If you want coke, you have to go to mcdonalds. Telling a honda dealer that if someone wants in their door looking at their cars they have to tell them where they can also go look at ford cars . Pregnancy Resource Centers have a moral objection to telling women wear they can go to kill their unborn child. I think this law is horrible, its in the court and i would encourage you all to be praying that it be overturned. Pregnancy Resource Centers are outnumbering abortion clinics by three to one in thiscountry. Getting womenchoices , giving them options. [applause] the problem is the abortion industry cant stand competition. And i would say to them when you only allowed one option, you cannot call yourself prochoice. [applause] i and a tremendous admirer of winston churchill. He was the right man in the right place at the right time. Quite frankly, he saved the world. If it hadnt been for his determination and indomitable spirit, we cant know how much of the world adolf hitler would have been able to conquer. To express this countrys appreciation in 1963 president john f. Kennedy made churchill an honorary american citizen, i think welldeserved. But in the book the last lion, defender of the realm, churchill says that hitler was out killing even his teutonic ancestors and not since the mongols came in the 13th century had europe seen such methodical, merciless butchery on such a monstrous scale. We are in the presence concluded of a crime without a name. I read that and i thought, wow. Methodical, merciless butchery on such a monstrous scale. We are in the presence of a crime without a name. Now, i know you are all thinking the same thing i was thinking. That is what we are in right now. Methodical, merciless butchery. 1 million unborn children every year, killed by abortion. Having their arms torn off as they are dismembered, bleeding to death as linens are torn off. Bring straight out of the uterus without medical interest, being vacuumed or suction out of the uterus this is merciless and methodical. Except this crime does have a name and it is abortion. We must do everything we can to stop it read about for us is to elect prolife candidates who will continue to pass prolife laws so that we may months again in this country protect our children, thank you. [applause] thank you carol. Once again, shes given us great things to think about. And now, our Political Action committee director, karen crossed will begin to talk to us about the battle ahead and what we have to do politically. [applause] good morning. Every Election Year brings with it new challenges. And its not an exaggeration to say that this election has been the most unpredictable Election Year of our lifetime. But there do remain constant. Every election prolife leaders take their training on the national right to Life Convention and use it to rally the grassroots troops in preparation for the battle ahead. Every election, we encounter those who are so discouraged with how some races are shaping up that they hide behind their anger and sacrifice the right to vote. And every election, we make decisions that will have consequences for good or ill for generations to come. Yes, in politics we always have to be looking forward, being watchful and vigilant. In a field that is constantly changing but we cant just look to the future. We must also learn from our past, being ever mindful to not repeat historys mistakes. Its no wonder then that ive always been fascinated by history. Raining over the founding of our country, especially those willing to fight the necessary battles in givingup their lives and their happiness. For the opportunity to give us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of our own. I often find this selflessness reflected in the Prolife Movement. We would dedicate our lives writing for the rights of people we will never meet, making sacrifices so that others might live. As prolifers we are constantly on the battle lines. We battle for the hearts and minds of americans. We are on the front lines of the spiritual battle as well. And we find ourselves battling to keep prolife leadership in the United States house of representatives and the u. S. Senate so that we can pass protective prolife legislation that saves lives. We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How many times have we heard these words . Too many of us have become number two the profound history behind them. We forget that these words represented a truly radical idea of the time. They fought on the front lines of history, incapable of knowing theRipple Effect their efforts would have on future lives. But they knew that these ideas, life, liberty , were worth fighting for. Each time you enter thevoting booth , you have a Ripple Effect that will impact the entire country. You will be electing senators and representatives will determine the direction of our nation. And who will decide the next members of our supreme court. You will be electing local representatives who will decide whether your state represents a respect for life or passes laws pray on the vulnerable. Those local representatives who you elect may eventually run for Higher Office and so the cycle continues. Each boat we pass or do not cast will have consequences. You may tire of hearing me tell you that each election is a most important we have ever seen but with each election comes new opportunities, new dangers and fresh faces. Each election is a chance to protect mothers and their unborn children and each election i will sell the call for you to take up your arms and work for political leaders who will represent all of us born and unborn. The freedom to vote and the opportunity to have an impact of this magnitude is a great responsibility we all bear. As we look to the Upcoming Supreme Court nomination, perhaps the greatest responsibility we in the political field have right now is to ensure we have a Prolife Senate that will confirm prolife nominees and