[laughter] i was born and raised in california and then he went to west point where he was first in his class. he then spent five years as a u.s. army officer. and then went to harvard law school where he was an editor but a greater distinction as a research assistant for the great marianne. he moved to kansas, went into business, was elected to congress in 2010 and reelected three times. served as affiant committee on intelligence a president trump ended that career by making him director of the cia. [applause] he ran cia 2017 and 18 then name to of state where he served 2018 until january 21. and among the many things he did as secretary was he was my boss. i will tell you, i looked every day of it. i'm not sure youot loved every y of it because you look so much younger and better now that you are out of that job. [applause] >> i feel better too. >> before he talked about the state department let's talk about the world. to begin with something that happened last week secretary of state kissinger your predecessor spoke world economic forum and said we need to be careful about ukraine. we need not to push too hard. russia is a great power we need to roost be respectful of it. and maybe that's a place to start is that good advice to the president? how is the president doing on ukraine? >> oh my goodness. first of all thank you all for having me here. [applause] [cheering] amidst a really good decisions are secretary of state momentum less so. one of the first things i did is i need elliott to be part of my team. you should notice that without personal political cost to bring them onto the team. i'll tell you what i got that one right and bless you elliott we worked on venezuela, ironic, elite would never miss a moment as we are finishing up one more thought. totally out of my lane. off to give me some the best advice i received every day. doctor kissinger just has this been wrong. i have enormous respect for him. he is right we should be careful. and kill innocent civilians when america has made commitmentsat that are different from that. as we rightly should have. [applause] hehe has a long history pretty knows his place. we know this much bread not only does this matter to ukrainian people into europe but the whole world is watching. whether it was a debacle that happened with 13 americans killed inhe afghanistan, or walking away from some the most central commitments we had made in other places of the world for the world is watching how we respond. simplyup once the tools and the weapon systems to protect their own people and protect their own ndnation's sovereignty. i get the caution that people have. i don't think for a second vladimir putin needs a reason to escalate. all that he is put forward over time others nato enlargement as a result are belied by the truth he's had t his mission enlargemt of russia a greater rush i said himself this past week, put them selves the likes of peter the great. i spent ten hours with him. the are you russian people. full on authoritarian. by this demonstration begins to deliver the tools he ukrainian people need to do what is noble and right. [applause] >> is the jewish leadership conference i want to move a few hundred miles to israel and talk about the abraham accords. but first, i think we overlap for a day. you were making a video or film. tell us about that. >> it was a great trip it came at the invitation of the greatest ambassador -- u.s. investor. who said i want to go with you pretty want to start up to nazareth, walk to the dead river and they said i'm not walking. [laughter] we trace route 60 pretty we told the story that will become a documentary a. i focus mostly on the new testament, heated the old testament. but we are telling multiple stores. while most visit biblicale truths. portland would tell story about these places judeo and samaria. as a first secretary state to ever go there. i was surprised to be the first. [applause] but i hope people whether they are christians, muslims, jews, i hope they will come to see the story that gets told our people throwing molotov cocktails and violence andnd conflict. you can watch this is not the story of this place for the two pieces tell the story these are rightful parts of the jewish homeland, the nation of israel. [applause] and second, to encourage people to go see that. there are some places that are difficult but most are places everyone can get to its glorious. the people who live that there are arabs, israelis, jews, christians are living together neighborhoods. they figure it out. we're trying to dispel some the notions of the mind of certainly the american public and i think global community about this place. hope the documentary will do a little bit to advance at storyline, that narrative that is not oftenin told. >> you did the abraham accords? >> there were a whole bunch of us did the abraham accords. >> possible to expand them? >> absolutely possible. maybe this comes from a christian faith although my wife would deny i am and i am an optimist by nature. [laughter] yes i think they will be expanded. they will be expanded because they make sense. just as we put america first you should know every leader in the world puts their ownwn nation first. we often get shorthanded or criticized for that. has historic connotations. how do we deliver on the promises we made to the american people under oath to a constitution? how we spent our days. thank neighbors and a muslim nation is not in their best interest to have as a foreign-policy a prescription for the destruction of the nation of israel for this an incentive to get it right. things have to come together pretty handful of things come together.ri one comment really good american leadership that started with a foundational understanding of the deep connections between the united states, israel and their paramount importance to the united states of america. when we get that right, many good things can happen. destabilizing force in the rage we began to deny resources and tools. get those two pieces right muslim nations have the opportunity there is a possibility they could actually recognize israel's right to exist on the street while aot wrapped spread that is when historic legacy. give them permission, space to move forward making peace with fact the spite of the conflict between israel and the palestinian has not yet been resolved. each of these three pieces in it came together protects goodak leadership, president trump, muhammad, the crown prince ofhe bahrain. and then being prepared to take what is a non- risk and actually do what they know is right for their people. i think theseth will continue. it's going to take american leadership award instrumental part in making this accords happenpe. give israeli leaders without confidence in leadership at the american united states of america note muslim leaders going to step out on a limb and be the next signee for this. i hope i'm wrong about that but that was the case they were looking at us. watching as they hoped they would. it may not be in the middle east. could be b an asian muslim compy without often forget they are not actually in the middle east. north africa, egypt, indonesia, malaysia, pakistan, big muslim population. i hope this other nations sheom will soon come to recognize it in their best interest to getst this right. >> trump administration got on the jcpoa per the g bite administration is trying -- well, for year end a half to get back is that good or bad? >> you and i both went to kiss o and make to get back in. [laughter] reached a point where it's probably less material today than it was two, four, six years to go get back to something with a duration is unimportant remove so far past the 2015 jcpoa. so much more to our policy. jcpoa today. the mindset of the jcpoa was dangerous apart from the deal itself right thehe mindset is yu need they can be a counterforce at the best argument i can make for the biden approach. they can be a counterforce to the sunnis in the region. it is just plain crazy. as unemployed former diplomat i can speak a