Its really the not going to sleep call. It wasnt too bad out there, thank god. Thank you for coming. Thank you to heritage and a special thank you to my friend calling for providing some advice over the last couple years and a number of different aspects of my life. Think you are having me and constantly being available even though i probably annoy you. Thank you very much. I appreciate. I want to talk to about 50 or 20 minutes i want to start with my job with and white tv in the Police Department and how it changed my internal compass. I was a strange occurrence i had with a young man. Then i would like to delve into a bit of some of the secret Service Years in some of the people and met with and how i just found it to be an incredible experience and i want to leave it with my sense i guess we could call in frustration, the reason i left and this kind of battle of friction i had between my experiences with really good people and what i saw as an institutional problem with the governments failure to do the easy things well and at the reason i walked away. Starting with my Police Experience i never actually wanted to be a Police Officer. I wanted to go to medical school and be a dr. I took the mcats not too long ago actually, i was watching grays anatomy with my wife and i thought i would take the mcats and she said no and just thinks theyre going to take these and i said no im going to. Unfortunately, i didnt get in. That is a whole other story. I never wanted to be a Police Officer, but i talk about in the opening of the book my childhood i dont mean us to be a sob story by any stretch. The scars make us who we are. I worship every lump in those scars. It may be lamb today. It enabled me to see there is real evil in the world and yet i think sometimes thats the perspective on the liberal left and it gets lost if you dont understand that its very difficult. We had a household that had been ravaged by a bad divorce, some income problems and a Family Member who thought that child abuse physical abuse was an appropriate outlet for his internal rage and when you are a young kid witnessing that it tough. You feel as bad as helpless as you have ever felt in your life when you are a nine year old and 10year old and you are watching this happen and you know theres nothing you can do it disturbing and i found peace and just serenity only in the Police Officers when they would show up. It seemed to be the only thing this individual in our lives that would cause all this pain was afraid of. Nothing else. There was no man or woman that scared him except for the blue uniform. I remember thinking that one night that i documented in the book that it really had gotten chaotic and out of control. I remember seeing a Police Officer show up and say, wow, like what a job. You are meeting people and worlds are colliding at their absolute lowest. That was for me was the lowest it had gotten. The pain and fear was an incredible and you have the ability to turn it around like that. I thought, i have to at least try it. So that is what led me to the new york city Police Department. Of course, it started an idealist. I think we all do in Law Enforcement. I tell this story in the book about being on the street when i and im doing a 6 00 p. M. Six a. M. Shift and is quite busy. We had tshirts made up theres a Radio Station in new york 1010 wins, its kind of a news station. To give us it was East New York brooklyn and very busy. There was a drug war going on between the a lot of different rival projects in the neighborhood. It was kind of like a turf war. There was Something Like 300 homicides the year before i had gotten there. To put that in perspective 300 homicides, the entire city of ultima last year had 200. This was one of 78 precincts so it was extremely tough area and it really was a real waking for a young 20year old especially a young 20year old idealist who thought he could change the world. It was tough. I was standing on the corner one night and i saw this young kid who i had seen quite a bit. I dont know how old he was. He may have been 10 or 11. Needless to say he should not have been out on the streets. It was probably midnight or 1 00 a. M. For some reason i struck a conversation up with him that night and i remain the same to him, what do you want to do when you grow up . And he looked at me in quizzically as if the question had really baffled him. Like he had never thought about what to do what that really meant. He clearly didnt have an answer so i said what do you want to do comedy would be a dr. And engineer . Whats your job . How do you want to make money . And he said to me i want to be like a the and i thought did he say jayz now at the time jayz was an upandcoming rapper in new york. I thought okay, he wants to be jayz and he said to me now, not jayz i want to be a the and i thought for a second and i thought he was one of these local drug dealer kids who was a real punk, but once a while he put on a performance in the little atrium in the open area in the middle of the housing projects. It occurred to me it was really almost a transformative moment that his america was not ours. Theres no question about it. He didnt only not want to be jayz, he wanted to be a the. That to me was staggering. I could not get this kid out of my mind. It was a long commute, actually lived in the bordering neighborhood right over the hell