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To get your thoughts on this resignation and what it might mean for the larger aspects of National Security. Here is that you can call and give us your thoughts this morning. Or republicans, 2027488001 for democrats, 2027488000. Or independents, 2027488002 you can post on twitter and leave your thoughts on our Facebook Page as well. Washington post this morning reports that it was the acting attorney general that informed the Trump White House last month that they believed Michael Flynn had misled a senior in menstruation official about the nature of communications with the Russian Ambassador. That message was delivered by sally yates. A little context and former interviews with mr. Flynn saying it was in a february 8 interview with the Washington Post that Michael Flynn thi denied discussing things and which sanctions with the Russian Ambassador. Again, we will take your thoughts on this matter, the resignation and the larger aspects of National Security. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. Or independents, 2027488002 partel flynn wrote in saying i inadvertently briefed the Vice President elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the russian. Mbassador i have sincerely apologized to the president and the Vice President and they have accepted my apology. We will start this morning with kathleen in chicago. The mike ross line. Good morning. Democrats line. Good morning. Caller give me a second. Here is a president who came in and said he was going to be a smart president and he was going to surround himself with very smart people and president Obamas Administration was dumb and stupid. Being led offf with a slap on the wrist . Flynn, they said trump knew this a month ago. The g send out your lackeys to take what people should be saying to you when are you calling trump into accountability . He is the president. These are the people hes hired. This is what happens when you go in with an agenda to do nothing but harm people because you want to show your supporters i will come in and everything obama did right or wrong i will destroy. Youre supposed to come in with a policy and an agenda on your own. If this country is in bad shape like you say, how can you do going toks in a row florida on a golf course when you said president obama should be working day and night . Host mike in california. The public in line. Death republican line. Mike in california. Republican line. Caller this is the elite is guy, media and the sky they really hate this guy. We live in an era of advocacy journalism. We had eight years of barack obama and we did not have an economic uptick in eight years. Host why do you think the situation doesnt reflect poorly on the president . Mistake. He man made a big deal. Everything is exaggerated because the elite liberal media has their agenda of advancing liberalism and thats what it is all about. It is so nice to have a humble president , someone who is not put theed who will interests of the American People first. Host mary in west virginia. Democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you this morning . Democrat. I have always been a democrat. I voted this time for the first time i voted for a republican because i did not like the way democrats were acting. They acted like babies. This guy made a mistake. He shouldnt have said anything and he should be reprimanded. I dont think he has to resign. One mistake doesnt hurt anybody. I accepted the fact that hillary did not win because i did not vote for her this time. Lied. Virginiay in west giving thoughts this morning on the resignation of Michael Flynn and talking about Larger National security aspects. 2027488001 for republicans. For democrats, 2027488000. The resignation prompting responses via twitter from various members of congress. The democrats on the Foreign Affairs committee, this is the statement put out yesterday from representative eliot engel. The general fund was in contact with russian officials during the campaign. President putin was working to tip the scales in president trumps favor. Congress needs to take steps such as passing my secure our democracy act to punish those responsible. The House Judiciary Committee also in a tweet this morning attaching a letter they sent to house oversight. Elijah cummings calling for a briefing concerning mr. Flynn and being subject to russian blackmail. You can find this on twitter as well. Judith in west virginia. Go ahead. Caller i am a lifelong democrat. I did not vote one time for a republican. Peoplet understand these that think donald trump is so innocent. The last lady that called said she was a lifelong democrat but voted for trump. These people are not that stupid. That they would put a man in innocent butts so lies constantly during the process to vote a president in. It doesnt make a lot of sense to me that people could be that naive and especially a lot of christians and now we see what we are going to get. Host david up next in massachusetts on a line for independents. Caller good morning. I think it is good that flynn has resigned. Donald trump has known about this and probably asked him to do it. That is how i feel. I also wish shed opened up the comments line that donald trump closed. We should be able to call the white house. Host this is a letter sent by several democrats to jason chaffetz, the chairman of the committee on government and oversight oversight and government reform. Great questions have been raised about the fitness of the general to serve as National Security advisor. This is a letter addressed to jason chaffetz, the chairman of the committee on oversight and government reform. That was sent yesterday. Thomas in california. Republican line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. To the just like to add broadcast you are doing. We are the United States military, all ethnic groups trying to make United States safe. They are doing a great job. On the other hand, we have democrats and republicans that dont try to make the United States safe by working together with the president. The democrats would move forward if they kept a daily log of the president and at the end of four years tell the American People what he did wrong and what they would have done better. Host how does this coincide with the resignation of Michael Flynn . Caller if he wants to resign, that is something you are legally allowed to do. I dont see anything wrong with that because you can resign if you dont want to work where youre at. Anymoret want to work with the United States government and he wants to resign. That should be acceptable. If you worked at apple or General Motors or another broadcasting system and all you of is run the president down the company you are working for, how long would you be working there . Host matt in arizona. Independent line. Go ahead. Flynn was just trying to reassure russia. I think the neocons want a war with russia antiwestern to and he was trying to reassure them. So many republicans out here cannot stand john mccain, how he got in, that is another question. Host fill in massachusetts. Phil in massachusetts. Caller i dont care if youre a republican or democrat. This is very alarming. This guy was going to be the National Security advisor to donald trump. This guy would know all the americas dealings throughout the planet. If theres one president at a time, donald trump was not even sworn in when he made the call after obama already passed those sanctions. Hes going to call the ambassador and reassure him of what . What did he say to those people . Who all did he tell what was said . Knowlieve trump does ause he is the king maker he works for us. We dont work for him. He is our president did he needs to start acting like he