Under current doctrine, thats changed, the doctrine underwent mastered changes under David Petraeus with what we now call asymmetric warfare. I would argue that this is nothing new for the army. The conditions they find, the individual issues are different. The basic conditions are pretty similar that youre trying to restore order in a very complex world, often with very few resources. For more information on booktvs recent visit to corporate Corpus Christi texas, go to cspan. Org localcontent. Next, conservative commentator and writer nick adams. He argues that United States will bounce back from its current troubles and dominate the 21st century. This is a little under one hour. You know sometimes in americas 200 plus year history it is required a fresh set of eyes visiting some distant lands to help us see ourselves more accurately. The best example probably is in the 1830s when a french nobleman, de tocqueville, came here originally to investigate americas prison system. His mandate or his investigative purview expanded as he got here. He became fascinated with what was that made this nation on the edge of the wilderness so dynamic, even in barely its first halfcentury under the u. S. Constitution, and he ultimately wrote the classic democracy in america. Our guest this evening, nick adams, from australia has been likened to tocqueville. He came here at just the age of 24 after a lifelong impulsion to know more about america and to help americans know more about ourselves through the mayor that he might be able to hold up even as a young man. He had already by this time been elected to local Government Office as a University Undergraduate in his metropolis home of sydney, the suburban commute of asher. He was just 19, he was a local government on the council. At age 21 he was deputy mayor. He served throughout the years of his 20s by the came here with fascination about this country, began studying america, speaking to americans about how admired we are and our countrys ideals are to the corners of the earth. The result among other things was this book called the american boomerang how the worlds greatest turnaround nation will do it again. We are delighted to have nick adams with this at western conservative summit this past july. Lots of you were there when he lit the room up on sunday morning moderating a panel about what we can expect as millennials take positions of leadership. I am especially glad weve got a lot of ccu students with associate in because students, this gentleman, that just turned 30 a few weeks ago he sets an example of what you can do without have a whole lot of years under your belt. If you have the vision, the determination, the drive. Todays alexis de tocqueville is working on a french accent. Hell have to get by with the ones that he brought with him for now. Which is delighted to welcome back to ccu and the syngenta institute, nick adams of centennial institute, nick adams of australia. [applause] good evening, mr. Andrews distinguished guests, staff and students at the Colorado Christian University, and members of the public here tonight and those watching at home on cspan. It is a pleasure to be back in denver. I am very grateful for the centennial institutes kind invitation to me to be your with you this evening. John andrews director of the syngenta institutinstitut e deserve special mention. I think imports friendship, his mentor, his patience and his loyalty, and by good and trying times. It would be remiss of me not to mention johns assistant who has been pivotal in ensuring that i can be here with you tonight. Are warm spirit, a meticulous nature and are work ethic make her a delight to work with. Ladies and gentlemen it is so good to be in colorado. In my experience its a great state. Beautiful one day out the perfect the next. [laughter] growing up as a child i had this insatiable curiosity. So i would flip through travel guides in the librarys school in bookstores or the secretary panetta kind of travel guide of america and very but i would come across the great state of colorado. And without fail, always one of the first things that would be listed at a call is that it is the highest state in the union. Little did i dont by the time i would make it to colorado, that would come to have taken on shall we say enhanced meaning. [laughter] i still remember vividly my very first encounter, real encounter with colorado. It was on my first trip to the United States, and i was in the San Francisco behind enemy lines in the people republic of austin. Now, for those of you who have been to austin, let me tell you that there is so much to choose from. Youve got the soft left, the sentiment and the crazy out of their lives. Theres a list i like to call diversity. Anyway, here i was the middle of summer meandering down sixth street, perspiring producers browse president obama might on the golf course. My throat is parched and am looking for a drink. What happens . I stumbled across this odd looking fellow, and right next to him is this gigantic bucket of ice full of bottles of beer. No water, i inquired . No, he says but hey beer is only 2. I said okay. He got to understand as on australian the last thing honestly wants to do is drink a warm beer. So ive noticed there was ice but i didnt belong to their had been inside so i said, okay, sir, but on the beers cold or did you just put it in . Well, as quick as the speed of light, with the reflexes of a gazelle, he punched his arm into the bucket, yank out almost professionally in one deft move a bottle of beer. Are they cold . He bellows at me. He says bubba im going to teach you something to you see, this year is what we call a coors light. When the rockies are blue you know its cold. You dont have to ask. Needless to say following this serendipitous encounter, and after learning of the political persuasion and the habits of the coors family caused very rapidly