He was host of the Dennis Prager radio show and cofounder of Dennis Prager university, he is the author of several bestsellers, his most recent books hope why the world needs American Values to triumph and the 10 commandments still the best moral code. Arthur Dennis Prager, why did we invite you to be with us . Guest i have a connection with hildale which is not professional or monetary or employment. My connection is of the heart and mind. I have always admired this institution which takes no federal funds. I was reading yesterday, i did not know you would ask that, did not prepare a statement, my wife showed me last night the literature of hillsdale. It was founded in 1844 and one of the first universities in america to admit black women. It is considered conservative. A good example of how twisted our vocabulary has become, too many people that will sound odd a conservative institution, one of the first to admit blacks and women. Conservatives stand for you are a human person before you are a race or gender. I have this connection, i found that it five years ago and proud to say, 140 million this year. We are trying five minute courses with the finest minds in america, in the world, trying to do something, undo the damage universities are doing. We have a number of hillsboro professors including someone in the audience. Host lets stick with education. This is something you wrote in National Review last month. If you love america, among the worst things you can do is contribute to 95 of the country at universities. America would be better off if you burned that money. Guest i mean it literally. I wrote it with tears. I plead guilty to being an intellectual. The life of the mind from my earliest days has always been central to my life. I must own 5000 books. When i had no money, which is a good part of my life. I was influenced, i felt i was rich if i could get any book and any cd i wanted because music is my other love and that was the best. From high school on i bought books. To this day when i hear so and so is a professor of history, i cant help but think wow. It is my first reaction. What i believe the left has done, liberals, i love this is not a lie which there is a huge difference between liberalism and the left, the left is taken over campuses and indoctrinate rather than educates and as a result, your kid will be taught for example, will leave college if they take any humanities courses, they will be be leaving the two greatest villains on earth are the United States and israel, two of the greatest countries in the world. That is so twisted, the moral compass is so broken, even intellectually broken, not just morally. I live in california, in los angeles, at ucla, you can get a ba in english without having read one shakespeare play because multiculturalism, the notion that all cultures are equal has taken over the university. Why would you concentrate on dead white european males . We have so much time, can i develop this more . I am very involved in Classical Music including periodically conducting orchestras inserting california. Anthony thomasine he, chief music critic of the New York Times, the 10 greatest composers. I didnt care who he wrote, i just wanted to know who he chose and was it similar to my choice . They were mostly similar but he didnt include handle and he didnt include heighten, only the father of the symphony, the father of the oratorio. The father of the Supreme Court, the father of the piano trio. He is a giant of giants. I know readers will ask why we didnt include xyz and the answer is i didnt want to take too many viennese german composers. Instead he puts bartok because he is hungarian. This is how they think. It is not a list of the 10 best composers, it is a list of diversity, not quality and that is what you get at university. You dont get quality, you get diversity. Why study shakespeare when there are guatemalan poets who have been neglected . There are any number of reasons but those two examples. Host is that the issue of Political Correctness . Guest entirely. Even as i point out to my radio listeners even Political Correctness is a politically correct term. It means not offensive to the left. Host what is the difference, Dennis Prager, between the left and liberal . Guest john f. Kennedy was a liberal, not a leftist. I was a little boy when he was inaugurated, he was a hero of mine, a little less heroic today, cant get rid of the sense of excitement when i see videos of him or pictures. Truman was a liberal, the great senator from washington state, the great senator from new york, Daniel Patrick moynihan, he was first to say we have a calamity on our hands. A democrat and a liberal. A major intellectual. And a serious crisis out of wedlock. A liberal would say that at that time. A leftist says you are a racist for pointing that out. That in a nutshell is a difference the has to do with truth. Liberals love truth which i may have disagreed with them but they loved truth. Leftist love leftism, not truth. It is a crisis, the out of wedlock birth rate much more than racist police. If you say that you are not considered a liberal, you are called a racist. Sexism, intolerance, it is all leftist needs to know, they dont need to debate you. What they do is label you one of those things, people are afraid of being labeled those things which i am not, as it happens. It shuts down. That is what Political Correctness means. That is the creation not of liberals but of leftists. Host in your book still the best hope why the world needs American Values to triumph you write leftism has become a religion. I believe the most dynamic religion, if you understand that you understand the world for the last century. In the last 100 years the most dynamic religion in the world is not christianity or islam or mormonism, leftism has taken over the worlds education, the news media, the entertainment media, it has taken over virtually everything so much so, i, i backed it up with facts, pope francis, catholic theology, the value system is leftism. He has deep antipathy to capitalism, the only thing that raised people, and said in the last month, this was mind blowing me sad, if we lose the catholic church, i dont mean catholics, a tremendous number of great catholics but if we lose the church, an Important Institution for the left, pope francis said on his airplane to a reporter for a french catholic news service, he was asked about the priest who had his throat slit in france, it had just happened. He said, i am paraphrasing but it is pretty accurate, look, in italy we have people baptized catholic who kill their girlfriends. Are we going to say catholics are killers . There is no issue, a man cuts throat of a priest, the same as the guy who happens to be baptized catholic and killed his girlfriend, this is from the pope of the catholic church. That is leftism, not catholicism. Host what is your definition of conservatism . Guest you wish to conserve the best of the past. That is the broad definition that transcends the United States. Within the United States it is an affirmation as i have called it, the american trinity is found on every coin and banknote, liberty, E Pluribus Unum, in god we trust. If you preserve those three are a conservative. Host is there a libertarian streak and conservatism . Streak but not dominant characteristic. Libertarians are as secular, this is part of a crisis of conservatism, they are great. Bring them on the show, and learn from them, the great majority of conservative thinkers today are all secular. They dont realize the indispensability of god. I dont speak as a man of faith here. If i were an atheist i would say what i am saying. America will not survive without god, not because god will crush america. I dont believe in that. It will because you cant have small government without a big god. People will either be responsible for their behavior to god and religion for the government because people are not basically good. A fundamental difference between left and right. We on the right understand people are not basically good. People on the left are naive, they believe people are basically good, overwhelmingly most foolish believe a human can hold post 20th century. How do you have a good Society Given the flawed human nature . People will either be responsible for their behavior to god. Before i was born throughout American History, the highest compliment you can pay to a woman or man was this is a godfearing man, godfearing woman. If you said that today to a college kid, they wouldnt know what you are talking about. They would think you were popped out of the movie set for time capsule. Godfearing . What the hell does that mean . That was understood. Either you are godfearing or government fearing. The founders including jefferson, including franklin knew that and therefore they understood without religion, making people better, government will get bigger and bigger and american liberty will drive. Host before we get too are from education, we are in Hillsdale College in michigan, this is from your book, think a second time. Schools recognize their general inability to cultivate love of learning, they bribe students with monetary and nonmonetary reward, placement on the deans list, generous scholarships and academic awards. You wrote that. Guest that is the truth. I dont mind it. Dont know how you raise kids without bribes. Im totally in favor of bribery. Read the tempest, that will give you 15. It is a great deal as far as i am concerned. I am okay with that. Host what should a College Student know after four years of college . Is there something mandatory . Guest dont know if it still exists, there was a western course that was mandatory. If you didnt know the basis of western civilization basically essentially knowing athens and jerusalem is what formed the west. Athens and the region, attitude toward politics, jerusalem for its plurality and ethics and that combination, they dont know anything, i truly believe, athens and jerusalem, they would think i was a tour agent, you take a tour of athens, you dont fly to jerusalem, they wouldnt know what i am talking about. There is no sense of what are the pillars of our civilization or that it is better for western civilization has been morally superior, you cant say that anywhere in the left. What about better . That is racism, has anything to do with race. What about not see them . They rejected western civilization. It was an attempt to undo it. Most christians in germany follow hitler is a disgrace but doesnt mean not theism was prochristianity. It was proswastika, not cross. We dont teach this any longer. People dont know the greatness of western civilization. When i was in tokyo i went to beethovens night. Got the last seat. I will never forget because the sales guy knew Little English and he looked at me and said sir, you are very rocky. The reason i remember, i got the last seat in the place. The greatest interpreters today tend to be japanese. The greatest series of bok, hundreds and hundreds has been done by tsuzuki, it is the greatest interpretation of bok because the japanese said what is the greatest music, they wont they japanese music. They will say beethoven, bach. I dont have a vested interest in germans and austrians having written the greatest interest, it is just true. Whether i like them or dislike them or they all happen to be white, look at the trivia we have preoccupied ourselves with. Guatemala didnt produce what wall street produced just like i can say this because i am a jew so you cant yell at me for selfaggrandizing, the united dates of america became the greatest country and was founded by protestants, not catholics or jews or muslims or muslims or atheists, it was founded by christians. That is a fact. If we get rid of christianity we get rid of america. As a jew who goes to synagogue every saturday host what is the torah . Guest the 5 books of moses, the basis of everything the west is founded on. The creation story, adam and eve, noah, the patriarchs, moses, the 10 commandments all comes from the torah. Glad you asked because im feverishly working on the end of my 35 your project, to write an explanation of the torah. It is relevant to everyone including people born in tibet. It will be an explanation of the greatness of those 5 books, at least 1000 pages, i am working on it every free moment of my life and those 5 books where we get love your neighbor as yourself as an example but i will deal with the hard part. Everyone looks at a sentence like that, this 3000yearold nonsense, 3000 years old but not nonsense. I will answer that verse. That verse for the first time in Human History said you cant kill your child. It was actually brilliant because do whatever you wanted to your child. It took it out of the hands of parents, no jewish court in history did this. Your most recent book was on the 10 commandments, the 10 commandments still the best moral code was are they transcendent . And their source, you split ultimately, i explain that, the book is out, i explain ultimately it says right before the 10 commandments are given these are the words that god spoke. If god doesnt say do not murder, murder is not wrong. I have spent my life explaining that philosopher i have debated including oxford has acknowledged that is true. Ethics are subjective if there is no god. Was are the 10 commandments in order . I will give the jewish order. The jewish and christian order are slightly different. I am the lord your god, i brought you out of egypt, you will have no god but me, it is not do not take gods name in vain, honor your parents, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness. What is the explanation . The third one . That is one of the reasons i am so adamant about getting this commentary. People think that the commandment is do not take gods name in vain. An ends, god does not forgive who takes his name in vain, the only commandment he wont forgive. A