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Are you ready . Are you ready . Yes you ready . A couple of things to get started. Fill in so we can get good pictures. Those folks up front we love your signs. We have tons of pictures of those. Ur we have cameras behind you so well get started. My name is michael, with the working Families Party and i can tell you without question, that on this saturday, april 15th, there is absolutely no place id rather be than right here with you, demanding that donald trump release his tax returns. We appreciate you for joining us, and for the vital roll you play with reresistance movement. Were strong when we come together. Our democracy is better when were together, weapon we when we resist together and when we march together. Today well heard from elected officials, activists, fellow marchers and a special guest on comedy central, and theyve all come together to demand that donald trump release his tax returns and demand a system that works for all of us. S. We need a fair, more equitable tax system, not just one that workers for the wealthy and wellconnected and the Donald Trumps of the world. It is long past time that our tax system, our economy and our democracy works for the benefit of americans who look just like us. By failing to release tax returns donald trump has violated two of the most sacred values, transparency and accountability. In this country, public sir vans are accountable to people whoa evict them. They work for us. And we have every right to know. Their financial dealings and the potential conflicts of interests of or elected officials. Now, could good all day but i wont because you didnt come here to see me speak. You came here to march. With that being said, if you want to stay engaged and holding the president accountable, take yourself on text march to 21333 and youll learn about the next movement if youre tweeting or posting on social media you have to do that mess use the hash tag tax march, and before we get the program underway, our mar marshals hear to assist you. Theyre wearing orange safety vests. If you have any concerns, please reach out to them and be ware of the fit aid first aid area here the capitol location and thrill we be a first aid area the end of the march and also the family reunification location. So if you lose your family, meet the area and we dont want you to go home alone. Thank you for being here today. Please give a round of applause for the invocation. Good afternoon. D i dont believe there has ever been a gathering such as this for taxes. I am so grateful that you are here because we are standing up to say, we, the people, care about our tax policy and about what our president does with his tax returns. We, the people, know we should be able to see it. We shoul now, there is a fair amount of scriptural stories this weekend in the christian tradition where we experience disbelief. We experience apostles scratching their heads and being puzzled. We experience the women going to the tomb where jesus was laid, being surprised, bewildered, stunned, but we should not be among the bewildered. We should not be among the group that scratches our head. We should be among the people who know that their leadership is transparent and will share with us the truth of what his tax status is. But we have work to do, so for a moment of quiet, let us call the spirit of the divine, whatever name you use to address what i refer to as the holy spirit that is the breath of disturbance, the breath of mischief, the breath of change. Let us take a moment and call on that breath of god to move in us, to move us, to know that this is about the 100 , where all are engaged in our okay. Oh, breath of the divine, free our voices to speak clearly. Free our ears that today we may hear the facts, the true facts that we need to be fueling our movement. Free our hearts to be people of love and compassion and welcome. Free our bodies that we might march and act and claim this moment in history and, most of all, free our nation that we, the people, may create a system that works for all, not those the top. Not those in the middle. Not this to bottom but for the 100 because we, the people, will form the more Perfect Union if you move in us. Let us pray. Rf [applause] listen. You people who wrestle with all of your diversity, all humanity is one. This week, the Jewish Community is celebrating the holiday of passover. It is the story of our liberation from slavery and oppression. It is not just the story about super natural intervention in history. It is the story of sending a message to the pharaoh, through demonstrations of just how powerful people can be when they join together and demand change. It is not just a story of how god intervenes in Human History to redeem the enslaved israelites. It is a story of people who happd up and made the change happen. The rabbis taught it was an israelite who stepped in the sea, but it was his faith in the possibility of redemption that caused the sea to part. It stand here today as a representative of different facets of that story. My great grandfather was a rabbi and he immigranted to this country and change his last a name, so son of moses, his fathers name and also implying he was of the people who struggle and travel to find freedom. I inherit both his last name and his passion for service in the Jewish Community, passion to seek out injustice and to work for those who need support. There is a repeated mandate throughout the bible to care for the widows, the orphan and the stranger, as american citizens we fulfill that mandate through social services that are available because of our taxes. And our philanthropic efforts to support nonprofit organizations dedicated to this work. We want to know that our leader supports these efforts. [applause] amen. [applause] but i dont just stand here as a person who has taken on a legacy of service. Im also the daughter of the late former ceo of aeg, bob ben mos eh. When my father passed away in 2015 i inherited the financial legacy of his work as a corporate executive. It feels especially important to share that fact because i am the, quote, rich, who benefit from unfair tax systems and loopholes and i am standing here and standing with you to say, it is wrong. I also understand personally that taking on public roles andi leadership takes a. The right to privacy when other citizens enjoyment when you choose to make your life public and choose do represent the tax paying american citizens you have a responsibility. Transparency in your business endeavors and personal life inmu multiple arena is the work of gain thing trust of the people you are gaining the trust of the people you are leading. We stand together today demanding that work be done. We stand here declaring we care about creating fair systems of taxation that support our communities, especially those with the greatest need. Eign let us Work Together to repair this world, through truth, through transparency, through a fair system, for all. Thank you. [applause] [cheering] i want to take a moment to thank partners. Ke without them this would not be possible so please give a big round of applause for