This morning Defense Department officials will testify on junior rotc sexual abuse allegations before a house subcommittee on National Security. The committee undertook the investigation of Sexual Misconduct after the New York Times published an article that showed a pattern of sexual abuse among students who took part in junior rotc programs. Live coverage of this hearing here on cspan2. Through the house rules require that we see members for in attendance at all times. Members appearing remotely or not recognized should remain muted to minimize background noise and feedback. Fifth, i will recognize members verbally but members retain the right to seek recognition verbally and regular order members we recognize in seniority for questions. And lastly if you want to be recognized outside of regular order you may identify the item in several ways. One comments you may use the chat function to send a request or you may send an email to majority staff, or you may unmute your mic to seek recognition. Obviously we do not want people talking over each other so my preference is at members appearing remotely use the chat function or email to facilitate formal verbal recognition. Staff will ensure i made aware of your request and over recognize you as soon as possible. We will begin the hearing momentarily. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] the subcommittee was knocking door to frequent objections that use authorized to declare a recess of the subcommittee at any time. The chair of recognize itself for an Opening Statement. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here. Today the subcommittee on National Security will examine the department of defense and military Services Administration and oversight of the junior reserve officer Training Corps program, or jrotc. As a sales by congress the statutory purpose of the jrotc is to instill in our Nations High School students, quote, the valves of citizenship, service to the United States and personal responsibility as well as a sense of accomplishment. Close closed quote. In furtherance about objective jrotc officers dispute micco offers participating School Students or cadets in immersive military learning about that includes coursework in leadership, civics, ethics come history, health and stem as well as Service Specific classes in seamanship, land navigation, aviation history and aerospace science. The program also provides cadets an important opportunity to visit military installations offcampus. And participant and other Extracurricular Activities with fellow students. And as chairman on National Security i believe that Jrotc Program is instrumental in developing our young people who may be inspired to embark on a life dedicated to the military or civilian Public Service. That is precisely why the program must be subject to meaningful oversight and operate within maximum transparency and accountability. To benefit the health and safety of every cadet. Regrettably that is not the current case. In july 2022 an extensive New York Times investigation concluded that within the past five years jrotc instructors have been criminally charged with Sexual Misconduct involving students at a rate that is quote, far higher than the rate of civilian high school teachers. The investigation also found many other jrotc instructors a been accused of misconduct but never charged your own subcommittee investigation has further reveal that the extent of instructor misconduct within jrotc is even more disturbing than previously reported. In a moment with her testimony from dod and the military services about the actions they are taking to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of jrotc cadets is in place. I look forward to hearing more about how they are working to improve the bedding and certification of jrotc instructors, how allegations of instructor misconduct are reported and handled, and of the military Services Conduct oversight of their respective Jrotc Programs. I would like to conclude by framing todays hearing with broader strategy context. United States Military the finest volunteer fighting force in the world is currently grappling with an unprecedented recruitment and retention challenge. This is driven in part by lack of trust among our nations young men women and their families that the United States military will protect them from unnecessary physical and psychological harm, both at home during training and when they are deployed. Many of young men men womenn jrotc do so with the noblest aspirations of serving our country. Either military or civilian service. And so when they do, when they don their military uniforms, even as high School Students, they are entitled to such protections as we would wish for our own sons and daughters. As the department of defense and cant continue to address our current readiness and recruit the challenges it is vital that we restore and maintain the public faith in military service. We can begin by demonstrating to those who are eager to serve our country that we did not take their health and safety lightly. It is imperative that we honor the sacred commitment of our jrotc cadets by ensuring that they are being educated in the military culture, in an environment that prioritizes their wellbeing and is reflective of their serbs on behalf of of our nation. I want to thank our witnesses for the willingness to testify today, and i will now yield to the distinguished Ranking Member from wisconsin for his Opening Statement. Thank you, chairman lynch. Before i get started i would like to ask unanimous consent of mr. Fort lawn from texas wave onto the subcommittee for the purpose of, purposes of questions. Without objection, so ordered. Thank you. I would also like to thank the witnesses for all occurring today. This is a very important issue and its proper topic for oversight. We have the grid of military in the world primarily because of the many women who serve. These men and women often go up one serve the country and join junior reserve officer Training Corps in high school where the reserve officer Training Corps in college to prepare. These programs provide training Education Leadership skills necessary for the military. Jrotc operates in every state and has more than 3500 programs. Approximately 538690 cadets are enrolled. Thats pretty good for approximate. The programs are vital to the success for our military. Unfortunately recent reporting regarding sexual abuse in instructor misconduct is a concern. The New York Times found that 33 jrotc instructors in the past five years have been criminally charged with Sexual Misconduct involving students. This is shameful. Its at a far higher rate than civilian high school teachers. At least seven were flagged for allegations previously but allowed to keep teaching. In total over the past five years there have been 60 allegations of Sexual Misconduct against jrotc with 58 of the 60 substantiated. Will the city received an initial suspension for certification, more must be done to protect our young men and women. Who wish to serve in uniform. Im interested in asking each of you not only what your plans are to protect your cadets of the future but also if there any identifiable patterns across these allegations. Patterns of location, demographics, age and gender would help inform whether reforms could be most tailored to provide the largest return and protect the most cadets but i hope thisll be a productive hearing and result in substantial change from each of you here again, mr. Chairman, i thank you for holding the steering and i yield back. I thank the gentleman. Again, with several members who are not on the Oversight Committee but who are done remarkable work in this area in addition to mr. Fallon who is already been on. Without objections a member from texas congresswoman Sylvia Garcia is recognized for the purpose of participating in questioning the witnesses, and without objection the member from pennsylvania congressman houlihan is recognizable for the purpose of participating in questioning of the witnesses. Thank you. I will now introduce of witnesses. First well hear from mr. Thomas constable okay. We are also, i did not realize, we also are graced with the presence of a full committee chairwoman, ms. Maloney. Ms. Maloney is recognized for an Opening Statement. Welcome. All of our witnesses and to you, mr. Chairman, [inaudible] and Ranking Member for holding this important hearing and for your many years of leadership advocating for the health and safety of everyone who proudly and bravely wears our nations uniform. The junior reserve officer Training Corps program, or jrotc, provides high School Students with an important opportunity to strengthen their leadership and interpersonal skills, improve their physical fitness and pursue their education all while immersing themselves in military culture. And every year thousands of yg cadets graduate from jrotc. Many of them going to pursue a career of military service. This program is crucial for the future of our military, so i was deeply disturbed by the report in the New York Times this summer, finding that dozens of jrotc instructors have sexually assaulted their students. Abuse of them and harassed them. That is why chairman lynch and i wrote to the department of defense and the military services in august seeking information about how the military Services Conduct oversight of their Jrotc Programs, and what changes are needed to protect, to protect cadets from predatory instructors. We have learned what we learned from the department is truly alarming. The New York Times identified 33 jrotc 33 jrotc instructors who have been accused of sexually assaulting their students in the last five years, but our investigation as the chairman noted shows that the problem is far worse than what was reported. We found that the Defense Department has received at least 60 allegations of sexual abuse, harassment or other misconduct in the past five years. 