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The problem is not the equipment itself, it is the utilization of it. For that, before those that have that heavy equipment is given out, there needs to be you need to be able to show a need for it in your community. Cap is number one point actually cause as they need. The hotel, you need to be held accountable. This means that you have to have policies which has its terms of engagement as to when you will take that it put that out and under what circumstances it would be used for. Hisnnot visit for protesting in this country. Cannot you read the optics on ferguson. I think it is shocking to many people in this country, all , democrats country republicans, it was shocking. And we learned from it. Hopefully. But what we want to be able to do do is to protect our Police Officers, but there had to be a time and a moment when the equipment was utilized. Has it i and being held hostage in my home, or in my bank when i am making a deposit, i want the police to be able to get there and be safe in getting their, so that they can secure the bank, arrest that criminal, and get me home. It. Here is a place for but it is not to be used against American People who are protesting and exercising their First Amendment rights. That is what we all witnessed. It left a bad taste in many americansmelts. Thank you to this americans mouths. Thank you to this panel today. We have a statement from senator on this general overview of civil rights in america today. Since there is no in here to object, it is going to be put into record. [laughter] i want to make to closing comments. First, i want to acknowledge my staff. Ofy have been the author this act, and they have worked harder for anybody. I want to thank you for what you have done. Ago, i was told that wanted to have a committee on human rights. Proud of what this subcommittee has set up to do, and particularly proud of the fact that we have actually created legislation that has started to address some of these issues and sit of just talking about them. That is primarily due to his guidance and his staffers who have worked with them. I think joe and his family. Great servicesuch to this judiciary committee. There may be some followup questions coming your way, and if you can respond to them in a timely fashion, i would appreciate that. Ass my last hearing of subcommittee chair. Cruz or whoever replaces me will address the issues of our day. Thank you for joining this subcommittee. We stand adjourned. [applause] a little more than an hour ago, the Senate Passed a temporary spending bill to fund the government through wednesday. Voice voted,was a and now it goes to president obama for final approval. Was set tot funding expire was tonight, but senators now have up to four days to pass a larger 1. 1 trillion dollar spending bill that would fund most of the government until september. It is still possible that a vote to move that legislation forward today will set a final passage photo on monday, but the senate now continues in a long series of procedural votes on executive nominations, and those will be decided sometime next week. You can watch those on our companion network, cspan2. Thousands in new york city were marching from Harold Square to Police Head Quarters in lower manhattan. That event and the grand jury decision regarding eric garner happened last week. And then there was a march on pennsylvania avenue in washington, d. C. This portion of the event is one hour. I cant breathe breathe t i cant breathe i cant breathe burreathe [indiscernible] no justice, no peace no justice, no peace no justice, no peace [indiscernible] no justice, no peace no justice no peace singing] [applause] no justice no peace no justice no peace no justice no peace hands up dont shoot hands up dont shoot all right, we are here today because we must as a nation deal with the fact that just like 50 states had taken a position to rob the human rights and civil rights of states with rights and projected law and this empowered federal law. We have seen in ferguson, missouri, we have seen this in Staten Island, where state grand jurys have suspended the rights of due process, and we come to washington to call on this congress and National Government to do what was done before. We need National Legislation and intervention to save us from say itrand jurys that is all right to choke people, even on tape, and you wont bring them to court to havel right queriesors have private , and if we question them, we are starting trouble. We didnt shoot anybody we didnt choke anybody we dont come to washington as shooters and chokers, we, as the to help the choked and deal with american citizens who cant breathe in their own communities [applause] look at these of thousands of people, they are black, they are white, they are young, they are old. This is what america looks like [applause] city and wase menired when i saw black put his hand on the bible and become president. But i have also been inspired today when i see young white kids holding up signs, saying black lives matter. [applause] i know the media wont show that. I