as they said. I couldnt get him out of my head. I was thinking how is it that this part of new york centrally located, it was probably no more than 20 minutes from manhattan, right at the bell park, right off the Jackie Robinson parkway. It could not be more geographically suited to economic growth, what is wrong . I mean, the big question, not why are there potholes in the street, why is there an elevated ramp larceny number in this precinct . What is wrong with this particular area . It seemed to me that no one could answer the big question. What, did a nuclear bomb go off your . It didnt make any sense. This kid was no different, it didnt seem when you got him in a conversation than i was when i was nine or 10, yet his america wasnt mine. The idea of being a dr. Or writing a book, and engineer had never even occurred to him and i thought that theres something going on here that i have to have some role in changing and a really sparked an interest, not particularly in politics as we would think a poem political races, but it sparked an interest in me an ideology, liberal versus conservative, libertarian versus grain, economic all ideology. That there has to be an answer here and whatever answer there is clearly was implemented here. I would dig and i would dig and i started and that is eventually how i found the secret service. I was reading a book called, mine hunter and i was going to go into the fbi after that. Mine hunter was about their profiling program and i was in graduate school at the time studying neuropsychology and i found it fascinating, but i was explained to this woman i was running next to on a treadmill who happened to be a Police Officer when they who had worked with the secret service and i was really fascinated by the politics of it and ideology and she said, i think you need to check out the secret service. Looking back, to be fair, and so critical which it is important it was probably the wrong call. I should not have enmeshed myself in a political process that i knew was watering a seed that was only going to grow and eventually sprout a tree that was why to rupture the concrete. I just didnt expect it to really become of me as it did. I thought politics, economical a geology would be a secondary interest and it wasnt. But i found the secret service and i loved the job. I say to people all the time, its the closest thing to being famous without anyone knowing who you are. There is none of the downside, but you get to live this life and be part of government at the absolute highest level. It was incredible experience. I worked with ian quite a bit in the present shall center. That was fun. When jon corzine was trying to get reelected and he lost to this guy come you may have heard it chris christie. I knew he was going to lose because we tried to fill the stadium and i think they thought they would get 20000 people and what did they get, about eight . I thought this guys going to lose bad and i was right. But i found incredible and the secret service because, again, kept thinking what is wrong here . What happened in that 75 precinct . I kept thinking is a government, is a government . And always was fascinated in the secret service having worked with people literally from the white house on down to an Administrative Assistant in hhs somewhere. You are always traveling around different agencies of this scene people. Everyone was so terrific to work with. So i thought it can be a matter of personal and competence. The men and women of the service and the staff i worked with, they would work a in the morning to midnight every night for no overtime at all and no one ever complained about it. It just was the job. The mission was clear. I went to afghanistan with president obama and i remember looking in the face of this Delta Force Operator who was going to go meet the president and i lost my one knock on this delta worker has this house and mile stare. You could tell that if you could tap in and download he is brain he had some stories, per from you probably want to you but they would be fascinating. This staffer who was slightly out of touch came over and i remember him saying, there were armed soldiers everywhere and he said could you ask that guy to lead his weapons outside and i thought, you ask him. Like there was no way im doing that. He didnt ask him. He wound up going in. I remember meeting the delta force guide talking to him and these men and women, the Government Military are such fascinating folks. Whats going wrong . So time went on and i just got more and more disconnected from what i felt in my case, was a parasitic lifestyle and i dont mean that in any qualitative way as a reflection on government work. Strictly personal. I looked around at my neighbors and we were in i believe we still are but we were in a really bad recession at the time and i was suffering no ill consequences at all. Not a bit. Gas prices went up i had a government gas card. I had a government car. My salary went up every year. There was no inflation adjustments and i felt like i had no skin in the game. I thought, in a country like we have it, isnt it odd that when you go and see our immigrant population i was out of this jam woman i met on a subway who came here from pakistan with nothing and is now making six figures just randomly decided to open up a Subway Restaurant and we are not risk takers anymore. We