became my favorite adult beverage. Ladies and gentlemen, im looking forward to telling you a little bit about my story but can i just say i was in colorado just five months ago taking the stage at the western conservative summit, and back then you had a democratic senator. Now you have a republican senator. [applause] now i dont know how much i had to do with that, but im hoping theres a message in there and i will be able to come to colorado if thats the result. As an intellectually curious person with a very rudimentary knowledge of spanish i was are interested to learn that color is actually the spanish word so i was glad that etymology and political claim has launched more a line. Has once more aligned. Exit gentleman my connection to american is ideological, intellectual, emotional and historic. Ideological because i love the idea and the values that america represents. Intellectual because my study of america is somewhat formal and emotional because even though i wasnt born in america even though i dont live in america i feel unamerican. And historic because were it not for america i probably would be delivering this speech in japanese. I am proud to be a christian. I am proud to have faith. I am proud to believe in something bigger than me. Thats what america has always been about. America has shown and demonstrated that christian civilizations, when lived out in the lives of individuals and institutions, brings about the greatest degree of liberty prosperity, creativity individuality, optimism, success and peace. But more on that later but let me tell you a little bit more about who i am. I was born in sydney, australia on the fifth of september, 1984. And i was born to a german mother and on australian father with great heritage. The greatest trial of my life came at just 16 months when i was diagnosed with a very rare and unusual childhood cancer. Only one in 100000 children get this. There are only 600 cases a year in america and just 40 in australia. The thing with it is it is an enormously difficult cancer to diagnose. That means that overwhelmingly when it is diagnosed, the tumor will have spread. To other parts of the body. When i was diagnosed with no blastoma i was diagnosed with stage four near blastoma meaning the cancer spread throughout my body. My entire body was riddled with cancer. My mother and father were told that i just a 5 chance of surviving. After almost three years of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and an operation, through the Healing Hands of our master physician god, i decide the odds and i lived. In it would be a battle that whatever shape who i was and the way i have conducted my life. It explains why i aggressively pursue every option, and the possibility, and every single dream. I wish i could say that i inherited my mothers german punk and nelly and Organizational Skills but i would be lying. I did, however, learn from her several very valuable lessons about life. Chief among those, they need to protect and look after those who are incapable or less able to fend for themselves. Similac earliest memories involves Walking Around the bay where we had to go and see the seagulls. My mother would always make a point of observing a seagull that was injured or just on one leg or in some way hampered funding able to compete for the breadcrumbs that we would offer a flock of seagulls that would come. She would always keep a little few bread crumbs just a wizard so once the entire flock had dispersed, having been said we would get up to the injured seagull and make sure they didnt go without. Its a very simple story and a simple analogy but its one that always try to remember and ive always tried to live by. From my father i inherited my confidence, my resilience my passion and my audacity. Looking back although it was never explained to me in this way, he taught me the spirit of the greek idea of honor and doing the right thing even when ones own interest or even ones own life is in peril. Growing up there were two stories about the Second World War and greece that i always kept close to my heart. The first was in 1940 when mussolini italys Prime Minister, asked the greek Prime Minister for free passage through greece. And on the spot at 3 a. M. Without consultation he said, he said no. His plan was to do. The entire Jewish Community to concentration camps in poland. The word had gotten out that a big record harbury jewish p. On the spot had been set at the previous list, the bishop in the mayor to the Jewish Community on the island and they sent them into hiding. In the nocturnes are with christian friends in the countryside. I returned to determine military commander and presented him with a sugar paper, the list that the German Military commander was after. There were just two names on that piece of paper. They told the military commander that it was the entire Jewish Community. It is the spirit that was behind the acts and it is that precise spirit that has encouraged me to answer what i considered the greatest moral code in the first time, the defense of the United States of america. As a 17yearold, i watched as they punished planes through the buildings. I remember realizing that and they are that history had bestowed the particular in my generation. To stand up into faith for america. At university of washington American Flag after American Flag was burned. I watched as the worlds media turned antiamericanism into this board. I watched if they opposed every single American Military endeavor always attributing to some mysterious. President george w. Bush nicd admiration for president barack obama, a version if they are the same one. I watched the last undermine the pillars of americanism. Liberty small government, ethics, for the schools and universities, labor unions the Entertainment Media and the arts. I dont want to think about a world devoid of american leadership. It terrifies