He has been a voice that is super important to our industry and our technology and so i am excited to be here with both of you. Lets start from the beginning. I mean, jobs and so what would possess you to sit down and write this . My friend wanted to talk about this and he was fighting in iraq are. And i thought that writing out the troops of these sort of interesting so we would show up in baghdad and we got lost with the marines on the other side megabit america denotative you . Now. And we took videos and i play the videos and all i heard was the talk and i talked. They put this on and they are ready for him to go. What does he do . For he will leave the airport, he insists on asking the security detail to give him an indepth history because he is a geeky scientist. What is your answer to that . [laughter] [laughter] we have a lot of experiences. Eric wanted stability. Is only one place that i couldnt convince them was to come with me to somalia. There were no hotels at all or government or banks or institution. Yes, that is true. I was actually the one place where dont think that i want to go back. Shocking. If we go to south sudan and it is the worlds newest country. So we get there and 98 of south sudans revenue comes from oil and the government has basically cut off the pipeline. So they basically have no money for roads or police force or nothing. And what do they choose to do . Spend their entire time and we enjoyed devices and asking if we could debug maps for them. Priorities. [laughter] one of the things that the rebel president. Its unclear if he still involved in government. Asked about what i wanted to do. And i said i wanted to write about or it it turns out that the foreignpolicy people who understand technology and they dont understand foreign the foreignpolicy. And i certainly dont understand Foreign Policy you would be shocked at how miserable most peoples lives are like. Be right about how the internet is one of the few things that the humans have developed humans dont understand. I know i dont understand it, that, but i felt certain that you did. And to be honest, if you dont understand the internet, im pretty sure that really no one does. And its a little bit concerning. So what do you mean that we dont understand . My career has been for the last 35 years within a halfmile of this right now. And im constantly surprised. I think i kind of understand. Theyre not utilitarian and follow rules and so forth and i think for the last 10 or 20 years we are going to see more surprises and were good surprises and more bad surprises. And all of us here in this room we live with this. But oh, my gosh, what is that worth. Just as an example. It is not relevant to todays discussion. Been a presence in the book is actually amazing. Of you think of the international relations, it was going in the early 20th century around the idea in the world is not honorable in the sense that theres no sensible leadership and then if you fastforward every attempt at the world has made to try to create a Global Leadership body is basically rendered ineffective which is one of the challenges of international institutions. Many will do the internet with 2. 4 billion people online today. Another 5 billion people coming online. If you think of a troubled of the states are having in dealing with this mass migration to the online world or the menu out another 5 billion people. The prospects of one replicating the world seem very difficult and then controlling the entire thing. We have to deal with globalization with issues of censorship and free speech and there are limits to what the internet can do. We describe the internet and the book is the largest ungoverned space and military and economic power and etc. And it basically establish the International System of sovereign states. Its based on an idea that you can have different legal jurisdictions that are guarded by this. And states will have their physical power which is based on traditional instruments that we discussed before. If you look at this, these are two countries. I sort of concluded that Foreign Policy has not changed in the longterm. It has sort of been a part of this and we have relist and progressives in all of this. And what is in fact new is the empowerment that smart phones and the internet are providing the citizens and that is a new thing. And the other thing is data permanence. We are in a static world like Foreign Policy your book focuses a lot on what happened in too many people in the audience are focused on it. But thinking about limitations is interesting and not something that elkin valley often does. What are the limitations is always a shock to technology but there are limits to our omnipotence. If only we could automate all the customers. And that was a joke. I get in trouble, show gets in trouble. We will be just like friends here. And so where are the boundaries. When does the internet stopped and bad stuff happen . I think the answer is when you have a civil war like in syria. We can have access to entertainment. Women are treated poorly. And we have been having this debate. So how would you fix it . Chemical weapons are used, three different occasions that we know of. Yet theres no shortage of videos coming out of syria. Each one of those videos is more for effect than the one that can afford and the government is setting up checkpoints to look at peoples phones and see what exists on the various profiles. Jury was just in syria. Another place and im not going. You actually shouldnt go to syria for a variety of reasons. Thank you. I saw friends of mine that i havent seen in years. To provide context to get dizzy and they collapse. Fortunately someone came in from the other room to close the window. And they go on to tell me a story about how they have homes in some of the big cities and the government has that of checkpoints where they ask you where youre phone and then they go and hold a gun to your head and if they dont like what they seek him in a signal to someone atop a building and ordered them to shoot and thats exactly what happened to my friends brother he was shot in the head because of something that they found. And what youre left with is a realization that what syria needs is a physical humanitarian effort and intervention. And it also is something what we need a cyberintervention of sorts. But the everyday syrian