[speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] thank you mr. Chair. Mr. President , members of the Security Council, according to the official news agency of the democratic peoples republic of korea, dprk, and various governmental sources, at approximately 9 00 a. M. Local time on for july, 2017, the dprk launched a Ballistic Missile which its term the fire of inter continental Ballistic Missile. The missile was launched near the airfields in the northwest of the dprk. According to the dprks covered distance of 933 kilometers during a 39 million our flight reaching an altitude of 2800 kilometers before impacting into the sea according to these parameters, the missile would have a range of roughly 600 kilometers is launched on the more typical making it in intercontinental Ballistic Missile icbm, according to widely used definitions. The dprk did not sense the launch specification to those responsible to your space and maritime safety. The official media claims that dprk was now quote a fullfledged neutral power that has been in possession of the most powerful intercontinental ballistic capable of hitting any part of the world with nuclear weapon. This is the seventh time the council has met to discuss the dprk in 2017. Including today five of these emergency consultations have followed the launch by the dprk a Ballistic Missiles and open violation of Security Council resolution. Mr. President , the secretarygeneral strongly condemns the launch of a Ballistic Missile of intercontinental range conducted by the dprk. This action is yet another brazen violation of the relevant Security Council resolution and constitutes a dangerous escalation of the situation. The dprk leadership must cease further and comply fully with its international obligation. The secretarygeneral underlines the importance of maintaining the unity of International Community in addressing the serious challenge. The dprk must stop actions in violation of Security Council resolution and allow space for the redemption of sincere dialogue. All parties must work to reopen Communication Channels particularly military to military to lower the risk of miscalculation or misunderstanding. Amid the escalation of the security situation in the region, the United Nations and partners play a Critical Role in saving the lives of the most Vulnerable People in the dprk. As the Council Considers its response, we again remind Member States of the importance of separating political and humanitarian concerns and urge them to support the lifesaving activities carried out by the humanitarian organizations in the country. Mr. President , i would like to close by reiterating the secretarygenerals by seeking a peaceful solution. The United Nations will remain in close contact with all concerned parties and remain ready to assist in any way possible. Thank you. [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] a thank you mr. President. To my friends on the Security Council, i must say that today is a dark day. It is a dark day because yesterday section by north korea made the world a more dangerous place. There illegal Missile Launch was not only dangerous, but reckless and irresponsible. It showed that north korea does not want to be part of a peaceful world. They have cast a dark shadow of conflict on all nations that strive for peace. Yesterdays acts came from the same vicious dictator who sent a Young College student back home to his parents unresponsive and in a coma. For americans, the true nature of the north korean regime was painfully brought home with the images of two guards holding auto warm beer up as they transported him from a prison he should have never been in. Auto is but one person out of millions have been killed, tortured, or deprived of their human rights by the north korean regime. To americans the death of one innocent person can be as powerful as the death of millions. All men and women are created in gods image, depravity toward one is a sure sign of willingness to do much more harm. The nature of the north korean regime is clear. Only the scale of the damage it does could become different. That is why yesterdays escalation is so alarming. If north korea will treat an innocent young student the way it treated auto, we should not be surprised if it acts barbaric lee on a larger scale. The United States does not seek conflict. We seek to avoid it. We seek only the peaceful denuclearization of the peninsula. Regrettably we are witnessing the opposite. Make no mistake north koreas launch of an icbm is a clear and sharp military escalation, the north korean regime openly states that its missiles are intended to deliver Nuclear Weapons to strike cities in the United States, south korea and japan. And now it has greater capacity to do so. In truth, this not only the United States and our allies that are threatened, north korea is destabilizing escalation is a threat to all nations in the region and beyond. Their actions are quickly closing off the possibility of a diplomatic solution. The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies. One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military force. We will use them if we must. But we prefer not to go in that direction. We have other methods of addressing those who threaten us. And of those who supply the threats. We have great capabilities in the area of trade, President Trump has spoken repeatedly about this. I spoke with him at length about it this morning. There are countries that are allowing, even encouraging trade with north korea in violation of your security counsel violation. Such countries would also like to continue their trade arrangements with the United States. That is not going to happen. Our attitude on train changes when countries did not take International Security threat seriously. Before the path to a peaceful solution is entirely closed the remains more that the International Community can and must do, diplomatically and economically. In the coming days will bring for the Security Council resolution that raises the International Response in a way thats proportionate to north koreas new escalation. I will not detail the resolution here today but the options are all known to us. If we are unified, the International Community can cut off the major sources of hard