Were College Graduates you should have been College Graduates. Mike chief interrogator. And individual i spent 100 or so very delightful hours with, sometimes 12 hours at a time to the middle of the night in less them comfortable circumstances, and the university of berkeley for a few years, i am a product of the university of california system where were so close to the beach that nobody was radicalized except when the surf was up. I do understand, it was very appropriate, this guy had gone to berkeley and he was radicalized in a different direction. They were responsible for what passed for leadership. The whole country was in chaos. Coming had taken over and a lot of struggles going on. Nobody seemed to be in charge and the cia, three operations officers, i have only been in the agency for tween 9 months when i got off the plane in tehran, the airport was anarchy writ large. I was wondering, what in the world have i gotten myself into . That feeling never passed in the 53 days i was there before they took the embassy. The whole point we were there was the Carter Administration and the western world has no idea what was going on because the rainy incidents and things changed hourly. Nobody knew who was in charge, who was influencing khomeini. The last person the talked to him even if it was a lady who swept the floors, there was a tremendous need in washington to find out what the new policies were going to be and most of the station assets after the february 14th, the embassy was also attacked by a group of militants, mostly thugs. We call it the february 14th valentines day open house. They were in the embassy for three hours which affected the thinking in washington in our situation so we were trying to find anybody who had any access to power who could tell us what was going on and who might be willing to cooperate with the great satan. It was slim pickings. I was assigned undercover as military Affairs Officer and the working with the ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ministry of defense because of billions of dollars in military equipment sold to iran. The iranians paid for it and in the middle of the revolution the Carter Administration bartered all of that so the iranians want their money back for the women, they were not going to get the equal and the money was a real sticking problem as you may recall a few months ago they got the money after all those years and that was one of my jobs and at night when i should have been sleeping or doing other things productive i was out on the streets doing spy stuff rather unproductively most of the time. You can watch this and other programs online at booktv. Org