Its such a privilege to welcome the senator back. Politics and prose is committed to creating communities through productive and meaningful dialogue. Meghan kelly, thomas friedman, cory booker, just to name a few. We strive to bring the finest writers and thinkers for the new book this fight is all fight. If elizabeth is working and fighting for the families and middleclass in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, senator warren served as the chair of the congressional oversight panecongressionaloverd asset relief program. Her efforts to protect taxpayers hold wall street accountable and have oversight of the administrations on both sides of the aisle. Recognized as one of the top experts on bankruptcy and the financial working families. Senator warren is credited for the original thinking, political courage and relentless persistence that led to the creation. [applause] [cheering] went to the creation of the Consumer Financial protection bureau. [cheering] senator warren is a member of the committees on banking, housing and urban affairs, Health Education labor and pension, Armed Services at a special committee on aging. The author of ten previous books including the nationally bestselling a fighting chance. Her new book this fight is our fight is a call to action. In the new york times, it was a unapologetic for candidates right. It is one of the reasons why the middleclass imiddle class is ud how we can and must fight to save. Please help me in welcoming senator elizabeth warren. [applause] [cheering] thank you. A roomful of people that like to come out and get folks. This is fabulous. Im so glad that you are here tonight. What i thought i would do is read from the book and tell you a little bit about the argument in the book and read a little bit more independent hit as many questions as we possibly can. I think you were asked to do questions and we have a whole stack of them and i will try to do as many as i can. People often drop by our office and we get visits from folks in town in massachusetts, School Groups or families on spring break. We care about the oceans, human trafficking, music education. Some people just want to say hello and stick a pin in the map in their hometown. When i can i have an open house. Visitors form a line, we she can, they tell me that their issues are themselves and we take a picture together. We have done some killer soltis. With salt and pepper hair as i stretched out my hand, his face lit up with a smile. He wore a dark suit and a purple shirt and tie but what caught me were his eyes, engaged and completely locked onto mine. Hello, senator. I am mmik mike from douglas massachusetts and i have alzheimers. Im 55 and soon i will have forgotten this conversation. I will have forgotten everything. You, my children, my wife. His wife stood quietly searching for words. Finally, he said everything i know will be taken from me and that was all it took. How does anyone deal with the future for an instant the faces of those i loved the way to cross mthecross my mind. My grandchildren, my husband, my three brothers and all of those who already died. Dad, mother, our beloved dog. Who would i be if i forgot them. Before i could recover enough to speak, i will have forgotten so i am here today so i can remember. To ask for more funding and research on alzheimers. Please, i am going to forget, so i need you to remember. I walked into that room with some paperwork thinking ahead to my next meeting. It was like a spear thrust between my ribs reminding me that everything we do in Washington Matters to real people. Its for those that need it right now. Alzheimers disease offers the perfect example of how foolish it is to short change investments in research. In 21601, americans spent 236 billion caring for people with alzheimers. That is 236 billion in one ye year. We will keep spending these astronomical year after year. We still have time to do something about it. So, how much do they allocate to Alzheimers Research . In 2016 the amount spent on research was less than one half of 1 of the money spent. It doesnt have enough funding even if the population increases, Congress Continues to cut research dollars. They now have 20 less funding than just ten years ago. Alzheimers isnt the only pressing medical concern. Think about the other disease is on the cusp of scientific breakthroughs like diabetes, heart disease, Breast Cancer and hiv. Think about kids with lifethreatening allergies or autism, people trapped in a nonresponsive body until they suffocate. Think about how a single medical breakthrough could give new life to hundreds of thousands of people. I get worked up over this. The way that i figured it, we should all be worked out. We would have devoted an extra 162 billion to basic research in just one year. That would more than double the budget of the National Institutes of health and National Science foundation combined. Five times the funding. I want you to think for a minute of the additional science and laboratories that would have been working hard to solve problems. If we made progress out of those three funds alone come to think of how much more money we could save and how much better off our people and our planet would be. It is chronically short of money. One in five Biochemistry Research scientists admit that they are considering leaving the United States so they can continue their work. Its not an exaggeration to say an entire generation of young researchers as president extinction or exile. But much of the research that is needed simply doesnt get done. I asked the director of the National