Of reasons to hope that this might be better. The situation that we have now is perverse how we change it to make it better but we also need to go back to take a closer look at what actually happened with the welfare reform for single mothers. That is the example of something that against what many people saw that seems to have worked in practice single mothers is not the same but we may want to look back at that. My friend and colleague will tell you that is the way to go. If you think there is something valuable in the location per se you will get a different argument there that this for my friend and colleague. Thanks for participating if you have question online imaging get to those and one of the advantages of this book, like those that are written in washington laugh laugh so i a command that to all of you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] tonight the book the plots against hitler the author danny orbach is a military historian from the university of jerusalem has a b. A. In history and studies from televisa and and has a ph. D. From harvard. The economics specialties include todays taut and political assassination and around japan and germany the rest of the world. To examine the underground in germany with its numerous efforts to assassinate adolf hitler. Described as likely to become the history of the subject and a starting place for all future research it is a fascinating story of courage with the struggle of individuals with. Brcs so please to wellcome danny orbach. [applause] good evening. Thanks for coming here. And so what this book is about. And maybe read a few passages and finally to zoom in on one particularly interesting area that is the secret of nature this book is about secret underground organization from nazi germany 1938 through 1844. And the theologians the also from the social democrats. And delaware are all united. And from that German Secret Service from that 1938 with germany and europe. So when the award began as soon as possible by eliminating the not see regime. Released with the nationalist germans so this is a story of a conspiracy of numerous assassination attempts to be very bold and creative of a tragic failure. So what i am doing in the book because the story is very interesting so i tried to focus on certain points so what drives people is that peak of their careers to risk their life in such a way . Because germany was about to lose though war. In the book. There were 38 military leaders a german officer from the secret service between 1938 and 1942 with there was a briefing but then we speak about that in detail but did anybody watch the tom cruise movie . A dashing figure very romantic very educated man and is the most famous of resistance. And then to smuggle the bomb in every case. To stage the coup detat. For a few hours then they kept occupied munich through berlin but coup detat was crushed. And to speak about today with the most traded in interesting. But these families were generals even before germany was established very conservative men. But from that regime with those massacres especially the persecution of the jews. And it was known as the night of the broken glass. But then in they told him with the regime state because things are being planned. After the Second World War began he was carried by enthusiasm with the german victory over france. But after the stunning victory. But when the war in the east began. With these Senior Operations officer. The defects the soviet union and in the beginning to go together and then convince them tranten from todays viewpoint. If they dont succeed and then that Intelligence Officer and not forget for centuries. But you and i as well. And then those summer riding their bicycles think about what i just said. If the massacres continue with that resistance from berlin and then to be the spirit and from that moment on and with the Intelligence Officer. But the atf idea is to kill hitler because in russia it will not work as well as berlin. It is a cost dial environment. So there are several ideas. But the car was guarded day and night. The second idea was to shoot Hiller Hitler but with that cooperate of the resistance and they would veto that but then the people decided the leeway was the right ball. Was through a bomb. German officers at the time were very formal. And then can you do me a small favor . Would you be so kind and then to travel the same plane as hitler. And with that testimony i waited for hiller. I was waiting for the orders to go ahead. I pressed down hard and then handed them over to those who boarded the plane. And then to carry the and the members of the party. So we returned to our quarters and found out the operation was under way. After waiting more than two hours we had the shattering news the plots against hitler without incident at the airstrip. We cannot imagine what had gone wrong. Ending immediately after words we were shaken by the blow figuring out what the next move should be. The attempt was bad enough but the recovery of the bomb with that would mean to us with friends and family imagine this unsuspecting officer opening this to discover a balm. A bomb. Eleven negative she took the train to the headquarters. He took the bomb and opened the package and rights i discovered the explosive was unchanged. To cut the fuse to examine the reason of the failure was clear. It had been broken. Butted did not ignite twitches