know they will say we only have 500 residents, but i dont care how much you try to discard it, the truth shall rise again. The People United will never be defeated. Castigate the leaders, you can try to divide us by generation, you dont understand that my youngest daughter ashley gave me a slogan that said you may bury us, but you did not know you were burying seeds [applause] upn you bury us, we sprout and start blocking traffic. Grow into civil disobedience. Our seeds grow into nonviolence. And we willwant, grow stronger and last longer. That weus if you want, will grow stronger and last longer. Things. Ere for three one, we need a law on judicial threshold. High fore threshold so you to protect citizens in Police Matters . We are not saying all police are bad. We are not even saying that most are bad. But we are antibrutality. Musthe federal government have a threshold to protect that. Second, the Justice Department must have a division funded to deal with this. Powery, we must have the of special prosecutors. Not the local prosecutors. Those that Work Together every day and depend on each other to do their work to have a nonconflicted in cori of each other. Quiry of each other. Dontyalley speak for anybody yet, but we march and thousands come. They want to denounce us. But this is about the victims. We dont all agree with each other. We dont all have the same tactics. But we have the same goal. That is equal protection under the law. White, not black against it is right against wrong. That is why whites and blacks are here together to show the world that this is not a black march or a white march, this is an american march for the rights of American People [applause] let me say that there are those to say that what we ask for is unreasonable. What is unreasonable to ask for a court case . What is unreasonable to ask for due process . What is unreasonable to ask for the constitutional to work for everybody . What is unreasonable about saying that Michael Brown and tamir rice and eric garner had rights too . What a lot of people dont understand is that just like policeman have the right to get unions and others to defend them, victims have the right to get civil rights and human rights and organizations to stand behind them. You thought it would be cap quiet. You thought you would sweep it under the rug. You thought there would be no limelight. But we are going to keep the light on Michael Brown, on eric garner, on tamir rice, on all of these victims. Because the only way that you this happen is that you turn the lights on. [applause] have the words that others may have. I dont have the polish that civil rights leaders before me had. Have the understanding of law that some of my brothers and sisters have. And some of you may be like me. Rough side ofe the mountains. And when you come up the rough gets, sometimes your legs scarred and you might get a little bit of mud underclothes. Mud on your clothes. But i came to washington because god gave me a little light, and i am owing to let it shine i am going to let it shine on Michael Brown im were to let it shine on eric garner god gave me my light but it shine let it shine shine shine, let it before we bring our closing speakers are, god bless you for being here in the cold. Some of you wrote all my long. Some of you got a long ride home. But we wanted to stand together. Let me bring to this platform familyher and father and ,f Michael Brown, junior ferguson, missouri, michael [applause] come on. Where is the father and the mother of Michael Brown, junior . Mcfadden, the mother of eric garner. Wife of eric garner, and her tamirmother of rice, a 12yearold young boy, shot down in cleveland, ohio. His mother is here. We stand with them. Family of John Crawford, also shot with a toy gun in ohio. Is here, father John Crawford is here, the family is here. Ofre is the family [indiscernible] this is his partner and mother of his child, both of them came to stand up for him. Bring them on upfront, she took a new york cab ride, issue here . Is she here . Motherare joined by the the suffering of parents all over the country, the mother of trayvon martin, as well asabrina the mother of [indiscernible] then we want to bring my partners to the stage. The National President of the National Urban league. Naacp,sident of the cornell brooks. National black civic per dissipation. Civic participation. We are going to move and let others speak. This is not a revival. We are not going to be here all night. But we want to bring our message. So i want to let the families speech to move onto the stage. I lost a lot of weight, but you all bring a lot up here. [laughter] if i was my old way, we wouldve already been down. [laughter] all of you that said you aint got to call my name, but you here. Who is see my homeboys putting this around the world, ary film maker spike lee is in the house. He brought his daughter to march. Do the right thing. [laughter] do the right thing gresham,hank george u, i want to thank all of our partners that made this possible. But most of all, i want congress. O know that we are serious we organized these thousands in