Host we will get to that in just a minute. How did you get into the businesses that you are and . Guest well like many things its a question of taking a right turn at a corner instead of a left turn. So a lot of these things are accidental but when i was a kid the first thing i wanted to be was a paleontologist and that led me to an interest in geology later on i wanted to make some money so i started studying economics. I put them together and got into the mining business mining finance but for many years i kept up an interest in many different subjects because if you are going to be a venture capitalist is good to know as much as you possibly can about as many different subjects as you possibly can. So i guess that sums it up. Host and think of venture capitalists we often think of is simi valley and technology. I met technophile but when it comes to using a computer i use my computer mainly as an ibm selectric lookalike and something to access the internet. I probably use 510 of 1 of the capability and thats being generous. Thats not the area but i get into. Host have you been successful . Guest i think i have because if i retire today and i do want to because i want i have to fill my idle hours for some thing, i wouldnt have to work again for several lifetimes but im not money motivated. Money is extremely important but its not the most important thing in the world. Money is something that allows you to put your theory whatever your theory is into practice. One of the problems with a lot of libertarians and there may be listening some listing on cspan i dont know, they all hate karl marx but they are like karl marx. As mark said to carl, stop writing about n. Earn some of it. Host are you a libertarian . Guest my pilgrim is progress politically. I started out as a liberal. When i was eight years old i asked my mother to write a letter to president eisenhower to do something about all those poor black People Living in the ghetto. I lived in chicago at the time and then i became a conservative after bread. Goldwaters great hook, the conscience of a conservative. And then my next step i was 23 and i read ayn rands book and i thought it was an objectivist but i didnt realize at the time it was a religion in disguise. Although im a big fan of and ayn rand and i read another book called markets to liberty which convinced me that i was an anarchist. Like many of the people i dont believe that government serves a useful purpose or even has the right to so they answer of your question is im a venture capitalist. Host sub live is your latest book. What type of anarchical capitalism is reflected in this book . Guest well it is exactly that. This is primarily a financial book and i talk about whats going on in the world from the point of view that most of the bad things in the world are caused by an institution but the good news is that the state destroys an immense amount of capital and Everything Else but at the same time it creates distortion in the marketplace and these distortions are so speculators can capitalize. From the point of view of society the government is a terrible thing but from my point of view as a speculator its a good thing. Host from your book on page 293 people often discuss what a wonderful thing the constitution is that i have always suspected that u. S. And World History would be different and better if those delegates had done as they were told and just smooth over the rough spots in the articles rather than replace them with the constitution. Guest yes, i believe thats an accurate statement and i will tell you why. Most people especially conservatives think the constitution is written on gold leaf and handed down by a higher power. I think the Constitutional Convention of 1789 was actually what amounts to a coup of the delegates that went to philadelphia to write the constitution were authorized only to make certain modifications to the articles of confederation but they changed everything. Now saying that constitutions that exists in the world today, the u. S. Constitution is still think thats constitution but i think we would have been better off the 50 states had stayed 13 states instead of coming together with a federal government. So put it that way. The constitution is meaningless because it dead letter. If you read the constitution you find its interpretive out of existence. Even the bill of rights is meaningless today. Every segment of the bill of rights. So i make a point about the fact that the country would have been better if it had never come together and if the u. S. Had stayed independent states but the constitution today is meaningless anyway. Host sub six as a business person how much involvement with government to have in your daily work lacks. Guest i try to have as little as possible but my hobby for the last 30 years has been going to third world countries often military dictatorships in things like that and talking to the guys that run the country giving them a radical program to take their place off the bottom of the totem pole and turn it into a new singapore on steroids which is possible. Last month i is spent 10 days in the Islamic Republic of mauritania talking to the government and people of influence about a slight modification making it into a free statehood. As i said this is a hobby so i used government that i dont like them. I try to stay away from the us government. The u. S. Government is genuinely dangerous. Host if you had to defined u. S. Government and what you think its purpose would be what is that definition . Guest the u. S. Government is the most conservative institution on the planet at this point. The u. S. Government is like any organization whether we are talking about a company or an ngo or an individual or an amoeba for that matter and its prime directive is to survive. Like any bureaucracy in order to survive it has to grow and become more powerful and thats what it has done. Its taken over american society. Everybody looks to the u. S. Government is the cornucopia to be a cureall for everything that ails us. And what theyre doing is they are looking to a cancer to cure their diseases. Its completely insane. Theres nothing that the u. S. Government does that the market would not do. Cheaper and better than most and partly without coercion and that is what government is all about. The power of the state comes out of the barrel of a gun and i dont think thats a proper way to lead people to relate to each other. Host would he think about about the warren about the Warren Buffett in the bill gates of the world who are giving away their personal fortunes . Guest they are obviously geniuses. Buffett when it comes to investing a genius and gates what