Institutes of Mental Health what he could do with more funding and he described how we are on the cusp of a revolution. He believed researchers are right on the edge of unraveling of the most important puzzles about the brain. The belief that we are inches away from opening exciting new lines of treatment for Mental Illness and alzheimers, psychosis and schizophrenia. But there is a catch without government funding, they could be delayed by years or decades. For me this fight is about building a future and its also about mike from douglas massachusetts because hes starting to have trouble remembering his wife and children. [cheering] i want to say two things about that. The first one is last thursday night i was at massachusetts Mount Holyoke and when i First Reading the passage, they were with us and i asked them to stand. He got this enormous standing ovation. People were in tears because they were looking at the man im talking about here. He isnt here and in washington tonight. But its the only way that i know to say it is real people that are touched by every one of these decisions made in washington. Every time we decide to cut the budget. Every time we take research off the table it touches the lives of real people. There was 5. 8 billion of cuts to the National Institutes of health and it would take away about 20 of their budget. The middle class went to college, got married, had two boys and worked and now finds herself the boys are grown and her husband is a roofer come starting to have trouble with his back. Gina worked for several years now have all art and i asked her how she had been those gina still think shes middle class and she said i dont think there is a middle class in america anymore. If there was i wouldnt have to go to the food pantry at the end of every month. Theres also a story about tie who headed off to college with not just a dream, but a plan to go into computers and had a pretty well mapped out idea for how to do that but got tangled up in a forprofit college. When i pick her up in the book shes 27yearsold, has no diploma, has a 100,000 of Student Loan Debt and is working as a waitress. Its about another, michael in chicago who worked hard all his life and when the crash of 2008 came from a first he lost his house and then he lost his job and described the crash when it broke my heart. So the people in the book are the ones that try to make it real the policies we make in the Big Decisions that we make about the directions the country will go. These will not be those alternative facts that you have read so much about. I have to say its never occurred to me for describing the facts i want to talk about. There is a story that i want to tell you about. The last thing i want you to walk into your brain now i wont act out the powerpoint but it will be a circumstance. Heres the first one i want you to lock in your mind in 2016. Basically with a few exceptions, the gdp, how much we are producing. It is a nice steady lineup. That will be the first 11935 to 2016 now i will divide the story into two time periods. They will give us an idea of how to work with them. 1935 to 1980 but happens in america and the answer is the we work on how to build opportunities. The first one [applause] we do things like the antitrust regulations so they dont get to roll over little businesses before they can get started. We put a cop on the beat in wall street. We regulate the biggest financial institutions. Theres going to be some regulation around that. Make it safe to put money into banks but they become regulated businesses. Businesses. Okay so park number one is we regulate. Second is progressive taxation. We tax those at the top and use that money to invest in business opportunities, more opportunities. We invest in education big time. The g. I. Bill to return the soldiers from world war ii. We invested in public education, k12. We invested in state universities. Why do we make of these investments, because we believe that if youve got an education, you can do anything. We invested in infrastructure, national highway transportation system, bridges, power, power to roll america. Why, because we didnt know that we were pretty sure. The businesses could grow and jobs could grow. The first thing we did, we invested in research. We put the money into medical research and Scientific Research and engineering research, Behavioral Sciences research, all kinds of research. Because we didnt even know what the research was going to produce. We believed if we build this giant pipeline of ideas that things would come from it that would permit our children and grandchildren to live a life that we never even dreamed of. It still gives me goosebumps how much it works. It works so much that the uppermiddleclass, the middle class, the working class, the working poor and the poor. 70 of all of the Income Growth enough time to count. 