I hope you either have seen or about to see your promise yourself youll see before the decade is out because they are taking ticket orders for not that she may come the next january. So plan your life accordingly. But its so interesting to see the musical because it shows him with tim is still very pertinent. But its different from the one i recognized that this is the hamilton up from the team, a scrappy immigrant. He is going to show them. Hamilton to ms. Hamiltonian is in. This ideological person in many countries in getting them all set up and he was a big he wasnt quite as. That said, it is wonderful to see the heirs of the Founding Fathers and the individuals so a boat and a crazy way by the musical, hiphop musical. Its incredible inversion by which the founders are portrayed by actors of color, but they captured the founders that are more literal portrait can do. The founders themselves was a default color. Now wait this is a political statement. It is about entitlement and nostalgia and it takes color to get back to the original normal in a country that was all immigrant. You get a chance of the fervor and the craziness is a tumultuous energy that evokes a turbulent period when everything was new. Too often we look back at this time and we think this was all done in marble and everyone had the serene confidence that the Jefferson Memorial and its one big waxwork. You dont have to read much to realize that that is not quite how it was. Everything was going terribly in the government might easily have found it to. Success wasnt a foregone conclusion. The governments are made up of men and men are not always reliable. The founders were brilliant that they could be foolish, headstrong, narrowminded and Everything Else good hamilton could reality is even more so. If the individuals were in balance, the group was not. I would say one of the reason the Founding Fathers were successful was the number of George Washington was one of the most to rein in mr. Individuals ive ever come across in history. But for him to squabbling children wouldve torn the place apart. Im always surprised when i talk about this but how few people ever ask me anything about poor aaron burr. It is like they hamilton show. But measured in hamilton terms, or rates less than zero. I will confess i found him much more fascinating in hamilton. If theres a dinner party united chances cap up or where sit next to hamilton i would have to left to aaron for every night. He was held view that it was cruel with hair you have. Is the one you watch. And remember gorbachegorbache v did not write hamilton. He wrote her. Hamilton to me to earnest, too clever, a slacker and shameless libertines can become this welcome relief. I find that tale to be tremendously moving. Not a secession Area Campaign trying to detach have the American Land mass for his personal empire. That is just nuts. But afterwards, when he is in exile in europe and down to his last trying to decide whether to spend it on bread or a, in the site name. So now the letter to theodore and i will close at this will close with this in a notebook to take some questions. Three things are striking. By all means, to look at this. It is amazing to me that he could have written many and that was the least coherent under the circumstances, his worst enemy with a gun. Second, its great penmanship. Third, its unbelievaunbelieva unbelievably casual. The party right as i cant get a little correspondence. I mean, come on. As the letter goes on it gets deeper and this is what dennis was referring to at the beginning that despite the circumstances hamilton did not refer to him by name from the dilution is unmistakable when he declares a break his heart at the country were dismembered. At the time burr have been linked to the northern conspiracy to break the new england state lets new york free of the union as a separate country to be headed out by erin byrd. That never materialized that he did embark on the western. See going after the land of the Louisiana Purchase for a private empire and that was the most Dangerous Campaign until the civil war. That led to jeffersons charges of treason placing burr in the office of having killed one party and possibly be killed by ahead of the other. Hard to pull off. In a letter to theodore, hamilton invaded against democracy and the truly an upward reference or by founder of the republic. Democracy was not the hallowed term it is now for universal franchise is revered, even if its not always exercised. The ignorant electorate that was open to manipulation by the unscrupulous rather like now. He meant something closer to demagoguery who was the first to engage in doortodoor retail politics. He believed in nothing. If this is so, it offers interesting standard account. The duo wasnt purely personal or a matter of honor or anything like that. It was the first battle in a war that hamilton was waging against poorer and all he stood for. To learn about hamilton is to learn about america but also about the emotions that are always teaming under the surface of great leaders. Jealousy come the detail, insecurity, ambition, my spirit these are passions that make people who they are in account for what they do, to identify them, trace their story and see their consequence. That is the real work of history and whether want to capture and i both treated war of two. [applause] now i would be happy if theres time and if youre interested to take questions. Easy ones first, more difficult later when im more warmed up. You would a wonderful neck tie. Didnt want to kill the audacity of burr. Why doesnt the suicide argument makes a lot of sense . It does make a lot of sense. One of the things that have as his people dont in the heat of the moment truly think it through. Sometimes that can happen when you are deeply depressed or in morning, it you are incapable of making a sensible choice. There are many things can people pick up on this . Is that better . I know what the people in iowa and california not to be able to hear. I think he wasnt thinking clearly quite honestly in some ways i havent thought about it till this moment. But theres something delusional about the letter. Hey, i got your letter. I got a few minutes here. Its like he has no idea that this is a fateful time for him. History is unfair because receiver might have been he doesnt know whats about to happen. He does know its going to be a bad situation. To answer the question, you cant enter a tool without a suicidal impulse because chances are decent you are going to get shot. So that has to be on your mind. I will say and i dont want to monopolize, but i find it back during that anybody could engage in us. If i had a copy of my book, which i dont have, but have agreed a little passage describing what it was like. They stood like this. Tasted sideways. In order to minimize their out wind, they were cheap to make it unclear whether actual body was. They put their shoulder like this to protect their chin, all to no effect. They are just 10 yards apart. It is only added this wild inside the richest natural in the moment that people are unable to aim and shoot. But the whole thing is so cracker that its hard to think in logical terms. Anything else . Do you think that hamilton giving away his shot thought that burr would give away his shot . Its a very good idea, but you think he would Say Something about it. Its all about the craziness of this at a people feeling a monumental distraction. That is the sad that for some rather inconsistent behavior. Again think about it. By what standard of honor can you kill somebody . That is not worth time any actual threat to you. You cant didnt have that these people, but looking at it from where we do, this is bizarre and it is hard for a bizarre situation like that to untangle its logic because we cant see it. We cant grasp the fundamental motivation, at least i cant. I can describe it, i can discuss it but i could never place myself in that situation and i dont think anybody in this room could either. [inaudible] yes. Well, i live so, betsy, those names i use. She was the daughter of general schuyler circuit ruled new york and as well as being a rich landowner, he was heavy in the revolutionary army. So when a life that appeared before hamilton at a Christmas Party in the wilderness that is absolutely transfixed. You dont know what he is seeing. Acc and money for beauty or kindness or what . It is not obvious. He had written the odd letter that i go on the out to his great friend, john lawrences the federal aid in which he described in detail the characteristics of the woman that he seeks. It is a particularly complicated letter because it is so liberal that is seems childish. It almost like that. He also had written another letter to lawrence that is all the earmarks of a really heavy schoolboy crush. In which he referred to his love for warrants that went beyond the love he had for anybody else. It was actually a letter that groups have captured for the internet to show hamilton was some one. I made, we are all a little gay. I mean, not all of us. His interest in eliza was called plaques. But that does not deny the fact that eliza is the moral center of his universe and one of the moral cen