For more information about the book fairs and festivals that booktv will be covering and to watch previous festival coverage, click the book fairs tab on our web site, booktv. Org. Good afternoon, everybody. We shall get the proceedings underway. When barack obama was first elected president of the United States, he was riding a swell of hope however illusory that hope may have been been across the country that our first black or at least halfblack president would usher in an era of postracial harmony. Seven years later, i think we all know how well that turned out. Obama has healed the racial divide about as successfully as his promised healing of the oceans. Racial unrest in this country has gone from a tense simmer to a raging boil. The left would like to pin the blame for this on what they claim is the rights racist refusal to accept a black man as president. In fact, what has exacerbated Race Relations in the United States is the inherent racism and grievance mongering of the lefts identity politics. Spearheaded by obama himself. Progressive racism, not the right, is the reason for todays heightened racial conflict. David horowitz needs no real introduction from me to this crowd, so let me focus, if i may, on his new book instead, progressive racism, which i recently reviewed for front page mag. Needless to say, i gave it two thumbs up. Its sixth and most recent volume of David Horowitzs collected conservative writings called the black book of the american left. This book collects nearly 50 essays of davids thoughts on the politics of race over the last 20 years. The book not to give away the ending, but the book concludes that the racial bias which the left demands, quote tears at the very fabric of the social order, compromises true equality and is the antithesis of the american dream, unquote. And if i could quote a little bit more from it, in a free society composed of individuals who are unequal by nature, the highest government good is neutrality in the treatment of its citizens before law. One standard and justice for all. This is the only equality that is not be at odds with individual freedom. It is the only equality that can make a Diverse Community one. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the founder of the freedom center, author of too many books to mention here including progressive racism, one of the few intellectuals willing to talk honestly about race and still the lefts most hated adversary, David Horowitz. [applause] sorry for all those words, but somebody has to do it. [laughter] president obama has said that racism is in the dna of america and transmitted through the generations. This is a malicious libel. It is, in fact, the most malicious libel ever uttered by an american president against his own country. Slavery existed in africa for a thousand years before a white person ever set foot there. Slavery existed in all societies for 3,000 years. Just it was a common, it was what you did when you conquered your enemy, you enslaved the men and the women. From the beginning of time, no one ever said that slavery was immoral, not aristotle, not moses, not jesus, until White Christians in england did towards the end of the 18th century. And in the british colonies at the time, a white slave owner named Thomas Jefferson wrote into americas birth certificate that liberty is a godgiven right that government cant take away. And equality too. Within just a little more than a generation and at the cost of 350,000 union lives, slavery was abolished in america and quickly then in the western hemisphere. Every black person alive in this country owes their freedom to america. That is the true dna of america. It is liberty, not racism. The libel that its racism has a second malicious effect which is to persuade, unfortunately, large members of the black community that that is the truth and to alienate them from this country and make them feel like outsiders. When black people are as american as any other group. They were here from, they were on this continent from 1619. You cant speak of American Culture without black culture. It doesnt exist. And one could go on and on. So this has a terrible effect on black people in this country and on the rest of us. It sometimes takes years to get a crucial fact like this right, and then it can be undone by the next generation of ignoramuses, people who come into this World Without any knowledge or experience. And it sometimes takes you a lifetime, and sometimes like the president you dont learn even over a lifetime. We have a saying in the 60s, you cant trust anyone under over 30. That was just youthful arrogance. Nobody should respect. The reality is you cant trust anyone under 30, because they just dont know enough. They havent had a life experience. When i was a youngster about 11 or 12, a book came into my progressive household. My parents, as you all know, were cardcarrying communists. And the book was titled we charge genocide. And what it was, in fact, was a petition. The book was published by an organization calling itself the Civil Rights Congress. And it was a petition to the u. N. To condemn the United States for genocide against black people. In the front of this piece, there was a photograph. Could we have that photograph projected . Is there a projector thats going to put the photographup . I guess, elizabethsome anyway, this is a photograph. Its a very its the most famous photograph of a lynching. Two black men hanging from trees and a white man facing the camera and pointing at them. Everybody whos seen any picture of lynchings has seen this photograph and, hopefully, well be able to get it up briefly. It was incredibly disturbing to me as an adolescent. And it still, its still disturbing. Disturbing enough that this hotel didnt want us to show it while the staff is present. So this hotel is a safe place. It could join any university, could be a subsidiary of a university. But it is a horrifying, horrifying photograph. It took me ten or twenty years before i read enough about read about lynchings to understand that lynching was not devised for black people. There is a racial dimension to lynching, and its a terrible, evil one. But, actually, lynching was just frontier justice. It was, you know, lets not waste time with the due process. Lets, you know, have the punishment before the trial. Like alice in wonderland. First the punishment, then