right to the American Government bicentennial commission, box 1976, washington, dc. Each week until the 2016 election, road to the white house rewind brings you archival coverage of president ial races. Will the 1968 campaign created for Richard Nixon, show showing the former Vice President meeting voters in New Hampshire and wisconsin. He went on to win in both of the states. He then defeated democrat Hubert Humphrey and independent candidate George Wallace in the general election, winning 32 states. This half hour film is courtesy of the Richard Nixon president ial library and museum. Narrator in an age of impersonal political campaigns, New Hampshire is one of the few places where people have a chance to meet the candidates as well as read about them. The New Hampshire republican president ial primary, the start of the 1968 campaign trail. From the beginning, the candidate who really has been seen and heard by the people of New Hampshire is Richard Nixon. You are about to accompany Richard Nixon on the first leg of his 1968 New Hampshire campaign. You will be with the candidate, his family, and the next and staff. On staff. You will hear what Richard Nixon had to say. Richard nixon woollies and everything. I am glad to find some New Hampshire people. Arnold, how did you get up here . The weather Richard Nixon how are the eagles going to do . Narrator Richard Nixon talked about a new vision for americas future. He has said 1968 is the time to begin that future, and the place to begin is in New Hampshire. [indiscernible] narrator on february 2, Richard Nixon held his First Press Conference of the 1968 president ial campaign in manchester, New Hampshire. Why do you feel that you could win now when you could not win in 1960 . Richard nixon i have decided i will test my ability to win, and my ability to cope with the issues in the primaries and not just in the smokefilled rooms of miami. Narrator his schedule for the next three days would include a reception, dinner speech, and conversations with people about issues in public and on television. Richard nixon in 1968, i am looking to the future of the country, down to the end of the 20th century. In 1960, i necessarily had to think of the past and also of the future, but to think of the past and defend it. In 1968, as you gentlemen will hear in my speeches saturday night, i will talk about americas future, my vision of that future, and what i think i can do with the years of experience i have had behind me. The candidate, he looks like a candidate. What does this campaign have that previous campaigns havent have . Richard nixon i think it is preeminently going to have a view of the future. Woefully lacking in the last two years. It is going to have a long look at on the last third of the century to year 2000. I do this is important and he thinks it is important because we are at now one of those critical turning periods when the decisions that are made in the next four or eight years determine the president , determined the last sweep of the century. This is the kind of story the public will hear this year. We are so delighted to be here. You put on such a warm california day for us. [laughter] are, pat,u know, we wife, this is julie, and this is patricia. We are all delighted to meet you. Thank you very much. Nice to see you. Good. [indiscernible] nice to see you. I am susan mott. Good, good. Hello. Hi, nice to see you. You bet. You . , hello there, how are julie, nice to meet you. Massachusetts. You have a great governor down there and find senators. And a fine president coming along. Boston . E coming to i am glad you wore all your musk. I think that is great. It is great to see you. I think it is going extremely well. People are in good spirits, and i dont know, it looks like a couple rooms out back, going very well. Shake all that are here. He says he will not leave them until they have all been shaken. Really take a few minutes and say, what are you actually doing here, identifying people . He said i want to tell them i will take care of them. Up it isat comes something that comes up. I know the person and, sometimes we dont. They call people from one ladies he had seen in 1962 when he campaigned in New Hampshire and recognized her and mentioned what kind of day it was when they met last area. They are always surprised when he does that. That is about the only polish i know. He did it again. He said i came up and met you in 1952, and i said yes, we had our picture taken. The guy said, yes. Somewhere in the neighborhood of six or seven have gone by already. I would estimate that more than 3000 before the afternoon is over. Republicans or are they a mixture . Could not say. Looking out here, you cant tell a republican or a democrat or independent out here. It is a good gras crosssection of people in manchester. I wonder how many of these people we do not know how many are coming in. We hope they will all be going out. And think he is the man for us today. I think he will do it this time. No. By his past actions. Very sincere, very warm, very nice. I think he is very wellrounded person. Appealing more and more to the younger generation. And some more people at this most important time. I think rethink he has said and done has improved. Everything he has said and done has improved. Richard nixon they are, there is three. 1, 2 all right. That should do it. Tell me, is the spell of the good chairman up here . In many ways a good guy. Richard nixon all right, that is what we hear. We have got a lot of people that said he is too young to be president. I said we dont know. We dont need someone that is sort of a bill or. Are you on his payroll . Retired. Richard nixon you were in the services . The big one . What division were you in . Heavy artillery. The 675nth, those were that you used, or another kind. We trained on, guns. Ammo guns. Richard nixon sure. See, you know it is hired to realize many wars since then. , andought that was the end now we have korea and vietnam. Lets hope we can get rid of them. Lets do something. Richard nixon right. Good to see you. Narrator Richard Nixons interest in people, what they think, and what they do and what the questions they ask our the basis of his television conversations. In the television material put together, the efforts made to put Richard Nixon in front of a panel of people. Now, he has never met these people before. He is