moveon. Org, credo, the working families organization, stand up america, the American Federation of teachers, americans for tax fairness. And the indivisible. Overnight. Advocacy on behalf of the taxry march has been tremendous. Now i want to introduce a stomp staunch ally, senator ron wyden of oregon. Please welcome senator wyden. [cheers and applause] thank you. Woohoo. My friends, today my message for the president is short enough to tweet. Today across america, we are taking the gloves off. To say, its time to knock off the tax ripoffs. No more kaymen island accounts for the insiders. No more tax breaks for shipping jobbed overseas. No more special brake internal breaks for wall street. Its hey time for more goodpaying, red, white and blue jobs here in america. We can taking the gloves off to say, knock off the secrecy, mr. President , and publicly release your own tax returns. [cheers and applause] disclosing tax returns is the very lowest ethical bar for a president , and we are going to insist that he clear it. We are taking the gloves off to say, knock off business as usuan taxation where the nurse and the cop have their taxes taken right out of their wage and the high flyers get to pay what they want, when they want to. Were going to end that. So, theres your saturday tweet, mr. President. We are taking the gloves off, knock it off. [chanting] knock it off knock it off knock it off knock it off knock it off knock it off might be loud enough to get to maralago or wherever. Now if that isnt clear enough, let me put it another way. Across america, youve got citizens speaking on behalf of millions of others to insist that the president take two concrete steps. One, we want real tax reform that demonstrates that youre working in the peoples interests, not your interests. [cheers and applause] its time we had honest answers about the writeoffs, the checkoffs, and any ripoffs that twist and skew the tax code for the fortunate few. Friends, it is way out of whack, and i see this as the senior democrat on the taxwriting committee. Its just way out of whack to have one set of rules for the fortunate few that include the president and his friends, who can hire pricey accountants and lawyers to stash cash in the caymana islands accounts, paying what they want when they want to and then have another tougher set of rules for the construction worker, the firefighter and anybody who brings home a pay stub to support their families. We need a system that gives working people fair chance finally to get ahead, too. And that brings me to demanden number two. And it deals directly with 1600 pennsylvania, maralago or i guess lots of other trump properties. We believe, mr. President , you must finally meet the same test as every other president , democrat and republican, since watergate. Each of those president s thought the public had a right to transparency and accountability and each of them publicly released their taxes. President trump has tossed this Great American tradition in the trash can like a teenager trying to hide a lousy report card. And it seems to me its particularly on my mind today when i think of the millions of people who are still working on their taxes, and trying to maken this form get in sync with that form. Talk about simplifying that mess town the road. But while all those working families are trying to finish their returns, they have aa right, they have a basic right to know whether the president pays his fair share. Tax returns, its all there in black and white. Maybe we can get some answers to the whole array of questions about business connections, especially to russia. [cheers and applause] to close this up, ive actually proposed legislation we have more than 20 senators sponsoring it in the senate congresswoman waters is going to talk as well. The legislation says that within 15 days of becoming a nominee the Party Convention exthe candidates would be required to release at least three years of tax returns. That doesnt steam be too much. N and particularly true this time of year, the bill says that a sitting president would have to release their returns annuallynn so we would be getting it now. And because were taking the gloves off, to say, knock off the secrecy, ive asked the chairman of the finance committee they dock it in ways and Means Committee in the house ask maxine about to as that ask those commit years to use their authority to obtain the president s tax returns for] review. So today, here in washington in my home town of portland, in a modest sized community, grants pass, oregon, people, mr. President , want your response to two questions. The first is, why wont you do what every republican and every democratic president has done since watergate . Wa why wont you do it . Mr. President , why wont you meet the lowest ethical bar, not a high one, the lowest ethicalr bar for a president and publicly release your returns . Tell us. Tell us why you wont . We are tired, friends, of the stonewalling and we have had it with the excuses. So, today in washington, and in more than 100 communities across the country, were going to say, and say it loud and clear, were taking the gloves off to knock off the secrecy and have the demands that the president too what is right for the american p people. [cheers and [cheers and applause] [chanting] knock it off knock it off knock it off knock it off i am so glad that today we have given birth to the new grandsonroots, knock it off, movement, and ill close just by saying that the reason it is so wonderful that youre here today and were going to help thousands of others in communities across the country, is that political change as much as we respect our capitol, political change doesnt start in government buildings and then trickle done. Litica political change doesnt trickle done. It is bottom up. It is bottom up as people like yourselves come together. C as you come together with a strong message that your interests, your interests, are what a president has got to address. A not personal interests. So, thank you for being here. Im proud to be part of the birth of the knock it off movement. Ill be behind you every step oo the way, god bless. Thank you all. [cheers and applause] [chanting] knock it off knock it off knock it off knock it off knock it off one more big round of plus for senator ron wyden. [cheers and applause] great. Now id like you to do me a favor and give a big warm progressive welcome to another incredible leader, the president of dimo who final fights daily for anmer where we have equall say in our democracy. Please welcome heather mcgee. [cheers and applause] and equal say and an equal chance for all of our people. [cheers and applause]people at dimo our name means the people. And today, my friends, the people of our great country are being cheated out of the fruits of our democracy. Bus this weekend, millions of americans are sending their hardearn money to washington and to state capitals, we do it because it us our duty. Be do it because it is right, and we do it because this country has invested in us and we believe in what americans can do together. We pay our taxes because we think our families and our neighbors deserve clean