we can have the trial. I also learned that a third of all lynch victims were white. And that tells you a couple of things. First of all, that it wasnt devised and wasnt a practice just against black people, but also that they were lynched because they had allegedly committed crimes that were worthy of hanging. So most of the lynching cases are not a bunch of white racists grabbing a black person and stringing them up from a tree, but were hangings to punish people for crimes for which they had been accused. In this particular case, the two men hanging were named thomas ship and abram smith. And there was a third, they had a companion named James Cameron who was 16 at the time who was not lynched, who was present. What had happened was and i learned this 50 years later listening, i just happened to tune in an npr program where they interviewed James Cameron who was then an old man about what happened. And what happened was the three of them had been accused, arrested for murdering a young white factory worker and raping his girlfriend. And the lynch mob had broken into the jail and took them out and then strung the two up from the tree. There, thats the famous picture. Thats thomas ship and abram smith. And you can see the crowd is white. But they had been accused of murder. According to James Cameron, they actually had committed the murder. According to the white woman who was allegedly raped, she hadnt been raped. So the rape charge was spurious which would have turned up in a trial. But murder charge was right. Now, this doesnt make lynching right. Lynching is wrong. And its evil. We have i due process in this country we have due process in this country for a reason. Its to protect the innocent. Another fact about this lynching is, you know, why they didnt, why didnt they hang James Cameron who was also black and was arrested with them . And the reason was James Cameron said that he didnt participate, he didnt want to commit the murder. It was a robbery, commit the murder. And he didnt participate. He stayed in the car. And he probably would have been hung for being black. There was a racial, obvious, dimension to lynching. Except that a white woman in the lynch mob stood up for him. And so they let him go. He was subsequently tried and convicted of being accessory before the fact, and he served seven or eight years and then spent his life fighting for civil rights. And in 1991 the state of indiana pardoned him. And you can find all this out on wikipedia if you look up just marion, indiana, lynching or indiana lynching. This is the most famous lynch picture. It was a picture on which an american communist wrote the song strange fruit that Billie Holliday sang. And its a symbol and, obviously, was used in this book we charge genocide as a symbol of white racism. Although, obviously, once you know the facts, its a lot more complicated than that. Another thing i learned late, years and years later probably when i had had become conservative, so itd be 20 or 30 years later was why this book we charge genocide and this petition was brought to the u. N. This was around 1950, 51 when america had been through the second world war, and we had fought the master race. The nazis were driven by a theory of the master race. And the conscience of america was awakened, and the barriers began being broken down. The military in 1947 was integrated. Truman integrated the civil service. Jackie robinson became the first black participant in Americas National sport. It was only a couple of years before brown v. Board of education integrated the schools. So why, in the first place the charge of genocide, that is a deliberate campaign to exterminate a people, whats going on with the jews today in the muslim world, was obviously not the case. Well, the Civil Rights Congress which authored the petition was a communist party front and, therefore, it was run from moscow as we also have learned through the opening of the soviet archives. Many in Eastern Europe there was a show trial taking place in czechoslovakia which the kremlin was behind. The kremlin had accused the top leaders of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party of being trotzkyites and zionists. Eleven of the thirteen leaders that they hung were jews. In other words, the we charge Genocide Campaign was not about black people at all. It was about using black people as a battering ram against the United States to neutralize the bad publicity the kremlin was getting for its campaign against the jews which then spread, as everybody knows, to the soviet union itself. A battering ram. This progressive tradition my parents who were communists never referred to themselves as communists, always as progressives this progressive tradition lives today in the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party doesnt care about black people, it doesnt really do much for black people except throw them crumb cans and wine their crumbs and bribe their leaders to keep the community in line. Thats basically what goes on. The big perks go to the leaders. But the black masses as we would have called them when i was a leftist in our inner cities, they get crumbs. The Democratic Party controls every major inner city in america 100 , 100 . And has for 50100 years. Everything thats wrong with the inner cities in america, every oppression, every deprivationing democrats and progressives are responsible for. Destroyed School Systems that year in and year out dont teach these kids to read and write, massive failure works, nongraduation. The Democratic Party will go to the depths to defend the teacher unions which provide a slush fund for the party. I dont have to go on about this, though ill come back to it later maybe. But using blacks as a battering ram, thats what progressives do. And thats why every Election Year the Democratic Party will run on Republican Donald Trump is a racist, black churches will burn if the republicans are elected and so forth and so on. This is their bread and butter. Its disgusting, and its racist. I didnt well, as i say, i learned late about these facts. It took a lifetime. Ive done nothing but politics, basically, since i was 10 years old. I understand that most people cant devote themselves fully to political arguments, into investigating these things. And im sure the facts that ive laid out here are obscure or invisible to most of the people actually even