Let us know what you think about the program youre watching. Call us at 202 6263400, or email us at comments at cspan. Org. Joined as cspan conversation, like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. Now todays edition of washington journal. In this first segment we asked viewers if they thought the Current Situation in iraq was created by u. S. Inaction in syria. We also got an update on Hillary Clinton and relationship with president obama. This portion is just shy of 50 minutes. Host let me sure the front page of the Washington Times morning. Obamas doctrine in action onacn syria led to the iraq crisis. Here is what been walking report their president obama underam the shadow of syria where heress resisted similar calls to analys intervene. Form and action to analysts and even formerer diplomats admit sewn ts seeds of the iraqi conflict. F state Hillary Rodham clinton became the latest to slam the white houses handling of iraq, she backed off of those statements yesterday. Mrs. Clinton, republicans, many Foreign Policy analysts, and other critics say mr. Obama failed to contain in syria the Islamist Groups that morphed into the Islamic State. And inadvertently helped the militants coopt the larger Rebel Movement against syrian president bashar alassad. We talked about that yesterday here on the we talked about this yesterday here on the washington journal, and mrs. Clintons interview with the Atlantics Jeffrey Goldberg where she said this to him about syria. The family to build up a credible fighting force of the people were the originators of the protests against assad, islamist, secularist, everything in the middle. The failure to do that, she said, left a big vacuum with the jihadists have now filled. So do you think inaction in syria has led to the Current Crisis in iraq . President obama, when he sat down on friday, talked about this as well with tom friedman. We will show you his reaction to this criticism as well but first lets hear from marissa from montana. Democratic caller. She is up first. Go ahead. What are your thoughts . Caller thank you, thank you for cspan. Cspan come your awesome. I watch you everyday but i dont everybody about you. Thank you for booktv. Thank you. Fantasies been. You are so important to the democracy of the United States of america. Anyways, my comment is that president obama doesnt stand a chance but he doesnt matter if it dont mean it wouldve gone wrong. If he didnt win it would have been wrong. He cant just do whatever he wants to do. Its willynilly, its dependent on the circumstances and the console the with the human everybody members correctly. When he drew the line and sent about the Nuclear Weapons he consulted again with the u. N. And they went in and theyre destroying all the Nuclear Weapons. President obamas time to the best he possibly can. Cspan, thank you so much for having that on tv, people for the ethical treatment of animals on. It was wonder. Thank you for having to do. Thank you cspan. Host want to hear from others as well, republicans, democrats, independents and the fourth one set aside for iraq veterans. Do you think that going into this year, anything and she has led to the situation in iraq that we are seeing with the Islamic State fighters taking over territory there and not president obama going in, and assisted 130 military advisers to go into work on rescuing those Kurdish People that are stuck on the mountains, and also wall street journal as we told you reporting this morning that the president weighing in at the military weighing some sort of rescue Mission Operation as well. So republicans 202 5853881. Democrats 202 5853880 and independents, all others 202 5853882. Iraq war veterans 2025853882. Were getting your thoughts on did in action lead to the situation in the iraq crisis. The Financial Times Editorial Board, they are saying this about britain and what britain needs to do about the iraq crisis now iraq crisis saying any reticence on mr. Camerons part might be traced back to last summer when he lost a parliamentary vote contemplating action in syria. It goes on to say the next paragraph down, though, however, cameron must put any personal wound aside and recognize that isis is an even greater menace than bashar alassad, the syrian president. It is not a dictatorship with ambitions that stop at is own national borders. It is a Transnational Movement that ultimately wants to reach into the mediterranean and into turkey. It has also lured british jihadists to its cause. It is a subject that demands the immediate attention of the Prime Minister. If they decide against any further measure in taking on isis, that is a defensible decision. Outright silence is not. The Financial Times saying thats part the the Financial Times saying that as part of the u. S. Led invasion of 2003, britain is complicit in iraqs disarray. We will go to robert in toledo, ohio, independent caller. Robert, what do you think, did in action and certainly to the iraq crisis . Caller know. The inaction if we dont cost of the war criminals in our government. Iraq was a war crime, so serious, so was libya. The list goes on and on. Our government dispenses of terror around the world, and we do not we do nothing about it. We need to prosecute our leaders. Host all right, robert. Tennessee, what are your thoughts . Caller hello. First off, i do want to quickly make a comment on what the children from ohio said. I agree with a lot of what he says actually. With the exception of the fact that i dont believe that all of our leaders are in on this and i dont believe that its necessary america so much as a coop of america by bunch of transNational Organizations and businesses who really make a lot of profit off of every aspect of war. So there there been so many amn people fear for a long time. We are starting to wake a. I just want to let them know that this is actually im sorry, im a little bit nervous here. Host thats all right tragedy to track everything we do nowadays. Its something we need to have a lot of long conversations about. And i dont think that war is ever going to let anything. I think if we were to spend the past to point some trillion dollars we spent on war over the past 10, 15 years on free energy technology, we probably would be a lot better off and the world would probably be a lot safer. With that, thank you very much. Host detroit, michigan, democratic caller. Caller i just wanted to say that it is possible that not going into syria could have caused this to come about, but i saw on the news yesterday that president obama had made an announcement that he was willing to centuries into syria, but he wanted to get congresses approval. So congress, the republicans, could not get the vote to go into syria. And so the president did not. So now all of this has come about. Its a possibility. Mwr may not have caused it, but he did want to go into syria. But the republicans were too afraid to take a vote and it failed. Host you say blame is on both sides in . Caller no, because the president wanted to go. He said that he would give congress, he would go before congress and get the right to go in there with troops. And congress did not do it. They held a vote but it did not hold. You know, it failed. They could got they could not get enough people of all the splitting going on in congress. Host on that note heres the Washington Post this morning with the headline, tim kaine, democrat from virginia wants congressional authorization of iraq airstrikes. The airstrikes that were seeing now. And inside the peace, it says a on tuesday, called on president obama to seek congressional authorization for the Ongoing Operations in iraq especially if military engagement is expected to continue for several weeks or months. Kaine welcomes the nomination of Haider Alabadi to serve as iraqs Prime Minister and the humanitarian Mission Underway in the country, but it is now up to the administration to receive congressional authorization for the current air campaign against the Islamic State. The piece goes on to say that kain seshgs a vocaled a voe kaine is a vocal advocate for overhauling the war authorization act for when to seek reaction. And last fall he teamed up with john mccain, a republican of arizona, to revive the law a move that earned global attention because it became as president obama was seeking congressional approval for military intervention in syria. Later, kaine and other lawmakers heralded obamas decision to seek Congressional Authority even though he ultimately decided not to intervene in syria. Like we said, president obama sat downit tomiedm like we said, president obama sat down with tom friedman, the New York Times columnist, for 60 minutes and talk all the different issues around the world but heres what the president had to say about those who have criticized his decision on syria. With respect to syria, its always been a fantasy, this idea that we could provide some light arms or even more sophisticated arms to what was essentially an opposition made up of former doctors, farmers, pharmacists and so forth, and that they were going to be able to battle not only a well armed state, but also a well armed state backed by russia, backed by iran, a battle hardened hezbollah, and that was never in the cards. Host president obama in his interview with tom friedman on friday. He sat down for 60 minutes. If you want to watch the whole thing they did the mutated. You can go to the New York Times website and watch it there. Yesterday senator john mccain along with Lindsey Graham, to republicans, put this joint statement out saying, it is far past time posed by isis. While the humanitarian aid efforts undertaken by the administration are an important first step, it should be accompanied by additional steps to degrade isiss capabilities including airstrikes in the positions against iraq and syria. And the immediate provision of military assistance to our partners who are fighting against isis. Francis in c host francis in california, independent caller. What do you think, francis . Go ahead. Caller thank you much for taking my call. I am an african, and when i look at the United States, i have invested everything i have to come down to the United States. Because i love this country. And i believe in innovative aspect of america. But when i look at the policies of aspect, it undermines all of that. Why is that . It is because american politicians are in the front of the world. The world in which they should they react without actually having a clear understanding of what is happening on the other side of things. The United States took out saddam hussein, who said he was a bad guy, son of a bitch, hes got to get out of there. We took them out. What happened . That led to all of these crises and the massive killings. Saddam killed so we people. We took them out and now we have killed more people and were still killing. There are so much killed. We are spending so much money. We are risking the lives of our precious troops. In libya, the same way. We took out Moammar Gadhafi because he is a bad guy. And look at what we created there. In ukraine, we took out yonder coverage or whoever he was, and look yana coverage. Look at the mess. When is this madness going to stop . Host okay. All, democratic caller. Caller i couldnt have said it any better than that guy from california. Ill tell you what, if we are john mccain as president right now would probably have a million troops in the middle east. We would probably be spending a trillion dollars a month. I mean, him and Lindsey Graham, i cant believe the things they say. I mean host what about what the former sec of state had to say, Hillary Clinton yesterday, calling it a failure . Caller shes just trying to run for president. I dont know. Battle area, like i said, theres nothing we can do about it. Those people are mad. I mean, its crazy. Host all right. John in brooklyn, new york, independent caller. Caller good morning. I think this morning this is a shameful question that youre asking. And the reason why i am saying that is when i going to ask or cspan is going to ask if the iraqis or the syrians responsible for their own actions . The iraqis wanted us out of iraq. We got out. And that everything that goes wrong, its our responsibility. I think its a ridiculous question. And as for people like john mccain and Lindsey Graham are concerned, until theyre standing on the front line can i dont want to anything that they had to say. Host sounds good but what about the humanitarian effort . Caller that crisis we can help in whatever way we can. But we are not responsible for everything that goes on in that region. Host say disagree because the Financial Times editorial says, but britain specifically but perhaps it could be applied to the United States, that is part of the u. S. Led invasion of 2003, britain is complicit in iraqs disarray. Caller i agree. I think we can help in whatever way we can. But military action is not the only solution to these problems. I dont understand why, if the president should want to send chips into syria, the republicans and everyone else turned their heads like hours and no, you are asking if what is in it in action by the congress to avert the crisis penalties . Host we didnt say was just the president. The question, did inaction on to point comment you should Hillary Clinton and showed barack obama. Thats blaming who youre making reference to this morning. Host and we also read from the Washington Post about tim kaine and trying to change the war powers act last fall when the president want to go into syria but congress did not approve action. He wanted congress to approve action. Hears from the Washington Times. The president declined to use mildred force last against the assad regime even after its launched a chemical weapons attack against rebel forces something the white house had labelled a line in the sand. Instead, they secured an agreement with mr. Assad in which he would give up the chemical weapons stockpiles. The u. S. And International Partners have provided humanitarian aid and some weapons to moderate rebel forces. But analysts say the Islamic State has seized control of the Rebel Movement. The outcome could have been avoided, it goes on to say f the u. S. Had acted against mr. Assad and made a stronger commitment to moderate rebel elements much sooner. Critics and analysts say. Cars, west viinra host carlos, west virginia, an iraq war veteran. Carlos, what is your take this morning . Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. First of all i want to, you become appreciate the fact that all of your callers are calling enthused about the subject. Some of them are incorrect. As a matter of fact, the idea that we did not respond to serious crisis by military invasion, we are seeing what were seeing today in iraq is incorrect. Actually we have gotten ourselves involved in syria as we did in iraq and 2003. In syria, we have started supporting initially, your collar, and the call we start with nonlethal it and all the kind of stuff which really ended up with body armor, equipment, satellite communications, secure communications and all that kind of center we have already done the. The United States has did that, provided all that equipment, and groups like isis of course the custody of those. Isil is not just today but it did not come to power two months ago or almost six months ago. This is a residue of actually left over forces that we supported initially in syria. Part of the forces that came over there and power. Now, as an iraq veteran who has lost friends, brothers in arms over there, it hurts every single being of my existence to see iraq fall so badly. This war is the war that i would love to go to fight. Not for the 2003 where the president of the United States and the administration and all that lied to the American People and the armed forces of the United States at that time. That was a lie. Not only us, but the government would lie to the world. We lied to the American People. Host you say this is the war you go to fight. Want more traffic this war against isis. Host against isis, okay, this is the time we need to act. We dont need to act just like you aircraft, a few airstrikes because were going to protect americans men and women on the ground. What we can do now is we do that all the time. If we wanted to protect them, we would just pull them out. We dont have to send military aircraft over there to do anything. Host all right. As we told you, Hillary Rodham clinton in her interview with the atlantic was critical of the president s Foreign Policy approach in many areas, not just syriairaq, iran and israel. Yesterday through a spokesperson she put out this statement. She was prouded to a vance americas interest and values in a fast changing world. She continues to share his deep commitment to a smart and principled Foreign Policy that uses all the tools at her disposal to achieve our goals. And joining us on then host joining us on the phone is sean sullivan, politics reporter with the Washington Post. You have a piece yesterday that Hillary Clinton called president obama about this. What did she have to say . Basically what she had to say according to her spokesman, look, i was not trying to attack your Foreign Policy, not trying to attack you personally. When india came out, it was presurprising and it blew up really quickly, got a lot of media attention. Obviously, anything Hillary Clinton says, especially when shes putting daylight between yourself and president obama is going to get a lot of attention. Clinton and her team were caught a little bit off guard about how much attention this got. I think she felt she needed to smooth it over. Or message was look, i wasnt trying to take a dig at your policy or you, mr. President. By the rails is she delineated the consensus between what she believes about Foreign Policy, what she believes about syria versus what the president believes. So it will be interesting to see as we move ahead months forward, everybody expects her to run for president and if she does every time she puts distance between herself and the present, things will flare up and she and her team have to be ready or how to deal with that. Host what was the reaction from the white house . Do you know if the president , what he said in that phone call . No. No, we dont. The biggest thing that we saw yesterday was from David Axelrod was no longer a white house eight, a former barack obama aide, tweeted on the comment that shows he clearly wasnt happy with what Hillary Clinton said. The tension between obama and clinton in a lot of ways is sort of ended, i think they would both admit that theres still a lot of tension at the staff level. And so wasnt surprising to see what axelrod said. These guys come it wasnt that long ago that they fought a really, really Bitter Campaign against each other. And i think theres still a lot of sort of quiet animosity between Staff Members on both sides. So when these things happen, when clinton makes these comments its not surprising to see these former aide to obama say, you know, things like what we saw axelrod said yesterday. Host lets show our viewers to visit what David Axelrod tweeted out. Stupid stuff means stuff like occupying iraq in the first place which was a tragically bad socision. So apparently mrs. Clinton and president obama are both in Marthas Vineyard vacation in, and theyre going to supposedly hug it out later . Yes, thats what clinton spokesperson said in a statement yesterday. It should be an interesting day. The president is on vacation. He is also trying to monitor the situation overseas, monitor the situation in iraq. Is getting updates from his advisers. They will be interesting to see what comes from this, whether we get a photo op or some other thing to show that things have been smoothed over. I think clinton and obama have become genuine friends, but the reality is their staffs have probably not. It will be interesting to see what happens. Host what about the politics of this, if she does run and she faces challengers in the democratic primary, what could be the fallout of this . Heres the new republic on their website with the headline, Hillary Clinton has made her first major blunder of the 20166 campaign. She better hope joe biden and Elizabeth Warren werent paying attention. Yeah, i mean if she does run and if she does get a challenger running to her left, this will be a vulnerability. I dont think you should come as a surprise to anybody given what we saw in 2008 that Hillary Clinton is more hawkish than president obama on Foreign Policy. That something is pretty well established. If she has the field to herself, this is not something that will come up in the primary but you mentioned if she does get a democratic challenger, even if the person is a minor challenger, this is an obvious way for the person to attacker. Looking ahead, way ahead to the general election, you have someone like rand paul who has been espousing a more libertarian Foreign Policy, very, very leery of intervening overseas, you could see a real clash between rand paul and Hillary Clinton. A lot has changed in the last few years and the public right now is really, really skeptical about intervening abroad after years and years of war in iraq and afghanistan. What they will have to do is and understand that look, this is not a public that wants to go to war. This is a public that is very, very skeptical about anything. So its interesting to see how and if she calibrate your Foreign Policy based on where the public is. Host sean sullivan, Washington Post reporter. Thanks for your time. On his last point about republican contenders for the 2016 candidacy, here is the Washington Times this morning. G. O. P. And with quotes from rand paul, marco rubio, as well as senator ted cruz saying they support the air strooibs but call for a broader support the airstrikes, but are calling for a broad er time. And josh in roland mi,in host josh and roland, missouri, independent caller, an iraq war veteran. Good morning to you, good morning. I just wanted to make a couple of points. I think the main problem that is being poor judgment on the part of the administration. I think that both parties are probably complicit in that. I think the first instance with poor judgment was shown probably in syria. We saw in an interview that you should with the president earlier that he said the Free Syrian Army didnt really stand a chance against assad in the first place, yet at the same time he did approve sending aid and other supplies to the Free Syrian Army. So he seems have contradicted himself there. But i dont think that it was smart to send supplies to the Free Syrian Army because as weve seen a lot of those have ended up being used now in iraq and so now you really just aided the rise of militant islam in the region, in the levant. But the second area i feel poor judgment by the part was when maliki requested airstrikes, air support back in june and that was denied. And so i feel that that was really the Tipping Point where ice is again to get a huge were isys began to get huge foothold in iraq. Now is the time when our allies are trapped on a mountaintop and a lot of the men have been slaughtered and their starving to death. What we are doing now is almost too little, too late but it doesnt mean i dont think we should still try to help them, but really the opportunity to help them was much earlier. Host okay. Josh, an iraq veteran in missouri, an independent caller. As we told you, the u. S. Is weighing a rescue mission that would put American Forces in more direct confrontation with Islamic State fighters. Thats the headline in the wall street journal this morning. It says decision from direct and on tuesday the pentagon and to develop options to present to the president had positioned British Forces to help the struggling refugees to survive on the Mountain Range and would be limited in skoal if not duration and to offer more support if the host so that from the wall street journal this morning. And on the iraqi government, as we told you the New York Times reporting that the military, iran backers, people in his own party have left Nouri Almaliki signaling he can no longer expect their support. And it says in this piece on the front page of the New York Times piece is they reached out to the new president and delivered the message that the military would not stand by mr. Malaki. And inside the jump page of the New York Times it goes on to say with so many forces, a raid against mr. Malaki, and the discussion turned to what are the demands that he will be prosecuted and the physical safety will be safeguarded. And the discussions that may offer him the position of Vice President , a ceremonial post to remain in palatial housing he so that is what could come of Nouri Almaliki as his grip on power is weakening. The hill newspaper has this headline or you. Key democrats offer obama support on iraq, and the warning. Support on tuesday against iraq, and that he must come to that and the democrat lead from the host anderson in brooklyn, new york, anderson, what are your thoughts on this . Go ahead. Caller yes. Im doing my observation as hes been everywhere. I listened religiously and i have observed that every single morning youre always questioning the results of this president. It is been going on since the president is coming to office and i am highly critical of cspan but i believe that brian lamb should be removed from the head of this organization because you are an partial to the republican party. I am tired, sick and tired of everything morning youre questioning the president s resolve. He was not doing this doing the Bush Administration and it should stop. As far as the iraqi, this iraqi situation, it was george bush and dick cheney that got us into this war. They lied to the American People, and he got us into this war and this is the end result of their host thank you for watching every morning or i encourage you to go into our video library, cspan. Org and wash washington journal during the Bush Administration and compare and contrast. Justice lieberman, independent from connecticut, often side with republicans on Foreign Policy issues