eight days. Dont let us go home and organized three weeks on you, because we will be back. Over and over again. [applause] when you get us, it might not be santa, it might be reverend al coming to your house. Brown here first, michael and andrea mcfadden. Do you want to Say Something . Doing . Are you all all the way from st. Louis, the brown family love you. Respect. To keep this alive for all the families. We love you. We love you also much. We really do. The mother of Michael Brown, junior, sister. Washington. , thank you. Wow. People. Sea of if they dont citizens take a change, that i dont know what thank you foro it having iraq thank you for having my back. [applause] shoot up, dont shoot shift hands up, dont shoot and now lets talk with the mother of eric garner. Good afternoon, everyone. Overwhelming to see all of you who have come to stand with us today. I mean, look at the masses , all these races, all these religions. This is just a great moment. This is a history making moment. You know, we need to stand like this at all times. Know, they may not be here in body, but they are here with us in each and every one of you. You all brought them here today. I thank you. I thank you so much. Because without you, we would have an empty podium, ok . Yall so much. E but as a reverend al said, we will come here as many times as it takes. We will come here over and over and over again. Would we come, we want to come for a celebration. Not an assassination, ok . So again, we thank all of you. For justice. We hope they hear our voices. Today, we hope that they have heard our forces, the yield to our commands, because no justice, no peace thank you everybody. The wife of eric garner. Hello, everybody. To each and every one of you all for coming out here. Like i said in the beginning, my husband was a quiet man, but he is making a lot of noise right now. His voice will be heard. I have five children in this world, and we are all fighting for everybody, not just for him, but for everys future, for everybodys past, for everybodys present, and we need to make it strong, and i just want to hear from everybody in unison, say, i cant breathe i cant breathe i cant breathe [indiscernible] i just wanted to thank everybody who just supported us and, you know, my father, he was a great man. Media ishat the portraying him to be, he was not that man. He was a family man. He loved his family. He did anything for his family. He loved his kids. He did anything for his kids. Thats all i want to say, and thank you for the support. And, i cant breathe [applause] [indiscernible] amen i cant breathe , whoother of tamir rice has come from cleveland just yesterday. The autopsy released, but when her heart pained, she wanted to stand with the people today. If a bighand to sister big aria. To sister tam good afternoon everyone. We are all family here, right . I does want to think everybody for coming out. For all of your support. We willss this nation get justice for our children. Believe that. Like reverend al sharpton said, the autopsy came out. [indiscernible] yet a plug it in. Out, and mysy came sons death was ruled a homicide, and everyone should know. With that being said, let that and bringt arrested him in front of a criminal jury so he can get the opportunity to prove his innocence, and we can prove our justice. My son was 12 years old. Just a baby. A baby. My baby. The youngest out of four. He is here with me right now and this is what he would want me to do. I want to thank the nation and andworld for the support, that is the only way i am standing appearing out. That is the only way. Standing up here right now. That is the only way. [applause] know, i am aes not mother that keeps my kids away from toy guns, water guns, bb guns, because boys of all color, a is like those type of things. You know . They just like those type of things. 12 years old, had a promising future. A promising future. May god bless this nation, all of the families, we share the same pain, all of the mothers across the world that got shootings and Police Shootings for their sons. Hands up, dont shoot i cant breathe we got your back please dont shoot, i want to grow up too. Thank you. [applause] hand e sister rice a [applause] of John Crawford, the father who lost his son. A toy gunn ohio in ohio. My name is John H Crawford, junior. The slainather of John H Crawford the third, who on august 5 was murdered in the biggest retail store in the. Ntire world, at the walmart let me say that name loudly for you. Walmart where most of america spends their money. At one time, including myself. But that is no more. Today to support the rest of these families in these walls of shame, im here today to let everyone know that my sons name, along with the rest of these families, will be vindicated. I worked under this system off and on for almost 20 years. Under the criminal justice on brower. Never before have i been so ashamed. The same system that i carry out my duties is the same system that i received injustice from. The same system that we all received injustice from. To let everyone know to please stay focused. Dont forget the