language i would never use 18 months ago. it's a mistake the united states it's a mistake for the region. and their friends their friendsn of the chinese communist party. was not around this week want to deny the ratings the resources and tools to put the rest of the world at risk. we had that from $96 billion just as a fact to about 4 billion the day we walked out of the office knew generally 20th. if you and the commercial space the international space when nation's foreign exchange reserves expire, throughout departure he had to make really difficult decisions. see lower payments going to -- reduce capacity to control the militia. we could see that happening. buried the program to deep it would be difficult to find a negotiated solution. take clever wires to push back is her fourth day ofto ci direcr worked very hard for marco rubio in the primary baguette chosen by donald trump. i got a chance to think there with president trump from the beginning how we're going to address a regular be hard tasks there. fourth or fifth day i flew to israel, for now former director. and we began to great ambassadors freedman my team and their team began to work out a handful not tomorrow orul next week but overut time to produce really good outcomes but together we can deliver on the things that matter approach most. hope you have the tenacity and courage and leadership in the united states prepared the day it comes to them we have to do what is right to make sure iran has the capacity to build a n weaponr. back. >> one aspect of the iran policy getting american hostages, american prisoners out. think for got out got people out in 2015. how do you do that? i again the number is zero. and more taken depends how one counts during time and service. one should >> have to know that i don't think anybody believes for a second we will send the 82nd airborne it to solve this problem. let's be pretty there about that. but also the things he saids we would do we just every commitment that we make we will deliver those against andf then if we do ask and then executed. and those who have been wrongfully helpful lots of places and then i sat three and then there is anything like the moment sitting on the tarmac in pyongyang. and then only to die a within days of his return to watch three americans was that americans come out of the white can only and we should never forget the duties for them to get their families is paramount. >> it or not to be politics the next cold war? >> the chinese communist party and recently failed to recognize were opposed to a young kid that at west point to the matter the capability did. still a first-rate that expanding the nuclear arsenal than going incapable with the lemissiles firing the locker capabilities and all of that is their intent does multitrack their actions would match m the words with the diplomatic course with the single largest the only true external to thes united states those that can truly ndfundamentally undermine reason and liberty and freedom on a global scale the chinese party. i began by talking about the fact we didn't know this for 20 years and the ramifications of that threat is program external threat. it is exciting. i will go how many american are in the chinese secret military laboratories? the answer is zero there are chinese officials working in america's most senior laboratory does. it is a reflection of our way we have gotten the american students are studying in china today? pre- covid? 2019 about 11000 there arese 360,000 chinese students studying in the united states. the single university that could not survive from the chinese come his party. and then with massive research grant and the chinese communist party stopped underwriting schools today every single official period donations and that matters a lot. b period there. as the cia director we did work around the world the important counterintelligence i did not a fbiia director bennett secretary of state the chinese like this i believe it was the largest espionage operation never that gets united states honor swale may have known about it for years. the fbi director or secretary of state never said we think it is worth the risk of the cost. does anybody know what the chinese did in response? [laughter] they close the consulate where we were doing precisely nothing. nothing of any grand importance. we should all acknowledge that when we see chinese officials from the un or l.a. showing up at the pta meeting with a $10000 check for b a swing set is not because they care about the well-being of your children because it is an enormous challenge and the bipartisan effort to deliver that tyrannies. did you just experience with the pushback with the five largest financial institution those have an arm as dependency they are counting on managing the raising china which would be larger than ours they are being treated well. >> i was remind the leaders of companies and much more difficult c and also much more precarious some said i'm an omalarmist then to recognize every good period program starts with acknowledging have a problem. and then we began to push back. >> individually to use that the switch chinese communist party. >> it is important. but the language matters. and my two leading advisors on this issue are former chinese citizens. yes he just became president of purdue university i'm excited for that. for purdue and american support for us to understand where thehe money is a communist regime and to reflect broadly the relief of the chinese people and then to support the iranian people christians and jews to make sure we support headed in the right direction. and then to be in the image of god when they are prepared to engage in is not animus but protecting the values that the need the most including south and central america we will need to work on the project we will have roughly 7577 that will be part of the chinese party.e >> the first day into the state department in 1981 with 98reagan and we people? about half of. >> your friend was generous. [laughter] to the largest and most significant bureaucracies. all in period of great challenge for the into the challenge? >> i went seven organizations of my life if you give me credit. [laughter]hi i left everyone better than it found. i see that but it is embarrassing as someone who thinks of himself as a leader that was set a little bit just the resume amazing people need to have it was a conservative seand republican there were active efforts not just anecdotal i cannot say how many memos. this is dangerous when they don't respond to the duly elected president although fairly conference secretary of state that is dangerous we believe wholeheartedly they know better to wait out of it takes administration very different culture and mindset these don't apply to the cia (-left-parenthesis the state department can do what president biden wants them to do. that is their duty to the united states and what they signed up for that's what happened on our what were american foreign policy only for our democracy as well and my secretary baker reminded me just stop whining and do your job then the president will pick it up and see is worth the political class and try to fix it and then in a conservative mindset and the american mindset. >> one more thought than they walk out of the room and are present. [laughter] or a cocktail. that's a really bad idea. i would not be in this fight today. and then ifme i didn't leave this american experiment and then we would get another 100 years do not lose faith on the things that matter most for the things that really do make a difference and when we do that. then it is the i believe this with all my heart. and then to come out to be a part of this effort it is more encouraging two more. >> once again we are facing these mass shootings was again. and with those in the united states that those early revolutionary to the rituals whatever steps the country takes to control firearms with the early history of the country with the relationship of firearms

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