Makes aknow if he twoperson cut. I think he is being seriously considered. He is many things that senator clinton is not. Hes more of a populist in terms of both record and approach. Gravellya great, voice. He has someone who has made good in a swing state like ohio. I think he compliments are in many ways without being what she views as someone who might be difficult to work with in Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. Brown is more of an idealist i think then Hillary Clinton who i think is more of a pragmatist, but he is not in her view so far off on the idealistic wing that he doesnt know how to get things done. He knows the compromises and sacrifices that need to be made. They did serve together in the u. S. Senate. There seem to be a couple of variables in terms of what the Clinton Campaign will want to do. Do they want to move more to the left, more to the center to help get republican votes, and what does Bernie Sanders want moving ahead . It is a complicated because there are so many factors. How do you drive the strongest possible contrast against donald trump . K tends to bepic complementary in some way of the president. Does it affirm something . Gore,linton picks al another young son of the new south. In picking brown, i think Hillary Clinton would say this is a serious ticket aimed at governing. Someone who has spent time in the house, in the senate, who has these relationships. It would also be a little sop to the left. It is a very complicated calculus, what they are uprising today in terms of what they will prize in the day they make the pick. That makes it hard to predict who they wind up picking, but also totally fascinating. Ohio has been called the yest of the swing states. Governor kasich is a republican and harry reid has made it clear that he does not want to see somebody selected from a state that would result in the senate losing a democratic seat. You just outlined the strongest argument against picking sharon around. Against picking brown. Kasich would be able to pick a republican to fill that term until another scheduled election. That would complicate the map for democrats. Sometimes, what the white house or the candidate running for the white house and what the senators in that persons own party want run in cross purposes. That does happen. I dont think it rules Sherrod Brown out, but it is clearly, if you were picking, it is the first argument you hear from people on why not frown. What is the first argument for running for Vice President . How do these names and these candidates and these individuals go about the next couple weeks . It is like fight club. The first rule is you dont talk about it. The more you campaign to be Vice President , the less seemly that is generally regarded. This runs the gamut from Sherrod Brown to Elizabeth Warren to Julian Castro to tim kaine. You want to stay enough in the news so that youre not forgotten, but not so much in the news that it looks like you are needing to be picked to be Vice President. It is a very delicate balance. You dont want to be forgotten. You also dont want to look like you wanted to do much. Im going to ask you about the timing. When do you think we will know . The Republican Convention is a week before the democratic convention. Trump has said he will not announce his pick until the convention. Of course it is trump. He may change that tomorrow. If he does that, my guess is Hillary Clinton will wait until the Republican Convention is over and announce her pick in the runup to the democratic convention. Does possible she Something Different and announces it early. Of i think you run the risk trump having this convention that will be decidedly unorthodox and very watchable, getting drowned out if you dont have a new thing for your convention. I think a lot of it depends on what donald trump does. The hardest thing for anyone watching is predicting what donald trump will do. With that background, chris cillizaza, his work available online, thank you very much for being with us. In march, senator Sherrod Brown introducing Hillary Clinton. We will show you his remarks in how he referenced the democratic candidate. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, u. S. Senator Sherrod Brown. [applause] sen. Brown thank you, ohio democrats. Thank you, joyce, cedric, and sheila. Thank you for joining us from the congressional black caucus. Special shout out to the stokes family. Lou was a mentor to so many of us that came to congress and we always will remember the tone he said and the gentleness that he brought to his job, always the commitment to justice. I like these dinners because i got to sit with my wife, connie, and my daughter, Columbus City councilwoman linda brown. Elizabeth showed me pictures of our 5 monthold granddaughter. The reason i bring that up is, she doesnt really send pictures very often to their daughters grandfather. Maybe she will start doing that more since im saying it in front of 3000 people. I knowickland something about this, because i know what the forces of darkness did in 2012 when they spent 40 million, setting a record of any senate race in the country in negative ads. Theyve already spent 10 million, the Koch Brothers and their allies, against ted strickland, yet he still leads in the polls over rob portman, which tells us everything. And to my friends and our democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and bernie, welcome to the most important state in the union this tuesday and the most important state in the union in the first tuesday after the first monday of november. Some years ago, a guy from connecticut said to me, we are sick and tired of every four years theres a race for the president of ohio. So there is, and again, ohio will win for democrats in november. Thank you to bernie and hillary for running a race that makes democrats proud, a reese about principles,ce about of course much the republican grade school fight and then watch the two adults talk issues and about the future of the country. Difference, the while republicans are busy trying to disown their front runner, or actually disown their arefront runners, democrats proud of both of ours. Thank you to david pepper. I saw his mother here, who i know is so proud of her son. Thank you for putting in front of us those fallen tears and employees. I know how hard they work. I see them a lot. Andow what they did in 2012 2014. It is incredible, the energy these young and sometimes not so young staff and volunteers bring to the table. Thanks to the wait staff. [applause] sen. Brown as progressive democrats, we always honor hourly wage earners, especially when waitstaff is paid so much less than they should be. If