have almost fallen into a middleclass apathy and we have let the country just kind of slowly dissipate around us and not only do we not people ask me how the time in politics, what can we do and i say you are asking the wrong question. I say the right question is not what can we do its what are you doing now. There are people who asked me that question and i say who is your congressman and they have no idea. Think about that apathy that is spread in the country. In a Midterm Election its not uncommon for up to 50 of the people not to even vote. I thought i cant do that. Im sorry. I would rather die poor. My wife and i had a prolonged conversation because i do i had one daughter at the time i have two now. But there were very real consequences to me leaving, so after about five or six months of having this conversation i remember my wife we were going out to a single demaio party in my culdesac. She turned to me and said im not going to talk you out of this, mi . And i said no. She said, okay do it. Go in and resign. So i drove in that monday and resigned and on the way and she told me do you know i was sick last night and she said its because im pregnant. It had been eight years, so i thought the heavens do have a way of putting a price on things, dont they . So i walked upstairs and told my boss my wife was pregnant and i was resigning. He thought i was nuts and was ready to call the secret Service Psychologist and i walked out and they have a glass door in the secret service to take ballistic rounds a really heavy door and when it slammed it really rocket the whole building. When i walked out in that door slammed it was the loudest sound i had ever heard. It still kind of echoes because i knew it was the last time that door whatever shut. I walked away and jumped into the longest of longshot United States senate races potentially in american history. Did it starting with two donors, me and my dad who worked out well and i dont want to get into the politics of the race. We eventually lost, but it was incredible experience. It built a lot of character in me and taught me a lot about the system that i thought i had already seen being a secret Service Agent. I thought this was all. [inaudible] folks is the process that is broken. When i say the process i dont only mean what traditionally i think the general public sees. When i say you been sold out , all of you have been sold out you have been sold out, you have the money or a block of voters that you can influence. That you can move a representative in your direction. They have no interest in you. But you have been sold out internally to by internal interests that have taken precedence over taxpayer interest. I will give you an example. You may save yourself, i know i did, and if you dont you should. Why do we have all of these different Law Enforcement agencies alphabet soup, why . Does anyone have a commonsense answer to that . Ive never heard one and i would think about it over and over again. Why do we have a secret service and fbi . A cia, but then a dia . Why . Heres how the system works and here is what the siren needs to be sounded because as the bureaucracy grows what happens is when everyone is responsible for something the tragedy in common nobody is and thats how you get a situation like benghazi where they ultimately admit openly in the yard that accountability review board that we didnt know and it went to the bureaucracy. As if thats some of you stay, not real people. Heres what works. The reason people in specific factions dont want to give up her sensibility or whatever it may be, lets say the bank fraud credit card fraud, its because theres no power in yes in the government. Theres only power in no. When i can sit there as a federal agent and i have jurisdiction over a crime you need investigated in the private sector, you need to come to me. Because i have monopoly power over that, no private police force. So its in my best interest to maintain a relationship because you have the private money and when i leave, believe me im going to ask you for repayment. So if i give up whatever that may be, bank fraud there is money and interest in everything i now lose my angle when i retire. Its not during your time and the government where you make your money, its when you leave. Its of this dreaded carousel that is causing the problem. Its the very same problem when it comes to the lobby site. Its the money interest that can buy off specific aspects of our government that have controlled everything included policy. Very rarely does your representative actually represent you. The process is very simple. You get a pack, the pack donates to me, you can access, you get to make your case and if dont forget going to be for me and i can put of a smokescreen im going to go out and vote for that piece of legislation assuming you continue to support me later on for my campaign. Its all about not only my preservation in the private sector internally what about maintaining access to the private sector later on when i lead congress or whatever it may be. And maintaining access to that money pool. Folks, its an extremely pernicious problem because again as this bureaucracy grows what you are seen is a sandwiching of layers where upper management and political appointees love it because it allows them to absorb the blow of a bad decision by blaming it on a bureaucracy