water, safe roads, schools worthy of our children. And, yes, sometimes without shame, our families and our neighbors deserve help. Help affording a doctors visit or rent or food on the table, and why is that . Because too many jobs dont pay enough to pay the bills and its not their fault. That is what our taxes do for us, for our families and our neighbors. O thats who we work for. But were gathered here today to find out who is donald trump working for . What is he hiding . Is he working for the defense contractors who stock the rising because he is sending bombs . And trying to do a budget grab of 54 billion for defense, when we already have a bigger military than in the next seven countries combined. Is donald trump working for the defense contractors who are clamoring the trough, the idea of trumps stupid wall . A wall paid for with cuts toai meals on wheels and sesame street and libraries. A wall to keep out the undocumented immigrants who pay 23 billion a year in social security, state and local taxes durst thats right, donald, migrant farm worker is probably contributing nor this country than you are. We want to know what trump is hiding and who hissing working for. Rk it this polluters who are cheer his cuts to the epa . The polluters who sacrificed the next generation in the name of next quarters profits, the polluters who pour millions into republican campaigns and in return they give us asthma, lead poisoning and Climate Crisis thenning life as we know it. We want to know what trump is hiding and who he is working for. Today there are 200 tax marches across the country in small a towns and big cities. Because we are fed up. Were fed up with billionaires bragging that they pay next to nothing in taxes. Were fed up with fortune 500 Companies Paying their lobbyists more than they pay every year in taxes. And youd Better Believe that were fed up with our families and our neighbors getting stuck with the bill and still being told theres not enough money to fix the pipes in flint, and the flints in West Virginia and arizona and all over the country. Donald trumps friends and family, his Goldman Sachs cabac met and the members of the country club in palm beach, the bankers who bail out his bad business deals and the russian oligarchs he was swapping favors with, theyre all part of ocabal that is treating america to the tune of 400 billion a year. Thats how much me irs says were coming up short because of tax dawn big the Corporation Tax dawning by the corporations and super rich. Every year we come up short. They say theres not enoughur money to make the schools better or keep them up. He they have to cut the bus loans and shut down the after cool programs programs and tuition is going up at Community College and forget about prek for your fouryearold. Today, across the country, americans are calling bullshit [chanting] bullshi to donald trump and your billionaire fends we what yourd hiding, we know where the money and is and we are sending you the bill. Thank you. [cheers and applause] how how do i follow that . I tell you she is incredible. A role model and a fantastic human being. Thank you. That introducing something who is a great advocate for d. C. , lawyer progressive, a tireless progressive and advocate on the front lines in congress, please welcome congresswoman jamie wilkins. Lets hear it for the revolutionary patriots who treated America America was conceived by tax protesters like you, chanting no taxation without representation. And as proud americans we dust that slogan off and we raise it on behalf of 700,000 tax paying patriotic citizens in the nation roz capital who are denied representation in that building right there. The ceos are wellrepresented in this administration but they pay little taxes, but the patriotic people of washington, dc pay billions in taxes and have no representation at all. Were not going to ticket anymore. Not going to take it anymore. The First Americans overthrew a king women polessed tea taxes on Small Businesses and the people, but exempted his tycoon buddies the east india corporation. A king who sweated the commoners with high taxes to pay for lavish expenses and traveling jaunts of the royal family. A king who never paid any tacks and never disclosed his entanglements with foreign kings and dictator. Mr. Trump, if you can hear it from maralago, read the constitution. We have no kings here. We have no slaves here. We have citizen is with equal rights. We allow no titles and noble inn noblity from america, you myth mention to the secretary of state who still carries the title confirmed by king putin, the russian order of friendship. Dump the title. We do not allow our president s or members of congress to collect presents, offices or titles, payments of any kind from foreign princes, kings, dictators, governments and, stateownedded banks and corporations. Article one, section 9, look it up, in america, no one is above the law and all of us are subject to it. As tom payne put it, in the monarchies the king is lost but in the democracy the law is king. Mr. President , youve got one main job beyond watching tv and tweeting about it, which is to, quote, take care that the laws be faithfully executed. As long as you are president yol owe undivided loyalty to the people and the laws of the United States of america. Not the mobbed up oligarchs ofcs russia, not corrupt businessmen in not in the parch of china and that the dictators and despots of the world. When you look in the mirror, please is to be seeing a global ceo who is above the law and start seeing a public sir vent who must enforce the law and set an example by following it. You can start by paying employee ted trump hotel their full wages, and then pay your Small Business contractors what you owe them. And then pay your damn taxes thats what real americans do. Thats what real American Business people do. Ple do. Put you stiff your employee,. Rip off the students also trump u. You taint pate your painter order carpenter or your builders. Youre imembroiled in more than 3,000 lawsuits you. Sexually harass women at whilele like an 18th century king or a 21st century fox tv news host. You hire an army of lawyers to keep from paying your taxes which is a terrible example and if all americans followed it, the whole tax system would come crashing down toe to the ground, and now youre break another promise you. Wont release your tax returns, violating a bipartisan president ial practice that goes back to watergate. Ic mr. President , how can we determine your conflict of interest or stop you from collecting payments from foreign governments if you wont show us the names of the people and corporations that you are in active partnership all over the world today. Skin how can we believe the conflict of interest in your administration when you set the world standard for nondisclosurc and noncooperation. Mr. President , your administration has a staph infection and its spreading every day and we have come here today with in democratic disinfectant. And now, after the rejection of your unconstitutional immigration executive orders in court, and the rejection in congress of your terrible healthcare tax give away