who now has a phone and spend all day online, they are just caught in the crossfire and the technologist really need to try to address, which is how we make sure that the average citizen is secure online even if they are not physically secure. Some say that the government is better now. But imagine no government at all for a while. And everyone has smart phones. And it becomes how you know where your friends are and we have those that watch where the nato bombing was in think about the importance of smart phones. And youre taken into this and now you have your contact list and they can impersonate you and these are very weighty issues. When you think back to the atrocities, there was a sense that people didnt know. Amazingly a google she set up the philanthropic and the social consciousness that other student of company basically the problems of the world and it seems to be since he started that, things have gotten better because they have gotten connected. That is the striking thing. To your point that the internet cant fix everything. So lets talk about the military. This is a day to honor but the general is here with us today and shes shes the first woman whoever became a fourstar general in the u. S. Military and it is an honor to have her. [applause] and the dear friend of mine and lets talk about this. So you show up in baghdad. They gave you a jacket but it wasnt sufficient and we come upon other day and explain. Explaining why these jackets are the way they are. But how does this affect the military . My Immediate Reaction was we are fighting this old way rather than a new way. As we basically seem to deal with the citizens. And what is the best thing you can do and build them in a protective Fiber Optic Network and empower them so and develop whatever kind of society that we can develop with the economy and so forth and we are in a Religious School the natural strength of the society can come out and people had not allowed to use cell phones at all. And they had had their first cell phones. And after we were there they lowered the price from 5000 to 5. If i didnt chime in on the military side of it, we would interview a group that had been on the process of researching this book and we dont need a new Technology Developed but for the cycles to change that we can bring this to keep track of where colleagues are they had this tablet attached and this lasted an hour and a half in the second issue is we talk about the militaryindustrial complex and we have a real challenge in the sense that cybersecurity is not achieved without agility. What are we going to get to a point when providing cyberassistance to countries that are being attacked by countries that are not just a physical neighbors but advocates, this is critical. So what should we do about upcoming . They are trying to organize against western targets. Is there a military strategy there, i dont know, but that needs to be in the conversation. Is interesting is what the russians you have this one fighter problem and 15,000 that are coming in the civil war in syria in one side or the other. In the third upcoming from this as well. So it really is a global problem and they are sending this and sending Software Engineers to come fight on behalf of ovitz. Electronic army. Sometimes they are fighting from this as well. Presumably from iran . Just. So kudos to the economy. One of the things that happens with the advent of this technology and efficiency is a real crisis over the world particularly for the youth. And we want to have that and i know you travel probably about the impact and technology has on jobs and we are speaking for the last decade or so and its that are documented and mainly they are done in this area. And it turned out to be such a category. They are actually investing in the head of hiring. The people who win tend to beat the incumbent in the middle aged and they tend to be the elites. If you model about going for coming have a significant problem and there are economists to believe that we dont have a jobless problem. But its a transfer of middleclass highpaying jobs to service jobs. When we think of this as the uber driver and a talented person that is working a normal job and now they have contingent employment which is a service job in plenty of examples of that. Most economic thought says that jobs will be less predictable especially for young people in more contingent in this way. Theres a separate set of Public Policy issues around not and we have effectively wars and in talking this is something i have been working on it is the to fighting problem and its our problem too. You have to fix this but you have to have more educated workforce and we gave a very similar speech. I know that mark agrees with me on these things. Especially focusing on immigration because we try to replace this bid because they tend to form companies to allow immigration and another one is connectivity to build global brands. We are incumbent cant block new entrants. Especially where the regulators wont kill him. So was not kind of obvious . Most industries are highly regulated without passing judgment and a lot of these regulations tend to favor the incumbents or the structural incumbents. You have to fix that. Im sure that elicited his debut is part of it. I think that there is no doubt. And so here you are and imagine that we are the equivalent and having a conversation about china and 20 her spirit looking at this, and we look at the automation trends and we realize that a couple hundred Million Peoples jobs are in these manufacturing sites are going to be replaced i robot. There also benefits and i am going to read one of my favorite passages. There will be no alarm clock in your wakeup routine, not in the traditional sense. Instead, listen to this. We will be roused by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee with light entering your rooms curtains open automatically. Its my favorite part. And by a gentle back massage and inside your mattress there is a sensor that monitors your weeping rhythms, determining precisely part of this. So your apartment is an electronic orchestra and you are the conductor. And et cetera. So i need this. All of this. And i feel quite confident. So is google working on this . It seems like we will have several together. Her daughter said that we intend to that scenario. Its available in every