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If you think the election is rigged will you accept the results on november 8 . Supporters, 202 7488001. Hillary clinton supporters, 202 7488000. Supporters, 202 7488002. If you are undecided, 202 7488003. A very good wednesday morning to you on the day of the final president ial debate. We are talking about your confidence in the integrity of the u. S. Elections this morning on the washington journal. Some of the comments donald trump has made in recent days. Here is a tweet. The election is absolutely being rigged by dishonest and distorted media pushing crooked hillary but also at many polling places. Said of course there is largescale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Colorado. He was in heres a bit of what he had to say. They even want to try and rig the election at the polling booth where so many cities are correct. And voter fraud is all too common. They criticize us for saying that. And we have even republicans, that is such a terrible thing to say. Take a look at philadelphia. Take a look at chicago. Where you see things happening that are her and this horrendous. They say bad things about you. They call you a racist. Nobody will do more for the African American citizens of this country and donald trump. Nobody. Nobody will do more for the Latino Community and donald trump. Yesterday at the white house at that joint press conference president obama was asked about Donald Trumps comments about rigged elections. Heres a bit of what he had to say. There is no serious person out there who would suggest evenow that you could rigged americas elections. In part because they are so decentralized. And the numbers of votes involved. Theres no evidence that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. Advise mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes. Votes than itmost be my expectation of hillary to offer a gracious concession speech and pledged to work with him in order to make peopleat the american benefit from an effective government. It would be my job to welcome mr. Trump regardless of what he has said about me or my differences on him and my opinions and escort him to the capital in which there would be a peaceful transfer of power. Thats what americans do. Thats why america is already great. One way of weakening america and making it less great is if you start betraying those basic american traditions that have and have helped to hold together this democracy for well over two centuries. The headline in usa today, voting officials insist no fraud is the headline. One of those voting officials is the connecticut secretary of state denise merrill. She joins us on the phone now. She the democratic secretary of state in connecticut and president of the National Association of secretaries of state. Thank you for joining us. What do you say to voters who are worried about their confidence in their vote . Yes, good morning. I agree entirely with president obama. This is a completely unsubstantiated claim that somehow our election will be rigged. The wordven sure what rigged means. Sort of implies that local Election Officials or somebody at a very local level would tamper with the Voting Machines. People should understand there is no voting machine in america that is connect to the internet, first of all. That tells you that it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to muster a conspiracy on a level that would affect a president ial election. Host what is the role of secretaries of state . Is one good thing that has come out of all of this. Maybe we will all learn more about how our elections really do work. In most states the secretary of electionthe chief official. We dont actually operate the election system. We oversee it and try to maintain the laws in each state that govern elections. Its heavily regulated and each state is a little bit different. There are federal overarching requirements for the actual Voting Machines. Many states now have statewide which isc voter lists the database everyone is talking about. The Voter Registration databases that in some cases there have been attempts to get into them. Voter registration database is not at all connected to the actual machines on which you vote. Use a simple scanning machine really and vote still on paper ballots which are then inserted into the machine and the ballot is kept and the machine has a card in it that is read and thats the results that come out at the end of the night. The entire system is overseen by local Election Officials. In most states that means a county clerk. At more local levels states like the New England States it is done at the town level. Even in tiny connecticut you have 169 towns. Each one has its own election andcials and moderators poll workers all hired by local officials. At a state level is extremely decentralized. The laws governing elections are mostly at the state level and they differ somewhat by state there is usually an Election Commission that actually oversees any kind of enforcement of infractions. Lets Say Something is reported to our office. Maybe theres very long lines at the polls. Hotlinezen can call our and every state has a hotline as well. We would then report any infraction that sounded serious Elections Enforcement Commission and they would be charged with seeing whether something should be done about it. You can see theres over 10,000 local jurisdictions actually running each election and within that there are hundreds of polling places in each one of those jurisdictions. Host i want to focus on the Voter Registration databases. Advisor for the Trump Campaign has a column in todays usa today focusing on those databases, saying there is 2. 75 Million People that have registration in more than one state, more than 1. 8 million dead pool are listed as voters. If the Voter Registration files are wrong what is to keep people from showing up in another name or voting twice . Guest again, it is heavily regulated. We are very careful before we take anyone off the list. That usually explains why there are so many duplications. Realize you have to change your registration every time you move. Sometimes it within your own town. In connecticut we have a separate list that has a star next to it. So i thinkre printed the chance that someone could go and change a lot of things on the list and it not be detected would be very difficult because we print the list of week in advance. Paper and is still on ironically that becomes a protection of sorts. Up to thesomeone came desk and their name is either not on the list or on the list inappropriately. In almost every state you have to produce some sort of id to show you are the person you claim to be. There has been a lot of discussion about what you need as an id but almost every state has some requirement that you show one. The fight has been over what kind of id you need. Id and yout have an are not on the list, you cannot vote unless you absolutely claim you should be on the list and then in 15 states we have something called election day registration so you can go to town hall register with proper id and vote. It all comes down to the fact that you need to identify yourself. Many of these jurisdictions are extremely local. People know people. That is a protection as well. In your time as the head of the National Association of secretaries of state how many cases of proven voter fraud have you seen . We have literally gone to try and look for it because there has been so much discussion. There is long academic references to this. There has been a lot of studies on this. There was one i can remember in throughar that looks over one billion votes counted and 2014. 10 accountse 14 possible of alleged voter fraud. That someone commented jokingly that you are more likely to be struck by lightning and to experience voter fraud. It just doesnt happen. Host in a smell is the secretary of state of connecticut. Appreciate your time this morning. Is these merrill secretary of state of connecticut. Appreciate your time this morning. We want to hear from viewers. Grace in indiana. Clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller good morning. About this rigging. I have two comments. I have been voting since the Truman Administration and they take everything but my blood. Never been arrested. Hillary clinton has got 400, 500 wightman in Washington Mens against her white in washington thats against her. Shes got putin dropping emails. And shes got donald trump trying to put her in jail. The fbi puts everybody in jail and they didnt arrest her. Who is this rigged against . Its not donald trump. We need to get rid of the Republican Party. I am a swing voter and i would like to keep ryan. Thank you. Is on the line for undecided voters. Good morning. Caller good morning. I guess what im trying to say here is i think when donald talking about rigging elections i dont think he means actually physically like the voting boxes and how the votes are counted and things like that. I talking about rigging elections i dont think he means actually think he is referring a general bias in the liberal media towards him. Thats kind of what im thinking. Host he writes in that tweet from sunday that we showed he said the election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing crooked hillary but also at many polling places. He specifically said that rigging is happening at polling places. Caller i can only speculate as to what hes talking about. With this specific issue i think people trying to influence voters on their way in. Things of that nature. Not necessarily influencing the people in charge of the polls. Or to count votes differently or Something Like that. In flushing, new york. Undecided voter. Caller good morning. I agree with the gentleman who just called earlier. Thatd trump suggests democracy itself is rigged in the United States. If you see the media the way they behave they have already made the decision that donald trump is out. The democratic process in itself is rate rigged. Bernie sanders says the economy was rigged, hes 100 right. E know how to count votes thats not the question. The question is the democratic system itself is rigged. It is corrupt. But we know how to count votes. Thats not the problem we have now. Host you are not concerned about the physical process of votes being counted correctly on november 8 . How to do that. We have no problem with that. The problem is the political process itself is rigged. When they kicked out Bernie Sanders from the democratic convention, americans are not for real change. They have insiders who are lying, cheating, who are corrupt. They have to be leading the world. Donald trump is not a good person may be. You want to is if see for the future of this country who is telling the truth , Hillary Clinton is not a good person. Bill is in canton illinois voting for a third party candidate. Good morning. Caller i think the news media failed to understand that the secretary of state of indiana disclosed that a liberal group registeredpatriots democrats who were deceased in 55 counties and Loretta Lynch has refused to investigate. Franken won his seat in minnesota it was proven by felons in prison that were allowed to vote in legally. And its widespread. Are doing it is these liberal groups are registering people as democrats and also people that are and having shills go and vote in their name. Its very obvious. Will point you to one of the statistics that has been put out that secretary of state that we talked to earlier mentioned one study. Heres another. It is mentioned by usa todays editorial board. They cite a professor at Loyola Law School who has found credible evidence of just 35 in 830es of voter fraud four million ballots that have been cast in National General elections from 2000 to 2014. Do you just not believe those statistics . Caller i will just prove it to you. When was in charge he was represented with 100 cases of voter fraud and he said he refused to investigate. Thats documented in the wall street journal. You just said something that contradicts what was in writing from a major newspaper. Just like when the black panthers refused to let people in to vote in the voting poll unless they voted for obama. It happened in arizona and new hampshire. Frauds widespread voter and if america doesnt believe then theyve got curtains over their eyes. Its ridiculous, man. Im ashamed of the american system. Its totally the integrity is totally lost. Host on election day when the results come in, will you accept the result . Becauseill accept it 99. 9 of the news media has already put in their cast for Hillary Clinton. To report whats going on with these wikileaks emails. If people would take the time to read them there is no way they would cast a vote for that woman. Host gary is up next. Hillary clinton supported. Supporter. Caller unsubstantiated rhetoric. The gentleman that just called, ridiculous. Come on now. Statistically if you look at all of these voting outlets, you have 75 republicans running the place. If they really thought of p like that, cra with donald even be the primary candidate . Like president g obama said. Go to the voting polls. Vote for who you believe could run this country. I cant even believe people are fighting for a guy like that. Are you kidding me . In this country . Folkseeds to happen is just need to acknowledge that republicans are met. The last time i recall any type of voting fraud was when you had al gore running against bush. If you want to talk about voting fraud. Or have we forgotten that . Lets be real, folks. Host you think voting fraud does exist . At least in the 2000 election . Caller not primarily that. , therereally look at it was a consensus that took place at that time where it was a tie. I dont know how it ended up that way. We know who was in florida as the governor. We dont want that to happen again. Politics inink fraud does come into play sometimes in elections . Caller i cant say that i know it doesnt 100 percent because im not there. But i would imagine that if you really deeply checked into it there was probably some instances where it was probably tried. Host you think that could happen again this cycle . How this system is regulated, its very difficult to do that now. Especially with all the voting outlets having individuals, the machines that are not connected to the internet. Right you this thing have to consider that it isnt connected to the internet. Its very difficult to commit such acts of fraud the way folks are thinking this is happening. There is always a possibility that something could be miscounted. In terms of the system itself theyve got it down to a science where its totally difficult to commit fraud. Host a few tweets from members of congress as this debate has sprung up across the country. Senator ben cardin says calling our elections rigged is a shocking dangerous lie. There is no evidence that our elections are anything but free and fair. He also cites that same study from this wall street journal looking into more hunt then more than 834 million votes. Congressman chris murphy is from connecticut. He says republicans i know dont share trumps racism or his ridiculous notions of rigged elections. Time for more of them to make this clear. Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher got in a conversation with one of his followers about voterigging. An insult toas those trying to maintain the integrity of our voting process. Who has not flake saysrted donald trump states backed by tens of thousands of gop and democratic volunteers ensure the integrity of the electoral process. Elections are not rigged. We are talking about your confidence in the integrity of u. S. Elections today on the final day of the final debate of the 2016 cycle. That debate happening at the university of nevada las vegas. There is a live shot very early this morning. The debate less than 14 hours away now. Our coverage at cspan will begin at 7 30 tonight. You can watch that live on cspan. Don is in kingston, pennsylvania. Good morning. Good morning. I agree with the fellow that called the guy before last he was talking about voterigging in the United States. I have heard this every election. The democrats constantly try to deny that it goes on. Voter id i do not understand insist uponcrats fighting voter id in this country. Id to get everything in this country. To do anything in this country and i dont want the most important thing to have an id. I think they are basically saying they think the American People are too stupid to get their own voter id. One thing is about the election when hacking goes on and there is Cyber Security issues everywhere in private Enterprises Like in public and the government and everything else, to think that we dont allow ourissue and to election to be secured by the same kind of computer tally is kind of naive. Hacking goes on everywhere. Host did you listen to our interview with the secretary of state earlier in the show . Caller i was listening to little bit. Host she mentioned how these Voting Machines are not connect to the internet. Each jurisdiction maintains their own systems. Explain the hacking concern a little bit more to me. Caller it is so variable. In the state of pennsylvania there is no paper trail. Is nothing in paper that says this is what the vote was. This exists in numbers of states across the United States. Theres no paper trail anymore. Questioningom for like i am and it leaves room for suspicion. They should make some kind of standardized system in order to safeguard all this kind of questioning. Had the head of the Election Assistance Administration on our program effortsth talking about to help states with their voting standards. It might be something you want to check out. It is on our website. Eric in new mexico. Hillary clinton supporter. Go ahead. Tellr i just wanted to the guy that just called, i early voted here in new mexico at the county clerks office. It was a paper ballot. Multiple choice. You had to black out the little circles. It was definitely paper because i shoved it in the box afterwards. There wasnt any internet connect to it. Anyway my confidence in this election process is extremely high. There was a guy just hanging out waiting for his girlfriend to vote and one of the county clerks people was just andtoring the people voting he asked the guy what he was doing standing there. Because he didnt look like he belonged. He just said, im with my girlfriend. It was cool. People are making sure nothing stupid goes on. I waited in line all of five minutes. It was a piece of cake. You think there is going to be more of that election monitoring taking place by the sides this cycle . Caller that was a guy from the county clerks office. He was just one of the people there. Have been efforts to encourage voters to go and watch the polls. Is that something that concerns you . Donald trump pushing his supporters to go and make sure they dont see anything suspicious happening at polling places . Caller i didnt see anything like that going on. It was just regular people walking in. I showed my voter id. Not my drivers license. Just my voter id card. I changed my address to my current one with the secretary of States Office and stood in line for five minutes. In louisiana. S Hillary Clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller i am a 75yearold black man and i remember coming up that people like me were not allowed to vote. All kind of suppression. I had problems voting during the 60s. Im a 20 year military veteran. A lot of minorities able to vote, all of a sudden its some kind of stuff going on about the integrity of the Voting System . Thats ridiculous. The majority of america ought to be ashamed of themselves. Anybody can see whats going on. Thank you. Some of their voters have talked about Voting Systems in their states and around the country. , had a caller from new mexico one of those states that just uses paper ballots. The other states in gray around the country, state and just use paper ballots. There are some states that use electronic Voting Machines, but dont have paper ballots. Those are the brown states on this map. You can see the full chart going through the various methods at ballotpedia. Org. We want to give you a quick update on some of the congressional stories out there from the senate and the house races. Of course focusing on the senate where democrats are hoping to take over that chamber. Four net would need pickups that hillary needs the white house. Five net seats if hillary does not win the white house. One state that is being focused on quite a bit is the Florida Senate race where democrats are targeting the seat of senator marco rubio. Some news out of florida. Senate democrats pulled their last chunk of remaining at reservations in florida on monday night leaving congressman Patrick Murphy on his own in his contest against senator marco rubio. The Party Campaign arm had initially reserved 10 million in ads before marco rubios reversal on his plans to retire. While the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee and Senate Majority pack have been trimming ads for weeks. Some polls show that race tightening. One of those polls is the quinnipiac that came out yesterday. Here is a story talking about several of those senate surveys. Patrickbio ahead of murphy by a slim margin. In pennsylvania senator Patrick Toomey leads democrat Katie Mcginty by 49 to 45 . Senator Michael Bennet in and rob portman in ohio could be headed for a cakewalk on election day. Leads local republican county commissioner darryl glenn by a margin of 56 to 38 . In one other senate race story possibly the 2018 cycle. This story from politico. Kurt schilling said on tuesday he is planning to run against senator Elizabeth Warren in massachusetts. The conservative former baseball beloved in new england said that while he needs to speak to his family in his mind he has already decided hes going to challenge senator Elizabeth Warren. Globe interview with senator warren when she was asked about a possible schilling challenge in september she laughed out loud and said schilling can certainly try to be a serious candidate in the liberal state. Thats a few of the updates in the senate races. We will keep you updated. Now less than three weeks to election day. We are asking viewers about your confidence in the integrity of u. S. Elections. Wayne is in myrtle beach, south carolina. Caller good morning. And ihe undecided voter am the original guy. I called you back in may and asked the nice lady to name one thing that she has done in 30 years. I listened to Rush Limbaugh the other day. Hes trying to claim he came up with that. Thank god for cspan. Romney not to receive one vote in any of those districts in pennsylvania is mathematically impossible. Do you have an answer for that . Host so you feel like there is vote rigging going on . What happens on election day for you . Will you accept the results when they come out . Think the whole thing is rate. I grew up in chicago. That will tell you right there about predilections. That one lady voted seven times for obama. From the media to the votes to everything, the cake is already baked. Shes going to be president and its a done deal. Host what does that mean for you on election day . Caller i will still go pull the it is so trump but stacked against him there is just no way he can win. Just like the guy said, you had black panthers with billy clubs in front of the voting booth. Not a thing happened. I think the cake is baked already. She is going to be president. Giri in tennessee. Donald trump supporter. Good morning. Good morning. Listen. I think you all just showed exactly how rigged this thing is with the news media. What did you all start off with . Obama spreading gossip and talking negative about trump. Host actually we started with a few tweets from donald trump and then we showed donald trump at his rally yesterday in colorado. Caller yeah i understand that. But everything about your program today has been negative toward trump. You had the democratic woman on. You had obama on who has wind more than anybody back during his elections. Media, if youews check back with the percentage of time given to hillary and her lying and the supporting of our nations and getting all those aboutons and all of that trump, there is no comparison. Efinitely it is rigged anybody with any intelligence. There was a guy talking about he was from chicago. I used to wake up at night worrying about the poor blacks in chicago. Naacp has even come out against them getting an education. I would love for just one, if theres one black educated person in chicago that can explain to me, call in and explain to me how the naacp they are do you think coming out against africanamericans getting an education . What is your reason for saying that . Caller well apparently you dont know that they voted against the doctors and all that in chicago. Do you not know about that . Host youre talking about the School Vouchers . Caller yeah. Canols where the blacks really excel and make something of themselves. You dont know about that i guess. Host we will save that topic for another day. We are going to focus on the integrity of u. S. Elections. A column you might be interested in reading. Charles hurt has a column today. He writes that the media is shocked to hear about this talk of rigged elections but he says of course it is rigged. The democrats financially in terms of campaign coverage. They cover the contested accusations against mr. Trump endlessly well almost completely ignoring in controversial scandals revealed by the wikileaks dump. They pay dirty money to Homeless People to incite violence at trump rallies. Doesnt it get any more slimy and cynical than that . The democratic primary race was clearly rigged. Column inrles hurts todays washington times. Darryl is in detroit, michigan. Thirdparty supporter. Good morning. That morning. First i would like to say that washington journal should between 47 tv show. Be 24 7 tv show. It seems improbable that a person would risk jail time to commit fraud on election day. With is another problem pulling. That is called electioneering. When you walk up outside a people makee where certain candidates rush you to give you their paperwork and their pamphlets. In michigan we have a law. Its as if you cannot be within 300 feet and do any electioneering or campaign. 300 feet at the polling house door. That would eliminate all this bum rushing we get by campaign staffers. This is been going on for a long time. What has to be done is a polling official has to be outside. Them a copy of the law and get all of that activity to stop. If it is stopped by one it is stopped by all. Thats what must be done. We have to get our elections back. Thank you very much. Have about 20 minutes left in this segment. We will be talking later today about the debate thats happening tonight. Upexpect this topic to come possibly in that debate tonight happening on the campus of the university of nevada las vegas. 23,000 undergraduate students. 4800 graduate students. The debate tonight taking place at the thomas and mack center named after las vegas bankers. Theres 18,500 seats at the center tonight. We will be showing you that debate live when it happens. Tonightrage begins here at 7 30. The debate is set to start just after 9 00 tonight eastern. Steve is in philadelphia. Hillary clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller yes. Good morning, cspan. The people shouldnt be so mad, the ones on the republican side that support trump. No matter who wins or loses that , they must as americans all come together and stand by whoever is president. Ok . Number one, i believe that this all starts all the way down on the bottom from congress. Republicanve congress that never wanted to pass anything in the last eight years under the Obama Administration, people have been met. But they have been voting the same Republican Congressman in the house and then they change the senate. But in the house it has been eight years that they said they wanted the president to fail. People are angry now and they are taking it out on Hillary Clinton. Or whoever it might be. We all know that donald trump is not qualified to be president. He lost all kinds of money in casinos. He lost all kinds of money in construction. Theren is already out saying if he loses the election hes going to start an uprising, a revolution, and he wont accept the results. To me that is not being patriotic. Youre getting people all riled up over something that hasnt even happened yet. Because you are losing, you are acting like a child. Even his wife says she has two children to take care of. Host one thing he has been talking about more on the campaign trail is the need for term limits for members of congress. Is that a place you could see yourself finding some agreement with him . Caller we already in Congress Representatives only have two years . Senators have six . Is that the people locally when they vote for their u. S. Congressman or u. S. Senator they keep on voting against what they want. Of i donts a vote like the president. So im going to keep the house the way it is. You have to clean house if you want things done. President w that what obama wanted was better schools, better education. Republican congress didnt want that. Am i right or wrong . Nancy is in austin, texas waiting on the line for donald Trump Supporters. Good morning. It fascinating that you brought the subject up today. Im glad you did. Especially since i have watched on cspan is itself several instances where you have shown oftimony before Congress People showing how to act Voting Machines and that they have in fact been engaged to do it. And ballot scanners. Thats number one. If you look on your website on cspan right now theres a number i have just started posting them of instances where people have been prosecuted for doing that. Thats pretty funny. Theres also, im waiting for