lot of people think it means if someone says oh my god what a crappy day at the office or oh my god, did you see what the shortstop did . They think they are violating this commandment and if they are serious that god will not forgive them. He will forgive murder but not if you say oh my god. Let me offer a very upsetting thought to fellow religious people. God had common sense is this is a complete revolutionary thought too many religious people who have the most crazy ideas about what god actually believes. God cares if you say oh my god about a home run, doesnt mean that. The hebrew, i know hebrew like i know anxious english. It means do not carry, do not carry gods name in vain. It has nothing to do with saying it in vain. It is carrying it and who carries trent brown who carries gods name to give the person who acts religious, that is the only sin god will not forgive, doing evil in his name. From your book the 10 commandments still the best moral code, today we have as many false gods as the other nations did. Guest we do. False gods are a very touchy subject because you dont like to mess around with peoples god. People think they were false gods. Money is not a false god. No money, no one pretends the worship of money is good. It may be a god but nobody believes it is a god. People may live for it but nobody contends it is worship. It is not a false god. It is a terrible value system to live just for money but it is not a false god. You want a false god i give you a false god. The earth, nature. Nature is a false god. People today worship nature. The whole point of genesis numb i is god is the author of nature. God is to be worshiped, not nature. The whole point of genesis chapter numb i in genesis, and we conquer nature because if we dont nature will conquer us. The notion that nature is wonderful and we humans are a blight on it, nature is not wonderful. Animals kill animals routinely. Cancer spread. Earthquakes are all around which we have to subdue nature to make a good life there was just an article in the New York Times about how we should give up airconditioning and live in basement where it is a little cooler, dont wear much. I have been to 20 african countries and particular affection for africa. If you ask one african, let me ask you something, would you take airconditioning knowing what Carbon Footprint you are producing if you have airconditioning in your home . He would laugh you out of his house and i would laugh you out of his house and we would both sit in comfort in his airconditioned room. We would laugh in comfort. The whole southern renaissance in the United States was made possible because of airconditioning. But people, gaia, goddess earth come of people believe the stuff. The whole im for protecting the environment that im not an environmentalist. Environmentalism is the name of a religion. I dont believe in the environment. The environment in the judeochristian world, the environment was created for man. In the secular environmentalist world man is a blight on the environment. That is they are doing it again, dont have more than one child. Host back to the 10 commandments still the best moral code, the history of the human race has not been morally impressive. Host guest that is right. Only ignorant or Wishful Thinking that could lead you to any other conclusion. Take slavery. Slavery was not just ubiquitous but universal. Every society that we know of, people believes i have the right to own you, use you, with you, do whatever i want with you, you are chattel. Every society had that. And the vast majority of society until the judeochristian west, women were close to chattel. This is a little of the torture, rape, mass murder, how many people know about slavery in the islamic world which was as ubiquitous as slavery in the western world . You are not taught it because it doesnt comport with what universities want to teach which is the west was worse and undo the truth that the west is best. Heres what i say to students. They all know the founders had slaves, the question is not who had slaves. The question, everybody had slaves, tells you nothing about a society. Told you about human nature but nothing about society. What he tells you about society is who stopped slavery . Same with poverty. The question is not who is poor and everybody was poor. The question is did anything ever uplift people from poverty . Yes. The answer is the west again. What in the west . Capitalism. Socialism has never made anybody rich except socialist parties. Nobody gets rich from socialism. Socialism spend what capitalism makes. Host good afternoon and welcome to booktv on cspan2. We are live in Hillsdale College in michigan talking with her, radio talkshow host and professor Dennis Prager, he is our guest on in depth. This is a chance to get to know one offer, his or her body of work and to call in, text in with your questions. Dennis prager is other of these books, the 9 questions people ask about judaism is his first book, that came out in 1986, think a second time 1996, happiness is a serious problem a human nature repair manual 1998, why the jews . the reason for antisemitism came out in 2003, bestseller still the best hope why the world needs American Values to triumph came out in 2012, and his most recent book just came out last year, the 10 commandments still the best moral code. If you want to participate in our conversation this afternoon there are several ways of doing it. First we are going to put the phone numbers up on the screen. 2027488200 in the east and central time zones. 7488201 in mountain and pacific time. You can text in a question, this is only for text, 2028386251. You can go ahead and text in a question or comment. If you would, put your city and first name. A couple ways to get ahold of us. Booktv cspan. Org is our email. Facebook. Com booktv and finally twitter booktv is our twitter handle. We will hear from the audience here at Hillsdale College as well especially students. We have a microphone here. Once you get a question, come up to the mic and we will work you right in. Dont be shy about that. We will begin those in just a little while. Mr. Prager, august, 1969, a train in finland. What happened . Guest well, wow, you did read my stuff. I was 21 years old. I was beginning my intense travels. It is the only thing i boast about. I have been to 128 countries. It was a dream of mine since high school that i want to see every country in the world. I am on my way. Anyway, before i married i traveled alone which is in and of itself a fascinating thing. Although it is much more pleasant to travel with my wife there is a uniqueness to traveling alone that is subjected to far more actually funny experiences because you have to interact with the culture. What happened was it was the weekend of my birthday i this is what happened but i have to give you a little ater ground i was raised in an orthodox. Odox j you go from 9 00 a. M. To 5 00 a. M. Every day and one of my schools that included sunday. Thats how intense it was. It half the day in hebrew and i jewish studies so i have this training i never chose to be a rabbi. But i was always challenged myself and when i left my parents house at the age of 20 to go steady in europe ii decided because i never wanted to do this in their presence im an experiment with dropping all of the jewish ritual law. For example kosher which is a big deal if you go up dash men grub in the world in one night was a friday night andla when i arrived i saw a sign that said it was friday and the date it hit me this is empty i dont want fridayor night to be like any other night of the week i wanted to be my sabbath. And i realized how much i missed it. I did not go back to full orthodoxy but i drive to synagogue. I realized then taking 24 hours a week out of normal life with can keep me sane and it has to the state to the point that im frequently on cnn for example so they already know if they didnt invite me for a friday evening they check when the sun sets in los angeles its very adorable actually. Its very nice of them. Ive only gotten respect for the fact i dont broadcast on the sabbath for example. Mple. Sometimes it has hurt my career but its a nonissue to me. I take it seriously. Hos they will understand that it serves as the Early Warning mankind system. Chri i dont say things because i am something this as i said earlier its christians who maunded americas not jews. But im a big fan of truth. If nonjews dont understand that those who hate the jews there are bad people. Theyre coming for you next. Hitler was dismissed as the jews a problem. The exact same thing. I dont mean criticism of israel. Raels if you come up with a lie likeiu israel commits genocide. That they killed christian children for their blood this is as big a light as that its like the into success. Erma. So the israel haters if you cant say that you are for and you will be. First they come for the saturday people where does anti semitism spring from. The jews introduced the world to a universal judging god. People have been pissed at the jews ever since. The small book. The jewish mystique. I dont know if he was a believing christian or not. I have no idea. But he was a great thinker. Ever since they introduced the moral judge they have never been forgiven for it. You could see his video. His book men and marriage is up there. He sees what others dont see. E. Its a very rare gift. But the israel test is you see how people react to israel. Need do they want to emulate success or do they want to destroy success. The arab world wants to destroy israel not to emulate it. How did you get from new york to la. It was not predictable. Ry. When i was 21 a lot happened when we were 21. I was sent to the then soviet union to smuggle in jewish items to jews who were not allowed to have them in smuggle out names who wanted to leave the soviet union. I was sent in for four weeks it was a difficult four weeks. I was sent in in large measure they knew both hebrew and russian. So i was like the perfect person to send it in. They have the program of doing this. After 1967 when relations were cut off. On the plight of soviet jews. It was my senior year of college. And then i will never forget about the two gears later i called up a jewish group that i had spoken to. I was so nervous i was dripping. Im like 24 years old. Do you remember me. Do you want to speak on that again. I like to speak on something else. Will maybe your people would like to see why they are alienated. That would be interesting. How much do you charge. Id always done this for free. I will never forget my dear friend who i wrote my first book is sitting in my room in my apartment. I was at columbia at the time. And he goes 50. I couldnt say 50. The thought that someone would pay me 50 to talk struck me as impossible. So i said 35 so she said with her without taxi. Plus taxi. She said okay. I thought darnell i couldve said 50. I began a very wonderful speaking career only in jewish life my life was very professional in jewish life i knew i wanted to talk to everybody. This was built into me from my childhood when i would interview the mailman because he wasnt jewish with a tell me about your life. All i met was orthodox jews. Wod i wanted to be an in hundred 28 countries. I was writing letters. I felt like i was in a world that i wanted to break out. Anyway it doesnt matter. What happened was i got the name the word got to this great man in california who ran an institute called the grand eyes industry institute. It was a Retreat Center for jews in california. On 3,000 acres in simi valley california. I was the youngest man he would ever invite to speak their he wouldnt do it based on my reputation. He w he flew to new york to the bronx to hear me give a lecture to see them i can cannot bring a 25yearold. He was impressed and he brought me as he came the director of the Institute People heard me speak at this institute in california gave my name to abc radio in california to try me out on the air. I passed their test i became a talkshow host. T. Ed and then i got national. Where can they hear the show today. Guere if your city doesnt happen to have it there is an app. You can download the chauffeur 5 a month. And without commercials a lot of people do that. You can hear it just by going on the internet. I do try talking about my radio show which is now 33 years consecutive. I do try to talk about everything in life. If theres anything that distinguishes my show that is it. Im not only interested in politics. I have an hour every week called the male and female hour. Say at the outset this is the most honest talk about men and women i think it is. There are beautiful women and beautiful men and ugly men. I do not root for either one. You dont understand each other. And believe it or not this is politically incorrect i believe that they understand men less and lesson they understand women because we are trying to understand a man for a woman is kind of like trying to understand our orangutan if you are human. Oran it is literally accurate. That is how differentar especially male sexual nature is. I tried to explain it and i doi. In my favorite letters or calls they say you saved my marriage. Ep i it touches me deeply and i get. That a lot. You saved my marriage. Your malefemale hour. That means a lot to me. The motto of the hour. And you have a moral obligation to act happy evenal if you dont feel it. That goes to the core of my beliefs about life. I dont give a damn about your mood. I only care how you act. That is transformative when people realize that. If you feel bad im sorry but its how you act that matters not how you feel. W you and i got that from judaism which is very behavioral my transformative story from fourth grade. They announce to pray three times a day and the girls are not. Okay boys time to do the afternoon prayer. I walked over to them im sorry but im not in the mood to do in the afternoon prayer