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That is the spirit that i want to build on. Its one of the reasons why, next week, using the task force that we have set up after ferguson, but also building on andnd inviting both Police Law Enforcement and community activists, civil rights leaders, bringing them together to the white house, i want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make it difference. Because that is what all americans want. So, when we start suggesting that somehow theres this enormous polarization, and we are back to the situation in the 1960s, thats just not true. You are not seeing riots. Police goingeeing after people who are protesting peacefully. You have seen almost uniformly peaceful protests, and you have handlingormly, police those protests with professionalism. So, as tough, hard, as depressing as the loss of life was this week, we have a foundation to build on. Confidencee to have that we can build on those better angels of our nature. Thate have to make sure all of us step back, do some reflection, and make sure that in rhetoric that we engage is constructive, not destructive. That we are not painting anybody with an overly broad brush. That we are not constantly thinking the worst in other people, rather than the best. Confident we, im will continue to make progress. We are back live in orlando at the Democratic Partys Platform Committee meeting on its second day. They were in a break, but they have resumed their session and live coverage continues on cspan. [indistinct conversation] all right. We are going to begin the session. Were going to come back and do the session, i should say. In rhodetary of state, sectionill introduce 10. There we go. On the end here. Got it. Buenas tardes good afternoo good afternoon. Not Buenas Noches yet. As democrats, we believe americas role as a leader for peace and prosperity in the world is essential to the success of our economy and our longterm security. We areader, we know stronger when we work closely with our partners and allies. We reject the language of the republican nominee, who seeks to separate and divide us based on religion, ethnicity, and national origin. With these words, we introduce the section on principal leadership, mr. Chairman. , and i is section 10 believe there are no amendments. Is that correct . Thats correct. There you go. [applause] section 10 having been presented, and with no amendments, we will move to 11, supporting our troops. Could we have an introduction, please than . Thank you, mr. Chair. Democrats believe the United States must have the Strongest Military in the world, and we support a Defense Budget that meets those obligations. We also believe we can serve our servicemen does best when we out fraud in defense contracting. Democrats, when we say we support our troops, we thank them throughout their lives for their selfless service, and we support our military families. We will remain steadfast in support of programs and initiatives that address the health and longterm wellbeing of our nations veterans and their families. That is a sacred bond. Are there any amendments . Yes, mr. Chair. Amendment 191, sponsored by bennie thompson, on page 27, line five. The proposed amendment is to replace the following, as we look beyond the wars in iraq and afghanistan, and the conclusion of longterm nationbuilding with large military footprint, we will continue to get rid of outdated, cold warera systems and ensure our security with a more agile and more flexible force. That will be replaced with the following. We will seek a more agile and flexible force, advancing our objectives in iraq and afghanistan without large u. S. Military footprint. Improving civilian capacity for conflict resolution and stabilization, and ridding the military of out dated cold warera systems. The proposer has one minute. Ok, its coming. Sorry, mr. Chair. Getne moment as we try to to agreement with the other campaign. Give me one minute. Will give you a minute. There may be an agreement on this. Mr. Chair . Yes. It is my understanding there has been an agreement reached with the sanders campaign. That means 191 is being withdrawn and will be on the managers mark, which we will take up later. Thank you, mr. Chair. Amendments . Amendment number 27, sponsored by rand hawke. The proposed amendment is to add after the words wounds of war, the following. For all veterans serving on ind, sea, in the air or combat zones. The proposer has one minute. I will withdraw this. The proposer has withdrawn. That is the entirety of amendments to come before us in current forms, both having been withdrawn . Thats correct. Both having been withdrawn, thats another section we have completed. We will go to global threats. Mayor lee . Lee in order to protect our country, democrats are fully committed to marshaling a wide range of resources, including coalitions, partnerships, diplomacy, and development in combating climate change. And we will strengthen our homeland security, deal wisely and firmly with those who seek to imperil america or our partners, deter aggression, and promote peace. Thank you, mayor. Are there amendments to this section . There are, mr. Chair. Would you read the first . Have they been passed out . The package you are looking for to take up this section has 83 on the front. Got it now . They have a few that have artie come down. Hes right there. They are being passed out. We will wait a minute. Does everyone have it . Who does not . Ok. Courtney. I think the final ones are being delivered. It is 83. We will put it up. Courtney, could you read 83 please . Chair. Y yes, mr. Courtney yes, mr. Chair. Amendment number 97, sponsored by maia barry on page 29, line six, the proposed amendment is to strike the following, will not hesitate to take military action if iran violates the agreement, and insert the following, will work with the International Community to resolve any potential disputes regarding implementing the Nuclear Agreement. The maker has one minute to explain. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Barry. Is maia we will continue the work of this administration to ensure iran never acquires a nuclear weapon. Speak a little slower, there are some people we will work with the administration to ensure iran never acquires a nuclear weapon, and will work with the International Community to resolve any disputes. The amendment is simply to adjust the language to more accurately reflect the Democratic Partys position. The amendment has been offered. Do we have 15 seconds . We have 15 seconds. Are their who will speak in opposition . I understand there are individuals who will speak in opposition. Therefore, we will begin the fiveminute clock on the proposal side. The platform currently professes support for the Nuclear Agreement reached with iran. In the spirit of the agreement and out of recognition for the need to give the agreement full chance to be implement it, we strike language saying the u. S. Will not hesitate to use military force. This language is unconstructive and is the kind of saber rattling that is not necessary to be in the democratic platform. We have heard repeatedly, this is an aspirational document, where the goal should be peace and not war. [applause] the language seems to undercut and contradict the commitment made elsewhere in the platform for war to be used as a last resort, taken sidebyside with the very aggressive language towards iran in the section overall, this is a cause for concern. I would also add, just as george w. Bush perhaps during the iraq war did not hesitate to use war, saw the lives lost of half a million iraqis between 2003 and 2011, hundreds of americans lives lost, including 22 veterans a day, each by suicide, we have the obligation to superstate there are alternatives. It doesnt take violence off the table, but it leads to suggest there are ways to allow diplomacy to work. Thank you. [applause] there are additional proponents. I would like to add. Additional proponents . Yes. I would like to speak in support of the amendment. Please. I believe its important for the Democratic Party to distinguish itself as a party of diplomacy and peace, and not one of war. As senator Bernie Sanders has pointed out, we need a Foreign Policy based on building coalitions, not perpetual warfare in the middle east. It is important for us as a party to take every opportunity to distinguish ourselves from the republicans, especially the current nominee, whose reckless warmongering promises a future of insecurity for we americans and the people of the world. The current language in the platform that this amendment wants to strike is simply too aggressive and sends the wrong message. We should use every opportunity in the platform to be clear about our commitment to diplomacy and peace. Thank you. [applause] from theine cramer, state of nevada. As a democrat, i believe our platform should want to send my children to college, and not to war. As long as we have the Selective Service that requires my son to register for the draft in order to receive his student loans, the Democratic Party platform should not saber rattle and should not want to send my boys to war. Mr. Chairman, tutorial from connecticut. I am a veteran. Im a retired military physician. I have worked in the department of veterans affairs. We cannot thank you for your service. Thank you, sir. We cannot constantly take war as the first resort for any International Conflict that we have. We have to give peace a chance. I will tell you, active duty military and veterans are sick of being sent to war and then, five years later, when people have lost life and limb. Cant hear me . Im bellowing. Losepeople, when people life and limb and, five years later, we go, well, maybe we should not have done that. Its time to stop this. Its time to think before we go to war, rather than after we go to war. [applause] one minute. From nebraska. It is simple, folks. We will never make friends by dropping bombs on them. Thank you. [applause] 30 seconds. Can i reserve until they are done . You cant. If you want to use it, i can give you 30 seconds. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I would just lastly point out, the existing platform language seems to undercut the iran agreement itself, one that our president and thensecretary of state clinton worked hard on. Section 36 lays out a dispute resolution mechanism, a series of diplomatic steps to be taken amid concerns over the agreement. If the steps are insufficient, the agreement says we should go to the un security council. I ask we stand with the administration and our secretary of state. Those in opposition have five minutes. Thank you, mr. Chair. I am a delegate from florida, representing, proudly representing hillary clinton. I rise to speak in opposition to this amendment. Reach about to launch, the oneyear anniversary of the historic relation, the historic agreement with iran that stopped dead Irans Nuclear path. It stopped its ability to race towards a nuclear weapon, it kept israel safe, and brought us back from a nuclear war. This amendment does not reflect the balance of that agreement, which was painstakingly negotiating negotiated, including by some members of our team in this room. We have to accept their judgment, and this amendment undermines that. We are not for war. We are for keeping iran from getting a nuclear weapon. We have worked through the managers mark and come up with language that reflects a concern expressed by some of the proponents of this agreement. And it says, if military actions, military actions would only occur if the iranians were to race towards achieving a nuclear weapon. We have amended the text to be more precise about when and if military action would be called for. Of course, it must be a last resort, and our goal must be to figuratively enforce the nuclear deal to ensure that iran never obtains a nuclear weapon, and thats what the Iran Nuclear Deal dead. Ensuring, we