Queen mary, of course. So, lets begin. Its dawn an Inauguration Day. In washington, dc. Huge amount of people gather on the washington mall. In 2009 it was from the capitol all the way to the Lincoln Memorial. We just lost our picture. Here we go and theyre there, of course for the inauguration. People gathered to watch in other places as well. In times square in new york city in classrooms around the country, in paris, in iraq, in afghanistan, people are watching the u. S. President ial inauguration. Theyve all come there, and theres a big crowd on the mall. Im going to speak to you today about this great historic subject, Great American institution, and im not going to im going to do it in the same way in which i organized the book. The book is not coniologial, starting with George Washington and john adams. Instead its divided up by they various parts of the day, and within each part of the day i sprinkle in vignettes. Some serious, some traditional, and three. Odd ball events because im always looking for those, too. Im also going to cover some things we wont see in the upcoming inauguration in january because this time we dont have a change of power. So were not going to have that transition as we see sometimes. But nevertheless in the morning, on at inaugurations when a president does leave office, heres in 1961, heres Dwight Eisenhower thanking thanking tht the white house. At the same time the incoming president , that year john f. Kennedy and with wife, jacqueline, theyre leaving the blair house, getting ready for the big day. Another thing that takes place on inauguration morning this will happen again is a religious service. When i was in washington with my wife a few years other, just a half block from where we were staying there was this Church Called the first ame church, a traditional africanamerican church, and thats where the service was held for the first black president , bill clinton. Now, have a little map here for you. Things start at the white house and move along pennsylvania avenue, toward the capital, which is on the right there. And theres a traditional coffee at the white house that takes place, and its a big deal on the days when theres a transition from one president to another. Again, 1961, and that was the year when a lot of this pike temperatures were made available. You dont normally see these puck toads. Eisenhower and kennedy together and at the same time you have four women together, and these four women actually were the four all of the the first ladies of country between 1953 and 1974. The left, thats mamie icen howard, and then with our become to us, lady bird johnson, jacqueline queened, the new first lady in 1961, and pat nixon the outgoing wife of the Vice President at that time. Another thing that takes that takes place on Inauguration Day when theres a change of power is that by tradition, the outgoing president leaves a note for his successor. This is the note the large envelope that was left in the oval office by george w. Bush for barack obama. He just put a postie on if with 44 and inside was another envelope that said, two 44, from 43 to 44 from 43. And then the next morning heres a picture of barack obama reading the actual note. The procession to the capitol is always a big deal. They move along pennsylvania avenue there, and heres a picture from exactly 100 years ago. An open carriage, and that is William Howard taft on the right, and the new president , Woodrow Wilson on the left. And in 1933, we had a situation with Franklin Roosevelt and herbert hoover. They didnt long so well. Wasnt a lot of conversation on the ride to capital. In those pictures roosevelt can seep waving to the crud or smiling or turning toward hoover and trying to have a conversation but in every picture hoover is looking straight ahead, ignoring him. There have been other times also where the. President s, new and old, didnt get along so way and both are mentioned in the book, the chapter is called cant we all get along. Sometimes weather innings weather is a big issue. These these havent and Teddy Roosevelt and the karen, and heres the route they take. That pennsylvania avenue, heading toward the capitol. Now, from 1829 all the way through 1977, which covers the great majority of american inaugurations, they took place on the east side of the capitol, the east side. That ditch if you have been to was where the side where the library of congress is and the United States supreme court. So, here is what that looks like today, the east side of the capitol and that what it likes like when the used to spruces it up for the inauguration, have a platform in front of it. Heres another viewy are you can see the platform to the evident Los Angeles Press stand in the middle and the crowd gathers. But in 1981, everything switched. They decided to move it to the west side of the capitol. And that is much larger and that allows for par more people to actually see the ceremony. Heres what the west side looks like most days, and when they jazz it up for the inauguration the put the bunting up, the flags and that what it looks like every inauguration since 1981. And theres another view where you can look back at the washington monument, can sort of be seep in the background and the Lincoln Memorial even all the way enfurther than that. Inaugural ceremony it. We haden invocation today. Theres normally a president ial invoke addition and the one i found took place in 1961 when Cardinal Cushing delivered the you can see the smoke right there and see martial to right of Cardinal Cushing looking to put putt and you can their concern on eisenhower and kennedys face. The marshal but it out. A little short in the electrical system. At the time thing that has taken place is apot delivering a poem, and the first time took place was in 1961. A lot happening that year. The other thing what Vice President johnson botched the Vice President ial inaugural oath. Here dealing with the poem here, thats robert frost, famed poet. The first poet to sever speak at