you guys to cover project veritas. Been fired. Already theres a second video just came out today or yesterday showing voter fraud. So i really look forward to you having a segment on cspan about that. Host you have the article that is right in front of me. Let me show our viewers if they dont know what you are talking about right here. Haveemocratic strategists exited the campaign after explosive undercover video showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in placing paid agitators at polls. They stepped down a day after scott vogel was fired from his post as field director of americans united for change. A tuesdaysaid it rally in colorado that the video released by a conservative group suspicions of democratic sponsored political trickery. Did you want to finish your thought . Caller part to just came out. Thats part one. Host ok. Thats nancy in austin, texas. , undecided voter. Good morning. Caller good morning, cspan. I want to remind the american that during the election of george w. Bush jr. , we went days and days without a president. And at that time no republicans were calling in voicing confidence in the integrity of the United States election. I will make a statement on this show and remember this statement. You are a younger man than me. A whitell never ever be male in the white house as president again. Never. Host why do you say that . Caller remember the statement barack obama made. Change has come to america. Suggested the republicans want integrity in the United States election, put a woman on the ballot like the democrats did it have a good day. Lucy in mclean virginia. Good morning. Good morning. I think the biggest problem with potential voter fraud is the registration process. Not long agodmv and i picked up a Voter Registration form and the only forirement they seem to ask is a little box you check, are you an american citizen . Check inf you are you and if you are not you check it. This is what greatly disturbs me because how on earth can they possibly vet all the people that who may sendtizens in Voter Registration forms . Allno idea how they of the early voting by mail, i just cant imagine that it is thoroughly checked. I read that there are many noncitizens who are voting. Citizenship in our country is something to be cherished. Im very grateful im a citizen. I think we should look very at that way of possible voter fraud. Because i really do believe a lot of the democrats higherups moregoal is to just get and more voters. One other question i may have is when refugees are brought into this country and they are political refugees does that mean that they are immediately given citizenship and can also vote . Be a reason might that the democrats are trying to bring in all of the syrian refugees. I know its a terrible situation they have but safe zones would also work. Host Refugee Status does not equate to citizenship status. We have done several programs thet the refugees and various cities they have gone too. Ourcourage you to check out website and look at some of the segments on that. In auburn, new york. Undecided voter. Good morning. Caller good morning. Say thelike to proliferation of elected officials who have been convicted of nefarious crimes and returned to office is any indication of the present government, how can any sane person vote for them . This puts the voters in a dilemma. Thank you. Janet is in new york. Hillary clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller good morning. I just want to make a statement. Im listening to all of the callers. And they are concerned about we allraud unit have thought about what the russians are doing trying to interfere with this election . And trump is one lousy candidate. He is whining like a little you know. I cant say the word. And republicans once they start to lose they start whining. The best thing for you guys to do is start looking at what trump is doing because he is one of the worst people. I am a new yorker and i have lived in new york all my life and i know this man is a scam artist. You guys better wake up because this guy is trying to get the russians. Everybody thinks he is so big and strong. He is just a little wimp. You need to listen because what hes doing is involving the russians in this election. You are talking about voter fraud, you better start listening to that little man over there putin in russia. He is the one behind all of this, whats going on with this election. Dont worry about whats going on in the United States. Weve got this covered. You better start listening because russia is behind a lot of this crap thats going on with this election. Host ron is in madison, connecticut. Donald trump supported. Good morning. Caller thank you, cspan. You guys do a great job and i appreciate the rallies you bring in their entirety. No other channel seems to want to do that. In 2008 theret is were 1. 8 million dead democrats that voted for obama. There were also 3. 6 million democrats that registered in multiple states and 80 of Illegal Immigrants also voted as democrats who are not citizens. Host just because we have been going through some of the steps that have come out, where are you getting your information from . Caller this is from the Green Bay Wisconsin rally donald trump was talking about. Some statistics he was bringing up. Bring upnt to connecticut. We had a massive amount of Democrat Voter fraud in connecticut in our last governors election. A lot of dead democrats voted for malloy and there was like 2000 voter fraudulent votes cast. We had to have a recount. There were photos registrars in new haven that were investigated for not enough ballots for everybody. Why werent there enough ballots for republicans . Did they give too many to democrats illegally . Theres a whole lot of scamming going on with the democrats. I dont think this election is going to be legitimate. I really dont. Center for the states study that cited today by the Trump Campaign by curtis onis, Senior Policy Adviser the trunk campaign, talks about Voter Registration as opposed to you were saying actually voting. This is from curtis elliss column in todays usa today. There are 2. 7 5 Million People who have registration in more than one state and more than 1. 8 million debt people are still on Voter Registration files. Perhaps those are some of the numbers you were talking about. If you want to read curtis elliss column it is in usa today. We will end this discussion in just a few minutes. Continuing at the university of minnesota today at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. The university of minnesota hosting a panel to look at the issue of the u. S. Electoral process especially in the wake of reports about Cyber Attacks on state elections infrastructures and concerns about the american Voting System. If you want to watch that, head at 9 a. M. Pan2 stick with us for the rest of our program on the washington journal today. Time for a few more calls. In fort wayne, indiana. Hillary clinton supporter. Im totally amazed at the misinformation im hearing throughout this program. Whenalk of voter fraud they did pew research on it. 830 somed out that in million cases of the people that have voted in the last years that there has been 37 cases of voter fraud. 37. Out of 800 host host it was 35 instances of fraud in over 800 34 million ballots cast between 2000 and 2014. Caller the idea of that is when you think about those numbers, 35 out of over 800 million. Idea people are sitting there going, Illegal Immigrants cannot vote. Refugees cannot vote. Donald trump may say that they can vote. But donald trump has been less than factual on a lot of things. The misinformation of this and like you said earlier about the people that there are people that are dead that are on the Voter Registration. That doesnt mean they are voting. That is what the research shows. They just dont have them off the rolls yet. They are not voting. There is so much misinformation. People, get out. Do the research. Dont believe what trump says. Im a clinton supporter. Dont believe what hillary says on things. Research it. Dont just take it off of a different fox news type of thing and say thats a fact. Think, people. Think. Thank you. Host in canada. Your view from saskatchewan, canada this morning. Caller my view is that i am really disturbed by trump speaking about a rigged election. The day before i watched a young boy on a cnn report and he was so angry. That is my concern. That a lot of the Trump Supporters and trump himself seem so angry and its riling up everybody about this rigged election. What is going to happen after this election if he does not get into power . Theres one thing about being passionate and theres another thing about being angry. Anger is what leads to so much destruction and violence. And i really wish that he would stop with the rhetoric. Would try to keep him on a path of sharing your message. I have yet to hear what his policies are, concrete policies. All he keeps saying is, we have a plan, we are going to get this, we are to do that, we are going to kick people out. It seems to be a negative trend. I just wish that he would get back, they would rein him in, and there would be some kind of positivity and nationbuilding. If anybody has watched any of the Civil Rights Movement or any movements that went on in the states, it is just leading to that. Im terrified for my friends and family that live in the u. S. , because this is not the path we should go on. Other candidate has faults, but he has notbeen even been in politics that all it any level. How can you realistically share what you are going to do when you have no inkling of what the job entails . It back it baffles me watching people speak up in a violent vile manner. The can i ask you how election is being viewed in canada . Caller you know, a lot of it in canada, it just seems so absurd. When i meet with friends and read the media, people are really shocked, i would say, as to how this has escalated. I knew from what im reading and what i am hearing, yes, it will easy. E hillary and emails and all that speculation, people are amazed that trump is the candidate. It is almost laughable but the reality is that it is not. We are so close to america. Five hours and be in the u. S. Really scary thought what will happen with the election. The backlash, we are really terrified of what it will be. And the global implication as well. I do not think americans that. Iate the last call in this segment. Since you called in from canada, i wanted to point out the story post, the washington ad campaign to deliver an inspiring message in the u. S. Election. For many candidates, it is demoralizing to watch this election. A sympathetic message ripping off Donald Trumpslogan, a campaign was launched called lets encourage canadian citizens to send video of them selves telling all the reasons it is already great. Here is a bit from that campaign. Hi, america. We are up in canada talking about how great you are down there. We are big fans. We know you have the decisions to make. As you are thinking about your future, we want you to know you are really great. You National Park systems protect some of the beautiful places on earth. All your diversity and openness. 215 billion a year is donated to charities. Wonderful and warm and accommodating. Tough, youngs are fight to make them better. Educatede infectious, entertaining. Bluegrass, rmv. R b. Mv a land of opportunity where anyone can be what they want to be. I think you are already great. You are great, america. You have always been great. You are great, america. Host las vegas. You are seeing the debate stage for tonight. Monarch moderated by fox news anchor. Could draw 80 Million Viewers tonight. Our coverage beginning on cspan university of nevada, las vegas, carl is there. This is the first time they have hosted a president ial debate. How did you get tonights third and final debate . It has been a long haul. Over nine months since applications were solicited. The Las Vegas Convention submitted an application. Really excited. Host how much does it cost to bring a debate . We heard estimates of upwards of 5 million for previous base this cycle. What is the cost for you guys . The final cost has not come in come in yet. Convention authority, we do not have the final costs. We will probably be in the same ballpark as the other debates. Host the big night being held at the thomas and mack center. Talker that security there and logistics around the center . What will folks have to get through to get into the debate site tonight . Clearly when you are bringing the president ial candidates, the Campus Security is tight. The campus is being well looked andy Campus Police metropolitan police. We have the secret service here and the center is being well looked after. There are a number of sick or to check points to get in here. That is something over 19,000 people. Can you talk about who will be in the audience tonight and how big of a crowd and how many students will be able to join the debate tonight live . The arena holds 18,000 1800 and there will be a little over 1000 in the audience. My understanding is about one to thef tickets will go Democratic Party and one third will go to the Republican Party and the other third is split between the Las Vegas Convention opted to provide all of the tickets we get to our students here at we had a lottery, 3600 students applied for that lottery. We chose about 100, 220 in the audience tonight. Reparation for those in the audience . Many of the students have had the opportunity to take the many courses we have set up, specifically oriented to the debate. All the way up to the graduate level, they involve the Political Science department, communications and sociology. The students are studying those in various levels. They also have a lecture series here, where we brought in National Experts on the history of debates and the impact of debates, the students are attending those. Behink our audience will well prepared. Host any instructions for the students who will be there . They are receiving the same instructions all the will get, to be professional and mindful and not show any partisan responses and listen and ends and absorb the debate. I am sure the students are very excited and looking forward to this. Host two previous debates this cycle heard any lessons you have learned that you have applied for your preparation tonight . We did have debriefs. They were great and they helped us out. They gave us a lot of good ideas about how to do the lottery for the students and how to work with media and media relations. An array of things we gained and it was a tremendous opportunity to speak with those officials. We will have a great debate because they had great debate. We appreciate you getting early up early for us this morning. Thank you so much. A pleasure. Host our debate coverage begins tonight here on cspan at 7 30. The debate itself starts just after 9 00 eastern time. You can watch the debate on cspan. Campbellned by melanie with a black womens roundtable. The 2016 election. Black women, first of all, thoroughly enjoy and appreciate your journalism out there. But yes, we have been voting. We talk about the black vote. There is a search not only did they turn out the vote, but we ,lso are the influences husbands and significant others to vote, a lot of the work that , many of us are led by black women. Too many to count, in the last few months in the primaries to now. There is a high level of engagement. The challenge is to make sure millennials vote. The headline among young black activists, clinton can be a tough sell. Why do you think that is . Guest this election has been toxic. You my political analysis as opposed to my nonpartisan analysis. Part of it is gender. Is you start to believe what you hear. She has been attacked for years and years and years. I have never seen this kind of level of vitriol. Georgia and then ohio, and what im seeing on the ground is a level of enthusiasm around being able to make sure issues are addressed in when it comes to millennials, i think that is where it boils down. , ant of young women example, part of our black women voter i have seen millennials organizing and you are hearing people need to connect it to the and what is happening is getting down to lower ballot elections is what i think will help surge neil vote. Lets talk about those issues hit one of the most important issues for young black millennials and black women as well as you are going around and having these conversations . Guest thank you for asking. We partnered with the magazine this year where we get a poll on what lack people want or the next resident. Areas one of the key areas, the number one last year was college affordability. The issue for millennial black women is criminal justice reform. What happens when it comes to criminal justice reform, really impacting. These are women voters who vote. That is the issue. 