How to get us out of the stagnation . Oh my gosh, yes, a couple things we can do, some controversial and maybe some a little less controversial. First of all, lets and the corporate welfare. Let businesses compete as if free argot. No subsidies, no bailouts, no special loans. But businesses have to prove themselves in an actual Free Enterprise situation. I would say, also, lets stop putting barriers in the way of people rising, particularly people starting at the bottom. Lets get rid of the minimum wage so people are free to find jobs. Lets get rid of the insanely unnecessary licensing situation like we talked about. Lets stop the government from making things so expensive through completely unnecessary and ineffective things such as the ethanol subsidies and so on. Lets make it as easy as possible and open as possible for people to start rising. I would say, in terms of education, i would like us to see us move in the direction of liberating education. I. I think whats happening in nevada where people are giving more control in terms of education is a good sign. I like to see more of that and more innovators in the educational spear running to nevada so we can really see education become cheaper and more effective for all americans. Finally,. Did you see what happened in louisiana when the governorship changed . Children were not allowed to opt out of the schools anymore. They could only opt out of the d and f schools. Before they had been able to opt out of the c, d and f school. When they came in place with the new governor, he said they couldnt opt out of the sea school because it was okay for them to be there. Its not concerned with making most of your life, its concerned with everybody making the same of their lives. For instance, one of the things that i take personally, i do okay. My family does pretty well. I have a a 3yearold daughter and a 1yearold son. Basically, the view of inequality critics is when i tried to give them more opportunities im doing something wrong. Their pursuit of happiness is less important than somebody who was born into a poor family. I think that is outrageous. I think each individuals life matters to him and the people that he loves and cares about. We should each be free to make the most of it. The idea of holding some people down, even if its justified by lifting some people up, i think the least you can say about it is that has nothing to do with the american ideal of unlimited opportunity. Is there some country that you think does better than United States . Youve outlined a program, is there some country thats followed it and had Economic Growth . Overall i think we have been the most productive and the greatest most free nation overall. I think, certainly, there are things another country that are better. I think in certain ways there are more Economic Freedom in hong kong today than there is in america. As i mentioned with the regulatory side of things, i think theres more Economic Freedom in some ways in scandinavia than there is in america. I still think overall, this is is a country that has the greatest wealth and the greatest pentup opportunity. At the root, a love of opportunity. Living in an opportunity rich society is not easy because you arent entitled to anything. You do have to take responsibility. You arent guaranteed that job for life. You always have to be learning and trying and really going out there and giving it your all to make something of your life. A lot of people in this world, a lot of people in this country that are basically now the majority, they dont want that. They want want to be taken care of. They want security, but that only comes, that kind of security only comes at the expense of other people. If we were in a society where everybody has unlimited opportunity to make the most of their lives, will will heres the place to fight for it because heres really where you have that kind of sense of life, emotional, cultural view of the selfmade man and the individual who is rising by merit and ability. We can learn a lot from other countries but at the end of the day i think there is Something Special about america that we should really be fighting to build upon. I certainly agree with that. Everybody should read equal is unfair. Its a different perspective on inequality that you dont get from the press today. Thank you so much. Its been a pleasure. Cspan, created created by americas Cable Television company and brought to you by a Public Service by your cable or satellite provider

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