block judges who would entrench row. There are a lot of races we will need to work on to accomplish this task but i know that our with this information you will go back to your communities and rally the necessary troops to see this through. As we discussed these set races i will be talking a lot about the nations largest Abortion Provider, planned parenthood and the extreme proabortion pack that only works for democrat women who support abortion for any reason, emilys list but i dont like repeating myself on going to give you your first and easiest task in the upcoming battle. That you need to wake up because i need your help. When i say planned parenthood , you say the nations largest Abortion Provider. Good job. Okay. Next, when i say emilys list , you say the extreme proabortion pack. Nine. This year there are 34 u. S. Senate seats up for election. Okay. I think we need to go to the next slide, yes, thank you. Can democrat seat and 24 republican seats, all of the democrats up for reelection are proabortion. According to political reports, eight of the 10 democrat seat are currently safe while 13 of the 24 republican seats are vulnerable. Democrats need a net gain of five seats to regain control of the senate or for if they win the white house. In order to maintain prolife leadership, we cannot afford to lose any prolife senators in 2016. And the Senate Elections will be top. Please do not fall into the trap of thinking that if you dont live in one of those states that this election does notaffect you. Remember, we are all in this together. And we need to support each other regardless of our location. If you are nowhere near a race, find out how you can support your colleagues via social media. Reach outto your friends and family who may live in different locations. Never stop looking for an opportunity tomake a difference. We are all responsible for these races and for the future of our country. So with an eye toward how you can make an impact in the battle for us, lets review the most pressing set races we face in november. Just last month many of us breathe a sigh of relief when prolife senator marco rubio announced he will run for a second term in the senate. Editor rubio as voted prolife on every occasion. [applause] following the august 30 primary, rubios opponent will likely be either proabortion representative alan grayson or proabortion representative patrick murphy. Who is so extreme on the life issue even voted against a bill to care for babies who are born alive during an abortion and he voted to continue funding planned parenthood. The nations largest Abortion Provider prolife congressman joe will face former attorney general Catherine Cortez master for nevadas open seat or in commerce and voted for the pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and he voted to defund planned parenthood. The nations largest Abortion Provider. In contstaeschylus ported by prochoice america and emilys list. The extreme proabortion pack. In New Hampshire prolike senator kelly ayotte who has a 100 percent prolife voting record is being challenged by abortiongovernor maggie hassan, another candidate supported by emilys list. The extreme proabortion pack. In ohio, ron corbett is facing a challenge by former proabortion governor ted strickland. Portman has a 100 percent prolife voting record while strickland had a dismal voting record in congress, voting against the prolife position nearly 80 percent of the time over 10 years. Strickland has been endorsed by planned parenthood. The nations largest abortion supporter. Actually is facing a challenge like katie mcginty, another candidate from emilys list. The extreme proabortion pac. In wisconsin prolife senator ron johnson case faces former senator russ feingold. Senator johnson has a 100 percent prolife voting record. In contrast, former senator bible supports the current policy of abortion on demand and voted against the partialbirth abortion ban every chance he had. And hes endorsed by planned parenthood. The nations largest Abortion Provider. North carolina prolife senator robert byrd is facing a challenge by former assemblywoman this deborah ross, a candidate supported by emilys list. The extreme proAbortion Provider. In arizona congresswoman and kirkpatrick, i candidate from emilys list. The nations extreme proabortion pack. The extreme proabortion pac, is challenging prolife senator john mccain. Senator mccains prolife record contrasts greatly with kirkpatricks who voted against the pain capable legislation and voted to fund planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest proAbortion Provider. Darrell glennis challenging proabortion senator Michael Bennet in colorados senate race. Michael bennet voted against the pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and has been awarded a 100 percent lifetime rating by planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest Abortion Provider. Prolife congressman todd young will face former congressman darren hill for indianas open senate seat. Todd young has a 100 percent prolife voting record while barron hills is a mixed record on abortion. Including boats to continue running planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest Abortion Provider. Senator really blunt, a prolife leader is facing a challenge by proabortion secretary of state jason who had a 100 percent proabortion voting record on the misery house of representatives and finally, in iowa, prolife senator chuck grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee is facing a challenge by proabortion former Lieutenant Governor patty judge. Senator has a 100 percent prolife voting record while patty judge is so extreme on abortion that she issupported by emilys list. And planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest Abortion Provider. Good job, guys. [applause] as you can see, there is a lot at stake for babies and their mamas in the senate in 2016. Moving on