so it goes like this in its class with his beard and closes his eyes he is is not in the mood to pray. So what. I have changed others lives things to him. By the way i did write a column to say how forthright i am. I do not write political or philosophical i write personal columns. When a wife is not in the mood. Based on the response to me. So what. Have you ever been called on that article the big left wing. My wife found fancy needing. It was news to her. Its funny how these things dont bother me. Its like if i would say you know what peter, your halibut i dont think you would lose sleep. Therefore it has no impact on me. But on what grounds. He said if a woman is not in the mood. If you love him, if he is a good man there are times your mood has to be honored. Nevertheless it shouldnt be the only indeterminate it about whether you have with your husband. Because men translate their wives having with them as i love you. Thats it. Whether they like it dont like it it is irrelevant. I give you a Birthday Gift that you like not that i like. If i give you a Birthday Gift that id like its not a gift. Gifts are what you like. So they wrote this idiocy. Would actually say it on your show. A guy at daily kos wrote i cant believe somebody wrote that. But please but the guy never advocated marital rape. Its not exactly rape. I had been rarely called these words i had figured out a way ta to say very direct and troubling things but without being meanspirited. It has been a tremendous asset. To become i had people that i differ with. I only yelled at a color oncef in 33 years. It was the idiot at peta who came up with the program called holocaust on your plate in which he says that they run out of business just for this program. There is no difference between the barbecuing of a billion chickens in america and the cremated of 6 million jews. A ck they are morally identical. By the way that is inevitable if you believe their position is completely correct. What is the genesis of your book think a second time. The title was the publisher of that book came up with the idea that is your Signature Sign off on your tv show. At a tv show did tv show where it lasted about six months. It should have lasted forever. But tv and greatness are not synonymous. It was entertaining but it was important. I didnt do trivia. I didn in any event the sign off line was i would look at the camera and i would say will, i hope i made you think a second time. Thats where they got the idea to name the book think a second time. Hink a s i didnt know if it was a good title or not and have a better title so we went with it. Its 44 essays on 44 subjects. It is a great introduction to what i think about 44 subjects. I know that my essay has turned people around. I answer every single anti punishment argument. It is a few patients. The essay on why its so wrong. It is a lot of basic stuff. Re bs heres a quote from that book. The belief that people are basically good as one of the most widely held beliefs in contemporary society yet it is both untrue and destructive. Re y they probably think they are basically good people. The hum is the human being basically good. Bad but human nature is not basically good. In order to be good if to fight your nature. It i how many times do you tell a child say thank you. Why didnt you just head to say at once. Anytime anyone does something nice to me i must say thank you. When the average parent im sure has said say thank you 10,000 times. If we were basically good once were work. If we were basically good you wouldnt have to tell them because gratitude would be so natural politeness say please, say thank you. Dont hit your sister. Has anybody ever said to a kid at your party you are sharing too many cupcakes. You have to go to college to believe something that stupid. Its not has were here. They wouldnt teach such nonsense. The vast majority of colleges and make you stupider its not online its not cubed there are two ways to avoid it. One is to be drunk for four years which many students to and therefore they do not leave stupider they leave with an alcohol problem with is buother issue. E. Didnt hear what the professorse said. It is not my recommended way. I want to make that clear. Another way is to be prepared for the indoctrination of false ideas and foolish ideas that you will get at the university. And that is by being prepared intellectually prior to going there is not a large number but a certain number. To only take courses in the natural sciences. By and large they dont touch upon things like that. People are basically good and capitalism is evil with other equally the same because there is truth and falsehood in there. Those are the three ways were trying to make a fourth way with Prager University if you watch right now have a hundred 40 courses. If you watch them you will be able to intellectually counter what you get at thell university. We are going to go to calls here in just two minutes but you brought up Prager University. You had one on their what every High School Principal should say. What which of the High School Principal essay. Ind this is fascinating. Twenty years ago i wrote this what every High School Principal should say. Te this very few of them go viral. Millions upon millions and then on the internet was visited. You never know how these things happen colorado High School Principal gives a speech that every High School Principal should give through the millions of americans that think im a High School Principal. It is hilarious to me. I wrote in the beginning this is what i would hope every High School Principal would say. And by the way in colorado how did colorado ever enter the state. As long as people read it i dont think if i am the superintendent. So it went so viral and we wrote it to make a video out of it and that went viral too. Millions of views just a week. And of course what iss fascinating to me is there are about 10,000 comments between youtube and other places i actually do read them and us this you will find important. This is very sincere. I read attacks on me and i read them even the worst attacks and ask myself whenever i read these attacks could i have said it better even if they hate me irrationally i always ask maybe i did trigger this response and i didnt have to. Didve there is necessary opposition to what i say and that there is gratuitous. Necessary is necessary i read these things very seriously and thats what a lot of the stuff is effective because i had incorporated prior critiques of what i have said but this is very thoughtprovoking becauserior among the things that i want to High School High schoolou principal to say is in our school race and ethnicity dont matter. We do not care how you got over here whether it was the mayflower or a slave ship. You are an american student in our high school. That is your identity. So there are no ethnic clubs or racebaseds. We will have a Mathematics Club but we will not had clubs based on anything else not race not gender not class not sexual orientation. Youre just a student in the school who wants to learn about life. We are at Hillsboro College in michigan. The first call for you comes from james in lafayette indiana and james even very patient is go ahead with your question or comment. Iana. I am a chemical engineer still working 69 years old i was raised lutheran very conservative my values and beliefs coincide with you directly. The question i have is when did this change in moralitythism and political situations begin occurring over the last 50 or 60 years because it seems like it is accelerating and gettingit worse and for those of us inin the working world were really confused and depressed by the way things have changed could you please comment. Thank you very much. When do you think it changed and why . It seemed like in the last significantly 20 or 30 years30 s because i work in people that work we work hard were really focused on the kinds of thingshi we have to do to keep our businesses operating. It is a great question. Ive been asking the same thing when did this start. Because the truth is and we really havent talked politics and this is not meant politically i swear im happy to talk politics but this transcends politics. S we are undoing the American Revolution its as simple as that. Bernie sanders called his new group our revolution. Rev as a row in my forthcoming column we have our revolution it was in 1776. If theres can be another one in america that means the counter revolution. And that is what is happening. Were undoing everything that the original revolution stood for. The infinite significance of the individual and limited government the centrality of the Judeo Christian ethics in a society. The and that was true for all of the founders by the way. I could cite chapter and verse. But the real beginning of this began in the late 19th century when american universities were not generally giving out the doctorates. So they would go to germany to do their graduate work in german professors were socialist generally. They were all what we would call today the left. So they came back and that is when Higher Education began to change dramatically when these professors would be taught largely by germans there were two revolutions in the late 18th century. The american in the french. Ury. Were not the same revolution. There was first equality and ours was not. They wanted equality of outcome we wanted equality of opportunity. Equality before the law. They wanted equality of outcome. We have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The equality for eternity but liberty and equality they fight one another. If you have liberty you will not have equality. If you have than a shortstop will make more money than a teacher even though they believe the teachers do more good work than shortstops. With liberty thats what happens. And she makes 60,000 per year. He and maybe less may be more. Its still a big difference. Anto but if you want shortstops and teachers to make the same amount of money you have created a totalitarian state which is what the frenchamount revolution ultimately created. And they did create that. So when did it start. It started then europe died after world war i. We are following the european pattern. N they affirmed god and National Identity world war i killed god and killed National Identity. So so no borders no National Identity. There was nothing to sacrifice secularism is the wave of the future and then we wont have the butchery of world war i. I. So then you have the butchery and savagery of world war ii. Our world war i was the vietnam war. That killed National Identity v in the United States. Look at what we did in vietnam. Which is worthy of its own discussion but i thought what we did was morally identical to what we did in korea. And that as we died to keep the people free from communist tyranny. And of issue. That is why we were in vietnam. We didnt want the Natural Resources of which there are very few in korea theres essentially nothing we died in korea to keep half the people away from the monsters that now govern north korea. And everybody acknowledges even the left acknowledges their monsters who govern north korea. So it has been constant that. N the last hundred years leftism has been the most dynamic religion in the world. Nathan is an old saybrook connecticut. Youre on the air. Go ahead. We didnt get a chance to hear the beginning. Start again please. Ng. Is a pleasure to call cspan. Ive never heard his radio show but im from the same generation and im a new york jewish liberal. But my question is very much like james is. When we were children we did not know the political persuasion of our teachersf our dash teachers at all. My grandchildren today no and how their teachers feel politically but we were not exposed to that and it was considered proper or appropriate in a classroom forhe a teacher to express their own political opinion. I would like to know when you think i understand his answer about the university why is it he will remember in grade school. He did not know the politics of his teachers but my grandchildren do but my grandchildren do thats a really great question. Hes a liberal not a leftist. Its a good example. That question when i come from a leftist. Its a very important question and there is an answer. Om people on the left morally believe that they have a duty to impart their values onto children. Thats it. The notion of being objective in fact the New York Times the Washington Post actually david and no bank a left wing writer for the Washington Post very well known writer. Wrote within the last ten days that he attended or will be attending meetings with teachers of his kids at school i dont know if its high school or Elementary School and he will tell them that it is important for them to make known their president ial preference because we cannot allow for the election and the republican candidate. Publican hes proud of the fact that theyre so certain that they are right why would they hidede it from children thats what i say its a religion. That is their duty is like asking a Catholic Priest not to impart catholicism. All of the classes are with some exceptions in colleges increasingly in high school or catechism classes. M the only difference between the christian seminary in the college today is that the christian seminary is on this. We are here to produce committed christians but they do not acknowledge that but they do not acknowledge that text message. How can Real Progress be made in race relations. Its a lie of gargantuan per process and 99 percent of instances of black, white interaction in America Everything is fine. It is a non issue. It is created as an issue by the left, because without this issue how do democrats get black votes. Unless you constantly say that whites are racist and we will save you the near stuck if things are good its bad for the left think about it its bad for the democrats in