a president ial inauguration and good time for me to read an expert from the become. You all properly remember the famous poem called the road not taken written by frost. So heres my chapter called the poem not spoken in 1961, 86yearold robert frost became the first poet to ever by invited to speak at a president ial inauguration inflame the days leading to john f. Kennedys inauguration, frost wrote a special poem called dedication. There was a major snowstorm the night before the ceremony. On the day of the inauguration, however, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was blue. Frost was about to begin to read his poem put the very bright compare of the snow prevented him from being able to see his manuscript clearly. His one of the worlds most famous poets but couldnt read his own words. New Vice President Lyndon Johnson, stood up and made an effort to create some shade for pros with a top hat but didnt help. You can actually see that in the picture. Johnson standing next to frost holding a top lat. Potts could be heard to say im not having a good light and i can see in the sun. So instead frost delivered an older poem, joy the gift outright which he had memorized. Even then frosts upon recommend did not and. He connect his preparation by informing the assembled throng this poetry had been dedicated at the president elect, mr. John finley. Frost had inned a verttily stated the name of a scholar from harvard. Finley new forecast frost and may have been a friend of frost but finally was no f. Finley what not jack kennedy. Heres a depiction of George Washingtons inauguration. The first one in 1789 which took place in new york city, which was our capitol at the time. The next two inaugurations took place in philadelphia and the first one in washington was in 1801. Theres a myth, a legend, that George Washington added the words so happen me god at the end of the oath but theres no real proof he said that. Nobody ever wrote that he said added those four wards did but its come to be a tradition, at least from 1933 to the present, those words have been added at the end of the oath. This is 1929, and on the left is chief justice William Howard taft, and he is administering the oath of office to the new president , herbert hoover. Taft is the only person ever to both president and chief justice, and he actually made at mistake in oath. Supposed to say preserve, protect and defend the constitution. But he said, preserve, maintain, and defend, and this was a mistake that was actually discovered by a little 13yearold girl, listen to go the inauguration on radio in her classroom the state of new york. Some brought it to everybodys attention and they checked it out and she was right. So, that was a mistake in oath, which leads us to four years ago. You may recall that when chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath to barack obama, on january 20, 2009, there was a major problem. The major probable problem consists of the word head said. Roberts is intoed to say oops. Roberts was supposed to say that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States. And then obama repeats it. Instead of saying those words he said that i will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully. So then barack obama stopped, paused, smiled, as if to say, come on, man, this is my big day, you got to get this right. But unfortunately, he didnt get it right, and then obama even later repeat some of roberts mistakes. So, the very next night in the white house, they did it again. There was a second oath, this time roberts used notes which he hadnt used the first time, and they got it right damp. Intoers called oops they did it again. In 1965, lady bird join johnson was the first first lady to hold the bible as the oath was administered. That was a precedent and has been the case ever since. You can see here from kennedys inauguration four years earlier, Jackie Kennedy is off to the left in the picture, note holding the bible. The bible was instead held by james r. Browning, a clerk of the supreme court. Few more pictures to show you. Hairs Ronald Reagans swearing in in 1981. Jimmy carter is off to the right. Heres bill clinton in 1993. Heres 1985. Reagans second inauguration, it was a different locale. The weather was sod bad so the parade was cancelled the move the oath, take indoors into the Capitol Rotunda and weather has been a problem other times. This is from 1889. A lot of rain for the inauguration of benjamin harrison, and then in 19 ha 1945, this is the franklin d. Roosevelts fourth inauguration. The war was going on. He was not feeling well and everything was moved to the white house. He took the oath on at the one of to ball ball copies at the white house. Roost had four inaugurations. Barack obama is about to tie franklin d. Roosevelts record. Thaw could that be . He we barack obama was naught raid televize. The 21 is in a sunday, and he took the oath on january 20th january 20th and then he had one publicly on the 21st. Hires eisenhower in 1957, on sunday, private ceremony. Inaugural trace. A very old picture. This is from 1865, this is abraham lincolns second inauguration, said with malice toward none, with charity for all. Now 1933, franklin d. Roosevelt the only thing we have to fear is fear itself john f. Kennedy, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Then the depart temperature of the old president , heres george w. Bush on the back of the capitol four years ago, flying off in a helicopter, looking back at the capitol. Then theres a luncheon, obamas luncheon four years ago. And then the return to the white house after that. This is the first time that a first lady ever domestic back to white house with the president was in 1909. Nelly taft with William Howard taft. Well see that again this time because the ken the own obamas walked part of the distance, jimmy carter and his wife walked the entire distance. The inaugural parade will take place. A reviewing stand is always set up in the white house, that is Glover Cleveland back in 1885 and heres the white house in the background. A classic inaugural parade picture. Capitol in the background with bands marching. 