You write that the testimony by Mick Mulvaney next week will ratherand full, eventful is what you write. What are you expecting . We are going to get how it in theo handle spending next fiscal year from mandatory medicaid and social security, and details on defense and domestic spending programs. We got an idea in midmarch with how trump wants to handle fiscal 2018 spending. Defense to expand spending by 54 and decrease other spending the same amount. Fiscal year 18 with the looming deadline of september 30 for the end of this fiscal year. Of does the release this budget affect the appropriations process . We are delayed starting the budget and appropriations process on the hill. Typically the president releases his request on the first monday in february, but they have to get into office and they have a list of things that goes with that. We got the president s skinny budget midmarch, and on tuesday his full budget request. After that we expect the house and Senate Budget committees to work on their spending blueprint , and then the appropriation eventuallycould start working on the 12 individual fiscal 2018 spending bills, but a lot needs to happen between now and september 30. The discussion getting more by the announcement of the congressional budget office. Their tweet saying their. Stimate you tweeted saying Republican Leaders is sending lawyer should know the house. Dont allow the a hca to go senate before the final cbo score is released. How might that affect a revote . It took a lot of us by surprise. After the house voted on the gop repeal and replace bill, it didnt go directly to the senate. It is still in the u. S. House of representatives until they get the cbo score, at which time they could officially transmit the adh ca bill to the senate. It will be extremely important, mostly because the repeal and being donecess is under reconciliation, which is a wonky budget process with a lot of rules. Appropriations and budget for cq roll call. Thank you for joining us. Congressman sat down with cspan for a house freshmen profile interview. He represents the second Congressional District of florida. , whatgressman neal dunn were you doing before joining the u. S. House of representatives . I was a surgeon in panama city. I have been doing it for 25 years. What was your practice, and why did you decide to go to panama city to open it . That wife and i chose after careful thought after