to the house of representatives, if you look at the screen you will seethe current list of competitive house races. Democrats need a net gain of only 30 seats to take proabortion control of the us house of representatives. The battle of majority control of u. S. Senate and house will have sweeping implications for the future of the Prolife Movement. The loss of the prolife republican majority would be devastating to life issues. I began this morning by talking about history and the importance of reflecting on where we have been so as not to repeat themistakes of the past. A radical idea in the 1700s that we all have the equal right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness carries us through our actions today. But today we make history of our own. Today we make choices for future generations to reflect upon. While will they look back in 300 years at our choices and deride us for staying silent in the face of evil . Will they admire our diligence in protecting the weak and the vulnerable . Will they wonder why we didnt do more. Number no they wont. That last one is off the table, we will do all we can. [applause] we will fight with our last breath for those who cannot speak for themselves. As long as there is violence and injustice of abortion there will be those of us who stand against it and work to protect all of our unborn brothers and sisters. Abortion is the ultimate human discrimination and we will not stay silent. [applause] the late ellie we sell, and auschwitz survivor told us to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all and in every battle there are soldiers and in every soldier needs their marching orders these are yours do not stay silent do not be discouraged allow fear to guide your steps the mistakes are too important and every voice will be needed to ensure the senate holds. We must hold the senate you must hold the senate. If you leave here today and do nothing, we will fail you must take this information and you must reenergize your troops at home who werent able to join us today. When the grassroots marches on we will succeed and with our success will come a culture that makes good on the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Thank you. [applause] thank you karen. And now, i would like to present to you or the next speech, doctor. I hesitated a moment because he gives us information in a slide slow also and he is as many of you know he was a professor of mathematics and he understands the figures and they are very important to us to understand also because they tell us how we can succeed and whats happening out there. Doctor david osteen. [applause] for it is god who works in us both to will and to do according to his good pleasure. You shine as lights in the World Holding for the word of life. You shine as lights in the World Holding for the word of life. Those words written almost 2000 years ago by st. Paul as he was inspired to write at absolutely described, spoken to and spoken about many, many good men and women through the ages who have fought against evil and certainly there are no people that more aptly describe and and speak about menu holding for the word of life and you have had success youve heard about the challenges facing right now lets reflect for a moment on what you have done there are 600,000 you are baby killed today annually in the United States that at the height of theabortion epidemic. [applause] think of that, think of the blessings you have how many people have actually saved the life and for your work, your sacrifice , your faith, your saving lives. Today when you go home. Despite having the administration rage against us and the billion dollar a year Abortion Corporation called planned parenthood raise against us, we are continuing to make progress. Four more states this year bad dismemberment abortion. [applause] two more states stop abortion when the baby could feel pain. [applause] now, the proabortion forces are reveling the victory they had in the supreme court. They are energized and they plan to move forward. It is said before they on this in the courts, they hide behind judges , they dont like legislators but think what they want. Think what they are overjoyed about and it says something about proabortion. What they won was the right to operate clinics so shabby that they cant meet the standards of otheroutpatient surgical centers. They wanted the right to have socalled doctors who are so bad they cant admitting privileges in a hospital, what a great victory. We got the shabby clinics, we got the worst doctors. Thats the proabortion movement but they are so energized they think they are going to defeat us this year. Because they believe there should be and they do, they do this, more abortion clinics were abortionists were abortion and you have been making abortion where, not as rare as it should be, million kids in here are still dying but you have been , i dont know, Hillary Clinton is not happy, bill said he wanted abortion rare, i hope hes happy. We are trying to do it. Now they mention taking away the height amendments. And we want to talk a little bit about that. And im going to come back to that. They think they are going to use your tax dollars to pay for abortion they are already getting planned parenthood is getting hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars annually anyway but they want directly to pay for abortion well, were going to stop them. It is no accident theProlife Movement has been able to pass this legislation because as i said before , those who have had the pleasure to meet with the fouryear, they have never ever had the majority of the American People are what they stand for. Unfettered abortion on demand for any reason at any stage of pregnancy, thats using your tax dollars to pay for it, they never have that. They dont have it today, thats why they dont like legislators, it is no accident that the United States house of representatives which