currency to the north korean regime. We can restrict the flow of oil to their military and their weapons program. We can increase air and maritime restrictions. We can hold senior regime officials accountable. The International Community has spoken frequently against the illegal and dangerous actions of the north korean regime. For many years, there have been numerous un sanctions against north korea. They have been insufficient to get them to change their destructive course. In order to have an impact, and order to move north korea off its military escalation, we must do more. We will not look exclusively at north korea. Well look at any country that chooses to do business with this outlaw machine. We will not have patience for stalling or talking our way down to a watereddown resolution. Yesterdays icbm escalation requires an escalated diplomatic and anomic response. Time is short. Action is required. The world is on notice. If we act together, we can still prevent a catastrophe and we can rid the world of a grave threat. If we fail to act in a serious way, there will be a difference response. Much of the burden of enforcing un sanction rest with china. 90 of trade is from china. Will work with china and any and every country that believes in peace but we will not repeat the inadequate approaches of the past that have brought us to the start day. We cannot forget the multiple missile tests this year or yesterdays escalation. We cannot forget Otto Warmbier and others that north korea continues to hold. We cannot forget the threats to our friends and allies from the world. We will not forget, and we will not delay. Thank you [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] thank you mr. President. I would like to begin by thanking the president for convening this reading. Jointly requested by the United States and the republic of korea and japan. I would also think for the briefing. Mr. President , north korea once again launched a Ballistic Missile template in violation of the relevant Security Council resolution. This is totally unacceptable. Japan botched a strong protest strictly against north korea immediately after the launch and condemned the act in the strongest of terms. Here, i express once again our strong condemnation of this unacceptable provocation. Japan demands that north korea immediately cease all Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Development programs and provocations. Japan will never accept a Nuclear Armed north korea. North korean official media has announced that they carried out the launch of the intercontinental Ballistic Missile, it reached the altitude of more than 2500 kilometers, flew for about 40 minutes, and landed within the japanese his own. Approximately 300 kilometers off the peninsula. A number of japanese Fishing Vessels were out in the sea at the time of the launch. This shows how dangerous and irresponsible this act by north korea was. If it had not been such a launch the messiah would have flown for more than 5500 kilometers and could have reached many other Member States. This provocation of north korea upon International Efforts force a peaceful resolution and present enormous global threats. As north korea claims that they are capable of hitting any part of the world, there threat has literally become global. This most recent provocation made it more evident that it is not right for dialogue with north korea at this moment. There is no other choice left for us now, then to Work Together to increase pressure against north korea for our implementation of the revenu ren is critically important. Every member state must Work Together to pressure north korea into taking concrete actions toward the nuclear the station. We need to stand and send a clear united message that it is north korea that needs to change, not our site. We must look at the councils to take further missions for further dprk k tester launch. This launch requires First Response from the council in the form of a resolution with sanctions. Japan looks forward to working closely with Council Members to this end. I think you. Thank you. [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] [speaking in native language] i thank you for the very instructive state may have given us. Mr. President , yet again the Security Council is meeting following a grave and unjustifiable violation by north korea of its international obligation. Amounting to a threat to International Peace and security. With a Ballistic Missile launch two days ago, north korea continues its reckless behaviors and the most on excusable manner. This proclaim and desire to flout the authority of the Security Council and continues to ignore numerous appeals and calls to reason which together we have addressed to it. Finally, the persistent international attitude, what a provocation that brings us straight to an escalation. France condemned the Missile Launch just as it did with the numerous Ballistic Missile launches over the past month. All action taken by north korea is a dangerous and pattern of instigation for regional stability and even for International Peace and security. Today the country of the reason trend region are under duress and france pledges solitary to them. Make no mistake, everyone around this table is under threat. It is a global threat. The persistent approach has initiated at the highest levels of the regime in north korea to develop its Nuclear Program speaks for itself. This new Missile Launch follows in the wake all previous ones. If today is yet another step towards acquiring operational nuclear capacity. This is a meditative, unabashed assaults of the nonproliferation regime. This regime is at the heart of our security system. This violation cannot be tolerated, let there be no space estate, north korea Nuclear Program is one of the primary threats to the nonproliferation regime. This regime is something we have forged together, piecebypiece over the past decades. The nonproliferation regime itself is the backbone of the maintenance of International Peace and security. It is our collective responsibility to protect. Mr. President , this reckless dashboard must be halted without precondition, and immediately. Sanctions can never be automatic, nor are they an end in and of themselves. But when our messages, peels and