In an inspiring the future that i would encourage you to do so because its not only good for the country, its an incredibly enjoyable way to spend some time. Thank you, mr. Speaker. From Cabinet Office figures, 67 of people in the Senior Civil Service were based in london last year with the highest reports in the last five years does of the matter should not accept his policy in moving several service israeli . We are introducing regional hubs for the civil service. Of course, there are many Uk Civil Servants who work in scotland and support the people in scotland. But it is inevitable the large number of Civil Servants in london, considered the capital of United Kingdom, but weve got to make sure they represent the country who they serve. Mr. Speaker, thank you. We know that special advisors are required to submit their emails and their telephone text to public view because thats under the freedom of information. What is the policy of the government on the question of using whatsapp, which they are using to conceal government business from public view . I hesitate to admit to my honorable friend that i never personally gives whatsapp in my life. But im happy to be able to reassure him that all aspects of government business are properly recorded and ministers and subjects to a foia request as normal despite the rumors he has heard spirit that probably makes two of us then. Questions to the Prime Minister. Number one, mr. Speaker. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yesterday marked a momentous day for the family and friends at the 96 victims of the hillsboro disaster. Over the last 27 years their search for justice has been met with obfuscation and hostility instead of sympathy and answers. As i said that house in 2012 about the hills were independent panel report committed longer families had to wait for so long and to fight so hard just to get to the truth. I know the whole house will wish to join in praising their courage, the patients and their resolve. They have never folded into pursuit of the truth and we all owe them a great debt of gratitude. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. Mims davies. I wouldve very much like to comments on the hillsboro, along with members on all sides of this house and pay tribute to the dems, their families and be resilient other campaigners who continued to strive for the truth in the pursuit of justice. Here, here. In my constituency of easily the Service Provided crucial to peoples daily lives including who i have met with who highlight their important local deli but does he agree with me the recent the announcement of 2. 4 billion pounds of funding is only possible because of a strong conservative majority. My friend is right. We made a choice to put 12 billion pounds into the nhs and the last parliament. 19 Million Pounds into the nhs in this parliament and we want to see strengthen primary care. Our vision is gps coming together and having in their surgeries therapist, Mental Health practitioners to other clinics so people can get the health care they need and we take the pressure off hospitals. That will only happen with a government that keeps investing in our nhs. Jeremy corbyn. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Yesterday after 27 years and 96 people who tragically lost their lives at hillsboro and their families find and their families finally receive the justice they were entitled to. I welcome the fact that Prime Minister has apologized for the actions of previous government. I join him in paying tribute to all those families who campaigned with such dignity, steadfastness and determination to get to the truth of what happened to the loved ones on that dreadful afternoon. I also pay a very warm tribute to my friends the members for liverpool walton, lee, holden and other mps who relentlessly campaigned with great difficulty over many years. I hope the whole house today will be united in the making that all those involved in the lies, smears and coverups that have decoupled this whole inquiry will now be held to account. Here, here. Last week that Prime Minister told the house that he is going to put rocket boosters on his proposals. This weekend in the light of the widespread unease including amongst his own mps it seems the wheels are falling off the rocket booster. The government is considering a uturn. Can that Prime Minister confirm whether or not [laughter] the uturn is being prepared for or not . First to le let me join the right honorable gentleman in praising those who campaigned so hard and so long to get justice for the victims of hillsboro. This process took far too long but i think it is right and that pay tribute to the honorable member that we had that jones report. We responded to the jones reporter also wanted to mention the former attorney general who took the case to the high court for the government himself to argue for the vital second inquires. Turning to the issue of academies i havent yet met a rocket booster with the wheel on it [laughter] but im sure Rocket Science is only not my subject or i will repeat again, academies are raising standards in our schools. I want a system, and i want a system where its teachers running schools, not bureaucra bureaucrats. It was a much of an agitator, but so, can the Prime Minister, can the Prime Minister tell us whether he will [shouting] if the members opposite will be patient enough, they might to the question i put into the Prime Minister, which is another very simple one. Coty tells whether he would bring forward legislation to force against the wishes of good and outstanding schools to become academies in the upcoming queens speech, yes or no . Obvious i generally prevent the queens speech but on this one example, i can help them up and we have academies for all and will be in the queens spee speech. Well, thank you we look forward to that but there is still time for the uturn which im sure is at the back of a Prime Ministers mind. Its been recorded that the government is considering allowing good local authorities to for multiAcademy Trust us. Ironically this would give