watching cspan which are people who are probably high toly politically educated highly politically educated and informed to begin with. I went on in the 60s, i raised a lot of money, as you know probably. Ive written about this extensively for the black Panther Party. The black Panther Party was seen by the left as the vanguard of the black revolution. And i bought into that. And they were seen as a vanguard because they were, they would take up arms against the police, stand up for the oppressed. Actually, prior to the 60s in this period from the 1940 to 1960, the greatest social revolution in Race Relations ever in the history of mankind, was taking place. In 1940 4 of black americans were in the middle class and professionals. In 1960 the figure was 49 . Just a remarkable transformation. And it was still only the beginning of the transformation that was taking place. But we on the left, we progressives, saw blacks as an oppressed people, and revolution was the only thing that would transform their lives. And, therefore, the left which it likes to forget now despised Martin Luther king. We supported him in 1963, but then as things got more and more radical, the left despised Martin Luther king. Turned its back on him. He was a pretty isolated figure when he was assassinated in 1968. Anyway, i saw the black Panther Party as blacks willing to stand up for themselves. It didnt occur to me that the black Panther Party had no significant following in the black community of oakland and the areas where they were prominent be, that they were, in fact, feared by the local community. I had this progressive racism in me. I saw black people as symbols of everything that was wrong with america, and thats why i, thats why i raised the money for the black Panther Party and didnt Pay Attention to the signs. Well, in 1973, 1974 a woman i had i raised a lot of money to build a black panther school, and in 19 to buy a church and turn it into a black panther school. The woman i recruited to keep the books was a white woman named betty who had three children and who worked for me at ramparts. I was editing then the largest magazine of the left. And in 1974 betty disappeared, and by the time the police fished her body out of San Francisco bay, i knew the panthers had murdered her. And that was really the end of my career in the left because all of my progressive friends defended the panthers, and i knew that if i said what i thought, i would be denounced as a cia agent and a racist. And i had a family with four children, and it took me some years. I fed this information to journalists, and one brave leftist named kate coleman published the first story about the the panthers were a street gang. They were criminals. They murdered a dozen black people and got away with it. But this delusion, this progressive delusion, this melodrama of america having racism in its dna, actually, this delusion has metastasized if we come to the present. In 1999 or thereabouts, i was walking down a berkeley street. I had spoken on a hundred college campuses, and saw what the students were being taught and fed, which was america was a racist country. And it occurred to me, well, you know, and i was familiar with the curriculum, i was just struck by this thought that, you know, its politically correct to hate white people. And this became and i determined right then im going to write a book with the title its politically correct to hate white people. I did write the book which came out, i think, in 2000, maybe 199 i dont remember the exact date. The publisher had, first of all, when i told my new york publisher, i had one of the biggest, it was a division of simon schuster, new york publishers that i wanted to write a book called hating white people is a politically correct idea, my editor told me we will never publish a book with that title. Of course, if it had been titled hating blackie, it would have been a bestseller. So i had to go to a little texas publisher to get this, to get this book published. It was called hating whitey and other progressive causes. In 2001 i became aware of a campaign on american campuses. It was called repar rations awareness reparations awareness week. The it was a campaign to get reparations for slavery. This was 137 years after the fact. It would have been a Reasonable Campaign if, one, the reparations were to be paid by the confederacy and not by the United States government whose citizens lost 350,000 lives to end slavery and spent i dont know how much government spent but, obviously, it was a lot of money. And it would also have been reasonable if there had been any slaves alive or even children of slaves. Or if White America was opposed to any be federal program to any federal program that would actually help black people. So i conducted a, i took out ads or attempted to in College Papers called ten reasons why reparations for slavery is racist and bad for blacks. And why is it bad for blacks . For the same reason as the president s statement that racism is in the dna of america, because it alienates them from their country. I mean, even the name africanamericans, africas not a country, its a continent. I dont know how many different languages are spoken, how many different nationalities they are. Africanamericans, for better or worse, are americans. And they should be proud of it and take it as their heritage. And there are, obviously, some courageous blacks like sheriff clark of milwaukee who do so or jason reilly of the wall street journal. Who do so. But theyre considered race traitors by the progressives. Progressive is as big of a misnomer as liberal. Liberals are bigots. Theyre intolerant. We all know that. Theyre not liberal about anything except hard drugs and sex and spending other peoples money. Thats what theyre liberal about. They dont want two sides to a conversation. Thats why i have to take bodyguards when i appear on campuses, and so does ann coulter and other conservative speakers and why i dont have to go, im sure everybody is familiar with a hundred atrocity cases that are committed by the totalitarians who run our universities and particularly the totalitarian students who call themselves progressives. Theyre reactionaries. This is a throwback of a hundred years, is what it is. And its no accident that they support the totalitarian threat from islam that were now facing. Where are we today . Today we have a movement called black lives matter which is a roving lynch mob itself. By lynch mob i dont mean string people up from trees, but i mean lets have the punishment before the trial. So they helped to burn the city of ferguson which is 60 black, punishing all the blacks who live there, with the demand for the head of a white policeman because he was white. No evidence, no trial. We want his head. Thats what it was about. That is a lynch mob. That was supported by the president of the United States who is a racist. If you dont think that Barack Obamas a racist, then you tell me how his chief adviser on Race Relations has been to the white house more than anybody else, the racist al sharpton, a convicted liar who ruined the lives of six people by spreading the lies of brawley and never paid the penalty, who owes the government 4. 