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Want to hear your thoughts this morning after the shooting about seven miles from here. A baseball field in alexandria, virginia. Where the republican members of the Congressional Baseball Team were practicing. Robert next, atlanta, georgia, independent. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. Im a little dismayed to hear people from both sides identify themselves as either democrat or republican. And immediately go into the politics with this thing and calling out one side or the other. Peef had a member of congress we have had a member of congress, regardless of his party affiliation, who was shot, and everybody wants to go in to all the analysis of who the shooter was. How did he get his gun . What did he look like . I think its just time for everybody to get together and think about whats happened that a member of our congress was shot while just playing a silly ballgame. Not silly, but just a ballgame. Something so american. And immediately everybody wants to go into fullon blame mode. And somebody obviously has to be blamed. Somebody did it. Its a terrible, terrible thing. But this is why were so divided. Everything has to be called out with regard to your party affiliation. Its a very sad statement about where were as americans. Were all americans. And i just wish people could give a little more thought to whats actually happened with a member of our congress being shot. Plain and simple. Thats what everybody should be thinking about today. I appreciate the opportunity. Host you talk about the gunman. The hill newspaper reporting that President Trump has confirmed the gunman who shot the lawmakers the lawmaker this morning along with Capitol Police and the staffers that were there has died from his injuries. The hill breaking news story on that. Showing you the tweet there. Chris in lancaster, pennsylvania. Democrat. Good morning. Wanted to st actually send out my prayers to all those that were injured. And family members of those that were injured. I also wanted, i am a democrat, i want to commend two people i heard speak today on different networks. One is davis, republican from illinois evidently, he came to the microphone and talked about this is a time to bring the country together. Not just people in the house or senate. And to try and Work Together too bring people idea of democratcy, the United States, were citizens, were all in this together. And then also just a few minutes ago on your network showing Martha Mcsally, who i never really heard from before, either, or heard of. And one thing she said that just struck me was we all check our own hearts. I know that there is a lot of bipartisan fighting back and forth verbally. And its just really scary to me some of the things that are said. In the press, in the public. And i just think its so important what those two individuals said as to bring everybody together. I do have a suggestion about that. Dont know if anybody takes suggestions from regular citizens. I worked in school for 25 years. When there was a crisis of this magnitude, they brought in teams of people that were not involved in the school directly, that were trained to help people deal with the crisis and to bring sides together. I often have thought in my previous that maybe someone needs to come into congress or into the white house and their staff and to really do some training about reaching out to both sides and bringing the country together. And that its im not talking in terms of a political sense. Im talking in terms of a proactive for not letting this happen again or someone else doing this. To really work on the message of unity even though there are differences in opinion as far as what kind of bills or things like that that they are working on. I think its amazing because the two people that i heard speak today are people i never heard of before. So i would just ask also that congressmen and senators who feel that way start to speak out. Because i think their voices are most important to be heard in thames of trying to make a change in the nation and also in the government of the nation. Host thanks for the call. Lancaster, pennsylvania. You mentioned rodney davis, republican from illinois. Heres his twitter page tweeting out three hours ago. Please pray for steve and all those who are injured. Nd then his also retweeting a radio wtax report that his spokesperson had confirmed that he was at that practice but is ok. About seven minutes or so until the house is expected to come in. More of your calls in just a second. But in the meantime news update from bill at our news deving. When they do come in, john, both the speaker of the house, paul d. Ryan, and the democratic leader, nancy pelosi, will speak from the well of that house. They are in that all members briefing now at the capitol visitors center. Tweeting out the video, leader mccarthy and speaker arriving at the video, the meeting just a short while ago. Thats from craig kaplan. Also some news from that meeting from inside that meeting, they are saying, you may have heard this from Martha Mcsally as well, members were told the congressional baseball game is still happening tomorrow via roll call. Thats a tweet from roll call. And again the house coming in in 10 minutes or so. Well have coverage here of course on cspan. Host until then, more of your comments, your reaction