32, jobs, and then you get down to college affordability. Of people lot including others working around pushing and focusing in weather that the working around issues with district attorneys who have to be elected. Races, right, really getting down to the local level where politics really is, and looking back up. The conversation is who is talking about doing that, who is talking about criminal justice who is talking about bringing communities together, and being able to have the we indictedthat, all of the president ial candidates a. After a questionnaire around criminal justice reform. Hillary clinton responded we never heard back from donald trump. Tois not too late for them to fill out the questionnaire. With us for the next 30 minutes or so. Phone lines are split up ahead of the election. Ld Trump Supporters Hillary Clinton supporters thirdparty supporters if you are undecided host as viewers are calling in, three weeks or less. How many issues, criminal justice reform, living wage, college affordability, how much attention are they getting from your perspective . Guest it is so personality they arehe way that dealing with everything but some ways, playing out like a Reality Tv Show and that is not good for democracy. It is very important that to the media, that we really address the issue. I am hearing people are frustrated. That is not just millennials. That is voters. Where thertant to see candidates stand on issues so people feel we would have a good turnout, that we wont have some of the things i heard down in florida, riding through the , stopping at a Convenience Store and young people were talking, a cashier customer,her was a and what were they talking about . It may be a revolution. Talking aboutre , whoever gets elected. To bes not where you want as a country. We need to have an election. Host thats a question we asked viewers at the beginning, i will ask you. Your concern about vote rigging . Gettinghe rigging is people up for a negative experience. Are watching the process. It is something i want to get in with. That, how think about we talk about elections. Early voting, and so we know this is the first election since the Voting Rights act was struck down by Supreme Court. I have been doing this a long time. We do not see people doing voter fraud. Making it easier to have unfettered access to the ballot. 2000,remember after , andy shocked the system how difficult that was to get people to understand. Laws. W a passing of great now all of a sudden, were going backwards. Someone who has flown around in i cannotr or so, get the word out, did not have enough coffee this morning. You want the vote to be there for the people and it needs to be easier and not harder. Host lets get to calls. On the line for Hillary Clinton supporters, good morning. Caller good morning. I want to thank you for cspan. I listen to you every morning here i want to support the conversation that from the inception of the country, voting has in a question of who can cannot vote. , notricanamerican woman being able to vote at some point as a group, the conversation raped is vote being really, i find, problematic from the side of national identity. I do a lot of traveling abroad hear as americans, people look the integrity of our elections. We watch people in the election process. I think this conversation is just disgusting in a lot of different ways. We pride ourselves on a peaceful transfer of power and i wondered if what is currently going on ing out of the trunk group of the donald trump group, however you want to put it, that it will not that it will set the country back. A country where we all participate and not just rich white people. She said it. About making sure we encourage people to vote and making it easier to vote. That is what is at stake when we have candidates spewing the idea that the system is rate. We have rigged. We have one of the best democracy in the world. Campusesple on college having conversations and every campus i went to, they want to talk about the election. Host clayton is in new jersey. Good morning. Caller good morning. My question is to the commentator. President obama and secretary , secretary clinton has been there over 35 years. Why havent they did all of the things you want them to already . , childhood, the key to go to a good school because if you dore saying ,ot have good primary education will not even the to get to college. Your vote for over 40 or 50 it foryou just take granted. You have not gotten anything from the democrats. I go through all the major area centers and look at the areas that a lot of poor blacks are living in. They vote democrat every year. Every four years. Thing bring out the race card every year. They do not do anything for black people. Guest well, thank you, caller. Here is how i look at it. From the great state of florida, my mother recently passed away. A Public School teacher, very themic and believed in Public School system for all children. I do not care if it is done at or public or republican, but itll do not always vote democrat. They sometimes full republican. Woman, we are very strategic about the vote and we look to make sure the candidates are addressing the issues. I think the biggest challenge black voters is we have to vote we do not vote enough when it comes to a Midterm Election or a mayors race. I spent a lot of my years i worked for a democrat who was dynamic who helped build wealth in atlanta when he was mayor. There are democrats who do well. I have a personal opinion of who i support. I will not get into that as a nonpartisan but it is about both that hold people accountable. It all starts local. The president in packs it congress impacts it but the mayor and the da in the city council, the school board, everybody. I am not blaming anybody for who they choose to vote for. It is not blame each other and all the negativity of what you are not doing and what i am not doing. It is like what are we going to so when the community you come together, you can have more impact. Was talked about the need for us to come together and have an impact. For me, it is about making sure we have this crusade going on, it is important that we get engaged so the election addresses our issues. Debbie is a Hillary Clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller thanks for cspan. Statement. A we want to say, the United States is the most powerful and greatest country on the planet. There were callers to the segment who were ashamed. I am ashamed of our government in particular. Was not like a republican and Democratic Party. The constitution says we the people. We are all got us children and we all live in this part of the land, the united face of america. The Division Amongst Us in and local Government Entities and so on, it is terrible. You have republicans fighting against democrats and vice versa here it we have messages coming across from each candidate, it plays on the minds of people who may not be as knowledgeable as you or john or hillary or anyone else in politics. I think weeing said, as a nation and we as a people, donald trump says this often in i will work for the people, one piece will under god. Say,ry careful what you mr. Trump, because we are all one people under god thus say the bible. Why cant we just look at the and vote for who we think is most suitable to sit in the most highest power in the world, and not tear each other down . Each side, we are tearing each other down. We need to put love into the in election. To the next no one is perfect. Hillary is not perfect by a long shot and donald trump is not by a long shot. We are all brothers and sisters in. In christ. As far as him saying it is rigged, that the government is doing it, i think both parties are may be paying people to do this and paying people to do that. Lets keep it 100 real. Guest North Carolina. A lot of good work going on down there. I agree with you in the sense that we need to come together and we need more love. We do. That is not a cliche. I was watching you and your talk and there is a how the their about impact of negativity is having on the idea of voters, the idea that people are you turn on the television and all you hear is negative negative negative. If were not careful, we will have a negative impact on voters. What are we doing . I think it is incumbent on us. We do not hear about that. Very important. Words matter. Host you mentioned slogans for president obama. He told attendees if they want to preserve the gains he helped build, they need to come out and support Hillary Clinton. Is that argument working when we see stories about little voter enthusiasm among young black activists for Hillary Clinton . I think president obama has an impact. I do not have any analysis to say what the message would be. Positive effect on voters. Specifically about legacy. Know,k part of what we health care is on the line, as an example. We had a positive impact on africanamerican community. It is not perfect but it is definitely having a positive impact making sure folks have Quality Health care. Many people in our own families and communities. I know we had to africanamericans who have been u. S. Attorney generals for the first time in history. One africanamerican woman for the first time in history. Andave only had two women Loretta Lynch is the current one. There are things we can point to that are very important that have a longterm impact on the community. On twitter, a question about your work. Do you push the voters you talk to toward Hillary Clinton or do you just push them to vote . Guest i push them to vote. Women empowerment on the coalition appeared we did a nonpartisan questionnaire, we did that in the last election and we asked candidates all kinds of questions. Leaders, framed by our to make sure, as well as our own research, and provide that. People can find that. Responded. Ublicans donald trump did not respond. Campaign can still respond to that questionnaire. People need to know where you stand on the issues. Paperw what she put on and what she would like to see, black women want to see where donald trump stance on issues that impact the community. Host lets talk to a Donald Trumps of order. John is in north lord appeared good morning. Taking myank you for call. You have a lot of positive energy and i appreciate your speaking on cspan. My question is, i have been helping mr. Trump since june 18 of last year and i hope too many black American People, mostly in North Carolina and virginia. Im a White American and i went into different parts of the black communities, thinking the worst. There was ar not, lot of positive energy. Some were against mr. Trump and a lot worse or mr. Trump. Do you speak to males just as well as females . I spoke to a lot of males and they are for mr. Trump are they afraid of Second Amendment with their guns and on the women perspectives, do you run into more people that are against mr. Trump or for mr. Trump . The people i spoke to, it is half and half. A lot of women are like, i do not want that men and some women say we are tired of the same thing, Hillary Clinton, never did any for the community. Im just asking you that question. Call. You for taking that ofst i think the importance people having to make their own decisions. A lot of early voting now. We speak to men and women. Another initiative focused on black men. Working with the black men of america and other organizations focusing on voting. Initiativee another that focuses on black men as well. Roger, alabama, undecided voter. Good morning. Caller yes. I appreciate both of you being there. How come everything is so partisan now . I remember when bush only one after clinton. Different tv, on shows, i can remember it like i was watching now. The inner cities have problems. No homeless and no innercity problems. Great here it is also artisan now. It from happens to win the first day, how bad it is in the inner cities and how homelessness and all of these bad things. One thing i have to ask you, who pays your salary . Please do not give me a fancy name ive never heard of. Does the government contribute to your salary . Taxes on my paychecks, thank you. It has unfortunately been a problem since i have been voting and i have been voting for a long time. It is very important we respect iothers views in a way think the election is one that has gotten to negative and it is very important that we focus on those issues. I come from a small town, urban america, i know americas one nation and we need to come together. All our candidates, whether theyre running for president , local share or whatever. To be talking about the issues that are important. Is only way that will happen voters challenge our candidates to do so. That is what we try to do. I am not here to the spouse either candidate or either party. We have to do what we need to do to encourage people to participate. 