warnings are deliberately ignored over and over, systematically, a decisive collective response is necessary. Negotiation remain a priority but the Current Situation does not allow for it at all. The deliberate repeated out and out violation but whomsoever of our cannot be subject to bargaining. If alston north korea to demonstrate in a sincere manner and specific action that it stands ready to invest in a solution otherwise we will have to be firm and our response. Sir, with the threat of the nuclear proliferation, that is indeed what is at stake, lack of action is not an option. We have been brought together by a shared sense of urgency. As well as one of determination to ensure Security Council authority is upheld. We have to shoulder our responsibilities together. The entire International Community must continue its efforts for an effective implementation of members but, we must also reiterate our decisive commitment to halting the irresponsible action of north korea. The end goal is full, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The clock is ticking. Our message must be firm, unambiguous and it should be the outcome of our meaning today. It is a significant step among these lines. Mr. President s, france was at the forefront of crafting of the nonproliferation regime and intends to stay there. In the Security Council as well as in the european union, france has always taken determines the forceful action against any attempt to undermine the regime. My country contributed to having partners to ensure a Firm Response be provided. I would like to reassure you today that my country will continue to do this in the most resolute manner possible. This is why we work with all of our partners for the adoption of a Security Council resolution including the adoption of new, robust and operational measures. We intend to continue similar measures within the european union. When the very foundation of our collective system are rocked, there is no room for going backwards and forward, even the risk of the situation worsening, the council must and will shoulders responsibility. Thank you. I think the resident luncheon i now give the floor to the United Kingdom. Like the previous speakers, the United Kingdom condemns in the strongest terms the dprk case frequent violation of unanimous decisions of the Security Council. Despite repeated condemnation and despite the leadership of the dprk k has persisted in pursuing its illegal programs in the misguided pursuit of the Nuclear Weapons capability. This is simply not acceptable. We have seen an unprecedented method of missile test over the past few years. With lists launch of an intercontinental Ballistic Missile the council should note that the dprk k intends to threaten directly in ever greater number of states and indirectly, the whole world. All such Ballistic Missile activity from the dprk k is in violation of the Security Council resolution. Any capability the dprk k develops to threaten the security of other states is of grave concern. A response must be strong and clear. The International Community must redouble our effort. North korea strains every nerve to build ever build nuclear weas and launch missiles. Even as the people endure starvation and poverty. Amidst reports of widespread hardship and Human Rights Violations in dprk k, pyongyang priority should be the health and welfare of north korean people, not continuation of the Nuclear Program. We continue towards the dprk k to return to credible and authentic talks on the program and to abide by its obligations under un Security Council resolution. The United Kingdom has today summoned the dprk case investor in london conveying in the strongest terms are views of this reckless behavior. Will also be redoubling our effort with partners to seek strong enforcement of the measures that aim to bring the dprk k to the right path. Increased vigilance is needed. We will continue to encourage partners globally to take effective action to understand and when necessary disrupt the dprk case illegal proliferation and other sanctions even asian activity. Will also work with allies and partners around the world to consider the fullest range of measures to increase diplomatic pressure. The primary responsibility lies with the dprk k, but all of the International Community much served to strengthen their resolve to enforce existing measures fully and effectively, without delay. We urge all states to comply with the Security Councils requirement recording on the implementation of measures. As the dprk k make clear, even these steps will probably not be enough. Faced with these provocations we must toughen our resolve. The United Kingdom supports new binding measures to raise the cost for the to these illegal actions. The security counsel should start work immediately on a new Security Council resolution to achieve this. Thank you. Thank you. I give the floor to the presented of of sweden. Thank you mr. President and thank you to japan and the United States and the republic of korea for convening and asking for this meeting this afternoon. Mr. President , the missile test yesterday of possible into continental range looks at the dprk k commitment to the Ballistic Missile and Nuclear Weapons program. This is a great concern for the region and indeed for the world. Sweden condemns the latest test in the strongest possible terms. We once again called the dprk k to see Cell Development of its Ballistic Missile. And to take immediate steps toward the programs complete verifiable and irreversible dismantlement in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions. The continued unity of the Security Council in the face of the dprk k blatant violations of this councils resolution is of utmost importance as is the effective implementation of relevant implementation of all countries. Sanctions remain insufficient and highly inconsistent. We reiterate that all member statements to their utmost in this regard. There is no military solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Theres an urgent need for redouble for to build confidence and avoid further escalation and take steps to prepare for a peaceful situation. Almost come to this end and we welcome a peaceful situation through dialogue. Tensions have risen in recent months and the