70 , heres the thing when we scratch through the data it is all the way. Everybody did better. Iit better. It got bigger and evt more heat. We were not perfect by any stretch. The gap shrank by 30 and a 15 year period. So, we were not there by any stretch but we were on the road. And then we had 1980. Deregulate, turn them to whatever they want to do, stop enforcing or slow down enforcing the antitrust law. And stuff about taxes. When you cut taxes for those at the top, all of those investments in education and infrastructure and basic Research Start shrinking up and that is exactly what we did. And here is the deal it goes up both time periods. The gdp keeps coming up, so how did the 90 due from 1980 to 2016 the answer is 90 . Everybody outside of the top 10 cost nothing. None of the new Income Growth, zip. Nearly 100 of the new Income Growth in america from 1980 to 2016 has gone to the top 10 of this country. Think about that. And it has tripled. That is what the trickledown has done for africanamerican families. And look, there are people that will say theres a whole lot more food stamps than there used to be. Yes, and while there are subsidies, true. But this is about people that want a chance to earn a living. People who want to be able to build something for themselves. The people who want to be able to get out there and work and have security and be able to build for themselves and for their kids. That part is just gone. Now here comes the twist of the night. It didnt have to happen. It didnt have to happen. But the middleclass started doing really bad working across the spectrum. The. We are getting richer. The difference is what is happening. If a bunch of billionaires and corporate ceos decided to invest millions, billions of dollars in making sure the. The investment paid off and thats what we see from 1984 word. The way that i see it, it is a story about the good and the evil. [applause] i am unapologetic about that. Its a story about right and wrong and it is a story about monumental smite. It is a story about billionaires and giant corporations and their buddies in washington and its also a story about mike from douglas massachusetts. Lets me go back and read a little bit more from this book. They seem to believe the government is the enemy and the poor giant corporations should be turned loose to do whatever they want, break the economy, poisoned water, cut deals with russia, refuse to pay people for the hours they work. Trump and his team have the power to destroy much of what is left of americas middle class. They have the power to extinguish the hopes that all of our children will have a chance to grow up and do better than their parents. He is now poised to deliver the knockout blow to the middleclass. I want to make a point and focus this down. Its not about what donald trump says. Its not about the 3 00 in the morning messages. Its about what donald trump does and his friends in congress are doing to this country right now. Here we are. We havent even hit the 100 day mark yet and i just want to mention a few things. Donald trump has already signed off to make it easier for the contractors to steal employees wages. Hes already signed off on a wall to make it easier for companies that kill or maim their employees to keep it hidden. Hes already signed up on the wall to make it easier for Investment Advisers to cheat with higher 80s. It was like a microcosm, we will have 24 Million People off of health care coverage. We will raise costs for a whole bunch of people in a middleclass, but we will get a tax break to the handful of millionaires and billionaires. Is there anyone in america who thought what we need to get the Healthcare System working again is a tax break for millionaires and billionaires, yet that has been the signature piece of the first 100 days. Trump and his republican buddies are delivering one punch after another to middleclass families and that is why i am here to fight back. [applause] i want to take you to a place near the end of the book in part because i would still be writing this book every day. I want to tell you how i tried to pull this all together. What it starts with, this section near the end, it starts with i watched donald trump become inaugurated. I wanted it burned into my eyeballs. [applause] [cheering] if there was ever a moment i just close my eyes. The next day is the day of the womens march. [cheering] im thinking how are we going to fight back. What does the army look like in the democracy so here is what i picked up i knew we were eight or ten blocks from the commons where the march would begin and that is when i caught my first glimpse. [applause] men pushing strollers, kids laughing and running. Without clutching a sign that read i will fight like a girl. It was an ocean of signs, clever, colorful. This is my first protest, but not my last. Its like a broken down cardboard box. [laughter] womens rights are not up for grabs. [applause] and donald, you aint seen nasty yet. [applause] we were not fully organized yet, but the power was there, the energy was everywhere on a Cold Saturday morning Something Special was happening. Every step brought us closer together, everyone on boston commons, washington, little towns and big cities across america and around the world. Deep down, unshakable belief in a. As i marched with tens of thousands of others that they i had no illusions. I knew that it would be a hard fight. But i knew that we had tens of million of people with us in this fight and that it would be our fight. The. [applause] how do we help alleviate Student Loan Debt and federally funded the heavy burden of the Monthly Payments which we all know about ken stun growing the middleclass and not only graduates of those as well. This is a great question. I want to start with something about why this is deeply personal and. When i was registering for high school there was no money for college. I got a scholarship. I got a debate scholarship, and nearly dropped out of college, so smart. I am deeply grateful. [applause] [cheering] and to say the other way. Here is the twist of the night. The United States government is making a profit. [applause] this is why it matters so much. To cut the Interest Rates on Student Loans. [applause] charge students the same amount we are charging jp morgan