form of analysis today. You can have a cycle of sleep, the book goes on to describe talking to the equivalent of the law and it does not come you dont. The reason is with your permission and has been figured out that your bosses would begin, no one is going to call you, will use that service. Yes, you bet. All those years i worked for you, someone could have told me. So how realistic are some of these changes in a. Certainly the physical things. The timing and so forth are real. And im happy to say that i think facebook is working on similar areas and google is getting to work very well. And it says things like how long it will take you to get to work and how is the traffic going. And so this is also part of. Another example and we have this is the optimal traffic routing. Its example after temple of human intelligence crowds were as applied to some kind of physical map or infrastructure that helps to make your life better. The kinds of things will seem pretty straightforward in one form or another. And toured was one month ago, three weeks ago. Little bit more than a month. And you both say that parents are going to have the privacy and security talked even before the lexmark talk with their kids. Yes, im going to. Okay, you are going to. And obviously this is further in your path. He hasnt quite filtered out who runs the household. But the key question is, are you the kind of parent we want your baby to really stand out in the book we talk about this. So here she shows up for the search results. [laughter] if youre one of the people to get along, youre given the generic name. So if you know if youre going to be a standout or not. Is up on the couch that night. But why dont you like this . Its a top result. [laughter] at the german name. [inaudible] at the dealbreaker name. She is slowly coming around. Spirit she is not at all. Shes being nice. So let me give you an example of this. And let me also give a more serious threat to this. What are the things as we are going to create an email address for our daughter. And hand over her password. Shes behind, before she starts. Shes ambitious, she will catch up. So there is a sort of interesting and more serious aspect to this. I think hes very serious. I also had the idea that i dont really want unsupervised parties at our apartment. And eric told me that i will be like the losing father of the year. They are not going to come to your house. No, they are not. But there is a serious aspect its about your child posing things that could hurt your chance of getting a job. Saudi arabia is out. You talk to the appearance and their nightmare scenario is their daughter is 10 years old was chatting with someone of the opposite sentencing things that maybe she should not create the because shes tender soul, its not an issue. But what happens when the exit she said which live in data permanents follow her around like a digital Scarlet Letter till someone chooses to take it upon this what the contents. Theres a concern with data permanents that reputational damage might be the virtual version of this. On identity, on your reputation. We argue that it will become the all important and that people will obsess about these kinds of questions. And here it likes to say that it never quite catches with physical maturity which is never quite as good as a mature adult as teenagers and we all understand that. So imagine a 16 or 17yearold antics in the same person is looking for a job and is it being used against the candidates are not absolute. So does that seem right to you . It doesnt seem right to me and in our system for hundreds of years it has been true that if you are below 18 and you commit a crime that is within some balance you can actually go to a judge and have the record be removed from the court until you were never convicted of a crime and it is obviously impossible today given the online world. Is that fair . Im not so sure. The last question i will ask, and an important one to me. Another we will take questions from audiences. It is on women. Obviously something that i am deeply compassionate about. I think the benefits of technology dont equally encourage men and women today. Women are nearly 25 less likely to be online and part of that is due to not having the capital that men have to buy technology and part of it is due to the education. Women are much more likely to be illiterate because periods are putting their boys in schools and less able to use technology. A report was put out, if reasons were given for 6 million women, it will not have is the same rate as men, the gdp would raise i 13 or 18 million. We know that investments pay off for the economy and we know that it is for the children and their help in their own education. So its a very good cycle. But we are caught in a nonvirtuous cycle and always, including technology. So how do you think this changes and how do we make sure people understand that this technology has to equally be in the hands of women. Civic activism come you can talk about any issue in the entire world. Its a womens issue by virtue and what i would say is that i think that can make this in a way that stronger and so there is an observation that i have made and many of my friends ive made which is when women in the middle east could chance of school they outperform the men accidentally. A friend of mine told me something very interesting and may or may not be true. Shes of the problem we have in way right now is we need more womens empowerment. If we gain this out now that women are going to school, 80 of the men. About 10 years ago you talked about microlending. Its not too hard to see. If you just figure out a way and by the way the prices on the low price on an Android Phone in china is about 100 or these are powerful smartphones and these are more or less correlated. So you can imagine is within three to five years which are price points within the situation people can use of smart phones. Imagine that its loaded with information and in a small number of years by giving you this, solving the educational problem with childhood iq and so forth. Talking to women about taking care of their kids, helping them do all of that. You can have a huge change. Including hundreds of millions of people that are empowered. And i just cant imagine. So connecting. If we have the best achievement and so forth. Weve visited one of these