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Cruz isssor jose miguel a professor at Florida National inter university. We hearing from Trump Administration officials of the issue of transnational gangs, lets begin with an expression. Who are they and what are they . Jose the game was formed in Southern California and the late 1980s. It was formed basically by Central American migrants who were the sons and dollars of refugees fleeing from the civil wars in Central America. They started, like any other youth gang in the streets of l. A. Los angeles. Started growing because of different factors. Some of them started going back to Central America where they some sort that grows exponentially in the 1990s and early 2000s. Expansion of some cells in some areas of the United States. States of the u. S. , and as happens basically just in a number of states. The president tweaking his attack over the transnational gangs. Reads, the weak legal demonstration policies of the Obama Administration a lot of bad ms 13 gangs to perform in cities across the u. S. We are removing them fast. What cities are they developing the most quickly . Fact, ms 13 has been in several cities for many years, especially in l. A. However, in the 2000, the fbi thea great job of moving cells of ms 13 in cities, for instance, in washington dc and boston and new york. What is happening now is some of groups are starting all specialin for some conditions. They have been already there. There is not actually a new expansion. This has been what is happening is they are back in the same cities. Was miguel cruz joining us from miami. Research director for the latin america and Caribbean Center at the university. We get to your calls and comments in just a moment. But first Jeff Sessions last week. Sions violence is an initiation rite. They have killed mothers alongside their children and vice versa. Girls as gang raped young as 12 years of age. We cannot allow this to continue and we will not. Border,secure our expand immigration enforcement, and choke off the supply lines. If you are a gang member we will find you. We will devastate your networks, we will starve your revenue sources, deplete your ranks, and sees your property. We will not concede a single block or Street Corner to your vicious tactics. Every neighborhood is entitled to safety in their community. Be ognize this will not the organizations here working mafiaer to take down the and the colombian cartels, we can do it again. It will require a commitment from all federal state and local enforcement but from everyday americans. Violencese while gang to be the status quo. Now the attorney general Jeff Sessions speaking to reporters. Professor, let me ask you about the other issues as menstruation is targeting. Century cities. What impact this has to the overall debate and discussion. Impact, msnificant 13 and this kind of gang is this gang is comprised by youth. By teenagers. This is not your typical Drug Trafficking organization. These are youth gang and they are very violence, very brutal. Are youth who are trying to get some sort of identity. All the leaders in the game basically get them into this and of brutal violence criminal activities. It is very important when dealing with this kind of network, with this kind of groups, to Pay Attention to what is happening in the community. To strengthen the community and have the community collaborate with Law Enforcement. Youther to prevent joining these kinds of games. Same attack those communities, those migrant to some extent the communities, we are not going to be that successful in dealing with the gang and because we need the Community Soon to support Law Enforcement. Ms 13 was formed from el salvador youth being bullied by mexican gangs in los angeles in the 1980s. The new york daily news, the president , top officials taking aim at the brutal ms 13 straight game. The president also blaming president obama. Is that fair . Is that accurate . Parks actually, no. One journalist pointed out some days ago, if you have to somebody you have to blame ronald reagan. Some of the policies implemented in the 1980s isolated some of these communities, pushed some of these communities to isolation. The tactics utilized in the 1980s strengthening expansion of these gangs in the United States. What we know in the late 2000s and early 2000 square instance, the fbi did a wonderful job in a meticulous job basically eradicating some of these gains in the east coast. You do not hear about ms 13 that much in l. A. Law enforcement in l. A. Has done a great job dealing with the promote theset kind of groups. With professorne jose miguel cruz. We talk about transnational gangs. I heard you say ms 13 started in l. A. Formed inue they were Central America and wellestablished in the Central America and millions of the members of these gangs came to l. A. And to america legally or illegally and they formed these ms 13 gangs by taking over games that had already been established in these cities because of the violence and ruthlessness they have become the most dominant force. Actually ms 13 formed in l. A. Said in theas i early 1980s. Some of them went back to el when they held to expansion of ms 13 in Central America. What is important to say there is that actually ms 13 games became famous in Central America. Over there it became very violence, very brutal. 13 expanded as a consequence of what happened in Central America. Regionally ms 13 was formed in Southern California. Trump is aling to result of these gangs and an excuse for the increase in the budget increase the National Guard to the point where hes not have enough citizens joining it to pull people in the United States because the rich peoples join. En dont have to ist he is going to do increase National Guard and try to pull people in the United States against each other. He wants to increase the National Guard to turn poor people in the United States against each other. Once he does that, once they , what he does he becomes a dictator. Thank you for the call. Your response. What we know from what has to thed in the past extent we deal with these gangs only with Law Enforcement. Only with use of force. They grow up. When deal with these gangs a companys the police just a part of the equation, more successful in the United States and Central America in controlling these kind of groups. Has risen a number of essays and articles on the topic. He is currently the Research Director for latin america and these Caribbean Center at fort a national diversity. He studied at oxford where he earned his doctoral degree and vanderbilt university. This is the president s executive order as follows, enforcing federal law with respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and preventing international trafficking. People think about how they respond to terrorism. That is fair. This is our Foundation Given our origin story. Critical to what we do. Thejobs are to secure nation from many threats we face from all hazards. One of the greatest hazards is from Transnational Criminal Organizations. Inflict on think brutality and regularly behead their victims. They intimidate, kidnapped, and tortured those who try to bring law and order. Sell, and export desperate people for their own sick purposes. They destroy their own communities and bring great shame other countries of origin. They are ugly without loss, conscience, or respect for human life. They take the form of International Gangs like ms 13. The sophisticated networks move anything and everything across our borders including human beings. We have set out to stop the event to the greatest degree that we can. Human smugglers take thousands of dollars from dressed writ people desperate people. Trying to escape rates of violence in their country. They send them on a course north i network that rivals dantes journey into hell. Along the way these desperate people are beaten, raped, possession whatever they carry with them. Smugglers make few guarantees and offer no refunds. Secretary kelly spoke at George Washington university. Running at fox news how ms 13 one of the most dangerous gangs, is funded. A response from our guest professor cruise. Your response. Grouphe said this type of poorres a desk exploits communities in the United States but also Central America. Mind important to have in that again, these communities and these of support kind of gangs are formed by youth. Start in a city is not because you have the ms 13 leadership moving through that city or actually sending people to that city. The way you start is basically by some youth gang, a Street Corner again. 