1953, a fame hall of a famouy name monty montana, lassoed with his permission. In 1829 there was a stampede in the white house. A big party there and the people trampled the place, with their muddy bads bads and ripped the t taps taps taps and ripped the carpeting and finally somebody got the brilliant idea of putting a large tub of whiskey on the white house lawn and everyone left. Inaugural ball at not. 1952. The kennedys in 1961. George and laura bush, barack and michelle obama. There are party of inauguration history. You cant deny that many of us even remember remember 49 years ago necessaryee will be the 50th anniversary of the assassination of john f. Kennedy followed by Lyndon Johnson sworn in aboard air force one in dallas. Sworn in by Federal District judge sarah hughes. The only federal judge to ware in a president. Heres gerald r. Ford sworn in in the white house, after Richmond Nixon resigned in disgrace, and heres a picture of the and my final story this story actually inspired me more than any other to write this book. This is Calvin Coolidge in 1923 who became president after the death of warren harding. At the time of hardings death, coolidge was staying with his father in a very, very small cottage in vermont, a place had no Running Water no, electricity no telephone, no internet. None of those thing. So a cure you came by to present the a cure you came by to brent the news that harding died and everyone wanted coolidge to be sworn in as soon as possible. So the question was, who would do it, who would swear in the president . The answer was his own father. His own father, John Coolidge, was a local justice of the peace and i notary public and sew by the life of an old the light by an old kerosene lamp at 2 47 in me morning, John Coolidge swore in his son, calvin, as the new president. Thats it. Hopefully this will help you when you view the inauguration coming right up. [applause] we have some question. Who what the first president to walk between the capitol and white house. We repeat that. Who was the first president to caulk bet out of the vehicle and iraq well, that was jimmy and roslyn carter. A coatal shock. The secret service knew but not the public didnt know. The press didnt know. They just never got into the car. They walked the entire distance. Since then other president s and fitter ladies have walked part of the distance, george and laura bush and the clintons did and of course barack obama and michelle did as well. How many president s died after they inaugural and why. After the inaugural . In office . Well, there have been eight times i believe the number is eight where we have had a change of power in that way. One was the resignation. There have been four assassinations, four times president s were assassinated and a few other deaths three other deaths in office. [inaudible question] William Henry harrison in 1841. He was our oldest president at the time, 68. And at that time he was and he spoke gave his address, last evidence for two hourses in at the cold weather and caught pneumonia, and died exactly one month later. Who was the first president to hold the inauguration on the west side of the capitol and any background on that. Reagan was the first, 1981, the first one for to be on the west side of the capitol. My understanding it was senator Mark Hatfield of oregons idea. Ronald reagan thought it was great idea he would be getting to face california that way. He liked that idea. But the biggest factor was the fact that now so many more people can view it. Now you just with over 1. 8 Million People the for obamas inauguration four years ago. By far the biggest. They can give out about 1 0,000, 150,000 ticket and the rest of the people just show and stand there. But when it was the east site, usually werent more than 20,000 people who could view the actual ceremony, a lot more could be present for the parade. And often times there were more than a Million People for the parade but not for the ceremony itself. Are all the pictures thawow showed on the slides, are those pictures in your book . Not quite all of them but many of them, yes if have many mick tours in any become that are not part of the slide show. Some here that are not in the become. But if you take a look at the book, youll see theres more than 50 pictures in the book. About how much [inaudible question] they did say it costs a lot. I dont have an exact figure but i would hope there would be scaled back because of the economy and because its the second inauguration, by definite a second inauguration is not quite the same in importance as the first. Theres no change of power no transition. Its a continuation. They have not yet made an announcement about what its going to be like this year, but i was actually recently interviewed by npr on that very sum. Somebody wrote an npr article and its on the internet, called do we knee second inauguration and i feel like the country wouldnt lose out if the did scale it back for sure. One more question. Any president elect died before he was inaugurated . Thats never happen. There was an assassination attempt on president elect roosevelt in 1932 but it didnt succeed. If that dot happen does the Vice President automatically become the president. Would the Vice President take over . The Vice President elect would take over. I believe that is correct. [inaudible question] well, of course, he was our civil war president s and washington is said to have been an armed camp at the time of this inauguration, withsharpshooter on all the rooftops. Sort of like it is now eye. With ton he last three inaugurations and ever since 2001 theres bigtime security. But it was definitely that way back in 1861 and 1865 as well. Thank you very much. [applause] this is booktv, on cspan2. Heres the premium lineup [inaudible conversations]

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