after the shooting this morning. Happened just after 7 00 this morning. Want to hear what you have to say. What youre thinking about. Lisa in washington, pennsylvania, line for independents. Go ahead. Caller yes. Im calling. Id like to say that i believe i listened to the congressman this morning from arizona recently, and she said by the grace of god. And i think thats true. By the grace of god go all of us. And our society is in a state of terrible decay. I believe we lost our compass. We lost our north star. I believe our leaders lack wisdom. There is a quote that i read once i think pretty much sums it all up. And it says, where theres light in the soul, theres beauty in the person. Where theres beauty in the person, theres harmony in the home. Where theres harmony in the home, theres order in the nation. And where theres order in the nation, theres peace in the world. And i believe that we need to be that beacon of light to the world and we have certainly lost our compass as a society. And whether we like President Trump or whether we dont is not the issue. We need to stand behind our president and unify and stand for whats right. And if we dont like what hes done, then we can vote him out of office in 2020. But the way people have behaved and the way that they have acted is a disgrace to our country. And what it must look like to other countries, we look like a bunch of barbarians and savages. I look at congress and i cant believe the way they act. They act like little children in a room fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting. There is no attitude for the good of the people. There is only i want my point to be heard. At any expense. It doesnt matter what it costs the American People. So you know, we put this president in office. He got there and whether i like him or whether i dont is not the issue. Host we got your point. Thanks for the call. Doris in pennsylvania. Republican. Go ahead. With us . Doris, you brian in santa rosa, california. A republican, brian, good morning. Caller good morning. Yes. Terrible morning. Im glad the congressman has survived this assault. Lots of people calling in to say that the gun control needs to be move forward. The second defend the First Amendment rights, our right to free speech. Our system is founded on individualism and our right to be able to protect ourselves. And protect ourselves from the government. So the Second Amendment not going to happen. If you keep pushing for that you waste your time. I voted for barack obama in 2008. I voted for peace and Freedom Party in 2012. And then for trump in this latest election. I did this because the country does need change. Does need to be america first. Does need to push forward an agenda that will support the American People and not this give it all away policy of the democrats and the social marxists who are currently running our schools and our press. Academia has been infiltrated by people who dont love this country, who are critical theorists, whenever they can they run down this country instead of talking about the awesome the enlightenment that came out of the American Revolution that give us all our bill of rights. They run us down by these out of context, historical events. Host to sharon before the house comes in. Been waiting in hanover, pennsylvania. Line for democrats. Good morning. The house in expected about a minute or so. Go ahead. Caller i personally am sick and tired of gun worshipers and media haters. We need our media, strong and healthy. And varied. Meanwhile, lets look at reality, people. The ult right and steve ban none bannon, for example, who does not shy away from this projected some sort of armageddon, blood shed, and donald trump himself who said we will drain the swamp. Mop up washington. Implying that washington is our enemy. And lo and behold, psychopaths and radical ideologues come out of the woodwork with weapons. Host did you listen to the president s comments just now . About 20 minutes ago . Caller no. Im sorry i just got home. Im sorry. Host thats ok. If you miss him you can rewatch them on cspan. Org. You can rewatch any of our program this morning. We have been on live since 7 00 this morning taking your calls and as this was happening, taking your calls as well. We talked to congressman don beyer, a democrat from alexandria, virginia. He was scheduled to be on for an appearance with us this morning. Came on at about 8 30 after this news had come out and talked to us about his reaction and his response. If you missed that, cspan. Org. Before the house comes in, linda, michigan, republican, go ahead. Caller hi. I just heard this last lady speak and ill tell you something, for 50 of the opulation out there, its very disturbing and very hurtful that she says the things that she says. She doesnt even know what shes talking about. She just got home. She doesnt even give the president a chance to speak. I put up eight years with barack obama. I respected him. I even prayed for him that he would succeed because he was the president of the United States of america. Now i have to put up with steven could he bear and every other channel, including this channel, that is so biased and so disgusting. Can you imagine if a comedian on the right had a cut off head of Barack Hussein obama . He would have been tarred and feathered in the streets. We would still be talking about it today. This is why