The exhibit an hour away from colombia. It is now. A lot of the attitudes he had in the conservative National Review started were identical with the old use. But robbie does in this book and without pushing the point to match, you make the readers see a parallel from those attitudes in todays attitude often among conservatives than often among religious conservatives. But the parallel there . Had a conversation in working naic. The enduring power of racial divide. I think about the question that is really decided, this question between police and africanamericans. So the killing of unarmed africanamericans, the ambush and murder of police. But the question is what cant be said where is part of what makes down. We asked the question about this to try to sort out the attitudes among this country. Do you think the African American men are isolated incidents or do you think they are part of a writer does the survey question. Theyre absolutely part of the pattern. Whites overall are about half as likely to agree with that statement. Four in 10 whites overall say that they are part of a broader pattern. When you look at white evangelicals, it is only 29 part of the pattern to save these are isolated incidents. So its not just that we are disagreeing about what to do about problems. In this case the cultural views are so divided that data so that the real things we are wrestling with at the country is why you ran into salem and clueless matter and only black guys mattered in having a conversation about the two of these together. Very quickly because this question comes up a lot in normal conversation, what exactly is the difference between evangelical . Thats excellent you get that comment too. Nobody else knows the class at the dinner table. I think i said yes. So what is the difference. I talk about these two groups in the country has two branches have the way family tree and theres different ways of understanding them, the mainland world typically was from the very idea of this mainline railway and it was heavily concentrated in the north he is at the examples are the episcopalian church, the Presbyterian Church of u. S. A. They intend to be historically more highly educated, concentrated in the northeast in more liberal politically. These are the churches active in the Civil Rights Movement. For example ,com,com ma the Christian Century was the first place to publish birmingham jail. Did Martin Luther king on the Editorial Board. On the other side of the divide is in fact many people where i come from. Im from mississippi. Correct southern baptists. These are kind of evangelicals who tend to be born again. Com they want to think of evangelical would think of born again. They tend to be in the south and the midwest and Political Science or close to real divide is whether someone can self identify as a bornagain evangelical christian or not. They are bad questions people dont always know. They were on the mainland side of this divide. It is not a difference of doctrine or denomination. Theres much more emphasis on salvation among the southern part just for evangelical world in various among the mainline protestant world. Let me ask you some other Big Questions people want to know about. How do you know their acronyms . To your professional pollsters, how does all that work . And ceo at the Research Institute and we were founded in 2009. We were nonpartisan independent research organization, so we write our own questions. We provide the surveys and we do our best to adhere to other talkshow standard of opinion polling. The thing we appear to from the beginning is making sure that we only do when a a probability examples that can be generalized for the wider population. We typically do large sample sizes. The typical political poll would have like a thousand. The wall street journal had like a thousand people in the period our last survey we did at the Brookings Institution had 2500. We are following the Polling Industry seen one of the challenges is with your people having landline, telephone polling traditionally has been a bit challenging. We currently do 60 cell phone and 40 landline. Thats really necessary to get accurate samples of africanamericans in young people. We do but only through random probability sampling. When we do online polls we do that through the university of chicagos National Opinion research center. Let me ask you a question thats come up repeatedly during the election and one of the few attractive or appealing jokes donald trump made in this hunger came acceptance speech the other night was when he sent evangelicals love this and probably dont deserve this. What do they love about him . This is in many ways the head scratcher at the election is certified had the self identified values rallied around trump. The latest polling shows eight in 10 headtohead with Hillary Clinton are going to vote for donald trump over Hillary Clinton. He ran with ted cruz and mississippi and the entire election was the same starting with the announcement he made. You may or may not remember. He was the very first one to declare either party. He made an explicit way in march of 2015, explicit appeal to values, evangelical voters and donald trump after him. Super tuesday was supposed to be ted cruz firewall against trump. It turned out to be his complete downfall were terms to other southern states. Its important to remember is they think South Carolina and mississippi in the gop primaries, talking about seven in 10 gop primary voters are white evangelicals. They are very humor genius. Ted cruz shouldve done better by a lot of