We are either mad at its upper west side. We invested in this store to help harpers magazine also because i could not see another cash machine open i will make an appeal to you. Because in this space. With the fight against the amazon domination. To be worse and worse. And before the easy chair columnist. But was kind enough to give me a lastminute. Does anybody know this . That amazon is not happening to book selling but the future is happening . And that is what amazon wants what eight amazing to residents. [laughter] but we dont take that line down. And with this issue thatd is on sale in not go out to buy that because if you do we cannot keep doing these types of events of a marginal business. I really wanted to turn this place into a Cultural Center on a regular basis. And as a member of the Authors Guild that unless you take action to take more and more market share. It with my eight colleagues to meet with important people with the domination of the business. One reason is because the Justice Department that is not interested in antitrust law. And it has to be a peoples revolt so i count on you to stay after the show to buy the book and please come back to lou patronize year as much as you can. We make common cause with a dangerous enemy and is also in the fight with us. We need your help. Please welcome tom who will talk about this and liberal the book to listen yankee that nobody remembers. [laughter] but it is a terrific book. And hope he read an excerpt. Capt. Our worth. Toward the end i will cut him off for questions. Thanks for coming. [applause] wholeheartedly i will second about the independent bookstores this is state number two of my book tour today it is today it is officially published sorry i have to have a podium and a microphone stand. With a jacket otherwise it doesnt work. He says the title comes from that is half right wichita is the city in kansas was supposed to be the guy for breakfast he came by the hotel to pick me up and called my roof of the lobby he said rising and shine liberal. [laughter] and i dont know if that was in a friendly way but missing from the books title i figure this out after was already too late was he exclamation point. With some liberal because what were talking about is a massive wave of public anger lets be blunt brought on by the failure of the Democratic Party and a situation for success were perfect it is a Debt Collection of your complaints about gridlock with the exception of Global Warming in nuclear war president obama himself has said that defining challenge of airtime with a sweeping statement know where sweeping enough this inequality to make the lives of the rich so much more delicious than makes so wretched very precarious catching day glimpse the inequality in return you hear someone who has declared vagrancy, the kid got sick to dominate washington d. C. Better chosen for us it is a euphemism so inequality is the way criminals get a helping hand from that vietnams that this is his house that some find some such enormous significance of the content while of beer while others will never believe it at 88 began. For those who bear that primary responsibility and i have written book after book the party that launched on the era of tax cutting and wage pressing and fought so ferociously to the influence of money every local but blaming the republicans is not good enough it is time we understood there representing a failure of the Democratic Party protecting the middle Class Society is the holy mission that they tackle the situation with relish of shared prosperity was once the highest aim to defend that middleclass world was a sacred path that there never tired of reminding us and to the states democrats are the ones that pledge to raise the minimum wage in the tax is but when it comes to tackling the defining challenge of our time many of the Democratic Leaders falter it is rampant but they can never seem to find the conviction or the imagination with the high minded policy platitudes out of the 80s to remind us that there is nothing anybody can do about technology or globalization it is like the hand of god himself. That isnt nafta is the invisible hand so they promised Charter Schools and Student Loans but other than that theyve got enough and. Now talk about though wall street bailouts that is the historical Inflection Point the wind our country easily could have changed direction or course think about this. You remember what it was like reelected president obama with copen and enthusiasm you remember those enormous crowds in grant park the largest crowd ever and then they proceeded to continue the policies of the Bush Administration unchanged for the first couple years no bullet big banks were put into receivership know he leaped bankers were never prosecuted a fired obama democrats refuse to change course when every sign told them to return. That would have been a good policy when it would have been popular and the country fully expected them and when it was completely within their power to take is a different direction. That Inflection Point there was no conflict between the zero pragmatism and idealism idealistic would have been practical and popular economically helpful thing to do but that didnt happen. I know democrats are the good guys or though less bad guys. [laughter] but it is not a coincidence those economic gain since then were presided over democratic president have gone to the already wealthy. Talking about income inequality does not come naturally this a way as Charter Schools that is on the tip of their tongue the income inequality poses problems if you look back at the record to suspect there is a better chance to resolve to kick quayle being out of the