particular. If women get mary very bad for democrats. If they have children even worse. That is the biggest single democrat demographic of. They will not say this. They might not even personally want this to happen it is simply a fact. If you are woman who is single and have a child you are overwhelmingly likely to vote democratic. If you are black with thinks you are fortunate to live in america is a blessing to live in america that the vast majority of whites are not racist at all. The odds are you will vote republican. And the more you load america and are angry at it the more you are likely to vote democratic. This is true for all possible areas of america life. If its this functional for their own reasons. I watch like a hawk and the naturalness is like a nonissue but it is made into an issue in the president of the United States in fact did this. When he would say ferguson destroys me crazy. Y. The White Police Officers did not kill an unarmed black kid because he was a racist. Illed hi and blacks on the grand jury and the department of justice exonerated this officer. Erated to save ferguson. Minous as to lie about what happened in ferguson. Next call. U are on andy, you are on book tv and we are listening. Hi there. A sta he made a statement early about about socialism spending the money that capitalism makes the size of facts ill ask him is anything wrong with socialism and spending. Within that how the Economic Life actually works. Thank you. First let me defend the generality. G without generalization a human is an idiot is important to understand that. Its what our brain is programmed to do and its bestte you can understand life how is this. Kids cry on airplanes how can you generalize that. I flight every week and i heard an adult scream on an airplane once. I live on earth not the university. I just want to defend them so use to promote its not is it okay to generalize is it accurate and the color it is all or acknowledge it. Is it that the economic way of life so what i said is true. Socialism doesnt produce wealth. Of course some of it should be spent on the lease fortunate of us. I need to be understood again the only question you have to ask is what produces wealth now what spends it. If you you go to school here. I am a junior here. Its kind of a elapsed point of view. Ive have the privilege to be here for the last three years. As one of the more poor counties in michigan. And talking to some of these people may not like that. St alo the question i had was how we address that they feel like they head in poor situations to talk about the fear if the republicans are elected. Is this the product of the socialist. Are you referring specifically to obama care specifically obama care. A lot of people i talk to did fear that they might not had any options for insurance in the future. Lary i my go to education for their sons and daughters. If you wish to include education as well. Is it a good thing. This is ultimately of what its all about. Is it a good thing for the government to be the provider of medical care to its population. The left says yes in the right says no. The same with everything else. If you wrote education. Have we benefited by the government taking over education. Fi the the left says yes the right says lets get rid of the department of education. America was founded on the belief that the individual has to make as many choices as possible when government takes over anything for example you dont really know the price. t o we dont even know the price of medical care now. You get a bill does anybody know how much it actually cost. Do you know that the only area of medicine i think its the only area that has really thrived with prices have come down in quality has risen this plastic surgery. And you know why because everybody has to pay out of their pocket. And so just like a car you negotiate. And just like food if there is a moral right with a head healthcare provided for free question we get food for lth pr free. That is more immediate in terms of sustaining us. There is nothing to free. W its much better if people take care of their own lives and not regard every visit to a dr. Has been paid for even by insurance. We had deductibles and now the deduct bulls are ludicrous but there are car deductibles i dont go to my Car Insurance people i pay for it i dont want my insurance policies to go up. Doctors are now being reimbursed at rates that will ultimately crash the system. They are so low. And more and more doctors are out opting out of medicaid and medicare and the going into whats called concierge practices. You sign up and you give the dr. X amount every month and the dr. Will take care of youiv for as long as you pay it. Because the system is so unfair to doctors now. But it sounds good but nothing is free. When he got the nobel prize for economics. They ask him summarize your knowledge of economics. There are no free lunches. Thank you. You are on book tv i heard you a few times on the phone i mean on the radio that is. At 1. 1 of your radio broadcastst about from then on we find out if they become good or bad my dear father used to say ironically that there is too much sharing and caring going on which i thought was so poignant. I went to school at the university of oregon during the vietnam war days. M war the first time i ran into the academic problems had certainly discussed is a sociology class where the professor thought that the dialectics or the savior of that country. Of course they didnt know any better. I think he was the one who mill murdered millions of people. Those are my comments. Just two questions. One is its kinda trivial how a pro Football Player acts but it has a lesson for history also. I think it is the quarterback that refused to stand for the National Anthem and he is continuing to do it and hes making a big deal about it. In this day and age it goes viral very quickly. The point is he has that freedom and that right to do that. Were to leave it right there. We you take all of these comments those comments and hear from him. Havent discussed the colin kaepernick. Should we care what he thinks or does. Is it important. Of its important as a symbol is it important the amount of coverage were giving. Is i we are giving it coverage because the issue of whether a black american should standnatin for the National Anthem is important. He is irrelevant. Most people understand that. But the question that he raises i think does need to be addressed. If you are a black american you are lucky person just as if you are a White American this is the least racist country in the history of the world. In which its citizens get along as well as the United States. And you are taught the opposite ego into college inta your talk about White Privilege and its taken for granted. Becaus they must be inferior because so many whites are doing well. If youve all of that privilege and youre not doing will you must be a real loser. The only privilege that really exists in the United States is american privilege. There are two privileges excuse me. Theres american privilege and there is father privilege. If you go grow up with your father you are privileged. Is more important than your race. Did you grow up with a father. Ather. Libby post on our Facebook Page i am spiritual but not religious what is your take on that phrase. Zero i feel bad because its ask like that. Okay. I have to tell you the truth its a meaningless statement. You see i am lucky what i do for a living 15 hours a week 30 years i talk to people who challenge every word i say so i get to really think things through hopefully clearly i have dealt for hours actually i have dealt with this very question what is it mean to be spiritual and i never get anan answer. Er. If youre not religious in your spiritual what does that mean. You commune with nature im not being sarcastic or in any way demeaning what does it mean. I assume youre not religious means you dont believe in godbh or god as we have understood god. Ddess we who is revealed himself and i have no problem saying he. I use it because if i use she we would think of a femalele bee just as when we say nobody thinks you would then think gender. This it doesnt make sense to me. I dont have a religion but im spiritual more or less means i meditate on myself and i feel very wonderful when the birds are chirping thats what i picture of the spiritual i dont even know what it means. Meaning i follow the dictates and wisdom but i will happily use guidelines that is not spiritual. That is moral. My religion is morality based not spirituality based. There is a good god. This was Benjamin Franklin who did not have a belief in the trinity but headed deep belief in the god of the bible in his words judges us after we die. That is my god. If god doesnt judge us i might as will be an atheist. Oblivion. Vil. That is irrelevant to me. It is morally preoccupied. I am a freshman here. I grew up a broad im in ask something that might frazzle some people here. I will say i am a conservative but living in indiana its a socialist city and while i was there we have very cheap public transportation. Feel a pretty high quality life. And then in your discussions i think we discussed socialism like its this terrible evil thing that is hoarded. My question for you is is it possible maybe not in the United States but for smaller countries or certain situations that socialism might not be all that bad . Unctional . Well, there are parts of things that are bad. The question is what do you prefer . In austria they would acknowledge whatever wealth they had has come from capitalism. They wouldnt argue socialism has made them capable of getting a cheap transportation. The money has to come from somewhere. Every homogeneous society in the western world happens to be safe. North dakota is one of the safest places in the world. It is a homogeneous society. Oz area does north dakota is one of the safest places in the world, it is homogeneous solid. Austria does not have many outrageous ethnicities and religions so it is no great achievement. It is pretty effortless, north dakota has the same rate as austria if not lower in terms of crime and north dakota is not a socialist country so where does the wealth come from to give you Free Transportation . The other thing, all the European Countries except slovakia and what is the other one . Pause near galena bosniaherzegovina, she knows best. I have been i have lived in europe. I understand what you are saying. You know what i feel when i go to europe . It is soulless. One statistic you dont know. Americans give more charity per capita per income than europeans do and volunteer far more time. You know why you europeans are race with a socialist idea. The government will take care of your neighbor, you dont have to. Host we are going to hear from im trying to do this all on my cell phone bill in new jersey, thanks for holding. You are on with Dennis Prager. Caller thank you for having Dennis Prager on. It is an honor to speak to a man whose radio show is aimed at enhancing the moral and intellectual development of our country. And thank you for supporting that statement. My question to Dennis Prager is will you convey what the future of america would be under a Clinton Administration versus a trump administration. Thank you so much for all that you do for all of us in this country, Dennis Prager. Guest very kind. Whenever there is a complement there is always a voice thinking a but is following but there was no but. Host i could go to facebook and read some of those buts. Guest stop putting paranoia on me. It wasnt my first choice to get into this but you asked about it and it is inevitable. Given all of what i said about leftism in america and the western world, i believe it will overwhelm and crush western civilization, i fear any democrat versus any republican. That is my bottom line. The Democratic Party is no longer a liberal party, it is a leftwing party. Barack obama said it well. Five days before he was elected in 2008, five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of america. It is honest. He and the left wish to fundamentally transform the United States of america. I dont. Bernie sanders as i said earlier started this movement called our revolution. We had a revolution in my opinion in 1776. We dont need another one. I am utterly pessimistic with regard to Democratic Party victory. It is not fun to tell people who listen to your radio show that you are pessimistic because you dont want to be a downer. I am a happy pessimist. If i wrote a book on happiness, i have so many wonderful things in my life which i wake up every day knowing how happy i am to be an american but i am pessimistic. I dont know any country that has gone back when it has gone left is what they do is they ruin the country like in venezuela. They will have or brazil. That they have a brief period, all countries go through this like they did with margaret thatcher, they have a brief period of time to undo the damage of the left. The right undoes the damage of the left and people reelect the left again because everybody wants free things. Makes perfect sense. This is what we will give you, this is what we will give you. That is not the way america was founded. John f. Kennedy, if you give john f. Kennedys and inaugural address, i would bet on this and im not a betting man. I would bet a serious amount of money that if you gave 1000 college seniors, john f. Kennedys inaugural address, given by a president , we wont say who, was it given by a republican or democrat, the great majority of those thousands of students from all over america would say it was given by a republican. Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country would immediately be assumed to be rightwing because the leftwing says ask what your country can do for you. That is the whole point. What can you do for me, i want more free things. In la where i live, free breakfast and free lunch at school. I said on the radio the left went quite ballistic at me for saying this if you cannot supply breakfast for your child, i think Family Services should visit your house. You are truly an inept parent. Breakfast is extremely cheap. I would like to know every home that is getting there could a free breakfast at school if they have no tv because they spend their money on breakfast. It is a very bad thing. One of the first things leftwing regime that all totalitarian regimes do is take away parental authority. This takes away parental authority, you have no say on whether your child has an abortion, you will have no say, your child thinks he is a girl, he is 8 years old and thinks he is a girl, you have no say in the matter, nor by law now can a therapist work on the child to in fact stay within the identity of the genitalia and chromosomes the child was given. You cannot do that even though 90 of children who identify with the other gender eventually identify with the gender into which they are born, 90 . We are experimenting with children. This by the way is a big deal. This is why i fear the left. The teachers in charlotte, North Carolina two weeks ago were given a directive that they may not or should not, i dont know if they may not, should not address their Elementary School students as boys and girls list they impose gender identity on their children. You cannot call kids in your class in charlotte boys and girls. This is aldus huxley and orwell never could have imagined what the left is come up with so you call them students and scholars. Scholars is crap. This is another leftwing idiocy, that you are a scholar in third grade. The cheapening of the vocabulary because after all it is selfsustaining. We want you to think of yourself as a scholar. My kid got a trophy for losing. The team lost, came in last place and he got a trophy. What is the trophy for . He said we are playing which why not get a trophy for reading . For existing . There is an existence trophy. Host lets hear from this young person. Host by this age it is possible. Im jacqueline eubanks, a freshman at hillsdale. I grew up in a generation of young adults who believe socialism is the answer to all our problems and europe is a utopia. I have been to europe. I have seen Eastern Europe and what is now. I love the United States but i believe in what the founders created and what my grandfather who is a world war ii veteran fought for and i would like to ask is there any way we can come back, socialism is a utopia, that the left is promoting and people of my generation, you and i both know they are disestablish in the america that we love. Guest thank you, nice things to hear from a millennial but that is happening, that is factual, not opinion. They are undoing what the founders meant to do but there is one simple answer aside from all the other arguments i gave, socialism bankrupts countries. This country will be bankrupt and the bill will fall on you and i have no pity for you because your generation votes democrat so therefore, as a big believer in consequences, that is what children should learn. I have 0 pity for millennial to vote democrat, the tab for what they vote in by voting democrat to their generation. I will perhaps be gone or have my fine retirement account, it has no effect on me but it will go bankrupt just like greece and portugal and italy and spain, just like venezuela, we will too. We will be a borderless country because the left onces borderless countries like the schengen rules and european union, they dont believe in borders because they dont believe in National Identity. There will be a country called the United States, canada, mexico, but it will be no different from canada or mexico. That is the left dream. So this will all happen to you. You will read about a once great country that existed that you helped dismantle because you, thanks to the indoctrination you got in high school and college voted for it. That is my message to millennials. A nonpity message. Host this is booktv on cspan2 and we are live at Hillsdale College in michigan with father and radio talkshow host Dennis Prager. An hour and 15 minutes left in our program and if you would like to participate, here are many ways you can participate, 20 numtwo7488200. On the east and central time zones you can call in at that number and in the mountain at specific times and call 20 numtwo7488201. There is a way to text this, heres the number for text messages. 202, 8386251. Send a text, include your first name and city so we can identify you that way and that number is only for text stitching, not phone calls, 2028386251. Social media booktv is our twitter handle. You can leave a comment there, facebook. Com booktv you can leave a comment, join the conversation that is going on there as well and finally you can email at booktv cspan. Org. Dennis prager has written six books, the 9 questions people ask about judaism is book number one, that came out in 1986. Think a second time came out in 1996. Happiness is a serious problem a human nature repair manual 98, why the jews . the reason for antisemitism, 2003, still still the best hope why the world needs American Values to triumph came out in 2012 and his most recent book, the 10 commandments still the best moral code. If you were to recommend one book reviewers, what would it be . Guest i was thinking what is peter going to ask me and i thought there is only one question i hope he doesnt ask and you just asked it. I feel toward my books the way a parent of six kids feels toward their kids. Presumably you love them all. All in somewhat different ways but you love them all. I dont have an answer to you. I only wrote six books. Funny to say only six. When we take an example, it was contracted by random house and they gave me my advance which i immediately spend and after five years i did not have the book and had to come up with the money to give back their advance. Why didnt i have the book . They are all in print. They are meant to be read. I never think of the reader now. I think of somebody 50 years from now find this important. That is the way i look at these books. You can throw a dart and pick anyone you want. The happiness book is self recommending because every healthy person wants to be happy. The title of the book is a very important theme to the book, happiness is a serious problem a human nature repair manual. Harpercollins said to me in a very sweet way that is a pretty down title for a book on happiness. It is a downer. I will never forget i said to the editor or publisher i just want to know one thing. Is it true or not . Is happiness a serious problem . He said yes it is. So lets keep the title. He said okay, then lets come up with a subtitle. I said fine. There is a subtitle. A human nature repair manual, which is no happier than the title. That is what is so funny about it. That is great. I am glad you like it. However, all things being considered, the book that i worked the hardest on that is most necessary at this moment is still the best hope why the world needs American Values to triumph the case for American Values versus leftist values and islamist values, it is three books in one. I was thinking of making three books but i didnt. Islamism, leftism and americanism, still the best hope. I dont care which you read but if you were to read one that is the one i would want you to read because of how much is in there and a lifetime of thought that was the hardest thing i ever did was to write that book. Host john is calling from garden city, michigan, go ahead with your question or comment. It is a delight to speak to you as a daily listener. I had the wonderful opportunity to speak to your father and ask the following question and i want to ask it of you pertaining to your children. I said what was it like having such a goofy child who refused to do homework, had to learn an instrument, so he picked the accordion because it was the first in the phone book. Where your children more normal or traditional like their father . Thank you very much. Guest that is a very funny question. I actually remember that and my father passed away, he died in 96, i cant complain. I miss him but i cant complain. I have my father on every july 18th on his birthday, it was precious because he was speaking to me, no cognizance of a couple Million People and he would yell at me. I dont mean yell, he never yelled. Every year i didnt know what part of the interview this would happen. You know, dennis, you asked me that question three years ago, criticizing me for asking the same question. He had a photographic memory. I remember every question i asked my father over ten years. I remember his answer. I was not your norm, let me put it to you this way. With regard to one of my sons, Dennis Prager, dp 2, daniel prager, i am a character, david is a character and daniel is a character. There is this character element that is part of the family. A transcendent generation. That is true. Host lets hear from another dennis, go ahead. Caller good afternoon. In one of your answers with which i completely agree, you mentioned Catholic Schools and leftist schools. I went to Catholic Schools but the leftist schools, when you said it reminded me a of a quote by Milton Friedman which i am sure you have in one of your books called free to choose, in chapter 6 the title of the chapter, what is wrong with Public Schools, he says Public Schools teach religion but not theistic religion, they teach value and beliefs and so on. You know what im talking about. And leftism being taught in a religion, and as Milton Friedman said, it would violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment and secondly, through the government to force anybody who cant afford to play out of Public Schools, or Catholic School of their choice, that would violate the free exercise clause. I am sure you are the only person left on the show who knows what to talk about now. In pure Speech Society offended in 1925 the Us Supreme Court said the government cant force kids to go to a school that children are not creatures of the state and so on. Another book in your 5000 book library host if you could bring this to a conclusion. Guest i got it. It is an important discussion obviously. I get my values from my religion. I dont get my spirituality, i get my values. One of them is parents should teach their children. Teachers are substitute parents. The hebrew term for parent and teacher is identical. It is the same route. To teach or to parent. There was a debate on everything. Who is first, your parents or your teacher . That is how much the teacher, how good is the primary person of your life. It is powerful. Parents should teach, no parent can teach their children everything obviously so we have substitute parents and school teachers. The state has taken over the role completely. I dont trust the state. It is not amazing. I take back, retract that comment. It is inevitable that the following foolishness is widely believed. Come on, dennis, religion has killed more people, people have killed more in the name of god than anything else. A person does not know about the 20th century or the 21stcentury the didnt have got and secularized theology, nazi is a mans communism but they never think that way. There is this way of thinking about religion. Why make that point . The state has done more evil than anything else in the history of the world. I am scared of strong states. The left loves strong states. There is a clarity you cannot deny. You may disagree with me but that is the case. I fear big states. Every genocide was created by a big state. The only genocide in the last hundred years, genocidal century, the only one is the hutus slaughtering, there was no state doing that. It was ethnic tribal slaughter. Everything else was done in the states. You dont have a strong state, you cant do that much damage. I am not for anarchy. Of course you need a state but the idea of a big state, take it out of my hands which there was a time that was okay. Public schools, their reason for being, the americanization of all kids, the antithesis of the americanization of kids, now it is the f initialization of all kids. Where were your parents from . There was a school on flag day with her parents countries. Flag day was supposed to be a day to celebrate the American Flag and 28 different flags, that was the flag, that is what the left is done to the extent it exists. It is like it is natural, the state should raise my child . I am sorry. Host another student. I was raised culturally jewish. My parents are immigrants from the soviet union. Do you speak russian . I speak russian. I have a question, not sure you are aware, the Mission Statement of college, i was attracted to the school because i appreciate the sincerity of the honor code the way people treat each other on campus. Very nice to see. Judaism and christianity both share and i have a question about the change, the wording of the mission, that it was a more ambiguous grecoroman tradition and it is explicitly a Christian School. I want to hear your take as a jewish person what significance this is. Guest what significance is it for you . I see many similarities in terms of the ethics of judaism and christianity. For me, i know another part of the College Honors the american tradition which is freedom of religion and expression. In a twist of irony this is a year we were able to get the jewish club restarted. We had our First Service friday. I am curious about your take. I have a lot of answers and im just going on what you said. I dont know all the facts. First, as a religious jew, i would sooner send my child to a Christian School than a public school. I dont believe in christ but i believe in all the values they are going to teach the child in a Christian School and that is great. I believe none of the values they teach in secular schools. They are going to teach the kid the opposite. I was