problem for misinterpretation is high. We remain fully committed to the d denuclearization of the peninsula. We again call on the dprk k to reengage in a credible and meaningful dialogue to the International Community. In the meantime, sweden will stand united with councilmembers and condemning any act that jeopardizes International Peace and security. I think the representative swing for the statement and now give the floor to the representative of egypt. Mr. President s, i would like to thank you for your technical and useful briefing. We stress once again that the Current Situation on the Korean Peninsula continues to be one of the main challenges to the Nuclear Nonproliferation regime. Egypt expresses its great concern about the continued escalation in tension on the Korean Peninsula. As a result of the dprk k Nuclear Program which represents one of the main sources of threats to International Peace and security. We call once again on the dprk k to comply fully according to relevant Security Council resolution to eliminate all of its new clear arsenal to rejoin the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty as a nonnuclear state without delay and without any conditions. Egypt is fully committed to make every possible efforts at the National Level two implements all Security Council sanctions on the dprk k. Mr. President , egypt supports fully all efforts aimed at reaching a peaceful solution to the dprk k and Nuclear Program issue. To achieve a durable peace on the Korean Peninsula including all reunification efforts, especially in light of the special and historic relation between egypt and the countries of the region. We call on the International Community and Security Council to deal in a comprehensive manner and without selectivity with all challenges facing the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty. In order to preserve the credibility and the effectiveness of the nonproliferation regime and relevant resolution. This is important especially in light of the continued erosion and credibility of this regime which represents the main pillar in the broader International Security architecture. Such an erosion is the result of the non universality of the treaty in a double standard applied when dealing with the challenges facing the treaty. Mr. President , in closing, my country encourages all parties to exercise selfrestraint and to resume discussions aimed at reaching a peaceful settlement as soon as possible. We take note of some of the positive proposals made by china in order to achieve we urge once again the dprk k to cooperate with all dialogue effort and to see any measure that may lead to further escalation in tension. We call on all International Parties to provide the necessary conditions to reach a mutually agreed sentiment that guarantees the regional and International Peace and security. In line with purposes and principles of the United Nations and the nonpolar if proliferation treaty. Egypt stands ready to make every possible effort to gifts of a peaceful settlement to this crisis in a manner that would deserve International Peace and security. Yankee mr. President. I think the representative of egypt and the representative to italy. Thank you mr. President. We can do all the actions by dprk k. The latest publication confirms once again that the north korean regime continue to pursue the Nuclear Missile program. In violation of the resolution and therefore an open defiance of International Community. The left launch in the interim continental range or refund. Equally word and found the fact that the dprk is the objective of the intercontinental ballistic the advancement by dprk k is a our collective security. The dprk case escalation for the growing threat of International Security and nonproliferation regime. We call in dprk k to take immediate steps to abandon its provocative, illegal and self isolating policies. Creating a Missile Program. This objective continues to require an effort to maintain a high level of pressure by the International Community on the regime. In this context, italy stands ready to work with all relevant stakeholders and members of the council in order to devise additional insignificant restrictive measures. It is in maintaining the the unity that are purpose is crucial. Let us not forget the dprk k continues to be highly honorable as a consequence of the regimes policy. Therefore we will not assure as we did in the past that new restrictive measures do enough or do have a negative unintended consequences for the humanitarian situation. The ultimate objective of pressure must continue to be the change of behavior for the dprk k, framing a path toward the nuclear revision of the Korean Peninsula. In the achievement of the peaceful and comprehensive diplomatic solution through dialogue. Mr. President , and effective implementation by the whole un membership continues to be italys priority, a chair of the 1718 committee. Maintaining an open channel of dialogue with Member States specifically through regional outreach and is proving to be an effective way to engage membership and facilitate National Effort to enforce the sanction regime that is in place. In this effect i want to point out that the rate of submission of National Report has increased. As of today, the committee has received 94 National Reports on resolution 227070 and resolution all National Reports in the resolution the latest adopted were received in last four months. There showing the higher submission rate than under previous resolution regarding the dprk k. While encouraging this is not sufficient. Let us therefore the chair of the sanctions committee make an urgent appeal to all Member States to continue to provide. I thank you. I think the representative for italy for his report. Thank you mr. President. First and foremost i would like to thank the u. S. And japanese delegation for having call for the holding of this urgent meeting. Note also thank you, sir, for having accepted this request. I would also like to thank the assistant secretary general for Political Affairs have given us a factual and clear briefing. Very appropriate terms you have expressed our words of thanks on behalf of the Security Council members as a whole including of course my delegation. I thus endorse the statements