chase. [applause] [cheering] so, anyway, ultimately, we go through all of this because the United States government is having profits on Student Loans and theyve already been budgeted. So all the prophets have already been built into the budgets. In order to push the bill through, what it had to do is come up with a way to pay for it. You have to pay to get rid of the problems. They would have to pay taxes the same rate as middleclass families. I know this is so sad. [laughter] there would be more than enough money to drop the Interest Rate on the Student Loans. The. We can spend o it on tax breaks for the richest among us or that very same money. We have hundreds of thousands of people who are just trying to get a start. Trying to make something of their lives. This kind of choice is a choice about our values. Its a statement of who we are as a people. The answer to that was easy. We make the investment in our kids and future. The answer is already out there and walked in with a whole bunch of people in washington who say youve not only got to protect those at the top, but the job we have to do. I named this fight all the way. Did you come to help the rich get richer and the powerful more powerful or to help the people, and that is the only way that we will make the change we need to make. The way we are going to make sure that everyone in this country can get an education without getting crushed by Student Loan Debt. Its going to make democracy and we are in this fight and we want to know where you stand. [applause] [cheering] kelantan offered an economy that works for all but the only action she spoke about was infrastructure spending. Trump offered multiple actions and canceled the renegotiated trade barriers to deport immigrants taking our jobs. What specific actions will democrats offer to increase manufacturing jobs and stop the loss of jobs out of usa. Im coming back at you. I dont think the problem in the last election somebody has a better reason than somebody el else. I tingled mightily including my own president hoover treats issues. Also the question of how we build jobs and the middle class here in america. The question is are you filtering every single thing that comes your way through the lens of the lobbyist and Campaign Contributors and the boss and paid for experts and think tanks with the shadow funding and advertising as it is filtered through where money and makes sure its point of view is always represented and what it takes the working people. What is the one on education. They explain to their constituents i voted to keep a giant tax break in place for a bunch of rich people. They couldnt afford to go to College Without borrowing money. I think this is about educating people so that you make the investment in the education. The other countries are making the investment in infrastructure every time china makes an investment in infrastructure. Every time they do that they are investing in good jobs in bear country they make it easier to get back and forth to work to walk around is part of it. The trade policy is about the trade policy. Its the corporations in the country. Its a trade policy that has the real representation for the unions and workers. So we designed the trade policy so that it works for us and the jobs here and the investments in research. The other countries are trying to coach the researchers because they are committed to expanding our agenda will but theres one or two people who care about but theyve recognized when you come up with good ideas and build them, theres all kind that is f Amazing Things that come from that. You build whole industries out of it. Right now every dollar the nih spends results in about 2. 25, roughly about that much. And other immediate economic activity. Play it out. The nanotechnology comes out. When basic science comes out, they are approaching it because they understand that this is how we build a Dynamic Future. A Dynamic Future not for bunch of people right at the top who just sit around in the Dynamic Future for the people that do the work. Its not like its a secret building the dynamic economy what it takes to build good jobs. It takes political courage to say no to the rich and powerful thaare building a country that works for the rest. [applause] he will vote republican if you vote to run for the higher office. [cheering] how do i convince him that you wont destroy his job . I say only if you are lying and cheating. [applause] if that is the business model, then you are in trouble. You should be in trouble. Lets show people mortgages that they are just dying to blow up. Show the remains with the pins already pulled out. They are showing them to the municipalities. And also the whole economy. The reason i say this is because yes we need a Financial Sector of course the Financial Sector rules keep the markets working. Lets start with roosevelt. I talked about this a little in the book. The whole idea if you let the giant dominates whatever they want to do it all makes the same point of the larger scal at thee keep going over the middle cla class, the Great Dynamic engine is called decade after decade, consumer spending, people who get up and go to work every day and then they could spend their paychecks, its about 70 of the economy is work but it just goes away. So what i want that really is the case, i just want a set of rules so we have a level playing field. I want a set of rules nothing can steal your personal attention on wall street. Can you make a good living out of that on wall street, you bet you can make a good living out of that. In fact you might make a Better