5 million in back taxes. Who could get away with that . He gets away with it because of what i call black skin privilege. If he were white, he would never get away with it. Hed never get away with being a racist and being near the president of the United States. Al sharpton is a racial arsonist. He has incited he incited his own mob, the Action Network or whatever its called, against a white obviously also a jew store owner in harlem some years ago. And incited on his radio broadcast his followers to get the white interloper out of our community. Get the white interloper out. One of his followers torched the store and killed seven people of color. And al sharpton is today the president s goto person on Race Relations. This is what weve descended to. And it really started with sharpton and jackson, two race hustlers, two racist race hustlers targeting white people. If youre white, youre guilty before the fact. Youre quality just by being white. And be youre black, youre if youre black, youre innocent even if the facts eventually show that you were guilty. Like o. J. Simpson. Black lives matter claims, and its not just black lives matter, but its the entire socalled liberal progressive culture which supports black lives matter. Maybe you dont know this, but the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party officially endorses the black lives Matter Movement. These are the people who have ruined the lives, ruined the life of Darren Wilson, the officer who was defending his own life against a street thug named Michael Brown who attacked him in his police car reaching for his gun. Now, how many people out in the Television Audience would do Something Like that . That tells you everything you need to know about him. He wasnt picked on by Darren Wilson because he was black, he was picked on because he had just committed a strong arm robbery. The lie hands up dont shoot that Michael Brown was alleged to say was invented by his accomplice in the robbery. This is a civil rights hero of today. Or freddie gray or garner. Career predators. And who do they prey on . They prey on the black community. Black lives matter and many other people, and we have university [inaudible] in this. If you want to know where this problem comes from, it comes from turning the School System over to what i call neocommunists. People who thought, just like the community i grew up in, americas a racist country, its an oppressive country, and anybody who goes to war with america has our sympathy. I remember clearly in the first gulf war wondering if my excomrades on the left were going to support a monster like saddam hussein, and they did. And they did it again in 2002 and 2003. Anybody who hates america, they support. The hatred of america is so deepseeded among progressives and in the left that its really hard for conservatives to fathom. Otherwise thered be many more conservatives talking the way im talking now. But i know it because i was there. White supremacy, america is a white supremacist nation. You hear that. Whoever says that is either a lunatic or a racist. Happens on the an antiwhite racist to be an antiwhite racist, but a racist nonetheless. This is a country thats now at the end of eight years of a disastrous presidency by barack obama. Weve had two black secretaries of state, a black chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, three black heads of the National Security council including the current susan rice who just made a racist statement that the nsc is too white, whos a liar, whos the one who went on television after benghazi lying about what happened. Knowing it was a lie. We have thousands of black elected officials. We have major American Cities like atlanta run by blacks. Black mayor, black police chief, black superintendent of schools. There are other cities just like that. Baltimore. And who suffers, by the way, by this progressive racism . Who suffers are black people in the inner cities. The assault on police, the war against police that black lives matter and these other racists declared has led to epidemic homicides, spoils in the homicide spikes in the homicide rate and crime rate in cities like baltimore and ferguson x. Who are the victims . Black people. Its time for black people to wake up and start voting for republicans. Or youre going to be in this prison i mean, im the blacks in the inner cities will be in prison. Lets not forget the thriving black middle class in america. And black upper class as well. It is to orwellian it is so orwellian and so diabolical that people put faith in the Democratic Party as a protector of blacks and a champion of blacks when the Democratic Party is the worst enemy that black people have in this country. The worst. And lets not forget Democratic Party is also the party of slavery and the party of segregation. The it is also the party of the inner city, the party of a welfare system that is destroying inner city black communities because it has huge incentives to kick fathers or men out of the household so you have a single mother, then bribe the mother by giving her 200 a month or Something Like that if she has a baby. So you encourage large family, no wage earner. And if the mother also gets a job, if she earns the money, she loses her welfare benefits. How evil is that . And the democrats arent responsible for it, and republicans are responsible because theyre not screaming this from rooftops every time they make a speech. Our national culture, the new york times, the networks, tbs, the universities encourage this kind of racism, antiwhite