writes a piece this morning in the Washington Post. He says that it is more accurate, what the president is doing is more accurate to see it as a mission to prevent a reputation in afghanistan. We have the chance there and this is the al qaeda used sanctuary in afghanistan and that to his credit is what the president has begun to do we are getting your thoughts on did in action in syria leachs so wishing that we are seeing in iraq. In other news this bring some headlines for you. Usa today, Police Tactics on the subject of a broad u. S. Review by the Justice Department coming from that shooting in missouri of a teenager. F Police Tactics including the kind of deadly force that prompted the times. And the New York Times Editorial Board weighs in on what happened in missouri. The death of Michael Brown. And the f. B. I. May be able to answer many questions surrounding the death of Michael Brown who was a few days from going off to college, but what is not in dispute is the sense of permanent grievance held by many residents in shared and segregated urban areas around the country. Though nothing excuses violence and looting, it is clear they have not dispensed justice equally. The death of mr. Brown is heartbreaking as president obama said tuesday, but it is also a reminder of a toxic racial legacy that still effects cities a and also the president putting out a statement yesterday calling the situation there heartbreaking. On russia, Financial Times front page, russian aid convoy sparks fears of ukraine escalation. Take a look at that picture. That is a convoy of 280 russian trucks crossing into its territory, if it crosses into kiev territory would be viewed as an act of aggression. That is coming from kiev, ukraine government. So russia says that it is acting, bringing humanitarian aid under the International Red cross, but the International Red cross says it was quote not in charge of the convoy had not clarified details of its content. That in the Financial Times this morning. Also the front page of the Washington Post on the health care law. Is a quick headline. Some could lose their health care coverage, that is a warning from hhs. They are warning hundreds of thousands who have bought health plans that the coverage will be cut off unless they quickly provide proof that their citizenship or immigration status makes them eligible to be insured through the marketplaces. We are talking about 310,000, and they are included in about the two million cases of several kinds of application discrepancies for the socalled and e gett you we are getting your thoughts on did inaction in strictly to the iraq crisis . Andrew, pennsylvania, republican vote. Youre up, go ahead. Caller hello. Good morning. This administration is about what the advisor to have and all of the topics that they brought in. Youve got to wonder about the way theyre starting to sell upon themselves. With Hillary Clinton and all the advisors, youd think they would have to have a lot of different type of people now that theyre starting to leave, starting to be a lameduck session. Youve really got to wonder about whats going to happen with all of the different type of things that are going on, all of the scandals that went on all of the different types, things that happen in his administration. You would help, youve got to start to wonder why all of the kind of thing that happened under president obama and you get a feel for the guy that things are starting to come apart at the seams host the all right. Roger, savannah, georgia, democratic caller. Caller good morning. I would just like to say that i dont feel that it is president obamas fault for the incidents in iraq, especially in 2004 when we went there, 2004 we secured the border. We went from, in 2003 when the war first started, we secured iraq from the top to the bottom. There was no, at that point, once we secured iraq, to meet the iraq official sure took over in 2004. Now 10 years later we still have, you know, 10 years later we just not getting the last troops out of iraq. My question is why . We should have done it 10 years ago. We would not be in this problem today. Host albuquerque, new mexico, democratic caller. Daddy, what are your thoughts . Caller what a pandoras box youve opened this morning. This is exciting. My thoughts on this far, tom hartman says it is on his way to show when he says that bush, george bush, opened the gates of hell to iraq when he decided to enter. And now we are suffering the consequences, not nearly as much as they are the. Very, very said. Why is nobody discussing the fact that Donald Rumsfeld dismantled while we were over there 10 years ago an iraqi army comprised of 500,000 members . Do we not think that this is a profound influence on whats going on and far more than any inaction in syria . As far as Hillary Clintons remarks, shes entitled come most entitled to her opinion by think shes going to pay for it. And i think shes reaching out to a gop because after all, how many of them there isnt a war they dont love. Thank you so much. Host all right. We will go to take the next in west sacramento, california, independent caller. Caller hello. Thank you for taking my call. First of all, id like to say i was raised in a completely air force family, nothing but officers. Pilots and my dad was a pow. My brother was in the vietnam war. That kind of thing. The thing i think we made a mistake when we elected obama is he is not a military leader. He doesnt make concise and precise decisions. When the pentagon is in an uproar because he is not acting, and we see whats going on around us, i think theres a lack of responsibility coming from the president. I watched the news and i watch whats going on, and i know that we would have never turned our back on people in iraq or syria if we have somebody who was engaged. And what we need to do, its not a matter of as protecting their interests, its a matter of protecting our own interests. But obama is just not there. He doesnt get it. Hes just a businessman whos running the United States like a corporation. Host all right. We will hear from al next, republican caller. What you think . Caller definitely has something to do with the. When you threaten somebody that, you know, you can use chemical weapons can i think they used them eight times since obama threatened them. Of course, the things with isis, we left a vacuum in iraq. They come in and figured, im just glad to see mr. Obama doing what republicans told him five months ago, that he has to do. A little late but its better than nothing. I guess we could save a few of them. Look when mr. Obama came and we were at two wars. We are still at two wars and we still have, we had egypt, libya, syria, russia now. Just like the last lady said. This guy needs to make decisions. We are still putting for a decision on the pipeline. You know, but what can we say . We are lost. Were going to have a long two years, thats all. Thank you. Host james, fort lauderdale, florida. Independent caller. You are up all night thank you so much, cspan. Im really tired of people talk about the president , the president. The president cannot act without congress approval. Okay . The United States has three different branches of government to where we have checks and balances. But besides all that, when is he going to be said, when are we going to be sure i watch cspan all the time. When we have a topic to where we can discuss when are we going to hold the middle east accountable for their own countries . When is a were going to go to the united nations, okay, and sit down to the table and discuss the whole issue going on in the middle east. We cant just simply provide them with support, aid, guns, so forth and so on. It needs to be systematically structured to go to the u. N. , hold all of the middle east accountable. You cant just a Little Pockets here and there, here and there and all of a sudden pashtun we then did what, 20 years now . Host so you want to see more of the coalition transferred more of a coalition, a sit down discussion with all of our allies, france and britain and all these others, and, all the g8, the g7, all these countries that always get in the middle of these wars. We dont need that. In order for us to have a war it needs to be more of a coalition. But with proof that the middle east needs their own leaders to step up to the plate, take responsibility. Its like were mixing it up. Its too little things. Host got your point. Speaking of united nations, theres a World Health Organization under the u. N. Is saying that timetested drugs, get their approval in the ebola fight. From the Financial Times front page he spread of ebola as the official death toll from the worst ever outbreak topped 1,000. And a primary update from the Washington Post in wisconsin and governor walker, much is at stake. No discussion about the 2016 president ial campaign could be complete without wisconsin Governor Scott walker, but that could change in 12 weeks because walker is facing a tough reelection contest and officially began tuesday with mary burke and the easy win in the democratic primary. And no other potential 2016 hopeful has as much riding on the election as walker. If he wins on november 4, he will be well positioned to move toward a campaign for president , but would mark tend of the politically divided states. And hoer is the headline courtesy of the museum from washington, d. C. Here. And it says that greenwich businessman roared to victory in a low turnout republican gubernatorial primary setting up a potential contentious rematch with governor malloy that polls show will start off as a dead het. The star tribune in minnesota, johnson versus dayton in the gubernatorial race. And the republican chose jeff johnson betting that the mild mannered political veteran is the best chance to unseat democratic governor mark dayton in november. And also in minnesota on the Senate Primary t Washington Post has the headline mcfadden wins the g. O. P. Primary and will face democratic senator al franken. Mcfadden advances to a november show down against senator franken. The Associated Press called the g. O. P. Primary for mcfadden who easily defeated a field that included four other republicans. So those are some of the proi mare r so those are some of the primary results around the country yesterday. Steve, scott said arizona, republican caller. A few minutes left. More thoughts on did inaction injury caused what we are seeing in iraq now . Go ahead, steve. Caller i have a comment. I was wondering why you guys dont have like more of a question regarding like brainstorming session, where you know comes to the people calling in and complaining one way or the other, have people call in with their ideas on what we should do in iraq. Like some of the other topics, instead of what obama did wrong or ride are what bush did wrong or right. Have people call in with the idea of what we should do there. I think that would be a lot more helpful. Host we will take your suggestion and if other people have topics that you think we should be discussing it on the washington journal you can send us an email. You can also send us a tweet cspanwj is our handle. You can put in the tweed hashtag wj topic. We will go next here to great in st. Paul minnesota. Democratic caller. Hi, greg. Caller hi. Host good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . I think they should continue to support the war. They should try to get the people out as soon as possible and then we can have a good communication between iraq and the United States is mike scott, alabama, republican. You are last. Go ahead. Caller yes. I think the president ought to do more about getting some more troops over there to get them people off that mountain. Host thats what the military is weighing that option of sending in a rescue mission. But it would put u. S. Troops in more direct contact, confrontation with the Islamic State under strict are you for that, possible casualties . Caller well, not really, but its just im kind of nervous. Host its okay, and theres more of a humane thing to do i think. Host all right. Scott, republican in alabama. One of the reasons researchers at cdc do investigate and is a very think im emerging diseases in people are often traced back to animals. And one of these situations occurred in 2003. The first and we had that something had gone terribly wrong come you can see in this picture up here. This is a three yearold girl who lives in wisconsin and she developed this very odd, very disturbing skin lesion. Im ask a giunta then back for smallpox. I was a first generation of kids who didnt get a smallpox vaccine but there many researchers who dedicate their Early Careers to eradicate the disease from the world. They took one look at this picture and said, thats a smallpox. So we were very, very worried, especially when a second case was reported just a few days later from another part of wisconsin. These two patients did know each other. One is a three yearold girl, one is a businessman, but had one piece of history in common. They both been bitten by sick pet prairie dogs. And we are