And now joining us is trans and. We do nonfiction books. Any types of nonfiction books . Music, pop culture, military history and a lifelong boat. What are some of the books coming out this season that you want to talk to us about . Free big militaries. The first is on or before glory and its about a segregated unit of japanese soldiers who actually volunteered to serve while they were in internment camps. They went on to be known as the gopher broke regiment. They said what is known as the last battalion, 200 soldiers who could not break free from the german enemy. It was a nailbiting buck and one that makes you proud to be an american. We have another book in eastern france. This is in the mountains of eastern afghanistan. This is called the chosen few who is a veterans reporter in usa today. A d. C. Favorite it were. Its about a Single Company of u. S. Paratroopers that was chosen to put it nicely, to go and try to win hearts and minds in the mouths of afghanistan. When they got there, they were faced with 15 months of constant writing, a very heroic unit. Two of them returned home to win the medal of honor. Keep going. What else do you have . A wonderful book by Stephen Harding who said arthur with us. What does that mean . Another has published multiple books. Nothing better than somebody they can rely on time and time again and really again and again and again. This is about that has a sub title. It is a sunken ship of vanished crew and the final mystery of pearl harbor. What a mystery . There was a cargo ship that went missing between seattle and honolulu riders pearl harbor was happening and he does a lot of research and suggest that thinking was actually the First Casualty of that war. It is wonderful history, sad story that fascinating. Does resolve the mystery of the end. He does. Im not going to tell you but it great. Is there a secret to marketing military books . Go to your base. Make sure youre not getting the New York Times book review, but also the Naval Academy in the navel is two. He needs to be an issue press, targeted approach. There is so much interest we are able to get a stream media for those as well. The end of White Christian america dusan dear authors out of tour . We dont want to send about the rather not going to be able to draw a crowd. If we havent not there we are confident will draws a bright sub that matter in the right mix of the two. We will absolutely send them where we need to get done. The stories you can rely on every time. Harvard bookstore in cambridge. Stories like elliott a in the northwest you cant go wrong with the stars. They always struck crowd. The end of White Christian one more book. I am brian wilson and its incredible. He is so honest and misspoke. It is so wellcrafted. Its written by ben greenman of the new yorker and brian of course is a musical icon. Its going to be huge boat for us coming out of not over. Lissa warren da capo talking about some of the books. This is booktv on cspan2