union or do something meaningful about the countrys break down why is this . Not because entirely of sinister republicans but that is not the entire nation the agent of change that inequality doesnt Sport Federation so what ails these guys . If you ever read my writing we love to talk about money and politics but that is a big part of the answer the way they distort peoples priorities but the democrats problems go deeper and to diagnose that maliki we have to understand there are different parties of power in america while youre comfortable talking about money Many Democrats failed to rise from their position of the hierarchy of merit and learning and knowledge. We love to make fun of the hierarchy of many of 1 percent and the Koch Brothers but as a populist alternative we have to look at the other hierarchy the 10 the apex of the professional achievement the top 10 will get any quality and everybody is outraged but some people have done very well and there is a lot of those people in there is a mass constituency for equality in this country in the top 10 it is the top than one in here is a part that will blow your mind a lot of them are democrats. Why is that . These days it is the party of the professional class. They have other constituencies to be sure we know who they are minorities and women and the have a name for them called the coalition but professionals whose technocratic outlook always tends to prevail when you put the groups together those setter celebrated by the liberal newspaper in a particular way to regard the role that is taken from for granted. Professionals and liberalism in the same way they dominate the obama cabinet. Modern day liberalism is the philosophy of a knowledge economy and specifically the winners theres almost no way to avoid the knowledge economy but it is a philosophy of the winners in that system of Silicon Valley. In the wall street type is that gave so much to the Barack Obama Campaign in 2008. The democrats have these phrases the wired workers the learning class for golf for people who truly understand the power of education, said the Creative Class the rebels against sickness in conformity and the innovation class that just cant stop coming up with new stuff. It is hot year if they take off the jacket it would take with the powers. [laughter] so what does the party of the professional class lookalike . What does that mean . Start with education that is absolutely essential and critical as they are defined by educational accomplishment. It is in a closet is a to a successful politicians of barack obama and bill clinton, both were plucked from obscurity by prestigious universities universities bill clinton was a kitten, springs arkansas went to georgetown then was a Rhodes Scholar went to Yale Law School of and the doors of the world opened for him. It is surprising that both of these guys signed onto a social period that is the route to individual success as to National Salvation they dont think everybody should go to school but more like a philosophical conviction that it should determine how you do in life. Nearly all offer some version but the one that closed identified was clinton and you will recall he ran for president as an economic populist inequality was a big issue back and and clinton talked about all the time on the campaign trail. As soon as it was over he changed his tune and one month later they have an economic summit and how they propose to deal with the various problems on the campaign trail. Our new direction must rest on the understanding of the new realities and a direct the relationship between high skills and wages therefore we have to educate our People Better to compete. I want you to remember what you earn depends somewhat you can learn. , they failed to confront the economic breakdown of our time. What you earn depends on what you can learn in the reason is here is a single sentence to find the essence politics of wages and compensation you get what you deserve it is defined by how well you did. To be adjusted up platitude we all know we couldnt get very far and it is true that it research and development is important than you have to have the right skills for machinery. There is reason why dont fly the 747. But what is frightening is when you realize the and it is the strategy for rationalizing the quality to finish the s. A. T. Scores to remove economic matters to transplant them with individual intelligence. They are the way they were because one party to have power over another party because the god of the market rewards as he showed talent could people get a good start and the big fat acceptance letter when they get out of highschool friend they graduate and picking up discarded cans but those outcomes are our own doing. The failure to get the right skills Everybody Knows the society of the future. This is a fixed idea as open to evidence based in the evidence used to refuel the theories. Sheet one dash they are bad is open to that evidence to intelligent design and will not happen. They know the answer and the truth where people want to stop being for it and go to school. Another reason democrats are so convinced education determines everything from prosperity to National Competitiveness goes to 50 colleges allows liberals of the blue bill clinton era to succeed. Said to laughter was largely a phenomenon which we all remember. It kept them out of trouble in vietnam and it could do the same thing for all people all times in all situations. Consider bill clintons close confidante for all of these successful professionals that worse was established in college at oxford a biography that came out in 1986 but it starts with the different circles the data says a Rhodes