40 is good in the Midterm Election, 5 is ok to have a mayors race, that is when you run into problems. The people are hurting everywhere and we need to do aat we need to do help build bridge and not tear each other apart. Host going back to comments about pulling you have done and finding issues important to black voters, if whites were , with thatthey want poll be considered racist . Guest i am sure whites are being asked. Done, you that are can look at that and say well, most polls, they are not necessarily talk to a lot of africanamericans. You get oversampling. The majority of these polls are more targeted toward white people. Surely is in clinton, maryland, a clinton supporter. Go ahead. Is i ammy comment definitely offended when people that is a lie and we all know it. , 95 arged to put through of them, the majority Republican Congress and senate did not want him to look good. Noticed a lot from the democrats. They have not seen anything as republic and have done to help them blacks up. My question is, why are so many people concerned about the fact that demo rest have not done a whole lot for black people but you never your anything about what have republicans done for white people . I have been around for a long time and i have not seen much of any ink done for for whiteingmen families. There are millions of them and it is not being done to it i want to make one more comment. A lot of people are voting for trump because they think he will send all of these spanish people and latinos and whomever back. Government 101. It takes two thirds of the senate and three fourths of the person. To send one it will not happen because i do not care who you call, you will not find well i will say again. We can talk let the issues. Thank you for calling in. You have to continue to challenge our candidates. I did not say the democrats are all wonderful and the republicans are all that. Folkse to challenge these here at one of the things, we talked about getting back to millennials, they are concerned about accountability. You elect somebody, you hold them accountable here the only , our electedage officials, and even the person no mattert vote for, a republican in the white house or id. At that, my job is to try to engage in whatever way and, to push issues for our community. I try to encourage the caller to find a way to be more focused on what we can do together as opposed to what we have to do a part cared i believe president obama has done a great job in my opinion, i believe that. Everything en we do not get everything we want for many elected officials on the weather in congress, i think part of the artisan nature of the last eight years has had a negative effect on what we are feeling right now when it comes to a lot of challenges that president obama did face here that is just my analysis of it. It is not partisan. You can read and know the history and follow something i know what has happened. Level ofve the disrespect that no other president has had four been impacted by. I think that helps create some of the climate we find ourselves in right now. Host arkansas, diane, a donald trump supporter. Caller ok, hi. Cspan,f, pertaining to caller,th, there was a i think talking about unemployment or something, a black man called from west compton or minnesota, one of those northern states. Talking, thehrough moderator asked him, what his jobless. He says, all i have coming in now for the last two months has been from george soros, from black lives matter. That is what he was living on. I was surprised to was not questioned about it. Just said ok and hung up on him. Anyhow, everybody wonders why trump and we are angry. If you had the media, everybody against you, you would also be angry. We are angry at hillary. We still remember travel gate, they were not convicted because it hada sixmonth to all and in six months, and the clintons hid everything, people took the fifth amendment. They just scammed the whole thing. We know the clintons, we older people. The young people do not. Hopefully they will find out now. Thank you. Thank you, caller. Together . T can we do black lives matter is a Great Organization of young evil, mostly young millennium black women leading that movement. Lisa is one of those i know , not justks every day for black lives matter, but every day for working people, thateing able to know those are the faces that really are about the black ice matter what we, i ink that have to do in the coming three weeks, people are already starting to vote, early voting. We are on the roundtable to have an aspirational message, because we can talk about anger, for the democrat side, anger from the republic inside, but anger has never solved a problem. Things get better, it is when we find a way to come together to deal with issues we are concerned about and respect one another in that manner, whether you are young ive been around a lot longer than i would like to admit. It is a blessing. Day, what havehe you done for the least of these . It is important we all do our part. If it is ok, we will do several things. Im leaving to atlanta right alabama,gia, ohio, other southern states. Really encouraging folks to vote and what they need to do when people have unfettered access in the bow and feel comfortable voting and remember whatever we do, especially those of us who are adults and have it around, our children are watching how we are treating each other. It is up to us to do better as adults. And come together in this country. In unity without division. More calls. Two sean is in kansas city, missouri. Undecided voter. Democrat, and i voted for obama twice, and then welack band black man, are the voting block for the democrats. We dont get nothing at all. Now Hillary Clinton is talking about within her first hundred immigration. We have been screaming for 300 years that the laws have been unjust. Black caucus dont speak, of course. We dont have nobody. Donald trump really dont like us. Need toe vote for . We withhold our vote from the democrats and ends so they can do something with these unruly anything help the poor people, not just black people, but poor people. Guest not voting is voting and i would encourage you to stay engaged. I mentioned earlier my mom, 80s 87 years young, she lived at a time when she could not vote here she always said no matter what, you have got to vote. You have got to show up and make your voice heard. And after we do not do that enough, i mentioned earlier, we will vote high in this country, like 60 in a good year. How to that we figure it out. In the black community, we are impacted by disenfranchisement. F voters , ithistory in the country is something we should not take for granted. People did what they needed to do to make sure we get this vote. It is not the only tool. The other tool is accountability p or hold our officials accountable. Host Melanie Campbell is with the black womens roundtable and the coalition for lack civic participation. Thank you for taking the time to be on washington journal we take our viewers to the university of nevada, las vegas, the site of the third and final president ial debate. Some president ial history on visits, president obama spoke about Student Loans on campus in june of 2012. Democratic president ial primary took place in november 2007, although this will be the first general Election Debate taking place there. Hillary clinton spoke there twice in august of 2008 and june of 1996. President bush was part of a Republican National committee rally there in 2004. For tonights third and final debate, we turn now to michael green, an associate history professor. The importance of a third debate, are these the debates with the candidates now know each others positions and hunker down into regular roles . Or is the debate usually more fireworks . I think usually the third debate is a continuation. You find they know each other after the first apple of debates. The third debate is they are both really consolidating their positions. President ialque election this year, no question. I we might have some different kind of wireless than we normally might have in the third debate. But i think there will be a lot of continuity from the first two. Are debates have made the difference . We are now used to having three debates, which has been going on since 2000. The first major president ial debate, kennedy and nixon, there were four and a couple of times, there were only two. If you think as death of the second debate as the final debate, jimmy carter, reagan had the famous there you go again and carter talked about his daughter, wondering about nuclear proliferation. Both of those things ended up helping reagan. In 1988, it was only two debates again. Michael opened with that question from bernard shaw cnn, if your wife were raped and murdered, would you still oppose the death penalty. That hurt him a great deal. When you talk about the final debate, it was interesting that in 2000, al gore and george w. Bush, having their final debate, there was a point during that debate where al gore moved into bush posse space and people were commenting on that. I thought it was interesting to think about that in connection with the last debate when there was a lot of talk about donald trump moving around the stage near Hillary Clinton. The third debate in 2012 between barack obama and mitt romney was important not necessarily important because remember obama really had done badly in the first debate and made a comeback in the second one. You might say the third debate was the rubber match, who would win and who would come out ahead. President obama had a very good third debate. Debates can have an impact and there might be some memorable lines now and then. At the same time, we are used to what we are seeing. It is now a question of whether we see more of the same area host same. Host any significance to this third debate the house in nevada . Guest nevada is a swing state. Voted twice for obama, giving him bigger majorities in 2008 and just and 12 then he got nationally. This was the state where ross perot ran better than just about anyone else in the 1990s. The debate here folks is a lot of attention on nevada as a swing date to it is also a bellwether state. Of of our favorite pieces nevada trivia is since 1912, there has only been one residential election where nevada did not give electoral votes for the winter. Nevada is kind of a laboratory for the nation in that regard. We might say nevada now. In terms of the debate coming here, i think it is a major , a young school that opened in the 1950s. A big moment for nevada and lots vegas. Think of the image of las vegas historically were a lot of people have long out of this place as a date sinful a bit sinful and questionable, this may be a sign that las vegas has matured as a city, and i think were pretty mature in that regard. A significant step to say maybe las vegas and unlv have arrived. Host your expectation for tonightss debate, do you think candidates will stick to the topics listed being discussed or do you think this will be more accusations being thrown at each other . Guest i think there will be more accusations from mr. Trump will slightly. I think secretary clinton is more likely to try to stick to , to kind of appeal to the voters who are still up in the air. It appears that donald trump is concentrating on his base and Hillary Clinton is concentrating on the undecided voters. I think that is the kind of approach we are likely to see. I also wanted to ask you about where you are standing. I am not sure if our viewers have seen the space before. Describe where you are. Guest this is the media room. It is quiet right now. It will look time, like a sea of people moving around and a lot of computers clicking. This is where the News Coverage that people are going to get either on social media tonight or in the news tomorrow or on the news desk are going to see. Outside, there are tents where there are various networks, but this is sort of a press hub and behind us, actually behind your camera, there is a lot of equipment for the people who will be doing live shots from here. Pavilion, which is next to the center where the debate will be held. The center is one of the Basketball Team where the Basketball Team place. Community events here in the pavilion. Local time where you are here at we appreciate you getting up and giving us a tour. Guest thank you very much for having me, john. Host we now turn our phones back over to our viewers. We are showing you a shot of the debate stage. Viewers, whatour questions you would ask the candidates if you could ask the questions in this third and final president ial debate. Inne line for you to call for the next half hour as we take on this question, if you are a donald trump supporter we want to show our viewers some of the front pages from around the country this morning. The Orange County register, talking about the third and final debate. Round three is how they put it. Final debate, it could be a sin city slugfest. The front page of the Des Moines Register this morning. Delay finale could be fiery as the headline of the top of the page there. Nation ready for round three. The content in hacked emails, all is on the line tonight. , the siteposts this of the previous president ial debate the cycle, headlines this morning, the final debate, can trump steady and regain his ground while clinton focuses on the vision for america . In the front page for the review journal, clinton trump three is the headline across the top of the page there. What question would you ask the candidates if you could ask a question in the final residential debate in this cycle . Danielle is in arnold, missouri, a donald trump supporter. Thank you for taking my call to our like to know, will clinton ever get in trouble for the benghazi attacks and the emails . Is she ever going to be prosecuted, and is she allowed to take the fifth amendment and stuff . That is what i really want to know there is she going to have to answer for these and i want is going tohe media play Trumps Campaign . I watch fox news and they play it here at but cnn does not and i do not like that. I have to say, i was a clinton supporter and i am not anymore. That is because of Hillarys America. I watched that. Anybody who is about to vote for clinton, please, i beg you to watch Hillarys America because it tells you about the democratics party. Theyre the ones that our part of the kkk. Im very passionate about this because no one really knows this. So thank you. Host lets head to baltimore, maryland. Caller the question i would ask would be about the voucher system. System,d a voucher there are even enough Charter Schools to hold all students if we had a voucher. Suppose the schools were to charge more than what the voucher is. That would mean that Public Education would become a forprofit system. What i would ask Hillary Clinton is about taxes. You hear everybody talks about lowering the Corporate Taxes. They say how much as well, like 39 or 15 or whatever. They are not pay 15, but they are paying 13 . No one says how much that will lower our taxes. I would like them to be more specific on what kind of tax cuts we get and how in the world we get a voucher system and how they will cover all the students. You cannot just come to say i will go to the school and there are no rules. Host how optimistic are you that those issues might get discussed tonight or do you think they will be lost in more accusations . Caller lost in more accusations because none of the things they need to talk about no one says the how they are talking about Social Security. Just lost in more accusations. Host sam is a thirdparty supporter. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have a simple question. How will the candidates pay off the National Debt . Approximately more than 18 trillion and 360,000 for every u. S. Citizen. I personally do not have that sort of money. A lot other likely u. S. Citizens do not have that sort of money to pay off. How will the National Debt be paid off . Thank you. Actually debt clock has the u. S. National debt at over 19. 7 trillion. Is where you can go to check those updated numbers, still ticking upwards. Eights in akron, ohio, donald trump supporter. Caller good morning good how ar. How are you . Host doing well. Caller the question i am going to ask is is Congress Still taking money out of our Social Security fund like they did in 2011 . In my own personal opinion, i encompass our current incumbent Congress Members should be voted out and we should get new people so we can get our america back. Host lets go to june in cambridge, massachusetts, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller i would like to ask more of hillary to talk more about the dodd frank bill that is supposed to rain in the banks. Thats so we do not have another financial crisis like we did in the early 2000 that obama worked hard to work out of. Ifould like her to explain it is in progress now. Is it working at the moment . Explain exactly how it works and what it is, this bill that she worked with republicans and democrats. Thats what i want to hear about. Host you are a Hillary Clinton supporter. Were you a Hillary Clinton supporter in the primaries . Caller oh sure, absolutely. Host this question about wall street reform is that something you would Ask Donald Trump about or are you not interested from hearing from him about it . Caller no, he might say a few things, but i really dont think he has anything to say about it because i think he brags a lot about knowing about money. I think he knows how to get a hold of money somehow. You grew up in a family where there was a lot of money available. Knows how tok he work around. I just dont think he has the ability to work on things, sophisticated bills like that that hillary does and many other people in congress. I just think he has what it takes. Host we want to hear your questions for the candidates in the third and final president ial debate. Our coverage here on cspan begins at 7 30 p. M. Tonight. The debate itself begins just after 9 00. You can check it out on cspan, cspan. Org, and listen to us on cspan radio. Sharon is in california, a donald trump supported. R. Caller i have a comment and i do have a question, too. My question is about Social Security. I have very concerned about the Social Security system. Ive worked all my life. When i went down to apply for my Social Security when i was 65, i saw this room full of young people. I was thinking, what are they doing down here . They are not old enough for Social Security, so i inquired about it. Is a supplement, i guess, to welfare. That is why Social Security has gone broke. I am concerned about that and people need to go down there and look at the waiting room and see who is down there applying for Social Security besides people who are legally of age to do that. My comment is that im really concerned. My husband is going to retire soon. My concern is all these young, single mothers that are supporting the children. What about the taxes if they go up if hillary is elected and they go up . That is just more money out of their pockets that they cannot take care of their children. Host that is sharon in california. , aeo is in maryland thirdparty supporter. Caller i wanted to ask both candidates what would they do as their very first thing if they come in to office . Host what would you like them to do with their very first thing if they come in to office . Caller i think the very first thing this country needs is a little bit of huma healing after this divisive election. I think it would speak to me if a candidate says they will focus on the economy, the education compared to isis and not to say those national Security Issues arent important, but i not putting in warhasis on nuclear rather than education speaks more to me. Host maggie is an undecided voter. Good morning, maggie. Caller heres my question from donald. I was just in africa and surprisingly people said they heard donald did not like people in africa. I always wondered how people heard that information. Do you like africa and do you have plans for helping east africa . Host that is maggie on our phone lines this morning. Taking more of your calls for the next five or 10 minutes or so. We want to hear your questions for candidates if you could ask questions for the final president ial debate. With tonights debate a few hours away, we want to show you a short video courtesy of kcc tv. [video clip] president ial debate but, pompoms, pamphlets, and this one have sprung up around the unlv campus. We are giving out General Information about the debate, the school itself, and giving out free slide for everyone. , it is pretty calm right now but as the big day gets closer, its going to get more and more packed. Everyones going to be wondering about everything. Inside, it is anything but calm. As crews put together the debate stage, president ial nominees will square off in just two days. Today is the final construction day and tomorrow we going to tests and checks. We have some rehearsals and then its debate that. Day. We are really on the finishing touches. Peter ayers says getting to those final touches took more than a year of planning. Everything from lighting to the signage was set for the big event. This is a big challenge. This is one of three times of the leading contenders for the office of president will be in one place. It is the last of the debates. Its an event that millions of people will be watching, whether they are across the globe, or right here at home. Has been all anyone about talking about. Host we are taking your calls aboutshington journal questions you ask at the final debate. We had 12 hours away from that debate happening tonight at unlv. Valerie is an illinois, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Caller good morning. How are you, sir . Host doing well. Caller the question i would ask Hillary Clinton is it she could do it all over again, would she want to run for the presidency . Mostnk she is one of the disrespected persons in our country. She is treated so awful. I just pray for her all the time. I would ask mrs. Hillary clinton that im really proud of her as a woman and i would want to know with all the scrutiny and things that she had to growt go through if she would run against. Host do you think she would not do it again if she knew what she would have to go through . Caller just wanting to know her opinion knowing all the things she has been through in the political arena, which she want to run to be president . Host ken is in alexandria, virginia. What question would you ask . Caller i have one for each of them actually. Prior to my questions, a previous caller had mentioned something about slavery in the Democratic Party. You are not born democrat or republican. You are born evil or not. You should look up lee atwater in the southern strategy. I would ask both of them a question. I would ask Hillary Clinton about clemency and her husbands crime bill that he put into law that oppressed a lot of people, africanamericans and hispanics in particular. Thating a lot of clemency got them unfairly treated. Which you try to fix what her husband initially started . My question for donald trump is was he there in the previous monday morning and outlet city and Atlantic City when the taj mahal shutdown and a number of people became newly unemployed at the building named after him . Host why would you want to know that . What do you think his reaction would be . Caller i do not know if you have any children, but how do children to hate what they cant get their way . I gather he wouldnt be there. Im not fond of either candidate to be honest. That is why i will write in my candidate. Nevertheless i do not believe people would react at all. He would react very vaguely in everything he says. I do not think he knows the vast majority of the geography of places. I know he mentions benghazi at other places, but aside from the fact he has never been there, he doesnt know where they are. I dont think he cares. Host do you mind sharing who youre going to write in . Caller only if youre going to share your candidate. I might write in you if you are available. Host scottsdale, pennsylvania, mary, good morning. Caller i would like to ask she only saysn she fights for children, why isnt she fighting for the children being aborted . Host ok, surely is in richmond, virginia, a hillary supporter. Caller good morning. The question or the statement i would like to make is i have never seen anything in my 60 years on television with debates of being so disrespectful to one another. We are all americans here. We all have to work and live and try to get along and everything that they are doing is disrespectful to us, the people. What i would like to see is that each candidate only answer the question that are asked, not the net taking and fussing and separating the people from one another. We are all gods children, all of us. This last debate is going to be about who can handle it, not the person who can intimidate the other person, not the person that can tell lies and not answer the questions. All the people want to know and to see can you answer the questions and be respectful about it . You have to deal with other nations when it all comes down. Hot head is not who we want in the white house. Thank you, cspan. ,hank you, thank you, thank you because ive been burning up trying to get on here to say that we love the one another. We do not want this division between our people. Host a few tweets in this segment. Steves question would be who do you ask for a vice . Advice . I protect hillary supporters want chad sides, just as i dont believe any trump mines will change. These arent really debates. Jerry is an undecided voter in ohio. Good morning. Caller hello . Host good morning. You are on washington journal. Caller im really undecided because neither one of the parties have even spoke about Student Loans, their predatory tactics, and is there any change . Nobody has addressed this. America is always saying that our kids should be educated, but when they are all said and done, what happens . I have a daughter that has a masters degree. I do not know if she is blackballed because she has Student Loans. We are doing the best we can, but neither one of them has spoken about that. I think besides other things that they are doing that is my main reason ive not decided upon a candidate. Bernie sanders did bring up that during his campaign and so did i think dr. Stein. Other than that, its like that doesnt exist. Is a serious issue in america. They are trying to get young, educated voters, but the kids whose parents arent rich, what do they do . Is there something that either one of them could address . That is all. Thank you for taking my call. Host jerry is our last caller in this segment of washington journal. Coming up next, we are joined by republican strategist and chairman of the prime policy group. We are talking more about campaign 2016 and tonights debate coming up in just a minute or two on washington journal. This weekend on American History tv on cspan3, saturday evening just before 7 00 eastern , ohio state universitys Michael Bennet it talks about the 1866 Supreme Court case where the court ruled it unconstitutional to try civilians in military court while civilian courts are operating. The milligan trial was part of this debate designed to prove to the public that the danger was real and that therefore the military trials were justified. Know, it worked. Lincoln won the election of 1864. At 8 00, George Washington University Professor chad he is the origins of the gayrights movement. And this playing on an building on all the lessons that the whole other array of social and cultural movements from this period are developing. The antiwar movement, the civil rights and black power movement, womens liberation movement, they are taking the best aspects of those and building upon them. Sunday evening at 6 00 on american artifacts, to take it to her of the Woodrow Wilson house with its executive director were the 20th president retired in 1921 and died three years later. He responded to that crisis by sending food aid to armenia. The armenian people were very grateful and a group of armenian women touring the United States raising money for Armenian Charities were here in 1917 just after we declared war and presented this painting to president wilson. At 8 00 everybody likes ike for president deal talks about the history of president ial campaign ads, beginning with Dwight Eisenhowers tv jingles through the 2016 president ial campaign. For our complete schedule, go to cspan. Org. Announcer washington journal continues. Host once again, there is the debate stage for tonights third and final debate happening in less than 12 hours out at the university of nevada las vegas. Back here in our studio in washington, d. C. , we are joined by prime policy Group Chairman and republican strategist charlie black. You have served as an adviser to three republican president s. He served on the 2008 Mccain Campaign and john kasich he served as an advisor for. Campaign ofu assess the Republican Partys current nominee with less than three weeks to go . Guest thanks for having me on this morning, john. The Trump Campaign has certainly had its ups and downs. By having such a highprofile celebrities as the nominee, he has been able to dominate the news, what we call the free media. He draws a lot of people out to his rallies. It has been an unconventional campaign. What he has not been recently is broaden his appeal to get more voters who are independents and conservative democrats. He is behind in the polls right now, but that said, he did well in sticking to a message in august and early september. He closed the gap in the polls, so theres still time to do that. If youhat is your advice are working with the third and final debate . Guest go back and look at the speeches he did in august and september on the teleprompter and use them. Talk about issues job, take unpaid, the economy, how he feels trade and tax the economy and jobs. Talk about health care and how hes going to replace obamacare, which is very unpopular with a lot of the American People. Maybe add some of his message about law and order. Those issues are ones in which you can win. Did in the summer was framed the race as change. He was change against the status quo. Mrs. Clinton represents this continuation of obama policies. You can win on that argument. Host charlie black is with us for about the next 30 minutes or so if you want to call in during the segment. The phone lines donald trump 202 7488000, 202 7488001, and 7488003. I want to talk about Hillary Clinton making inroads on states not seen as battleground, but are coming online for her. Guest sometimes a campaign has too much money and doesnt know what to do with it. I think her managers are smart enough to know that they just need to target enough states to get the 270 electoral votes. That was the top priority. Now they seem to have more money than they need, so they are looking at arizona and georgia and some other states that frankly they do not need. That said, they are having some impact. If you look at the summary of Washington Post polling, she is actually a little bit ahead in arizona and georgia. On the other hand, mr. Trump despite trailing nationally is slightly ahead in florida and ohio and nevada. If i were her, i would put all the resources i could into the main target states. They have got the opportunity by having so much money and their super pac having so much money to contest these other states. Host we can show our viewers that run down of polling. 