walking on hold. Cold. Hes meeting for the first time. Some are republican and some are democrat and some are independent. One panel is in agricultural group. Another panels youth group. Another panel is a business group. Narrator television is a vital political meeting place. To be successful, a candidate must use the medium and use it well. Richard nixon holds informal and no holds barred discussions. Richard nixon how are you . Right here. Mr. Hammond. Richard nixon you still have a few cuts. Yeah, yeah. I heard they were we have heard a lot about your assessment at time off. It is going to be at charge, a separate. Absolutely. Richard nixon people should not be screaming about the surplus. We should be thankful we have got it. As a matter of fact, that is another thing we can make a far greater use of that surplus in foreign policy. Get money for it. Richard nixon weapons for peace. I have a rule about congressmen that some of my professionals on my staff are afraid of. I never plan questions, and i know that most people do. I say most, many do. The reason i dont plan to know is that the answer then is contrived. No one is going to get away with the question where you said, i would like to have this question asked. I also have a feeling where the feeling that the question is a hard and strong and tough, not belligerent, but strong and tough is a better answer. Always save me from what i call the easy questions. Where somebody is trying to help me because the average viewer or listeners of that kind of a question says, that is a patsy, that is one of his friends. And they always say, why do you want to do this . It is as a man killing thing. Youve already put in time. You have served your country. It has occurred to me and my family. I suppose your wife and your children feel even more deeply about their father and husband being involved and he himself does. Because the man who is in the battle, he can fight back and answer, whereas those on the sidelines have to suffer in silence. But on the other hand, the meson that i think motivates more than anything else is very simply this. I feel that this is the period in the history of the United States where, in which what we do or failed to do can determine the future of peace and freedom for the balance of the century. We did not ask for this. But it is a role that has been placed upon us because of the power we have and the vacuum of power in western europe, which previously held this. I believe the dangers of world war iii abroad, the dangers of civil war, approaching civil war in a very difficult sense at home, and other problems, are greater than the country have ever had. But on the other hand, i believe that never in the nations history have we had more capability to handle these problems. In other words the forces that , can bring peace and avoid war, the forces that can unite and america and bring progress to our cities are now stronger than they have ever been. What we need is leadership. Leadership that will take harnessed power snd on harnessed it unharnes it and put it to work on the Unfinished Business of home and abroad. By the accident of where i have been, a senator eight years, a Vice President , traveled around the world is seven years many times by reason of that experience i have thought deeply , and have reached some conclusions about what we ought to keep the peace abroad and restore peace at home. I think the presidency, i would have the opportunity to put those conclusions in practice. That is the reason why i decided to seek the office. There has been a lot of criticism of president johnson. Some of it justified and much of it petty and unjustified. There are those who do not like his accent and those who do not like his style. That do not think he comes over well on tv. [laughter] i know how he feels. [applause] but my friends, the issue in 1968 is not the johnson personality but the johnson policies. I say whether you look at americas record abroad or at home, it is not the time to continue with Lyndon Johnson. It is time for a new leadership under a republican president and a republican administration. [applause] begin. Ime to Lyndon Johnson says let us , continue for four more years. This is my answer. When the strongest nation in the world can be tied down for four years in the war, with no end in sight, when the richest nation in the world cannot manage the its own economy, when the greatest rule of law is torn apart by lawlessness, when a nation that has been a symbol of opportunity has been torn apart by racial strife, when the president of United States cannot travel at home or abroad without fear of a hostile demonstration, then i say it is time for new leadership in the United States of america. [applause] narrator ideas are important to Richard Nixon. He seeks them from a variety of sources. The staff represents a wide range of interests, backgrounds, and the lease. Beliefs. And they are all young. Richard nixon one of the great things about my staff is their youth. It is the youngest staff a president ial candidate has ever had, even, perhaps even younger than the john kennedy staff. When he ran for the presidency, although his was also a young staff. It is good because it bridges the generation gap. Although my daughters 19 and 21 help with that, they and their boyfriends that they bring home for dinner. Apart from that, we live in a young nation and a young world. Have the people in the world right today were born after world war ii. And i, who fought in that war and was part of that generation needed to know what these people are thinking. We live in a world that is looking to the future instead of the past. So this in vigor of mine keeps me involved in the future and also keeps me from turning to o much to the past. Narrator on february 5, Richard Nixon left after to address people at a university. He would return to New Hampshire but before he did, he would initiate his campaign in wisconsin. The primary in that state is only three weeks after the New Hampshire primary. The demands of the National Political campaign had begun. Have you feel starting out on another campaign . Exciting, andways the one that started in New Hampshire could have been more so. I think even the local people were surprised at the enthusiasm and the size of the crowd and the wonderful spirit of the people. These are exhausting experiences. Do you