amazed, the New York Times sometime in the last year by a professor of philosophy to his shock, he realized, speaking to high school students, virtually no American High School student believe there is moral truth. They do not believe it is morally true that you dont slaughter children. They think it is an opinion. They have their opinion on slaughtering children but there is no moral truth. This was from the New York Times from a secular professor, you have no idea how bad it is out there. I do, i have been talking about this my whole life. I would sooner send mike into a Christian School as a religious jew than i would to a regular school. The switch, dont know if that is accurate, if hillsdale wishes to call itself a school my respect is identical to what it was when it called itself something else. I would like christians to use the term judeochristian which they do overwhelmingly, only because it is accurate. Not because i am a jew but because it is accurate. The founders of this country were christians rooted in the hebrew scripture. You couldnt get a ba from harvard until 1800 if you didnt know hebrew. It was just assumed, the only verse, the only thing printed on the liberty bell other than the name of the manufacturer of the bell is a verse from the torah. These are christians, i tell jewish audiences if you of all jews took the torah as seriously as christians do, the messiah would come. A craze in judaism for when all problems are solved. That is my answer. Host what do you think about Hillsdale College having a jewish club . It makes perfect sense. I wish it had more jewish students. I think it is great. We had our sabbath dinner back in la. I think that is great and i would love one day if it could be arranged that i would speak at one of them. It makes sense. The jews, American Jews as i told American Jewish audiences, i write for the Jewish Journal and jewish newspaper, most of its readers are jewish, are on the left and took to be a columnist for them. I tell jews you must be in terrible cognitive dissonance. What jews have most revered turned out to be their biggest enemy, that which jews have most feared turns out to be their biggest friend. Jews have most revered learning, the university. It turns out the university is the most antiisrael institution in the western world. You know what the debate was . Who is a bigger obstacle to peace in the middle east . Hamas or israel . The students voted is real. Hamas, a Terror Organization that announced it wishes to annihilate israel, they voted israel is the biggest obstacle to peace, Oxford University forum and that which is most feared, christians, turn out to be their best friends. If jews dont have cognitive dissonance, nobody would. Host you have a problem if hillsdale had an African American student . Guest i do. I believe in religious association, not racial. Race means nothing. It is a judeochristian value. God creates us all in his image but if you want to study god, a jewish textile christian textile muslim text or buddhist text, they are not god centered, that is a different thing but if it were a Jewish Organization on ethnic grounds i would be opposed to it. If it were on religious grounds it is a religious act, how could i oppose it . It is a very bad thing, the racial identity, not a day in my life that i wake up thinking of it. I dont believe most blacks wake up, look in the mirror and go what a goodlooking black. They think, that is gerri in the mirror, that is diane in the mirror. This is new, this is new that you are defined by your race or ethnicity. It has gotten to be absurd. Why is barack obama black . He decided to call himself black. He was raised by whites and one of his parents is white. Why does he say he is black . Why doesnt he say he is multiracial . There is no multiracial identity. You dont get any points. It is better to be black and white in the United States. Anyone who has a choice, if it was so terrible they would say they are white. Outside of university studies, leftist propaganda it is advantageous in america in most instances to be black rather than right. The proof once again, if people can make the choice having both parents they seem to opt to call themselves black. There must be a huge advantage to saying you are black. Host rick is in california, you are on with Dennis Prager. Caller never heard of you unfortunately. Host where the live . Caller california, southern california, central. Guest i have been on radio in la for 30 years. Caller i worked too much was i want to ask a couple things. The country began to degrade, moral aspects. Do you relate that at all with women going to work, that is a sensitive topic, but something i always outside analyzed and i wonder what your thoughts were on that if you think that is defective in a negative way . Host do you think so . Caller i do. Our children need a strong base to grow on and without having someone at home to check on things, they are not as able to analyze or make decisions very young age to be reasonably persuaded to do things. Host lets hear from Dennis Prager on a question. Guest the secularization of the country was huge. At least judicially, you can go back to the 60s for prayer in school. New york state had a prayer that i recall the vagueness is still accurate. May god bless my teachers, my parents, my school, that is how bad it was. Is that terrible . The Supreme Court found that was unconstitutional to say bless my teachers. I do believe that very strongly, has children we are forbidden from blessing our teachers, within one generation a lot of children were firstgeneration, i believe there is a direct line between those two. The secularization, radical secularization, removal of god from the lives of a generation of americans for the first time in American History has had horrific consequences. The left is jubilant over it. That is why i fear the left, one of many reasons they are so damaging. As regards to women in the workplace, this is something i have talked about often in the following way. As my wife can attest to whether she is with me or not, when i meet a young woman, from 18 to 25, on the airplane, a waitress, the elevator, i talk to strangers all the time, i have fun with strangers. I should have a book, fun with strangers. I get a big kick out of strangers. I am the opposite of stranger danger. I find loving strangers easy. Loving family is a challenge for most people. I would ask a girl, 18 to 25, i have a question, no right answer, just curious, i would like to know, if you could be guaranteed a great career, or guaranteed a great marriage, which guarantee. Remember, if you got the guarantee it doesnt mean the other one cannot happen, just one is guaranteed. You could be guaranteed a great career or guaranteed a great marriage, which guarantee would you want . It is fascinating to have the reaction. And one restaurant in la i asked that of the waitress. A half hour later she came over, all my friends, one waitress looked at me, was not our waitress, another one said are you the one who asked sally or whatever her name was about the great career . I said yes. Every single waiter and waitress is talking about that. You got everybody buzzing here about that. So interesting. It is. People need to make conscious decisions about their lives. They follow the herd, that is the human thing. There are 2 left lane lanes, two left turn lanes. That is not easy. Two left turn lanes. You will see ten cars in one and two in the other. The 11th car comes into the sweden car lane because they are all there. Humans are herd animals. They dont think this through. Every young woman should think that through because the best time for her to get her husband is when she is young, the easiest time and the choices are the best. That is reality. A princeton graduate woman wrote that in the New York Times piece and was vilified by feminist groups because the left hates truth. Leftism is a rejection of uncomfortable truth. That is the essence of leftism. That is why they have triggers, that is why they have safe rooms. They hate uncomfortable truth. This is an uncomfortable truth. In life, life is filled with choice. A young woman, you choose, i am not saying dont get a career. I am telling you where should place your priorities. Host we had a wonderful dinner last night with a group of students, very stimulating conversation with one of the students there is here today from seattle. Im from seattle, washington, sophomore at Hillsdale College. Earlier in the program you were asked a question about hillary and trump and what kind of world you see after either of them is elected. I wonder your thoughts on trump. I was wondering me personally as a religious person, christian myself i have a hard time looking at trump and his morally ambiguous behavior in the past and finding support for him. How do you feel about it . Guest here goes would you are not electing a pastor, you are electing a president. The border issue for me is four more years of leftwing government of the United States going to be a Tipping Point or not . If we could survive it, then it doesnt matter, voted you wish. I dont think we can. Will United States be here and hundred years . I suspect so. Will it be the america it was founded to be . I dont think so. I am not optimistic. Which to young people is probably a no no but i dont know how to fake what i believe. I dont have that capacity. You dont know how bad what the left is done for america, i dont believe, if you did, Donald Trumps morally ambiguous past would be trivial in comparison to the state of the United States of america. Host follow up on that . All right. If we are looking at our future on the basis of moral absolutes and truths would you say it is a lesser evil or do you say a fight we cant afford to lose by voting in hillary or do you think voting is a lesser evil in that situation is morally ambiguous . Guest a big moral deal. I have moved to potentially positive. I was against in the primaries. Column after column, broadcast so strongly against it. I said from the beginning of he is nominated i will vote for him because i see the big picture. The Supreme Court for the next 30 years will become a leftwing court. North carolina passes a law that you need voter id, the Supreme Court, every democracy i know of in western europe demands id when you vote. Are they are racists . How could that possibly be racists. If i were black the left has such contempt for blacks, no doubt in my mind they have contempt for blacks. That is why they want to lower standards. If that is not a statement of contempt i dont know what is. This is a statement of contempt. Everybody can get a photo id except blacks. Blacks are so incompetent they cant get a photo id. This is not an insult a blacks with every black i know looks at this and that is what the hell are they saying q it is hard to get a id . Hard to get for blacks . It is called racist. The states will have no more power to make laws. The Supreme Court as seen through the eyes of leftwing judges will make for 30 years, they appoint a 40, 45yearold, go down to 30 years, it is enough to do all they want. They dont need confidence. Leftwing judges dont believe Congress Make laws. They believe they make laws. Do you believe we can be certain trump will promote a right wing judge . In life there are very few certain tunes other than death in taxes, this is a basic law. I did not make that up. Number 2 i would bet did not lie when he gave the list of the judges he would promote. Here is what i sell my listeners. Imagine there are two doors and you have to enter one of those doors, man eating lion, over the other door it says perhaps a man eating lion. Which door would you enter . Host recently you wrote there are many reasons why donald trump is the Presumptive Republican president ial nominee but the biggest single reason is this, the majority of republicans are not conservative. Guest you read carefully. That is true. The majority republicans are not conservative. Of conservatives, certainly conservative means when you asked me originally aside from that which is best, general universal definition, the other is to conserve the american trinity, in god we trust, E Pluribus Unum and liberty. Many conservatives are in the liberty camp. E Pluribus Unum for many is nice. Certainly the notion the country was built on believe in god, the god of the bible specifically and without that we dont have an america, with all the goodwill and good conservatism we would like, wont survived the death of god. Not because god will punish us. Im repeating myself but have no choice. I understand people can extract one sentence and it is not fair to the deck i wish to make but i believe most republicans, is john mccain a conservative . I dont think so. Bob dole a conservative . What about the president ial nominee . I dont think so. Mitt romney . I dont know. The man who ran his campaign boasted, dont see this in a negative way, it sounds pejorative, proclaimed i have no ideology. He said it, the head of the Romney Campaign had no political ideology. How is that possible . Host lets hear from john in oregon, go ahead with your question or comment for Dennis Prager. Caller hi, i wanted to tell you how i met you. And to thank you for the tv show you had very briefly but the way that i met you was in 1994 and i had just, my wife had just died that month and i was rather distraught. I was up late one night and i turned on the tv at 1 00 in the morning and there was this show, Dennis Prager, and he was talking with a group of other people around, this was some kind of Seminar Group discussion, was all people as i recall, all people who had lost a spouse. Host that is why i had a short tv show. That summarizes the problem in a nutshell. Lets watch the Dennis Prager show about people who just lost their spouse. Host i hope it was helpful to you. Guest it was very comforting. It gave me grounding, some