made by you. Sir, its time that the first formal meeting of your presidency on yet another act of defiance to the International Community and a particularly the Security Council, and talking of course about the lunch by the dprk k of an intercontinental Ballistic Missile yesterday, for july. At a time when with our american friends we were celebrating the holiday in the United States. My delegation confirms yet another launch of the dprk which landed in the sea of japan. Without a doubt this is a game changer. Because it demonstrates that north korea, after methodically continuing its Nuclear Missile programs today is more determined than ever to acquire a Nuclear Deterrent power. As has been stated, this launch comes after previous ones from bay to which we have all condemned in this room. Threats not only to the people of the region, but also hard low to the nonproliferation regime with a claimed intention of developing a nuclear weapon. That significantly fanning the flames of tension in the region and beyond. It is a grave threat to maritime and air security is there was no notification nor warning regarding the launch. This is a densely populated region with one of the most traveled air spaces of the world. Yet again, the Security Councils credibility has called into question. Indeed, in spite of all sanctions and measures taken against the dprk it has hardly abandon its nuclear ambitions. It has gone as far as questioning the security counsels credibility regarding its illegal Nuclear Programs. In this manner, it has continued to flout Security Council resolutions and appeals meaning the council must take action. We have make continued appeals to the dprk to come back to dialogue. Sanctions could go handinhand with dialogue and a discreet manner as mentioned by the various resolutions. By way of conclusion and since there is no military solution to the problem on the Korean Peninsula, my country would like to reiterate the importance of peace and security in this region. We call for comprehensive peaceful, diplomatic solution to be found. It is for we intend to work with other councilmembers on the drafting of a resolution regarding additional measures that would be appropriate to take. Thank you. Thank you. I think the representative for statement. And now to the representative of ukraine. Thank you mr. President. The United States, japan and korea for initiating the meeting. In the president for promptly convening it. I also think assistant secretary general on this alarming issue. In the beginning its already become unlawful action. Recent in continental Missile Launched on the fourth of july contributes to the gray Nuclear Threats in the region. Despite diplomatic efforts we have seen no signs whatsoever on their intention to change the behavior. The north korean is responsible and has undermined the nonproliferation regime as a whole. The developments on the Korean Peninsula rhetorical but questions, are the signals prompting clear enough, how much time is left before the north korean is equipped with a Nuclear Warhead and successfully deploy . Needless to say, the council should use everything at its disposal. At the same time, we need to recognize the regime appears to be from its equipment and financial for further development of the Nuclear Program. I wished to say that the council needs to increase on north korea. [inaudible] [inaudible] we also fully share the neighboring states capabilities against these threats. We cannot wait until next nuclear tester Missile Launch. We should not allow them [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] i think representative for ukraine from her statement. Never go to uruguay. Thank you very much. We would also like to convey our thanks to each of delegation of the United States, japan and the republic of korea having commute this meeting. Thanks also for the Political Affairs for his briefing. And thanks to president , not only for the way you reacted very quickly to the request from the United States, but also for holding this in open format, open to participation of all membership who can listen to our discussions and ensuring transparency. I think it is worth is all express interview on this very serious issue we condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent launch of a Ballistic Missile allegedly intercontinental and range carried out by north korea. We call upon north korea to abandon its Nuclear Programs and to immediately halt all related activities including launches used Missile Technology and other acts. North korea said the bombastic posturing is a threat to International Peace and security. It constitutes a blatant violation of the myriad of resolutions of the council. North korea must respect all those resolutions adopted by the spotty and give up its nuclear potential. Such as that we would contribute to fostering peace in the peninsula on how to pave the way to the redemption of dialogue with the overall of providing denuclearization. Express prohibition on the elimination. While we sit here in this room contending with the obstinate conductor of north korea in terms of north korean to reflection the members of the United Nations in giving it all in racing against the clock to adopt this friday a treaty to ban Nuclear Weapons. Regrettably, neither north korea nor the Nuclear Powers are participating in this negotiation and their other states not also taking place. The aims to achieve a more secure and safer world and the world free of the effects of these equal weapons this must be seen as a goal and response ability to born equally by all those gathered here today to guarantee the survival of humanity. The north korean ongoing defiance and an inability to find a peaceful solution to this situation simply says to ramp up the attention in the Korean Peninsula it might inflame the situation further with serious consequences. In order to change the situation to make headway there is a need to correctly implement these sanctions. A responsibility should be borne by all Member States in this house. Uruguay underscores the need to seek out new options for actions including new approaches and legalities to resolve the situation which get worse and worse with each passing month. The certain counsel must put an end to the Endless Round of