of this function of the bomb which was the british bomb by the way. Afterwards they decided to try again. Now they call it the afternoon in the museum. And there was an exhibition so his guide should be someone familiar and who better than the Intelligence Officer . His plan was to ignite the bomb secretly while guiding the exhibition. And then say i spent a march march 20th with another assassination attempt. In the yard of the museum where the ceremony would take place. With that exhibition with the stage with the philharmonic orchestra. They would roam guarding the place day and night. But then he was very distracted with the speech and then he would go into the museum but instead of listening just ran to the outside. If it would ignite it would take 20 minutes to explode. So that window of opportunity because the fuse needed at least 10 minutes even if the temperature was normal or longer if it was called. So of this sophisticated security to listen to the ceremony in russia. But when he heard the announcer say they had left the artery he knew the plan could not have been completed. Along with his successor the recruiters of the resistance tried to find the officers for the conversations with them and then tried to get them to volunteer for the resistance. And then they recruited the suicide bombers. Until had the experience and he testified as i reading from the book. The governor ounce to help with the operation. To refuse after a few days 2,003,000 people to be killed one by one. And then begin the manhunt as a woman literally jumped in front of me too big for her life. But to have a the weakness from which she was judy bound. But there was a religious like change of heart. Ended up volunteer only for aiding and abetting. But then working to assassinate hitler himself. So with the agent of the resistance there arranged a meeting. Some of this assassination attempt was not a new design of winter but what better with the bravery in the person would organizing is part of the resistance. And then they failed yet again. It just a few months until they could prepare another in the meantime they remained in neutralized but then to find another volunteer. They took a young boy who was the son of the aristocrat in it was january 1944. Then to receive the urgent telegram telling him to report back for duty. To say everything is in place. Freewheeling to do that . But then he said give me 24 hours to think about it. He was one of the founders of the german resistance. And then was willing to sacrifice his own son. And then he went to seek his father said vice. But he did put his life on the line. But he agreed to sacrifice his son. But according to the testimony he posed for a moment in the window the decided to go for it. It is a weird argument that you will never be happy again. [laughter] but i guess it is different at the time. But then the show was canceled. The last serious attempt was planned by a officer who was a sharpshooter. He was the assistant to the field marshal who met hitler but then those who are allowed to carry guns with that Suicide Attempt to shoot him and theres only one shot. He told him you can finish the war. In one moment. Later he was so convincing that he could not say no. Then he volunteered and was about to enter with the gun in his pocket but then they say today was no injury for the young workers. And then begins. If most of the leaders of the resistance would open and the of movement after the war. But to make a long story short then to save germany from destruction i want to speak about the question of motive. How people are influenced to sacrifice and those descriptions from a woman she was the secretary who wrote the secret orders for the coup detat. And had an incredible gift for connecting but how shall i put it corrects to exercise a very strong immediate influence in with the ability to convince. Or you can go will lead to you will see the middle aged would not see any charisma. So how difficult is to draw charisma across space and time. So if they would be very charismatic to those knotty german officers in russia. What is that about . So there is an element the way people dressed and looked their voice, expressions. If you had seen that picture of him trying to convey to a the interviewer but it was not clear to anyone. But another aspect was known as the commander for the domestic or it was very rare. But that was not enough. But the final key point with the revolutionary charisma to solve the problem for your audience. Usually it is something audience feels with some type of contradiction. You feel the answer if it speaks to you about something that you dont care about said udall listen. But if you cannot find the right words. And that is ready charismatic leader comes along. Said to belong to the German Resistance Movement fighting the government in wartime. So still we a german and two up told the of military value to try to secretly kill your head of state. But what they see as military value but you see this one day for the Church Confirmation ceremony. With obedience and beauty so one is to resort to that active revolution to throw everything we have learned from the forefathers with property or families. And he also said the military Skills Matter when youre using the services of a criminal. And with this dilemma in the two main ways. First of all, is with the behavior. Example is very controversial. And it