works for us. People, please, please wake up. This is alarming. This is unheard of. If hes a smart person like he surrounds, yet he himself with all these people trying to do harm to the very agencies they are heading. Ast the New York Times has story this morning taking a look at another issue concerning National Security. This was in the moments leading up to the announcement by the administration on the north while theile launch president and leaders from japan maralago. Ida at this is the New York Times. If you of security talks saying fortrump was at the resort a get to know weekend with mr. Abe. Talks,ew of security saying mr. Trump was at the resort for a get to know weekend with mr. Roabe. There is a picture attached to this story this morning which shows something captured by a diner there at that maralago restaurant. These goingson leading up to the announcement of the north korea missile test. Georgia. Republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. This thing about flynn, im glad they caught it in time. Before it got any worse. I think that trump is doing a good job. People need to respect him and at least give him the chance. Host joy from bethany, oklahoma. Democrats line. Caller good morning. Thank you for washington journal. I really enjoy it. A previous caller talked about the liberal media. Im so sick and tired of hearing that. Fox news is the mostwatched news. This is the to of the iceberg. Tip of the iceberg. The cabinet he is filling is corrupt and we will see more corruption. Thank you for letting me speak today. Host if you are on twitter says this a viewer on twitter says this thisdaily mail reports on , saying a senior russian Lawmakers Said tuesday the resignation of the National Security advisers adjusted the president had been backed into a corner or his administration had been infected by antirussian feeling. Lawmaker said tuesday the resignation of the National Security advisor suggested the president had been backed into a corner or his administration had been infected by antirussian feeling. From anthony in tennessee. Independent line. Go ahead you are on. Go ahead. You are on. Caller there will be more coming down the pipeline. States has united been weakened and i think more will come out. My friends and i have been talking about how trump mentioned the nuclear weapons. Then come up putin did the same thing and everyone knew he was going to drop the sanctions. There is more coming down. Theres a lot of corruption going on. Friends need to stop blaming hillary, obama, everybody else. We have never had a bombing in the United States ever and i think we will have one if trump doesnt host independent line. Caller i just wanted to call what ie a bit more of think is happening here and these people before me are right, theres more out there than they think. I dont think they understand that the real big item there was that the cia was listening and when flynn made this call to the Russian Ambassador. Then, they were listening to the russian investor get back to his people in the kremlin and told him flynn was a candidate for recruitment under blackmail. Once the cia hears this, they will put flynn under surveillance. Who is going to contact him, whos going to be his russian contact . If you made phone calls to hadody else and said we done what you wanted, the president is under surveillance. It will be amazing to see. I was just talking to all the sycophants, it will be fun to watch trump. That the corn farmers who voted for trump because he was going to be so good to them, how they feel about losing all their corn exports to mexico if you does this. If you does this. Host we will talk about the north American Free trade agreement in our next segment. The color mentioning the ease dropping by the cia desk eavesdropping by the ca the caller mentioning the eavesdropping by the cia. He knew his call to the russian investor would be subject to electronic surveillance. Mr. Flynn is a retired general who ran the Defense Intelligence agency, so surely he knew that his call to the Russian Ambassador would be subject to electronic surveillance. You can find that in the wall we are taking. Calls on the resignation of Michael Flynn and what it means when it comes to the resignation itself and National Security interest. Paul in florida. Republican line. Does anybody remember susan rice . She was president obamas security advisor, the same position that general flynn occupies. She told the biggest boldfaced lie the American People have ever experienced. That videos were the reason for benghazi. How did she get that job . President obama brought her in so she could be called before congress that he kept her for his entire administration. Please, dont tell me about general flynn when you have a of aete catastrophe security advisor that was in the Obama Administration for most of his time and people that are afraid of russia, lets examine why we are afraid of russia. Is it because of syria . That happened under obama. Is it because of crimea . That happened under obama. Try to remember when the russians did the things you were afraid of and who was president at the time. , naivembling idiot stupid president that people seem to think is the greatest thing that ever happened. Host you have no concerns about Michael Flynns actions, then . Caller we dont even know what he said. At least the truth came out. Did the truth ever come out with susan rice . Host debbie in ohio. Independent line. Caller good morning, cspan. I like general flynn. I dont think the cia should be illegally spying on her president. The American People need to give donald trump a chance. Mess obamat a left us in. Host what is it about mr. Flynn that you like . Caller he has not been in there a week or two. He served this country more than you stupid people calling in like that black lady, oh, you just host we will leave it there. This is a statement from the white house regarding the replacement for Michael Flynn. Namedent trump has aseral Joseph Keith Kellogg acting National Security advisor. One more call on this topic. Maryland, independent line. Here is jacob. Hello. Caller thank you for cspan. , wherewanted to say there is smoke, theres fire. When the Trump Campaign was dealing with palm and a port having ties to russia, that was embarrassing to them. And now, flynn. Trump would have kept him on. Should ben chaffetz pursuing these leads. It has been a month. Republicans, you won. They need to go back to being americas party, not putins party. This at the end of the program. Several guests joining us this morning. He first is William Mauldin we will talk about the future of after theecially visit from the canadian Prime Minister yesterday and statements made by both about the agreement and what might take place as renegotiations take place. Two, we will be joined by republican members of congress. One representing the Freedom Caucus and the other representing the study committee. How they plan to go forward in a Republican Congress under the republican white house. Those conversations and more coming up when washington journal continues. I had a piece of information that bob would have wanted. I did not articulate that to myself. When i look back and ask myself why i did this bad and stupid thing, i think thats what it comes down to. , Barbara Feynman talks about working as a researcher and ghost writer for Hillary Clinton mcardl mccullouh bernstein and Bob Woodward Carl Bernstein and bob woodward. Resisted, i spoke in general terms about what it was like being in the white house and i told my story. About being in the room. During this unusual exercise. It to him, you cannot use mothers only these two women in the room who were there was

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