15 battleground states polled in the recent Washington Post surveymonkey poll that came out. And hence are, michigan, virginia and new mexico, colorado, North Carolina, pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia , they are all battleground states where clinton is up. Florida, texas, arizona, nevada, iowa trump is the head anywhere from two to five points. You talked about the message that donald trump needs to stick to. I wonder if this recent campaign ad that came out yesterday speaks to that message that youre talking about. When you show it to our viewers. [video clip] we are going to take on the big donors and big business and big media. You going to take on the rigged system that has shipped americas wealth to other countries and they keep doing so. We are going to replace our failed and corrupt establishment with a government that serves you, your family, and your country. Host charlie black on that message . Guest that is the classic populist message that he is the outsider that presents change. He states everything and very strong terms, but that is part of his pain that he represents themes that he represents change and she represents the establishment and the status quo. Substantive issues where he has a good message on. Host phyllis his up first. Caller good morning. What i was wanting to talk to your guest about was doesnt he think that our elections really are rigged . Know,with mr. Trump, you cbs, they bring up these trumped up charges from these women and they spend a lot of time on that. They do not spend any time on wikileaks. I was just wondering if you could tell me isnt it really rigged . Have been rigged for a long time. Guest the free press plays an Important Role in our society in america and in politics. They have a constitutional right to do by his News Coverage if they choose to do so. I think mrs. Clintons problems have gotten some coverage. That we are here is have two candidates that are very unpopular with a majority of the American People. There is Something Like 20 of the American People that do not like either one of them. Those people are going to have to take one and that will probably decide the election. You can say it is rigged because the new media has a liberal bias intends to oppose republicans and conservatives. It may be, but you know what . You have a free country and a free press and thats how it is. Host what about voter fraud . You think it is rigged in that sense . Guest i dont. We have some incidents of voter fraud in the country and we still do. The city of philadelphia traditionally casts more votes than they have traditional voters registered voters. Chicago, people know the traditional problems later, specially dead voters. 2004 when president bush defeated john kerry, there was voter fraud in wisconsin that couldve turned that state. N,nce bush had already wo he chose not to pursue it. There is some voter fraud. Is it enough to affect the race . If it is not real close, no. It will not be 10 or 4 worth of voter fraud. Host that is in texas, a donald trump supporter. Title 18,ited states part one, chapter 101, subsection 2071 says that Hillary Clinton cannot run for office because she destroyed so many lessons. It is there in the law. Guest she is alleged to have done that, but she was not prosecuted and it has not been proved. Had the fbi recommended prosecution on issues of her emails and her service, yeah, have come up in the trial that she hid evidence or destroyed evidence. But it didnt. Unless you have a conviction, you cannot enforce that section of the code you described. Host priscilla is in new york, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Good morning. Caller good morning, mr. Black. I would like to know what has donald trump ever done for any little people, poor people, black, latino . What has he done in the past to make people think that he is going to all the sudden be a champion for all these people at his rallies . What makes him think he is going to need a champion for them when he has nothing in his past that he has done before for them . Also, i would like to also know what in Donald Trumps tax where heoing toalso, i would le has not paid any federal taxes . What in his tax plan is going to change what makes him not be able to avoid paying any federal taxes . Guest he has proposed a tax reform plan that plugs most corporate loopholes. In fact, it would plug some of the loopholes he has used. I do not know if yes pay taxes are not. I do not know if he has paid federal income taxes. He is going to close the loopholes that will cause the wealthy to pay more and the middle class do not use the loopholes to pay less. On the first part of this, donald trump is a builder. Since he has been in business almost 40 years, he has employed tens of thousands of people. He has employed contractors and subcontractors that employ tens of thousands of people. Many of these people are minorities, low income people, africanamericans, latinos. He has provided jobs and good wages, a lot of the union wages on a lot of his projects. He knows the people who are working on them. Theres a lot of confusion about his Charitable Foundation and all that. Both he and the Charitable Foundation and some of his companies have been generous to charities that are disadvantaged. Host have you endorsed donald trump personally . Guest im going to vote for donald trump, yes. Host how long did it take you to change . Guest im a lifelong republican and i do working for the party for years and i feel that loyalty to the nominee. If you look at it, i think it is very important that we focus on these two candidates that have a chance to win. Certainly im not going to be for mrs. Clinton and there is no good option beyond trump. Host you mentioned the tax records that came out and some speculation that those records that were obtained by the New York Times, a form of Opposition Research. Led to questions of why did nt Opposition Research come out in the republican primary whenever challengers out there . With a not able to find these things . Guest no, they do not have access to whatever the New York Times got. Im sure they had it for a while and timed its release. Tatelike the billy bush was around in some of these hands during the primaries. Instead, they waited for five weeks before the election to release that take to the press. Sure there is media bia and all this. Host let us go to vince in wilmington, delaware. Caller good morning, mr. Black. A couple questions for you. Earlier you made a statement that donald trump at his rallies doesnt mention his platform. I think he is pretty convincing on all of his policies as far as taxes, immigration, right on down the line. , you dont seem to comprehend everything he is saying. To the American People, we all need jobs. We all see the economy the way it is. And then again on the other hand, you have got Hillary Clinton that every time you look at the tv or read the news, especially the tv on certain channels, you see all the deedstion and a devious that the Democratic Party is doing and yet you do not comment on that. I dont understand. You say you are a trump supporter. Guest first of all, ive not had a question before now about mrs. Clintons corruption and dishonesty. It is certainly true. It is certainly fair to say that she is corrupt. That is why a majority of the American People do not trust her and do not consider her honest. Here is the problem donald trump has. Of course i know what he says that those rallies. When he is speaking to a rally of 15,000 people and the news doesnt cover the issues he talks about and instead an insult he throws out or some contentious thing about Hillary Clinton, then the American People did not getting you the presentation on issues. That is why i wish you would stick to those issues and get away from insults. Everybody by now knows the negative things they say about each other. It is very important in this debate tonight where he will have an audience of 4050,000,000 people that he stick to the issues and get his message across. I am change and she is the status quo. 75 of the people dont want the status quo. I did not mean to say i do not know what he is saying, but if the news didnt cover, it didnt happen to me or americans. Host richard is a thirdparty supported goor. Good morning. Caller i think people are taking in the wrong direction here as far as the vote goes. It will not be who is registered and who is not registered. What it will be is the computer. That is what is going to change her vote. You have a computer that is rigged in florida and ohio. All they have to do since they are borderline and sitting on the fence, one out of every five votes in the computer is programmed to vote a different way. I did not get a receipt when i voted. Does anyone out there get a receipt . The computer has it. Just like Hillary Clinton with her emails, you cant find it. You have to find out how they program the computers. Another thing real quick obama and the democrats are working for a one payer health system. Once they get a one payer health system, look at the v. A. You have veterans waiting 12 months to see the doctor, if they are still alive. This is the way health care will go. The government will decide who lives and who dies. Host charles, a lot there. Guest you make an excellent point on health care and it is true that mrs. Clinton and the democrats have always wanted to steer us to a singlepayer system run by the government. The v. A. Is the perfect example. Listen, i do not believe that there will be Computer Fraud or Cyber Security fraud in the election. Elections are actually conducted at the county level. There are thousands of counties in this country who each run the election, count the votes, and report the votes in at the state level. It is theoretically possible that somebody could use the computer to steal the election, but it has never happened before and we have tremendous security on these Computer Systems these days. I am optimistic we will have a Fair Election even if it is not perfect. Host i wonder if you might agree in todays wall street journal. Instead of scattershot claims of the races manipulated, while conspiracy theorist about ballot box stuffing strongly refute. We might be focusing instead raise a light on the argument that nobody can confidently refute. That is the argument that Hillary Clinton is her partys nominee and on her way to the white house only because the Obama Administration decided to waive the law on handling classified materials and the fbi ensureong in order to that its designated heiress would succeed to the presidency. Guest i think its a perfectly fair claim and a way of rigging the election to produce the nominee they got. If theother hand, democrats nominated somebody else, they would probably be more popular than Hillary Clinton. Im not sure that im not pretty happy to have her as an opponent. That said, we need to stop talking about rigged elections and voter fraud unless there are isolated incidents where they should be exposed and prosecuted. The have a very honest election system in this country and we have had many Fair Elections for over 200 years. I do not want to have the voters lose confidence in the integrity of the system because i think its forget. Pretty good. Host charlie black is here for the next 10 or 15 minutes to take your calls at the end of our program today. What is the prime policy group . Guest we are a Public Affairs and Government Relations firm in washington. We are bipartisan and we have about 30 people. We do lobbying and Communications Work for a variety of companies and trade associations. Host how many years did you work in various administrations . Guest i do not work india ministrations but in the campaign for president reagan, bush 41, and advised bush 43. I worked fulltime for a year with john mccain when he ran. Our company is over 30 years old. We have a great Bipartisan Team that serves Many Companies and trade associations. We have experts in health care and tax transportation, for policy, a lot of specialties. Thank you for that commercial. Host mike is waiting, a donald trump supported. R. Caller thank you for taking my call. I would like to state a misconception that a lot of people i find are having due to political lack. Hillary clinton put out about nukes an donald trump is dangerous when reality she is the one who is dangerous. She voted for the iraq war. She lacked about laughed about qaddafi. She is on tape making a system saying, we came, we saw we killed him. She thinks war is funny. The middle east is on fire. I believe donald trump should put out a political ad stating these things. I i speak to people, they say would vote for trump, but i believe he is dangerous. She is the one that is dangerous. Joe biden is on television stating he is going to start a cyber war with russia. They are looking for a war with russia and they called donald trump dangerous. Younder if there is anyway could have donald trump put an ad out on how dangerous she is. Guest you just wrote a good commercial and you did a good job. You know what . Mrs. Clinton showed terrible judgment and made a lot of mistakes as secretary of state. She and president obama did cause the problems we are still experiencing in the middle east. One of the super pacs that supports donald trump has an ad along the lines that you are suggesting that makes a contrast between clinton and trump on Foreign Policy and the issue of wars. You not see it living in connecticut