name john dont forgetthird, walmart, associate the name with the place. He was not killed at a department store. He was not killed on the streets. He was killed in the biggest retailer in the world. And we did not even get one condolence. Pressureas under no whatsoever to not release the footage when he was murdered. But did they do so . Absolutely not. Im sorry. E get our deepest condolences. Absolutely not. Shame on you. Schumann you, walmart. Shame on you, walmart. Shame on the walmart family. Please stay focused on what is going on, really. What is going on is that we have prosecutors were not prosecutors. We have prosecutors who are not prosecutors. Whichcases, most of opend me are what we call and shut. These cases should not even make it to the federal level, lets just be frank about it. Can handley general most of these cases. So lets please stay focused on that. We need to continue to apply pressure where pressure is needed. People in office who are not doing their job, that is the biggest injustice that we can have. When you dont have an congress,an agenda in you see, a comes from the inside and it comes to the out. When you dont have balance on the inside, you certainly will not have balance on the outside. So we need more people. We need more people. Communitymore diverse within congress to make things happen. I am going to close it by just saying that we thank you, we are eternally grateful, and dont forget my sons name. And they all will be vindicated. Thank you much [applause] how are you all doing . I am the brother of kerry terrel junior. The st. Louis police never wanted the nation to know about this story. Times,ot my brother 21 man, right with his hands up. 20 holes were in the ground were they went through his back. Since he died, i want to get his story out. This broke my mama and my daddy down, and i am going to put it on my shoulders. As long as there is breath in my body, im going to keep on fighting, man. Im going to keep on fighting for these families. I want you to remember his name. We are going to keep on fighting. Because the prosecutor in the st. Louis did not indict the officer after sixmonth of socalled investigation. We are going to take it to a higher authority. We are tired of being told no. We want insight met. Send him to jail. I love you all. Justice for all. Justice. Only a month ago, in a public york,g in brooklyn, new the pink houses, a young man was killed. Named gurley. Partner, andto his he has a twoyearold child. Whatill have to explain happened to their daddy. Kindsre trying to get all of disputes going, but she said, i dont care about disputes, i want justice for my baby and partner, who i bared this child with. She rode down here with this baby to stand up in the Nations Capital for him. Give them a hand as the family comes. Kimberly. [applause] i think everyone for their support, we really appreciate it. He was killed by a Police Officer for no reason, walking down the street on his way home. All i really need right now is justice. How do i explain to a twoyearold that her daddy is not coming home . I am looking for justice for kyla gurley as well. Alive. The spirit unity, education, united we stand. United we fall all right, we have this young whothat many of you saw pulled into a gas station in South Carolina and for no reason , a state trooper shot him. And he said, why did you shoot me . He is in washington today with us. Shoot hands up, dont hands up dont shoot hands up dont shoot lavar jones. To the one that endures until the end, america, i hope you are listening. I hope youre watching. Jones took to this march like everyone else. It seems like we were in a race to get somewhere. It seemed like we were in a race to get to the same spot. Are i believe we are in a race to get to justice. Peace ustice, no the officer in this case was terminated. The officer in this case was charged. The officer in this case was arrested, and we are waiting for justice. We are waiting for a grand jury indictment. [applause] thank you. I would like to thank everybody for coming out and putting themselves in something bigger than themselves. On september 4, my life changed. Is ahowed me that there reason for me to be here, not just as a black man, that as a human eating human being. When you leave here, dont let it end here. Can i see the hands of black men here that whenever they get pulled over by the police, they automatically get nervous . Yeah [indiscernible] i know we have people of all kinds out here. So how many of our caucasian supporters out here get nervous when they get pulled over by a Police Officer . [indiscernible] ok. Right now, we know what the problem is here. We know what the problem is. We are being targeted. Ok . The only way we are going to get somewhere is if we Work Together. As soon as you stop, it is dead. Ok . A as you stop, it is dead. All right . I think god every day that i am here, ok . Believe in this movement, and i believe that there is going to be change. In america, from coast to coast, all 50 states, even in alaska. [laughter] right now this is our team. Weve got to Work Together, we got to stay in touch, our social network these to communicate with each other, if you meet someone out here, even brief, exchange cards. Carolina,mes to south i want to see every face out here, so we can all lift our hands we get a conviction. We are going to keep them details out here. I would like to thank everybody for being here, and i would like to thank you all for your support. 