and the American People have just come to accept it. Imagine if we did and the private sector. If apple everyone always uses apple i guess is because everyone uses an iphone. I love apple. If god for bid out ball was to launch a product and the product was to fail catastrophically, you would see a decisionmaking tree where at some point, i assure you, everyone would be held accountable. I dont know if they would get fired, maybe a pay cut, may be moved nothing. Maybe they would come back with a winner next time, but using known that the government and it is just excepted. I wrote in the last three chapters of the book as kind of a foil to the earlier chapters telling about my experience with really good people of government, i wrote about the boston bombing, benghazi and fast and furious as examples of what i just told you. Think about the boston bombing. You can put yourself on google alert, just go to google them for your naming. You will get in a millisecond an email if your name appears on the internet. Its amazing, is that . To get out years ago you wouldve a library of newspapers, but in the federal government we had one of the surname brothers who traveled and was in the database, he so call paying to use Janet Napolitano words he pinged and knowing that there was a camera. Or no one followed up in an appropriate manner. Does that strike you as odd . In a government that spends trillions of dollars, no one thought there was anything wrong with that . Folks, if it was a private sector jobs would be at stake, salaries would be at stake and promotions would be at say, but yet nothing happened. I assure you it is not a reflection of the good people who act as our federal agents, and promise you. I never met one who if they saw situation like that would not run with it they can stop attack. But no one thinks anything of it because its a rock or see the grows again. It gets worse and worse and worse. With the by product . Lazy bureaucratic efforts to stop what they cant stop through commonsense reform. The nsa, lets just do blanket surveillance at this point rather than looking at , hey, why do we have obese federal agencies . To bring up another example at the end of the book and quoting the accountability review board that reviewed the benghazi situation where they clearly state they had a manpower problem. I contrast that with the raid on the gibson guitar factory, they imported would from indonesia or whatever it may be. Think about this. You have Us Government and they have a situation in benghazi in an active conflict so. Theres no question about that. Documented request for security over and over and over again. The arm comes out and says, well, there is a loud rock barack percy and bottomline theres a manpower problem. Get it doesnt bother anyone or strike them as odd that we had enough guys to go raid the gibson guitar factory over imported wood. Priorities . Are those really our priorities . So its easy to complain, suggestion Going Forward and id like to take your questions. If we were to streamline his federal agencies and intelligence operation, an internal Affairs Investigation type operation and one federal Law Enforcement operation segmented into Different Division kind of like the nypd has you could have cross training. You could move people around trade you can take advantage of economy and scope, everything the private sector does. You can streamline. You can promote faster. Promotion rules, everything from promotion could all be economized. We could save tons of money and at the same time we allocate manpower for problems like that. We can do that now even in the secret service when we need people we have to put out request to other agencies. It goes through these big channels and waste all kinds of money. Just to get a guy with a gun to show up. We would have to do any of that. We could start to prioritize, terrorism first, organized crime second, whatever it may be and reallocate manpower efficiently and not have to worry about six agents break into gibson guitars to bust up and imported would ring while our embassy in benghazi has no security. I find that unforgettable and i think in the private sector with that profit motive and the motive to incentivizing and create greater productivity i think we could fix this, but we dont have that the government. Remember what i said, the economic interests is always for you to continue to retain as much power as you can because there is no power in, yes. There is only power in me as a Government Official with a monopoly over that investigation to be able to tell you know. You need me. When i create a need i create a request later on. It will be my request. We can fix it though, folks. I think its going to take some good passionate people Going Forward. I think its going to take more people to speak out. I think right now theres a crisis of internal leadership. I think people during a recession are afraid to leave, but i speak to people all the time on my cell phone, on the inside who are just as frustrated as i am. Weathers from the military or somewhere else and i think is when you take just a tidal wave of people speaking out to really create some effective change. So i appreciate you listening and i would love to take your questions and for those who read the book i appreciate it and if youd like to read it later on i think you will see what im