because they are just running it in the target states that florida and ohio. There is actually an ad like that out there. Host is pennsylvania one of those target states . Guest pennsylvania is. Host lets head to clearfield where bill is an undecided voter. Caller what i want to know is that what this campaign has taught me is that the republican establishment is so far removed from the grassroots and the people down here where the rubber meets the road. I followed the primary. Donald trump won the primary and then all the establishment, including this guy youve got on your show here today, just pulled the rug out from underneath all the people that voted for donald trump. What really makes me mad is to see my whole family here in clearfield, pennsylvania are all republicans. We all say the same thing that we cannot believe that all these republicans are not supporting the guy that we voted for. I wanted to ask this gentleman on air because he is probably the bravest man you have got on there today. What happened to donald trump does get elected president . Is he able to get a special prosecutor and go after all this corruption that we see day after day . We send all of our tax money to washington. We got a president that spent 11 trillion of our tax money. A look around here in pennsylvania and i dont know what the hell we got for our 11 trillion. The state is in trouble. It is going to pittsburgh and philadelphia that throw this election for Hillary Clinton. Guest thank you. Ive actually supported mr. Trump and i provided advice to his campaign whenever i was asked. The great preponderance of republican elected officials in congress, governors, and elected officials around the country are supporting mr. Trump. You get a few highprofile establishment people who arent, but i think those are the exceptions and the rule is that most people in the Republican Party have gotten behind donald trump, even though he might not have been their first choice. , ive knownlected donald trump for 30 years. He is a guy who likes to get things done. He is a negotiator. As he himself has said, he has worked with republicans and democrats and independents on different projects over the years. I think he will go work with both parties in congress to get some things done about taxes, about the economy, about trade, about immigration. He is a very good negotiator and a person who doesnt mind working with a lot of different people. Host bill was talking about what this campaign taught him. You have been doing campaigns for a very long time. What has this campaign taught you . Guest i guess the biggest thing it taught me is that in the primaries the populist movements in both parties. Bernie sanders never shouldve come anywhere close to mrs. Clinton, but he did. Donald trump in a field of 19 consistently got 3536 of the vote until the candidates dropped out and he got more. The grassroots of both parties, more importantly begin making people at the grassroots, are mad and angry at washington. They are angry about the state of the economy, about jobs, about their takehome pay. They will not change. Host did we not know this in 2012 or 2008 . Was it just on a different level this time around . Guest 2008 was a change election because president bush was unpopular because of the iraq war. Then the financial crisis 2008 andn september 15 scared the dickens out of the American People and they blamed it on bush. That gave president obama, a wonderful candidate and campaigner, a chance to say he was the change there. 2012 was more of a status quo election as it turned out. Mitt romney was a great candidate. He was proposing changes, but they portrayed him as being part of big money, financial establishment. Host tommy is in florida, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Caller good morning. That the manay said a few minutes ago that hillary is more dangerous. Obama said he loved war. That is not what i called about. I want somebody to ask mr. Trump. He says he wants to make America Great. Is he going to bring some of those jobs back . If you bring some of those factory back, you will create more jobs. You cannot create more jobs taking them across the water. Gas to take them back that he brought across the water. Host you are talking about his own Business Ventures . Caller im talking about donald trump got businesses in 12 different countries. He needs to bring them back, some of those factories where he makes close and ties. If he brings them back to the United States, then that will give people the United States in the United States more jobs. Host charlie black, your thoughts . Guest with donald has proposed in terms of trade policies might cause those factories to come back here are a lot of production to move here because he wants to create tariffs for products entering the United States that would promote more manufacturing in the United States. It would affect him just like his tax policies would affect him in a negative way. That might happen. Host st. Petersburg, florida is up next. Lee is a donald trump supporter. Caller yes, i am. He has got to rebuild america. But i trust him. I dont trust hillary. Host sorry, i thought you were done. Trust in the candidates. Guest it is very interesting. We have for the first time in history an election where a majority of the voters say they do not trust either candidate or do not believe in honesty or trustworthiness of either candidate. You do have a lot of people who like mr. Trump and a lot who like secretary clinton, but not a majority in either case. Host let us had to maryland where tori is waiting, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Caller good morning. I guess im a little angry for different reasons. I think it is disgusting that we as a country, who are supposed to be educated, can look at and discuss the racial profiling that happened within george w. Bush in florida, the purging, and say that there isnt that we dont have an issue with how our elections are run. Im so disappointed with what our democracy is. I am in my mid40s and have always worked hard and am educated. Im watching as the rules have changed. I think you have certain groups that have been branded as hate groups for the same type of racial speech against the majority in the country that mr. Saying. Actually it infuriates me when you have people saying mr. Trump is going to make America Great when he saying. Literally and all of his businesses has done and shown nothing but discriminatory practices and has literally, all of his wealth building career and businesses, have taken jobs and taken them across the water. Not only has he given to both parties, democrats and republicans, and benefited and is bragging about it, but he hasnt invested in our by not paying taxes, which all of us middle class folks are paying taxes. Guest most of Donald Trumps business is real estate development. He builds hotels, apartment buildings, sometimes office buildings. That provides a lot of jobs during the building and a lot of job for the people who work there. There is nothing discriminatory about the way he conducts himself. Not only has he employed a lot of minorities and those development projects, but you know something . Has for years and years, he had female executives at the top of his company even before it was fashionable in a lot of industries. I think it is a bum rap on him about this termination. Host a Hillary Clinton supporter, you are up next. Caller ok, i just want to talk about donald trump claiming that the vote is rigged ahead of time if he loses. He is like a big, overgrown child. He figures if he cannot have it, then he will break it to pieces. They are claiming vote rigging. Rigging is by the republicans, starting with gerrymandering, messing with the votes, using the excuse of voter fraud when there is none. Excuse thatstandard they use for the things that they are doing. If there is voter fraud, its not by the democrats. Its by the republicans to keep minorities and the poor from voting. Sure what she means by those allegations. I do not think we have had evidence of voter fraud by republicans in that regard. I will say this. He is not ask me, but in donald trump asked me, i would say quit talking about rigged elections. If you think there is voter fraud, put a few thousand lawyers out the field, watching the ballot boxes and account and the copulation compilation of the account at the state level. Host what about encouraging citizens to be vote watchers . Guest they do not have the training and access to the polls. The way that most states and counties work is that democrats and replicants get official poll watchers. They have training on what they are supposed to do and how to conduct themselves and then they get to watch, both parties. Somebodies could sign up for one of those positions, but otherwise they will not get access to the polls. Donald uses a a lot of hyperbole. I think that is what more that is. Host time for just a couple more phone calls with charlie black. Patty is waiting in missouri, an undecided voter. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, patty. Caller i was going to say i am undecided as to who i am voting for. Im not undecided as to who i am im not undecided as to who i am voting against. Highpressure voting against i am for sure voting against hillary because i lived through the 1990s because the clintons cannot retake the white house. As a nation, they almost destroyed us men. As to who i am voting for, i would maybe like some more information since you know him so well as to trumps economic plan. Ive not heard much from the other candidate. Im not think i am interested in that jill stein woman and i do not know anything about that johnson man. If you are so sure about mr. Trumps economic policies, could you be more collaborative on that . Guest yes, absolutely. Gary johnson is a good man. He is a good governor, but he is a libertarian, almost radical in his philosophy for legalizing drugs. Donald trumps plan for the economy is this. He wants to toughen our trade laws so that we do not export as many jobs. When we bring in products from other countries, there is some kind of tariff on the. Everybody in both parties says we need to reform the tax code to generate more investment and create more jobs. His plan to do it is by getting u. S. Corporations tax rates down and plugged the loopholes. We pay the highest Corporate Tax rates in the world. Part of this is not being able to compete with foreign companies. Hes going to lower that and close loopholes. He will close a lot of loopholes e rich benefit from. This will create more spending and more money in the pockets of consumers, which creates a bigger economy and more jobs. More takehome pay. When you get tax cuts, you get more takehome pay. 70 of the American People today are making the same or less takehome pay than they made when president obama took over eight years ago. Mr. Trump understands that and wants to put money in peoples pockets because they will spend it and grow the economy and create better jobs. Host in our last 30 seconds, do you think this is an election about who people are voting against then who they are voting for . Guest when you look at the polls, its about half and half. What i was people would focus on is the issues and the policies. There are broad characters on both sides, but do not vote based on who you think is the worst character. If you like the way the country is going, you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want change and a different economic approach, you ought to vote for donald trump. Host charlie black, always appreciated time on washington journal. To end our program, we head back out to unlv, the site of the third and final president ial debate inside the thomas and mack center. Its the debate stage for tonight. It will be the first president ial debate being hosted by unlv. On the campus near the debate site, we are joined now by gary larson, professor at the unlv school of journalism and media studies. Good morning to you. Speaking of media studies, what is the media studies lesson you are giving to your students ahead of this debate . Like actually it is more i want them to notice how much goes into the production of the show of this debate. The amount of money, the amount of time, the amount of just physical effort to set up a campus to do this is eyeopening. One of the things im hoping my students pull out of this. Host do you get a sense of the effort that goes into how many media are expected to be on theus tonight and how long effort has been to actually set up the event site . Guest setting up the event site really started probably a week ago when people started coming on campus and looking for where they were going to locate the pavilions and all that. The last i heard, it was 5000 plus media from all over the world shoul so its a large grof people. Everybody is kind of looking for their space so they can do the best job possible and bring the debate to the people of the world. Host what has been your sense of how the media has done that job in the previous two debates . Previous two debates, i think they have done a wonderful job actually. Working with the commission for president ial debates has been great and i can only assume that at hofstra and longwood that everything went as wells it did here from the viewpoint pressure. Host i understand that some of your students are going to be doing their own coverage or reporting on the debates or inside the Debate Centered tonight. Guest yes. Halfhour newscast every day of the week, every weekday. Ive got that class, which is about 25 students, plus a class i created just for students who are not in broadcast or news but in Public Relations and advertising to do all of our community outreach. Ive got about 60 students inside the cox pavilion, which is where the media are and all over campus at the various pavilions and at various block parties. Host before we let you go, give us a sense of where you are on the campus of unlv. How close are you to the debate site . Guest im in greenspan hall. This is where the Media Production studios are located. Are a brisk walk away from the debate site on a nice nevada morning. This campus is pretty much landlocked at this time. Nothing is too far away. Host are you going to be inside the Debate Centered tonight . Guest actually, im going to be here in the we will be taking live feed from the Debate Center and wrapping it with studio productions here with Panel Discussions and some spanishlanguage programs. The second most ethnically and racially diverse wepus in the country and so are trying to work in a bit more coverage for latino audiences. We have got that going on plus Panel Discussions here and then incorporating the live shots in the debate. Host good luck with that effort tonight. Thank you so much for the time this morning. Asking nk you for having me. Host that is going to do it for a program today

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