plan to the mitchest americans you want to rewrite the intertax code. Fair enough. Its repressive and has loop loopholes and complex but we cannot debate tax policies unless we know what person family and business interests are motivating motivating and du proposals. My friends, there is anyone left in america, democrat, republican, independent, who think that President Trump would prepose a tax reform that would hurt his own business interests . If you believe that, you are too innocent to be let out of the house by yourself. Ou mr. President , we know you favoe abolishing the estate tax which whereas designed to overthrow the political and financial dynasties that you seek to revise in this century. Eliminate the estate tax will allow you to control beg your fortune and your children wont having to create ear revocable trusts. We get that. What about the other relationships, foreign inning tanglements, and strategicat bankruptcies dictating and defining you tax policy proposals . We want to know. Mr. President , we cannot we want to know we want to know we want to know we want to know do not allow you to reshuffle the deck until you take your personal cards out of yourut pocket and lay them on thed table. If you dont release your tax returns, we have no way of knowing whether youre putting America First or youre putting donald trump first. You know, Oliver Wendell holmes said he didnt mind paying taxes because theyre the price of a civilized society. But it an works if we all pay our taxes and we all follow thet law. Mr. Trump, stop hiding whatever youre hiding. Stop acting like a king and start acting like all the other president s did, republicans and democrats alike, show us your taxes. And stop consorting with russian oligarchs and putin spymasters. The russians we should care about are the ones marching the street against corruption and aher to tareanism and thats what were doing authoritarianism and thats what were doing here today, right now. The very much. Can we get a medic up here really quickly . Cool. Cool. Thanks, congressman. We appreciate it. Were good . Awesome. Very powerful message. Next i want to introduce lisa gilbert, the Vice President of public citizen, an organization that serves they peoples voice and is located right here in the nations capital. Please welcome lisa. Good afternoon. It is so incredible to be here with all of you, calling forspan transparency. Im their say that donald trump is dead wrong if he thinksed the the public does not care aboutut his tax returns. Look at usment we stand here to tell him that he works for the people and we the people arele d demand his returns. There,. Motivations, hisis actions and whether and if he is. Rofiting off of his presidency we stand here to say we needed to better understand his foreign entanglements and his conflicts of interest. Now, we know that donald trump is under no legal obligation to release his tax returns. He has made a lot of the fact. He said he would release of them later, later, as soon as is routine audit was over. As soon as the campaign ended, you walk that back. Americans disagree. Americans disagree. Almost 75 of americans believe donald trump should release his tax return and its not a partisan issue. In fact conservative member of Congress Walter Jones said it very well. He said, if you believe in ethics, if you think this place to be about ethics for the good of the people, then you believe in tax disclosure. E. Its as simple as that. As others have said, donald trump is the first president in 40 years not to disclose his taxes. Every sitting president sincee Richard Nixon has published their return. Its part of an unwritten compact with us, the American People to be forthright and honest. Why not President Trump . What does he have to hide . His unwillingness to divest his business assets have left the nation to assume he will do his best to make money off policy choices. A glimpse into his taxes is the least he can to to dispel that. Our government need leaders need to have trust in us. We need this transparency to increase our faith and our leader and a safeguard against corruption and conflict. When the first two pages of his 2005 form 1040 mysteriously landed in a journalists mailbox, the nation tuned in to see what the big reveal would be but unfortunately it wasnt a complete return and theres a lot we dont know. We dont know the nature of his charitable contributions but we dont know the nature of his foreign ties to form tax credits. Y he we dont know how much he personally pays. Probably very little, and we certainly dont know how much money he makes. What we do know, those two pages wedded our appetite and reminded us this information should not be a secret. Donald trumps actions as president , from putting his son in charge of his company instead of divesting into a blind trust, putting a cabinet ofst multimillionaires in place laden with their own personal conflicts of interest, and to visiting one of his trump Branded Properties on average every 2. 8 days since he has been president. It increases americans distrus t and suspicion. Releasing his tax return is the least he can do. Disclosure of his return is completely vital. Todays marches more than that. Its about american standing up to a rigged tax code where billionaires pay a lower rate than their assistance. Where some multinational corporations dont pay taxes atb all and Small Businesses and families are forced to pick up the tab. Big businesses and wealthy dont pay their fair share. , to mar we should not have to be here to rally and march and we the man elected to the highest office in the land to be transparent and honest but we do, so we are here and saying release your tax returns trump. Show us that you deserve our trust. Thank you. Yourlause] lisa, thank you for your leadership. We appreciate you coming out today. Ta i would like to take a moment to thank those who made this reality. Bringing tens of millions of you today on the lawn, on the mall, the crowd goes all the way back to lincoln memorial. In fact someone is sitting on lincolns lap right now saying boy, speak up. Totally. Its huge folks. [laughter] please join me in thanking our revolution. Change. Org i also want to remind people to text march and the tax march how many of you marched at the womens march . Rc . [applause] me too. Cial we have a very special guest. I would like to introduce the cochairs of the women march on washington. That [applause] applause] cheering and applause how are yall doing out there . Whats up, y how are you all doing out there . Whats up yall . Im so proud to be standing here today, brothers and sisters, on january 21st, we made history together that no one can ever take away from us. I am standing with one of the other cochairs of the womens march on washington who literally had a baby during the march and is here standing with us today i greet you in love and solidarity today. We fought the resistance for this administration and for any local government that speaks to oh process. We sparked the resistance, and since that day, we have not stopped pushing back against and sexism, racism and fascism in this country. I am proud of us brothers