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Imagine, destroying much of Southeast Louisiana and coastal mississippi. Less than one month later hurricane rita slammed into southwest louisiana as another one of the most intense hurricanes in history. With senatork landrieu and the rest of our louisiana delegation as well as some good friends to secure the necessary Disaster Recovery assistance and also to make reforms the army corps of engineers to better protect our families and communities from future naturalists disasters. Louisiana has survived other major disasters including hurricane gustav in 2008, year, camen the same isaac, the red river flood in northern and central louisiana and the thousand year flood event and greater 10 roush this past august. Rouge. Aton into 2010 the deepwater horizon rate exploded off of the coast of louisiana killing 11 men and devastating power coastline. The disaster followed by the misguided sure drilling moratorium president obama put in place caused environmental chaos in louisiana. Work with i went to so many others to increase the improved measures to read open the gulf of mexico to Energy Exploration and put people back to work. We introduce legislation to reduce the bp penalties to restore economies damaged by this will. There was an uphill battle to ensure louisiana was compensated, but we did, and we achieved wins and clued in that critical restore act. During the recovery fight following each of these disasters, i found that the most effective leadership involved communicating clearly and employing Solutions Based on louisiana common sense. , was the me going unbelievable resilience, faith and determination of my fellow louisiana hands. In powerfulsm has reminders about how blessed i have been to serve them. On my host of other ordering saw political values modeled after my two favorite president s, Ronald Reagan and teddy roosevelt. I drove to further the american tradition of living limiting government. I was never afraid to shake things up, to demand reforms, to ensure that leaders ensure the American People and not the other way around. Ofave had the honor protecting louisianas traditions while here in the senate. We love the outdoors and want strong environmental sportsmens policies to maintain the culture. That includes securing the rights afforded to each american by the second amendment, which i have fought to do. Duty ofct the same life, which has been one of my top priorities. I have introduced many bills fundedded taxpayer abortion. When it comes to the nations immigration policies i have been an advocate for reform that fixed the immigration crisis, starting with Border Security and enforcing the immigration laws already on the books. President on obamas unconstitutional attempt to institute amnesty which only encourages more immigrants to come here illegally. I was also the first to introduce legislation and 2007 2 dangerous policy. Of tooalso been critical big to fail on the Banking Sector and have found banking reform to be an area where republicans can find, ground with democrats. I found success into passing into law specific measures that restrict too big to fail and taxpayerfunded bailouts. My time in congress, i have introduced several government reform bills, so we can get back to the best traditions of our democracy, including electing citizen legislatures, making sure they dont make themselves into a separate ruling class and at the casing for term limits on senators who remain in office for an eternity. Americans of all backgrounds think washington is on a different planet and members of Congress Just dont get it. Thats why i have fought to end congresses automatic a raises each year. I introduced that language in 2009 and the raises have been successfully blocked since. Congress can only be an effective representative body and one major way to support that is through term limits. When i was a remember of the Louisiana State legislature i was it successful and established rating establishing term limits there. I fought for commonsense legislation that helps all americans have since two highquality and Affordable Health care. That includes the work to and replaceamacare it with Health Center dot reform. Something the trap administration will achieve. Been fighting to end washingtons exemption from obamaare, and is Legal Executive order that allows washington elites to avoid the most expensive aspects of the Affordable Care act by giving themselves taxpayer Subsidized Health care through exchanges meant slowly for Small Businesses. Arena, i wash care able to pass the buys bipartisan act of 2015 into law. It provided relief for patients to have been denied access lifesaving and altering medical equipment. Has been a medical medicare policy change it we are to reverse, to have these stations have medical equipment that empowers them, a true lifeline, changes their lives for the better. I have fought against large drug manufacturing lobby to allow for reimportation of safe and approved prescription medicine form other countries which give patients our seniors relief from Rising Health care costs. I have been honored to serve in the senate in additional ways as well, including as a topper publican on the Public Works Committee and most recently as the chair of the committee on Small Business and entrepreneurship. We have accomplished so many of our goals. Bipartisann a fashion to pass major pieces of legislation including the Water Resources and Development Act of 2007 and the even more significant act of 2014. Several reauthorizations of the highway bill, the historic rewrite