Host european professor of history and author of this book artist under hitler where did this idea come from . This book project is the completion of a trilogy the a. D. It began 30 years ago i was at Harvard University as a student studying french history refer semester or graduate school the professor said you will specialize in this narrow topic so write a Research Paper on a different era and different country of topic so was studying german as an undergraduate i was interested in world war ii my father was born in athens in the thirties and i grew up with stories so World War Two seemed to be a central event in and and they just keep up with this idea of the art collections of the the nazi leaders and i was surprised of that they devoted so which time to art and cultural matters. The professor said you could write a doctoral dissertation of collecting and when a professor says that you take notice. I thought about it and realized i was tremendously interested in with of philosophical questions and with the nexus of barbarism in and culture had also practical issues. There was no scholarly or academic treatment. So my work has evolved since then. Host it is pretty well known in regulation of the art trade then the cells but this second book is the handson how we experts it leaves you gsa head and but she became my hands on perpetrators of the artist under hitler completes the trilogy the first is a cultural history and this is supposed to be the representative of official culture him of course, i of thinking of those. [laughter] i have to look at it to. The wording is very interesting. When i visited three incentive to leave right and out of the war i was that this him idg less because those that were defending this for in a different situation bill was a light to be an artist . It has to do with the ethnic background. If one was you wish they have difficulties after jiri 33. Drust touche and Cultural Impact the cultural immigration from history in the 30 surgeries and to we were not working you could fit into than machine but they saw themselves and wanted to work in the homeland. We cannot hereditary hermann the kinship in the ability to work with their public spending to invest here is the opportunity to. The most of the modernist hero since but that was the case. Was there censorship . Absolutely. What is. To launch odd added to the with the lack of orientation but it could be the totality were listened to us he. But it was difficult and whoeer himself had been an artist he was not limited to the economy where he applied twice. But he thought of himself unfit. Key whole day in the lead it and let expressionism play out remember the up propaganda minister in the youth minister they look at the expressionist art and thought sending it to nazi germany, the chairman is in the for. But then made his personal feelings puff will. It involves the purging of 21,000. But what i find interesting is there is still private spaces for the modernist. They have some of the most productive years at their whole career. Sometimes a great german painter in the germans in amsterdam allowed him to work for. They allowed him to put the cut canvases but they pulled this whole apartment through the woodthe art dealers would continue to sell modern art works even through 85. Behindthescenes tour in the backrooms but they surrendered part shipped in the difficulty only after 1945 will they richet read their work the smell of oil paints. But they would come after interestingly enough, church did so they have of but this was the civil war. Did you do that . The council replied no, you did curve of so later when he presents himself as a communist in and set to tie eight. For the most part yes. Everyone can take refuge in the fact but the cultural issue due to slow to read these this sewage into the river of the were propaganda warehouse. Does he do collaborators . Recently i saw an exhibition and a critique speaker there was in effect on somebodys career. Even had given them little evidence and in the rural area he had painted with watercolors in this half of in for buthe was able to create privately about 200 oil his. But they didnt have the right type of agency. But you will the honest spee icky portrayed himself as the victim and that was called to create narrative mythologies. It shows how much he wanted the acceptance or the opportunity to work. It is in to the point of the 50s or 60s and the tune it point from Claremont Mckenna college. This big but there will incite them the voters is each of us is like what dash likely to have a difference job is to be our servants and our protector of rights. What happens if it is the right people your freedom the same as the projects will and and that is successful whether we go up or down. Other people want to be hitched phone managers. You can watch all previous programs on our web site booktv. If you read your books is safe to say you love America Worthen inhabit in the fighting force against the evil. And theyre taken by the initiative in the and then something want to see preserved. There is no place like america. When did you come to the report . All my life drawn to the units states. Arnold schwarzenegger, eli in muscat, but what i subscribe to i have to tell you i have never been disappointed. The country where anything is possible in it is doable anybody can rise above the secret the circumstances to achieve whatever it is they want with the pitiful zero principal with the right thing with Political Correctness is behind every single problem in america today. Talk about diminished america on the world stage, the police have to wear their own handcuffs of aristocrat even what islam that is rampaging throughout the world of those so i think there is no greater moral of parity and to crush this ideology of intellectual tyranny that is antiamerican and White Privilege eating and different genders. But they want to bully us into silence. Americas sauries ben about positive and indigent the division and the. I can see what it is done for england and to their countries and our countrys high you cannot even looking at somebody the runway. Unfortunately but with this cultural totalitarian, a hit but we want america to remain the best nation with the read those in the world clouds in america to seek refuge from people all around the world and with that risk from anywhere else that is why it is a beautiful idea to transcend geographical entities the only country to fight to lung United States every military conflict since the beginning of last century so of course, that is vietnams and we are proud of. But the connection