is the most representative branch of the federal government has year in and year out, year in and year out have prolife majority. And now im going to as darla mentioned, she knew those who have been here before there would be numbers, i want to show you why. This is a poll released by gallup. What do they ask . You think abortion should be legal in all circumstances, a few circumstances, legal and most are competitors or legal under a circumstance . Notice 56 percent of the population believes abortion should be never allowed or only allowed in a few circumstances and only 29 percent side with the name all emilys list planned parenthood position, not our whole, this is gallup the next full shows a essentially the same result taken this mark and i only put it up to, i could show you Something Like this, to help validate first taken by cnn again, 5454 percent think abortion should always be legal, legal only in a few circumstances and only 29 percent agrees with the position of planned parenthood and naral. The next. With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be prochoice or close prolife . On these labels, this is essentially parity between the prolife and prochoice positions but iwant to explore this a little further. In this gallup poll it shows 46 percent adopting label prolife, 47 percent adopting the label prochoice but when you probe , many of the prochoicers dont know what that label means according to planned parenthood, emilys list and naral and in the next slide we see that 57 percent of the population believes abortion should be permitted only in to save the life of themother or in cases of rape and incest. Only 20 percent of the population would allow abortion after the first three months of the pregnancy or at any time during pregnancy, 24 percent of the population would allow it in the first three months and then when you cross tab this, you find that among prochoice, this is among self i need prochoicers 44 percent of them would only allow abortion in the first three months of pregnancy meaning they would support the unborn Child Protection act and remember the candidates running with emilys list, with naral,with planned parenthood, they have to plan. They cant keep a lot of them just like this , they have to pledge against the pink slip of unborn Child Protection act, they have to pledge and flavor of dismemberment abortion where the baby is full of art are my arm leg my leg, alive in the womb , they have to pledge to useyour tax dollars to pay for abortions. And according to this, they had at most 32 percent of the population agreeing with that position so it is important that your prolife candidates not allow this election to be decided on labels they have to make sure, the prolife candidate has to make sure people understand that their opponent is so extreme that they believe in abortion for any reason late in pregnancy, they think its perfectly okay to kill a kid who feels the pain of abortion by pulling off its arms and legs while its alive and they want to use your taxpayer dollars to pay for it, thats the naral, planned parenthood position so its important that the prolife candidates articulate that and on the question of using taxpayer dollars were abortion, if they want to make my Campaign Issue this year, bring it on 49 percent of i need prochoicers oppose using your tax dollars to pay for abortion so lets make that the issue this year. Next slide. Now, gallup asks, thinking about the abortion issue does the candidate have to agree with your position . 20 percent of the population says that the candidate must share their view on abortion, 49 percent says its one of the important factors im going to look just like all the hard prolifeincrements, this is a hard single issue voter , next slide 20 percent of all respondents say the candidate must agree with their position onabortion , thats 23 percent of the prolifers and 17 percent of the poor choices, next slide. When you do the math, in other words, you take the percent of prolifers against the percentage of people who self id prolife and im working in the same poll in the same gallup poll doing this here you find that tenet a half percent of the population are on, prolife and two, say the candidate has to agree withtheir position on abortion , eight percent say they are prochoice and say the candidate has to agree with their position on abortion and that gives us a two and half percent prolife increments. That is consistent with what we have had in past elections going back to 1994, ive told you before. If the candidates going to lose my six, nine points, Prolife Movement should put them over the top. Most races are won by a point or two. And if we have the resources, we dont need 20 million, we dont need 1 billion but im going to talk about what we do need but if we have the resources to reach the prolife people, we can provide an edge, hard edge of two or three points we have an election after election and thats what were going to need area let me show you where we stand with some of these top senate races, im going to show you some of the closest ones and remember we have more of the good guys up then the others this time in arizona, your threefold showing mccain leading from between two and nine points think you win . I believe he wins but we need to be there and in the next state i want to look at, florida, this was one before senator rubio came in and look like we might lose. We seen three poles since then, one has inside and this is putting him against the person that seems this time to be meeting for the democratic nomination, hemay not win , mister grayson, congressman grayson may win this and we would do even better against him that it shows rubio ahead substantially in one, tighten one and murphy leading by one, we got to be in florida, and expensive state in iowa, grassley ahead by seven, grassy ahead by one. I think he will win but we cant take this one for granted. In New