58 of which were substantiated following a Law Enforcement or investigation. The Department Also told us that the military service did not always conduct annual in person in evaluations of their programs for jrotc, while the army conducts socalled assist visits on a yearly basis for individual programs in need of additional attention. It otherwise only inspects onethird of its units each year. Meanwhile, the air force completes inperson assessments every three years, while the army and marines perform such examinations every other year. I want to be clear, the vast majority of jrotc instructors are decent and trustworthy members of, or former members of our Armed Services, and they continued to serve our country honorably by teaching and mentoring our next generation of leaders for the military. But our investigation has exposed a lack of pentagon oversight appears to have enabled the predatory behavior of some of the jrotc instructors. Any allegation of Sexual Assault, abuse or harassment in this program is one too many and needs to be addressed. These are our future leaders in our military. We need to respect them and treat them in ways that they are protected. I hope that todays hearing will illuminate some of the lapses that have contributed to sexual abuse by jrotc instructors, and im confident that the Oversight Committee, led by this subcommittee, will continue to work in a bipartisan way with mr. Grothman and others to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our nations young cadets. I think the chairman for holding this hearing, and i look forward very much forward to the testimony and to your ideas of how to make sure this never happens again and how distinguished military goes forward in a way that protects our young cadets. I yield back. The gentlelady yields back him adages want to say that i know this is one of the and i just want to say that under this is one of the final phase will have during this current session ended you know what to miss the opportunity to say thank you to chairwoman maloney. I have served with you for over 20 years on this committee, and i can think of no one who has been more productive or persistent under the rubric of oversight in investigating and correcting some of the wrongs that we have seen during our time in this congress. And i just want to thank you for your leadership, not only on this issue, but on so many issues over the past 20 years. I knew that you have been a prolific lawmaker. I can think of few members in this congress that are produced as much legislation as you have, madam chair, and you have been both energetic and heroic on championing issues on behalf of people who are powerless. And in this case, our high School Students who may feel that they are overmatched and at a power disadvantage. So i just want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your wonderful work on behalf of the people of new yorks 12th district in congress. I want to congratulate you on an illustrious and highly productive career. You have been an example for all of us, so thank you very, very much. I thank you for your leadership, and mr. Grothman and ms. Nuland an echo in here who is working on this issue. Yet shown great dedication, effective leadership and im honored to be supporting your efforts today. Thank you. Now i will introduce eyewitnesses. First well hear from mr. Thomas constable who is the acting assistant secretary of defense for manpower and reserve affairs at the department of defense. Mr. Constable position directs the Department Overall manpower policies including force training and education. Mr. Constable previously served for more than 20 years with the United States army as an activeduty soldier before retiring from service in 2008. Next well hear from ms. Yvette bourcicot who is the acting assistant secretary of the army for manpower and reserve affairs. In this role ms. Bourcicot manages Manpower Personnel and reserve Component Affairs of the United States army and provides advice to the secretary of the oversight of Human Resources training and force structure. As well as other important readiness matters. Ms. Bourcicot privacy served as an officer in the United States air force from 20002010, and has held several other ofn the department of defense. We will have been here from mr. Roberts hogue who is the acting assistant secretary of the navy for manpower and reserve affairs. In this role mr. Hogue is responsible for the overall supervision and oversight of the navys manpower and reserve Component Affairs, including the development of programs and policy related to military personnel and naval education. Mr. Hogue has a distinct career as a of the Senior Executive service with the navy and the marine corps, including previously serving as the senior Legal Adviser to the commandant of the marine corps. Finally well hear from mr. Alex wagner who was the assistant secretary for the United States air force for manpower and reserve affairs. In this role he provides overall supervision for matters related to the air force manpower, military and civilian personnel and reserve components. Mr. Wagner has also previously served in multiple civilian roles of Defense Department including as former chief of staff to the secretary of the army. Mr. Constable, ms. Bourcicot, mr. Hogue and mr. Wagner, could you please rise so that we can swear you in. And could you please all raise your right hand. [witnesses were sworn in] let the record show that the widgets at each answered in the affirmative. You may be seated. Without objection your written statements will be made part of the record. With that mr. Constable ui now recognize for an oral summation of your testimony you are now speak good morning chairman lynch, Ranking Member grothman. Madam chairwoman come by surprise and establishment of the subcommittee thank for the opportunity testify today to discuss the junior reserve officer Training Program betterments jrotc. We might call it jrotc as a giggling throughout the morning. Every officer holds a special position of moral trust and responsibility. Officer will violate that trust or avoid responsibility for any of their actions. Those are not my words. Those are the opening to the evs creed. Its required learning for all new officers and the decreet all try to live by and all we did in the department of defense. Sometimes we fail. When we do it our moral obligation to take stock of our processes to ensure were doing all we can to set conditions for the success of our members. Today that includes the retirees were honored to continue to wear the uniform as instructors and that includes the high School Students who have heard the call early in life and joined the junior rotc program. There is no place, no justification for misconduct that is taken place within the Jrotc Program. These incidents are directly opposed to our corps values and in no way reflect the military training and education that jrotc instructors receive one serving in uniform. The department of defense has an unwavering commitment to the safety and wellbeing of all jrotc participants and holding personnel accountable for any misconduct. We do this in coordination with the schools, the military departments and the department of education. To that end my office has been coordinating closely with the military departments to conduct a complete review of governing policies. We have found eric is what we can improve and standardized policy and procedures across the services in order to prevent Sexual Harassment and assaults to hold herself appropriate accountable when there is misconduct or abuse. We intend to have some updated policies but in of this year. We are also working closely with the department of education given its role in regulating and enforcing compliance with title ix and the resources be able to them to ensure that victims receive the help they need in response to Sexual Misconduct. We must never allow anyone who represents the department of defense to either directly or indirectly to break faith with our communities. Over 3400 schools across 50 states and territories have invested in hosting jrotc by having over 7500 military retirees and School Employees to teach jrotc to a demographically diverse population of over half the main student who electively pursue this course annually. We owe it to the students and communities to offer properly screened and train candidates for employment in the schools as jrotc instructors. And to hold individuals accountable when there is misconduct. To say that in the case of instructor misconduct is unacceptable is