back with Eleanor Smeal here to talk about the future of the womens Rights Movement. Lets begin with the court, Supreme Court legal scholars are saying that the court has delivered blows to women groups and cases involving equal pay, medical leave, abortion, contraception. Whats going on at the court in your opinion . Guest no question but that major blows to women, that the hobby lobby decision for one, instead of referring to womens rights to privacy, the concern was corporate right to privacy. We barely mentioned women on the use of contraceptives. Its preposterous. Host in the New York Times recently they had a feature piece with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Justices rollings advanced days, women less so. And in it it reads, in its gayrights ruling she told the law school audience last week, the court uses the language of equal dignity and has endorsed the fundamental values of liberty and equality. But in cases involving gender, she said, the court has never fully embraced the ability of women to decide for themselves what their destiny will be. What needs to happen then i the court . How does the court decide that . Guest first place im glad the court is finally understand the importance of gay and lesbian rights. But on women they are going backwards. These are backward trends. Its really the principal swing vote. Kennedy seemed to be very uncomfortable with womens rights. He thinks in a stereotypical patronizingly, paternalistic, and an oldfashioned way. And Ruth Bader Ginsburg has called an audit. Lets face it were losing these cases, five men and five republicans, three women have been outraged especially on the hobby lobby decision on contraceptives which affects Womens Health. What has kennedy said specifically . Guest for example, and the hobby lobby decision he talked about the right to privacy of corporations. History of the court for women to make their own decisions on contraceptives and said that tightlyHeld Corporations had a right to religion, but ignored women. Virtually didnt mention them. It was about women employees and their rights to have coverage for contraception. And then he narrowed it out saying this is a narrow decision. Actually, it is a broad decision. If you take what he said, what happens if a first place, corporations, i dont think people think of them as people that have religious beliefs. But he said so. That the socalled tightlyheld ones. What happens if they had the religious belief and Ruth Baderginsburg says this, of a father would haveo ge a father would have to give permission for his daughter to work for a husband would have to get permission. Theres all kinds of rightwing conservative views on the womens roles. Its posters in this day and age that it could limit when an economically. They said this was only with contraception. All other religious beliefs could not control health care coverage. By the way they said it was only for these fortnights of contraception which they said erroneously. But then within a week they brought it to cover all 22 contraceptives. And of course. This is what the concerned women for America Group had to say that the hobby lobby decision. It served only the group of women that support the radical pro abortion agenda that would sacrifice the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion at the altar socalled reproductive rights. It works against those women who reject society imposed for his fofurther freedom envisioned by the founding principles of liberty and justice for all. Something like 88 of women during their reproductive life use modern forms of contraceptives. This isnt some little minority. So i mean, thats just nuts. The reality is when men have long ago decided that if they want access to modern contraceptives and this decision goes backwards the Supreme Court in 1965 said that married couples have a right to this decision and then they extended the single people in 1972. Are we going to fight this all over again . For them to see gender e. Quality was too broad and on focus of the factor to consider yet it was okay to consider the sincerely held religious belief of the corporation. Women dont count, we cant make these decisions ourselves . Where does the movement go from here . We have to reverse this decision. As you know this and it introduced the bill and the only reason that wasnt voted on in the floor is only three republicans voted so elections matter and women have to know that. That right now the court is questioning not only womens access to contraception that they are questioning family medical leave. Theyve narrowed pay equity decisions. Going after of care rights these are very serious and so are the legislatures and so are thats part of congress th to house has controlled by the republicans. You have republicans controlling both parties so the chances of overturning hobby lobby dont look great. Just remember this. Every inch of the way for the Movement People told us its not possible and that we cant do something. But the preponderance of women as they are doing is restoring the movement for the correction. People are saying this is it. We cant keep debating every 20 or 30 years. Remind viewers of the equal rights amendment and its history. It was approved by 35 states and congress and its also being considered at the state level on the ballot where the state constitutional amendment and its going to be voted on in illinois. The Senate Just Passed it by 60 margin. We have to tell the court once and for all women have equal rights. So you have illinois and oregon. Virginia just passed in the senate. This is going to be hard but i can tell you every time we have been voted down because it done quick tha that neither the womes movement stronger and right now i think women are getting the message that th their rights are being threatened fundamental to health care not only in the congress and the state legislatures where they are cutting back on the womens right to both Family Planning and abortion. Host it was first introduced in 1923 and 1972 and passed both chambers of commerce and ratified it required 38 states for the ratification. Its critically important. Ginsburg said its the most important thing that we get an equal rights provision once and for all. But in addition to that we are going to fight at a state a stae legislator level and at the congressional level and lets be really have to get more women in elected office. Host independent caller for eleanor. Go ahead. I want to address the comments on hobby lobby. She said all corporations hobby lobby is a family business. Its been extremely successful. If i had a business i built up over the upset not everybody believes in abortion so it shouldnt be a mandate there are places you can go for abortion and it shouldnt be that mandated by five than in business for many years and ive never had problems with equal rights. Ive had but you cant just expect something from nothing. You have to work hard and be successful and i dont believe in the feminist movement. I never did. Ive only stood up for my own rights and i think that women become strong in themselves. If you dont like what the Company Offers or does not offer, go and work for somebody else. There is no mandate for abortion and the care act. This is access to contraception. Coverage of the Health Insurance plan is the only thing they are saying an employer can regulate. Regulate. My candy and please decide what Health Insurance coverage. The average woman does not get equal pay and so there is i think the record speaks for itself. Weve improved educational access for women and the feminist movement with Employment Conditions but we still dont have a quality and thats what the fight is about. Front page of the the Washington Times this morning gender e. Quality cracking the Glass Ceiling 2014 has been a stellar year for women reaching new heights from wall street to main street and a military command women have through barriers to achieve personal and professional first this year as Hillary Clinton positions herself to the biggest ceiling the presidency in 2016. You know i am thrilled and we just cracked another one but lets be real. 2014 and we are still getting this first. We are only about 20 of congress. We lag behind most of the countries so we have a way to go. I always love to talk about the progress, but i also want to do mind people that we do have a way to go. This is another headline congress, gender, parody. Women hold 18. 5 of the seats in the house and the senate. They say women will gai see womn equal number of seats in 21 were in the 107 years. We arent going to wait that long. Weve got to start doubling that. 18. 5 we are just way behind and thats why we are still discussing this. If congress was 50 50 the way that it should be there wouldnt be any debate on the subject. Women have long since decide dee must have access to contraception. I cant even get over that we are talking about this in 2014 to be honest with you. How long have you been at this . Smack many years and i seen it all the way. What we monitored was impossible to get that we have opened a lot of doors. We just have to made sure not another generation of young women are sacrificed. Catherine, democratic call. Good morning. How are you today . What is your comment or question . The listening to eleanor speaking about womens rights in the feminist movement and shes got the whole issue wrong in my opinion. This isnt an issue of womens rights. This point that hobby lobby is making is a private corporation that is upholding their religious views of what they feel they are accountable for. Going to the point i want to make when they say its a small family corp. , this is covering the tightly Held Corporation they employ hundreds of thousands of people. Millions of people buy these types of corporations and the small portion of our economy is the 28 of it. So basically what we are talking about is does an employee or have their right to determine based on their religion, but your access to the various medical procedures are. They see it or doesnt apply to whether you get the blood transfusions although some would say that but it does apply to whether or not you can have access to contraception. Why carve this out for women when its necessary for Womens Health and most want access. By the way, contraception is used not only to prevent birth but its also used for serious illnesses to curb them. Its really such an outrage to say that the employee or his religious beliefs count more than the employees religious beliefs or their families. They conducted a poll of women to see how they felt about the Supreme Court decision. And in apple 68 of women opposed the Supreme Court ruling that the owners of the forprofit companies can refuse to provide Birth Control. 58 some say thats not that the majority but its not a strong majority. Guest but its the women of childbearing age and the women that are more likely to have ovarian system and dimitrios is that never skyrockets up. Its Something Like 88 . One of the problems is that older people are constantly making decisions for young women and we all forget how hard it is when you are young and how important it is to have access to contraception. When you consider the average age remember the contraception became available in the mid mid60s for some of them didnt even have it available in their lifetime i and very productive lifetime or it just started. Now women take it for granted and they should. This is a step forward not only for their health or Economic Opportunity and the wellbeing of their families. Host independent call. Caller i have a couple of quick questions and comments. As a single mail or older male im forced by the government to buy Health Insurance and pay per contraception for women. Thats wrong. Guest women are forced to pay for viagra for men. We are only going to put it up with womens access. That is acceptable. Caller you are being denied anything. You can get a prescription, go to the drugstore, cash on the table guest you dont understand the price of the modern contraception. It can go just through the dedication about 600 a year and then you have to pay for dr. s visits. Sometimes they only give you six months at a time of the ob gyn can run around 220 in the major city. You are talking about a thousand or so and youre talking about 1200. Birth control is the number one outofpocket expense for young women and it can run quite high for those for example living on a minimum wage. Caller we have them in the air cities where people can pay on a sliding scale that is very inexpensive and then they can go and get other medicines that are subsidized. So for anybody of low economic means this isnt really an iss issue. The Family Planning funding is covering about 15 of the needs exacted in some states such as texas theyve cut back access to Family Planning and the ideological views of the rightwing governors. So it isnt the case that is readily available to the poor but this is Health Insurance for employees and it has been usually covered. Now suddenly on the religious beliefs of the corporation. Democratic