will ensure there are penalties for even small violations if iran ever attempts to break out of that historic agreement. But rest assured, if iran begins a race to a nuclear weapon, we cannot let that happen, and its critical that we maintain all options, and that iran hears that we will maintain all options to prevent it from ever getting a nuclear weapon. We also have to make sure that the currently airship of iran current leadership of iran clearly understands, we will take whatever steps are necessary to deter it. Our friends in the region, our our securityand depends on that being heard loud and clear. This amendment undercuts that message, and i urge that you should vote against this amendment and leave iran with a very clear impression that they have no doubt, it will never be able to acquire a nuclear weapon. I urge you to vote against this amendment. Thank you. Is there anyone else who wishes to be heard on the issue . With no further discussion of the issue, we will raise cards and, lets raise cards. All in favor of the amendment, raise your card. Those against . Against has it. Against has it. We will do a 32nd, because we 30 second, because we have been asked we will do a 30 second. If you are in favor of the amendment you will vote yea, if against you will vote nay. As soon as it is up, i will ask you to vote. It is up. Vote. 15 seconds. The amendment fails. Do we have another amendment . Read the amendment. Amendment number 149, sponsored by mark stanley, on page 29, line 42. The proposed amendment is fair the section to read for the section to read as follows. We will also ensure a coherent strategy across federal agencies by building on the obama administrations Cyber Security National Action plan, especially the empowerment of a federal chief Information Security officer, the modernization of federal information technology, and upgrades to government wide Cyber Security. The proponent has one minute. I and mark stanley, from dallas. Let me just ask you, i know we have people here, but we actually have people watching, so if you look this way, they will see you. Ok. I want to thank the dnc for this very warm reception, in orlando and in this room. I do think that this amendment is a nobrainer. In recent years, several entities have been victimized by highprofile cyber attacks, from to then to target anthem target to jpmorgan to the office of personnel management, where they are getting our records, are health and financial records. Often out of country culprits are doing this, trying to steal corporate secrets and tried to gain geopolitical advantage. There is no way to prevent every data breach, but we must do all we can to prevent intermediate breaches by improving our defenses. Earlier this year, our president issued a national Cyber Security action plan to improve coordination on Cyber Security, within the government and the private sector. It included a plan to hire the firstever chief enforcement, chief Information Security officer, and increased the budget by 35 . I think this is important to upgrade our Cyber Security defenses. I think its a nobrainer, and i hope you will vote for it. I gave you a little extra time. I dont think is anyone who will speak against this. Am i correct . We have 15. I will call for immediate vote. Raise your white card if you are in favor. Anyone wishing to be recorded as in the negative . One, two in the negative. Thank you. Do we have another amendment . Thank you, mr. Chair. Amendment 155, sponsored by timothy wright, page 29, line 43. The proposed amendment is to rename the section Cyber Security and online privacy, and add this language democrats reject the false choice between privacy interests and keeping americans safe. We need liberty and security, and each makes the other possible. We will protect the privacy and Civil Liberties of the american people, Standing Firm against the type of warrantless surveillance of american citizens that flourished during the bush administration, and supporting recent reforms to government balked Data Collection programs, so the government is not sitting on millions of files that it collects in bulk. The proponent has one minute to introduce. A mr. Chairman, as a lawyer, constitutional lawyer, i ask that we support and pass this amendment protecting our privacy and Civil Liberties. Thank you. Thats the introduction. To we have any 15 seconders . Do we have anyone going to speak in opposition . Anyone speaking in opposition . With your permission, i will go directly to a vote. But i wrote a great speech. [laughter] im sure you did. You get an a. All in favor, please raise your right card. Those who wish to be recorded differently . I think it passes with one objection. Thank you. Do we have an additional amendment . We do, mr. Chair. Point of privilege. Inaudible] ok. When you use the microphone, please speak up. Courtney . Amendment number 166, sponsored by nancy sadr oderbergh. We support a National Commission on Digital Security and encryption to bring together technology and Public Safety communities, to address the needs of Law Enforcement, protect the privacy and security of all americans that use technology, assess how innovation might point to new policy approaches, and advance our Larger National security and Global Competitiveness interests. The proponent has one minute to introduce. Quite simply,ent, puts forward a National Commission on Digital Security and encryption, which will help us better develop a balance between the need to protect individuals personal information as well as providing Law Enforcement the necessary information they need. Either 15 seconds . There are 15 seconds. Is anyone intending to speak in opposition . With your permission, we will go directly to a vote. You are going to speak in opposition . Ok. You may spend up to five minutes speaking in favor or any portion thereof. Thank you, mr. Chair. To explain why we are asking for your vote,

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