Living out of it in thats what weve got to do we have to have a Financial Sector that is there to serve the economy that is robust and strong but that will be strong if theres a fair set of rules that everybody is playing by the same set and ultimately it doesnt crash on the economy. Look at the pictures in this book. [applause] among the pictures in the book i want to say this quickly america was once a boom and bust economy and its a start. About every 20 years you watch the economy, and what has happened is they would explode. The economy would go up and it would explode again. The problem is it didnt just take down the risktakers come it took down workers and Small Businesses along with speculators on wall street. That happened about every 20 years until about 1930 as a country we can do better. We can put basic rules in place. They are not very complicated or onerous. We can put basic rules in place and we can buy some economic piece. So that is what we did. We built the sec but has a cop on the beat. Needed the attention that made it tough to put money in banks. We separated the kind you have to protect all the time with wall street. We made those changes and started enforcing the walls a little more vigorously. It bought us economic piece basically until 2008. During that time america got richer, families and even wall street. We just need some rules. We need basic rules to make the economy work for everyone and that includes making wall street for so that it works for everyone. [applause] this is a question from andrew from virginia and it speaks for many people in this room. Are we going to be okay . [applause] sure. This is really scary. Its scary because the punches are coming hard economically. The 90 have far less to fall back on. Its closer and closer to the edge. The world out there is scary. I am an Armed Services and have lots of briefings and im sleeping a lot less. Its scary because im going to say a shocking thing. I believe in science. [applause] it is coming at us hard and fast. With donald trump in the white house and republicans in the majority in the house and the senate who do not seem inclined. This is why im so into this fight to get as many people into the fight as possible. Thats why i wrote the book and it is called our fight because we dont have a majority on our side of the senate they decide what it is they want to do with it. They will stand up and make their voices heard. It worked on the house and the senate. Its one of optimism. What is on the line here is democracy. What are we going to do with this country, are we going to be a country that sits by and does this every four years and just start speculating now for the next round of the president ial race if once every two years and we will pick up on the senate and house races or are we a country that has made a change . Misses a followup bin will be the last question. What advice do you have specifically for ordinary citizens. My favorite kind of people. [laughter] if you were not alarmed youre not paying attention. Let me do some highlights i will do three. You can tell i ma schoolteacher there will be a quiz that the end. Bar their teachers in here . [applause] the first thing we have to do that i really mean this joining a group. And there is a reason for this. One voice is loud but tim invoices is actually more than twice as loud and tennis more than 10 times, 100, 1,000 to be a part of the group with a fight on health care to keep that going lambasting no information so get on the group so the voice will join. With tens of hundreds of thousands of millions. Number to do not shoot at everything that moves. Donald trump is the master of distraction. With gold issue with those issues and is just turning to promote wind negative tunnel but then the next day donald trump said people in massachusetts went across the border to vote illegally in New Hampshire and the media went over here that is all the wanted to talk about. It just isnt worth it. It is and what he says anymore. The way we will hold him accountable so we were talking about it and that is a very critical part. And now i will do number four. Of the third one on this is recruit you cannot just talk to each other. In this line sometimes or not but to reach out to other people. Talk to your sister, your mom, mother of law. Talk to the person standing behind getting a sandwich that may be creepy. [laughter] but we have to reach outside. In part to the was then just democrats it was republicans summit that a part of for your committed to do. Find an issue you can talk about is not going to work. So talk about what really matters to you. A lasting one to mention is commit you must commit to something if he make the commitment it is yours. It matters to you. For any mail every day. Lots of suggestions but at the end of the day how committed are you to having the kind of country that really does create opportunity . If you really are committed to that then you will live that commitment every single day. For those of you that are here when i am glad fleer looking for ways to get more involved in the fight. Plan also want to say this is our moment in history. It is not the one we thought it would be. It is not the one the any of us had dreamed about but this is the moment that we are called to and questionable things Going Forward what could of a country we will build this is about the of character of the relation it is not the character of its president but the character of its people. [cheers and applause] [applause] [inaudible conversations]

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