local authorities more responsibility for running schools and they have no. Although the Prime Ministers previously suggested local authorities are Holding Schools back. Why is this costly reorganization of schools necessary to schools that are already good or outstanding . Why is he forcing it on them . As i said last week, i like repeats on television, im happy to have them on the house as well. As i said last week, outstanding schools have nothing to fear from becoming academies entities have a lot to be. Just because a school is outstanding or good doesnt mean it cant have further improvement. Not least, not only what we want to seize outstanding schools helping other schools in their area. Often by being part of an Academy Trust. He raises the issue the local authorities, but to question so far come to very clear answers, third question comfort clear answer. Perhaps if you do with the excess invites in his own party we would listen to them a bit more. But they may be [shouting] of course there are lots of ways that schools can become academies. They can convert and become academies, they can be sponsored by outside organization. They can work with other schools in the area. They can look a working with the local authority. The schools that want to go on using local Authority Services offered to do so. Academies are greater academies for all those repulsive. What we are seeing from labour i said is they are now moving in favor of academies goes. Perhaps when he gets to his feet he says does he favor a academies or not . Jeremy corbyn. Mr. Speaker, the trend will be aware that sometimes repeats on television get more viewers than the first time round. The chief executive of the Largest Academy chain in london, the harris academy, has warned that a far more fundamental thing that the Prime Minister should be worrying about, why the school should become academies or not is actually teacher shortages. The academies, mr. Speaker, dont want us. Parents dont want to the teachers dont want to. Governor still wonder. And so the councils and if you dont want to. Who actually does want this top down reorganization he is imposing on our education . Okay. Question for come answer for, he says it wants this. Lets start with michael him of the chief inspector of school. I think someone quite worthwhile listening to. A categorization can lead to rapid improvements and i firmly believe it is right to give more autonomy to the front line. Oecd. They have been in the news today. The words get too controversial for the oecd, i do the trend towards academies as a very Promising Development in the uk which is another rather prescriptive education system, so they supported. What about endless Academy Trust the supported . He asked another question gary king for four inches. If you shout you will not hear the answer. [shouting] he asked about teacher shortages. The fact is that are more School Places and more teachers under this government than the then there were under labour. Why . Because we got a successful economy and we are putting it into our childrens schools and future. The our Record Number of children in oversize classes and in supersized classes and that is getting worse. Is he is looking for support for his Academy Session proposal, he might care to phone up his friend, the leaders of hampshire, west sussex and is on county council who are deeply concerned and opposed by. He might care to listen to counselor carter, the concert chair of the county Councils Network who says the change will lead to a poor education system. So why is he pushing it through with so much opposition, so much concern and such a waste of money when we should be investing in teachers and schools, not top down reorganization . Because they keep the council tax down and provide good service i hope well see more of them in 10 days time. [shouting] on teachers apply just to be clear, just to be clear, 13,000 more teachers than 2010 to give a whole Accurate Answer to his fourth question, again he asked who else would support the academies. Let me quote the Academy Trust because she said this, i used to be very skeptical and resistant to academy status. But during the process of developing the academy ive been increasingly convinced this is the way forward. That is what mortimer people parsing. That is why 1. 3 million more children in good and outstanding schools. That is what almost nine out of 10 converter a database are good or outstanding schools. We are clear on the side of the house. We back aspiration, back opportunity, back investment in our schools. We want every child to get the best. Its labour who want to hold back opportunity. Mr. Speaker, this seems to be a pattern developing here. [shouting] the pattern is quietly simply this. He has the Health Secretary that is opposing a contract on doctors against the wishes of patients and the public and the rest of the medical profession. He has an education secretary imposing yet another tory top down reorganization that nobody wants. We will his government show some respect and listening to public, parents and patients, and, indeed, professionals who have given their lives to Public Service in education and health and change its away, listen to them and trust other people to run Services Rather than imposing thing from above . I will tell him the pattern that is developing. We consume 1. 9 billion more people being treated in our health service. Weakens the 1. 3 million more children in good or outstanding schools. Thats the pattern developing come a strong economy, investing into our Public Services. The other pattern i have noticed is i one might tip labour leader. Entity carries on like this i will soon be on my sixth. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the government [inaudible] is substantial and befitting the tremendous endeavors this government has undertaken to save the industry. It stands in contrast with its disrespectful comments of labours policy adviser who said this to crises have been good for labour. Could ask the Prime Minister whether there is any indication it could help expedite which could provide the longterm viable future that we all hope for and the workers who live in my constituency . I want to thank my honorable friend for welcoming me yesterday. Before coming to his constituency i visited and i met with the management and with the trade unions and editor can constructive discussion. I did make the conservative leader who doesnt excellent job. If you want me to be sticking you better stop interrupting everybody. Its not going to get you any votes. [shouting] little tip for you there. [laughter] a serious point which is the areas where we can help, we can help empower, helping procurement, help on issue of pensions. I the very constructive conversation going on but i say get from thi the dispatch box wi want to do everything we can to secure the future not only for portal but also for steelmaking in britain coping with a massive oversupply, collapse in prices on china so we must do all we can. Theres no guarantee of success but if we work hard, get a proper sales process and get behind on a bipartisan basis we can see success. Following the hills for inquiry, we join in all of the comments database and thus far in relation to the families and paying could do all the campaigners for justice. Last night the government was defeated for the second time in the house of lords on the issue of refugee children being given refuge in the United Kingdom. There arent many members of the house as there are many members of this house in all parties including who would wish us to do much, much more in helping providing refuge for unaccompanied children in europe at the present time. Will the Prime Minister please reconsider his opposition and stop walking by on the other side speak with i dont think anyone can accuse this country of walking on by in terms of its refugee crisis. Lets be very clear about what weve done. Personal taking to 20,000 refugees from outside of europe which i think is all parties support. Last week announcing the for the 3000 principally unaccompanied children and children at risk from outside your that we will be taking. Third of all of course in our normal refugee procedures last you we took over 3000 unaccompanied children. But where i disagree respectfully with the lordship house is those people who work in European Countries are in safe European Countries. To compare somehow children or adults who are in france or germany or italy or spain or portugal or greece, to compare that with children stuck in nazi germany i think is deeply wrong and will continue with our approach which includes by the way of being the second largest donor of any country anywhere in the world into those refugee camps. Just as in the 1930s there are thousands [shouting] theres no comparison, mr. Speaker, apparently. Apparently theres no comparison between thousands of children needing refuge in the 1930s and thousands of children in the present time. Yet order, order. Order. Im not interested in somebody yelling out their opinion of the honorable gentlemans question. This is the home of free speech. The honorable gentleman and every other member will be heard, however long this session takes. Very clear. Mr. Angus robertson. Europe all estimates 10,000 unaccompanied children in europe have disappeared. This is an existential question about the safety of vulnerable children. The Prime Minister thinks it is not the responsibility of the United Kingdom to help unaccompanied children in europe. So i ask them, so i asked kim, who has the moral responsibility to feed them, to clothe them, to educate them and give them refuge . If not us and everybody in europe . Let me answer that very directly. First of all any unaccompanied child who has direct them in britain on claiming asylum can come to britain and quite right, too. But he asked the question who is responsible for refugees was the person who was responsible is the country which they are in. Look, i want britain to play our part but you have to ask yourself, do we do better by taking a child from a refugee camp or taking a child from lebanon or from jordan then would you taking a child from france or italy or germany . And as i said to compare this to the 1930s is frankly to insult this country who are neighbors and partners. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. The group, one of europes largest independent manufacturers, make transmissions electronics and last week were on board the queens award for innovation. Adp export goods across the globe with our International Trade increasing by over 50 last year. Will my right honorable friend join me in congratulating adp and will they set out what government is doing to support exporters, reach new markets . Isolate join my honorable friend in congratulating adp. Its difficult we went t the queens award for export to the do deserve respect we currently have one in five anthonys the export. If we can make that in one in four we will bite out of trade deficit. We are encouraging that, but were also encouraging it as i saw yesterday in south wales by encouraging, by getting the supplies and components industry for the Automotive Industry to come back on shore and come and invest in britain. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In my constituency, a family in the small village, despite full cooperation they face an uphill improvement battle with the home office, have their drivers licenses revoked and been forced out of the committee they serve and invested in by technicality. The local shop. Will the Prime Minister look into this grossly unfair situation and work with me to achieve justice for the family . I will certainly have a look at the case you mentioned if he lets me know the names and the nature of issues and i will make sure the home office look at it urgently. Try to as the Prime Minister window from getting stuck in traffic on thi his which is befe the general election last year, my constituency plagued by high air pollution and also congestion. Gibbon discovers commitment to invest billions of pounds in infrastructure, something the previous Labour Government failed to do, will