measures therein he didnt. I wrote a piece a few weeks ago, an oped in the New York Times or argue based on data from the boat. I should say Donald Trumps name appears nowhere in the book. I think it sheds a lot of light on what going on. What i argue in the book and the oped is that trump has essentially converted the selfdescribed value voters into one and calling nostalgia voters. Theres a couple of keys to this day people at the time didnt pick up on. Back in january and i iowa, trump gave a speech where he made this claim and he said unelected i will restore. When a president we are going to say Merry Christmas in this country. I think now is a very explicit message. They came back to this world that many white evangelical protestants feel in particular has either completely put away a right at their fingertips to be lost. Ted cruz was talking about the bathroom bills. He kind of showed up in indiana with this freedom by mike pence. It wasnt trump doing that. It was cruz doing that. At the end of the day, ted cruz is making an argument that he was going to carve out some exemptions from the new reality. Trump was saying im going to turn back the clock. We are not going to ask for exemptions. We are going to change the reality. It is a stronger appeal to trump to really dig carry the day. Thats a brilliant point and it comes right out of routers both. Even the something is amazing, you get it. The relation to these two different forces and we know we go back to the founding of the country of how religious a country is supposed to be or not. At what point did the relationship between the vegan in politics among evangelicals, someone like jerry falwell. He was extremely critical of Martin Luther king. The idea that jimmy carter was that if you are evangelical in politics at all, they were right about that one. But then it changes into this other thing. Whether that happened and how did that happen. Jerry falwell senior is the pivotal thinker. He gave in the 60s in response to a call for a minister to join the Civil Rights Movement the famous speech where he said look, we are not savings goals. We are not about civil rights. Creatures preaching about individual organizations, not about marching in the street. Thats not what we should be doing. He shifted his chin by the time he got into the carter administration. One of the littleknown but catalyzing events was actually at bob jones university, this prominent who had a rule against interracial dating and said you are going to lose your federal taxes if you dont change some policies. That was quite an important rally for many evangelicals to kind of racist again the federal intervention is a into local politics but the defenses, offense against the will nomenclature that really brought them back in the 70s and 80s. What we see now, the different thing in the 80s and 90s, the friend that was used with the moral majority, kind of the falwell language. Where is the country of . Oneman, onewoman window saying with where we are today is that white evangelicals are no longer under the illusion even agrees with them. It has really changed. The posture has changed the level of anxiety and worry among that group. Its not just the rest of the country going to, but its late we are like the lone outpost now. Just to clarify, is that your interpretation of data . One that gets at this, white evangelicals and who weve been talking about here is White Christian america that experiences decline in their own membership and influence. We asked the white evangelical protestants questions about the wrong place. We ask that the reverse discrimination question, do you think discrimination against white as a biggest problem as a discrimination against black energies. Two thirds of white evangelical protestants agree with that statement. Do you think discrimination against christians is a bigger problem against other groups in the country, eight in 10 agree with that statement. The real sense of being outplayed in conflict with the rest of the culture in real terms. Can they identify where they are feeling ive seen a lot of it is about. We have a whole chapter in the book on how this plays out. So i think the reason my ted cruz was so quick to go to indiana and stand on this religious exemption bill was precisely because it is the way of trying to kind of win a few battles on a field as a way of carving out continued places. Its that sense of our values are no longer shared by the wider society. Thats a real place of conflict. And activist imogene on the bill in indiana because they were in trouble with walmart. Thats the culture shift, too. A couple points. When i want to ask you about, the pressure is really coming from elected officials so much or not lawenforcement. It is coming you go to a movie. Can i take my child to see a movie that will have violent with interracial or Something Like that. Its in the book. You can go online. Its all over the place. Is that a cultural and battle meant and how does that get translated into something trump has been very bad is that Political Correctness argument. Its not so much that you discriminate against. Its that youre not allowed to say what you really think. Or if you do, someones going to talk to you. But neither times Editorial Board is going to ridicule you. One of the things that is broken down that has caused a great deal of anxiety is in the conversation on the radio the other day with bob vander plot of white evangelical to this. In many ways i have a lot of respect for him. Three different times in the conversation he said its just common sense