understanding other people had it as well. I just wanted to thank you for having done that for me and that is how i was introduced to you. Guest that is very touching. I hope he went on to marry again is not good for man to be alone. God has some very fine ideas and that is one of them. That touches the that he would have tuned in at 1 00 am and i helped his life. That is what i want to do. Host this is scott in columbus, ohio, i am 51, a white mail, live on two different continents, lived on a few different continents. Here is my question. How does dennis describe the feeling a white mail has regarding the public narrative that we as White American males are terrible people who have brought nothing but angst to Todays Society . I ask because i dont believe that at all but given the current Political Climate i have no way to express my views without being characterized as racist. Guest this is how effective they are. The enough of it, homophobic, racist, bigoted, there are no rational responses to our rational arguments. New york times columnists embody that. Nicholas kristof, a sweet guy, columnists from the New York Times, his entire column, the last column he wrote before the show today was on how the ku klux klan and White Supremacists support donald trump. I remember leonard bernstein, the most famous Classical Musician in america in the second half of the 20th century got on the new york philharmonic, creator of many musicals like west side story, got on tv before Ronald Reagan, if Ronald Reagan is elected the ku klux klan will come into the white house. This is what they do. An interesting sidebar on this. The mockery of trumps notion of a wall which is ironic given his opponent, secretary clinton, has a wall surrounding herouse. I dont know why there is a difference. Is her house more precious than america . Why do you have a wall . To protect you from unwanted outsiders. Why would america not merit what you have for your own home . Aside from that, a mockery of the wall, mockery, i remember during the reagan era the left had the same across the country mockery of star wars. They called it star wars, the strategic defense initiative, where we would shoot down missiles. They marked it. Everything said about the wall was set about that, destabilizing, bad for the world, america shouldnt do that sort of thing and anyway we can to do it, it is nonsense. Iron dome saved his relapse life because of the rockets that came in and israel had an antiballistic Missile Shield called the iron dome, created between the United States and israel. No one is laughing at shooting down missiles. As regards to the notion that you are white and male i addressed this yesterday speaking to you. Here is the iron he. If you speak about white males in a bad way that is noble but if you say also, white males are the only group to ever actually with the first group in the world to abolish slavery, how does the left answer that . You are racist. If you Say Something positive about whites you are racist, something negative, then you are progressive. If you want to go that route, then let me just say the finest music in the world was created by white nails, slavery was abolished by white males. Hitler was a white male. It is obviously a mixed record. There were hitlers and stalins, butchers of humanity of every race. What distinguishes the west is not its butchery but its goodness. Everybody were butchers. One civilization abolished slavery, gave women rights, etc. Etc. It happens to coincide with white europeans. To even mumble that outside hillsdale or any other college would create controversy. Host there are stages of Ronald Reagan, margaret thatcher, winston churchill. Guest she wasnt a white male, margaret thatcher. Host spread all over the campus, a beautiful campus and appreciate them hosting us today. Is it significant we are seeing only white faces in the audience . Guest it is significant but significant in the sense that it is a tragedy. That the greatest values in the country have not permeated all the groups that have come into the country. That is the tragedy. We are doing and outreach to hispanics in spanish and english about the question of what is their value system . Latinos come to this country obviously from latin america. Every latin American Country has believed in Big Government. It is true about every country on earth including western europe. The United States is the only place to have enshrined the notion of limited government. That is why among other reasons that america has thrived like no other country on earth. The left wants us to be like the rest of the world so latinos coming into america, it is not a racial issue, it is true for western europeans who come to america, they bring Big Government ideas too. Wherever you come from you bring the ideas of your civilization. They dont come here. A lot of western europeans come to america because they are attracted by small government. It is not 50 50 but with latinos they dont come because they are attracted to small government, they dont know the small government ideal exists here and i dont expect them to. In rural mexico you are not taught about limited government in america. I completely get that. We have to understand what a large number of people we dont assimilate, what values they bring. Of course democrats want to million illegals, 10 million democratic votes makes perfect sense. The Democratic Party and what they believe in, mexico and guatemala and el salvador and argentina, the pope believes in Big Government. The pope believes in these values. He is argentinian. Is the ultimate ultimate we had a woman, i had a collar who watched videos from caracas, venezuela and he said you dont know how bad it is here they realize how terrible the euro is. You have to stand in line, toilet paper, it is terrible what has happened to one of the richest countries in latin America Thanks to socialism. The opponent is also socialist. They dont think the problem is socialism. That was a brilliant call. Host lets hear from another student here. I am from cincinnati, ohio and a student here. No doubt this question is answered in one of your books so forgive my ignorance but my question is in the jewish faith, how the great men of the faith that lived before the giving of the law justified and forgotten . Guest justified before god is christian lingo. I totally respect it but it is not language that any jew would use. I dont think we even have the word justified. I know you are referring to abraham, that he was through his faith justified to god. Jewish answer is pretty basic and you are totally free and i welcome your response, the jewish faith, and i have to say this is my favorite aspect of my jewish faith in terms of ritual. I have a lot of questions about my religion but this is my favorite, it is one of the only things all jews agree to, theres almost another nothing jews agree to accept water is h 2 oh. God judges everyone by their behavior. That is why you dont have to be jewish to be saved in judaism. I can easily as a jew celebrate when christians live their christianity because if you live by gods whether you have my theology or not is no interest to me but if you are living that we 10 commandments and preaching the torah to the world you are my ally in gods work. That is how i view christians so again, it is behavior. Noah wasnt a jew obviously, noah is saved because he is a good man. In his generation he was a good man. God cares about goodness. That is the essential message of ethical monotheism and that is what i most take from my religion. Is it not specified since it is not possible to be perfect it is impossible that god would demand what he made impossible. I said earlier god has common sense this bothers a lot of religious people. It is a common sense notion that god does not expect us to be perfect because we cant be. It is like god does not expect me to run as fast as my car. It is not possible. Therefore god judges us on what we were capable of doing and we get what we deserve and i believe that. I often ask questions are you certain you will go to heaven . I am not certain. That is correct. If i had to bet on it, and god combines justice and mercy, knowing that my life, filled with errors as it has generally more goodness and badness i think i am a good candidate. Peter is a better candidate but that is a separate issue. He will speak well for me and i have clout which in all sincerity, that is not our belief. Our belief is god measures everyone by what they were capable of doing and meets out just as freely. Remember, both of us, here is the thing. This is i would rather talk about religion but heres my order of priorities, religion, Classical Music, then everything else. Those are my favorite subjects. My favorite composer, you dont know. Who set this guy up . Host you get three questions. Guest i have an answer to that. I want to get close to god, balk, if i want to get happier, handle. That doesnt mean motor, schubert host this is a National Call in program, lets hear from lewis. You are on with Dennis Prager. Host where it italy . Caller northern california. Guest okay. Caller you know where chico is . Guest very well. Caller two quick questions i will hang up. First question, i am a native californian. I dont think california can survive. Is that the reason the country is going to fail . Because california, new york, are going to be so financially insolvent that the rest of the country will have to check in and its over with . Guest what was the other question . Caller how in the world do we not vote for donald trump just because of the Supreme Court only, no reason but that . Host lewis in ridley, california. Guest the National Debt and the state that will bring down the country economically. At that point the left will say now is where we really need to tax the rich to save the country and we will forcibly take their money away. Which wont help of course because the rich also are the ones who hire the most and produce the most and pay the most taxes. If you shot every single rich person in america and took all their money, it would help for approximately two years, dont know what the exact number is and then you would have no hiring or producing of wealth. Inequality does not trouble me. It is the quality of life of those on the lowest rungs that should be the moral issue. If the poorest people of your society are living well, but far beneath the richest, so what . This is so unhealthy and immoral and unamerican. The american response has always been to the wealthier, how do i get that wealthy . That is the european response. Among other things it violates the 10 commandments. The Supreme Court issue is positive. Host ashland, virginia, go ahead. Caller you would not hear this in russia. I am a selfproclaimed heartbeat of america living in ashland, virginia. I would like to share a blog with a tree line paul in 1983 in the president Ronald Reagan library and have dennis comment on his thoughts can be seen on a blog or creativity 777. Com titles caring, sharing. If you dare to care, then share. If you share, pay heed, god will reward every good deed and i would like to comment on spirituality if i may. Guest if you could do it quickly. Caller i was raised catholic. I have my faith in jesus but there again, any religion that does not lead you to a personal heart is a third party manipulative, jesus gave two ways how people should live their life, number one, always put god first, number 2, love your neighbor as yourself. If people could get that basic precedent straight all the west would stop and we can start solving problems instead of creating, it all starts with yourself, take personal responsibility, live your faith. Host in ashland, virginia. Lets go ahead and move on to another student. I am originally from portland, oregon. In my 12th grade history class at the beginning, end of the year our teacher asked us to rank the United States on a scale of 1 to 10 as a force for good throughout history, how would you rank it, i was shocked to hear that both times my classmates were asked they bring the United States very low on that ranking, 10 being great, they ranks close to 2 want 3 saying the United States was a force for evil in the world more so than a force for good. My question for you is how show, argue to these people that the United States has done more good for the world than evil . How would you try breakthrough the indoctrination that the United States is a big scary evil monster . Guest this is really, he made the case for why i believe we cannot survive the left in the United States. They have not only lied about the country, they have the famed the kind of country, it is they succeeded. Howards and has since passed away. He was on my radio show, the author of a Popular History of the United States, i think it is called, the most lot widely read text in American History in high school and colleges, he was a man of the left, i knew, i always characterize this book as a proctologists view of American History. I said to him exactly that. It is recorded. I transcribed it on the internet. I said would you say the United States has been a force for good or is the world better or worse because there was the United States . He said worse. That is exactly what the left believes about the best country that ever existed including terrible things that were done, the terrible things, i am saying it again, it needs to be repeated over and over, the terrible was universal, the good was almost unique. Host Dennis Prager last night at this dinner with students was talking about issues, candidates, Different Things and the idea came up for a group of hillsdale students to sit down with a group of oberlin College Students and talk about some of the issues and the student idea, was a great idea. You read things, do you view things, do you look at things you dont necessarily agree with . Guest much more than what i do agree