13 just because. Hey find this name appealing they start emulating, copycatting some of these symbols, some of these ideas. Sometimes it happens that some leader of somebody moves in that community and they start grouplly nurturing this in centralthis group america. Some of them will turn into a really violent gang that we know. Out. Of them just back it is very important to understand that thats depends on what the community does. What Law Enforcement does. What the government does. We are not doing a favor when we put everybody or everything in the same basket and just conduct raids to attack. We have to understand the communities where these gangs are thriving. Morning, youre next. I would like good morning. I would like to make a few quick comments of i dont think he will ever stop gangs. There is also International Gangs. Florida andears in you have your russian gangs, your asian gangs that are international. Your black things that are violent. Giant. Hit, itricane andrew look like war turn wartorn berlin. People put it back together with record time without any complaints, any crying, any begging. The is, is this. Familye crime, personal that, this holder on earth blacks are not number one with. There are many gangs in the u. S. There are many street gangs. There are some cells we have not even heard about. Thosere not as violent as that have appeared in long island, have appeared in boston or virginia. Whys that . Are the same. It depends on what Law Enforcement does. In theery important communities again, it is very important to understand why in these youthties that are looking for an identity , some autonomy, why some of these people turn to the brutal criminal side that they are in ms 13. Our next caller from ashland, kentucky. Thank you for cspan. The reason i called in, i am a member of a motorcycle club. Canada andbs in other areas and we deal with clubs that have chapters all over the world. Told es our clubs fall under what youre talking about as far as transnational gangs . We are not gangs, we are motorcycle clubs. We are about bios gangs. Were not talking about clubs. If you ever dealt with the pagans, or the angels, you can believe me they are extremely violent. Certainly there are many clubs and there are many gangs. Motorcycle gangs were violent as well. It depends my point, on the conditions that surround these groups whether they were will turn into violent gangs or not. Many of the gangs that are evennt now for many years, clubs, someoups or conditions they change the dynamic. We have to keep in mind that whatever we do, those we surround in those communities will impact on that. I wants to go back to the previous caller who mentioned miami or sell florida as an example of a Hispanic Community basically that why is that. They gangs in miami, not all of the, most of them are not violent. Hasthe community responsibility. Law enforcement, too. Caller i was going to say that not all the gangs i hear in america were started by president obama. Im sick and tired of some of the white male callers calling in whether they are republican, some were democrat that voted republican for President Trump. It calling in a trying to blame president obama for everything that happened. And President Trump is the best thing since sliced bread when he really isnt. Theyre talking about nuclear war. He spent more money in the first 100 days traveling back and forth to d. C. Than president obama did in his whole eightyear term. Host thank you. We will get a response. Guest many of the gangs didnt appear during the Obama Administration. They already have been in the United States for many, many years. So as i said before, the f. B. I. Under the Obama Administration did a wonderful job in some cities preventing the expansion of ms13 and other gangs in many cities. So i think it is important to understand that its been a long process. Gangs have been in the United States for a long time and whatever we do will determine whether these gangs will grow or not. Host dan from florida, republican line. Good morning. You are on the air with jose miguel cruz, professor at Florida International university. Caller thank you. I am a black man, so i am not going to be a white caller. Absolutely President Trump president obama owned some of this because its not that he escalated these gangs. Its that president obama was so ineffective trying to handle the situation. Trump is not the best thing since sliced bread but doesnt it feel good that we have somebody that said lets attack the gang culture . Now, the purpose of my call was because when we build this situation, we have to look at the illegal alien element. I come from a city in virginia where a young boy was just killed by three ms13 gang members. Two of those members were illegal aliens, and i am not saying they were hispanic. I am not saying that they were illegal immigrants. They were in this country illegally. They got an education here in our country illegally. Host professor, your response . Guest thank you for the call. I agree with the caller that it is important to attack the gang culture, but its also important to distinguish between the gang culture and the culture of the community where these gangs thrive. These are completely dimp things. So it is different things, so it is important not to combine the gang call tur with some of these culture with some of these communities. We need the communities to help us to fight these gangs. Now, from previous experience, we know that we need the community to work with us, attacking these gangs. We need the community, not only migrants but also u. S. Citizens who most of the gang members who are in the United States are born and raised in the United States. So its important to understand that we need to tackle all those conditions in order to deal with gangs. Host if people want to follow you on twitter, how can they do so . At they can follow me jose miguel cruz. Host he is also the Research Director for areas of latin american nations joining us from miami on this sunday. Cspans washington journal live every date with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up, associated dress White House Reporter Catherine Lucy and political reporter discussed the week ahead in congress. Ok watch reporter Jillian Berman on the future of Student Loans for public servants. Be sure to watch at washington journal coming up at 7 00 a. M. This morning. Join the discussion. An estimated 5 million americans are living with alzheimers disease. A Senate Hearing looked at the alzheimers research. Maria shriver testified at a hearing of the senate aging committee. This is two hours 21 minutes. [applause]

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