and they let go off and say send them. The fact on the shared by white evangelical protestants. But a child should have a mother and the father in the home. Its just common sense they should be the case. And you know, i think one of the real kind of sense of vertigo that path and then wipe the terms of lyrical correctness come under such attack is because these assumptions can just be brought over without being challenged anymore. If you think about the security that provide in delivering social world, we can talk in shorthand. You dont have to feel like youve got your card. You can say what you think and you know everybody agrees with you. Those kind of insular worlds are increasingly not available. You have to kind of check before you have that conversation. And thats about power. But the social and cultural world that used to really hold sway in the country and has really moved from the center to the periphery and has to renegotiate now the country. He lost his faith kind of thing david brooks has written about, with some really brilliant work but also because of social media we go into this little cones of silence and we find the people who form an echo chamber and not federal enclave. So yes you can escape the broader conversation that you are uncomfortable with, but then you find the place and as child been really good if somehow creating the feeling or sensation of protection that theres really more out there that the liberals made bank . We are no longer using the moral majority. Certainly still some upside down constructs. What has happened is the chart of the Republican Party particularly. Eight and 10 of their coalition are White Christians. Its a really homogeneous political coalition. When you have bad homogeneity in your logical coalition comment you cant tailor a narrative because it really is somebody shared assumption, shared years in shared worries about where america is going. I think that and the other thing master foleys trump has soared to address a moment and not a policy. Its like nailing jello to the wall. It really is tricky. When he says. Is it aims like that means im going to restore power to christian churches. These Latino Catholic churches. He really does mean white artist inside the end of the day. Before we get to the question, one more quick one. Youve mentioned young people. Millennial c. Say are the less devout or at least they are not churchgoers. Talk about, my meals are demographically from other populations. Clearly the most ethnically racially diverse and the largest is more millennial thinking the other population in the country including baby boomers. A huge tidal wave crashing on the shore here. When we ask questions about how important it is that you raise a child come among us much less likely or much less likely than Older Americans to say that they trust these institutions. Its a really different mindset. They dont have spiritual interests, but the institutional religion is something they have a real problem when it growing up with. 44 of the linear notes. Lightskinned sam and robbie a big round of applause. My name is simon greer. Ill try to take two or three groups together. I will repeat them for friends and families who are recording and then turn it over. Why dont we do one, its you i just wondered about why theyre still have a loading blog [inaudible] thats a great question, to hear lets do one more. [inaudible] looking a little bit longer term there is a lot of fear in our culture. What do you see as the path forward for any of these they might wish to be either healers [inaudible] three very simple, easy to answer. The first question was about comparing Hillary Clinton on the outbreak. We are going to get three mark questions. Ill start with yours. It begs the question. Im not sure if i can do a finegrained comparison do a fine grain compares that to do, bigger question about which democrats took a Political Party about reaching White Christians. Ive been talking about White Christians and its important to remember there are white catholics. Beit nondenominational christians, white evangelical christians. If youre thinking. Tactics, white evangelicals to vote in the last four election cycles you intend for republican president ial candidates. You want to do a deep dive, i would be the way to go. Mainline protestants have been leaning republican, but not so strongly. The same is true for white catholics have been leaning republican but not so strongly. There is real opportunities in those two groups to sort of think about things those two groups are awesome in the midwest. The White Working Class that was really in the midwest outside the south and particularly around basic issues like the auto bailout with a big deal there a kind of working class. That is a good opportunity. There is this decline. White christians would still nearly half and still majority in the electorate. If you saw it today and the upshot to New York Times that its not inconceivable that donald trump repealed the majority with conservative white male voters. These data people youre talking about. Do you think the Clinton Campaign is under best team into the subset of christians who could be voters . Yeah, that i dont think ive got an opinion on. The business and Progressive Coalition around things like religious freedom bill. What was interesting in georgia is that yes he got absolute the without the business influence. What was also interesting about 10 is what he said about why he did it. And public what he basically said as he himself is evangelical and he said its my own question if it tells me we dont need this kind of bill in georgia. And he got a lot of flack from that. Im having trouble and not remembering exactly how. He did go back to separation of church and state ideas. This is part of his Christian Faith as file and we didnt need the law to uphold the separation. I am the book talking about some influences and one of the things that when you see that you know youre at a cultural moment when, for example, the Grammy Awards broadcast in prime time tv the marriage of a number of samesex couples at the ceremony in prime time behind the curve and theres really not that much backlash. It was like Queen Latifah was like presiding over the state. In the middle of this by Nakamura Lewis is taking the church to task for antigay teachings. It was a remarkable moment. There wasnt that big of a backlash. 