publications and violations by north korea. We must usher in dilated. The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Uruguay has a call for dialogue to take place as we see no other viable solution to the north korean question than that of facetoface negotiation and political determination to be shared by both parties. Uruguay urges the member of the Security Council to come together as one on this particular issue and we must confirm to our commitment to find a peaceful diplomatic and solid solution paving the way for the denuclearization of the korean pencil. At times of great tension all heads must prevail and we must refrain from taking unilateral action until all her energy into solving this problem. Thank you very much, president. I think the representative of uruguay and give the floor to the representative of Russian Federation. Thank you very much, mr. President. We like to think the secretary general for his breathing regarding the launch of the missile. The Situation Requires clarification and investigation. Since theres been a Ballistic Missile registered it showed up on the russian system of warning of rocket launches according to information from the administer of Russian Federation based on an objective and Technology Based monitoring of the situation and established that the parameters and data regarding the target of the missile are in line with tactical criteria of midrange Ballistic Missiles. We are carefully following the development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and we like to call your attention to the point russia and chinese statement about this issue made in moscow on july 4th. This was immediately following the Missile Launch. We find this action from the dpr to be in a miscible and to be running counter to Security Council resolutions. Russia and china have urged them to firmly comply with the provisions of said resolution and we share the concern regarding the situation in the Korean Peninsula. Its an escalation of political sections on the peninsula fraught with the risk of an armed conflict. The International Community must a collective measure for a peaceful settlement of the solution. We are against any statements or actions which can lead to an escalation and hardening of antagonism. We call for all interested states to act with restraint rather than provocation and warmongering demonstrated and readiness to engage in dialogue without preconditions. As well as make active measures to deescalate tensions with Russian Federation and china put forth a joint initiative. It is based on chinese proposal of a dual suspension and parallel progress for the denuclearization of dvr cape as well as establishing a peace on the peninsula. Also, the russian plan for settlement the conflicts we call upon the voluntary political decision to declare a moratorium on the testing of Nuclear Explosive devices and the testing of Ballistic Missiles. Though the us and the korean republic at the same time should refrain from conducting fullscale joint training exercises and parallel, there could be parks held where general principles of relations would be affirmed including the nonuse of force, not using aggression and ensuring peaceful coexistence as well as efforts for the denuclearization of the dpr k for comprehensive settlement of all issues. This includes the nuclear one. All interested parties in the negotiation process in their chosen format to deal with creating arms in the dpr k and asia peace and security mechanisms and this would be to the normalization of relations between relevant states. It calls upon all states to support that initiative which offers a true vendor of opportunity for resolving the issue in the Korean Peninsula. We reaffirm our strong commitment to the International Regime of that nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons and intention to see the deal glycation of the dpr k as well as comprehensive and full implantation of resolutions of the Security Council. We express our intention with other interested states to continue efforts to ensure that through dialogue and consultation there is a balanced of all existing concerns and we call upon all sides to comply with from the 19th of september 2005 and we launched dialogue for a conference of. Take military measures to resolve the Korean Peninsula should be excluded and we express our support of north and south korea engaging in dialogue and consultation and demonstrate good wealth and improved relations and carry out corporation and deescalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula and resolve all pending institutions we pay due attention to the striking of International Instability and allow me to stress that alliances between certain states should never be made for the detriment of the interests of third parties. We are against a military presence from extra Regional Forces and northeast asia and the deployment under a pretext of countering and deployment of systems under pretext of countering the military. It is a serious head to the strategic stability of the region including russia and china and certainly doesnt the new guys the Korean Peninsula based on the principle of ensuring peace and stability in the region. We are against the deployment of that system. We wanted to swiftly halt the deployment process. All measures should be taken to ensure and protect the interests of the two countries insecurity but also strike strategic balance in the region. It is of utmost importance for us or rather it is utterly clear for us that any attempt to justify a military solution is inadmissible and they lead to consequences for the region in the very same manner attempt to economically strangle north korea and are equally unacceptable. Millions of people are in great humanitarian need and the un plays its role here. There must be a deep politicalization of effort. In summary, all must acknowledge that sanctions will resolve the issue in that manner we rushed to a stalemate and just as any attempt to resolve the situation to force or are in miscible we need to take into account the prk for security. At this time, it is important to leave behind the dangerous logic of confrontation and together seek a solution on the basis of comprehensive political solution to the dpr k issue including the matter