an understatement. Jrotc should be the shining example of duty, honor, country within the schools we serve. This issue has a highest attention across the highest levels of department leadership. Our full review of governing policies and regulations is just the first step to ensuring we had effective oversight and administration of the Jrotc Program. The department of defense acknowledges our moral obligation to protect those in our care and hold accountable the standards of military retirees who are privileged to continue to wear the nations uniform as jrotc instructors. We remain profoundly committed to doing right by our students and her educational communities by providing the support and resources necessary to supplement the development and prosperity of our great nation and its future leaders. Thank you again for your time and the opportunity this morning. Morning. I look forward to your questions. Thank you. The chair now recognizes ms. Bourcicot pic you are now recognize for five minutes for a presentation of chessmen. Thank you. Chairman lynch, Ranking Member grothman, distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to testify on behalf of the men and women of the United States army. I would like to start by stating that i share your outrage regarding the report mistreatment of junior rotc cadets and understand why this is such an important topic to discuss today. As a proud graduate of just over the bridge in maryland i have unique connection and understanding of this program. I remember vividly probably putting on the uniform for my first time and getting my first opportunity at formal leadership. Learning about discipline, health and wellness, and most important, what it means to be a citizen of these United States of america. I am grateful for my instructors, Lieutenant Colonel tony adler, colonel curtis spencer, chief Master SergeantFrank Killebrew and Master SergeantDave Ferguson who helped mold me into an air force junior rotc cadet, senior rotc cadet an air force officer and for laying the foundation for me today as acting assistant secretary of the army for manpower and reserve affairs. I want to emphasize that Army Senior Leaders require personnel who are placed in a position of trust to act in in a manner s worthy of that trust. My team and are prepared to work transparently with you to improve the armys junior rotc program and prevent breaking that trust mapping again in the future. The armys top priority is its people to include students participate in army junior rotc activity six Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assaults have no place in our army. We take jrotc misconduct stronger. Given our commitment to students and our emphasis on preventing harmful behaviors. Jrotc instruct mr. Even of contents is particularly egregious because of the faith and confidence that the army, parents, students and the nation place in those teachers and we will not tolerate it. From sector warmness and chief of staff mcconville, to tradeoff commander, are cadet commander general tony minera, our Brigade Commander and our instructors in the programs, we leave and followed by our army values. The United StatesArmy Cadet Command oversees the junior rotc program and is proactive in its approach to screening instructor candidates in Training Instructor to provide a Safe Learning environment for our cadets. Instructors that unsuitable due to illegal activity or behavior contrary to army values are decertified permanently and removed from army jrotc classrooms. Six years ago cadet command broadness 21 background check streaming fbi background checks streaming along with 24 dash 23. 23. This screening is the cornerstone of the armys jrotc instructor vetting process enhances the local School Districts screening process. That said, we can and will go for the to prevent instructor misconduct. The army is working incarnation with the other services in the department of defense to improve oversight of the Jrotc Program to decrease the chance of incidents from occurring. Again, added ensure the continued success of the program. As chairwoman maloney said the overwhelming majority of Army Instructor perform the duties honorably every day. In its 106 year the u. S. Army has the oldest Jrotc Program and the United States. Providing Services Specifically instruction to students in school is exemplary programs for our youth. In the past five years its 1. 2 million participants contributed 14. 6 billion hours of community service. Just one example is a High School Cadets from myers florida who led campus cleanup following hurricane ian. Research shows jrotc cadets have higher High School Attendance rate, a Higher High School Graduation rate at higher grade point average than their peers. We are proud of his work and appreciate the value and enabling americas youth and increasing their safety for civil service. Chairman lynch, Ranking Member grothman, distinguished men of the subcommittee thank you for the opportunity, and im happy to take your questions. Thank you. Mr. Hogue, you are now recognize for five minutes. My apologies. Good morning, chairman lynch, chairwoman maloney, Ranking Member grothman, the establishment is of the subcommittee. I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the actions of the department of the navy has taken in response to the reported such a misconduct involving navy and marine corps junior reserve officer Training Corps instructors, jrotc. I i want to convey on behalf of the secretary in the Senior Department of the Navy Civilian and military leadership that we take every instance of alleged Sexual Misconduct very seriously and are taking immediate action to improve the Jrotc Program to do everything within our power to avoid any future instructor misconduct. Across the nation the navy and marine corps partners with more than 800 jrotc host schools with roughly 100,000 participating students. Jrotc teaches life skills at colleges and employers highly value but theyre typically not taught in high school curriculum. Through the jrotc curriculum instructors help cultivate skills to position suits better for success inside and outside the classroom. Our youth need positive leaders, mentors, teachers and role models to help prepare them to make good decisions in life and become productive citizens of our nation. Jrotc instructors often trusted adults and mentors in the lives of the students and their units. The department is taking action to update policy and training to ensure that jrotc instructors do not betray that trust. We understand the seriousness of these incidents. While the vast but good of our instructors perform an exemplary way, navy and marine corps Jrotc Programs have had 23 incidents of Sexual Misconduct involving cadets in the last five years. And in every case we took immediate corrective actions. Although jrotc instructors are employees of individual school systems, the department understands and takes very seriously that the instructors conduct directly affects students and the Services Relationship with the American People here we are striving to ensure that all instructor condit is appropriate and positive, Building Trust with the jrotc cadets can host schools and the American People. These are sensitive issues particularly because the victims are minors. It is sometimes difficult for the department to know the exact nature of the misconduct and resulted very investigation. As local authorities and School Districts occasionally do not or cannot release information. But we are committed to working with our partners and local authorities to improve our assessments of instructors and to improve reporting and response processes. We welcome additional oversight and are committed to improving policies and processes to partner more closely with host schools to ensure our cadets are safe. We will be steadfast in protecting jrotc cadets, our nations next generation of leaders. Thank you for the opportunity to appear today, and that afforded to answering your questions. Thank you. Mr. Wagner, you are now recognized for five minutes. Chairman lynch, Ranking Member grothman, distinguished members of congress, thank you for your continued support and for the opportunity to testify today on the status of the department of the air force Junior Reserve OfficersTraining Corps program. Air force jrotc is a statutorily mandated citizenship program, one that supports the development of americas youth by building character, leadership skills, and a commitment to national service. The Program Seeks to instill a sense of pride and professionalism, personal responsibility and provide a basic familiarity with americas air and space forces. Like you, i am outraged by the acts of instructor misconduct within jrotc, even one incident of this nature is too many, and its unacceptable. The jrotc instructor corps represents the department of defense, and they are expected to be role models and our partner schools trusted adults and mentors. We have a special obligation to ensure that they safeguard the lives of the young women and men entrusted to their care. The incidence of Sexual Misconduct highlightedNew York Times are inimical to our ethos and or institutional corps values. Given the incidence of misconduct identified and our own review, it is clear the department of the air force must do more to prevent this type of misconduct from occurring at any of our jrotc units. To improve our prevention efforts we are currently reviewing oversight, committing resources to ensure Proper Staffing levels, enhancing screenings, and revamping initial and recurring training. Finally, were taking steps to attract and retain a female instructor corps more representative of the female cadets in our program. Our goal is to reduce the number of Sexual Assaults, harassment, and other incidents of exploitation to zero. And to that end i am committed to improving oversight and enhancing program resources. In closing, i am very thankful and want to emphasize this, to the outstanding instructors and staff to continue to work hard day in and day out, giving their best to this program in order to motivate and inspire our next generation of leaders. Their efforts truly change lives, and grow a stronger air and space force. As revis is stated, even one incident, however, is too many and we owe our cadets a program where all associated with the jrotc can learn, grow, and thrive. We are aggressively, aggressively taking action focus on improving the safety and wellbeing of our cadets. I want to ensure that congress and the American People know that we take these responsibilities seriously. Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today, and i look forward to your questions. Thank you. The chair would like to offer a motion for unanimous consent that we enter into the record a New York Times article which is a subject of this hearing dated july 9, 2022, by Michael Baker and Nicholas Burroughs and anna marcus. Without objection is so ordered. The chennai recognizes himself for five minutes for questions. Ive had the opportunity to serve my district, the eighth district of massachusetts, for more than 20 years. And part of that time ive also been a member of this committee and this subcommittee. And our highest priority across the board for all of our members both sides of the aisle has been the health and safety of our sons and daughters in uniform. And we take that responsibility extremely seriously. That we must have a commitment to protect those who serve and cyclists on behalf of our freedom. There can be no higher responsibility. So the subject of todays hearing, which is the sexual abuse and harassment of jrotc cadets who in most cases our children who aspire to serve and defend our country is especially disturbing. I think, i think it might be helpful to hear from our witnesses where the gaps are. Where have we failed . It would seem to me that there are probably five areas that chill out at me after reviewing our internal investigation as well as the accusations and reports of the New York Times columnists and reporters. One would be preparation of our instructors, jrotc instructors. And are we instructing them in a fashion and it is apparently at great variance from state to state and School District to School District, whether or not certifications are necessary, whether or not teacher training is necessary, whether the degree to which we require potential instructors to engage and understand what the responsibilities are. Theres also, i would say organizational gap between jrotc and our military and the School Districts. And there is a lack of clarity in terms of the lines of responsibility, i think. And i think its casebycase basis, depending on the m. O. U. , the memorandum of understanding between the jrotc and the particular School District. And i understand that is not uniform across all of the jurisdictions. Then theres the reporting issue as the New York Times pointed out, theres a question of the reef thwarting of rebuke of abuse and whether or not that is seriously followed up its students are informed of their protection from retribution. Because many of them have said, many of these victims that said they felt trapped and that they were jeopardizing their potential benefits of the fouryear program if they indeed reported the abuse to a superior. And also the chain of command aspect that overhangs this whole situation. Theres a question about the removal of, and this is repeatedly brought out in the New York Times article, the removal of instructors because a number of these individuals eventually convicted had records of prior abuse that had not been taken out of, out of the process and some were transferred and allowed to continue their abuse. And then support for the victims as well to make sure that following any allegations they are reinforced and supported and helped in their desire to eventually join the military. So let me start with you, mr. Constable. In those areas could indicate where you think we might renew our efforts to strengthen some of those vulnerabilities . Thank you, mr. Chairman. We look at this across the board just as youve described it. Inconsistency is probably a characteristic that is fair to apply here. And as we look across the population of not just the misconduct cases in front of us now with the program overall, what we see is 3400 different schools each with a separate memorandum of agreement as you said. And so where we are headed is towards, were really pushing towards policy that is standardized such thing, standardization i think its a watchword Going Forward. As we do that we were close with the department of education to bridge some of those gaps will be doing of access into the school rooms. As far as reporting goes, personal data for children is a sensitive, very sensitive issue anyhow, so can think that from 50 different states have different rules and policies perhaps if we dont have access to. I think going through state department we will see what we can cover any think that if we cant get there still we will be back to the committee to see what might be done Going Forward. The lack of clarity of lanes with the schools is very understandable. Again, these are primarily different from the environment of the military unit or Service Members served. These are high School Students for living a high School Students life and one elected throughout the day may be the junior rotc program. So in that context the schools offer to them resources for immediate reporting for local access to local Law Enforcement et cetera. Title ix with department of education will bring more resources to bear to ensure their meeting all the requirements set forth in the statutes vary. As we go forward we look to standardize i did not just the m. O. A. But the reporting procedures to ensure it includes everybody from the school all the way up through us and the department of education. And then with regard to standardization of the process for response to allegations, the services can address when we go down the line, mr. Chairman, one standard is when allegations are made certifications are medially suspended. When allegations are substantiated those certifications are then permanently withdrawn pixel in a case that doesnt get through we would have to look into to find the specific of that case. Thank you. Ive exhausted my time, and i will never recognize Ranking Member kaine the gentleman from wisconsin for five minutes per statistics show you are far worse than a regular school. Theres not maybe the appropriate alarm here in your testimony. Mr. Hogue, why are you worse than an average, you know, School District that hired teachers . Why a result from behind . Thank you for the question. I dont know the numbers that youre speaking of. Sorry i cant speak with any familiarity of how we stack up against regular high schools in allegations that a face within district concerning teachers, but i assure you we are very alarmed at every instance thats reported in the New York Times article or that we become aware of otherwise. Thats what it says here. Do any of you know that youre worse than average School District . Should you be more afraid to put your kid in a Jrotc Program, then a regular school . Have you heard that before . If i could, i visited some of our jrotc units last week in preparation for the string to make sure i have some understanding of what the conditions look like in local units. And i had this conversation with two principles. In both cases those principal said to me, and 23 instances out of 100,000 since, of course, of course thats not good but in our particular county we have many more allegations against teachers. I didnt do anything to hunt down those numbers, but that was the response i got at the local level. Just widest and were not being there are i assume we more teachers then jrotc teachers are you talking about a percentage base or just a total bases . I didnt attend to get any further clarification from the principles. Your a game in statistics meaningless. You mention you move people from the classroom. Are they criminally referred are not . If you discover someone like this to you to say, unit, move to another state or whatever . When we received information from the schools generally it is from the schools we received information. We medially suspended the server case of instructors involved and cooperate with the School Districts and investigation of the incident. Those investigations are conducted locally and are under local Law Enforcement supervision. We