individuals. Theres a story that i cant resist telling and we met a group of women who have been attacked by the taliban. Without being ridiculed and etc. We are talking and asking them how we were able to be optimistic. One of them smiles and they all live in this house together and they are training in various Technical Skills and learning how to do this online. One woman said to us that she loves the internet because online her scars are invisible to the so the internet is giving her a Second Chance at life or if you think thats amazing, this woman then midiman online for she started chatting with will eventually she met with reallife and now they are married. And i cant think of a group of women who are more disenfranchised and deleted in vietnam than victims. We are were going to now take questions. Yes . Okay, how will issues related to Net Neutrality affect easy and quick access . What are some proposed solutions . In the developing world, most of the telecoms are still near monopoly providers. Youre not going to get really good access until you have competition in those things and it costs more than it does in the United States and if you divide that by the gdp. Yes. The bigger problem, i think that we can solve the small farm problem because it is a Consumer Product and an even bigger problem is going to be given the quality bandwidth of these countries. You do not have common carrier laws apply. A combination of public dresher said the internet is not used to favor a content. And it remains the same if you only have one provider and you dont have another choice, that would be an example of not having announced competition. Can you comment on Digital Currencies and the effect on economies. He was just about to buy some. The big defenders are saying if one bank that holds dollars goes out of business, its not the dollars but the one bank might call the federal reserve. I am well aware of that. 6 . So i think the questions revolve around if it is here to stay. Stay. Econd question is howhow and the second question is how long will unregulated currencies last. She actually works and is the expert on this. When is the u. S. Going to step in and regulate this . I dont know. There is a good article and i forget who wrote it. And they explained bitcoins as apples preview gimme whatever for the apple and now i own the apple and the story was written before this weekend last weekend i think you study the depression and its incredibly useful for many applications. There is a question of how secure this crypto currency is. But its the digital wallets that support this system and its a whole other problem. And the canadians tried their hand at something called this which was pegged at to this. And that ultimately shut it down because these are part of it. If they arent secure to support this currency ecosystem, we are just missing this challenge. And i was shocked at the number the kinds of attacks that they faced. Especially from a lot of nonus countries. Theres an awful lot of people trying to break into them and i think that that will be permanent no matter what. How do you see Human Interaction involving a world that is increasingly automated. It seems the more connected we become the more distantly become living in the physical world. Its interesting because this is something you wrote about in your book. In your book you wrote that there are two worlds at once. A Virtual World where we experience a connectivity and a physical world are we still have to contend with geography and the good and bad sides of human nature and the book explores the way of the Virtual World and the physical world interacting. What you said in this questioning is how do you see one impact or the other. Im working on turning off my phone during dinner. Hours are going . Youre never going to do it. What percentage are you doing . After five minutes of not having devices, i thought i saw this bug is starting to twitch and this is a medical problem. The good news is that we have the amazing interactive law. And so it is important to know where the off button is and know how to turn it off or even working on dinner. And i think the deeper part is what is it doing. Especially with the your daughter. Yes, especially with her. Because traditional record will be enough. She will be 10,000 emails behind. Sometimes hed decided its not okay to post sonograms before birth. A birth, he laughed, a smile. But the point is what this means is we will hold up, saying can i post this picture of io. She might say yes. Good luck. Parenting is quite different than what you think it will be and theres Nothing Better than talking to someone who doesnt have kids yet. This is how its all going to work or it smacked his First Response was resist the urge to think they do the firstperson on earth, dont think youre the first one are to have a child. And so we will be better known than people interacting with us and what it means is the implications of what we do online are probably a greater consequence in determining our identity. The way i think about this as you start off and you have complete control of your identity and as you age the percentage decreases. So by the time your daughter, think about the percentage and so forth in the description of her and all the things that would have been compared to who she really is. And we havent figured this out yet. Its not just what we say, its what others say and post about us. So we basically are one unit in an entourage of people who shaping who we are. Is interesting. And that brings up another thing i know that we are all working on, which is how we think about the responsibilities that companies have for privacy and security for the google and facebook and everything we do and also the increasingly american element. And you know this better than anyone where the countries are increasingly having voice or data localization for what has been a global system for the control of data, which i think ties to the identity of their citizens. It tries to some of the identity you have in the book. We have 12 on amazon. Easily. Multiple times. Each carry around. Thank you. Notice the cover that i had done. The revelation that a number our relations with a bunch of countries. Yes, they did. Cheryl and i have spent lots of time dealing with the consequences and the perception of nsa activities and so forth. So this