of the Missile Program, here china proposal for the dual suspension and parallel progress as well as the russian roadmap for dpr k solution including the gradual establishment of a peace mechanism for the region and demilitarization of the prk is an appropriate launchpad for such talk. We call upon all who participate in this work. Thank you. I think the representative for the Russian Federation for his statement and i now give the representative. Thank you very much, mr. President. We would like to thank the assistant secretarygeneral for Political Affairs for the information he sent with us in his breathing about the most recent events which led to the convening of this afternoons urgent meeting. Bolivia would look like once again to express in the strongest possible terms the condemnation of the launch of Ballistic Missiles and the Nuclear Program by the dpr k. That includes the launch yet today on the fourth of july. We call upon this country of the dpr gate to abandon its Nuclear Program and to abandon its most Missile Program in a irreversible way. We urge all to refrain from escalating and to fan the flames in the peninsula which would pose an International Security risk. In particular, we call upon all the parties to refrain from any act of provocation to refrain from taking unilateral steps to refrain from taking measures that fall outside International Law and the peoples of the charter of the United Nations. We hail the initiatives such as the suspension suggestion which is one that we fully back. The Suspension Initiative would see the suspension of north koreas interactivity with a quid pro quo of the suspension of military exercises by the republic of the United States of america. We call for an understanding that there can be no military solution to this conflict and there must be an end to threats of use of force. Rather, people must sit around the negotiation table and dialogue to find a political and diplomatic solution with the overarching goal of achieving the denuclearization of the north korean plaza. Thank you. I think the representative for bolivia and now we go to the representative of. We would also like to thank the delegation for convening the session. Id also like to thank. Mr. President , we join others to strongly condemn the latest launch of the Ballistic Missile by the dpr k in violation. We concur with the secretary general that this constitutes and i quote a dangerous escalation of the situation. It turns peace and security in the Korean Peninsula. It is absolutely important that the dprk ceases their actions to reduce tension in the Korean Peninsula and prevent the further escalation of the situation. We would like to once again underscore the need for finding a lasting comprehensive and diplomatic solution through dialogue and negotiation. This requires that that dprk returned to its International Commitment on the violation and fully comply with relevant of the situation. It is important that we maintain the unity of the council and speak with one voice addressing this issue which is becoming extremely dangerous. One thing that makes us not lose hope. While there might be differences on methods and approach, there are none. This should never be understated. Finally, the latest launch of Ballistic Missiles by the dprk is reminding all of us that the full implementation of the resolution by all Member States is much more political now than ever before. I would like to reaffirm the commitment of ethiopia to continue towards the full implementation of the Security Councils resolution. I thank you. I think the lady from ethiopia for statement. Mr. President , first of all, let me thank assistant secretary for his report. As well as us and japan for calling this consultation on yet another migrant vibration by the dprk. We strongly condemn the dangerous north korea launch of Ballistic Missile and possible intercontinental range that undermined our International Efforts to strike peace. Once again, we see the north korean regime continues to have nuclear potential and their steady progress in this direction. This causes serious concern. The expansion of nuclear is unacceptable for the wider International Community. Therefore, we must pursue a country approach to it is taking. It is our urgent and common task to make north korea to comply with the international will. All councilmembers are united in comprehending the full seriousness and laxity of the situation in north korea. Let us use this unity to develop a con preventive and balanced approach to create conditions for nonmilitary solutions by maintaining regime and forcing in this regard, we call upon north korea to follow its political example for willingly abandoned nuclear test and weapons, to live in peace and harmony with the entire world. We stand ready to share our own experience with kim jongun. Information, we are ready to support any issue for the diplomatic solution. I thank you. I think the representative from his dagestan. I will make a statement. Representative contain explicit revisions against any technology by the dprk and the launching of the missile on jule resolution and section of the will of the International Community. China finds this unacceptable and we strongly urge the dprk to strictly abide by the resolutions of the council and put a stop to any rhetoric and action that might further exacerbate the tension in the peninsula. At the same time, we call on all the parties concerned to exercise restraint, avoid provocative actions and stick to rhetoric. We want to Work Together to defuse the tension. On july the fourth the head of state of china and russia exchanged the views on the situation of the green for and agreed that the Nuclear Issue of the Korean Peninsula should be resolved through dialogue and competition. Foreign ministers of our two countries issued a joint statement which expressed the concern of china and russia regarding the issue of the Korean Peninsula. The joint statement put forward the joint initiative of our two countries based on chinas dual track approach and the suspension proposal in the russian stepbystep plan. The Current Situation of the peninsula is complex and sensitive and the dialogue approach is in a standstill. The initiative is aimed at addressing both the symptoms and the root causes