caller. Caller yes i would like to give you my opinion of why i believe hobby lobby did it for money and not for religious reasons. And also that he is contraception and thats why i deleted that it is just about money and not religion. Host okay. Guest well, i do believe that this could be about money. I also think that Birth Control and the entire fight over abortion is denying access for middle income and lower income people. And i do think that there has been some tendency among people who want cheap labor to push for higher birthrate and take the hands of the individual people which i think is wrong. Caller it is badly flawed. First and foremost its like shes entitled the future of the womens Rights Movement the future in utero american rights would hope to see a program focusing on the rights of in utero americans just as women minorities and blacks have also been focused on. The recent World Congress and the obstetrician and gynecologist mac and a huge number of leading scientists stated very clearly that it is unknown and that they believe that the socalled contraceptives are in fact. So right there she is playing loose with some extraordinary as facts and this hasnt been mentioned today. Guest they favor the position and access to contraception and scientists by and large were overwhelmingly favor the opposition of the contraceptives. And basically women themselves. Think of how many women, what percentage, people that you know are using modern forms of Birth Control. Some were making this a discussion in the United States. Most of the world cant even understand what we are talking about. Guest how does the rest of the world compare . Guest Birth Control is free. What is the result exit means that you have lowered rates of abortion. Right now we know in our own country wherever Birth Control is more readily available the abortion rates go down. We also know that women want access. But its not just women, married couples, people cant imagine a life in which they cant decide when they are going to have their children. This is a fundamental human right and its a write right the should not deny women. Denial of Birth Control is the number one way to hold back then in economically. On the main republican line go ahead. Of the denying of contraception, hobby lobby off offers 16 forms they dont agree with. Guest thats not true sir. Caller they offer the contraception all the way all along. They are just alike to kill the fetus or fertilized egg they dont agree with. Guest the hobby lobby case not out for form of four forms e contraception, Birth Control and the morningafter pill. However, they issued another decision advisory in which they said i in essence it brought the 22 forms so we feel the decision covers contraception. You are hearing the court had blatantly said this but here they said its just that these forms and they said no it would cover contraception as a whole. Host as you can tell they have rallied the prolife peop people. Are you concerned that they are more energized to build the polls in november then perhaps women and others that agree with you . Guest for the women it is their life it is not an academic question to them and so no i think the reason that you see a gender gap in the polling is because women really care and they have had it with these restrictive regulations of rightwing republicans. Now in addition to that just because we might lose this election because we have terrible gerrymandering in the community lets be real if it applies more people votewasmoret majority in the house last time than for republicans. Now the way they are being questioned like the gerrymandering in florida is being under scrutiny at this minute. So this is a fight but dont think that we dont have popularity. In fact they are backing themselves into defending the out of date oldfashioned ideas of not giving women full equal rights to decisions by women maybe dont have time to call but i can guarantee you that they know whats happening. Host hobby lobby was on gdb to offering contraception but adopted unscientific and religious fanatic view. Go ahead. Youre on the air. Caller i think that a woman should be able to use what ever contraception she wants. Not necessarily anything that the employees say that she should. They can do what they please so i feel like women should have a say. What about the Supreme Court exit doesnt sound like they plan to retire anytime soon. Guest it shows that they are crucial and you had the senate that has been filibustered and slowing down the appointment of judges, but eventually your we are going tt that majority back. And i did that 2016 will be a very good year. How long can they filibuster like this. In the old days you had to stand in and filibuster. I just think that if you are an adult you should be able to make your own decisions because we are all able to make our own choices. They have to eat right to make their decisions and that is what this is about the right to privacy and the quality and dignity. And they know themselves on the health care decisions. Host dont they know how much it costs to pay for unwanted kids . Cleveland tennessee. You are on the air. Go ahead. Caller i would like to ask if she is a progressive. Im not sure what you mean by progressive but i am a liberal. Okay. Im sorry. The progressive is actually they have behind the progressive title. Ive spent my life working for the civil rights. Ive worked on every issue from integrating the Little League and a young girl that is pitching a highspeed right now and getting everything from integrating Little League to women and men and at the start of the way right now our organization is a very diverse. We have a global position and we push for the rights of afghan women to have the right to work, education, healthcare, the whole that. They fought for title ix that gives equal educational rights. You name it and weve been on the front line so i know exactly what we are fighting for and how fragile those rights are. Its equal Educational Opportunity for the women that cant be discriminated in the federal funding. And yet every decade we have to protect that right. Right now we are back to the creating public singlesex classes that are academic. They dont have to be exactly comparable. This matters and i think most people are grateful from the advances that women and girls have had and that is because the active womens movement. Host they say its not diverse yet. Let me say up front not satisfied with the numbers. They are not new to us and we have been working for some time to improve them. The diversity has been a focus throughout my time at apple and they are among my top three are at ease. Inside the page the workforce is white, asian and male. Guest Silicon Valley has a lot to do to improve and there has been as weve been saying we still have a largely sex segregated workforce. Have we improved it . You that we have. But it hasnt been keeping the peace and one of the things the reason apple is concerned im sure is we find that those companies with more diversified workforce is do better economically. Host democratic caller. Go ahead. Caller good morning ladies. I am shocked by the women that are acting today and im a bit mortified because a lot of the rights that they take advantage of everyday they are wanting to work backwards from those rights because those are the ones saying that corporations are right. They shouldnt be allowed in for starters its not for healthca healthcare. Its healthcare plans for the individual. And i dont want my company saying that they dont want me to have a blood transfusion or Birth Control that literally saved my life every month. So, if i cant afford to be pregnant. I could die. They are saying that isnt important enough and a corporation should be able to tell me no i dont really like that Birth Control so you cant have it. We dont do that with smoking or tell them they can allow their employees to smoke. By now is the right of everyone else more important clicks and for those out there that say thats not true, they are not being honest in what the world is viewing and with the corporation is doing. Host can i ask how old are you . Caller i am today to 40 the big 40. Host and doe does this to yr list of the vote . Caller it usually is. In the past several years this has become more divisive than its ever been before and at least in my lifetime so i think its even more important for this election that we vote for womens rights. Host she says even more divisive in her lifetime. Do you share that . Caller look at whats happened in 2010. State legislature after state legislature that is controlled by the rightwing republican majority and the governor have cut back on access to reproductive rights. There is no question about it they are closing Family Planning clinics that dont do a portion and they are closing abortion clinics. They are putting terrible destructions people havent even thought of like a catch22. By the way we have two good decisions in the federal courts in mississippi and alabama. The violin since the clinics we still have Something Like one in five clinics that experienced violence or stalking the reproductive rights of the abortion provider. Its like i dont know. They have run in 2010 the cutback strikes. Its become what to do it again. Lets see if we can try. Where do they come up with this even when it is not necessary. They are as shocked as our caller and im glad she brought up by the way but for her it is a matter of her life. Her body cant take another pregnancy. Pregnancy. So so i mean, thats what im saying. I know exactly how that feels. I have a blood disease disorder called mediterranean anemia but you cant have repeated pregnancies present in your own wellbeing and so we act like every woman is a carbon copy and this is no problem. This is a healthcare problem and she should have this decision. An employee or doesnt really have a right to see the medical records. I am not looking at the medical records of my employees. They have a right to their own privacy. So i dont know where we are getting this from that some employee or can determine [inaudible] host janet independent call. Caller thank you for taking my call. First, i wish the term prolife would never be used. I am not for the Death Penalty so i guess im prolife. I wish you would use the term antichoice. Second i do not know where you get the energy to keep fighting this. I cant believe we are still talking about it. Im 83yearsold and ive never used Birth Control in my life. I wanted a love of children and i can afford a blood of children. I have nine. But i could afford it and i wanted them to read when i see these men reeling about contraception i wonder how come they dont have as many kids as i do. Somebody used Birth Control or abstinence. Maybe their mistresses used Birth Control, i dont know. But i do recall the first time i saw congress. This is a long time ago. I was so embarrassed that they would be talking about this but i think i understand that. They are so obsessed with womens bodies, men are obsessed with womens bodies and finally, i dont think that it is a war on women. I think its control. Men want to control women in every way. Caller she expressed some of my sentiments very well. By the way when shes at the first time she saw then i imagined that it was like 1971 whe1971when they had hearings oe Birth Control pill. Think of how long ago that is. Its just incredible. Now we have a pill that is not only safe, but it lessens the risk of cancer. Its a different pill. It evolved. We are talking about the iud, injectables. Yes there are many modern forms of contraception that helps women make decisions to protect their own health and for the wellbeing of their family and shes right she wanted a love of children and could have been. I couldnt. But nowadays young women can make those decisions easier if they can afford it and have access and Birth Control is a Public Health issue. By the way, kennedy said, Justice Kennedy in the hobby lobby decision that the mandate that was based on Public Health and gender qualities of the factors were broad and unfocused but the sincerely held belief in the corporation was not too broad to focus. Host republican caller. Caller my question is this my daughter got pregnant for the fourth time. There were medical problems and she worked and had her baby and came out a beautiful wonderful little baby girl. Tell me whose rights would have been taken away if my daughter killed the baby . We wouldnt have had her. Even her older siblings love her. And you talk about womens rights and women not having rights . My daughter makes more money than her husband as a matter of fact she mak next more than her brother who has a far more dangerous job and she does. Host we got your point and we will have hurt response. Guest again we are talking about contraception. You had a good result. Thats great. But again, women themselves have the right to make these decisions. I dont want to go deep into the abortion question but i do want to say the right to determine when and if youre having a child has to be