10 years ago they were boycotting cbs for months over some name like this. Companies like honey made, cheerios and chevrolet who are now having multiethnic gay couples on the commercial. That is a sign that things have moved. The third is about to fear in the sense of division in decline about a path forward. Yeah, next to. It is hard. I spent some time trying to think about the institutions that might help us bridge this divide. I cant come up with any. We have more churches in post offices in the u. S. Maybe thats the name. Martin luther king jr. Was famous for saying 11 00 a. M. On sunday morning is the most segregated hour in the country. That is largely still true today about eight in 10 churches are mono racial churches. Theres not a lot of crossfertilization going on there. I came up with a lot of games we had from brown that she brought up from Public Schools have been lost over the last 10 to 15 years. This is not happening that significant others. If i can put it succinctly, we were joking before and ive heard people joke if youre an alien from mars city watch the Republican Convention the democratic convention, youd think they were Different Countries and their account are campaigning for. The challenge before us is how will they tell a story of the changing america for this kind of waspy center can no longer be assumed, but it still has a place for those people who used to be in the center. It makes room for the kind of great diversity we have before us, but at the same time doesnt include the people who have been in power. Thats the real challenge. They dont see themselves in it. Thats part of the biggest problem Going Forward. I want to follow up on a brief question that in the book you do that is a very subtle inhumane way, did the progressive american to give a little more at this point what the cultural battle. This is an argument put the bottle is lost. We know that its over. Finished. Can she be a little kinder and more generous and victory. You have a few remarks about that, too. Yeah, i sort of the vote reconstruction after civil war. The biggest battle that president lincoln had to deal with nospace got these vanquished foes like what we do with it. Do we punish them, disenfranchise them, what do we do . Lincolns stance is weve got to find a way to build a country back to one country again and we do while this punitive things. That can be hard to do. Id know exactly what the current analogs are, but i do think there is some space here. Im not arguing in the book you go back to kind of legal victories or rollback the cultural fit areas. But there is a way in which i think there might be a more openness, less kind of looking down the nose and that i think might help those people who find themselves kind of isolated now do this thing and they still see themselves as part of something bigger and not just vanquished. I seem to remember that Andrew Sullivan to the religious liberty that you would expect. The idea is not that everybody has to agree with you. Is that you shouldnt discriminate against the others. They led the way with bob, but it doesnt mean we have to be uniform or universal family. Lets go back to your question. I too was raised. Does. I had a feeling that im kind of living in the throes. This country and whole discussion has been about among americans. How this transformation affect our Foreign Policy. As you said in the beginning, it was pretty good values. In many ways he stated something thats kind of been provoked to basically its a christian country. Now that is changing. How does that affect the way we engage in the world because until recently, our view has been very ancient myths, involved in the world. I wonder if this will change. [inaudible] [inaudible] my question is about [inaudible] so do gc skew the progressive thanks, everyone. First is about Foreign Policy and the impact of all of this in the world. The first thing to say is i would maybe sharpen up the perception a little bit because i think its important. The nation that explicitly has freedom of religion. Thats an easy thing to do when you have a de facto way protestant majority. So when you are never culturally secure a secure spot, its much easier thing to say we are going to have free religion, nonestablishment. But at the same time, you look at congress and president s. You look at the Supreme Court. They are stacked with white protestants. We know we can hold them together, even though in principle. One thing that is happening is we are actually for the first time really been tested about what we really think about the end and whether we really think religious liberty in this full free exercise sent his son to do we really want as a country. I think for the first time at this way protestant minority, still has