these things are going on. This man was a Bernie Sanders of socialists. And ill tell you something, im seeing signs on tv that he held. You went up to a congressman or aide and he asked that aide, who is out there playing . Republicans or democrats . This was a targeted hit. Host linda, we dont want to get ahead of the investigation. Want to be careful with the facts that are put out there. Were still waiting for more from the police and well certainly continue to bring that to you in the hours and days ahead as this continues. California, line for independents. Good morning. Caller good morning. I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with the people hat were attacked. I think not only was the injured, injured, but it must have been horrifically traumatic ust to be there. I agree with the people that say were all americans. It. We should get over and realize that we have more to come. Ask this you morning, what do you think should be done . My suggestion may seem a little umorous, but i was thinking, each team had members of each party on it feel it wouldnt be emocrat against republicans. It would be bipartisan. That would be an interesting decision. It would be this may be a signal to say, hey, were all on the same team. Thank you very much for taking my call. Host anita, charlotte, north carolina, line for democrats. Good morning. Caller yes. Good afternoon. I have been listening to the comments this morning and i have listened to the discourse over the last two years with our politicians and people around the world. I want to just reiterate something. I was born 67 years ago. I was born in a segregated hospital. I lived in a segregated neighborhood. I went to a seg get gated school. Segregated school. I drank from a and when they were forced to take down the signs, they left he wall to make sure that we remembered that we were still separated. And now i see, you know, today the world is still 67 years later we are still separated. We are still dealing with black and white, rich and poor. And, you know, we have people in congress who are perpetuating this same type of ideology that, you know, if youre black, youre this. I heard one man today say that we should have martial law again. What kind of person says that . That were like this some third orld country where we need the military to come out and police our neighborhoods. Another man said, we need to go into the areas where theres a lot of crime and theres a lot of guns. And just clean up those areas as though people dont have Civil Liberties anymore. You know, minorities dont make guns. Theyre not responsible for shipping guns and ammunition all over the world. So that people, you know, can just get them and kill people. So i would like for people to step back and understand that we have come a long way. But weve got a long way to go. People were disrespectful to president obama the entire eight years that he was in office. And i think that was very sad. It still shows that were not ready to be diversified completely. And that we can live together as one people. Host got your point. A few minutes left here before the house comes in. Were waiting for the house to come in. They gaveled in very briefly at 10 00 and then went right into recess. Theyre expected to come back in soon. We can show you the scene from alexandria, virginia, the delray neighborhood of alexandria, virginia, where that shooting took place. You are now looking west to east down the street. The baseball field back behind those parked cars there. Where the shooting happened this morning in the 7 00 hour. Still a very heavy Police Presence as that Investigation Continues this morning. Back to your calls as were waiting for the house. George, arizona. Line for republicans. Good morning. How are you doing today, sir . Host good. Caller i was just thinking a couple different things. I hear a lot of people talking about what can we do to keep these things from happening. I mean, as you look through the istory of our country, these types of things happen the whole way through. The difference is we hear about it more. People tend to almost commercialize divisiveness in the country now. But when it comes to gun control and things like that, its almost like saying, you know, oh, well maybe we can stop this if we make murder illegal. We just need better laws against murdering people. Its pretty much the same thing. People who follow the laws follow the laws. People who dont follow the laws, it doesnt matter if its illegal or not. Theyre not going to follow the laws. But ultimately i think we need to stop trying to have everything be us versus them. In every aspect. For whatever reason that just seems to be the it thing to do now. To pick a side. It doesnt matter what the against. But theres always a side. Instead of trying to think of everything as people working together. Host the speaker of the house is expected to start the day on the house floor. Minority leader nancy pelosi. What do you think they could say this morning, what should they say . What do you want to hear from them . Caller id like it hear from them to just drop all politics. And actually just respond as humans. Honestly. Just say that them versus us narrative has gone too far. That its time to stop looking at things like that. That its ok to think differently. You dont have to demonize somebody because they dont agree with you. And just try to Work Together. Thats it. Host robert, california, line for independents. Good morning. We can also still show our viewers that camera setup outside of that allmembers briefing that happened at 7 15. Still waiting in case other members step up to the microphones. Robert, go ahead. Caller hello there, sir. I just think its a tragedy what happened this morning. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims andle and the families. Most of all, i see this world and in this america, this land is becoming a land of confusion. Hate. Hate causes more violence. Only thing that can happen is, you know, peace and understanding. More love in this world for your fellow man. Conflict is always there. But if you can resolve problems without violence, then, you know, come together as a people, as a country, and most of all to love your neighbors. To find out whats happening in your community and then, you know, be a part of something. Im ashamed now this morning. Like my head and i feel americas lost its spirit. All the time, violence, bigotry, prejudice. Its all going on every day. I see no relief. Sometimes i wish i just would close my eyes and go to sleep and then hope to wake up to america thats, you know, proud and beautiful again. What do you think . Host appreciate the call, robert. Seussen in cleveland, georgia. Line for republicans. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that i am a proud american. Im proud of my country. Im proud of my president. And god bless him for doing this job. Its not an easy job. My prayers and thoughts for our congressman. My prayers and thoughts for the senate and congress at this time. And may god shine his countenance upon this country. And may he lead our president and open the hearts and minds of those who are assisting him to lead this company or this country. May god bless all of us. Host bakersfield, california, line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller yes, im a democrat. Im saying that i attribute this to the men at the station of the hatred that the democrats have been spreading. For eight or nine months. They were spewing it out and its not right. And i would like to say that we dovente need gun control, we need tongue control. Tongue control. Thats what we need. The celebrities need to have more grace. They need to think about the public. They need to think about all the hatred theyve been spewing and theyre partly responsible for this incident that just happened. Because of all the hatred theyve been spewing. And im a democrat. And i do not agree with what theyve been spewing. Its not right. They need to stop. Host you think youre going to stay a democrat . Caller yes. Host why . Caller i am a democrat. Host why are you going to stay a democrat after how you just expressed yourself . Caller im not saying im going stay. I have a right to choose and i will choose the next time around. Host so you think youll not vote democrat next time around . Caller i have all this time to think about it. I will think about it. But what im saying is right now today, theyve been spreading too much hatred and its coming from the democratic side. We see it day in and we see it day out. And its not right. Host all right. Edwin is in carlisle, indiana. An independent. Good morning. Were waiting for the house to gavel back in. They were expected to gavel back in about 15 minutes ago. Well go to them when they do. Go ahead. Caller yes, i tell you what im seeing in this country. Bsolutely breaks my heart. Host just continue with your thoughts and turn your tv down. Just listen to the phone. Caller ok. Ok. Ill get it turned down. What im hearing and seeing in this country just breaks my heart. I am a veteran. What weve got in this country is too damn many democrats, too damn many republicans and not enough americans in our congress, in our senate. We need americans. This is america. Thats about all i got to say. Thank you. Host how do members of congress become better americans . Caller look at the meat of america. Weve got people in this country that need help. Weve got soldiers every day few of our at a congressmen faced today. They face it every day. Host jennifer, brantley, alabama. Line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller hello. Host go ahead. Caller yes. I agree with what the caller from arizona said. What he said just touched me. And what that lady said about democrats, theres no way in the world shes a democrat and see what she see on television and on the internet and saying that democrats is bringing all this hatred. A lot of this started with donald trump and stuff he said during when he was running for president. And also a lot of stuff you hear on breitbart, you see alex jones and sean handsy. Everythings coming out of fox news. They put out what they want to put out. Host were going to end it there and go live to the floor of the house of representatives. Almighty god, on a day when violence has come to this assembly, we ask your blessing on our brother, representative steve scalise, the two officers and the staffer who have been shot. Bless the hands of those who tend to their injuries. We as americans are blessed by a free and open society with rights secured by law and the constitution. But once again were reminded that there is a vulnerability that comes with that openness. May we all

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