racism and lunacy. I moon, you cant always i mean, you cant always tell whats going on. The winner of the National Book award year is americas most pampered ray is cyst, Tanehisi Coates, son of a black panther, who didnt graduate from college but was made a visiting professor at mit nonetheless, was offered a column in the new york times, receives, currently receiving a 650,000 genius award from the mcarthur foundation. Celebrated, praised by the atlantic, by all liberal institutions. And written a racist screed and got the book award for a racist screed called between the world and me which is in the form of a letter to his son. Let me just quote one passage from it. And so that beauty, writes coates, that mall malcolm x urged us to protect was never celebrated in movies, in its or the textbooks id seen as a child. Anyone of any import or from jesus to George Washington was white. Coates was born in 1975 and was 8 years old when Martin Luther king became the only american with a holiday in his honor. And in order to get that holiday which was created by ronald reagan, George Washington had to be pushed to the back of the bus. So we have president s day now where washington and lincoln, the two formative figures in the creation of america, are bunched together with no name for the holiday. The first Motion Pictures championing civil rights and equal dignity for blacks, most notably home of the brave, began appearing in 1949. Sidney poitier won the Academy Award for his role in lilies of field which was not be about civil rights, the it was about a wonderful black person in 964. In 19 64. In 1960 harper lees novel won the Pulitzer Prize and went on to sell over 60 million copies n. 1977 when coates was 2 years old, television featured roots, the epic miniseries about black oppression which was the most widelyviewed show of its time. Its reviewed by more than 30 Million People, and it won a score of emmys. As is typical of the black lives matter racists and Tanehisi Coates and leftists like him in our academies, he simply lies to sustain his hatred of whites. In his book he actually says his best friend was killed by a policeman. Best friend was black. The policeman said he was trying to run him over in his car. Tanehisi coates uses this as an example of americas white racism. However, the Police Officer was black. And he excuses this by saying the devil made him do it. He was thinking white. [laughter] how racist is that . And this is a celebrated figure in the progressive culture. This, people are shaking their heads. Yeah. This is what our countries has come to. Our country has come to. This is why donald trump is such a compelling figure for so many americans, because theyre tired of this crap thats being thrown at them. Theyre tired of the lives that are lost because this racism is humored just because it comes from black people. How is it that civil rights heroes, socalled, are now career predators and prey on black people . How screwed up is that . What is wrong with educated, with the progressive class . Whats wrong is that our schools have been turned over to racists, antiamerican racists now for 20 and 30 years. The whole curriculums in our universities are devoted to teaching that its politically correct to hate white people. You have the spectacle at the university in missouri of empty charges that there were four charges that there was racism at the school. Not one of them examined. Think again lynch mob. Not one examined. And mobs appeared demanding the resignation of the head of the whole Missouri University system which they achieved in getting over nothing. Over empty charges. This was a school where the president of the student body was black, the Vice President was black and the leader of the lynch mob was a son of a multimillionaire railroad executive. Black skin privilege. You can lie, and people will believe you. It is time for america to return to its roots which is individual rights, the individual circumstances even of a lynching. You can see the Bad Dimension cans of it. You can see the racial dimensions of it. But there are other exceptions as well. And those other dimensions should instill a certain sense of humility before you go screaming black lives matter. If black lives mattered, you wouldnt be crippling the police who are the only line of defense for people in inner cities because the Democratic Party in these democraticallycontrolled cities and states have deprived them of their Second Amendment rights by stringent gun control laws where the only protection they have is guns. Hillary clinton has the secret service. What is so remarkable about this country. People save 400 years of slavery. There werent 400 years of slavery in america. There will 400 years of slavery if you include the english colonies and the british empire, which we defeated. America was created the in 1776, with the constitution in 1787, and then within just also over a generation, slavery was eliminated. America is the liberator of slaves, the liberator of black people, and until that is instilled again in our young people, and in our culture at large, we are in a heap of trouble. Thank you. [applause] well take some questions. Because were recorded on cspan, i would ask everyone to line up at the microphone if you want to ask a question. David, you mentioned donald trump twice. Some time ago there was an interview with David Horowitz in which you were asked, many inside the g. O. P. See him that is donald trump as a sign of unfit to be the republican nominee. What is your opinion, your answer was swan enigmatic. You mentioned assassination, lyndon johnson, european tendency to look down their knows at america no, no, no. Let me get to the final point. You said one moral of christianity is that saviors are crucified. Were you suggesting that donald trump is a savior no. No. This was command about how people a comment about how people thing, and trump has excited conservative intellectuals, think ground around National Review, because he has not read their books and probably wont read their books. Was recalling where i learned of course i was brought up as an intellectual. I read a lot of books. And what kennedy was assassinated i was in england, and the europeans have always looked down on america. Starting in 1776. The children that went astray. The product we are the product of the children of the europeans. So