are not directly responsible for those investigations. However, if, if the matter is not resolved to our satisfaction it is very likely and instructors certification would remain suspended. Of the 58, how many have been criminally charged . Twentythree 23 oe department of the navy and my recollection is 11. I could get a better number for you to follow up with that. Ms. Bourcicot, hobby of yours were criminally charged . Mr. Grothman, weve had 40 allegations of a sexual nature, Sexual Misconduct. We had 32 incidences that were substantiated. Those instructors were decertified. Two were unsubstantiated and with 12 that are pending. I will return to the committee to follow up about which ones were criminally charged. We should know that because obviously if someone molests children, you know, youre setting, probably go on in life and molest children and other studies, right, unless something is done. Okay. I want to start with some other questions. Are there any patterns regarding location, demographics, age, gender of Sexual Misconduct allegations . Can you break this down in any fashion . We dont have today available the specifics of the demographics but we understood your question from the session and we would have to get back to you with a better answer to help, how the statistics breakout. Again, the nature of gathering that information is very sensitively held. I would think you would have it in todays world, but okay. Investigations of allegations in this nature led by local Law Enforcement and school officials. You explain the importance of that structure and you. Im sorry, could you repeat the question . Sure. Over the, investigations of allegations of this nature of that by local Law Enforcement and school officials. Can you explain the importance of the structure of doing it that way . Yes, sir. We would not have the access or rebuild or authority to prosecute of course obviously investigate at the local levd within high school for high school employee, even that includes a jrotc instructor. When the allegations are made, the school is notified, programs are notified of little differently for each of the services, and so we are aware so we can pull the certification. But as to the criminal element of the allegations those are best dealt with by the local law authorities. One more question, make the germans patients. Bag benjamins patients. Ms. Bourcicot, there are broad data significant higher number of these problems in the army than the other service. Maybe its because theres just a lot more kids in the army, jrotc. Is that reason or explanation for that . Mr. Grothman, yes, thats correct. The army has by far the most program at 1770 we have 276,000 students, and so we just have the majority of the instructor come with over 4000 4000 is so we have the biggest program. Okay. Thank you very much. I think the german for yielding. During this committees work we have worked extensively with members of several other committees, the House Armed Services committee, and other, and there been a number of women, women members have stepped forward and really been true champions in protecting members of the military from sexual abuse. And were going to hear from several of them today, but i would like one of those is ms. Wasserman schultz of florida who was then heroic work in this area, and she is to recognize for five minutes. Thank you so much, mr. Chairman. I appreciate your kindness and thank you to you for having this really important discussion and focus on a critical issue. More than a a century, for example, the Jrotc Programs sought to instill u. S. Military values. Classes and thousands of Public Schools across the country yet the military certified instructors will oversee these impressionable young people deployed to class but very little oversight or training. I find the decision particularly concern as my home state of florida has more Jrotc Programs than any other state than texas. In florida the jrotc instructor was charged with Sexual Battery after driving one of his students home. And to compound the tragedy, that student was been denied admittance to the coast guard due to the trauma that she suffered. This is one case out of many. In september while appearing before the senate Armed Services committee Stephanie Bell of the Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for military personnel policy testified that the Defense Department needs to quote take a hard look at our current Background Investigation process for jrotc instructors. Esther constable what specific steps or changes has a department considered to improve its Background Investigation process for new instructors . And have any of those changes been implemented . Thank you, maam. The answer is the services presently use different but similar Background Investigations for each of their instructors but they all go through a known otherwise use certification process. Knowing forward our very first recordation is to take a look at how we do the certifications, those Background Investigations, to see if we cant standardize where it goes. With regard to the instruction that each instructor must go through before being certified as a jrotc instructor, reclaiming my time because i dont have much of it. Sounds like you are still in the consideration stage and have not yet begun to recommend specific steps for changes note omitted anything here is that right . Thats right. I would say it is on the short list. The short list, really . How, how, whats the timeframe for the short list to be actually executed . While, map, of course i cant get ahead of the sector but are intended to put forward recommendations for some of these changes this calendar yea year. You do realize that there are young people being abused and that Inappropriate Conduct is pretty rampant and that this is pretty urgent. So i would think it should be at the top of the short list. And there it is. [inaudible] yes, maam, understand. It doesnt really sound like theres a tremendous amount of urgency. Ms. Bourcicot, you also stated in your written testimony that the army needs to improve its vetting process for jrotc instructors specifically you testified that quote the Army Recognizes this as an underreported crime and extra care in the vetting process to include followon background checks is crucial. Ms. Bourcicot, what improvements is a Army Planning to make to improve the vetting process with respect to instructor . Congresswoman, we have already moved out as far as improving our vetting process. I would like to echo that we do share how . In what way . What specifically heavy he to improve your vetting process . So, congresswoman, right now we are working on rolling out our annual adaptation for existing instructors that reminds them of their duty to students, to uphold the army values speech im sorry, reclaiming my time. What part of that has anything to do with vetting . I assume it is a self thats correct. Thats not vetting. You do realize that an adaptation is not vetting, right . Yes, maam. I the army currently uses the tier one fbi background check which is a highest level check for all of its instructors. And if there is anything that appears in someones background that needs to go back to cadet command for additional vetting before an instructor certified to appear in a classroom. Reclaiming my time because i live 24 seconds left in your test when you stated security of the army start a record off jrotc instructor to undergo a Child Care National agency check an inquiry screen. You said the screening is a quote cornerstone of the armys jrotc instructor applicant vetting process. But mr. Wagner in your testimony about the air force when i require jrotc instructors to pass the same check until april april 2023. Light is come mr. Wagner ways the air force just been pursuing this requirement . Congresswoman, thank you for your question. I just want to emphasize that we are looking our best practices from some of the policies and procedures the army has put into place. We are aggressively moving forward to implement that check. That check is on top of a 20 year history for all military retirees, that in order to be certified as eligible instructors is a part of our review. We also are making changes immediately to address some of the vetting issues that you articulated. One of which is we have noticed a gap with new School Administrators who are not familiar with our memorandum of agreement. And so what weve done is we will be providing information to all new School Administrators about the terms of what the air forces obligations are as well as what the schools obligations are. Were expanding the training module on line and virtual that our instructors are required to complete, and were putting a new processes and programs into our weeklong onsite training process prior to been receiving their ability im sorry. Mr. Chairman, ive heard nothing about additional vetting or background checks are making sure that we dont have people with a dangerous history responsible for supervising children this is really troubling thessaly bad actors appear to slip through the jrotc instructor process at a i dont understand why the Department Defense and military services have not used, use this opportunity now that the system revealed that