Scholar and to speculate about the awesome synergies that could happen into contact with another with this yet the woodstock with the highly influential tribes then obama becomes president and the same thing happens. And the obama life story the same thing. And then to become an editor of the harvard law review and in choosing the cabin he does this say with clinton to tell them from the most prestigious universities and professional schools. Why . Belief in a meritocracy is a condition of the most basic. His biographer is a name a guy named jonathan. At some level he bought into the idea top drawer professionals with throw a sorting process that propelled him and michelle to the i am feet and were deserving of their elevated status. The work that we use to describe is meritocracy. The philosophy that makes this fit together the conviction the conviction that those on top taranto because theyre the best. This is the First Commandment what it is all about. What does this say about the problem of income inequality . That the answer is a very profound complacency there is a solidarity in a meritocracy. It is and their professional class leaders show enormous respect for another. But they show very little sympathy for less fortunate members he had junks better phrasing of the market or professional colleagues who were fired even kids who dont get in to good colleges are good schools to show our blessings on people who cannot make the grade is not an injustice but the way things are supposed to be. There is no solidarity but there is a deep sense of difference to your fellow professional think of the problem of false street y was a deal on the team failed . Why did they declare wall street executives would be held to a different Legal Standard . Why did they choose wall street over average people again and again . There are many examples how this happened when the average home orders for up against the interests they would always choose wall street even tim geithner was talking to other officials about a program for the foreclosures he said it was okay because it would film the runways for the banks stopping individuals wasnt the issue but to help the banks kept with the back door method. Like . The answer that i arrived at was the Investment Banking signifies professional status almost like nothing else for the achievement conscious People Investment bankers were more than friends, classmates, a sophisticated jargon extraordinary innovation. The Creative Class in the flesh. Exactly that type of creative individuals that they tell us we have to honor and respect it is a with their relationship with a big farm but of course, when it comes to a Silicon Valley you can do no wrong with sucker for a full with the fbi. Theyre so accretive their professional that our countrys antitrust laws were suspended during deal on the administration there is a story about google about amazon. Secretary of state clinton to travel the world to win for debate at with this and that access to certain servers was a human right. A human right. [laughter] there is no solidarity. But at least you have the right to expect good results excellent results put the best and brightest in charge , they may not have a lot of sympathy but a least expect them to do the job right so how do we explain that the same time so many steadying disasters basically the country and outside the big cities are falling apart. It is like living in the of and a meritocracy failure in my explanation for modern democrats it is always an ominous one dash synonymous. The best than the brightest are those that went to harvard. For those who lack original ideas. I am not against the Indian Government with experts and there was a time that worked the Roosevelt Administration. The famous braintrust but if you go back and look at the personal the Roosevelt Administration you will notice the current roster the talented people the roosevelt appointed to his cabin and inner circle were waiting outside then been you know, what he did . He was a socialist worker from iowa. Robert jackson the attorney general became the Supreme Court justice and was a lawyer with no law degree. Jesse jones rand the Buildup Program and then put them none of business. He had known sympathy in the man that was then church he was a smalltown banker from and the agriculture secretary in this country has never had went to iowa state before he was promoted he edited the magazine for farmers. Truman had no College Degree at all. Even with a contingent of i believe this pelican some of these guys that were not in the help to run the office of Price Administration and he spent his entire career attacking neoclassical economics. Just try to get me a job in washington d. C. [laughter] as the last problem what happens to a party but the way that appliance democrats to the most of richest kind of professional behavior elsewhere in the economy. We all know the story so wall street is a story that appeared to have committed fraud on the epic scale over the last decade yet the commission agreed right. But if you want to understand you have to take into account the widely shared view among democrats that wall street is the place of the enormous bureaucratic prestige equivalent to a high end with those fancy technical jargon that they cannot understand that the financial industry uses to protect itself a friend of mine was instrumental in the choral version is back in the 80s because he was helping me to think through the issues and said when he was a Bank Regulator they thought of complexity as an indicator of fraud. That was an indicator to make them come swooping down. This is something admirable. That they bowed down and what makes wall street