and sisters, that we are not afraid to say that this administration is no good for humankind and our rights are in jeopardy as longol as they are in control in washington. We are here to say, show us the damn tax return. [laughter] we know were not here for one reason alone the American Public has been denied the right to see trumps taxes is just one of the hypocritical and unethical things we have seen come out of this administration. The attacks on our muslim, blackmented, lgbtqia, and Brown Brothers and sisters and women, ladies and gentlemen, are the reasons why we are here today. We must continue to fight for our freedom. We must be willing to lock arms with one another. We demand that we see trumps taxes while we demand the all of our rights are protected it. s taxesd to see trump while we also demand that womens rights be treated as human rights. [applause] tamika we must speak with one voice and one accord and we must draw a direct line between trump missing girls, missing the black girls all across this country. [applause] tamika we must say that while we resist one, we resist all or else our fight is inauthentic. s taxes and trump equal education. Taxes and norumps police brutality. s taxessay that trump is where we start today, but we will not end there. That all of our rights must be protected and hold the hail do you think who the hell do you think you are to treat us as is f we are less than human . You do not own us. You work for us, donald trump and the People United will never be defeated [applause] the People United will never be divided the People United will never be defeated the People United will never be divided the People United will never be divided thank you. A few more folks to go before we can kick some trump ass. Tamika, thank you for speaking. You and bob are great aspirations. We are marching with you in the future. Erreroke to welcome, gu and david sanchez. Please give them a big round of applause, folks. Yeah. All right, how are you doing today . Show me what democracy looks like show me what democracy looks like this is what democracy looks like. This is the people, the voice of truth. Organizer for the center for Community Change for i am organizer for this out. We have 44 organizations pushing for immigrant rights and a better democracy. Yes i embodied my parents dreams that started because of car bombs from a country suffering from inequality. This pushed my family to look for solace abroad print abroad. Looking like a tourist boat being treated like a disease, feeling like a flower without soil. Of aodied the dreams marriage being torn because of stress of survival, shuffles put on my loved ones and deportation looming over our family. We are here because we have listened to be tears that have scarred the mantle of justice. The abilitywe won of love to move us like a gentle role,t, to understand the we are called upon by the wisdom of our ancestors. And those that have fallen due to injustices so that we do not repeat them again. That is why we are here, right . To lift up our voices. We remember those doors of resistance that live within our pews, neighborhoods that have crossed borders and seas and oceans. It is within the rest of where the light shines in the darkest moments and the sharp as of that resistance and radical love is the only tool to break our chains. Lets talk about why we are here. For 16been undocumented years until i was able to get deferred action. I wasone of the years, paying taxes. I will show my taxes to this man in orange to prove that like all of you, i believe that taxes is a commitment to our democracy. When we pay our taxes, we are saying, i love you, therefore you need a better schools. You need a better jobs. You need a better place to live a because that is all about, right . Now, President Trump and this putnistration is trying to 3 billion to build a wall and create a bigger deportation force. Isnt that what we want . Is that what we want . No. We want democracy. Took 40 people broke hundreds of families apart and i was sitting in a living room with an 11 year old waiting for his dad. He called from the Detention Center saying, mijo, you have to sing the elmo song by yourself but i will come back to you. That is what these taxes are doing to our democracies. How can an 11 year old go through this and how are our taxes being used for this . We will change this. We will make sure that instead of going for the wall and deportation forces, they go for schools and better jobs and we are going to remember and organize in our communities and pews and make sure in november, everybody will go to vote. We will back the people who will work represent democracy, not only for the immigrant community but for everybody else. [applause] may 1, we are going into the street, please come to our to find a local event and to join it. We are not only going to step up for equal rights, muslims, lgbt, black people, the working class to see a better democracy. I want you to join with me. Undocumented, unafraid. Undocumented unafraid. Undocumented unafraid. Yeah. Thank you. [applause] [chanting] say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here iowa with up Peoples Climate Movement. Yeah peoplesith the climate movement. We flooded the streets of new york with 400,000 people. Let me see your hands if you were there. We need a lot more. Custom april 29, the 100 day of the Trump Presidency and we have to show we will resist against them. Raise your hand if you want to resist against this not even president. Thats right. We need to not just bring people are here but our families and friends to show. We need to duplicate this amount of money in every aspect of what we do. It is not just the Peoples Climate Movement or march for tax day march or the science march or may day, it have to be everything. When we look at our history books and see what features are taken, we want to say, i fought against that. [cheering] is started with the womens march. It started with the womens march. That was day one. On day 100, the peoples climate march. This is about jobs. It is about justice. It is about the climate. It is about the air we breathe and the water we drink. Water is life. This watch her life . Is water life . Thank you. It is so important. Right now, i want to say, take out your phones. I was you to text climate to 2133. We need you to know everything that is going on. It is so important to show our resistance. We will have 100,000 people in the streets a d. C. , two weeks from now we are going to resist because this is not a normal, this is not a normal presidency. We cannot normalize this presidency. We have to mobilize against this presidency. Right now is at the time. We march for taxes. Then we march for truth. Justice in the next two weeks. Thank you so much. Thank you, keep it going. [applause] thank you for your leadership on these issues. You know we will be of the stories with you in the days to come. I have been up thanking a lot of people. I want to make sure i thank you once again. This holds 25,000 people and it looks pretty damn full to me. Give your self a round of applause. [applause] and now, i would like to introduce a very, very special guest, somebody you know and hate, please join me in welcoming a man who needs no introduction, so i wont. Give a big round of applause for the president. Cut it out. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for your so, wonderful. What a great reception. What an Incredible Group of people. We have so many incredible people here. Some and wonderful people. Such a large group. So many more people who cannot even come. So great. So great. I did i know where it is. But what i do know is that all check holders for my inaugural address. That you were the people who were there were the white spots were. Remember all the white spots . To explain that. We had a to explain it. We had it too. ,ou are all in here now remember american carnage, it is unbelievable. It has even gotten better. How are you guys loving the american carnage it now . Of feeling like garbage. Isnt it great . Isnt it great . It is so wonderful. So many of you support to me as you are here to see me and i am so pleased. If the wind dying down and now . It is like baseballs openingday but a rain check. Me satire is the heart of political discourse. It is a joke. I am the biggest joke on the block. Let me tell you. Let me tell you. First up, what is the big deal about my taxes . Since you are my supporters. I will share with you what is on my taxes because it is between us, ok . Do not let the protesters know what i am going to tell you. So what, i owe 50 billion to Deutsche Bank will who cares . Thats publicly known. Azi know where all of the n gold is headed in switzerland and i half its print i have it. I have it. I have it. Just because i have dirty ties tells me i am a great asset. A great asset. I became a great asset in the late 1980s when i extended my finances to own illegal poker rooms a started selling properties way over the budget martin mark forecast so i could hide a russian money in the United States. Now, i got to the presidency as are keeping me on a short leash because i am a dog. What you do not know in my tax returns is i am the original uncut david has all video of him eating a burger off the floor. Remember that . Remember that . We ended the visitors log. No more visitors log. We are not doing it anymore. Get them out. Get them out of here. It get to them out of here. No more visitor logs, ok . There not running a be in bnb. Barack obama was the bob newhart of washington, d. C. That sitcom is over. Now, Fawlty Towers is here. , i run a hotel and hotels are one of the tax march rallies from this weekend. We will come back from it for a moment or two after this brief pro forma session. The house and senate are out for the two week easter recess. Live to the senate floor on cspan2. The presiding officer the senate will come to order. The clerk will read a communication to the senate. The clerk washington, d. C. , april 17, 2017. To the senate under the provisions of rule 1, paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hereby appoint the honorable bob corker, a senator from the state of tennessee to perform the duties of the chair. Signed orrin g. Hatch, president pro tempore. The presiding officer under the previous order, the Senate Stands adjourned until 7 20 p. M. On thursday, april 20, 2017. Adjourn me but the system that puts me in place. He system that pro forma sessions during this period. Ng for the senate will be back monday to vote on sonny perdue to be the second carrie of agriculture. Live coverage on cspan2. We take you back to the capital from saturday. Part of the tax march from the weekend. I told jared to shred my taxes, but i thought shred was yiddish for collate. We are going to make America Great again folks, when i leave office, hopefully next week. Thank you so much. [applause] there we go. [applause] lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Thank you imposter, the other imposter. Anyway we are about to get onto the march. We only have a few more folks to go. I want to introduce three very important guests to talk about the importance of why trump must release his taxes and how it affects working families across the nation. Iscilla. [applause] hello i can see dutiful faces here today. I am happy to see everybody and i appreciate you to be here this afternoon. I think god everybody here and i pray in jesus name, amen. My name is esther. [applause] i was working at the dulles airport. Some of us. [inaudible] that is what is happening when we thank god. I work two jobs because of 6. 50. I cannot sleep at home with my children. It is not easy for me to be working one job because it does not pay my rent. I have to go and work with myof children because the pay is 6. 14. I struggled they will struggle. I have only one single room with four kids. It is hard for me to pay tax. Working people like me paying tax. Donald trump has to pay to pay tax. He has fused. [inaudible] why . Because he has something cheating. It is only god that knows the secret of donald trump. That secret was released. Es it can work. K. He must release the tax return how do i know if he has paid his taxes or not . To even pay my tax at all, only god knows. Okay, thank you. The workers and the people that elect them, theyre supposed to work for them. E i think some people left their house around 3 00 oclock p. M. Just to vote for donald trump. But today he cannot bring what he is supposed to bring out. He must bring his tax return. [applause] [inaudible] we are Donald Trumps boss. [applause] he works for us. He is not about the law. Elease donald trump must release his tax return. I said again. He must release his tax return. Ill repeated again. Donald trump must release his tax return. [applause] that is the only way we can find out if, trump is pushing tax out. That is the benefit to him and his super rich business. [applause] hallelujah, thank you lord. I am so sorry. I know some of you are asking what is she saying. We know. [applause] okay everything we are doing is because god put us here. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. All of us, god is the one who strengthens us every day. Thank you so much. [applause] [applause] show me what does democracy look like. This is what democracy looks like. I am Priscilla Evans and i am a wendys worker from virginia. Im 25 years old. I am paid 7. 