they should of known already to make sure that they have processes and procedures that ensure that we dont have predators who are supervising our young people in the Jrotc Program. This is shocking. I, i dont understand how this has not been treated with urgency, and you have work to do. I appreciate the opportunity to shed light on this issue. Because we are endangering, the military is endangering our nations youth for in this program without making sure we have the vetting and background checks that are essential to ensure that with people who are safe to be in these roles. Thank you for the indulgence, mr. Chairman, i yield back. The chair, first of all, i appreciate the passion in the point that you have put your finger on. And there is, there is great disparity in terms of the vetting process. I did note that in some of the Opening Statements reference is made to the fbi vetting process, which is been adopted by one perhaps of, one of the branches. However, that must be made uniform and it must be enhanced. And i would embrace any effort that the gentleman from florida would have in terms of legislation to that end. So again i appreciate all her energy and focus on this issue, and i acknowledge that she is been doing this for an awfully long time. Thank you. I yield back. Next up we have the gentleladys time North Carolina ms. Foxx is recognized for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Ms. Bourcicot, in your Opening Statement you explain that there were 26 allegations of Sexual Misconduct against instructors in arming Jrotc Programs. Of those 26 allegations, 25 instructors were decertified. Does the army typically wait for the results of investigations into misconduct allegations before decertifying and instructor . If so, are the options to temporarily suspend and instructors certification . Congresswoman, the army flags anyone who is under investigation, which means they cant have any positive personnel actions taken on their behalf while they are under investigation. They are immediately removed from the classroom pending that investigation, and after the outcome is learned, then they are decertified. And does the army have options to remove instructors from the classroom . You just indicated that, or is it entirely up to the school to do that . Congresswoman, we have strong partnerships with our School Districts and we work with them to remove instructors that are under investigation from the classroom. Mr. Wagner come in your Opening Statement you said that differing School District background check requirements present of all ability, and the chairman just mentioned about the fbi vetting process and that the air force is adopting the quote childcare National Agency check and inquiries Background Investigations requirements for all air force jrotc instructors and applicants as we to address this vulnerability. Will this background check system to utilize prior to and applicants placement in a school, and how does this m differ from what the air force has used until now . Congresswoman, this process is now on top of our current vetting process. Which is the Gold Standard used by schools across the country which includes as the chairman referenced earlier in fbi background check as part of it. A National Check prior to instructor eligibility to certification. Watch hired by a local school, the individual background check the same way they perform for any other instructor. Of followup, the air force has a mechanism in place where they will report misconduct to services and if so how are students informed of that . A website that has information for people to reach out to rotc headquarters is not sufficient. Weve taken steps to modify parental consent form and at the beginning of the school year, with any concerns. What about the navy . It is possible for an individual cadet to reach out directly to the rotc Program Manager to make an allegation, the principles are very clear, they view investigations and delegations for the misconduct, with School Employees that they feel ownership of, and engaging processes and colleagues, and do suspend certification, for receiving allegations of that removes them from classrooms after which we work with partner schools to ensure students are safe and the program is running well before anything else happens with that instructor. Can students report directly . All the way through higher commands through the hierarchical structure. One of the erect of is Going Forward, to ensure there is an acknowledgment students, parents have all the necessary information to report these incidents and delegations directly. I yield back. Gentle lady yields back. The chair recognizes the gentle lady, the chair of the House Armed Services subcommittee on military personnel who i have worked with extensively on this issue. I was able to be a member of the congressional delegation that investigated this same issue in fort hood, texas but she has been the leader on this issue in the United States congress. Gentle lady from california is recognized for 5 minutes. Thank you very much. I applaud you for holding this hearing. I am not going to sugarcoat this. This is a scandal and it is one that each and every one of you need to take ownership of. It is chilling to think that after we have been addressing this issue for over ten years within the military, cases exceed 20 to 30,000 a year and the chain of command is part of the problem, in our classroom, it is traumatizing to be quite honest. Youve known about this since 2017. Cases 22017, but for the New York Times article, we would know nothing about this. You are relying on what they found out in the New York Times investigation to inform you of what you should be doing. When you see cases in 201718192021, why didnt someone raise the alarm that we have a huge problem, half a million kids and we spent half half 1 billion and somehow suggest it is up to the school, weve got to let local Law Enforcement handle this, that is frankly bs. There needs to be an absolute comprehensive review because let me tell you what happened. Lapland air force base is an example. There were 30 military Training Instructors, 17, 18, 19yearolds, sexually assaulting 60 of their trainees. Not one of the trainees came forward to report. Because they wanted to get out of the Training Program and move on. To start with, every one of these individuals who have been decertified, you need to go back, in each of your services and determine by interviewing the young rotc students, taught by that particular individual, whether they were sexually harassed or assaulted. We dont know the depth of this. 60 cases, i cant begin to think how many young people and youve got to take ownership of it. Beyond that, most of these people are former military, one hundred former military, the same individuals sexually harassing and assaulting, swept under the rug, predators, got away with it. Probably not going to be an fbi record. Dont think that will provide counsel security to you or the families, in some respects we should shut down the program until you get it right. I dont want another kid to be sexually harassed to stay with them the rest of their lives. Youve known about this and done nothing about it since 2017 but we know of. I want to know to what extent you bring these instructors who are former military back into the military, have them reviewed, for unprofessional conduct and have pension script, that is what should happen. If we cant presently do that, thinking about ways of promoting that in future congresses. This is beyond repugnant. Youve got to take ownership. The gentle lady yields back, the chair recognizes the distinguished gentleman from texas for 5 minutes. I think everyone for allowing me to waive on the subcommittee today to discuss matter of great importance to National Security. We are incredibly grateful, a program not surprising to me that benefit so many, halfmillion men and women, 35 units across the country. What the rotc does is allow students an introduction to military life, values and service and provides structure and skill sets, strong sense of duty and personal sacrifice and teamwork, very important and so terribly unfortunate this Incredible Program has been scorched by predators. Make no mistake, Sexual Harassment has no place in our military especially in junior rotc and those who harm these youths deserve nothing but the full force of the law. The safety of students participating in junior rotc is paramount to a successful program. Thank you for having this hearing. We spent a lot of time examining issues of military recruitment. I want to take a different tack. It concerns me that 1 of the population served in the military and the dod reported recently 70 of younger men and women between 6020 are ineligible to military service and 52 of generations the has no interest in never considered serving. Across the board having trouble with recruiting, the army missed recruiting goals by 10,000, expected to be worse this year. The navy missed recruiting goals by 2000. The air force met activeduty goal by creative accounting with late entry and they missed their reserve component. We are a cricket juncture and facing really an impending crisis. In 1980, 18 of the population, down to 7 . Junior rotc is planning