financial Rocket Science but this is a great story is a momentum story coming together at the very top of righteousness and success the marriage of finance with political virtue that is what being a liberal is all about. Em right . In another sense the transformation of the Democratic Party has been a disaster parties all across the world for set up to the advance the interests of working people but our left party has chosen instead to turn its back to make itself into new vmi and professionals. And those that they used to care about to see with the famous expression of the clinton era. I will tell you what they found somewhere else to go. But first of all, by abandoning them the democrats made it the economic but this populist and then about 10 years ago in kiev this today it is everywhere. Here. It has arrived. Swarming up screaming its a bizarre and frightening. That leaves us with a trace. Assuming everything goes to plan of intolerance. Thanks for coming. [applause] i wanted to share a thought. I will. That mr. Obama dropped the ball in the copenhagen and dropped again in paris. So i think mr. Obama his legacy is Global Warming. But i watched obama give speeches and feel the hope. What a tragic period his presidency has ben with hopes dash. With the residue of hope that they were great president s is it called buyers remorse . Would be costly when confirmation you did the right face so were willing to believe all sorts of nonsense to make ourselves feel good that barack obama is a great man with his presidency was one of the great ones deal think considering these mechanisms with a huge groundswell of support that United States might be at the labor party for eight alternative . It has he is projected the considering the amount of people it is possible people such as yourself might join such a party to represent . Ina a big fan of the thirdparty movements. I really like populism we had a succession of thirdparty movements to usually bring one big issue to the floor so the republicans started in the third party. There was a change populism and is that the different levels. With dogcatchers were i come from there are other states as well. After populism died down this sort of their message the two parties would gang up on them that they would pass laws to make their tactics illegal. Caused the monopoly parties dont want it to happen. I interviewed Bernie Sanders in 2014 and he was debating with himself i guess whether he should run as an independent and do the ralph nader thing or whether he should run as a democrat and he decided to run as a democrat and just compare what he has achieved what ralph nader achieved. Its spectacular a spectacular and this is 2014. I thought he was a great man but a senator from vermont hes got this accent there is no way he has a chance and look what hes done its amazing so i basically think that whatever happens has to be done at this point within one of the two parties because the legal system is stacked against the party. [inaudible] whats to stop whats to stop somebody from putting another name on the ballot . Thats right. And actually forming a party based on the merit. I would love to see that happen but like i say if it does get off the ground i am older than 50yearsold and in my career on the left its like people have tried again and again just in my short time since ive been politically aware people have tried and tried to start new parties and it is extremely difficult to duplicate the success that hes had. That tells us something but now we have to go on to somebody else. We cant hear the microphone. Right into the top. Never did you mention the word aflcio. Im speaking there on friday. What role do you think the liberals have been killing the power from the time of vietnam when it was intelligentsia professionals were against the unions and they looked down on them talking about the Democratic Party. And you mentioned even casually that Charter Schools. Charter schools have been financed by the corporate and Business People and the one thing that Charter Schools have done somewhat as well not always in the Public Schools but the one thing they dont have is the power of the unions and thats why the strategy is if you destroy the schools you will destroy the teachers unions and they are the ones who are in every political district. Its all in the book and youre going to be happy. Can i just say the book is a work of history. I used to write history, but it starts with the period after the 68 Democratic Convention the party is fighting in the streets, the vietnam war is going on and the democrats decided that they were going to reorganize the party and set up a commission to do it. One of the results of the commission is at the time organized labor had not just just a position that a the position but a structural position of the Democratic Party and they were of the extremely important in the Democratic Party but once the commission was done, democrats had no structural position. They still want their money to this day they want them to help out at election time but the story of the book is a long story of how democrats basically forgot about labor and embraced professionals instead and there is one way i will talk about right now. One of them is meritocracy is the First Commandment of the professional class and it is diametrically opposed to solidarity which is of course the First Commandment of the working class and organized labor. Solidarity implies you should be rewarded not because you got straight as but because youre human and meritocracy justice zero tolerance. What are you talking about . You should get a raise, what do you mean . You didnt even get into college or Something Like that. Im