talking about with these last two chapters. Thank you very much. [applause]. Thank you, dan and we will take questions if you will be so kind to wait until the microphone is at your location and identify yourself as a courtesy to our guest. We have a question . I knew we would. Citizen at large. Do you think that part of the problem is a risk aversion in our culture . Whenever there is some tragedy of a violent nature multimillion dollar lawsuits come out of it from the victims and the families of the victims. So, everyone feels obliged to maximize security so that god for bid something does happen you can say i had xyz people watching out. You think about during the civil war it was just across the river lincoln. [inaudible] during world war ii we were at war with the japanese and italians and germans and yet the city function, it was in a lockdown anywhere near like it is now. You could walk in and out of the capital. It seems that we have we are trying to prevent any sort of violence almost like we are afraid of taking risks and it seems like do you think that kind of mentality may be part of the problem . I do, but i think wearing a much different environment than we were back then and i think its a function of technology. The ability right now to spread a dirty bomb, the power of explosives growing exponentially , and access to weapons, nontraditional weapons and frankly, social modeling a fact. Before i went into the secret service i was a graduate student fascinated by psychology and social modeling, the ability to watch with another human being does and replicate the behavior yourself is almost a uniquely human behavior. Why do i say that . Because you see things like the school shootings. There is no question in my mind that the growth in this sand tragic phenomenon is a result of press coverage of the actual event. Which is created in the 24 hour news cycle with a blogging, 24 hour internet, facebook and the ability to tweak. When we hit bin laden in pakistan there was a gentleman who lived there in pakistan who tweeted that there were helicopters overhead before they even landed. So in a 24 hour culture right now saturated with information the worldwide any tragic event has the capacity to set off almost a proliferation cascade of new tragic events trying to replicate it. So, to your first point are we a little hypersensitive . Yes. But, secondly, i would say that environment is definitely much different and to add onto that again, i write the book that environment for terrorism and counterterrorism specifically has become very dangerous because i use the business model, the traditional model of terror was the franchise model. It was a cell. Al qaeda inc. , think of it like a mcdonalds, where you by mcdonald is a franchisee you are an al qaeda franchisee and what you do . You have to buy the burgers in the material and take your orders from mcdonalds central. You technically operate your own store, but you really dont. You are following their and in al qaeda we call it propaganda a mcdonalds comarketing. Its really no different in awake your tragic trying to influence behavior. That franchise model with dangerous. But it was not as dangerous as the model we are in now, the Sole Proprietor model and i will tell you why. The franchise model of terror left a lot of breadcrumbs. I worked a lot of these cases, federally as a secret Service Agent on long island. One of my action mention the book. I could even get information on my own case with the fbi, it was absurd. It was my investigation and i thought this is insane. I can carry a gun onto air force one and i cant get information on a guy im investigating from another federal agency. What you will see right there with so proprietor terrorism is it doesnt leave the breadcrumbs. When you look at a situation like 911, and i dont mean this qualitatively but the spectacular nature of the attack. You had flight schools and multiple training sessions, multiple contacts which always left a breadcrumb. Thats an grant investigate it. You dont see that now. The surname brothers were very much a Sole Proprietor. They had very little contact at all with what you would consider core al qaeda central if any. What they did is they went to the internet which is a 24 hour Propaganda Machine if you are seeking out, saw that it can inspire magazine and a couple pressure cookers and took upon themselves to create this bomb and shut down an entire city. I would argue that affects, although not as spectacular in the tragic sense as 911 were nearly as devastating and those so proprietor terrorist out there do not leave the breadcrumbs. What are you going to do, watch every americans internet traffic . That may be a silly question, what you see what im saying. You can do that my time. Are in a different environment, but i agree with our hypersensitive and i think its largely a reflection, unfortunately, of Political Correctness as well. I am a libertarian heart, i believe every man and woman on this earth is a child of god, but if someone says to me you are looking for a green male who is 6foot 6 and missing his left finger thats who i want to go after. I use these absurd physical characteristics because insert another random race, culture, creed or religion and everyone gets offended as if you did something wrong and long for some. Just because i may be looking for someone who