Hampshire, for poles winning by two, losing by two. Top race. Our 2 to 3 points will make a difference in New Hampshire, next slide. North carolina, always competitive, we usually win we usually have to do everything. A birth ahead in the last three poles but look at one of them, by one point and it is always close, in ohio , can you get any closer thanthat , we are up by one, down by one and tied, big, expensive state. Pennsylvania, last three poles by one, my one. This is all in the margin of error and finally in wisconsin we are trailing, we are trailing against someone who voted every chance he had in favor of pulling children out of the womb alive, standing then in the head and suctioning out their brains in a partialbirth abortion area next slide. In every election between 2004 and 2014, national right to life according to polling when we asked the whole population did you hear anything for national right to life, did you hear an act . Did you get a phone call . Did you get a piece of mail, a piece of literature distributed over 20 percent of the population said they heard from national right to life and we didnt have 20 million to do it but we had you. We got to produce that again. And to do that were going to have to have some resources. We dont need 20 million, we dont need 100 million, we dont need 1 billion but we do need 4 million that we dont have right now. We do need 4 million that we do not have right now and i will tell you that this has been the toughest year we have faced since ive been executivedirector. Of national right to life and i came here in 1984. For our political fundraising. Its been a topsyturvy year, its been for many people a discouraging year. Many, many prolife dollars or dollars from people that would normally donate were spent amongst 17 candidates in the republican primary. And its been discouraging to some people. But we have to pick up from that. We have to win these races and we have to have the resources to do it. Now, as we have before im going to ask you to do a couple of things. One, wouldyou please , every dollar counts, we are going to pass the plate. Would you please contribute anything you can, i know its costly to come here but about your expendable funds. Write the largest check you can to the national right to life victory fund or make a cash contribution to national right to life right now to help support ouractivities. Because we are 4 million short. And as they, i think they are going to, i hope i have people passing baskets, yes, please. Just whatever you can donate. As large as you can, whatever you can and then if you cant right now, if you want to give us a note, to give you a call, we will. Anything you can give cause we are sort and we have to get that prolife increments. Whatever your move to do. Then, i want you to do something else. Youre going to get a piece of paper passed out too, i hope with this www. 2016. Com. I not only want you to go there and donate, anytime you feel moved to between now and the election but i want you, how many of you are on facebook . How many of you to . Every use email . Do you have any friends . Okay. I hear these people saying ive got 2000 friends, i got 1000 friends. I think i got three, ive got 16 or 16 with my kids but you can do this, im told that if you put this on your Facebook Page and you ask all your facebook friends to donate and then ask them to put it on theirFacebook Page and you can do that, thats a matter of a few clicks. You all to this out . And just say please give to prolife candidates, go here or give you prolife candidates, go here. Email to your friends and share it . Everyone here, i believe im told can reach houses of people. So please do that and help us , we are going to ask you for your help, asking for to pass out the prolife literatures, were going to ask you to speak, we have a tremendous challenge in front of us, a tremendous challenge in front of us. And we are not guaranteed that we are going to win every victory this year. We have done far more than the proabortionist ever thought we would, i remember many years ago when i was on the stump debating abortion and i was teaching a college in minnesota and there was a professor from a Neighboring University who was a biology bath that i would debate and he was funny and he was humorous and a much better debater than i was but i remember clearly him telling me after one debate he said essentially you know dave, you know that youve lost this, i mean its over. In just a few years this is settled. Well thank god he was wrong. [applause] and thank god for everything you do. And may your life shine brilliantly and your word of life be heard strongly and clearly in november, thank you. [applause] thank you all ive never been powder of this team, they did a great job reinventing our case here so thank you and go for and take on the forces, i want to see evil and i think they are evil because killing, i cannot imagine a greater evil in the world then killing a helpless little baby. So you have a great job and forth and do it. [applause] today on q a at 7 pm, Washington Post executive editor marty baron talks about the changes post since he took over in 2013. He also discusses the depiction of his work as editorinchief of the boston globe in the movie spotlight. Tonight on tv, books about terrorism. Party at 8 pm, philosophy urges and isis, history. The program is from and afterwards program that aired earlier on book tv. Sebastian gorka follows at 9 pm with his book titled defeating jihad the winnable war. Before 10 pm, Karen Greenberg offers rogue justice the making of a Security State and after that, Lieutenant GeneralMichael Flynn and the field of flight how we can win the global war against radical islam and its allies. All of this tonight darting at 8 pm on book tv, on cspan2. The European Union i representative details the eu global strategy on foreign and Security Policy including the conflict in syria, the