a Critical Role where you can have a positive and instructive interaction with military service and that is why it is so important it is under threat. For the sake of student safety and literary recruitment which are matters of National Security calling for greater oversight and transparency with the rotc program, it is a role that becomes more important because the facts related to that. Structures need to be held accountable and military Service Needs to be protected. What are the services doing to create an environment of positive interaction and engagement with junior rotc and the civilian population . Thank you for your service and continued service, they engage, it would be best if you will indulge me, how each of them does it. We have, first of all, we share the concern of your colleagues on the subcommittee. We are taking this seriously. We understand the effect this has on the junior rotc program and the effect it is having on recruitment. The rotc programs are a staple of the community. I mentioned how many millions of hours cadets undertaken community service, those programs, it does go a long way to instill a sense of community, a duty to the country and they engage in activities as varied as adopting highways, clean schools, a number of ways junior rotc kids interface with their communities. As far as other branches, the same or is there anything different that was articulated . Similar to what my colleague from the air force would also add. Can i add on top of that it is we understand the challenge and take it seriously though it may appear thats not the case. We do take it seriously. We understand you are attempting to draw from this pool for future recruits and leaders of this country and services with respect to how to engage at the school level if i understood your question correctly. Each instructor receive some training about how to relate at the local, in my opinion this is one of the areas we need to focus strongly in the department of the navy i asked my team to ensure how we the importance of maintaining professional mentorship, and yet remain relatable is extremely important and we are attempting to focus on that. Similarly we take steps to address concerns, requiring instructor preventing Activity Forum that will be signed annually, but i share your interest in this growing Civil Military divide, this is viewed as a citizenship program, with confidence, a sense of confidence, skills, understanding of discipline, critically, a familiarity with the military that might be there only experienced through most of their lives with military culture and literary life, doing this through the citizenship lens underscores why the program is critical as the military divide grows, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the all volunteer force and looking aggressively to take steps to narrow the military divide in a successful Jrotc Program where every student feels safe at the core of doing that. I yield back. The chair recognizes one of our members who has done extraordinary work in this regard. While she is a member of the Armed Services committee, bringing perspective, the gentle lady, miss houlihan for 5 minutes. An opportunity to waive on, i want to associate myself with chairwoman spearss comments, when i was in rotc, i remember the people who led me almost to a person who formally warned the uniform, i am confused the they are theoretically vetted, a deep interest in service and we should know about that, i was struck by mr. Wagoner, you were the one who mentioned an emphasis on women and your words were female instructor core, if you could drill down on what a female instructor core is, increasing to 30 in the decade, is there something there, having, in the rotc. This is the steps weve taken, on this program. Of 50 population of women, growing number of upwards of 25 in the air force, 92 male, female cadets are 40 female. We have the wrong balance. Aligning get the gender disparity better, we have a Significant Impact on the program. One of the key questions of the committee, cadets have nowhere to turn. One hundred of the victims are female and 100 of the perpetrators are male. What is the core of women, is it in existence or just a thought or idea . When the article came out, the program demographic, the headquarters in montgomery, alabama, i want to help them sharpen that plan, theres immediate tangible impact on the safety of cadets in the program. I would like to elevate that is something we are implementing. In places like coastal highschooler in my district, they are a majority, majority women, it is important to make sure people not only for their own safety, they see themselves and people leading them that there be more emphasis on women who are helping in that leadership but i would like to highlight New York Times article which spoke a little bit about the training and near as i understand it, the training is a 2 week military Training Course and of that training it has to do with supplies, books, teacherstudent boundaries and very briefly, having been a teacher, i was a former icicle chemistry teacher. I can tell you theres a lot more to teaching than what happens in your lesson planning. What have you learned . Is there anything you are changing in the weeks you have to focus on boundaries and student relationships . Absolutely. Going forward standardization is the watchword as we look at standardizing the training each instructor must receive and make sure its the right amount of training and the right thing, the logistics of signing for textbooks is not paramount and we will ensure the training is copperheads of enough to address this issue. With what remains of my time could you share with me the dod approval process, for instructors confused by the fact they largely are people who are serving or have served previously . 100 people who served honorably and retired from the military. These services, a process by which a retiree applies for certification as an instructor, they go through the background check, requisite checks for the services. When they met the standards there, certified as instructors and includes training and offered up as candidates for schools to hire as an instructor. With my last 15 seconds, pennsylvania where i come from has a proactive program that monitors teachers arrests which includes instructors throughout public databases. The tracking system for that kind of process, with this sort of model, will it be useful to the dod and oversight of jrotc, to make sure theres better coordination and transparency . I believe theres a response to that by the end of the month and something we discuss, and we would have huge ability. Thank you for the indulgence and i yield back. The chair recognizes the courageous and energetic women working on this issue for some time. I recently went to fort hood, texas, she had been very active on a case of a constituent who has been very active on this issue. I recognize miss garcia for 5 minutes. Thank you for allowing me to waive in. It was in rotc, to the high school, it is worth mentioning 70 of them are in the south, high poverty title i schools much like other high schools in my district so this has not just an impact on anyone that joins the rotc but more specifically impacts minority women so i have many concerns and quite frankly i am almost flabbergasted at the lack of real action at the department of defense and military branches. Five years, five years, it has been going on since 2017. And it wasnt until the New York Times article comes out that i am saying may be reacting because quite frankly with no disrespect to anyone it doesnt appear to me that although you say you are outraged, i am not feeling it. 5 years is a long time. The article came out in august or september and all the you can specifically mention is childcare testing may the increasing vetting. I still didnt hear specifics. You had a short list. What does that mean . Just a short list . We are talking about young women potentially being sexually assaulted and abused. I saw the list from texas, it makes me more concerned which are you aware of the letter that we sent to secretary austin, i mean, why do you have a short list . We sent you a list of 6 or 7 items all these items, major short list, will there be a database . To make sure they are no longer certified or handling the children involved, and go through the list. Have any of these items made the short list, when will we see real action and i want specifics. There has been action, never enough. Immediately following the article, a directive to which service directing the under secretaries to take stock with each of their programs, with the memorandum of agreement, in each of the schools and having received your letter along with others, those are topics in a working group across the department. My term short list, versus things we can do down the road working with education. What is on the magic list . Policy initiatives toward primarily on the short list speak to standardization, standardized Background Investigation, standardize the oversight ratio, the manner in which we apply the oversight for each of the developed and standardize memorandums of agreement, very similar, to inspect against regularly. The acknowledgment with regard to