he does is genius. Take what he said about ted turner, just because these people are superb in one area doesnt mean they are pockets of wisdom and i think its insane they are giving away their fortunes to ngos and charities because im reasonably familiar with cherries in the way they work. They dissipate the capital that is created and oftentimes the money that is given to people, its for the good of the donor to make them feel good or to help them compensate for their past in and their own minds but the people that get the money cements them to the bottom of society. Most of the charities money goes to fundraising parties and salaries of ngos. If buffett really wanted to help the people of the world he would just continue what he is doing forever, growing capital because the way we all become wealthier, the way the world becomes wealthier is by increasing the amount of capital in the world, not by giving it away in dribs and drabs. To people who havent earned it. Host who is louis james and how it is structured . Guest lewey works for Casey Research and he is our money analyst. But like any good financial analyst is also a broadranging intellectual so he knows the right questions to ask. Host how did she structured this book . Guest in the form of interviews. Ask me a question i will give you an answer pretty much like what we are doing now except very specialized topics. I cover the waterfront from africa to i dont want know what becomes of the v in their but probably something. Zimbabwe. Guest i spent a lot of time in zimbabwe. My first book the International Man was the largest selling book in the history of rhodesia which is what zimbabwe used to be and i went there a number of times during the war in the 70s, found a publisher in salisbury. And everybody bought the book. It was a book about how to make the most of your personal freedom and financial opportunity round the world and at that time 250,000 europeans were in the country were smart but thinking about making the chicken run in the book flew off the shelves. Now theyre probably less than a house and europeans laughed. Im going back there in january. It will be a waste of time. He is an old guys soon to die but some of the people under him might not be as stupid and corrupt. Host were you a friend of ian smith . Guest i knew lots of people who knew him and i never met him unfortunately. Should have, would have could have it didnt. Host why do you think zimbabwe became what it is . Guest well because of a flawed philosophy. In other words as time goes on the gavi became more and more corrupt but he had the wrong philosophical foundation. He believed that the states should do everything and they did. They confiscated all the land and destroyed the currency and zimbabwe is 50 years ahead of where the u. S. Is going. Host when you woke up this morning what was the issue that was on your mind . Would issue were you thinking about . Guest well the next thing im going to do after we finish this is look into a debate between paul krugman who is a political hack disguised as an economist debating Stephen Moore who is an actual economist libertarian but since krugman is much more glib than moore is im sure he will be perceived when the debate. He is a clever guy. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is usually not just wrong but the opposite of the right thing but its fun to listen to him. I thought about that along with this interview we are doing as being the highlight of my day. Host got to get paul krugman credit for coming here to freedom fest dont you . Guest i do but im a nobel prize recipient building his own personality so i suspected the way the camera oronda or a crown in front of him he will appear like a lapdog anywhere. Host from right on the money people need to understand the cops are not their friends. The last thing you want to do is have any contact with them at all. Guest this is not true of all cops of course. Some cops are good guys but the problem with the police is that many of them, maybe most of them for all i know, seemed to happen extra y chromosome. They are aggressive and cops today have an us against them attitude. Its us the cops, the good guys against the potential of society and increasingly indicted states most cops are exmilitary and the military of course is put on a pedestal. Actually the military is a place where you take orders from all kinds of terrible people and follow them like a robot. So thats a culture of violence and slavery and most of the cops today the younger ones are exmilitary. They are quite dangerous ones they put on that uniform. Host are we living in a police state these days . Guest i think we are, we are moving in that direction absolutely and every state right now in the middle of 2015, i would say the financial plot is about the same place it was in 2007 or perhaps even earlier, 2008 and i expect the economy will collapse. You recall how unpleasant it was back in 2008 and this time things are going to go off the edge much worse and much different than they did in 2008 in 2009. Governments have been creating ghirelli new currency units over the last several years. Its not just the american government. Its the europeans, the japanese so i think we are going to experience a very very severe and longlasting depression characterized by inflation this time around. When we get together at this Time Next Year we will see if im right or wrong. Its long overdue in my opinion. Host that quote from sub five i do think theres a significant chance that we are heading for something that might vaguely resemble world war iii. Guest yass and i dont know what the catalyst could be. You never really know these things but whats going on with isis and syria and iraq to my mind is perfectly predictable because neither syria or iraq or are real countries. They are artificial constructs created arbitrarily. This is true of all of the countries in africa and all the f. Countries in the middle east and central asia. So isis is not a very Benevolent Organization but its an organic organization and its predictable. Thats one possibility. Whats going on in the ukraine with im all on the side of the separatists backed by the russians but they have every right to cut away from ukraine which is like a political tidal zone. Its not a real country. So it could rake up into at least five or six different political entities. Those are a couple of things that might happen. Sadly a arabia is a gigantic accident waiting to happen. Been waiting to explode for the last 30 years so in saudi arabia blows up and breaks up it will be interesting to see. But the problem is at this point the Less Government is acting as a provocateur