Environment. We cannot really excise it from the environment, but in the courtroom, i think that the tradition has been that we not have that outside distraction, and i am inclined to say that i would not want them in Appellate Court chambers. It would be good for the American Public to see what is going on there. I dont know how long that would be interested in what goes on in appellate arguments, it tends to be it doesnt rivet your attention perhaps in the cases that have garnered a tremendous amount of publicity, but i see no reason why beyond that concern American People should not have access to the courts. My view on that is, i dont see any problem with having proceedings televised. I think it would be good for the public. At that time, i voted in favor in the judicial conference of experimenting with television in the courtroom. That has been carried out. The results of that are being evaluated in the federal system. My particular Appeals Court was not part of the experiment, but not for one of willingness, it was because they could only have a small number. That is the circumstance in which i think my vote is in favor of the experiment was right, as of this moment. Opportunity i had the opportunity to do with this experience a number of years ago. All the court of appeals were given the authority to allow their oral arguments to be televised if they wanted, and we had a debate within our court about whether we should allow Television Cameras in our courtroom, and i argued that we should do it. I thought that it would be a useful you took a position on this issue . It was one of the matters on which i ended up in to sit in my court. The majority was fearful that r nielsenmbers numbers would be affected. Ive had positive experiences with cameras when i have been asked to join experiments of using cameras in the courtroom. I have participated. I have volunteered. But i have said that i think it would be a terrific thing to have cameras in the courtroom, and the reason i think is, you see what happens there, its an inspiring site. So i think it would be a great thing for the institution, and more important, i think would be a great thing for the American People. The second and ninth circuit courts of appeal continue to permit video coverage of their proceedings. All 50 state Supreme Courts allow video coverage of their arguments. The canadian and british Supreme Courts screen their hearings live. The u. S. Supreme Court Permits audio coverage only, on a delayed basis. The Supreme Court confirmation ,earings for judge neil gorsuch life monday, starting at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, cspan2, www. Cspan. Org, and on the free cspan radio app. Next, three former members of the Reagan Administration reflect on their time in a white house and their interactions with the white house. They discuss Ronald Reagans leadership style and diplomatic legacy while arguing that the media underestimated it. Clemens center for National Security in austin, texas, hosted this program, which was part of a threeday conference titled Ronald Reagan and the transformation of Global Politics in the 1980s. It is about one hour 40 minutes. Exec. Director inboden for the cameras, names will in bowden, one of your host for today hosts for today, and i am honored to be here for the panel discussion