me. It frightens me. We party some glimpses of what it looks like and it is indeed very grave. Right now america must save his children from humanism its economy from deprivation and its liberty from extinction. At the end of seeing american road means that users of the tenant benefit of christian civilization such as absolute moral standard, a sound economy and a vestige of liberty that you still maintain. Ladies and gentlemen, i believe that being born an american is to have won the lottery of life. Hundreds of millions of people read around the world wish they could live in america more than their own country. More people from more countries have immigrated to america to be free than the rest of the worlds countries put together. There is no place like america. But america is not just a place. America is not just a country. Its the greatest value system ever devised. The world should adopt American Values. American values are the world best hope. Everything that i am saying violates violently leftwing orthodoxy. But why be politically correct when you could be right. [laughter] [applause] why not speak the truth when we can be patriotic . Nothing is more antiamerican and ideology or in practice the political correct myths. Absolutely nothing. Every problem in America Today can be traced backwards. Every challenge america faces is compounded by a free enhanced by. Political correctness on the superrich extinguishes confidence. It impairs judgment. Preaches victimhood and entrenches division. It makes a peaceful and cooperative society impossible. Who here is familiar with eric braden the ballistic raiders childrens writer . Anyone . Ive got a couple. Fabulous writer unworked has been transcribed into a hundred different languages. Children all around the world have read the books and love them. I couldnt get enough of them. I read them and reread them scores of times. Ill tell you what really infuriates me. A few years ago, the decision was made to take all the books off the shelves in stores and libraries with the view to revising and ultimately republishing new additions to remove what was considered racial or gender. Bias. So line by line page by page, the work was added in to reflect apparently new norms of society. And i remember thinking to myself, who are these people . Who are you . Who are you some third rate cub scout mediocrities telling men and women that they can and cannot read. Its outrageous. But of course im a straight white, middleclass conservative welleducated male. So im not entitled to an opinion. Well, i am tired of it. Im tired of being told what i can say what i cant say. Im tired of being told to be careful. I am tired of seeing good people pulled out of the hot coals for no reason. Im tired of seeing arbitrary standard set by students that i spent far too much time in gender studies seminars. I am tired of the secular twitter leaks that hide behind a computer with nothing that are in their life to do then actively lynch my, dictating culture in the news cycle to lazy journalists. I am tired of seeing good people lose opportunities than lose their jobs just because they hold a certain opinion. That is not the america i corrupt the matt janning. That is not the america i spent afternoons gazing out of my classroom window dreaming of. I remember those afternoons very well. Looking outside the classroom window contemplating life beyond the flesh. All of a sudden my anglican private school, invariably my mind would drift to america this country far away is seen with opportunity, over for optimism, brimming with creativity, teeming with energy. America a place where anything anything, anything it was possible. Long before i came to america, i was in love with america. Guess i was a dreamer. I agree copes, big ideas, big visions. I did one of the ordinary. I didnt want to be mediocre. I didnt on this title. I came to america to be the best i could be, to learn from the best, to be mentored at the best. And to ultimately be able to beat the vast. If you can make it in america, you can make it anywhere. Every industry, no matter what it is, is right here in the United States. All of you in this room are so lucky to be americans. You live in a culture that is exciting and vibrant and passionate and nostalgic enough domestic. Living boring and pedestrian and timid cultures. Satisfied my advice to you is always to never let anyone tell you that you cant achieve it. Never let anyone stomp on your dreams. Never be content to color between the lines. Never be cramped into submission. Stretch out and slap mediocrity in the face. As americans, you have been given so much more. Dont lose faith. Squander it. Dont give in to the tolerance totalitarians in their agenda. Our big dreams will never be satisfied by their small agenda that has already failed. Be bold. Be faithful. Lead. That is what america was meant to do. That is what americans should do. It is their natural disposition. Leadership is the indispensable quality that america offers the entire world. Let me close with a great passage. A catch cry first used by napoleon by the great u. S. General george patton. Youll need it in a world that is increasingly against you. Audacity a dastardly always audacity. Tedium that, ladies and gentlemen. God bless you. God bless colorado. [applause] one where not to darrah told she should not have the extra caffeine, i am so glad i cut you down on caffeine. Who knows what wouldve been in for. Lets go now to your comments and questions. I heard a ticker of laughter when nick referred to the cspan audience as though she was just being grandiose. Who could ever accuse him of being grandiose. No we are honored cspan is here. Theyve occasionally covered events on the campus. Theyve often cover the western conservative summit. I only mention this so that weve got good audio. If you have a question or comment, come up and take the microphone