the Prime Minister look at committing to look at the construction of the long overdue and much needed missing link road that leads to my constituency . I will have a look at what my honorable friend says. He makes an important point because some people think if you care about air quality there is no room for any roadbuilding but, of course, stationary traffic is much more polluting than moving traffic and we have to make sure the arteries that serve all our constituencies are open. Ive look carefully at what he said but at the same time we should recognize air quality is improving. We want to do more by introducing the clean air program. With the United Kingdom facing our most momentous decision or a generation at eight weeks time, does the Prime Minister thinks it make more sense forced to listen to all of our closest friends and allies around the world or to a combination of french passion, nigel and Vladimir Putin . Im glad he takes the english pronunciation rather than the rather pozzi four and 71 he seems to prefer. [laughter] that is apparently a good thing. Obviously, i think we should listen to a friend and her allies but as i look around the world, as i look around the world its hard to find the leader of a country that wishes us well but wants us to do anything other than stay inside of reformed European Union. Then you isis announced visit your budget is welcome. Asthma by public been posting in this mornings report, hidden fees construed as much of a third off against the pension could take over a lifetime. Can be done with this government is doing to ensure firms investing in peoples hard earned savings reveal all the fees they charge under in charge and can choose investment that is best for them to . My friend has fought a Long Campaign and quite rightly so. One of the things that sets peoples enthusiasm for investing in savings products is just a since they dont understand the fees and charges and dont know how much theyre going to get out of them. Weve given ourselves the legal duty to do so but im sure he will be pushing salt lake all the way to make sure it happens. Thank you, mr. Speaker eric the Prime Minister and this government did next to nothing to say the scottish steel industry. It was left to the Scottish Government. Now the uk government is breaking the promises made by both tories and labour to protect the scottish building industry. Why did he think the scottish jobs are so expandable . Frankly the Scottish Government and the uk government should Work Together. One of the things we should Work Together on this procurement. It is worth asking how much scotch do was in the forth road bridge . Zero, none, uploading nothing. Yes, what a contrast. What a contrast for the warships we are building. [shouting] border. The house is excitable but simmer down. We must do the honorable lady. Hatred and ignorance life hard of antisemitism. And when those in public they denigrate battled themselves but the institution to which they belong. Here, here. Will my right honorable friend please reassure this house of his commitment to fighting this vicious form of prejudice . I think it is very simple. At the semitism as effectively racism and we should call it out and fight it where ever we see. The fact we have a labour member of parliament who made remarks about the transportation of people from israel to america and talk about a solution and is still in receipt of the labour with is quite extorted. Let me play with the shadow chancellor said about these people. Out, out come out. People might be able to reform their views, the rest of this i cant see. Im not having it. People might say ive changed my views. Frank of the week too many hours of the day before that happens to the mp in question. My constituent was killed at the age of 25 by an 18 year old driving a car without a license, driving at 80 miles an hour and a 30mile an hour zone. The 18 euros was convicted of causing death by dangerous driving received a sense of to six years of which he will probably serve three. Two weeks ago myself along with the famine delivered a 20,000 signature petition calling for tougher sentences for causing death by dangerous driving. Does the Prime Minister agree that sentences for these crimes are too lenient, and when can we expect to get a response to our petition and get justice for joseph . I have every sympathy with the family question. I had a similar case in my constituency were a younger was go by dangerous driving. That maximum sentence is working just so the courts have the ability to sensible but i know what this means to the families. I am making sure that minister for roads is looking to get at all of these issues in terms of dangerous driving and i will make sure the cases she mentions is taken into account as well. Dudley is proud of [shouting] deliver a prosperous future. Will the Prime Minister come to launch the New Enterprise zone, to look at how we can attract more investments, create new jobs and develop a highly Skilled Workforce our Community Needs a . I will look very carefully whether im able to do that because we support the industrial regeneration of the black country. Enterprise zones have been a success. Theyve created nearly 25,000 jobs, attracted over 630 companies and secured 2. 4 billion of private sector investment. A lot of these delivery of enterprise zones involve a lot of hard work by local authorities and i pay tribute to them and i wish him well in the black country. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Given the strategic and economic importance of the corridor, can the Prime Minister give me and the people his commitment to the electrification of the line and lend his support to be a fundamental part of the first Northern Powerhouse rail . We have made commitments on electrification in terms of northsouth lines edited eastwest lines. I will have to look very carefully of the proposal she makes. Nuclear matters, the nuclear legacy, barrow and the prospects of this investment in a new nuclear plant. Given that apparent opposites in to the parties opposite can the Prime Minister confirm the longterm decision for both Nuclear Power and defense will be made in a timely manner . My friend is right that they do depend to a large extent on jobs and industries that he mentioned. Obviously, we continue to invest in reprocessing and in the procedures of there. We also are looking at as he knows redeveloping our commercial Nuclear Industries starting with the final decisions which then took a very great benefit for other areas of the watusi Nuclear Power stations and, of course, a barrel in some of the development of our Nuclear Submarines and will be holding a vote to make sure we renewed our tried and in a huff full. The Prime Minister has just suggested that child refugees although in europe are safe. To our childrens homes in italy and greece and over 1000 children alone tonight. How are they safe for 10,000 children had disappeared in europe. How are they safe . The agencies they are being abused come subject to prostitution and rape. It is not insulting of us European Countries to offer to help. They want us to know. So will he reconsider his position on the amendment before comes back to the boat and stop with this attitude, putting this house and this country to shame . [shouting] she asked if were helping other European Countries and we are helping other European Countries, not least with a 10 Million Pounds was recently announced. But i would say the Crucial Point is this. How do we in britain best help of child refugees . We think we help them by taking them from lebanon can taking them from jordan, taking them when they come to this country. Thats what we are doing and we have a proud record and nothing to be ashamed of. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Several Small Businesses i have met with last week are being treated appallingly by the insurance companies. Four months after the floods, claims have not been settled and renewal premiums are being hiked to astronomical levels. The government is rightly help infuse the reese came to help homeowners after flooding. Does my right double friend agree that the same protection should be given to Small Business owners . First of all i recognize the problem that he lays out with my constituency was badly flooded. Some entrance companies paid out quickly. Others were not supposed to understand when you look at what happened in the winter, 82 of claims data been paid out but what i would say to him and other colleagues is where you have specific examples of the secretary of state for foreign comes to General Affairs would be interested to see so we can get on top of the interest industry. On the issue of whether we need a flood restyled to Small Businesses we are looking about to make sure Small Businesses can get the insurance they need. Three years ago on holiday inn france my mother sat seriously ill. She received excellent treatment while diagnosed with cancer unfortunately but she is doing well today, thanks to our nhs as well. Many travel to other eu countries and benefit like my mom from the European Health insurance card. But what happened to the card should revote to leave on the 23rd of june . First of all can i wish her mother will enter treatment and the traditions getting from the nhs. The honorable lady raises and a quarter point which this is one of the benefits we have now. Many of us will have used it ourselves or with her own children an action we think we could make the system even better as we are. Its for those who want to leave the European Union to have to explain what was to be able to access this and other such systems which are very handy for people in going about their holidays. Whatever the outcome of the eu referendum, does the Prime Minister agreed that one thing that will never diminish is the mutual affection and admiration between britain and our great ally france . In that connection, will he pay tribute to the people who will often one the Normandy Campaign such as the late captain paul cash who was killed fighting in normandy at the age of 26, having won the military cross and was the father of the honorable member, my friend the honorable member for stone, and Sergeant Peter khan who, at 93, is at westminster today who built the daily bridges that enabled the breakout from normandy beachhead, and you will be receiving the award and the typical generous from our french allies . I joined my friend in paying tribute to all those who served and particularly those who fell in that are wrote campaign. One of the proudest things ive been able to do as a Prime Minister was to go to the 70th anniversary and go to that vigil where our gliders came in to prepare for those ladies and to go to gold beach and to see the incredible work that was done. So we should remember what they did and we should remember what it was they gave their lives which was to achieve peace on our continent. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My constituent has hiv that she contracted by her partner proceeded from a transmitted transfusion. He now needs a second liver transplant. Neither can hold down a fulltime fulltime job so they rely on the support from the state become is no plan to slash and have. I simply ask what is a government so willing to attack people whose only mistake was to be unlucky . First of all what we said before the election was that we set aside 25 Million Pounds to help those who were infected with hiv because of contaminated blood. We have raised that since the election to over 100 million we are consulting with all the groups for how best to use of that money. We are going to be doing more than we said at election time but its very necessary because these people have suffered through no fault of their own. Order. Statement, the secretary of state for the home department. He on cspan2 will be the british house of commons as members move on to other business. You have been watching Prime Ministers question time and life wednesdays at 7 a. M. When parliament is in session. You can see this weeks session begins sunday nights at nine asian and pacific on cspan. For more information go to cspan. Org and