with the individuals, not a corporation. But this question was just on contraception and that issue is well decided in our country and i happen to be leave the abortion question is do you realize at least one third of women have an abortion in their lifetime and if that isnt academic to them host the president of the feminist majority and feminist majoritthefeminist majority foun previously president of the National Organization for women we appreciate your time thank you for being here. More author int nterviews from the latest books. We compiled a number of conversations each decade or each period of time during migration people were studying the sociologists assuming it would be over. They were looking at what is the impetus for . They were thinking the economics were the main impetus and yet that was a precipitating factor. But ultimately once the door had been opened by the north because world war i was the beginning of it and was a time when because the war in europe immigration have essentially come to a halt and all of the work force and the steel mills and the boundaries and they then began looking to the fact for the cheap labor and they recruit them to go north. I always knew there was a risk and i decided to take it whether it is illusion or not i dont think it is. It helped my concentration. It stopped me from being bored and other people from being boring. Iwhatit would keep me awake in e long conversation. If i was asked what i did again . This is probably yes i would have quit hoping to get away with the whole thing. Easy for me to say. Not very nice for my children to hear. If i say i would do it all again but the truth is it would be hypocritical to say i would never touch the stuff if id known because i did know. The soviet union contained the seeds of its own destruction. Many of the problems that we saw at the end begin at the very beginning. I spoke already about the attempts to control all institutions and come joe all parts of the social life. One of the problems is that when you do that and to try to control everything then you create opposition and potential dissidents everywhere. If you tell the artists they have to paint the same way and i dont want to paint that way i want to paint another way, you have made him into a political dissident. If you want to subsidize housing in this country and we want to talk about it put it on the Balance Sheet and make it clear and evident and make everybody aware of how much it is costing but when you deliver it through the thirdparty enterprises, fannie mae and freddie mac when you deliver the subsidy to the Public Company with private shareholders and executives who can extract a lot of the subsidy for themselves, that is not a very good way of subsidizing the homeownership. A look at the border now from this mornings washington journal this segment is about 45 minutes. Host we are back with documentary maker dennis lynch and also the editor. Your latest film they come to america followed on the come to america the first one. Why did you decide to focus on the issue of ilLegal Immigration . Guest ive been a businessman my entire adult life since 18yearsold and after witnessing september 1 11 and firsthand iran from the towers i decided to him instead of going after to make a difference, so i got into the ilLegal Immigration and i was blown away by what it is that i found. Specifically down at the border. And then how it was all impacting the american worker. And being a guy that is hiring hundreds of people of course at the time i started to understand the impact it was having on not only just taking jobs away from americans but also how it was impacting the wage depression where the wage is supposed to stay down for americans. So i knew they would come to america one and the results of the film was unbelievable in terms of how many people came in and then bought the dvd and was sharing them with people. So it is such a big topic i decided to do a second film and my film that is out right now is we ride to dc and it covers immigration and other topics as well and how it is mistreated or misreportinmiss reporting in thm media. So, when they come to america one and they come to america to the American Public has watched the films and they have actually made more phone calls to congress than i would ever have imagined. If you go back to the Senate Immigration bill that is the signed by marco rubio and Charles Schumer co. , ive been told by congress or people in congress that they have received more phone calls specifically at the house that say i watched these films. You cannot pass that bill. So somehow ive gone from businessman to filmmaker to somewhat of an activist because i really let me step again to say it this way when i did my First Television interview two to three years ago after starting they come to america won the first one i ever said on tv was a Legal Immigration is going to be the Biggest Issue of the country faces in the years to come and right now there are gallup polls saying that i was right. The sad thing about it is that two years ago when mitt romney was up against obama, the same polls that immigration at the bottom and over the four debates, the three president ial and one of the vps the topic of ilLegal Immigration was one fine for seven minutes. Host your films have been described as putting a face on the Illegal Immigrants that come here. Host putting an american face on the topic. Guest what do you mean by that . Host when you see this on television or read the paper the narrative is always about the illegal immigrant. The journey they take. If you look at the surge that is going on in texas it is always about the trip they make from Central America to mexico and its a very dangerous trip that you have to remember they do it voluntarily. Its not trafficking, its smuggling. They pay someone to take them over to the u. S. So that is usually the focus. What is never the focus is the impact of thi this has on the an people and so my films, does it ignore the hardship of the illegal immigrant that it focuses heavily on the impact it has on the American People and on the National Security. Host lets share a little bit of a come to america and interview that you did with several Illegal Immigrants. Lets show that part of. Pretend like you are legal to any of you have a plan to go home and have fulltime residence in your home country tax i have a plan. [inaudible] the truth is you really do not want to be in america. No. The United States is not the best in the world. Tomorrow my son pays for your son. Host what did we learn in your opinion . Guest that when they come to america one. I still get shivers down my spine when i see that clip and ive seen it a million times. Look, not everybody that is coming here this coming year for the American Dream. Many of them are coming simply because they want to work. There are jobs to be had here. They make the jobs and the money and send it back home. I understand that from their point of view but i dont understand from the governments point of view we are supposed to be protecting americans. My contention is this, i could to stop this in a day. When every child in america when every adult in america is living the American Dream, i just walked to cspan this morning and saw two homeless man sleeping on the concrete and i posted it on facebook. When those men have a place to go every day, at least to live, i will open my arms to everybody. But until that happens, we have to follow the Legal Immigration process and we have to stop the ilLegal Immigration. And im telling you i have a plan that could be done to end this whole thing. You have to remove the incentive for people to come here. If we were to find employers hiring Illegal Immigrants, they would stop. If we said you do that again you are going to go to jail believe me, they would stop. We have to start deporting people up by the hundreds but by the hundreds of thousands we need to send that message if you come here legally are not going to be rewarded with a job and youre not going to be rewarded with citizenship. What will happen is youre going to spend that five grand or ten grand over the border and youre going to lose it. When the message gets sent the traffic that you are seeing coming through. Fullstop and then we can focus on the National Security issue which is a whole another beast on itself. Host on the incentive issue this is a piece violins is causing the children to flee Central America and i want to show the viewers the statistics they put in the homicide rate of a countrbycountry compared to td states which is 4 , el salvador 41 , honduras 90 homicide rate. They are saying this is why we are seeing the situation on the southern border. Guest its been like this for quite some time. I deal with the Border Patrol on a daily basis. They have found a trust in me they havent found in anybody else in the media. Ive been told i dont know if i sent you the cliff were not clip or not. That is the first thing that comes out of their mouth but as you start to get to the question the truth starts to come out and they are here for one or two different reasons. They heard they are going to get a permission slip to stay so that is the truth of the matter. Im not saying that they are not fleeing bad situations but they are coming here because they think the president is going to give them and missed the. Host the attorney general under george w. Bush read the piece in usa today executive action is needed are a nation of immigrants and applause and obama must balance the boat. In the past he said hes for comprehensive Immigration Reform and this is what he writes. The president should leave no doubt why we are a compassionate nation we are also a nation of the law and we will enforce ourselves to secure borders. Those children should be a ford prompt individualized adjudication in the interim they shouldnt be said house and protected and not deported into the question and not released in the u. S. General population. Guest we do not need comprehensive immigration enforcement. The Immigration Law is pretty good. We take in more people from around the world every year legally than all of the countries combined. Does it need some tweaking . Absolutely. We have a problem with the trimmers who were brought here when they were two or 3yearsold . Sure but by and large what you are seeing is down in texas. We should immediately be deporting these children. Check them for diseases, treat them as humanely as we can. Treat them as humane as we were at an american child but they needed to go home. Immigration reform is a fancy way of saying amnesty. Like it or not thats what it is. Everybody also talks about we need more boots on the ground, we need more technology. Baloney. Ive seen that at its best. Technology everywhere. You think you are in a hightech videogame and they are still coming through. There is no will to stop these people. Until we want to enforce the law this will continue. Host but show the viewers what you are seeing. This is a clip showing the tour that you did and i want to show a little of that. We have had 43 fullsized trucks full of marijuana cutting the wall at the ground level and they drive the drugs then. Same place. They know where they are coming and still get away. A pickup full of marijuana is worth a million bucks. Youve got to the rada radar, the new cameras, Border Patrol. Guesthat happening . I dont understand it. This is the worst it has been for 23 years. Host who are yo were you tag to . Guest a rancher. Theyve had this ranch for over a hundred years into this poor man deals with this on a daily basis. Right across from his is a drug cartel hub and what gets me about that is the most expensive Border Patrol station is right next door to him. Picture your own home and you have a fence and back stories the Border Patrol station. Ive been going down to his ranch three years in a row and each year progressively gets worse. So with all of the technology around and the Border Patrol station right there and of his 18foot fence we are not stopping anybody. From the time the video was shot to where we are now the last time i spoke to him he said its almost 50 crossings nobody has stopped. You have to understand something and this is important not only are we bringing over the drugs and the believers that we are bringing people who present a national threat. Based on the intelligence ive gotten from the Border Patrol and they havent steered me wrong yet ms 13 members are paying up to being paid up to 50,000 per head to take people in the special interest from china, russia and the middle east. They are coming in undetected. Iwe have little kids crossing te border where do you think we have somebody from isi . I found them in the desert. Ive worked with Border Patrol and caught 2130 people at a time and have middle eastern people mixed in. Host does that mean they are terrorists . Guest it doesnt mean that they are not. Explain to me the religious connection was explained to me the geographical connection from somebody coming over from iran through mexico and there is a 2012 congressional report that clearly state the drug are told are working with terrorist networks. You want to take that chance blacks i dont. Maybe im more passionate because ive lived 9 11 and have seen my fellow americans of all races and color colors of jump f the buildings. You know what it looks lik liken you see somebody spluttering on the ground falling 80 stories, it isnt pretty. I dont want to see that happen again. The president of the United States and all of congress with a few exceptions they are all focused on the wrong thing. Immigration laws would be signed to protect the American Workers from the unfair foreign competition and designed to protect american citizens from people that want to come here and cause harm and we are doing neither. Terror doesnt always have to be a building falling down. Terror can be raped or being told by somebody. Terror can be when you are a Border Patrol agent on a fishing trip and get killed by Illegal Immigrants who have been returned how many times . Host but get to phone calls because the lines have lit up we will go to charleston south carolina. Hello. Caller good morning. Yes, i have recently realized what a danger this is to america. I knew it was bad but when i started doing my own work and started checking the facts and the figures of things the main enemy to the American People today is the media. They are lying to us. They only present one view of this immigration. Listen, those borders are wide open. How many bad suspects do you think ive come across the border since 9 11 . 