from ap about the rest of the print here your question or comment to move against the microphone that to our guests, nick adams. Give us your name and it is your question. Dr. Watson, i am a history professor here. The world, not america. How are we going to turn this thing around . How are we going to undo the damage of the last seven years . Well i appreciate that question very much. In my book the american boomerang, actually outline a simple and concise 10point plan that ive lived with the america return to its full potential. That plan is to pay back the debt, to limit the government to ask political correctness, protect the borders, preserve judeochristian editions, cut taxes, and the culture of entitlement. Keep the peace through her military advantage in exercise fidelitys of the constitution. Now that is a long laundry list. Well i believe if you can do while it does tend to you will forge a new generation of americans capable of securing the American Dream for another 200 years at least and that would be the best thing that could have been not just for america, but for the entire world. So after your followup question about how to do it it is going to require a picture i shot en masse. Its going to require americans to reengage in the culture wars. Its going to require americans to no longer seek the ground of the media or schools or universities. We need to take the fight to the left. We need to take a fight to the forces whose ultimate target is the United States of america. Lets be honest. That is as long as the list i just provided you. The grand prize, if there was a deck of cards of the most wanted, america would be upon card because america represents the greatest hold out to the left agenda and its why we need to do everything we can to to make sure that america remains strong. Because i believe that the rest of the world is too far gone. And i dont say that lightly, but i believe the only hope for our world, the only hope for americans of today to feel safe about the future they will bequeath to their children and their children is the United States of america. How about a student question. Never saw such a shiite audience. Shot a audience. My name is chris brown. Your commentary or thoughts or observations on the recent address to your congress. It is good to see the Colorado Christian University audience is very well informed. Youre exactly right sir. President obama did come visit australia recently and he was there for the g20 summit which saw australia as the host and i suppose welcome to World Leaders to my round the world. President obama attended the g20 conference andys boat at a local university in the state of queens where he proceeded to give a nationally televised, why the dress covered on every Single Channel in australia. He dedicated a very substantial portion of that speech to Climate Change. [laughter] he spoke with reference almost as if he was speaking about faith. And he told australians that its a great moral challenge of our time that we stand up and we fight for Climate Change. He said that little sasha and malia will never see the Great Barrier reef. He said australians have never got more to lose than anybody else. All of this might be fairly unremarkable. Of course we have come to expect this kind of tripe from the leader of the free world. [laughter] but what was incredible about it is that australia has not subscribed to the Climate Change but the rest of the world has. One of the central planks of the newly elected conservative government was to scrap our capandtrade attacks on trend tax or a carbon tax. We did that. That is a burdensome tax and everyone wanted it gone. No president obama knew this full well and of course at the g20 seven, is surprised Climate Change was left off the agenda. Our Prime Minister, tony albert is one of the most outspoken skeptics if you like on Climate Change. Or president obama to come down to straley and proceed to give a speech at a local university and arguably australias ally a shift that goes back so long i dont even know where to begin was amazing. It emerged in the days following that the u. S. Embassy in australia have actually buys president obama again making the speech, fearing that it would provide the diplomatic well. And boy, did it. For the first time in the relationship, the foreign minister of australia and the trade minister had to come out and publicly rebuked the president of the United States. And its quite amazing that the president would choose to line up somebody that is not even a political opponent. But what he deems to be an ideological opponent. That was disappointing. It was stunning. It is effective, really for him to come and do that. But it followed the tradition of him with americas traditional allies. We remember this speech is. We will recall him sending back a bust of Winston Churchill to westminster. Clearly he is the problem with a lot of americas longstanding allies and his Foreign Policy seems to be too upset the allies and embolden the enemy is which is to the detriment again not just of america, but the entire world. Who else . My name is alan dinsmore. Im a Political Science major here. And i love america. I appreciate you coming out to talk to us. Your work tonight have been really encouraging to me. However of late i began to consider some darker possibilities. What if america doesnt pull out of this slump that we are seeing currently. My initial question wouldve been how can we pull out . But if we cant, what you see coming next. [applause] well, the question is what would america look like if the current trend continues . What would the world look like . Alan, if the current trend continues. This is the world that i envision with the fallen america. Terror, tyranny and torture would rain. Individual liberty would be gradually extinguished. Iran would launch a nuclear war against israel. North korea would invade