you visit my office in washington, you will see a sign under my name. You will see a sign that says, the Senate Office was occupied by barack obama from 2005 to 2008. All these people come by and id like to think they came by to take a picture of my sign, but i think they didnt. But it is a privilege to serve in the office of the senator from illinois in those years. It is also such an honor to serve with the first africanamerican president of the united states. [applause] watchedwn now youve these republican debates. It is a little bit like watching a car accident. Andkind of rubber neck watch these debates and cant believe you are really wasting your time doing it, but just listen to the tone. Think about where we were in january 2009. Our economy was in freefall. The day barack obama put his right hand up, we lost 800,000 jobs that month. In the next month, it wasnt much better. The Auto Industry was on the verge of collapse. Does it could my wife and i live in in cleveland, thats it code that zip code 2007 had more foreclosures than anywhere. After the auto rescue and the recovery act and as we did. Frank and the Affordable Care act, weve had 72 straight months of privatesector job growth, 14 million new private sector jobs. [applause] at a historic low. Ohioans have,000 Health Insurance now, many of them for the first time in their lives. And, as we saw in the video, jim , now Marriage Equality is the law of the land. God bless america. And dont forget the Auto Industry. Republicans told us to live the Auto Industry go bankrupt. Republicans called it unamerican. Somed strickland said, republicans called it a lousy deal. A current republican president ial candidate, the one that is 022 in states, happens to be from ohio, he said this is throwing good money after bad. We rescued the Auto Industry this past year. 17 million new cars sold in the united states. Add, connie and i and in ourove down 71 today ,eep cherokee, made in toledo and our other car in the driveway in cleveland is a chevy cruz made in youngstown. I speak from personal experience , you cant drive a better car anywhere in the world than ones made it here in ohio. [applause] sen. Brown of course we have a long way to go. Im not going to do a litany of the problems we still have. Hardworking Americans Still struggle. Retirement, security, i met with a group of teamsters today, with a group of auto workers who are scared to death that their pensions will suffer major cuts if congress doesnt do the right thing. All of that is so important. Yet we still cant convince Washington Republicans to simply do their jobs. They shut down the government in 2013 and they are trying to shut down the Supreme Court in 2016. Think about that. They think barack obama was elected to a threeyear term. Think about this. The seconda is only democratic president since the civil war, only the Second Democratic president since the civil war to have won a majority of votes in this country twice. Only Franklin Roosevelt and barack obama there is no question that he had a resounding mandate for a second term if you5 of a get the history, but a second fouryear term. It reminds me of a story ive told before. I want to repeat it because i think it is so poignant in thinking about donald trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, the cast of walker and jindal and all these guys that have disappeared into the trash the of history. January 21, 2009. The tradition is the president goes to the National Cathedral for a Prayer Breakfast. Theres been a natural Prayer Breakfast after every new president inaugurated since george washington. The first woman ever to deliver a sermon at the service shared a piece of wisdom untreated to the cherokee nation. One evening, a grandfather was teaching his grandson about the internal battle that each of us face. Wolves struggling inside each of us, the old man said. One wolf is vengeance, vengeful miss and anger and resentment and self pity and fear. Inside us isf compassion and faithfulness and hope and truth and love and reason. The old man stopped. The grandson said, which means . The grandfather said, the one that wins is the one you feed. Now we know which wolf republicans have been feeding in these debates, in the israelis in chicago and kansas city in these rallies in chicago and kansas city and dayton. Republicans have taught whistled about race for 50 years, but now they are shocked when donald trump starts barking. [applause] sen. Brown sen. Sanders tonight i am proud to stand with a person who says we shouldnt be building walls, we should be knocking down barriers. Acheron, andwas in i was on stage with William Jefferson clinton, and i looked at him he was in akron probably because of the ohio primary, and i turned to him and said, no offense, mr. President , but Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person to run for president in my lifetime. [applause] sen. Brown and she is. And he smiled and laughed and clapped and i think he meant it. Heres what it is about hillary. To fightillary clinton for children and families because she has done that all her life. [applause] daysbrown from her early with the childrens defense fund, to her time in the senate, leading on the childrens Health Insurance plan, and i trust Hillary Clinton to fight for human rights and Voting Rights and womens rights. [applause] sen. Brown from her time in alabama as a civil rights worker when she was 25 to the work she did as our secretary of state on behalf of women all over the world and womens rights. Clinton on hillary trade and manufacturing. Im leading in the senate, as you know, im leading the opposition to the Transpacific Partnership and i think were going to defeat it. Ago, i wrote a book on trade, so i dont come to this issue lately, but i trust Hillary Clinton on manufacturing and trade. She has the best Manufacturing Policy of any candidate in this that what know Hillary Clinton is proposing on trade, a special trade prosecutor, unprecedented in our country, tripling trade enforcement by putting on more investigators, unprecedented, by coming down hard on currency that china has debased and manipulated for years, and what shes doing on rules of origin and what that means for the american Auto Industry. I trust her because i know what she will do, fight for american jobs with a different trade policy,a different tax and a different Manufacturing Policy. [applause] sen. Brown so it is my honor to on monday afternoon, i usually think i will go off to washington. Tomorrow, im going to the board of elections and im going to cast my vote for the next president , americas first female commanderinchief, Hillary Rodham clinton. [applause] its a