to stand up for that, even when they are no longer the cultural majority. That is kind of one of the important moments that we are right in terms of how we understand the place is we are living in public lives. Its also the case that in her most recent survey, for the First Time Ever we recorded white evangelical protestants no longer saying that the country is a christian nation. They are now saying they used to saying do you suspect a slight majority the countries found a christian nation. Now they are saying the second option in the battery is used to be a christian nation but it is no longer. Now that is new. I think its a recognition. On the Foreign Policy team, its a little bit baby complicated. When it was communism in russia, that is by the way where we get differentiating ourselves from the godless communists. Were the christian nation. And we kind of put this in our pledge in response to that. I dont know that kind of thing is going to drive a foreign powers need Going Forward just because that is not there and the same when it was midnight and 50s. The mac the point probably just made about the cold war. That was so sweet very broad argument, even at the height of the cold war. The argument if you go back and look at the little rock integration, the most conservative republicans may was we embarrass ourselves in front of the world and lose the ideological battle against the soviets if we are not letting small children entering school, then how do we present ourselves in moral opposition to that. You know the answer to that was the National Review magazine . The real slicer behind the iron curtains peers who cares. We dont have to include our domestic relations to please communists or impress people whose hearts and minds around the other side. Theres always been a really broad arguments on the side. That is really the author of something much more dominant in our politics which was unilateralism and before that on interventionism or isolationism. The turn unilateralism that arthurs licensure, this idea that america would actually act alone. Thats what turned into the american exceptionalism, another era. Thats also involved in this particular kind of Foreign Policy that climax are plummeted under george w. Bush and the iraq war. So that got taken off the table in many ways. I wanted to ask you about the healing question. Cant one make the argument from the rate, the devils advocate but if liberals are going to be great supporters of tolerated in diversity and change, why cant they be more tolerant and diverse the people who differ with them ideologically. And that the argument where conservatives still have a case to make . It depends because the whole idea is whether we are talking about principles are just tolerance everything. But never been the argument. Russell moore is one of the more interesting figures whose kind of figured this out. Who is really trying to accept that kind of decentered place in the world. As he saw that chart from the 19 aps through nine straight years of brookline. You think about what does it mean to be a countercultural church . Some places hes caught in the same conundrum that if your counter cultural, that depends on you having a negative value of what the culture is if youre going to react again. Sort of a weird circle. I am hoping one thing he can do is think about what are the principles we are going to stand on . Not just react to be tolerant of everything. There are principles behind tolerance is a limit on what we are going to be tolerant of. Maybe we will actually get to those discussions which would be a really healthy thing to do. What does it mean to be tolerant and kind of a countercultural check on power. I think its going to have to get back to some our fundamental questions. What are really for or whether we really against. Theres not a single promise in the Supreme Court. What is that . How would she get there . Is remarkable really. The entire history of the Supreme Court until 2010 was the first year they lost their lives on the Supreme Court and merit our land is waiting in the wings if he ever gets about and gets confirmed law may be catholics in jewish on the Supreme Court. Weve only got a few more minutes. I went to separate this way, which im hoping youre not good at this and youre actually wrong. [laughter] thanks for the summary. I think the best thing to say is, you know, if the data is wrong, all public polling in the country is wrong. There is some of that. One of the things we really try to do and were talking very large sample sizes. The demographic trend tracking and lost 80,000 interviews the year. This is a very, very large, almost unprecedented data set that we are looking. We are doing all that kind of figures you can do. Does that mean you are fully getting, theres always what youre attacking about his nonresponse. People who you call, you never get to pick up the phone. Every survey certainly has that. The rate that is compensated at the end of the day, either you start out with a perfect ballad sealable, by the time you get done with your contacts, however good you are, the responses you get back are always a little bit skewed. The way back is handled in Public Opinion polling is those that are reweighted to match the demographic characteristics of the country so if you are one of those rare individuals, if you are a white woman in your 70s, you are very easy to get on the phone. You might be hard to get off the phone. So at the end of the day if my cube needed a response. But if you are a 21yearold latino male, you are very hard to get on the