1999, a gun man shot in new a young man shot in new york. His mother is still steady for him and others. Still standing for him and others. [applause] the mother of amadou diallo. What do we want . Justice. When do we want it . Frpblts now weve been there so many times. Its been 16 years. Reverend sharpton, thank you for your leadership. You have been fighting all your life for righteousness and justice. You fought for my son. Bell, you or shawn fought for trayvon martin. And the list goes on. Why are we here today . Let me tell you something. As the mother of amadou diallo, i know in 2000 when the four white officers were acquitted of killing my son of all charges, i thought the world was ending. We had then a conversation that we bee began in this country. I want to lift this one up and show the world. Amadou diallo on the cough of the time magazine. What do we say then . We said cops, brutality, and race. And today, 16 years later, we are standing still app demanding the same thing. Ust think about that for a moment. Think about all these Young Children who were taken away from us. Put the face behind the headlines. My sons wallet looked like a gun. When shawn bell went out to celebrate the first time of his ife for his wedding, he looked suspicious. I thought 41 bullets that was shot at my son was so much but with shawn bell, 50 bullets. I went to the hospital to see the survivors of that brutality and violence from police guns. And i cried. Nobody can imagine the trauma in that death for me, because i was seeing this young man, for no reason, being gunned down and he came out of it. My son never lived through that. He didnt stand a chance. Support the y to families, Michael Browns family, tamir rices family, and the young man who was killed in brooklyn. In the end, we all have to ask this same question. Why our sons look suspicious. And why each time our sons are being gunned down they were . Tereotyped and portrayed why . Sons are supposed to go to college, but in new york you see something else. Trayvon martin went out to get something to drink, but in the news is something else. Time and time again. We are going through the same history. I tell you, as long as i have a ne in my body i will not leave my son. I promised him ill stand for him, speak for him, because he is no longer there to speak for himself. This sorority of sisters, we, moms, we dont want to be we have paid a price to be ere. [ audio difficulty stand by] i am so sorry for that. Michael brown, leslie, im sorry that it has to end like this. But this is not the end. Because of the sea of people who stood up saying we need justice. We cannot close the book. The cause carry on equal justice for all the victims, despite where youre coming from. Whether Sabrina Fulton or sean bells mom or leslie or gwen rr, we are all here, and i admire, i love you all. Please dont forget us. Dont forget our sons died so that we can open up the book and review what is happening, so that we can open up conversation around the nation, so that we can Start Building communities, community relations, and then, finally, when that happens, when we have strong laws, when we have good cops policing our neighborhoods, then we can heal. We want to heal. We need healing, america. Thank you. God bless you applause] we must hear and were going to hear from our partners in leadership. We must hear from the mother who has symbolized the challenge of our times, the mother of trayvon martin, Sabrina Fulton. Applause] we love you first of all, i love you guys, too. From my family to your family, from all of these families up here, you guys mean the world to us. And if we dont know how to express it all the time, we cant touch you all the time, take pictures all the time, just know that our hearts and our minds are with you. , t a few things to talk about since i got the mike. First thing, this guy right here to my left, reverend sharpton, where would we be without him . [ cheering and applause] people dont quite get it. They dont quite understand. They want to talk about, we are not together. Look around. Look around. Amen. Take a look around. We are together. We are united. We are standing. We are going to fight this fight together. Together. It hurts me to my heart to know that so many men are getting away with shooting and killing our young people and not being held accountable for it. But i truly believe by us being here together and united that god sits high and looks low, and the light is absolutely hining on whats going on. This is not something new that just started. His is something thats been going on. Some folks just woke up and realized, hey, this race of people is being treated a little differently. We want to make sure were not only talking to ourselves and