is a good example of what will happen in the future. No one knows how to solve this problem and an example is a couple of weeks ago. Angela merkel indicated she would be in favor of having data localization within germany, which sounds like a great political thing but it breaks the internet and is a very bad idea for the german citizens and we are facing similar situations around the world in brazil for both companies and so forth. I dont think we have figured out all of the consequences of that in the government cents. There is a lack of the women being situated in Computer Science. In the 1980s when we were getting 30 to 35 of the american Computer Science degrees, were down to 13 . We believe that this is important, if you understand that Technology Jobs are important to future employment and they are better paid, you have to worry about polity and theres lots worry about with women not being in Computer Science. Google to erics credit and others credit. Absolutely forerunner of this. Refocus on women in Computer Science and routing. When we have 13 , its very hard to get women through it. So how do you think about this for google and in terms of encouragement over the world . You can understand it is an escalation that people follow. That women get off that escalator at various points and we need to address that. This is a Real National crisis for america. And there are plenty of fields where we have figured this out. Includes biology where the majority of scientists are limited. So its possible to do this. Two years ago in silicone valley. You dont notice it always, but eric does. Youre pretty much deciding what your kids are doing for the summer. And it is encouragement that we have to be part of. Its the impact of the future they cant really be part of this. How are you going to keep up for your daughter . Well, four weeks from now when you have a daughter. My view is to start early. You hear about goldilocks and others that people are working to try to figure out how are there ways to create opportunities for young girls to get excited and theres clearly not enough examples of this and you cant wait until your child gets to college and is deciding this. If you dont start earlier than lose that investment. There may be a solution knocker argot work, but as we accept the stereotype. The opportunities for the kinds of things that it appears that women care a lot about to build massive new companies that are clearly going to be there. So its possible that we will solve this problem by just moving up. When i started there were no petitions at all and nothing was visual and there was no interaction and it was very dirty, speaking as a local nerd. Other women with other Technical Skills as well. One of the google idea of goals, it was to end censorship. We are going to end censorship. And the second has to do with trust you dont know the origin of a particular proxy or tool. So we decided to leverage the engineers inside and outside the company are there tools we can build to help address critical problems . And other means to the filtering challenge of the repressive regime and we are well underway. It is fair to say the life of autocratic dictators will get worse because of the apartment. It is great but sloping down. And whats good while you had it. We always had geopolitical problems the empowerment of the individual was a new problem for them. They cannot shut the internet down. We talk about this. That the citizens would be empowered. The china, as you know, has been dusted one form or another over a long time. There are new services in china with the two most popular examples of a link schaede with a series of messages but it could be very large. By the way you could do pictures and so forth it is heavily censored. So what happens when you have a clever idea and every person in this room since it to all the friends and 10 Million People think this is a great idea . Even with the repressive regime you have got to fear the results of the power of your citizens. There is time for one last question. What are you most pessimistic and what makes you the most optimistic . In terms of the future . The thing that i am most pessimistic about what weve talked about before, we like to think technology is a Silver Bullet but there are still mass killings in huge porsches living in abject poverty and i wish the technology could visibly solve those challenges with more connectivity does not solve the problems that there are limits. In some respects it could exacerbate but the thing that i am most optimistic about is basically we will experience the mobile psittacine even thinking about china as the most populous repressive society 1 billion people will come on line one time in one country and will never happen again. Imagine how to know that ability to know what is happening in this city to have access to the worlds information with the opportunity to make decisions is game changing. There are challenges but the notion they will be more empowered with choices and options at any other time in history has to be a good benefit. Wed restarted the book we did not know how we would use the developing worlds having worked on this three years were optimistic about the overall benefits especially the developing world. There are two areas i am worried about. The first it is a race to we demilitarized there are a number of possible scenarios. And it we dont understand we have to think about that. The second one steve jobs question in the race between computers and humans. [laughter] the cubans have to win. [laughter] the schumans. [laughter] the reason the humans have to win is they have too shy and in the human system has to be updated. This is not happening fast enough. The second one half arguing how we would politically and culturally solve this. Please join me to think these great minds the underwriters. [applause] thank you so much. This has been the best venue in various formats it is such a Great Institution the legacy will last far longer. [applause] i appreciate that. Thank you so much. Cynic at eric schmidt and jared cohen has been interviewed many times but i think we had a great moderator today. I hope you enjoyed. [applause] the book goes on sale paperback tomorrow with a completely different after word does he think about these issues provide h

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