25. Hour. Too many people, tax day is simply a race to get your papers in order, claim your deductions and hope for a refund. For someone who supports thet family of three on a minimumwage, tax day is something else. Its an annual reminder that i need taxpayer dollars just to survive. I have worked in the fast Food Industry for six years, mostly at wendys. I wake up early to get into the store by 7 00 a. M. I unpacked the days food, manning the drivethrough for hours at a time. Yet, when i come home to my grandmother and my seven monthold son, after a 40 hour week, i have hardly anything to show for it. Bl i want to be able to stand on my own 2 feet. But only on my biweekly paycheck of 200, its impossible. M i am forced to turn to food stamps and wic to support my family and i dont think i should have to do that. Mean meanwhile, wendys rakes in many millions of profits. Studies show industry had some of the worst pay disparity with fast food ceos. They earn on average nearly 24 million in 2013. Fast Food Companies can afford to pay workers 15. Hour, but they choose not too because they know taxpayers will pick up the tab. National brands like mcdonalds, burger king and wendys keep loyal, hardworking employees like me for minimum wage, forcing us to turn to public assistance for food, shelter, healthcare and more. It is unfair, not only to the workers, but also to the taxpayers. Unfortunately wendys Business Model is all too common. Low wages in the fast Food Industry cost taxpayers 7 million. Year in public assistance. Across the economy, workingmy families like mine account for more than three quarters off public assistance recipients. At a cost of more than 150 billion. Year to taxpayers. Thats why ive been a leader in the fight for 15. The movement for 15. A hour and writes the past two years. Ive walked off the job and in the street to make sure everyone from President Trump to wealthy corporations here were demand for change. It is no secret the system is rigged against working people. Like many of you, i also believe we can change the system. America can work for the majority of us. Not just the wealthy few. The crowd of people here today confirms that by standing and reaching out together we could win the race that lets us get off public assistance. We can force politicians to do the right thing. We can win. What do we want and when do we want to and if we dont get it . [applause] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] hello good morning to you and the members of congress. I represent the National Workers alliance. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] all working members who spent each day every day working to make sure that they get good childcare and can help theiruppt loved ones while others went to work. I am a child care worker, activist, a mother and have been taking care of children of other families while they work, but i also pay my taxes. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] we work day in and day out. We are abused by our employers who try to harm us. Sometimes we are from other countries and are paid less than we were supposed to receive, but still most of us pay taxes and a lot of us are undocumented. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue] we pay our taxes and other obligations. Ho even though we are scared we do contribute to our communities and schools and economy and domestic workers. Our president does not care about our contributions as workers, individuals and families. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] we are asking President Trump to show us his taxes, to show that he is paying his share of what he owes just as we workers are doing. A lot of us contribute to these economy and the communities. Everywhere. We demand you are accountable to all of us who contribute to the economy. We remember mr. Trump, you are president of all of us, not only the ones that voted for you. Many thanks. [applause] thank you so much. We really appreciate you and all the work that you do. It is almost time, but last but not least is my distinct honor to introduce the Family Member of my aunt and your aunt [applause] wow. Hello everybody. I am so happy you came to see your aunt today. I am so pleased to be here with the coalition of labor unions, advocacy groups and grassroots organizations. G they all put this event together and i would like to personally thank Delvin Michael and the entire executive committee. For all of the work to organizee this event. Additionally, i want to acknowledge my friends and colleagues, the ranking democrat member of the senate financeor committee, senator ron wyden and Jamie Raskins who sit on the House Oversight and government reform committee. Tlemen ladies and gentlemen, i want you to bear with me. Y i have laryngitis, but the only way that i would not have been here with you today is if they cut my throat and stopped me from talking. [applause] i am so pleased to see so many patriotic, politically engaged men women and children who are out here today. I want to thank you for your passion. I want to thank you for resisting. We are not afraid of donald trump, and we will show him. Oday now, today is april 15, normally the last day to file your taxes, but because it fell on the weekend, in many states you can file on monday or tuesday. Well, this is why we much today. We marched today because while Donald Trump Thanks he iss distracting us, we came to number 45 in his administration accountable. We came to show donald trump we will not be quiet. We came because we know what this president is all about. He does not believe that he has to be accountable to the people, but we will pressure him, we will hound him, we will harass him if he thanks he can get away playing king, he has another thought coming. Not we are not going to be fooled by his lies. We are not going to be fooled by his attempt to distract us. , het oh, you know he has tried in so many ways. Donald trump, you can threaten war. That will not distract us. You can lie on obama and say he tried to wiretap you. That wont distract us. You can lie on susan rice and claim shes done something wro wrong. You can flipflop and flop, we are on your behind donald trump. Over a year ago, donald trump lied, and he said, i will absolutely give my tax returns, but i am being audited for two or three years so i cant do it until the audit is finished,d, obviously. Quote unquote. Liar. Liar. T was al as in Fact Checkers and experts quickly explained, it was all a lie. There is nothing preventing donald trump from releasing his tax return. The simple truth is, hes got a lot to hide. There is a lot that donald trumo hears from the American People. Donald john, we know who you are. I believe that donald trump is hiding much more damning information, just as he is hiding these taxes. What is he hiding . As not bee well, he clearly has not been transparent about his business entanglements and his connectios too, and to the oligarchs of russia. Donald trump, did you get a loan from russia in 2008 when all of the banks in the u. S. Refused to give you a loan because of all of the ban bankruptcies youve l and all of the debt that you have and all the people you didnt pay . Well, donald trump, what about that hotel down on pennsylvania. Who financed it . Was it the Deutsche Bank known for Money Laundering . Ho was it the Deutsche Bank whose known for trading practices involving russian clients . Oh, donald trump, we know who you are. We are finding out more about you every day. Oh no, donald trump wont release his tax returns. Donald trump wont be transparent about his business dealers. Every other president since nixon has released their tax returns. Donald trump, all over america, middle class and working people are filing their taxes. Many are struggling, paying 30 and 35 of their earnings, more percentagewise than big whatorations in america. What is donald trump paying . Nothing. Nothing. He is using every loophole, every trick to avoid paying his fair share of taxes. Donald trump, if you are not cheating, if you are not indebted to things