sorry. The other thing i want to point out is this one is better im going to sit on this one. I have a certain sympathy for the sort of mcgovern pointed view because of the vietnam war it was awful and a lot of the unions were standing with president johnson on the vietnam war. Some were and some werent. I can understand that but the thing is once you do that, once you take the left party and the twoparty system and throw out the representatives of the working people all of a sudden, you know, issues of inequality are off the table. Its a structural thing. There is no argument about it and thats what happened in the 70s and it is no coincidence that this is shortly afterwards jimmy carter, Capital Gains tax cut, bill clinton, on and on. This is when things started to go. So i talk about it at great length in the book and i hope you will theres two kinds of liberals. I am a liberal and then i live in bethesda maryland. The people around me are also liberals and we dont agree on everything. [laughter] [inaudible] you talked about the lack of clarity the voters have between the difference of regulating small and big business in the district [inaudible] right into the top of microphone i can hear you but they cant hear you back there. In the billionaire you talk about the lack of clarity regarding the regulation of small versus big business. Whats the best way to clarify the difference to the voters . This is the last book about the Tea Party Movement and what i found when i spend a wad i went to the tea party rallies is that there are Small Businesses that are essentially used as a kind of ideological front for the agenda of the big business. Im not the first one to figure that out of course. Thats pretty apparent. But what is funny as all of those are gone now. With the rise of trump nobody remembers what this was. Talking about Small Business and this kind of thing we are are onto a completely different phenomenon. Marco rubio was the toast of the party and these guys are yesterdays news now. Look, between donald trump and Bernie Sanders we are seeing the political world turned upside down in some ways a really awesome way and then the really frightening way. But then you have Hillary Clinton. So one of the books about obama has the title the center hold. Thats Hillary Clinton. Its the only chance this time around and if that happened then maybe we will Start Talking about things like that again but right now im sorry i dont have anything. Theres nothing. Its gone. What will be the role of the African American constituency if they continue to vote for Hillary Clinton in your professional class interpretation of the introductory of the party talks i would just say its a messy world out there and although Hillary Clinton is in a lot of ways a pair that matter of the professional class she even talks about it, her famous when she got in trouble in 1990 to remember that if you go back and look at the statement it was all about how a woman should pursue her professional career. Being a professional is important and being the best lawyer in arkansas or whatever it wants. Thats who she is about and shes about and shes a very intelligent and accomplished person and i think what youre describing is trust politics. She is a known figure. I mean, look, lots of democratic constituencies are going for Hillary Clinton or at least their leadership is. We dont know about the rankandfile or many of the unions i should say. You look at the superdelegates and this is astonishing. She has nearly all of them and why is that . Why is all this happening fax she is a known figure these people have known her for decades and she has made all sorts of promises and is a familiar face. People dont even know who Bernie Sanders is. Vermont is right nextdoor, right clicks . [inaudible] i have a question about the world of professionals going forward. If you could walk me through it about the key professionalization in a way that is longhorn madison can you speak of the little that . Youre doing it right you just need to raise your voice a little bit. Talking about the professionalization of medicine and law you get these sort of itemized professions where a few people have a more traditional experience and others are churning more through the corporate life. So my question is do you think that the professional class is being shaken by Economic Trends that could affect the group of people the Obama Administration has embraced . Did you hear that . Its about de professionalization which is something going on at this time. I have firsthand experience of this and i was invited to spend the rest of my life as an adjunct. Did you all know about this and whats going on in academia its professionalization happening in any other field. And whats interesting is that its happening why all these other things are going on at the same time. You have obama with the cabinet filled with harvard and oxford graduates and advanced degrees and enforcing economic orthodoxy on the country and that sort of thing. Why dont they have sympathy for their colleagues down the totem pole . This is a question that runs throughout the book because it is fascinating to me. The kids coming out of college now wanted to be members of the professional class into a borrowed 100 grand to do it and look what happened. But theres very little sympathy from the democrats or at least to judge by their actions. Obama will say how sad he is the terrible things have happened to these people but theres no sympathy. Why is that . Because there is no solidarity in a meritocracy. Theres another phenomenon going on so this book could have been a set of encyclopedias. And at some point i have to stop writing about the