and taking integrated distractor solution. It is objective, fair, reasonable and feasible. We hope that it will get support of the International Community. China has always insisted on realizing the demilitarization of the Korean Peninsula and maintaining peace and stability and seeking a solution through dialogue. China has always confirmed. [inaudible] military means must not be an option in this regard. The deployment of anti Missile System in asia seriously undermines this particularly in the countries competing china. As such, its not conducive to the realization of the denuclearization of the peninsula and the peace and instability china firms to hold and cancels its deployment immediately. Denuclearization causes a lasting peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula is in the interest of all parties and we hope that the parties concerned will Work Together with china in dual roles to shoulder their responsibility with a view to return the issue to serve the Korean Peninsula to the right track of the peaceful dialogue. I give the floor to the public of korea. Thank you mr. President. At the outset i like to think the chinese presidency for convening todays meeting. My delegation is a proof of this opportunity to participate in this emergent meeting to address the seriousness and urgent issue of the dpr ks launch of a Ballistic Missile on the range of the third of july. It is deeply regrettable that the dpr k responded with yet another even more Service Occupation from the new government in korea under kingdom and the need for peaceful resolution of the issue and his willingness to engage in dialogue under the right circumstances. It is also a source of profound disappointment that the dpr k once again has chosen the wrong path by test firing another longrange political missile a few days after the summit meeting in washington on the june 30, 2017. During which the two leaders called upon the dpr k to refrain from provocative destabilizing actions and rhetoric and to make a choice to fulfill its international obligations. The republic of korea condemns in the strongest terms the dpr ks latest provocation as a flagrant violation of relevancy and we urge the dpr k to no longer test and resolve to the government of korea as well as International Communities to achieve the new violation on the Korean Peninsula. The repeated provocations in defiance of will only strengthen the International Community and be met with a more resolute response. He must realize that its obsessive pursuit of Nuclear Provocation will only serve towards diplomatic isolation and deepen its economic plight. Mr. President , even the urgency of this issue we the International Community must once again demonstrate our strong results not to tolerate the dpr case nuclear and Ballistic Missile programs which have become a global threat that requires global action. In this regard id like to look at the expressed determination for the significant measures in a further nuclear test in launch. We must take stronger measures including a new Security Council to stop the dpr case provocation and the need for a thorough implementation cannot be overemphasized as an objective tool to bring. This is the last opportunity for the dpr k to chart a new beginning and korean relations. The dpr k must renounce its nuclear set back from the point of no return. He should awaken from his solution that Ballistic Missile development can ensure security and instead resolve the path on the new gradation. Thank you very much. I think the representative for the republic of korea and the representative of the us i give her the floor. Thank you, mr. President and i want to thank you for holding this meeting in the public and allowing us all to voice our concern. I first want to tell my russian friends that not only has the security said this is an icbm and the us has said this is an icbm, north korea has said this is an icbm. If you need any sort of intelligence to let you know that the rest of the world sees us as icbm, im happy to provide it. Secondly, in reference to being opposed to stations on north korea this council on those that we have done repeated resolutions and nothing has happened. If you are happy with north koreas action, veto it. If you want to be a friend to north korea, veto it. If you see this as a threat, if you see this for what it is, which is north korea showing its muscle, then you need to stand strong and vote with the International Community to strengthen sanctions on north korea and if you choose not to we will go our own path but it is makes no sense to not join together on this threat against north korea. They had not had any care for russia or china in this. They had not listen to anything that you have said. They wont listen to anything that you say. It is time that we all stand together and say we will not put up with this action but to sit there and oppose sanctions or to sit there and go in defiance of a new resolution means that youre holding the hands of kim jongun. Thank you. I think the representative of the us for her statement. The representative of the Russian Federation has requested further statement. Thank you very much. I like to think my colleague from the us, ambassador haley. We are proposing to Work Together. The point of my statement was that a solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, we think can be found exclusively through calibrating regional and International Efforts. The resolution clearly sets forth that not just patients but first and foremost, work on the political track must be taken. This is the goal. Sanction cannot be a cure all and this is been demonstrate by history. Here what we need is to seek a political solution and to be creative in our diplomacy. We have proposed, as i said in my statement, work collectively. Thank you very much. Thank you. I think the representative for the Russian Federation for his statement. There are no more names inscribed on the list. The meeting is adjourned. Sunday on q a. Im not asking anyone to compromise their values or beliefs. I am asking them to open their eyes to other people so that you can figure out your place in this infinite world. Brooke gladstone, cohost a managing editor of wnycs on the media. 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