of the 40 year old Toxic Substance Control Act which , aan a conversation partnership which senator tom udall continues. Were also able to hold the Administration Accountable by conducting investigations into some outright corruption within the obama epa and we advance key transparency initiatives that shed light on the governments checks to implement policies that were not based on sound science or strategic needs. Chair us chairman small i wantbusiness committee to make sure Small Business owners are heard in washington. Hearings,field hearing testimony from over 175 , usually about the negative effects of Obama Policies like the new waters disastrouses rule, effects on Small Businesses and job creators and their employees. At the very same time we found Common Ground with Ranking Member shaheen and other democrats on the committee. During my tenure as chair we passed 32 bipartisan bills of more than my, 22 predecessors did over a much longer. Eight of our bills have passed through the entire legislative process and signed into law. Accomplishments are a fraction of the years of hard work to staff and i have dedicated to the people of louisiana and the American People. I have worked hard to be a champion for them because the government should serve the taxpayer and not the other way around. That includes working hard to stay in touch through 398 town hall meetings, at least five in. Ach in louisiana through active, energetic casework and constituent service. Clearly, what i will treasure the most about my service here is the people i have been honored to serve with. Including bill cassidy, mentors, like former senator Rick Santorum and senator jeff sessions. Most especially, each of the dedicated people that have been part of it. I have come to the senate floor several times this year to thank key departing Staff Members. Staff has been the key success weto every have enjoyed together in Public Service. Wendy and i consider them a part of the family. I want to thank my staff again for their tireless, dedicated and am so louisiana grateful. Wendy joins me in that. I want to specifically recognize some of our leaders. My chief of stay chief of staff, my legislative director, my finance director, our state director, and Committee Staff director. Coordinator, my media and senior infrastructure policy advisor, my senior economic advisor, campaign treasurer, and communications director. I know a few of our other former senior Staff Members are here or are watching like mac abrams and joe. Last obviously not least is my beloved family. My five, wonderful brothers and , our children, their children, our extended family and my wife wendy. I can never thank them enough and i can never thank wendy enough to through it all, wendy has been enormously patient and supportive and understanding. Not to mention being the life of. Very party is in ther daughter gallery today. I find them and sophie and airy and jack for decades of love and support. In my arms as a twoyearold when i was first sworn into the u. S. House of representatives and made those previously quoted remarks, i am awestruck toled, stand before you. Some. S changed as i said at the beginning, those feeling certainly have not. Like a did close that day in the house 17 years ago. By recognizing the wonderful loving forces that have brought me here today. Family, my parents up above and my wife wendy, staff and friends and of course the wonderful people of louisiana. Today,e here with me they are here with me always. And i thank them from the depths of my heart. Timeresident, for the last i yield the floor. Cspan where history unfolds daily. Cspan was created as a Public Service by americas tape Cable Companies and is brought today by your cable or satellite provider. Sunday on American History tv on cspan3, at 1 p. M. A symposium on world war ii spies. I didnt American Family who aided the French Resistance in nazi occupied paris. Husband and she had a 15yearold son. Use a place where the resistance could meet and where intelligence was dropped she was risk not only her life but her husband and sons life. Five, Nicholas Sacco and vanzetti were tried and convicted for robbery and murder in massachusetts. Law professor brad snyder talks about the controversy in the case. With introductions by ruth bader ginsburg. Sensitive transfer to the death house. The guff the governor after reading the report declared they had a fair trial. The press declared the case close. And on the presidency george nash talks about herbert hoovers humanitarian efforts during world war i and two. Overworking voluntarily and without a became an international hero, the embodiment of a new force in global politics, american benevolence in the form of humanitarian aid programs. For a complete set schedule go to cspan. Org. A look at the lobby of trump tower in new york city. Tosident elect trump plans name for his choice of secretary of state, according to two sources. Mr. Tillotson has been president of the texasbased oil Company Since 2004 and met with the president elect earlier today. His name has been on a growing list of potential choices to have the state department. Yesterday Rudy Giuliani officially took his name out of consideration for the post. Another potential nominee included mitt romney. Journalists spoke about the challenges about the Incoming Trump administration. Congressional reporters discussing the agenda which is expected to include a rigged deal of the Affordable Care act and confirmation of the new Supreme Court justice. This is just over one hour

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