i know attend a certain religious facility or do it doesnt mean i have anything as a lawenforcement officer against that particular we are just following the trail and i take it becomes even more dangerous now because we get a blanket surveillance in the case of the nsa, which i disagree with fundamentally. Its a silly way to do it and you also have blanket screening. Which is absurd. Really . The tsa and folks in this room, how much time are you going to do you realize the economic productivity lost every year to screen 999 out of a thousand people who wont even have a nail clipper on them . Its a waste. I hope that in the army is different and you are right on both fronts. [inaudible] youre absolutely right, only i went to ask. [inaudible] i wrote here a request to you to. [inaudible] youre not going to get an argument from me on that one. Im certainly an avid constitutional conservative with a strong libertarian vent. If you dont have a process and you dont have the zealotry to a set of rules you have nothing but chaos. Theres no way to argue otherwise. On your first point, yes, it is deftly a global fight, but i can only argue from my perspective within the secret service. I wasnt subject to global rules. I think there are some that using heavyhanded approach globally that arent limited by the rules we have in this country to actually have a blowback affect and it makes the environment worse. Im not talking about from a military perspective. From a lawenforcement perspective cutting travel around the world as a secret Service Agent. I think some of the tactics are extremely effective and only wind of creating internal propaganda later on when the situation couldve been handled far different. Sometime in lawenforcement honey works a lot better than vinegar, just to mikes hearing. Merry christmas to all. Merry christmas. I have a twopart question, first of all as an active secret Service Agent i know you are a former agent, but while on active duty may i ask why did you not specifically attend to i believe, which is the real crux of all of the problems and issues that you have mentioned, which is article to section one of the United States constitution, which deals with the qualifications of the present and if i may just quote, no person except a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution shall be president. Of course, there are other qualifications, so may i ask why didnt you not deal with the greatest threat, the threat being a threat as an officer and a threat, a domestic threat and also International Threat to america because right now we do have an unconstitutionally president and that poses the greatest threat, not only in america, but throughout the world. That i have a part to. Hold on. Thats a lot of part one, before you get to part two. [laughter] unfortunately, its not true. The president of the United States was born i have nothing as to say on that. The present was born in the United States. Thats a lie. I cant argue with you about that. Please go on to another question. Do have another question from the audience . Yes, maam . Over here. I understand you are running for congress again for 2014. Can you talk about sort of why you want to get into a. [inaudible] and what you think you can do to help them out a little bit . I cant get too into it. But just talking generally about congressional Approval Ratings, congress is kind of funny when people tell you 9 Approval Rating because then when you ask them about their individual commerce meant they are, like i think hes great. If they knew who it is. Its kind of funny. You ask people sometimes, theres always i dont actually live in the district im running in, but will eventually. I will say to people, it does that bother you ended they say, not really and i say what district are you in and they say i dont know. People when the time i Congress Talk about it like its some cloud, this fog like its not made of real people and when he gets the real people they usually generally like the cars men. This year may be different. I think your analysis and those numbers are not off. I think its largely a function of a lot a policy decisions by this administration and peoples attachment to it. I think when you get a letter in the mail that slaps you in the face that says you have lost your healthcare, it makes it very real for a lot of people, really fast. A lot of policy decisions dont have that effect. When you think of Something Like taxes, with the income for tax is your czech beer next year than it was last year. A lot of people find hard to process in their head, but Something Like getting a healthcare letter and saying hey find a new healthcare it hurts them. You know, to answer the larger question as to why i would choose to get involved in it, wasnt plato that said if you refuse to get involved in politics your destined to be ruled by people less than yourself. I ask you, turn the question back on you. What do you do . Really, all of you this room. We are all complainers. I am. I dont mean that any bad way way. What are you doing . Im not challenging you, i may just what are you doing . The world has changed by action, not by talk. Talk motivates action. Action is what changes the world. Again, go back to that question before, i get all the time. What can we do . What can we do . , what are you doing now . Nothing, what do you mean nothing . Are