click on series to give every program weve aired from the british house of commons since october 1989. We invite your comments via twitter using the hashtag pmq pmqs. At a hearing on the state departments annual budget federal officials identified Central America, haiti, cuba and turkey as priorities for u. S. Diplomacy and foreign aid. Senator marco rubio chairs the Foreign Relations committee hearing. It is one hour 15 minutes. Good morning. This is a hearing of the subcommittee on the western hemisphere, transnational crime, civilian security, democracy, human rights and global womens issues, and the purpose is to review the resources, priorities and programs in fiscal year 20 something budget request from the president s at the is department of States Bureau of western Hemisphere Affairs and the bureau of democracy, human rights, and labor as well as usaids ear for latin america and the caribbean. Will have an official panel with three witnesses. Mr. Tom malinowski, assistant secretary of state, mr. Uncle, prince will assistant secretary, ms. Elizabeth hogan, acting administrator for latin america and the caribbean at the u. S. Agency for international development. I want to thank all of you for being with us today and we appreciate your time and commitment to furthering the important work of this committee. I want to thank your staff are working with the committee and members of my staff to making this even possible. Today as an opportunity to learn more about the administrations nor did in the western hemisphere and promoting democracy and human rights around the world. The are many challenges we need to elaborate on to make use programs maximally effective, building strong Democratic Institutions and putting human rights around the world is in the moral and strategic interest of the United States and should continue to be one of our top producer i believe it is important for use programs to be aligned with our Strategic Priorities and not just in the western hemisphere but throughout the world. Its important u. S. Taxpayer dollars are not wasted but instead are used to address significant challenges related to our National Security interest. I believe congress can continue to work in a constructive way to enhance the departments efforts. I hope you address these issues today in your testimony. And without i turned it over to our Ranking Member senator box boxer. Mr. Chairman, thank you so much. I would ask my entire senate be placed in the record and i will summarize. This is an important hearing and i want to extend my warm welcome to our guests and witnesses. It is an opportune to examine in more detail the departments budgetary priorities. Our subcommittee is a very important one. Because of jurisdiction over a range of matters including the countries of the western hemisphere as well as Global Responsibility for democracy, human rights and womens issues. While we face numerous challenges in the western hemisphere ranging from narcotics trafficking to assisting countries in the wake of an natural disasters, the region is making tremendous progress and it is rife with opportunity. Do in lockport to the support of the United States. I know my chairman and i, we are friends but we disagree strongly on cuba. So i want to say that president obamas decision to change a failed policy was welcome news for me, and i hope it will turn out to be so for the cuban people and human rights activists of there. Its an unprecedented moment, and i hope the cuban people make the most of it and that the government understands that theyve got to change. Weve also witnessed progress in colombia. Due in large part to the support of the u. S. Negotiations between the government and the farc continue to move forward. We can look at argentina where the United States is poised to build stronger ties. I visited argentina a couple years ago and was so depressed and disgusted, frankly, with what i saw in that kershner government and of them have hope now and i really believe as we see the new government saying yes, they are going to pay back the bonds and make investors at least partially whole, may behold. Its an important point. In mexico, we continue to build upon and reinforce our relationship with our close neighbor. Our ties are very important. And i am very concerned about threats posed by the spread of the zika virus. And i think we will be hearing more and more of that on the fourth of the United States senate. This is an emergency. We shouldnt be quibbling about it. Its an emergency, and our people are going to get sick. Really sick. We already have a note in florida either 99 cases of the zika and its going to happen as sure as were sitting here, and in short order. So we need to lead on the. And we need to lead the world. And i know its a very difficult. There are no sure answers. We are going to stumble and we are going to fall, but as they say, whats important is how to get back up, have you learned the lessons come are you ready to make sure we dont repeat those mistakes . Because in any kind of human relations, let alone Foreign Relations, we make mistakes. So i support funding for programs that support human rights, defenders and Civil Society organizations, those that promote religious freedom, strengthen accountability through of law. I think again my chairman. Thank you. Lets begin with the testimony from our panelists. As you are over we will have a vote at 11 so we will get in, have a statement for the record so if you could summarize so we could get to the question round, that would be great. Ms. Hogan. Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member boxer and distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you for the invitation to testify today. I am pleased to present you as a plan for fiscal 20 something to our requests for proximate 970 million will promote the interest of the United States also significantly improving the quality of life for those we help. We have identified five minorities to focus out assistance what we can have the greatest impact. Prosperity, good governance, security in Central America, promoting sustainable and equitable peace in colombia, longterm development in haiti, advancing democracy and human rights across the americas and addressing departmental threats to likelihood. One of our highest theories it is Central America, particularly in the countries of el salvador, guatemala and honduras. We see prosperity improve governance and security. The objectives are Central America strategy and interdependent. We know Opening Doors for citizens especially youth at risk of getting recruitment will bolster our efforts in security and lead to for your more prosper prosperous society. Thats what our programs include efforts to support Small Businesses and entrepreneurs, encourage private investment, trained youth in job skills and improve agricultural productivity. These efforts to grow prosperity are only sustainable in an environment where Democratic Values and institutions flourish. Human rights are respected and Civil Society and immediate and play the rightful role. To that end, our governance programs are aimed at reforming institutions to root out corruption from strengthening sg Civil Society stabilits abilitd governments accountable, fostering a culture of respect for human rights especially for historically marginalized groups, and improving fiscal transparency. These are important programs but ultimately it will be difficult for our prosperity and governance efforts to take root in societies that are plagued by integrated. Therefore, we are using tested approaches and the most violent prone communities to create a se community spaces, provide job and life skills training and build trust between police and residents. With sustained commitment on the part of the United States and host governments we will help the northern trying to develop into a safer and more prosperous region for all those who live there. Such sustained commitment yields results as weve seen with the notable strides made in colombia. In 2017, u. S. Aid is requesting 187 million to expand upon current programming to help the clinic government established a stronger presence in former conflict zones provide postconflict reconciliation and justice, promote inclusive rule economic growth, and sustainably manage the countrys vast natural resources. These programs will build upon current successes especially for marginalized populations. Along with Central America and colombia, haiti remains a high priority for usaid. Out fy 17 request will continue our efforts to help haiti go into a stable and economically viable country. We remain focused on promoting economic growth, job creation and agricultural advances, providing basic health care and education services, and improving the transparency of government institutions and their responsiveness to citizens. While much more remains to be done, we are committed to supporting the haitian people as they build a more prosperous and secure future. Throughout the region our democracy and human rights programs address fundamental issues including anticorruption, promotion of press freedom and the rule of law, and support for Civil Society. Usaid works to ensure that government institutions are open and accountable, use public funds responsibly and effectively, deliver Critical Services to citizens. We are committed to supporting human rights everywhere we work. Another challenge facing the region is that the negative impact of extreme weather events. Our mitigation and adaptation effort helped reduce the deficit to life, property and economic activity. We are speeding the development of advanced Clean Energy Technologies and help integrate favorable legal and regulatory environment. We have one goal in mind with everything that we do. To empower countries to assume responsibility for their own develop an end grow beyond the need for international assistance. We use science, technology, innovation and private sector partnerships to find new solutions and scale up what works. For every dollar we spend in the region and 2014, we will will live five times that in private sector resources. We take our responsibility seriously ever committed to accountability, transparency and oversight of our programs. We use a full range of monitoring and evaluation tools to track our progress and ensure that our programs are meeting goals and delivering high impact results. With sustained commitment from countries in the region to advance their own develop goals and our government support, we are well placed for success. 92 the committee for your attention and i look forward to your questions. Thank you. Mr. Palmieri. Chairman rubio, Ranking Member boxer, senator kaine, thank you for the opportunity to testify on fiscal year 2017 for assistance requests for the western hemisphere, and thank you for your ongoing support of our diplomatic and assistance efforts in the hemisphere. The administrations approach to the region improved security, strengthens the rule of law, promote democracy and human rights, advances partnerships and promotes prosperity and inclusive growth for all its citizens. U. S. Assistance is a critical tool that support these goals. In our requests are Central America and mexico, we seek to address the underlying conditions driving migration from Central America through mexico and to the United States. The request includes increases to support lumbee is intimidation columbias marking the end of the him as the longestrunning conflict. The request maintains support for key partnerships with peru, haiti and the caribbean. The fy 2017 foreign assistance requests for our strategy is Central America continues support for prosperity, efforts, and security. Particularly for Central Americas northern triangle. In recognition of iq challenges these countries face. U. S. Assistance to the strategy tom clements the investments northern triangle governments are making through their own development plan, the alliance for prosperity. They plan to spend 2. 