all around the world using its military power which is only part of the u. S. Government the kind of works to make chow hall to stick their noses into all kinds of places where it doesnt belong. So this is not going to augur a well especially as the economy turns down the next time because when things get bad economically governments always look for somebody to blame. Its the chinese that caused this problem. They are making things too cheaply and as the saudis that are causing the problem. They are manipulating their price of oil so this is a good reason, or the iranians, they are the perpetual so i think probably the most dangerous thing in the world today is actually the u. S. Government. Host is it fair to say that libertarians forever have been saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling . Guest well sure. Depends on how you want to look at a trend in how far back you want to go. After the constitution was put together in 1789, three years later the Congress Passed the alien and sedition acts which if they hadnt been repealed when the Party Started turning the u. S. Into a police state back then. And then the war between the states which is incorrectly called the civil war because it was a war on secession, not a civil war for two entities were competing for the same government did a lot of things and things have been going down hill from a social point of view certainly in the mckinley era when the u. S. Congress and the philippines costing 200,000 lives, people forget that, so share, look the dynamics is basically an trippy and saying that everything over time evolves and falls apart and becomes worse. Unless it has a substantial input of outside energy. So, it happens to the human body. Happens to government. It happens to countries. Its all predictable. We just dont know exactly how long its going to last but i think 100 years from now the map on the wall showing the u. S. Will have a different form than it currently does. I question that the u. S. Will even be one entity. Host doug casey this is from right on the money. Ever since i was a teenager i thought christmas was practiced in most of the west was a bad idea. What do you have against christmas . Guest is really a comment on christianity. I grab a Roman Catholic which i like to joke with being a member of the cannibalistic death cult, but at this point i dont believe in an entity and this guy and that we have to worship. I like the trappings of christmas you know but actually if people take their religion seriously which they should shouldnt i dont think unless you want to define religion as a quest for possible spiritual existence which i think is interesting and you should do we very well might. It has something to do with these commercial Enterprises Like all the churches are today. They are corrupt. They are counterproductive and well i guess i go on about religion in a number to actually a series of novels that im writing which i hope we are talking about the next one as a speculator. So you can be a very good guy and be a speculator and the sixth and final novel when i can do my thing on religion. Our hero after having been a warlord which is the fifth novel comes back to the u. S. When you are successful warlord they think you are god and if you are god you have to give them a religious hero. A religious hero comes up with new religions over christianity and islam and so forth so im sure more people will hate me then than hate me now after that comes out. Host if somebody picks up right on the money what you want them to take away from this book . Guest take control of your own life. Try to become rich because if you become rich honestly you will only be able to do so by providing goods and services that other people want and making the world a better place. So that is among other things what the book is about. Host doug casey is the author and sub type is the name of the book. Booktv on cspan2 is on location in los angeles at the animal freedom fest. When you look at the role of the Supreme Court playing in our society now our history series has to have relevance. So we thought about what we can do to give relevance to our current programming is it made all the difference in the world. The court is an equal branch of government. Is the third reins of government it has fundamental impact on americans. Inside this elegant building is a courtroom where cases are heard and decisions are made that impact all of our lives. There are so many incredibly interesting cases and of course history. We have all heard about roe v. Wade. We heard about round versus board of education but for so many people they are just names in the textbook and what we want to do is really talk about not only the legal side of the cases that the people involved in these cases. They are human beings who felt so passionately that they were being brought in their right chirping of a bridge that they have rather cases to the core. I think we will find fascinating about these cases are the personal stories. One of my personal favorites is map versus ohio and the story of of i think when people hear this personal story of this woman and her situation that they will fall in love with these cases. They will feel passionate about what happens in the courts and why they matter and why you should care. Taking the 12 cases was really a difficult and arduous task. We learned a lot but those 12 cases represent our evolving understanding of america. Take a look from dred scott to the korematsu case tumor and all the way to roe versus wade you learn not only that the history of the country but the evolving rights of america. Land are cases historic Supreme Court decisions produced in cooperation with the National Constitution center delving into 12 Supreme Court cases to significantly influence their nation stories stories and our evolving understanding of rights in america. Live monday nights at 9 00 p. M. Eastern beginning october 5 on cspan and cspan3 and is a companion to our new series landmark cases the book features the 12 cases we have selected for this series with a brief introduction into the back round highlights and impacts of each case written by veteran Supreme Court journalist tony mauro published by cspan and quite prescient with Congressional Quarterly press an imprint of stage publications incorporated. Landmark cases is available for eight out of 95 cents plus shipping and handling. Get your copy of cspan. Org landmark cases. [applause] is my pleasure to deduce our author for tonight, jason ramos. Wildfires have grown more deadly every year as Drought Conditions and development into the world must have create a powder cake that threatens our very lives