you just letting this happen . So, if you dont get involved and take a risk like that pakistani subway owner that i met who came here with nothing, not a dime, didnt even speak english and figured out in the greatest country on earth to make money, what are you doing to change the process to make a better tomorrow . And you look at most effective politicians, they were the people who told you how terrible yesterday was, they told you your plan and their action plan for tomorrow. I think i have an obligation to people whose tax dollars supported a very nice lifestyle when i was in the secret service. I have an obligation to give you something back. Believe me when i tell you, folks, the financial penalty for my decision was longlasting. If you think you are going to make any money in books for my bad news for you. Youre not. Right one because its an Ideological Mission for you, use it as a vehicle. But if youre going to think youre going to write a book and get rich and make back to 3 million in the behind, you are out of your mind. I did this because i really believe in this. We are the greatest country on earth and we have been worse places before, but it takes people of action not just talk to get to do something. Let me ask you one last question on the systemic solution you mention. We understand that a lot of washington is victim, not only just in the protection and defending us, your proposal to put some of those together and have a different tree of response ability i understand. But how does that cross with your libertarian view, will you not to be centralizing too much power in some places as opposed to having some of this check and balance that some of these institutions pay for our safety . There is already power over specific things. To break up that power i will give you an example, lets just use, love the secret service, but thats where i was and it makes for a convenient example. Lets say you are a Bank Executive and you dont want to pay millions of dollars for fraud investigators especially when the secret service and extra dollars can pay to do it for free. If i know you have monopoly power over bank fraud, which we typically do. Its relatively monopoly and monopolistic. Again, there is no power in me saying, yes, i have to make you come to me. Use the other example with the nypd, which was one of large centralized operation. Very few other lawenforcement operations that have any power at all. The sheriffs doing a lot of towing and dont get involved in Law Enforcement, but if i go and you and nypd and i need you to help me out and you say, im not going to do it, you have zero monopoly over that at all. I go over there and say officer jones would help, officer simpson and if not there is literally endless avenues for you good to go to an endless plasticity, so i would argue strongly that there is already monopoly power and centralizing it bureaucratically doesnt necessarily centralize the power. It enables people in different avenues within the one larger pr person. I know its hard to swallow, but when you see from the inside the redundancy is absurd. I remember a story where in literally the same building, dont say who, but the same building there were two federal agencies, one had four or five distinct separate entity offices and they could fill them. They were not going to hire. There was another entity in the same building that needed the space and they went out and rented another office instead of moving upstairs. You start to scratch your head and say this is insane. Its the whole milk friedman. , when other people spend other peoples money on other people neither cost nor quality will ever matter. Its true. I would rather other people spend other peoples money on themselves. At least the Quality Matters if not the cost, right . If im spending your money on something and it something for me im going to buy the best suit i can buy. But when you spend taxpayer money on other people the quality doesnt matter either and thats how you get ridiculous decisionmaking. You dont think there is waste in our budget, folks, its absurd how much waste is in our budget. Literally absurd. If i could shed when working on that. On the other front because i mentioned the segmentation of federal Law Enforcement, but the other side it didnt begin to too much, the lobby front, which is lobbying that has been going on for eons. Thats nothing new. The source of all of our problems there is the tax code. If i can give you a tax break because you make gray suit and i can give a tax break to a gray suit company and not give it to a blue suit company i have given you an ad competitive advantage in a field you dont have. Now you pay me back with the donating to a pack which donates to my campaigning keep seeing power do you realize the economic distortion effects ripple in through the economy multiplied that one transaction times thousand and thousands and thousands over decades . Think about how many value misjudgments were made because the pricing of a product is wrong because me as a politician could give you a tax break. Its no small item. Why do you think the left of fight so viciously against the flatten their tax . Because its unfair or on that flat . No. They fight it so badly because, again, there is no power in, yes. When everything is eight yes and you pay

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