our own groups and organizations, but we got to make sure were talking to other folks, so they understand what were going through, because some people dont quite get it. Dont preach to the choir. These mothers up here, they know. I dont have to tell not one single africanamerican about racial profiling, because you guys know. Yeah. So what im telling you to do is talk to somebody that does not know. Talk to somebody and make somebody else knowledgeable and make somebody else aware and educate somebody else about hat you are going through. As long as we talk just to ourselves, well stay in our own circles. We got to step out of that circle and we got to make positive change. The last thing i want to say the nt just come to rally and go home. The numbers look nice. You guys look good out there. We are very proud to stand here, but it cannot stop here. This has to be the start. So im going to tell you also to commit yourselves to a nonprofit organization, and ody that has purpose meaningful an organization that supports the same ideas that you have and the same goals that you have. Were going to fight this together. God bless you all. Thank you. [ applause] sybrina fulton, give her a hand. Lets thank the families as hey step down. I thank our host. At our request he will bring on the National Bar Association nd brother brooks of the naacp , the people who coconvened this. Judge mathis is in the house. [ applause] we got to hear from the judge. Then reverend jamal bryan will send us home. Hold on. Nt leave us hold it. Dont charge overtime. I have the pleasure of introducing one more family , emerald e daughter garner snipes. Where is she . You there . Please, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. I want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting our amilies. No justice no peace. No justice no peace. I want to thank my family on the stage with me. I joined National Network after the march in Staten Island. I go ev saturday and every monday to the house of justice to figure out what i can do to make the policing better in our communities. I have come up with a list. I cant find it right now. I have it. I came up with a few pointers i want to outline so we can Work Together to get these policies in force. Public protests are important because we all have to come out and get our voices heard. If we dont make our voices be heard, they wont listen, so we have to make them listen. We have to go out there and protest together, peacefully. Today was so peaceful i cried the whole way from down pennsylvania until i arrived here. All the love and the support that everyone had. We have to learn how to respect each other and learn how to speak to each other. If you dont know somebody and theyre going through something, give them a hug. Say, were with you. If you need me, im here. Go to a young person and tell them, you dont have to riot and loot and you dont have to flip cars. Thats not what we do. Thats not what my father did. My father was a family man. He wanted young men to take care of their kids. My father took care of his kids until his last, dying breath. When he said, i cant breathe, he is saying, i cant feed my family because i will no longer e here to feed them. I cant breathe i cant breathe i cant breathe if there is no justice . No peace no justice . No peace thank you all for coming out and supporting me. [ applause] and were now near the end with our speakers. I have judge mathis here, spike lee is here, the naacp is the urban league. We know its cold and just cuddle up and warm up and were going to get it right and everybody, archie elliot, 14 times they shot him in prince georges county. Ladies and gentlemen, bringing to the podium now, melanie campbell, president of the National Coalition on black civic participation. No justice no peace no justice no peace i cant breathe i cant breathe we cant breathe we cant breathe black lives matter black lives matter all lives matter all lives matter i want to thank reverend sharpton for your leadership and your leaf Time Commitment to justice your lifeTime Commitment to justice for all people, for our people. You have been there for the families of the victims of Police Killings and brutalities for decades. Im going to age myself, but i can remember way back in the 1990s you were there for the family of philip pinel from englewood, new jersey. Any New Jerseyans in the house . [ cheering] he was killed unjustly by police. You have always been there for our community. When the cameras were off more times than when the cameras were on. You are our goto guy. You fight to the end and we love you. I want you to repeat after me. We love you, reverend sharpton we love you right now all i want to say, when we stand here today we can look behind and we can see the congress. You see that White Building back there . We are here today with all the families representing the black vote. Were here to pledge to our families to stand in solidarity with you until justice is served. We need congress to do their job. President obama, attorney general eric holder, theyre doing their jobs. But they cant do it alone from