aspects that were so fascinating to me. The professionalization is one of them and another is the corruption of the professions which is happening at the same time. Accounting. Remember enron . The real estate appraisers basically every occupation concerned, look what is happening to Investment Banking and just one after another you attract the corruption by inequality, by the money out there in front of them and this is happening at the same time and yet it doesnt seem to affect the way the people on top in washington understand professional rectitude or anything like that. By the way that the professionalization. I got out of academia and got into journalism. What an awesome move and then its like no, no. Okay. Books. They got that in the crosshairs, too so i should turn it back over to you after that. [inaudible] they call them liars loans. One of them is from the inflation but here is another question. Why dont you call them [inaudible] a listened. The liberal hypocrite . It doesnt have the rhythm but thats good. Its a story of hypocrisy or betrayal or if it is a story of i love the sort of perverse explanations if it is a story of idealism like really screwed up, then idealism because you think about these economists with the beautiful charts for understanding the world into paragraphs and and their graphs and all those kind of things and someone like Hillary Clinton who is surrounded by a microclimate of virtue everywhere she goes. Excommunicated. But its idealism gone wrong in some ways. One more question. You have a whole bunch of people. Im going to be around afterwards. [inaudible] let this guy ask. May 9 in texas and i dont know that in june in california and a bunch of other states will be collecting signatures for independent president ial candidates, but i havent heard who the independent president ial candidates are. Do you know . I havent been following that. Is it great to be [inaudible] [laughter] i have no idea im sorry. One more. Theres a lot of talk going on now in the Republican Party destroying itself. How do you think that will shake out and who will benefit it . Is whether they are destroying themselves or not and how it will shake out and who will they benefit. They are in the process. I have a fairly conventional view on this which is that for years remembering whats the matter with kansas i was talking about the working class voters coming into the movement and the party and never get anything out of it. Coming from the cultural war and seeing nothing, just seeing their lives deteriorate more and more like the brownback ideology is really playing out in an awful way in kansas right now and this sort of movement is kind of the revenge of these voters. They have a a guide identifies as a republican but it seems he will say anything. What he says about free trade has nothing to do with the republican economic orthodoxy. I watched a bunch of speeches and he talks about the stuff he said about george bush and the iraq war. This is a republican saying this. Its amazing heres why i think that the Republican Party is not in danger of falling apart but having some kind of a civil war and emerging later on a Something Different and that is because they are never trump is going to go down to defeat this hand in my hopeful opinion because you cant run for president by insulting and offending everyone. If that were to work, whilst we will skip that. The point im getting at is a day are never going to put the that phenomenon back in the box. Four years from now you will get somebody else that goes out and says the same kind of thing and appeals to the voters in exactly the same way and i think it is going to shape up the party and its going to be hard for the bush family and the sort of traditional freemarket to get back in the saddle and control whats the metaphor here . Proletarian. So thats how i think its going to shake out. Thanks, tom and all of you for coming to the culture in columbus. Its great to see a standing room audience. It really does my heart good. Please, stick around. Tom is going to sign books right near the middle. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. [inaudible conversations] booktv recently took a tour of the Shakespeare Library in washington, d. C. It holds the largest shakespeare collection in the world. Heres a portion of the tour. This was published in 1623 and is the most complete single volume record of shakespeares work. And its important that his friends assembled it because they probably have a better idea of what shakespeare thought was important and they did a wonderful thing. They said here are three types of plays, comedy, history and tragedy which helps us as literary critics. This is the engraving that is part of the book. Its missing from some copies. Its very valuable in and of itself with ben johnson said this is the likeness of that man and thats important because it is one of those persontoperson familiar connections so we would say this as an has an authority as a likeness of the writer. Host so if there are 82 in the shakespeare collection, how many worldwide again . 