recent coup attempt in turkey , combating terrorism and the uk referendum vote to leave the European Union. The connery endowment for International Peace hosted this discussion. My name is bill burns and im the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and i am very pleased and very honored to welcome my representative mogherini to the Carnegie Endowment. A few weeks ago, representative mogherini released his global strategy, an admirable and ambitious effort to think through how europe is best navigated in changing international landscapes. The wider landscape seems more complicated than ever and the reality is that almost everywhere you look the geopolitical compass, european allies are hardpressed in the reality of bricks in the west, terrorism and a massive migration crisis and uncertainty in turkeyfrom the south and the resurgent russia. These pressures pose difficult questions about the future of europe and its role in the world. Our center is trying to help answer them and today our representative mogherini will lay out how she believes the world should respond. Representative mogherini has taken on this challenge with her characteristic skill, energy and imagination. Due to the rapid rise of european politics and she has proved equally indispensable to bringing the comprehensive Nuclear Agreement across the finish line exactly one year ago. We could not ask for a more timely or important conversation and couldnt be more pleased to have a conversation with our representative today so with that, on character with a short intro from a recovering diplomat i hope you will join me in welcoming representative mogherini. [applause] hello, thank you very much as you know, i was particularly eager to introduce our new global strategy here in washington. Im here in carnegie. Carnegie has been very very closely in the deliberation of the signs. We have booked a number of events and contributed to our expert conversation. As you know very well, the passing of this tragedy has been an open process. Course our institution and our state has played a crucial role and of course this was not simply at the government level and its also. Its a strategy for all of our european citizens and a strategy that speaks to our hard work you have to be involved you will have to be involved in the next stages of this process so i think particularly ungrateful for your comments and i look forward to discussion tonight but i also wanted to discuss this here in the United States as our response is an essential element not only of this document whatever work in politics and our daily work our friendship with the United States will be crucial to serving our vision into action both in europe and here in america but especially when you look at regional and global governance. The key principles of this strategy match perfectly the work we have doing together with the us and ministration over the past few years and i can speak here in the house in office but just two days ago, senator terry was commenting together on what is happening in turkey and im sure we will discuss this in q a sessions and deliberate at the moment but with has present we also had the Florida Council meeting in which he became the first ever secretary of state of the United States to join our Eu Foreign Affairs council. When you look at the global tragedy and our partnership, we needed change. I noticed she will be giving a speech, none of us neither our European Union nor the United States could deal with our common challenges alone and its a long list of common challenges, unfortunately. Note on power could control the crisis in syria or libya alone. None of us alone given israel or the palestinians or assure that the new caribbean will be around from one year ago. None of us alone could counter aeffectively and by the way, theres a reason why him and his state today for an important meeting of the global coalitions counsel against daesh and the partnership and further on. That same message that is also the core of the tragedy, we need each other. To take of the International Battle last year admitted should gather all the relative followers to give his states, russia and europe Saudia Arabia and we know how difficult this process is. Even if we Work Together. The understand better the difficulty when we sit around the table. But without the corporation in the report that we have come up with has been underestimated. Anbar reportedly and together we will be with the key arab states with the initiative but europe can see a driving force. For a certain extent with those complicated institutions in an already negotiating an end to see how crucial but together last year together those negotiations were sustainable. In this summer with the General Assembly they has been on the move. Actually think it is time for us to realize we need to place a global phenomenon with a partnership. Together i think we have the tools. A with a partnership has the american way. I remember very well the date obama was elected. I was in chicago. But our lions could not be in better shape. Because they share that same commitment. The Global Partnership and of our International Environment i can tell you the first sentence of the strategy the world has never been so prosperous or secure so it does seem the road as she is dramatically. But as she looked at this last week it is quite clear of the situations of the american society. Licht after cated asia. With africa and asia. And with those challenges. And this is essential part of the strategy and they still have a duty to make a full responsibility to work as a true union and we are increasing the last of the global opportunity providers arrear engaged directly to those faraway places and with a very reliable connection too often at what type of ponce possibility that has and that those weeks rich trayvon ptyalin europe. But we have to make sure is europeans that this is a key part and of those