decision day for the Supreme Court tomorrow. Yesterday, we got an update on how the court has been working since Justice Antonin Scalia died. This is about 10 minutes. Joining us now is adam, the Supreme Court correspondent for the New York Times and he is here to talk about how the court has been operating since the vacancy created by the death created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Tell us how the eightmember court is working so far. It seems like theyve gone into hibernation. They, to their credit, are trying to decide cases. To do that, they have to find narrow grounds to decide on. When we went into this term in october, it looked like there were six pretty big cases involving abortion and immigration. It is not clear that these things that look like blockbusters will turn out to be blockbusters or will kind of fizzle out as a recent case of a contraception did. You wrote about how the justices are functioning since the vacancy created by Justice Scalias death and you said there is some interesting alliances forming, not just the 44 split that folks like you and i were writing about before hand. The court seems to have split in workings with four diligently to deliver unified opinions. The remaining members of the court team less committed to that project. The recent run of rulings account for more than a quarter of all argued cases in this term. The conservative members wrote eight concurrences. The more liberal justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and sonia sotomayor, wrote just four. One way to think about this is the old ninejustice court, everyone conceived of it this liberals, four conservatives, and Justice Kennedy in the middle. The center is now much larger. You have the chief justice, breyer, and kagan, almost always voting together. The people who are resisting this trend are the most conservatives and the most liberals. So that is a brandnew situation. Advocates are still getting used to it. We dont know how long it is going to last. It may last into the next term. That means a lot of cases will be decided by a kind of court that is exercising, call it imalism. Min they would rather have more people vote on a narrow legal proposition than a court making a broad pronouncement. They didnt have a ton of luck with that until Justice Scalia died. You base this on the opinions that have come down since the vacancy was created. As folks who watch the supreme , this is the prime season for the close cases. Everything you just said might be proven wrong in the next few weeks. Maybe we will have some Big Decisions closely decided but it is hard to do that with eight members. The liberals vote together as a block on the major social issues. They are in a position to block any move to the right. You talked about chief Justice Roberts attempt to build consensus on the court. Lets look at what he said recently about that. To achieve as much consensus as i can. That is not something i can do on my own. We have to have a covenant and as a group a commitment as a group to do that. I think we spend a fair amount of time, a little more than others may be, talking about things, talking them out, which sometimes brings you a little bit closer together. But it has been subject to some criticism. It can put things off. You say, lets not deal with this issue. Maybe in five years you get another case where you have to. Is bad. Ple think that i really dont. I think we should be as restrained and only decide so,es when necessary to do i think that is part of how i look at the job of a judge in our system. That was chief Justice Roberts talking at the Fourth Circuit judicial conference last month. What do you think about what he said . I think that is exactly what hes trying to do. Sit down at the private conferences with just the eight of them in a room, nobody else allowed in, and where those conferences could decrease, theres a sense now that they spend a little more time hashing it out, trying to find common ground. I can mention situations in which they dont want a deadlock, and somebody says, let me see if i cant write this in a way that at least five of us can agree. That may mean the case goes away on some narrow procedural ground but you do have a Supreme Court decision. You dont have a court that is deadlocked. We are talking to adam from the New York Times about Supreme Court currently with one vacancy. You can join this conversation. Democrats can call republicans and independents talking about reaching consensus in cases that look like a 44 split, we saw an example of that with the health care contraception case. Tell us a little about that. This was truly unusual. This was another one of these clashes between a regulation under the Affordable Care act that calls for employers to give free contraception coverage to female employees, and religious groups who say that is not something they want to be a part of. You have this clash between access to contraception and liberty. It doesnt seem like you can bridge the gap. The Supreme Court issued this very on order. It said, what if we did this and that, some more briefs about our idea they are acting more like a family court mediator. The parties submitted briefs that had just enough maybe for the justices to say, we think maybe theres a way forward here. We will send it back down to the lower courts. Maybe they can figure it out. This may turn out to be a brilliant move. It resulted in something other than a deadlock. Members of the court have indicated that they are quite content with this. Cspans washington journal lies every day with news and policy issues that impact you. This weeksng, upcoming house and senate agendas. Then, Linda Rosenberg from the National Council for Behavioral Health one Mental Health in the u. S. And congressional efforts to expand the Mental Health act. The chief Political Correspondent for the Christian Science monitor on reaction within the gop to donald trump as the republican standardbearer. Some find it troubling as others see it positive. And helen mitchell, defense reporter for politico, on her new story on concerns over the 135 to fund the militarys musical bands. Be sure to watch washington journal beginning live at 7 00 eastern on monday morning. Q a withpan, wisconsin senator tammy baldwin. At 9 00, we take you to east los angeles. Then we look at three possible Vice President ial picks. Q a, wisconsin senator tammy baldwin. Talks about her career and wisconsin political history. Brian senator tammy baldwin, go back to that apartment, that empty apartment on convention night, 1984, in wisconsin. What is the story . Sen. Baldwin i was fresh out of

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