912 on nine 12, period. Guest president reagan said the worst mistake he made was granting amnesty. He thought he would be granting amnesty to one Million People. It turned out to be almost 4 Million People. If you said the government can never get their hands around numbers which they cannot could you imagine if we had to go through 44 Million People . Screend never be able to them correctly. The other thing bernice said that clip you share with me and john ladd the reason why i went there is because the week before, abc news put out a program a couple miles away from that saying how secure the border was. The camera to the left, you see it is not. Feel, is one of the greatest threats this nation faces. If people, voters, dont have access to the truth. Thats where we are. Host battle creek, michigan. Democratic caller. Caller youre talking about the concern about how terrorists are coming across the Mexican Border. What about the canadian, the enormous Canadian Border . Because mohammad audit, one of the actual 9 11 attackers, muhamed otte. Some of them came through the Canadian Border in maine and then made their way down to boston or are you closing a wall along the Canadian Border . It seems be a be much easier to get people from iraq, russians, invaded by russians, iranians come much easier to grow crossed the Canadian Border just but a couple things. He is hitting the nail on head. All 50 states are border states they think about it. Women International Airport summer. Youve got a border state. Half of the ilLegal Immigration thats coming although with the recent surge is probably over 50 . But abortion is ilLegal Immigration, these overstay. So too was born, went to protect all of our borders. The difference being between canada and mexico is the drugs cartel operate in mexico. And Central America right now is connected to mexico. Not to candidate. Hes correct. I get bored at the agency have you ever thought about making america three . Whawhich i dont. Could i cover the Canadian Border lacks. Host why dont you . Guest im planning on shifting careers. When i witnessed 9 11, like i said i was a very successful businessman. Hundreds of employees doing great but still the suit from back then. I dont wear suits and more. But that day changed my life. I would have to make direction. Thats why went into those to make a difference. As a side note, i dont put my films in theaters. If i did i think i would give Dinesh Dsouza and Michael Moore a run for the money. I dont put them in theaters because my concern is people need to see them want to go. Thats what i do the dv program. They get a dvd. I send them a free winter thats all those people call congress. Youll take the dvd and then out and say watch this. Now that ive seen was going on and now that i am so afraid of what it is that i see in d. C. Going on, how divided the countrys, i will probably shift at some point from film making to try to enter politics on some level. Host nonprofit . Guest right now is fitted as an independent although i wont like him if i do choose one of the two, i was due to the gop because i think the gop completely lacks leadership right now. They cant find their own way. Youve got guys, i dont want to slam people but rand paul wants to work visas to every illegal immigrant here in the country. If you do that basically what you doing is taking more americans and putting them on the welfare line. You can have mass immigration, legal and illegal in the welfare line and. Both will rise. Veterans, we are treating Illegal Immigrants better than we are our own veterans. Host would you be a Tea Party Member . Guest would i be a Tea Party Member . I go to tea parties im always invited. Outcome democrats never invite me . Republican groups in Tea Party Groups invite me all the time. I wouldnt join a crew. I think one of the things that is wrong with american is that the senators and congressmen and women at this point are in such a war. A guy like ted cruz, i think its a great guy, but he will forever have a problem because it other people cant stand them. Vice versa. It goes the other way. I think we truly need somebody from the outside to come in and say all right, enough. Wiping the slate clean. Heres how well get america fix. I do want to any of your bs. Host if we have a border crisis what is the republican party, Republican Tea Party house on vacation . Guest so only the republican tea partiers are on vacation . All of congress is on vacation. I put the blame on everybody. Like i said, the rare few people in congress, and i think i but no sigar, Jeff Sessions being one of them, everybody is using this as a political football. Nobody ever solves this problem. The reason why is because nobody wants to tackle it like i laid out the. You have to start supporting people. If you dont start supporting people this problem will continue. The message has to be said that our citizenship and our laws dont come out of a cracker jack box. Host we will go to larry next in tennessee, independent caller. Youve got to listen through your phone and turned the tv down. Larry, youve got to listen through the phone. Larry, im going to put you on hold. Let me go to rhonda in tucson, arizona, republican caller. You are out. Please go ahead. Caller thanks for taking my call. I live in arizona are icing first and and issues caused by ilLegal Immigration and it concerns me. I followed you on facebook and they say you cover them and issues facing our country, illegal border crossings, second and the rights, the economy, said at the i like your solution. Ive also heard yet which is outlined as well. My question is your pollutant right now, would you consider running for president in 2016 . Guest i, i get that all the time. Its not come it hasnt been publicized maybe like ben carson has. Ben carson is a prime example. People want ben carson to run. I think basically simply because he is not a d. C. Insider. Although i disagree with ben carson he says the only thing to do is to give the legalization to illegals here. I think thats an indication, anybody who says lets legalize everybody is here i dont think understands job creation. Right now job creation in this country is an epidemic. You know, im dodging the question. I would imagine if people would step up from the likely are for ben carson i would seriously consider. Unlike campo i have such admiration for, his account of its arches off the charts. He is basically said he doesnt want the job but he would do it. Thats like being a shortstop in World History sensing i hope they dont have the ball to me. I would want that job. I would want the job because i know i could go in and fix things. People when we talk, i get the stuff, you racist. You want to deport people. Start with the irish. We have to get back to the rule of law. Im a very compassionate person but at the same time i realize if you strip away the rule of law from america, you break its foundation and the American Dream is gone. Im concerned were at a point of this country where we are dangling on the cliff, if not falling off. Host lets hear from tom, honey creek, iowa, democratic caller. Caller i have worked with a lot of illegals before. Ive also seen how they ushered they dont need american citizenship, most of them. Construction outfit years ago, i same [inaudible] looked around, most of the crews were hispanic. They were all speaking spanish. I asked one of the guys that was there back from when i was there, whats going on . He said we had to hire illegals to compete with the bids everyone else was giving. And he said that we dont hire them as regular employees so we have as independent contractors and give them a 1099 and in a year if of the 1099. Come back next year with a different name and they hired him again. Ive also seen over in omaha where theyve had four or five cases where people, illegals have gotten into car wrecks, killed families, killed people, and they get into the Mexican Border without having to face any penalties in the United States. Guest i was having a hard time doing that, but i think he repeated some of what i said. I want to be clear on something. The majority of people are coming into this country illegally are not doing so with the intent of killing somebody or to read somebody or blow the building to most of of them are just coming over to work. They see the opportunities here. A lot of people will say that they do the jobs that americans dont want to do. Thats baloney. Rand paul said it himself when hes being interviewed by David Axelrod. He said right now theyre 6 million Illegal Immigrants doing construction jobs. Dont think we have 6 million guys want to put up houses and windows up in america . They talk about how we have to get more labor to come in to work at places like google, microsoft, what have you because they cant find the right workers. You dont think todays youth in a Technology Driven world want to work at google . I have a hard time as a businessman believing that google and microsoft and facebook, their stocks of all doubled over the past few years. Their stock doesnt double if you cant find labor. So what they want is they want the cheap labor. This is all driven, all ilLegal Immigration is driven by the almighty dollar, people trying to come and get or people hiring instead of driving the bmw, they want to drive a mercedes but its in everyones mercedes, they want five. Is agreed. Greed is driving us and thats how you have to fight. You fight fire with fire. You hire these people and youre going to jail if you do it multiple times. Host lansing, michigan, independent caller. Caller thanks for having me. I am a fan. A couple quick things. First regarding the ben carson think with the amnesty for all the illegal people who are here. I think the crux of the matter lies in the number of illegals. I dont think we have a consensus. I think the government likes to say theres 1112 million illegals. And if you open up amnesty for all of them, technically as an independent, a guy voted to voted for bill clinton, i would say that but at 12 million call the bluff. Because imc numbers right now 30, 40 million illegals are actually here. If you say theres 11 million, we will legalize them and three years later its 40 million, thats a huge problem. Second point, you mentioned earlier the murder rate in honduras. You said it was 90 . Its actually 90 out of 100,000, not 90 . Host sorry about that. Caller have a good day guess that he sort of repeat what i said something before. Ronald reagan i dont think we should be tapping anything but i do think we should be bending for any of these different how do i say this . Ronald reagan said it would be 1 million. He gave amnesty to almost 4 Million People. He said its the greatest mistake of his presidency and as far as im concerned hes the best president weve had since ive been alive. If you were to give amnesty or legalize or even if you did the way marco rubio that is built over the course of time, how are we going to process 20, 30, 40 Million People . We cant even get an obamacare website to work. How is the government going to do background checks on 30, 40 Million People . We are not. Were going to have the documentation. Deny many people at the border right now are being let into the country without any sort of health check . Ua for school to star trek you wait to see what starts happen in the months to come. These people are coming in here with swine flu, with bacterial pneumonia, with tuberculosis. I see the reports from the Border Patrol. You dont see that on abc, nbc, cbs comedy of . Host nbc has