south korea. Indonesia may possibly make a move on australia. Tolerance and africa would be emboldened even more than what they are dr. Terrorists would have nobody capable of subduing them. In short complete and total darkness. It is a world that we dont want to contemplate even for a fleeting second. But its great that youve asked the question because it is perhaps the only thing that prospect is perhaps the only thing that can get americans back to understanding how important the challenge that they face is. I said earlier that america is the worlds greatest iu system ever devised for humanity. And its true. By a dozen years of recorded human history, weve never seen a country like america and American Values have benefited the world immeasurably. But that value system can only live on if the wouldbe manufacturers manufactured and exported. As i look around in this firm, alan, you and your fellows events are going to be decreased the greatest responsibility in the world to keep the improbable it garments of america alive and to do so you need to continue to manufacture and export. Value system far and wide. The world depends on it. Well said. Wallace on trend who else . Patrick its gerald. Ive seen your from terence joe hart, but i did get a feel for its politics. These characterize conservatism and australia. How strong is that . So thats a wonderful question. Australia is not a centerright country. The labor well not dispute everything youre going for right now. I still believe america is a civil rights nation. I say that because culture trumps politics and the culture of real america, the culture of what i like to consider main street america is one of a conservative major. It lands i believe to the right. When i travel throughout america i see the ideals of family, faith, flagon neighborhood. Australia is more european. Is perhaps the best way of describing to you. We are nowhere near as bad as europe, but we are certainly not america. Adding to that, the culture of australia really is different to the culture of america. Being a brash, bold conservative in australia doesnt work. We are a people that much prefer to have quiet, small steps towards an objective. It is perhaps why in america more than nine in australia these days because i tend to prefer to hit it out of the park mentality. Australia is a great country with a great record. We are so thrilled to be the only country to afford alongside the United States in every single major conflict since the beginning of last century. Of course, we think it. The bridge didnt go to vietnam. Look if you have the political views in australia, an example, you would be considered way out there. That is to give you an indication. So heres a genuine conservative values have a real home and a real place. I believe in australia theyve done it. Now, a lot of that has to do with demography and a lot of that has to do with the way our country is laid out. I will give you a little bit of information on that. The perception worldwide internationally about australia is where this this land of rabid individualists that standoff the nasty animals. Some of that is true. But that shirt is theres 23 million of us. So were very small country. There are more californians, more texans then there are strands. But more importantly, of the 23 million, 16 to 17 million of those 23 lives in six of the major cities of australia. If you compare that to america and ive done the arithmetic if you count up all the populations of chicago and los angeles and new york dallas and denver and all of those places, you dont get past the union mark. Now why is this important quiet now my thesis is that it is demography that often establishes a nations political psyche. It is no surprise that the estrella National Sentiment would resemble more of the inner city. It would come to represent more innercity values as opposed to small towns. Or as america is really a nation of small towns as opposed to major cities. That is why at least up until now, america has always tended to represent on a National Level and predicted its internationally the values that you would associate with a smalltown. So i think a lot of that also has to do with the Political Climate in the state of play in australia. Nice job beginning to learn americans flying, nick. When you said hit it out of the park i thought it was with the boston red sox. [laughter] and win colorado dont really like the boston red sox. [laughter] hi, i am right in. Im just wondering if you had an opinion on the executive order of the generation quick i told you youd meet interesting people. See, you just not right in. Reagan lovely question. Thank you for coming here with your dad. I believe you guys reached out to me last week and i really appreciate you coming. Im glad that my work touched me enough for you, and im so happy they could all work and you could be here tonight. Its a very good question. I had occasion to be in new york the last couple of weeks and i was able to do lots of media on fox news about president obamas amnesty offer. The simple point i made was that amnesty was always bleed to more illegal immigration. If you aware that behavior, you will make it more bad behavior in any High School Classroom teacher can tell you that. The only way the only way the you can get people doing the right to it by being tough but in forcing the law, by enforcing discipline. President obama what he should have said the other week when he gave his big amnesty address was if you come to america illegally if you come to america the wrong way you will never, ever get to stay. You will never become an american. We dont want you. [applause] we are a caring and compassionate society, but we are a nation of laws and things need to have been the right way. And by the way, we are not entirely sure if we really want people coming to our country whose first act is going to be to break the