a federal level. We need congress to act. There needs to be an end to Police Brutality and excessive force. I have two brothers standing before me, reverend tony lee and my brother Sherman Justice who spoke earlier to close us out. Thank you. I love you. Tony . Ive come today to tell you that we have to call this United States of america into a sense of repentance. Youve got to understand the word says that what does the lord require of you but to do justly and love mercy and walk humbley with your god. We have got to call this nation not just to talk justice but to do justice, not just to act justice but to do justice, not just to fake justice but to do justice. And if it wont do justice, well shut this sucker down. Is there anybody here who says this nation will do justice so we cannot stop until justice rules. No justice . No peace no justice . No peace all right. Were rolling on, ladies and gentlemen. Please, now, welcome the head of the National Urban league, mark morial. No justice . No peace. No justice . No peace. I want to thank reverend sharpton and the entire team of the National Action network but also thank the labor rganizations, civil rights organizations, the young people, a big round of applause, the young people who stood up. This day has been a day when some will ask why do we march . We march because of trayvon martin, eric garner, michael john tamir rice, crawford, lavar jones, and marlene pinak. We also march today for the many people not named today who have been victims of pleas violence across the nation. We march today because it is right as americans. We march today because we are united, black and white and brown and asian. We are united, young and old. We are united to say, it is time for change. We want justice and we want it now. A generation ago, or many enerations ago, the death of emmitt till, the bombing of the four girls in birmingham in the 6th street baptist church, the death of schwerner, goodman, and cheney, young people down in mississippi gone to help people register to vote, awakened the conscience of a nation. That awakening spurred a Peoples Movement of unprecedented proportions, and that Peoples Movement knocked down the walls of segregation, passed a Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights act of 1965. I am outraged by the grand jury decisions in ferguson and Staten Island but im even more is ged by the and that why that is why this movement cannot be a Movement Without objectives. So i want to just share with u 10 action steps for Police Reform and Police Accountability that each of you must bring back to your local community and we will advocate for in all 50 states of the ation. Number one, we want widespread use of body cameras and dash board cameras in every Police Department in this nation. We want an end to broken windows, police strategies, and the implementation of 21st Century Community policing strategies. We want a uniform, deadly force policy thats transparent and understood by all Police Departments across the nation. We want all Police Officers to be comprehensively retrained to learn how Community Policing should work to develop relationships between police and the communities they serve. We want, where appropriate, special prosecutors to be appointed to investigate police misconduct, because the relationship between local police and local prosecutors is too close for them to always be fair and impartial. We want the f. B. I. To create a clear and transparent reporting system for Lethal Force Incidents involving all Law Enforcement anywhere in the nation. And we want a National Data base of citizens complaints against the police. Also want a National Police accreditation system, which for those departments that dont meet this accreditation, they are ineligible to receive federal dollars. We want we want this congress this congress that meets behind us to pass a National Comprehensive antiracial profiling law. One based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or gender or gender orientation should be profiled by the police. So weve come today to rally, weve come today to stand with hese families. Brothers and sisters, weve come because today is a beginning, a new beginning for justice in this nation. No justice . No peace. No justice . No peace. In his weekly address, president obama celebrates the Holiday Season by thanking the troops. In the republican response, senator tim scott of South Carolina discusses the partys legislative priorities for the 114th congress. Hi, everybody. Its the holidays. A a season to give thanks. The freedom we cherish as americans, the peace and justice we seek in the world, as we go about our days, as we gather with loved ones and friends, its important to remember, our way of life, the freedom, prosperity, and security we enjoy as americans, is not a gift that is simply handed to us. It has to be earned by every generation, and no one sacrifices more to preserve our blessings than our extraordinary men and women in uniform. Thats why op monday ill be visiting our troops at joint base mcguire, dix, lake hurst in new jersey to salute them for their