they always sneer at our culture, sneer at particularly texas, which is a very american frontier sort of state, and i remember when kennedy was assassinated and lbj became president , all my english friends dish was living in london did they look down on it. He had lbj dogs and daughters and wife, lbj cuff links, lbj ties. This is the american what is it dub everything that is wrong with america. Crude, rude, vulgar, comments about trump, and thats what what happened next was this. Kennedy and all these reform programs couldnt get them through congress. He didnt know how to do it. Johnson came in, and unfortunately for all of, put through the Great Society in a couple of years. So i learned then that theres intellectual smarts and then theres street smarts and political smarts, so to underestimate trump, which is what every republican on the platform did, and what National Review and the Weekly Standard are doing today, is a huge mistake. That all i meant by that. When i brought up i dont know why i brought up jesus but rabbi, rabbi taught me this. People resent being rescued. They resent theyre dependent on somebody else for their salvation, and they crucify them. I dont mean to compare donald trump to jesus. Its just the human a human response. I also probably did too many interviews. Think of donald trump . Well, i think that donald trump first of all i think he is an incredible breath of fresh air in that he is that intime tate by what is called the Political Correctness but which is actually a communist party line. Thats what it is. And they keep you in check with that. So, to be politically incorrect is to be driven from decent society, and you can see that reaction among these republicans, conservatives, like george will. Brilliant intellects. They want trump out of the picture. Just too much for them. I think, like all president s, he will disappoint us if elected. And there are things he cant possibly do re cant reform the whole corrupt washington culture. On the other hand, i might my confidence, such as it is, that i have in trump its not insignificant is this. This is a man who takes his name and reputation very seriously. Trump towers, trump airlines, trump this, trump that. When he gets to the white house, should he get to the white house, he is going to want to burnish that reputation, not destroy it. He has made promises, hes going to build a wall. You Better Believe he is going to build a wall. Is that important for america . You bet it is. No country can exist, as he says, and i thought many years before he said it our borders. Not only that we cant keep ourself safe if were letting terrorists and criminals there are 550,000 illegal, convicted, criminals in this country. 200,000 in jail and 350,000 roaming our streets, and preying on innocent americans. That is an outrage and a crime and the Democratic Party is responsible for and it all those republicans will keep trying to appease the democrats wish for open poureds so they can get votes. So im for trump. [applause] i agree, hands up, dont shoot, was farce, and my question concerns some of the other black africanamerican Police Confrontations you lumped into it, which i my question is, cant and shouldnt the conservative movement make teaching moments out of, for example, the following two you mentioned what we have is a situation where the wasnt resisting arrest, was talking calmly, and selling one cigarette, and let me finish and we have a liberal city with a liberal mayor, passing wildly high taxes, and our cops instead of dealing with Violent Crime were becoming tax collectors. And the other example i ask you about, the man shot in the back six times in i believe south carolina, not resisting, and phyllis schlafly, no liberal. Wrote that the teaching moment is this guy was afraid of being put back in jail for not paying child support, and enwe put people in jail for not paying child support, they cant pay child support. Wait, wait. The first teaching moment is that the officer who shot him in the back is on trial for murder. Thats the real lesson of that. The other stuff is interesting but the real lesson is, when cops commit crimes like that, they get tried and should be tried for it. The garner case, this is a career criminal. I know the cigarette thing. Dont want to make an excuse for a guy who has been preying on black people for whatever it was, for 30 years. Also, he was resisting arrest. He wasnt. Excuse me im [inaudible] talking no physical effort excuse me im not going to argue with you. Im just going to tell you what my view of this is. They tell you, assume the position. When they are arresting you. Put your hands if a Police Officer says to me, youre under arrest, my hands are in my back. Im a lawabiding citizen. The second thing is, the officer in charge, the sergeant on the scene in charge of the arrest exis an africanamerican race here. Im not going to argue. Enough. Hi, you touched on the influence of unions on city government, and i applaud that. Now, theres an Organization Called the Industrial Area foundation, which was a startup in 1940, and there are lot of branches of this. Los angeles its called 1la. They pretends be motherhood and apple pie. However on their web site it says they proposeed to the head of the Housing Committee in l. A. City hall, that he propose a race registration measure, and thats being pushed through. Now, id like to ask you what you think of the influence organizations such that which my temple belongs to, thank you very much okay, i wrote a pamphlet. Dont know if its here. Which three Million People have read, called Barack Obamas rules for revolution. An analysis of the rules for revolution, the original title. Sal is a communist ask an antiamerican, and a very dangerous influence, and so thats my view of your temple should not be part of this i agree. I tried to say that. Bus im wondering what you know or what you think of this Organization Called one l. A. Never heard of it. I know that los angeles is gone. All these cities are gone. Theyre 100 controlled by the Democratic Party. How do anything good be happening. And the unions. Will, one in the same. [inaudible] we have an en6 low media of the left, posted at do you consider the cold reluctance of the leaders of the black lives Matter Movement to repudiate the calls of their rankandfile to kill Police Officers, should designate that mom as a hate group . It is a hate group. And its a typical leftist hate group. They hate the police. Theyre defenders of criminals at home and our enemies abroad. Thats what progressives do. And of course im not obviously not every democrat, certainly not eave democrat voter, is aware of what they do because their i incredibly deceptive. When i was a young a boy, and joseph stalin, who murdered 40 million russians who didnt get on board for his socialist schemes, the one that Bernie Sanders seems to like, the slogan of the communist party was not a dictatorship of the pre lit priliteriean. The slogan was peace, jobs, democracy so people get fooled. The left is very seductive. People get fooled all the team. Thats why social justice is a mirage. One of the big reasons why moral progress is a mirage. People lie and theyre very good liars. We have seen wonderful examples of it in the president ial primaries from both parties. A normal, i guess, human thing to do, to lie, and politicians have a vested interest in lying because they have to put coalitions of very Diverse Communities who are normally at each others throats. So they say one thing to this group and another to another, and every politician does it. Which doesnt mean there arent people of integrity in politics, but theyre rare. You talked about genocide and just mentioned 40 million killed in russia, and we could add 60 million killed in china. I hate it when someone is killed unjustly, even one. Those kind of numbers i cant comprehend. But back in the 20s, sanger, the founder of planned parenthood, said that words to the effect we should not let the africans work it out because our goal is to expel the african race. Doesnt it prove that america is not racist if planned parenthood was abolished and abortion was made legal again . Planned parenthood should not get a dime from the federal government. Margaret sanger was a racist, he hated black people. The left can overlook that, cant it . Overlook what the communists did as well. I dont think theres anything that will prove that america isnt racist to people who, in their very being, their very identity, hate americans. And thats to me the black lives Matter Movement and the progressive left. I just wanted to add that theres roughly 1. 2 million babies in america, and the vast majority are black. So it is a movement against the black people, therefore it should be abolished. You propose something sensible. If youre receiving welfare, cant afford ten children or you shouldnt as the price of welfare, until you get a job and start earning a living, have a noroplant, an implant that prevents you from having children. If you recommend that, youre called a racist by the progressive racists. The become ive written is 30 years of my wars against the racists in our midst, and you can see we have lost most of the battles. Have to start winning some. The last question. Trust me, its not last but not least. So see what happens. First of all, thank you for coming. Appreciate you being here. Was in san diego and tried to get down to see you, but that d. Work out, but im glad i was here. I know. The students preemptively excluded anybody i applaud your sand. April. A Public School administrator, educator, appreciate your stand. The question directs itself to the idea of under ronald reagan, and bill bennett was the secretary of education, and one of his first speeches, he said, what we need to do in the department of education he this director of department of education he said we need to eradicate the department of education. I applauded that so fully. It didnt happen. That was his thought. Im forced to be a member of california teachers association, nea, and i realize that nea and aft, American Federation of teachers, the largest contributing groups to the Democratic Party. And socialist causes. Right. I realize you dont have a magic pill for an answer, but youre right, education got us here, and as lincoln said were doomed to repeat that which we have. So what do you have for a thought in the sense of how to steer this Aircraft Carrier i wrote five books on how to reform, and they fell into a hole. Republicans control 30 states. I have spoken to chairman of education committees, i have spoken to Republican Leadership in various states. Its not a money issue for them and its a minefield. They avoid it. I didnt get any real support by the republican party, and until that happens, if conservatives continue wanting to cede our universities the recollection it will go on and on. They have to get prepared, actually fight, and i have to tell you, i can count on the fingers of one hand runs who fight. That has got to stop. I have a friend who was a Democratic Party strategist who will remain anonymous because in his heart he is a conservative, and he explained to me how you get rid of the department of education. Increase its budget but dont say we want to get rid of the department of education because people who are half listening or tenth listening, they here you want to do away with education you. Dont ever say we want to eliminate the department of education. What you do is you increase its budget, and then in the fine print, take away all its power and revert it make it just a passthrough, to the states or whatever, or the best thing would be to convert it whole budget into voucherrizing the entire educational system for everybody. Thats what you need to do. Youre a light, seriously, light that fills the darkness. Thank you for being the light you are, we need to have more light. So thank you. Thank you. And i want to thank everybody and thank croons and brian lamb but a this is the only place i can reach out and reach conservatives. I have been i had the poor judgment to write an article for the Washington Post with my friend and coauthor, peter collier, that we voted for ronald reagan. [inaudible] that another funny thing, because the name i use the name black because malcolm x said we need to call blacks, not negroes. Negroes were uncle tom. And Jesse Jackson insisted it change to africanamericans. I use black because thats what i when i was cutting my political teeth. Actually, if blacks were called Anything Grows wouldnt have that Anything Grows wouldnt have that problem. Blacks a negative color. And the africanamerican is a misnomer also, but i call people what they want to be called. [applause] [inaudible conversations] heres a look at