measures. And with the control of land the but it could be worse because as the nation but that is never sufficient alone. And that is one of the core ideas. And although they would make a double load they would not make those mistakes. Because that is what makes all the institutions. But that is just one example have the military option is reworking touche transferred but these areas of iraq the people will go back to their home and did it to reality that there is our component. In another good example nobody invest as much as we do that development is only possible for use of extremely well. So just a couple of weeks ago. In this is the way and this is the kind of approach but the whole idea of the europeans actually is quite elevated. And though the full spectrum of us at true industry into reprove corporation but to address those obstacles the above in a lovely leg to be completely clear between the strategic economy end a Stronger Partnership but less then two weeks after the presentation it is getting wider, cybersecurity and we are already working together to be committed to read either greater corporations. As a more integrated defense. In todays work of those security a corporations. Than that stronger European Union with the Public Policies a interactions. But to be a part of this we have begun to work on the next up. We have a timetable for those strategies is to be as important as they have been. Because we have a responsibility so we are building of what we already achieved. And for sure and the nationality of the most popular. But in the history of europe [laughter] the European Union was born on the ashes of world war ii. Of the most successful soldiers and most recently weve covered with the worst economic crisis. There is a lot to do and a lot to change. But then they will grow Even Stronger with their partners. [applause] civic face again for coming back that was a hopeful presentation. And that is part of the european project. In the partnership as well. And i thought i would start with two worth three brief questions then open to the audience. Your vigilant he just finished your material meeting with john kerry with the coalition. But with turkey to undermine the effectiveness as chilkat rush judge you think were getting closer gore would that be harder to persuade russia . There is a lot of questions. [laughter] i think to be optimistic or pessimistic is not the way that i described the you just need to deal with but it is complicated working with there are different accents in different answers from the coordinated approach it is the conflict mechanism if the military that it is key to work as much as possible because of the offers on the ground but European Union has marred the answers the were the ones to have that taxes but to have that access but of the other hand if you dont have improvement and many have said that is the most important part but that is to facilitate a cannot tell you with the European Union is the military action that it is not for me to sit that is likely are not but i will tell you and i do see a political transition to come together to work with the perspective of that elementary system but also that makes the role the president s somehow but it is the way it guarantees that all parts finds their access but if the military completes its work and i think that were safe. If we listen to the other purchase we would have stopped years ago. But to keep that objective clear we have that in 2. Two of the disease something about turkey . Maybe something just more broadly. The European Union was the first one to speak clearly of said the to protect because we know very well that the entire region was pulling back from that countryfolk fill the stage can half and threw the military could happen to the military. Fifth but clearly for them to say there is no excuse for legitimate institution to react from the rule of law in the rights of all of those involved but the United States is now looking for a membership. [laughter] so vague make that possible to the opinion and by the way it is part of a human rights convention. So were fully behind the institution but there is no way that that action can undermine especially in those fields. Was that clear enough . That is clear the before open to the audience yeah their challenge the last few weeks with brexit before they did the global strategy vs. Reality civics will explain that to me. [laughter] i know a lot of that depends but how do you see that as significant of adjustment . We were all looking for a different result and with brexit. Then she uses google for e you. [laughter] so now it is up to london to put this into an institutional decision is a because they think of those possibilities but thinking about something that will happen but that hasnt even been requested. Politically everything is changed and we will say that as a member of the European Union but again that has studied the men discussed the to be a member of the European Union is and tell them and the end of the negotiations in with our diplomatic efforts when searching every pick that up 16 hours on monday what would change afterwards . There done very much of those negotiations that we have in that is the result of not thinking and if they have started yet and i personally think that in the future as they continue to work because he lived in the same continent and with the same strategic interest that these are Global Strategies for the u. K. See you can kind of see what part of the nation and i am confident that the government will help and for sure there will continue to work but they do check with your kid you use using a lot the European Union is using a lot. We have the largest and some say the best diplomatic network. I can say that after. [laughter] that is a joke. Because obviously depending of the types of arrangements that they are invited to take part or even korea so that will be interesting. I am learning. Raise your