a story that youre talking about. Their story is the immigration border crisis that they say victims, docsis land rovers that migrants carry diseases is the story they have, that these kids are back senator gifford this. Guest look, i get the numbers straight from i did not im not supposed to get. And i get from multiple different places. Some of the places i did a from right here in d. C. They know i will put out for people. Of the lions share people come to the border who are giving themselves up, not the one sneaking through, the winter giving themselves up, only 15 are children who are here without parents. The rest of them are families. Those families are brought to the Border Patrol station and asked a few questions. Theyre given a slip to come back in 15 to 30 days and theyre released to the bus station. They go somewhere u. S. A. They are not checked. The ones or checked im getting the reports but i see it. Swine flu, tuberculosis. You see chickenpox. So to say that theyve got all their immunizations and if it is coming in your healthy is a lie. Its a complete lie. Host nbc sites world bank statistics. Reveling from have higher vaccinations than the u. S. The u. S. Has a 92 vaction guest at the end of the day, nbc, abc, cbs, the Mainstream Media all have a certain bias to them but they all have a narrative. Other people say fox has their own there to pick maybe sometimes fox does but i can tell you what, fox is the only station that gave one hour to marco rubio to bushs Immigration Reform bill. And then give one hour to me to say what it such a bad thing. Im sorry. Like i said i went back and told you abc news, you can see it in my filter abc news shows you how secure the border is. They got the mayor from el paso singapore has never been more secure. We should pass immigration right now. Then i go down there in two miles down you see that come el paso is the most secure border town because we have a military compound on the. Because juarez across the way is one of the most dangerous place in the world. Yes, were going to protect american sovereignty at that point. We need to predicted across the entire nation from the south to the north and every airport. Thats it. I wont bend on this. Im here to protect the American People. And once we do that, once we get america back to work and whats will bring america back to where it is those to be, then i so lets reach her hand around the world and help as many people as we can. The right now is americans first. Host lets get in rodney, a republican caller. Home ec a. Dennis, i want to say thank you for what youre doing. But my question to you is do you see any time soon i dont want to sound rude or anything but impeachment of obama and maybe Congress Getting off their butts to do something about this immigration stuff . Because here in texas, where i live, i see it all the time. Its not the american person is not the norm anymore. Its spanish. Youve got to know spanish. You got to live their lifestyle in order to understand whats going on. I just dont understand why congress is doing this to us. I just cant do it. Guest first of all, a lot of people call for impeachment the president obama. Only reason i would want the impeachment of president obama is because i wanted to be that history linked to him. I think he is the worst president that weve ever had, specifically in my lifetime. I just think he is way over his head. He may be the nicest that in the world, it in terms of the ability to lead, he told me i could keep my doctor. Im one of the guys who lost insurance. The impeachment of president obama is going to do nothing though to stop the flow of the Illegal Immigrants at the border. Its going to do nothing. What im concerned about is that it may even distract from where it is that we need to focus our efforts. Unfortunate i dont think congress is going to do anything, i do think well see anything shift unless we get a different leader with a different attitude in 2016. Host is a tweaked. Who is stopping the Border Patrol from the job . Do they have the will to stop illegals . Guest goodness, yes. In interview, he explained to me in january of this year, these guys go into the roll call every day, right . They were told from now on when you capture somebody were going to release them. What . These board lichens, the morale is down, down big time. The reason is that it because these men and women signed up to protect our borders, to protect her suffered a net all day doing is just driving people from the border to the Border Patrol station to the bus station. So their professional lives outside down. They are also americans but many of these people are former military and theyre watching their country right now just ignore the laws that are in place. Watching the American Dream float away. This problem touches everything. Hospitals, education, National Security. Welfare system, jobs. Theres nothing it doesnt touch. Its the biggest problem we have. Aspect front page of the Washington Times this morning. A administration violated the law when it released thousands of Illegal Immigrants last february, more than 600 of whom had criminal records, and according to the internal audit poor planning and ice leadership from top officials. It does not gabove accordto thi guest i were peter. I. C. E. Agent, Border Patrol agents, they want to do their job. They are punished when they do. Thats how sad it is. One of the callers, think it was a head or ben said lets call the bluff. You want to call the bluff . We will give amnesty but the people we give amnesty to can never ever vote. Just write that line in and you write that line in and you watch all these guys run for the hills. They are done. This is about cheap votes, cheap labor. Thats it. To disguise any other way is just stupidity. Its cheap. Im going to emphasize again. We taken over 1 Million People legally every single year. And do you know why i think the number is closer to 40 Million People . Look around you. I get people to contact because leasing i can get a job if i dont speak spanish. Im taking my kid to school. Half the people in school cant speak english. It costs 50 more to educate a child who doesnt speak english, so it is coming in across the border than it does to educate our own children. This is not something to slam people who speak spanish. Im not talking about alienating the hispanic community. You want to improve the hispanic community, improve the black community . You go into those communities and you say to these people, im not only watchable but i will help you want to get. The people coming across the border primarily are taking the jobs that those people need. And yet you go through the communities, just outside washington, d. C. , some of these places, these children, africanamerican children. They are sleeping and rat infested buildings with no windows but theyre sleeping on mattresses as thick as this bad. Obama went after these, yet 90 of them to vote for him. They dont have a chance. He keeps on burying the American People. A more free and free and for you get, its unrealistic host a where did you do in d. C. Treasury right outside of d. C. Its by baltimore. Devastating. I did run away because im afraid i was going to be shot. I went in there and people were talking to be the i had a camera to use them under the one that comes up and says if you want to see bad, follow me. People want help the they have been alienated by the government, by the president the right now is getting all of this effort to illegal aliens. Many people in the gop are doing the same thing. Host jonathan, democratic caller. Caller im watching this with interest. I appreciate many of the legalistic arguments dennis makes because i agree with them. We have lives. They do need some tweeting. You know that. You should emphasize that more because back when the economy is overheated in 1999 and we didnt have enough workers to fill all the jobs, companies were lost a lot on the bottom line for failure to have access to properly protect the legal applicants came from all over the world have to stand in line way too long, sometimes 15 years because the process was broken. Like you said about obama, i dont support obama but i understand he was foot dragging on enforcement, yet hes been deporting far more illegals and say bush did you mention reagan to put about all the problems reagan caused in Central America that we try people that want to get higher wages out of the country as they could get good jobs in other countries . Rerouted the countries and was surprised they want to come to our country. How would you respond to that . Guest guesses only good points and we have short time so hit one or two. Personal president obama has not depart more than any other president before. He change the definition of a deportation. If somebody comes across in mexico and theyre turned back, he counts that not as a deportation. Thats not a real deportation. I think jeh johnson supported what im about to say. Those numbers arent realistic when you look at the real definition of a deportation to a fence and got pushed back into mexico tries five times in one day, thats why deportation under the Obama Administration can. Thats the one. I do want to go back and look at Ronald Reagan out of in fact they give amnesty. I was 10. The callers who called in today, everybody can even democrats, we have a problem. We need to solve this. Theres no screaming, no screaming. This is what has to happen. People have to come together but nobody called up and called me a racist. This then is correct in the sense that we need to tweak some of the provisions in our Immigration Laws that are currently on the books. That doesnt require 1200 or 1400 pages. Its probably one page or two. Host we will go to jeffrey, burlington, vermont, independent caller. Caller good morning, everybody. A good question and a comment to follow. Im wondering if you are aware, do you know what the second largest sunday. Host we didnt hear that. What lex. Caller do you know where the second largest Ice Detention Center is in this country . Are you aware where guest why dont you just tell us where it is . Caller it is in upstate new york. My point is this seems like a messenger honestly commercial lies in dutch but i want to kw why should we trust you . Why should people trust you over our government over these institutions . Thats all try to a very simple answer. Two reasons. Number one is i invite you to go to my website, come to america. Com and get the dvds, all three of the dvds. That sounds like a sales pitch but for every dvd he gets i send it to free. Im the only woman in america who does such a thing i dont take outbut nobody fund. I find all on my own dime. I have actually walked away from so much money. I walked away from a park avenue this studio was half the size of an office on park avenue. Might this is part of the time was john sculley, former ceo of apple. Ive walked away from these things. I walked away from a big house. You should trust but because im not here for money. Im not here for thing. Im here because i really do care about the American People. You watch my films. I go to welfare lines. I talked American People. Ive gone to places along the border that nobody else goes to. I did it because like i told you, i saw people die on 9 11. As a National Security standpoint. I lost friends on 9 11. My brother in law was a fireman. They lost more fiber in his house than any other has. And because i have a ceo background, because im a business guy, i do understand. I do under i used in the mindset of how much money can i make. Its a bad mindset because although i was a really good ceo, its so hard to shift yourself away from i have to make more money, i have to make more money. It took 9 11 for me to make russia. That shift the i want to do whatever it can to help my country. Will i run for that specific office . Is helping my country is doing what im doing right now, im going to continue to do and i cant do any more or until another opportunity comes out. You should just because im looking you right in the camera. I dont know what else to do. Sheikh my hand. Host what company . Guest links technology. I started out of my mothers garage and about appraising is a perfect example. How much time do we have . Not a lot, right. Is a perfect example. Back in the. Com days, i do very profitable business, i raised 13 million from one of the most my partner was john sculley of apple. About eight months into it the company was change and since were trying to posture it. I saw my hard work starting to change the no longer that being Customer Service oriented but isnt getting as much product out the door. It was crap. Weve got to increase the number so we could foster a self for wall street. I didnt like that at all. I hated that. And i walked away from that. I started another one. I walked we because i just could not continue to lie. I couldnt live a life. Host we are all out of time. Dennis Michael Lynch come you can go to dmldailey. Com 202 a9 theycometoamerica. Com for more

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