that could compromise you, if you had not misused your foundation and had money paid to you through your foundation, come on, show the American People your taxes. We know one thing, you do know something about taxes. Rump, donald trump, you sure know how to spend our taxes on your weekly trips to morrow lago hurt you sure know how to strain the budget of the secret service protecting you and your family while you play golf every weekend. Donald trump, the average family can barely afford a vacation once a year. Rnment. We pay our taxes. We dont hide from the government. We expect you to pay your taxes and stop hiding from the American People. [applause]very we yes, we want to know who you are. We want to know who you pay. We want to know all of your business deals and we want toes know your conflicts of interest. The media is now focusing on syria and i believe that to be phony tension between donald trump and vladimir putin. All being hyped up by the white house, still trying to distract us. We know what kind of person donald trump is. Is a maat this is a man that we saw doing the campaign, disrespect everybody. Now we are not surprised he has been disrespecting us and not showing us his tax return. Remember how he attacked a disabled journalist . Remember how he attacked a gold star family . Remember how he continues to attack the media because he doesnt own it and they wont do what he wants them to do he atta. Now to even make public the visitors to the white house. Who is he shielding . Maybe hes shielding another russian ambassador. Shielding all of those allies who we call the gremlin clan. Taxcan we trust him to do reform that he claims he wants to do. Based on what trump said on the campaign trail, his tax plan would deliver more than half of all total tax cuts to people making more than 1 million a year. What what does this say about who he is . The 1 will be the only ones who meaningfully benefit on the backs of millions of already struggling americans. They certainly are not looking out for working families. Theyre not looking for the middle class. Theyre certainly not looking out for the poor. Donald trump, show the people the taxes. Stop stonewalling. Stop hiding. You know, we discovered that working with and in collusion with you and your allies had something to do the way you won that election. You went into small towns and Rural Communities and you made promises and you made promises that you will never keep but you and never intended to keep them anyway. Smwant you now to show your tax returns. I want you to show those families farmers and show those Rural Communities, i know youre not going to do it because you lied to them just like you lied to everybody else. Spect or ladies and gentlemen, i dont respect this president. I dont trust this president. Hes not working in the best interest of the American People. His motives and his actions aret typical. Ev i will fight every day until he is impeached. [applause] impeached 45. Impeached 45. Impeached 45. He showed us what kind of human being he is and he is not going to change. Ladies and gentlemen, my millennials,. [applause] thank you. Impeached 45. Impeached 45. Impeached 45. Impeached 45. Impeached 45. For our last motivational before we please welcome duane. Whose country is it . Whose country is it . Whose country is it . Who does donald trump work for . We come here today to make a very clear declaration to donal trump that you are an employee. We, your your bosses, are demanding some things from you right now. If you choose not to fulfill your obligation as an employee, we will have to write you up. If you choose to comply with our Performance Improvement plan, and then, mr. Trump, you will be we have come here today very clearly saying to donald trump, and all his minions that support him, that you have made a mistake in how you have treated the American People. We have come here today in washington dc the hundred 25 towns and cities across this country to say to donald trump, we wont put up with your stuff. We have come here today claiming our power and our authority as the ones who truly govern this nation. U can donald trump, you can lie, but you cant hide. Kend now im caught in between the fact that this is the holiest weekend for the christian calendar and im trying to be holy right now. Yall pray for me. But im reminded of something that jesus said to his disciplem and people were following andus that one time, he said, render unto caesar and render unto god that which is god. Will the problem with the fact that donald trump wont release his taxes is that we cant prove that hes doing either. t the reality is is that most of us know he isnt doing it either. We are here because our country is concerned about the direction were going in right now. If we were to really take a hard look at this weekend that were looking at and from the christian perspective, we are caught between empires. Jesus was caught between an empire. The roman empire. We are caught because donald trump is trying to change thisis america into his empire. We are not going to allow him to do that. Are you going to let him do it . Is your family can let them do g that . Are your neighbors can let you do that . No. Yall, go get your cousin, brothers, mama, fathers and tell them to call donald trump to account. This is our country. Whether we are documented or undocumented this is our country. Ru donald trump show your taxes. It is our country whether we are christian or jewish or muslim or buddhist or atheist or agnostic or humanist, it is our country. Donald trump show your taxes. It is our country whether we are lgbt q or straight, donald trump show your taxes. It is our country whether we are blacks or browns, whether we are indigenous, whether we whether we are asian, Pacific Island or whether white and donald trump we demand that you show your taxes estimation point. Mr. Trump, it is our country and we are here today to reclaim it from you. To reclaim it from your exclusion and your hate. We reclaim it from your defensiveness that you have invited into this country. Esther donald trump, show your taxes. Mr. Donald trump, your bosses have a word with you. Donald trump show your taxes. Show your taxes. Show your taxes. Show your taxes. Show your taxes. So your taxes. Show your taxes. Are y are you fired up . Are you ready to march . Are you fired up . Are you ready to march . Me too. Before we march, there will be marches along the road to guide you, stay in the traffic lane as if you were driving and all thee roads are open in the opposite direction. Be careful. Picture youre in a good space. The marshals are there to help you along the way. They can help you with event information. Nt wil believe it or not, the the metropolitan Police Department will be helping us as well. [applause] eme if an emergency occurs, they can help. Lets get our march on turn around and head down the lawn to the west of the main avenue and joined behind the banner of the commanderinchiel that he releases taxes. Thank you very much, god god bless you all and god bless the United States of america. [inaudible conversations]

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