hand and wait for the microphone and identify yourself and end with day question mark. Deerfield that now theyre convinced there is no resolution . With russia and beyond . What part of power that e. U. Has . Russia for sure. And the ghastly they both may be worried of that military approach to the crisis as some have written about afghanistan and russia but russia has a modern population is a with russia and iran and a political setting that is the only way. But to go about another african region but after six years of work that is why the british are so good they have no language problems. [laughter] but if there is a military solution that would be around syria or in syria. And after six years of engagement which also is a compromise. Played do think it has to be among them with that possibility for the country. The European Union is not the first there is more for a iran or russia or the convincing argument but traditionally it is not such as powerful in the still have. [inaudible] but that is sustainable for the second part but the legitimacy of the talks would not be credible. After you said the full session i was wondering cad you talk about as a priority of the negotiations of all this other stuff and . It is a low priority. Of the relations of the United States and those are four good reasons and those trade agreements of the United States but then it would be extremely beneficial and we both need to invest in job creation and growth but also because lets be clear if we cannot have an agreement of that kind it does put into question though whole system were hoping for putting kids is more political. And the political significance so a couple of weeks ago we had a meeting with president obama and we restated our plan. I know it is controversial here. But they may be controversial but we know theyre good for our people. We have time for just a couple more questions. I am wondering that you mentioned you cannot change the government is that consistent with the european arms sales to egypt how is that policy consistent regarding the extent of the arms sales. That is one question we will take one more. With brexit on the horizon gsa the e. U. And how . We do Work Together with some issues or libya a constant pull on the humanrights and the support the rights of human rights offenders we work very much on the military of freedom as part of a highlevel dialogue and i eight casinos Security Corporation with the european way it is something that i strongly believe in with the interlocutors and that is never a good idea if you want to improve those situations most of the time for Critical Engagement but first of all, keep track of the population and to the society exchanges and keeping them away from the institutional complex but on the policy of the European Union from that perspective of the brexit but with how first of all, i think the u. K. Will somehow the inside the European Union. And it is for those in the European Union and now i think that they see that london has more of the effort and also with the policy in particular to every single european country multiplies. If you need to negotiate through china aster have that operation and work with the countries of africa and that is dead as a single country you have much less instruments then if you pull to get pull together that is what you hear so much from london to said they want to keep the strongest possible Corporation Going into the future because they see that as well that together it is quite simple the bigger you are you are more powerful so this is also the exercise of a global strategy as europeans to come not of that choice that our people will join together to have more powerful instruments to serve our citizens interests better but in that word of today if you make decisions together the fed is coming from the outside but then you have additional instruments that are much more powerful so i think of that political leverage we would have but we have those measures of the treaties that we have not used at. And that they are there. No need for big institutional debates leaving on the table of the Member States to increase our instruments and i believe there is an interest so i stayed this will be the way because of the lack of political will. I think with our security and or security rules. Seven the worse part of the moderator is to bring interesting conversations to a close. [inaudible] after you identified all International Actors what you see for the regional actors . [inaudible] i am with a reuters what is your reaction to the statements last night from the republican president ial candidate who said you invented the article five of agreement. I think if we left enough room for questions. [laughter] that is a way to strengthen nato i think there is basic evidence it is mostly American Security it is based on the principles put on the other side i am not being specifically general is enough for me to comment on that but the role and importance and the strength of nato for every european citizen because it is very simple to realize and america is lucky enough to build a french shipping and alliances because of the strong partners so i would invest in nato. But with the gulf countries, yes. They are all not the same but they do have common work of syria is key in particular because that is of the opposition and then for us to have a discussion on the future the gulf countries have a significant flow of that they also have their own security assets so for the moment yes we are working together there is only so much one can do but there is the fact that the pride of dashes from the pride of those goals countries and actually it is a possibility also to come from the terrorist organization and the were working on that with the gulf countries to that and find that correct way to frame the narrative. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me to thank our guests. [applause] [inaudible conversations]