That we do risk lives for democracy, these principles we believe in, for the opportunity to be stewards to these things that is survived, not by accident, but because people in centuries before sacrificed and determined that they should survive. The best examples of our civilization, and that we should have the chance to have them and pass on the responsibility to make sure they were protected. Fred hartt and dean heller risk their lives on numerous occasions walking through boobytrapped buildings trying to protect these works of art. In fact, two officers in northern europe, a story i described in the Monuments Men were killed. They were there on the front line doing their job. They came back after the war, many of them resumed their careers, someone onto even bigger and better things. And i daresay theres not a museum our Major Cultural Institution in this country that doesnt have a connection with the monuments officer. I want to let you see a couple of the prominent people and institutions that they represented in the years that followed