authors recently featured on after words, a weekly Author Interview program. Darryl issa discussed his time as chair over the committee on oversight and government reform. Heather mcdonald looked at the state of policing in america. And hot profiled the women instrumental in development of americas Space Program in 1940s and 50s. In i the coming weeks on after words, an author discusses hi time in iraq works as an interrogator for a private military contractor. And kimberly volunteers also coming up, dana lash contends the United States is dividing its into two countries, coastal america and flyover america. This weekend, aaron greenberg, director of the center on National Security at fordham university, takes a critical look at the legal implications of the steps taken by the department of justice to come boot terrorism since september 11. The become is about what happened in the realm of National Security, and there have been people who have proposed National Security courts but i wanted to see what guess on inside the courtroom because that where the issues of guilt and innocence, the issues of the power of the law, are most clearly shown and demonstrated. And its actually fascinating to watch the difficulties that courts have with National Security cases. After words airs on booktv every saturday at 10 00 p. M. And sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. You can watch all previous after words programs on our web site, booktv. Org. Booktv visit capitol hill to ask members of congress what theyre reading this summer. Guest i read constantly im drew up in a small town and the library was an important part of me life. The way i saw the world was not by travel but what books i checked out at the local public library. So, all my life ive been a reader, and still want that book in my hand, so im oldfashioned in wanting the hard copy, and im reading at the moment i often read biographies, history, things you might expect somebody who is beside in government, politics, to happened the one at the moment is douglas macarthur. He predates my time and i didnt know a lot about him other than he has been somewhat controversial and this is a new book to me, written by arthur herman, and im learning about douglas macarthur, the general and military leader. Im just a few pages probably 50 pagessed from being done and im trying to get it done this week before i get on an airplane so i dont have to carry another book ill soon be done with. I read just this week i was in a meeting in which john meacham, historian, author, was speaking, describing a book, and this is the next one on my list, friday franklin and winston the store about the world war ii leaders and their relationship. John meacham is a great author, very bright and smart and i thereof read what the writes and this is a brand new book but one i havent read and so thats probably next on my list. I keep track of what books i read, and again, not a lot of fiction, but things that have to do with the work i do here, and particularly things about people in the history of our country, history of the world, that hopefully are insiring and give you insight into how they conducted their lives and did things that perhaps make a difference. But current politics, i just fun issued reading alter ego the story of the relationship between secretary clinton and president obama, and particularly related to National Security and state department kind of issues. Two rivals in the primary who come together in the same administration and an opportunity to get a feel who are what was going on in washington, dc, a place i work but dont have insight what goes on in state department and this administration. Another National Security book, just read this summer can michael hayden, former national disputer director, talking about the space terrorism and its threats, and this is called playing to the edge about his time at cia. So, again, same kind of venue. Mostly history. Sometimes current things. Lincoln boys caught my attention. I read it this summer. Its the story of john hay and john mcallay, the two individuals that president lincoln, then before he was president , met in illinois. They came with him and the story about their lives as two young men working in the lincoln administration, particularly during the civil war and what happened in their lives afterwards. So, again, that kind of i like to read history, less interested in the battlefields, but much more interested in the people that served in that capacity. Then probably my Favorite Book of the summer has been holiday hamilton and i decideed chernow is a great author and i have several of his books i havent read and now interested in doing so. This caught my attention because of the musical, based on this book, and happened to see it sitting in a book store, and interested to see what caught, in a sense, todays culture, todays audience, with a musical, based upon the life of alexander hamilton, our first treasury secretary. This is the one i joined the most, unfortunately the longest and thickest, and im always complaining that the thick books seem to be the best. Book tv wants to know what you are reading this summer. Heres a look at the current bestselling becomes according to the Washington Post. Topping the list, former secret Service Officer gary burn talks before the his experiences work neglect Clinton White house in crisis of character. Up next is hamilton the published script of the broadway musical. In tribe sebastien younger explores the Effect Society has on returning veterans. In tall has sea coast looks at the current state of black america in, between the world and me, and white trash discusses the political history of poor whites from reconstruction to the new deal. A look at the bestselling nonfiction books coins with bill olierys second come pann book to his legends and lies series, followed by the life changingmake of tidying up. Next, the late neurosurgeon recount facing mortality in his memoir, when breath becomes air. And Michael Ian Black writes a child riz first book of trump. And Jeanne Edward smith chronicles the george w. Bush administration in bush. A look at the current best sellers according to the Washington Post. Many of this authors have or will be appearing on booktv. You can watch then on our web site, booktv. Org. Block. [applause] good evening. It is both a pleasure and honor to introduce