233. If somebody wanted to buy one with what it costs . There are very few in private hands. The complete ones can go for somewhere between five to 6 million, so it is a very valuable book and currently you have been going around the country. One of the things we realized is that it matters when you come facetoface with one of the sources of shakespeare. We realized we could safely take the first of all 50 states and into two territories which is what is happening now. And the response has been just tremendous. Someone proposed marriage, successfully, on the occasion of the first visit in oklahoma. Someone there was a jazz funeral for shakespeare coming in new orleans. A jazz funeral for shakespeare. Theres a great indie rock band that is doing a concert for the first in duluth. So, the way people react are very different. And weve been inspired by the fact that people want to see the book facetoface. Host what else do you have . Let me show you a smaller version of a shakespeare play. This you might wonder why we call this a polio. It really means a single sheet of paper has been printed on one side and then the other and then the bookmaker folds up sheet into a set of inquiries that its sewn together. This is actually folded twice and then you cut the edges so you can thumb through them. So this is the smaller one that is cheaper to produce that half of the blaze appeared players appeared in this format before the first was printed so that means there are multiple editions and there are differences between the quarto edition and the folio. In the language and also in some of the stage action. So here we have mr. William shakespeare his true chronicle the history of the life and death and his three daughters. In the first folio, it isnt described as a history that is a tragedy. So, if you are creating an addition of the play you have to decide for yourself what to call it because there are two conflicting versions of what this play is. If if youre doing an edition of hamlet, you have several addition in the folio and one of those the two b. Or not the speech reads to be or not to be cut thats the point. Its so different from the one that we recognize and thats because there were different ways of capturing the performance and perhaps that version is from a series of scribes who were transcribing it in the audience in real time. Scholars are really interested in that. Our collection covers more than just shakespeare. Its a picture of the entire english renaissance of experienced. So we cover the introduction of the print and the 1470s through about the 1730s which is the full emergence of the Atlantic World which includes part of the world we are standing in now. This is a copy of cicero, but this copy happened to belong to henry the eighth. Henry viii divorced surviving this copy of cicero is one that he annotated and he says here in his early modern spelling this book is mine, prince henry. Who can access this besides you have a cspan camera crew . You can see this online by visiting our website, but if you are a reader here we will put many of these documents in your hands because people need to look at the real thing. Thats a really important point. You can learn so much by looking at a digital digital scan the upstairs youre going to find people that have handled a hundred bucks or 500 early modern books. To look at the book and the ink and how it is annotated as all this extra information. If you were to do a Job Interview facetoface versus on the telephone you would prefer facetoface because there is so much more information there and its exactly the same way with historical materials. The more youve worked with them, the more you get a sense of the feel the feeling of touching how things are put together. So, we never got a little bit more in artificial a couple more things. Lets jump here. This is a copy called the bishops bible. This is Queen Elizabeth is bible. This was given to her by Matthew Parker and it was probably used in her chapel so the readings during those celebrations in her chapel would have come from this book and you can see it has a beautiful red velvet cover and this is an expensive book. It has to rose is here and it has her identifying marks here, elizabeth saying that she is the queen. You can also see on this side of the cameras can come in, this is actually textured on the edge of the book so even the side has had a set of patterns carved into it. When i think about this book, this is the equivalent of a cathedral in the sense that its tremendously complicated. The amount you have to develop as a community to get to the point you can create a book like this is tremendous and thats why its created in this way because it is given to elizabeth and its a monument. Its a fabulously complicated object and you have to learn how to set type to handle classical languages because the sources for these are greek and latin. All of that goes into creating these beautiful objects. When you see this beautiful print or you tell me what it is, the colors are still so vivid 400 years later. This is a wonderful example of hand colored or tinted modern apprentice of this is an absolute in the latin title in the future of the world theater of the world of the globe and youve got these figures representing africa here and another figure here. Youve got some pretty grisly stuff down here and then youve got probably Something Like the goddess wisdom on the top or a monarch thats got the sector actually thats probably a monarch here. Whats done is theyve made a beautiful printing using a copper plate that has been etched so it is a highquality print. Then someone has hand colored page itself into this addition is wonderful because the hand coloring is to every plate in the additions of it would show you this. This is europe and some of this is known well into some of it is not that you can see the cathedrals, the National Borders at the time this was created of the three kingdoms here. England, ireland and scotland. And there is wales on the west. This is pretty accurate. And of course the way in which the Atlantic World takes shape as per the exploration and mapping so the collection holds a large quantity of items about the exploration that includes the moment when they come to the United States so youve got the colonies in