law. That would have sent a very clear message to people aspired to be Illegal Immigrants that they would have risked everything for not saying. And that is the only way you can stop illegal immigration. Australia had a dreadful problem of illegal immigration. The equivalent of the democrats got empowered in 2007 and they decided to totally whine about all of the Border Protection policies that have been in place. What were the reasons . Well, they started the usual mantra that it was inhumane. Air was wrong. We werent that kind of country. So what happened . Well the buzz started coming. Australia is surrounded so the only way to get their illegally is by boat. The buzz started coming. Tens of thousands of people came. Thousands of boat and it was an unmitigated disaster. More than that, it is a tragedy. More than a thousand people would just know it perished at sea, making that perilous journey. So not only was this soft approach bad policy goodness knows the types of people that are now in australia over those four or five year. More than not the policy was so terrible that effectively cost lives. The people that wound back those policies have blood on their hands. It was a conservative government responded to an uprising of australia very unhappy with the situation that got passed. And what they did because they could wave a magic wand immediately first the message had to get out there that there was a new government in place and there is a new policy in place and this is what it was. So in order for that message to go out of course in the early of the new conservative government selection they kept coming. So what did the conservative government due . Well, our Prime Minister came out and said okay, you have come to australia illegally. Therefore, youll never get to stay. Youll never become an australian. You have two choices. We will give you a home and pay for, or you can do you can go to an onshore processing on an island where you will be under pension until which time spring managed to process your application. Ladies and gentlemen, i am glad to tell you that in 11 months we have not had one single illegal immigrant arrival to australia. [applause] it is the great story on the one that president obama should be heralding and should be following. But i suspect that there are other motives to these amnesty offer. When he was first elected to fundamentally transform america. Make no mistake about it, amnesty will fundamentally transform america and its time for the last to be honest. Populations are on the move everywhere. How many people do we want and how are they going to change our countrys . One or two more. Thank you mr. Adams for coming. As you reflect upon your understanding of American Values, i wonder if you can comment on obamas recent pronouncements that racism is deeply rooted and remains deeply rooted in america. Well, im not in the south, but im going to use some southern terminology for mr. Andrews. You all can try. I am here to tell you all [laughter] it is absolute bilge. It is total poppycock. America is the least racist society in the world. This country is the best country for any person, including a black person to live. That is why more black africans have come to america voluntarily ban came as slaves. This is a country that is known for its dedication to the E Pluribus Unum wherein any nation or ethnic caricature families ethnic heritage defines identity, this is a country that is both on Interest Rate and disinterested in where you come from. The only thing that matters is that you are here, that youre in america that you have an effect signed up to the contract that is the american contract, that your patriotic, and that is all that counts. One of the gravest rats i think to america and american exceptionalism is multiculturalism. We have seen how devastating it is in europe. Weve seen how devastating it is in americas englishspeaking cousins of estrella england canada and new zealand and the multiculturalists i believe are the true races because they are the people who think race is so important that they want to emphasize and make a big deal about it. The last thing a liberal wants is a colorblind society. We want to give everyone a chance to buy next book and shake his hand and have the book autographed. Let me ask you to wrap up by taking us back through your 10point agenda. A lot of us were very impressed with avenue q. At the western conservative summit in july and you went through so quickly just now. Just walk us through in a bit more measured pace that 10. 2 send us out tonight. Yes sir. Number one. Number to pay back the debt. Number three limit the government could number for political correctness. Number five, start again. Number one and the waste. Number two pay back the dead. Number three, limited government. Number four acts political correctness. Number five, protect the borders. Number six preserve judeochristian. Number seven and cultural entire mac. Number eight cut taxes. Number nine, exercised ability to the constitution. Number 10 keep the peace through unquestioned military advantage. Thank goodness. I thought i was going to have a rick perry moment they are. Ladies and gentlemen, wonderful honor, privilege to be here with you tonight. As a young man i dreamed of being able to come here and speak to audiences just like you and have cspan here as they put it to treat to rise across the country. I believe that i have an invaluable contribution to make to American Life and society. I hope a deal to make that as an american in the future. That is my dream. That is web like to do. I encourage each and every one of you to keep in touch to be familiar with my work and help me in whatever way you can. I would really appreciate it. God bless you and never let anyone tell you that you dont live in the greatest country in the entire world

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