have a couple of qualms in the back of your mind having to face so many months of this . Mrs. Nixon no, i have done it so many times in my heart is in it. Im a willing volunteer. Is there anything about the campaign that you already sense is different from other campaigns in the past . Mrs. No sin not yet. Always enthusiasm and , always has been but i feel there is even more. Also, by the mail we have received, i feel that way. I think people now want a man of experience. They also want a man of principle, and i think that is my husband. You are in a campaign because you want to do something about the problems of the country in the world in which the country is involved. From your personal point of view, is very special joy in politics and campaigning that you find a deep personal satisfaction from that goes beyond what you might be looking for in the count . Richard nixon i would not be doing it unless i enjoyed doing it. I enjoy meeting people and discussing issues and arguing for my opinions. Defining them, debating them. There is nothing that quite equals the excitement of the battle. [applause] you . D nixon hi, how are that is good. Thank you. You are very beautiful, i can see what you are the queen. Richard nixon are you the queen of the packers too . Ina nice day in green bay february. Little me to wear long underwear. They told me to wear long underwear. Which nobody can deny which nobody can deny which nobody can deny for hes a jolly good fellow for hes a jolly good fellow for hes a jolly good fellow which nobody can deny [applause] for hes a jolly good fellow for hes a jolly good fellow which nobody can deny [applause] [indiscernible] wonderful to see you. He our [applause] dreyfus, all dr. Of the distinguished guests in the audience, it is a very great privilege and an honor for me to winner just prior to the winter carnival. I say prior, because i thought if somebody would ask me to ski during it. [laughter] [applause] i remember the first time i met bob hope. 1952, after i have been nominated for the vice presidency, and we were sitting together at a dinner. Populist came up, and they said look at each other. They want to catch you in some silly pose, at least with me. We finally turned to each other, and bob hope with that wonderful humor of his, he has writers, but he can think too. He said when we get our noses together, what a wonderful added for sun valley. Ad for sun valley. [laughter] just to set the record on iiing, i did try it once, but will not try it again. I would have only one need to get to my country. [applause] directly to the subjects of interest, perhaps what i can do at the outset is to lay a framework, a frame of reference so to speak for the , questions that im sure will follow. Yes, it is a difficult world, and you inherited it and did not create it and those of us who did made a lot of mistakes. But the exciting thing is you can change it. You have the power to change it. The world is changing. It is looking for change. The old isms no longer have their appeal. Communism, socialism, marxism. Yes, even what we call americanism no longer has the magic appeal it used to. The world is looking for new leadership and new ideas. And what you do can change the world. And i say to you today, as you go through your studies and look at the prospects of the draft and all the other things which i know hang over some of the men here as well as the fears some of the girls may had with regard to that matter. I can say to you look at the , other side, never as a lived a more exciting time in a more exciting place in america. We will find out how exciting because you will ask some exciting questions. Thank you. [applause] mr. Vice president i understand that yesterday Richard Nixon october is coming next week. [laughter] [applause] i mean former Vice President nixon Richard Nixon a pleasure. I have been called everything, it is all right. In describing the approach in this campaign a lot has been , said about a new mr. Nixon. How do you feel about that . Richard nixon my wife says i have less hair than i had before. You know the hairline goes back. ,here and there. Of course, i am older, 55. Which is of course seven years older than i was when i ran before 1960. And of course, i am more experienced. I know more. I will not make as many mistakes as i would have had i been elected in 1960. Others discover that i perhaps which ie of humor think i have always had. Others discover things they seem to find for the first time. Let me answer this question. Of course i have changed, but also perhaps the people who are looking at me have changed also. They are looking for a new leadership in this country and , they are taking a fresh look at what i have to offer. And i of course am presenting a new case i was not able to present in 1960. To that extent, yes i am new. ,but in another sense, i am not. I am really the most difficult man in the world when it comes to a socalled Public Relations firm. Nobody is going to package me or make me put on an act for television. I will not engage in any gimmicks or stunts or wear a silly hat, do some for the purpose of getting a publicity picture. Im not an actor, not a good actor. I am just going to be myself. When people say to me i have got to change myself, take lessons about how to stand, how to talk, how to act, look in the mirror and listen to my voice on the radio, look on my self on television, the answer is i never have, and i am not going to start now. If anything that i do have to offer to the American People and to leadership as far as our view and our role in the world is concerned, it is what i deeply say and that i am myself and i will continue to play that role. If people looking at me say that is a new nixon, all that i can say is maybe you did not know the old nixon. Jolly good fellow hes a jolly good fellow three cheers for mr. Nixon. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] follow the candidates on cspan, cspan radio and cspan. Org. Next on American History tv, from recent Abraham Lincoln symposium on his life, and legacy, thomas carson, the author of lincolns ethic, and a loyola professor. This took place at fords theater. It is about 50 minutes. Good afternoon. My name is Michael Burling game. I teach at the university of illinois springfield and i bring you greetings from the holy land. When i saw this set, i was startled. When i came