with. I read the New York Times every day. Of the media believe something i dont agree with i read their columns, i only do now because it gives me material for my radio show. Do you believe what was just said here, the day congresswoman giffords was shot in tucson, she was not killed but others were killed, paul krugman in the New York Times, one of their columnists, wrote that this was the result of republican rhetoric. The day she was shot. He didnt even know anything about the killer. It had nothing to do with republican rhetoric, nothing. It was just a lie. He made it up and they make up these things all the time. This is the world they live in. They give me a lot of material for my radio show but it is also important to me because i need to challenge my views so i read their stuff, i listen to them, i appear regularly on cnn and most of the time the host doesnt agree with me. I want that. I think it is very important. Of students would meet with them, if you dont know how to answer their challenges that would be important too. I am not sure you would. This is tangential but i will give an example. I am not always certain that our side is teaching properly. Through no fault of its own. I will give you an example. I mentioned i gave a speech at the Nixon Library a couple years ago. Years ago, obviously, out in california where i live. And and i mentioned the most frequent question that i have asked since i began lecturing in my 20s. I would ask students would you save your dog or a stranger first if both were drowning . Ive been asking this for 40 years. And the, in 40 years the answers have not changed. For 40 years i get the exact same ratio. Onethird vote for their dog, onethird for the stranger and onethird find question too difficult to answer. So twothirds would not save the stranger. Now, why should you save the stranger . Because humans are created in bible do you believe that. Otherwise there is no secular argument not to save your dog first. And why . They say i love my dog, i dont love the stranger, i follow love. Thats all theyre told in secular society, follow love. And theyre right. By the way, for the record, i love my dogs more than i love the strangers too. But i would save any stranger before either of my dogs. It is not easy to say, and it would be even harder for my wife to say because she really loves the dogs. [laughter] i am in competition for her love with the dogs. [laughter] but nevertheless, i am at peace with that. But she would save the stranger because she believes that people are created in gods image, and therefore, there is a i unique sanctity to human life. So why am i mentioning this . Because a christian teacher with his kids, they were about 12, walked over to me after the talk, and he said most of my kids would vote for their dog too. Were failing at our Christian School. And by the way, i asked this at an Orthodox Jewish school in miami, the exact same question. I speak to jews is and christians equally. Im very lucky, i am immersed in both jewish and christian life. And i asked this of an Orthodox Jewish school many miami. Again, the same ray owe, a third, a third, a third just like with the christian kids. So jews and christians arent even doing the job theyre supposed to be doing. Host lets take advantage of our, the fact that were, have some folks here in the audience and that lot of Hillsdale School students. Whos voting for donald trump . Hillary clinton . Guest but hes not a student. Host whos that . Guest hes in the media. Host did he vote . Guest he voted for hillary clinton. Host there were two ladies back there who did as well. Guest im just noting it for the record. He cant be expelled. Im just joking. [laughter] this was a joke. [laughter] host all right. Lets look at this facebook comment. This is from darren, and its critical of booktv. You just obediently sat by and allowed the person to call people republicaninvented slur world, illegals. There is no such thing, illegal is an adjective, not a noun. If we are calling every human being an illegal who does an illegal thing, former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is an illegal, etc. , etc. Guest i think i said illegal immigrant, but in any event, this is a good example of the totalitarian control on vocabulary that the left exerts. We cannot call illegal aliens by the way, president bill clinton in 1995 in his state of the Union Address used the term illegal aliens. Just in his state of the Union Address. And spoke about how important it is not to allow illegal aliens. In other words, it sounded exactly like donald trump did, but it was given by it gives you an idea what has happened in 20 years. It is just an astonishing metamorphosis because its a Snowball Effect once the left gets control of media and of schoolings. The vocabulary schools. The vocabulary has to change. Like, for example, its fascinating. Why did it go from Global Warming to Climate Change . You know why . Because its not warming nearly as much as they predicted, so theyre stuck with that term k and they dont like it. Climate change, of course the Climate Changes. Its i mean, the climate has changed all through earths history. Who denies Climate Change . Its like denying, you know, that one walks on ones legs. Its a given. But theyre very brilliant at language. White privilege, so that they dont that lets not talk about the fact that theres an 80 outofwedlock birthrate in black life, because if we talk about that, then were doing two things. One, we may actually solve real problem because thats the biggest single problem in black life, is that too many children are raised without a father in their lives. And then theyre not victim ares, blacks. Victims, blacks. And if blacks are not victims, they may not need the democrats. That is the worst thing you could possibly do, is tell hispanics, women or blacks youre not victims. If youre not victims, you dont need us so you must see yourselves as victims. So they lie about the reality. The reality is not that cops are racist. Of course there are race arist cops. Racist cops. Its like people who say when i say america is not racist, oh, dennis, youre not saying there are no racists in america . They dont understand the difference between. Its just like as a jew i will tell you im the author of a book on antisemitism. There are antisemites in america, but america is not an antisemetic country. In fact or, it is the best country that jews have ever had to live in, and i taught jewish history at brooklyn college. I know my jewish history. This is the best country jews have ever been alive in. But there are antisemites here. And roosevelt did not allow jews in during the holocaust. And by the way, and jews still worship at the shrine of fdr which gives you an idea of how leftism even trumps jewish interest be in jewish minds, that fdr is still an icon to jews. Any wairks i could go on forever, obviously, i do 15 hours a week on my radio show. Im going on forever. [laughter] host and we only have ten minutes left in our program today. Carl in wayne, pennsylvania, good afternoon. Caller hello, dennis. Thank you for taking my call. The, im, ive been a practicing Roman Catholic all my life. I grew up in a coalmining town in pennsylvania of Eastern Europeans. Ive always been a strong believer in the jewish faith, and the thing i dont understand the most, one of the things, is so many jewish people, the welleducated for sure, the celebrities are supporters of the Democratic Party in the United States host all right. Were going to have to leave it there and get a response. Before the program, 69 of American Jews voted for barack obama in 2012. Guest right. Jews, i have a very quick answer and and a very long answer. Ill only give you the quick answer. This is the way i phrase it. Jews are the most religious group in the world except for most of them their religion isnt judyism. Judaism. Jews invent secular religions the way italians invent operas. Its part of their dna, if you will. You name it, marxism, socialism, humanism, environmentalism, feminism, egalitarianism, you name the ism, jews either founded it or have been extremely active in it. These are all secular replacements for the judaism that in most cases they do not adhere to or care about. And they think theyre doing wonderful work. I debated betty friedan, may she rest in peace. She told me she was not a religious woman, but she said i am in the direct line of jeremiah the prophet as a feminist. And she believed that. So this is a, this is a sad problem. Heres the irony, my latest column in the Jewish Journal is about this, the jews embrace the left, but the left loathe the jews. That thats the irony. Leftist antisemitism has been, with the one exception really of hitler, has been the most powerful continuous antisemitism of the last century. Black lives matter is a leftwig group. Just announced that israel is committing part of its platform, israel is committing genocide. That is as big a lie, as i said earlier, as jews take christian kids, slaughter them to bake mats saw on passover to. Its called the medieval blood libel. This is the modern blood libel against the jews, that israel is committing genocide. And there are jews who support black lives matter despite the fact they have created this blood libel against the jewish state. Host text, michael, karat. Connecticut. Im against the left and right. Im spiritual which is godcentered and has a moral code. Im against socialism and capitalism. Mr. Prayinger has cherry picked his facts. I disagree with him 80 of the time. Guest i always want to know the 20 they agree with, thats [laughter] that really interests me. Id be fascinated. But just, see, heres the thing. I make it easy to disagree with me because im as clear as i think a person can be. Capitalism is the only ism, the only Economic System that has lifted people from poverty. Thats either true or false. Its not agree or disagree. Im either right or wrong. See f i say b see, if i say bmw is better than lexus, thats an opinion. That capitalism has taken people out of poverty, and and only capitalism, is either true or false. Theres a big difference between opinion and truth. Host all right. Very quickly lets hear from another student. My name is caleb hansen, im a freshman here at hillsdale. Im from salt lake city, utah, and my question is what is the motivation behind praying frommer university . Would you ever have students speak at Prager University . And guest would we ever have students what . Would you have students speak on a video at Prager University, and what is the single most important thing you would tell the students of Hillsdale College . Guest wow, thats a lot. So would i ever have students speak at Prager University . Yeah. The motivation behind Prager University. Guest to undo the damage of universities in five minutes at a time with, by the way, some of the greatest speakers from stanford, yale, harvard, princeton. We know there are great thinkers in the universities. We have, on Global Warming, they have leading climatologist in america from mit. So we get the finest minds we can. Theyre not all professors. We had a guy, a black member of the South African Parliament address the question of is israel an apartheid state. He lived under apartheid. If anybody would know it, he would. He went to israel, and be he said, you know what . You have cheapened the word apartheid, all of you who say israel is an an apartheid state. I am a black South African who lived under it. There is no such thing in israel. So were undoing the damage of the universities and the zeitgeist, the spirit of times, five minutes at a time. Thats why we have 140 million views this year. And youre the last point was what would i what message would i like to give hillsdale students . Its a great question. So here off the top of my head the most important thing i could tell you is your greatest battle in life is you. And that, by the way, is the biggest difference between a truly good religious education and a truly good secular education. So well do good versus good, all right . The biggest thing i learned in 14 years of jewish immersion of studies, is it 14 . Lets see, eight yeah. 14, basically. The biggest problem in Dennis Pragers life is Dennis Prager. And you do not learn that in any secular school. You learn that the biggest problem in your life is america. Host and dennis prayinger, some of his prayinger, some of his favorite books. We like to show our audience what the author has sent back to us. The torah, which is the five books of moses, mans search for meaning by victor frankel, men and marriage, george gilder. Modern times by the british historian paul johnson. In bluebeards castle, god, man and history. Some of his inspirations include his friends, his father and brett maverick, and if youre old enough to remember him on tv, yes, it is that bret maverick. [laughter] finally, Dennis Prager is currently reading the intimidation game by wall street journal columnist kimberly strassel, beethoven by jan swafford and its dangerous to believe by mary ebber stat. This has been in depth from Hillsdale College in michigan with Dennis Prager. We appreciate your time, and we appreciate Hillsdale College. Thank you all for coming. Guest appreciate you. Youre the best. [applause] cspan, created by americas Cable Television companies and brought to you as a public be service by your cable or satellite provider. Youre watching booktv on cspan2 with top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Booktv, television for serious readers. And on booktv this weekend on our after words program, former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez remembers his time in the george w. Bush administration. Youll hear from political cartoonist gary trudeau and his use of donald trump as a character in his comic strip, doonesbury. And nadia lopez discusses he

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