6 billion this year on their own plan. Continue to support will be vital to columbias success as a 60 of the but a peace accord. Our partnership with mexico remains an important priority for the United States and includes a range of issues that benefit both countries, including trade and investment, energy and security. The Marriage Initiative continues to provide a framework for our bilateral Security Cooperation at the federal and state levels. Our request also includes a central the market assistance for cuba and venezuela. Where the United States will continue to provide assistance that advances universal human rights and support vibrant Civil Society. Promotions of democratic principles and human rights remains at the core of u. S. Interest in cuba. Our request or haiti continues investment in infrastructure, agriculture, economic growth, basic education and health, expand governments, democracy activities and security. I use commitment is essential to build on the great come on the past against abuse efforts in haiti and to build its capacity to respond to citizens needs. Improving security and development in the caribbean directly benefit u. S. Interests. The caribbean basin to get initiative complements the caribbean efforts to reduce crime and violence, strengthens the rule of law and address the factors that could youth and marginalized communities at risk of insecurity. U. S. Counternarcotics assistance complements investments made by the government of peru and maintained our Strong Partnership in eradication and alternative development to cocoa cultivation. I urge the u. S. Congress to fully fund his request for the western hemisphere as it advances our National Security, and wisely invest our resources where they can have the most significant impact. I look forward to your questions. And send it again i just wanted to point out theres a great group of students from richmond, virginia, here today at the hearing. Can ask, are they maki walker students . Congratulations on we the people. You guys are fantastic. Two of my boys went to the high school. Thank you, senator rubio, senator boxer, senator kaine. Its a pleasure to be. I will say a few words about our Global Programs to support people who are struggling for advances in democracy and human rights around the world i will start by acknowledging that this is obviously not an easy time to be doing this kind of work. It is a time as we can all see from the headlines when authoritarian governments, beginning with big powers like russia and china are striking out with great ferocity against freedom of Expression Association and the press. There is the horrible war in syria, a tear of fisa, the mass migration of refugees and the fear that all of this insecurity is even in democratic countries with all of the impact on our politics that weve seen. All of that should disturb us. I dont think it should surprise us. After all, freedom has advanced in ways over the last few decades. It has been followed by the advances in the internet and the global Civil Society which has allowed people in just about every close aside in the world to know exactly what they are missing and to connect with each other and people around the world to build effective movements for social change. People often say to me that human rights is a soft issue. I think it is the hardest hard power issue there is because its advance as a threat some of the most dangerous people in the world. If you are trying to steal an election or to stay in office for life or to profit from corruption, then, of course, youre going to be threatened why ngos and by journalists who try to expose those abuses of power. Of course, you can fight back and fight hard and fight dirty, and thats what we are facing in many parts of the world. But as i look around the world i find that the good guys are still winning as many victories as they are losing, particularly when we are there to help them. Just in the last year, look at the historic elections that took place in burma, in nigeria, in sri lanka, even in venezuela with the people have not one but they were able to manifest their enormous desire for change through an election. So the lesson i take is that if we have patience and determination, if we stick with these efforts in these programs we are going to win more victories than the defeats of that we face. Thats where the funding that you provide my bureau, trl, to our human rights and Democracy Fund comes in the its not a lot of money, about 85 million. This would like to think of it as our Venture Capital fund for freedom. Were using it to get news, knowledge and even entertainment into north korea. And effort we know is changing minds and awakening expectations in the most Close Society on earth. Were using it to support the Legal Defense of activists and dissidents in multiple countries where they are being persecuted were using it to support Political Prisoners so they can contribute to Building Democracy and to fight the religious hatred that threatens their democracy. We are using it to develop and deploy cutting Edge Technologies that breakthrough chinas great firewall and to protect activists in dozens of countries from Cyber Attacks and cyber intrusions. We are using it to help organizations defending freedom of expression in latin america. Whenever programs recently support a campaign that said at what the number one press freedom watchdog. We are using it to keep Civil Society Organization Alive in syria workers we funded negotiate a ceasefire to document the crimes of the assad regime and organize communities to stand up to isil and alnusra. Were using it to prevent atrocities, for example, to get up Early Warning systems in remote areas of the eastern congo so that people there can call for help when they are threatened by armed groups, and in nigeria to protect people from boko haram. We are using it to a women who have escaped isil captivity in northern iraq. We are using it to support organizations that tried to build trust as we muslim communities and police in eastern kenya so they can unite against alshabaab. We are using it to get help to people who need it faster that i think any other agency in the u. S. The government

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