service and thank them for their sacrifices. Since our nation was attacked on 9 11, these men and women, like so many others in uniform, have met every mission weve asked of them. Theyve deployed to afghanistan, and iraq. In more than a decade of war, this 9 11 generation has worked with the Afghan People to help them reclaim their communities and prevent terrorist attacks against our own country. Now many of our troops are returning from afghanistan, and on monday ill be proud to help welcome them home. Thats because this month our combat mission in afghanistan will be over. Our war in afghanistan is coming to a responsible end. Of course, the end of our combat mission in afghanistan doesnt mean the end of challenges to our security. Well continue to work with afghans to make sure their country is stable and secure and is never again used to launch attacks against america. The troops ill visit on monday have been part of the mission to destroy isil in iraq and syria. Theyve been supporting our efforts in west africa to fight the ebola epidemic and save lives. Because in time of crisis and challenge, the world turns to america for leadership. And when the world calls on america, we call on the brave men and women of our armed forces to do what no one else can. So this Holiday Season, as we give thanks for the blessings in our own lives, lets also give thanks to our men and women in uniform who make those blessings possible. Even if some are coming home for the holidays, many more will be far from their families who sacrifice along with them. There are so many ways we can express our gratitude to our troops, their families, and our veterans. Everyone can do something. To find out what you can do, just go to joining forces. Gov. As a nation, as americans, lets always keep striving to serve them as well as they have always served us. Thank you. Have a great weekend. God bless our troops and their families. Hi. Im senator tim scott from the great state of South Carolina. Im deeply honored to have been elected by the hard working people of South Carolina to represent them in the United States senate. The midterm elections put the president s policies on the ballot, and the American People overwhelmingly rejected them by electing republicans into office all around the country. The new republican majority in the senate, alongside the house of representatives, will present solutions that work for american families, and i truly hope the president will join us. We must regain the trust of the American People, and we will do so by immediately focusing on jobs and the economy. This fresh start will bring efforts to restore the 40hour work week, realize the full potential of Americas Energy industry, and ensure every child everywhere no matter their zip code has access to a quality education. A senate controlled by democrats has blocked many of these solutions for years, leaving bills gathering dust instead of spreading success. We will look to tackle our over complicated and outdated tax code while reducing excessive regulation, empowering families and giving our Small Businesses the opportunity to grow. We will tackle the Affordable Care act head on and present solutions to Lower Health Care costs and increase access to care. I look at colleagues like congresswoman martha robey and senators Mitch Mcconnell and mike lee who have authored legislation to give Single Parents and working families more flexibility to get their time in at work or taking care of their families at home. And senator john hogan, who has led a bipartisan charge to approve the Keystone Pipeline and create tens of thousands of jobs. My opportunity agenda focuses on increasing educational choice to ensure every child has a chance to succeed as well as creating more jobs through r Energy Resources and programs. Republicans are also committed to protecting the rights of the minority party, a drastic shift in the past few years in washington. Amendments will be encouraged, not ignored. The practice of passing massive bills just to see whats in them will be a thing of the past. Open debate and strong oversight will become the norm. While many may be skeptical, and rightfully so, given how broken washington has become, republicans are committed to returning government to the American People. We know who our bosses are and that you are more than capable of understanding what washington does or does not accomplish. We understand that it is not government that powers our nation but, rather, the ingenuity, hard work, and skills of the American People. Your issues are our concerns. Thank you, and god bless america. Here on cspan, the communicators is next with Indiana University associate professor mary gray discussing the ethics of personal Data Collection by internet companies. Then, World Bank President Jim Young Kim speaks about climate change. At 8 00, todays justice for all march and rally in washington, d. C. Cspan, created by americas Cable Companies 35 years ago and brought to you as a Public Service by your local cable or atellite provider. This week on the

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