instruct prohibit activities, and intermittent reminder of moral obligation in the classroom. Anything in your list, for uniformity in the background check . Decision is not reached whether to do it now. Why . It is our recommendation that will go forward. The Background Investigation for other purposes Going Forward the standard one will look like the childcare one or Something Like that but we want to make sure we are not leaving aspects of the other services behind so we are doing that analysis. The general guidelines, i think you called them directives, about how to address this issue, doing that, it seems to me, the rotc, treated equally, to talk to someone. It baffles me the way this is handled and is very disappointing to see its taking a New York Times article after 5 years of these cases going on for you to act on something and i would expect we would get a report on what specific actions being taken with firm timelines. Weve seen the army it appears to me about right now all the branches are failing rotc programs. That is our pipeline. And your impacting title i poverty area minority students and that is unacceptable. With that i yield back. Let me respond to the gentle ladys remarks and i agree. What i would suggest is we will collectively as you probably remember, the undersecretary, former member, someone i traveled with to fort hood and joined our review of those cases involving Sergeant Fernandez from my district, tragically took his own life after a reported Sexual Assault and i would suggest, a bipartisan briefing, we lay out a plan, there are separate plans, stages of progress on going good. Theres a need to harmonize at the highest standard, the fbi vetting process, the vetting process that is suitable to all our entities here. Is there a way to optimize and collect best practices, the rotc sectors in each branch. Is there a way to provide the greatest level of protection, not only the vetting standpoint, accountability standpoint, and educating students so they know they are protected if they need to come forward with allegations of abuse. It needs to be put on a hard timeline and something to work on in a bipartisan fashion. In a deliberate timeframe, looking for hard deadlines to get this stuff implemented and adopted. With that, i would like to thank our witnesses for their testimony today. I did have some opening remarks, in the interest of time i would like to submit those for the record and questions with regard to oversight of facilities where these programs are run. I had a complaint in one of my local high schools and toured the facility. It was really deplorable. I know they differ to the School District but there should be an oversight role for the department of defense so i would like to submit questions for the record. Without objection so ordered, welcome your remarks and on a deck of, agreement, my 3 major cities that had the most active j rotc programs, being familiar with the j rotc programs in those cities, more than half of the cadets in those programs are people of color. Young cadets who come from families struggling economically. That have greater need for support, sustenance and direction. We have to make sure we are cognizant of that fact and appreciate that fact and structure our response in a way that is focused on that existing vulnerability in a way that does Greater Service to those young people and those families because weve seen what happens when things go wrong. I note the arrival of the Food Committee chairwoman and the chair would recognize if desired the gentle lady from new york for 5 minutes. I would like to ask some questions whether you have sufficient funding or staff to do adequate oversight. I am concerned the military services do not have the necessary resources in place to conduct effective oversight for the approximately 3500 j rotc units operating in high schools across the country. I would like to ask mister wagoner, you stated the air force currently employs 9 Regional Directors who oversee 97 air force rotc units, thats not a recipe for effective oversight. Sound like you are understaffed to me. How many staff positions does the army currently have in place to oversee its 1700 j rotc programs . With your indulgence i will take that for the record. There are twee 8 brigades that support the command but not sure of the exact number. Can you provide the number for the navy . If i could i would like to take the question for the record but in each structure we have a Program Manager, regional director, area managers and additionally two instructors and most of our schools as well so we do have the talent out there to do that. I will concede there are challenges. Staffing is tough and funding would contribute to our ability to bring in more staff. Thank you. Mr. Wagoner. When impact to infrequent evaluations and inspections have on the air forces ability to identify problems within the individual j rotc units . This is exactly one of the reasons we are currently undertaking a manpower study. The 97 to 1 regional director ratio is inadequate. It is not effective enough and weve got to do better. Youve got my commitment that we are looking to lower the number 230 to 1. Onsite inspection, not every 3 years or so but annually we believe will have an appreciable difference and as we put resources toward this program we will have better outcomes. Good news to hear and we look forward to supporting your efforts and funding your efforts. Information provided by dod, and military forces are not consistently evaluating these units, in accordance with dod instructions. The army reported it conducted onsite inspections annually for approximately 1 3 of its j rotc units and why is the army unable to evaluate all the units on an annual basis . We understand how important our oversight function is and we are working to do better. We do have a schedule inspecting all the units of every third year or so and in conjunction with services and departments about ways to improve oversight like mr. Wagoner, you have my commitment we will provide information on how to get better. With resources, will be needed to enable you to make evaluations annually as required by dod instruction. The sustained oversight of the program is lacking. I look forward to working with all of you and chairman lynch and republican colleagues to ensure we provide the department of defense and military services with necessary tools and funding to get the job done. Cant expect you to do a job if you are not funded and dont have the money to help you do it. We help we look forward to working with you for a more effective oversight. These are the future leaders of the military and we need to make sure they are not traumatized and have positive experiences, their character and strength only grows and is not attacked in anyway. I want to thank you for what you do to keep us safe. We appreciate your military service to our country. We are deeply grateful and i yield back. The gentle lady yields back. In closing i want to thank our witnesses for their testimony and appreciate the seriousness with which you are taking this issue and i am grateful for the energy and attention so many members on both sides of the aisle put into this issue. This hearing has demonstrated from your own testimony today this is only a first step. Dod and military Service Still has a long way to go ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all rotc cadets. It is my expectation we need to maintain contact, to stay in touch, stay in touch with the subcommittee about the progress youre making in sabs and it vetting and training processes as well as variance in mous the military Services Reach with host School Districts so i would also welcome the opportunity to work with my colleagues who raise salient points and great suggestions and recommendations on where we go next as part of the subcommittee to draft this in congress, implementing these changes but i want to thank panelists for their remarks, thank you for participating in the conversation we have had, i look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides to develop legislative solutions to ensure the safety of the j rotc cadets. The Ranking Members hand is waving and im going to pause my Closing Remarks and give him an opportunity. Dont want to have to bang the gavel. Thank you for coming over today. I was a bit disappointed in things you didnt know and i thought there was a lack of sense of urgency. Sometimes there is a feeling that we will always have our jobs so we can chug along and not do things right. This is a serious problem. A Sexual Assault problem in a better safer environment than j rotc and private schools and i hope some of that urgency comes across as you answer questions and keep monitoring them. A hearing similar to this, i felt the same way, lack of sense of urgency. Thank you, mister chairman, for having the hearing. The gentleman yields back and without objection, members have 5 legislative days to submit additional written questions for the witnesses through the chair. This will be forwarded to witnesses for their response and ask witnesses to respond as promptly as you are able if you receive such a request. This hearing is now adjourned, thank you. 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