was to fight hitler if there was no war. He was a dedicated officer. And he gave these examples remember it is like walking into a very demanding areas. But he is more valuable so if you are a german patriarch or even major nationalist and you hold the moral integrity of the country even if it is occupied because whoever they would stage the coup detat to be that Unconditional Surrender regardless for all of these people that this must take place. Even if it does not succeed. The point now was not practical but before the history besides that it is nothing anyway. In them but i find the most interesting is the conversations to take the concept of the enemy it is clear the soviets are the enemy but then fine ciller as the extension from the enemy of the throne. So then entrance them on their heads. That is the biggest danger to the nation. No matter how you look at it so that is the undoing of a single man. And after the coup detat failed, to escort all of his friends to make it look a suicide. I dont want to give the enemy the pleasure because the enemy here is the nazi regime. But he summarized in his last speech before he opened the hand grenade on himself but im convinced now that theyve done the right thing. To be the archenemy not only of germany but the entire world. In a few hours time rival stand before god to defend my actions. And he does have to take responsibility for those war crimes. But i think he said the conscience of what i have done then maybe they could be found also for our sake the would not destroy germany. So whoever joins the ranks in the greek mythology to establish only to the point which he is prepared to give his life. [applause] any questions . [inaudible] so what is the laugh fracturing. 4 those that try to kill you . I think it was relatively sound. He let some eight people participate in his crimes they had no reason to overthrow him. The people who resisted, when it took place so i think he did better than other dictators. My memory serves the army took a personal as with and did that complicate breaks to make very much. The leader was very disturbed and say they he swore allegiance but he felt duty bound. That hitler broke his own oath so nobody is duty bound. By the way they said this explicitly in his speech to the nation. Do they want to stop all holocaust on the Eastern Front . Or the have the number three perch or immediately after. Was there a religious element quicksand how did they find each other but. There was a very strong religious element. Almost all of them were careful. Even socially and even those that took power was and from religion. You need something higher and i think that god is a very good choice. news usually by a forensic connection with the resistance all over the world. And then you prefer to be recruited to the normal transit connections will transform into the conspiratorial connections and that is hell usually works but in the later stages but they talk with people they will see you just saw a massacre in the ukraine but there were so many noblemen and aristocrats but it is because the founders were aristocrats and they were part of their own class. Were there any civilians . It was very important and they were negotiating that detailed government. And also to revising to the constitution. So some of these were very much involved. So fast forward how safe or not say if . Very good question. Here you are wisely to which political scientist realize now is a way to prevent the coup detat in the future. The only problem that you dont want to promote those better so talented to make coup detat one those that are lawyers. Because you want to know everything. So the army is very bad in conventional war. Bear right at the moment when the army is the least preserved. How did you personally get started in the selection i started in highschool. It was the subject of a highschool term paper looking at the rise of national socialism. But then they encounter the story of the resistance and that the time looking at the book of the failed brake his people tried but i wanted to write my own. But i still ask this of the same question because of historians to manage that coup detat and resistance but could they do any better . So ultimately how was the german resistance discovered after it imploded in 1944 the military leaders the ones that stayed the coup detat declared a new government and gave orders against the regime. Some were arrested the same night and then some were entirely. But the diaries but they were very clumsy. You want the chief of police of berlin. So one of the diaries consistently talks about it and i could break the code. [laughter] it was not difficult to and very few could survive. That is one of the reasons why we know so much. And also the suicide bombers. This sounds like a the military highranking officials even with the concentration camps did not know about the death camps greg. Only the people in the higher ranks the leaders knew. To put the final solution with that jurisdiction those that were assisted by the army and if that was condemned, a few days before the coup detat signed the order to keep the children for slave labor in germany. He signed that began in a few days there would be the coup detat and then he would refuse to sign. Sewed to have the responsibility for those war crimes. [applause] [inaudible conversations]

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