phone. That is hard to do. Once we get a complete interview, you might read at the twice. You may count as two respondents to make up for that other person. But at any rate, the sample is free ballad to kind of match the demographic characteristics. The third question was about millennial. Maybe you could say a quick word about seminaries or how they are teaching. Clearly they are a different breed in terms of their religiosity. If you look at the white evangelical question, that the most conservative white protestant world. They only have one in 10 and then we get one third that are unaffiliated at all. So that really has changed the composition of the group. Just all the other things, they rub shoulders with people of different races and not the cities from the moment they are born most of them. People who speak different languages. They know friends from the moment they know what that is. It becomes a huge issue. More than three quarters support samesex marriage. The one thing about seminary is the places where seminaries are actually growing is a couple places. Its multiethnic seminaries, latina seminaries, africanamerican seminaries and this newer multibasis that is gaining traction. The white millennial males from the white guys 30 and under under barack obama. White workingclass males and millennial generation have been hit pretty hard by the recession. Even if theyre collegeeducated or have trouble getting a job, and economic situations are not fed rates and have to move back in with their parents. They are under a lot of distress. Even other part of this generation, white millennial men who are workingclass have just below the surface is still alive even with that group if you are going to write a book ibm mac [inaudible] my question goes back to [inaudible] that shift toward what does it look like the freedom of expression is equal coverage. I will summarize the first one is the end of a lot of things. I should do the left behind series. Inside joke for all your evangelicals in the crowd. The thing and thinking about next is what now really. The reason why this is important and the way that it may be less important is because this house with the white protestant culture didnt hold the center and americana for most of our life as a nation. I begin the book with an obituary with White Christian americans and think about what to say about the remains that we are seeing right now. I think the next question is a big huge question, i certainly wont have the answer for it, but the question we are struggling with his wife now. If we no longer have this one Cultural Center thing, for better or worse than i think it was some of the Couple Holding sway in the center, the kind of serving as a hub from which other things were good. What then . How do we talk about being american and a nation. What is the narrative we are going to be out of the mess he remained. How much of this is the problem of there not being the sort of mediating institutions. You know the washington think tank guy with the ethics and Public Policy institute. He also has National Affairs for that im going to be writing about called the fractured republic. His argument is we are caught between individualism on the one hand. And sort of reliance on the huge centralist date and theres nothing in between. Where youve kind of suggested it is in between institutions just arent that strong anymore. He wants them to be, but maybe theyre not. The institutions that are there are not helping us and sort ourselves. Were these points of intersection might be and we need institutions to do that. Its also going to mean conservatives will think about more about individual rights and liberals will think more about character. Hopefully some of that will happen. Said the city in my home state followed that pretty well. The mississippi law is a little bizarre because its so broad. It is beyond work on the brick for a rent and spelled out. Like, for example, if you disagreed with the parent raising a child on their own, that is how broadly it was written. It wasnt just about gay couples. It was about a man, a woman is a Nuclear Family and anything outside of that fell under protection of islam. It is a little bizarre because of that. The conversation that we are going to have really is about and we are saying how much space is there and what does that look like. For the losers in particular of this battle. What is okay . Why is the face of the law and what is a kind of combination that seems respectful of a group that disagrees. We have some agreement already on hand. For example, liberals and conservatives both agree generally that pastors speaking from the pulpit are going to be hate speech are preaching the police at their church is the First Amendment party protected right. Many evangelicals think that is not protect you and that is part of the challenge. One plays he believed in Civil Liberties to kind of reinforces a were absolutely protect those rights and sent to churches. When you get to hiring people, we are a different landscape. Sketchy and i doubt its going to be a decadelong process. Everybody received about when you came in. Simon schuster published the book. You can figure out how to get it to to a friend. For folks who want to do that and before we give them both a round of applause. Obviously your scholarship is terrific, but i think in this highly polarized time, you dont disdain the people you are writing about. You invite us all to think about what the world looks like. So thank you for that. [applause]

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